. . ’ e V PHE DAILY NEWS . larch 19 4 —~ : ——__— — - 1049 ————— — ——_—_— ——_——_<_ ——— —— — a g Sa ORIGINAL DRURY Men! Grip 1; ——— LA ALL Ae Ss ————~ tt LANE PANTOMIME "1D Life Afeg | 66 99 le ews assl iS. At the Majestic Wednesday, Fea- turing Geo. H. Adams, the ‘ pbliiiininchquniialie Great English Panto- am ° mimist ne Anon snpeemtttifions the One Cent A Word For Each Insertio asin etd : \t the Majestic Theatre Wednes . Me 7" "they Oo oO dav evening Those who are fa "an, i Oo Oe eee ame ilar With old Londofi will hai a ican ocean = rn | with delight the advent of the " | Wa - DEMERS W: t | rriginal Eng@liah pantomime . + he aon {LOCAL NEWS ITEMS, 00% Doni tm roo roeis gi a dust arrived, a new shipment of Suits : 2 Direct from Winnipeg and poe va veer | : 7) nan, 16 to 22 ears ol b ea woman ter firet class alter- General ofMfce work. Apply immediately Pennants of all nations, fine|at the largest theatres in both ent a ' 4 ation work. Maneger Port Edward Townsite Com 24 Aa Work — pany, 3rd Avenue, opposite Post OM A for decoration, at Hyde's 64-66 | Write toda 64t A MRS. E. A. HEAD WANTED A good sized seaworthy launch rhe ae Venture of the Union The Metzger Vital Faltoring and First Clase Drese- so — aw ” 63 PH “ steamship company arrived from i B a making ‘ ; = — nus wense’ lthe south shortly after two attery (o, Sec > ar CC ar s ‘ 5 mOG t A antec . rner of econd Ave., salen C, D. Ran |} Must be ont a eng Apply im-| 0 clock this afternoon She had Roh! Block, Co A. Tt Ave 4 rt Office mediately manager pers voware. omee,|@ heavy cargo of freight and a ' s os ; . Oppos os eee Phone 416 Black 64-tf/ large number of laborers | ied WANTED—Two young girls for and fold . , - ao a . i ENGINEERING ing Apply at Daily News Office Call and sea our Faster’ miliin j ‘ ” i A ore | Engine , ‘Valhalla of S.H. & E.F. WANTED.—A general servant Apply Mrs ery iss L. . Kuster 64.66 Mar (SCAN DINANIAN Society) L. W. Patmore. at . | f Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at § Panama Studio ARROW p.m. in the hall at 319 3rd Ave. For 10 days only, $6.00 cabin : For Sale lets for $4.00 per dozen 65 nag ‘ ae —_—_—_——...,, Peerless Studio) mow so ce ov pom) Football Meeting $600 821 Third Ave 65-70 A meeting of all football en Pure vegetable oils are the | Natural flowerextracts give Rooms 19-20-21 Alder Block lthusiasts will be held in the St base of Baby's Own soap. to Baby's Own Soap the Cor. 3rd Ave. and 6th St Susiness forsale, with living rooms at- | Andrew's Society rooms on Wed It promotes skin health and clinging fragrance which For marvellous value in photo-| tached) Anest locatior Prince Rup- | nesday night at 8 o'clock. All are GEO. H, ADAMS - -2] - 22-23 e : q able ous a) . prevents skin troubles. makes its use so pleasant. graphs see | Beonches of phot to any whol invited may buy Pt , leaving tow ; : BABY'S OWN SOAP IS WELL WORTH RUNNING FOR. OUR FEBRUARY SPECIALS =| Apply Box 27, Daily News 65-66 — cities, featuring Geo, H. Adams Block 45, Section 8 In the interest of your skin, send for some now. Sold everywhere. <= | FOR SALE—Fairbanks-Morse stationary) mr. Bille wena, , poets. jagty. Comnewes i me SS ALBERT SOAPS, LIMITED, Meas MONTREAL. 11-83 gasoline engine, twelve b.p., high speed,| senting the American Pobaceo nniest man This productior first class shape. Apply P. 0. Box 1509,/¢., who has been visiting Prince]is literally crammed with — sid Largest Line of Post Cards in ony Prince Rupert a -..” : : —_—— Rupert and district the last twojsplitting laughs from start t ’ a HYDE’S CIGAR STORE |weeks, will return to his head-| finish. POR All For Rent | quarters at Vancouver tomorrow Owing to advanced bookings / Magazines Periodicals Newspapers i jon the ss. Venture Mr. Wynd-|the production wi hold the j lham, who has been covering the|boards at the Majestic for but _ see . ; . . . CITY MESSENGERS |Ft RNISHED, unfurnished and furnished ! Northern B.t circuit for sometthe one day, tomorrow evening Harri 6 bl & PARCEL DELIVERY | corner ¥ nid in alte 6478 years in the interests of his son, ambie Readin nd Card Room in } “0 Y: is ost nt siast\ > © connec tion |POR RENT—Up-to-date flat, $25.00 per ow ion ' ¥ hy an caer thal MUST WEIGH COAL FINANCIAL AGENTS Phone 326 607 3rd Ave. month; furniture for sale cheap apply | over 1 grea advanceme { ‘ | H. FP. MeRae & Co., Seeond Ave. 60-65) he notices in the development of ON CITY SCALES Third Ave. Prince Ruper / by = iiaet 7 feretenes room with the country following éach fresh e closet, 0 a cold ater a ae ———~| 4th Ave. Phone 171 5 | visit. COAL NOTICE | as Dealers Subject to Penaities if ' i a ae ames } j 4 fine assortment of pieture Ordinance is Not Complied NEW STOCK OF SEED Skeena Land District-—District of Queen | Lost and Found [post ecards at Hyde's news-stand With--Effective April 1 . Charlotte Islands. * i i 64.66 stile Take notice that I, Filippo Panvini, of » ; We have Prince Kupert, B. C., intend to apply tof i — Under a bylaw passed by the|® : the Chief Commissioner of Lands for a|FOUND—Small bunch of keys. Owner; J adies’ suits, new spring sty ' ' license to prospect for coal, oil and pe Salt mqye onal by paying for this 5 | - Wall : pr 7; oun ast night all coal must troleu oO ° sho s¢ lands Yaily ews Office 5 lles, ¢@ aliace s 60 | Om ihe west coast of Graham island: ee be weighed on the city scales and| TIMOTHY — GRAIN SEEDS Commencing at a St planted one mile | | z a anyone selling coal without such} south from the southeast corner of Coal | Moving St. Andrew's Hall akan ‘. “h) CLOVER POTATO SEEDS Lease 7432; then e 80 chaims bo ri; thene« CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF Worl meted a being weighed o1 ae Clty “''" | ALFALFA GARDEN SEEDS 80 chaims west; thence 80 chains south ork was startle yesterqay js subject penalties The or thence 80 chats east, to the place of be- | PRINCE RUPERT. : gins 1ing, containing 640 ‘acres. _— } on the removal of St Andrew's | dinance goes into effect April 1 | — Located 5th janet PPO manivens | ie Hall from its present location On| The charge is 10¢ for the first} Weekly Mar. 3, to Apr. 7 Po Warning. Centre Street to Beach Place,'{on and 5e for each sueceeding| Ma iwhere it will be used for certain! ton he present wi maater a During the construction of}, : @ ; : rhe | n veighina yc Skeena Land District—District of Queen| ehureh purposes. Since the com-| Mr, Davis, is retaired at a sal adi pgharlotte Islands jwater main across Shawatlans|pletion of the new Anglican) of &75 per month prince Rupert, Bc. ineene moe to Passage at Fern Passage cables|Church on the hill, St. Andrew's There was no discussion upo . Thomas A. Edison’ | ime ,Chlet Cotamissidier of Lands "to: {will be strung and six dolphins|Hall has been lying idle. An-| the bylaw itself but there was in| —— 8 troleum on the following described lands, | driven All boats are hereby|nouncement of a daffodil lun-| regard to a weighmaster, Alder-| a comms nencing at S post planted one mile} Warned. Construction is now in|cheon as a farewell to the old) man Bullock2>Webster declaring ° Church Services: | couse jane, } Ey 8 oe operation and will continue un-|hall appears in this issue. that the finance committee had = ue ero | $2 chains east; thence 80 cuains soi ath: j til further notice. 45tf -_——-— no right to bring in such a re FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH thence 80 chains west, to the pla ft be t toes « snday in the ginning, comtaining 640 ac res. se | W. MeG. MASON, Daffodil ‘Dance : port Chur bh am, ond Located 5th wany, ete: panvun | City Engineer The Daughters of the Empire The mayor and members of Empress | om oP > ; , 7) 7 : Dunday . 2 Records Weekly Mar. 3 to Apr. 7. | Daffodil Dance to be given on|the committee pointed out that REV. F. W. KERR. MA Pavan Monday next at the Kaien Island; Mr. Davis was already in th - a aa . c ; ’ THE Fiks! Al CHURCH Club rooms, promises to be one! position ¢ » ‘ oO ‘eat Li, sad aVe., Naan OTE eae: S08 aertonte, _ " Queen | f thee ae a eiine affairs ! , 1 it a _ eae 7 ae 7 ag . oa u s . Chariot siands ‘ ; ? ‘ p Meee wee as % ew appornimen am. ond ~ Sunday have increased the enjoyment of the priak® ypotice tet I, Filippo Panvint. of | Cheeratdce Bros. the kind so far given by the or-| Ald. Kerr would like to bev: am ad na E li PI a I the Chief Commissioner of Lands for a ganization. The ballroom will be| vote on it anyway. as he thouwht anv rt ‘eas we” ipoleum 0 the following ‘described lands, specially decorated in yellow and) Finlay Munroe, an old prospector — HUG on the west coast of Graham Island al t 3 recherche . 6 » nee o aa 4 ane THE FIRST METHODIST CHURE An Edison entertainment has always meant the best Commencing at & post planted one mile | 7* up-to-date Meuse Besora-|4 most recherche little supper) and pioneer, who was a charge SIETH AVE. AND MUSGRAVE FLA® y couth From the southeast corner of Coal| tors of Prince mee will be served at midnight. Wer-|on the city, might be an appli Services every day at I that the opera, concert and vaudeville stage can offer. _| thence 40 ‘chains ‘west; “thence sy enue | ner's orchestra will be in at-/éant Sool ott —_ north; thence 80 chains east, to the place | Ol Wri . “e special s on. | oe ‘ebste ove Vv. SING, B.D aston The use of Blue Amberol Records means of beginning, containing 640 acres” °° | ign riti tendance, whilst special souven Ald. Bullock-Webster moved|} agv.c. x sinc, 4. — ‘ Located 5th January, 1913. ir dance programmes have been|that the committee eal! for ap that these selections, clearer, sweeter and Weekly Mar. 3 to oa PANVINI Paper-Hanging gotten up with most tastefully! plicants for the position but the ST at KEW e e » ifth Ave. 4 longer,*can be repeated thousands of times ! a Pn covers representing| motion was lost by the easting|} “°" morning ; 7 —_——_ - | a daffodil, the work of Miss Dui vote of the Mavo ld. Kerr ms pre | Our Speelaities a da ! 1e Mayor Al err, | so n a the ane = results. y — LAND LEASE NOTICES. | Vernet. Bullock-Webster, Maitland ‘and gence ealer to play some for you and you Dybhavn voting for, and Ald “2 “a! . \“We al deliv: goods.” : a : and th ay # be convinced. Skeena Land District—Dstrict of Coast, | cones sain Easter Post Cards Leek, Sutherland, Naden and Me- | am ‘= va ange 2nd Street Phone 166 Green A fine assortment of Easter|Caffery and the Mayor voting} -" Thomas A. Edison, Inc., 100 Lakeside Ave., Orange, N. J., U.S.A. et inst Snes cae SS cards at Hyde's. 64-66 | against. A complete line of Edison Phonographs and Records will be found at oe © lease the following |———=== _ , — . : Commencing at 4 post planted on the northeast coast of Porcher island, about HAYNER BROS. " 3rd Ave. and 6th St. 6 eraser gf 2 mile southeast of the mouth i ol umpback Creek, half chain from thence south 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence ) west 80 ‘chains following shore line to point of commencement, containing 640 acres more or less. | “ampe BD. held Ae rt 4 4. Dated 20th January, 191 _ Pub. Feb. 10, tee ADE, 7, 1043. Skeena Land District—District of Coast, Range V. Take notice that Robert Reid, of Van- couver, B. C., contractor, intends to ap- ply for ra to lease the following describe Commencing @t @ post planted on the northeast coast of Porcher Island, about more Passage, thence south 80 chains, thence west chains, thence north 60 chains, thence east 80 chains following shore line to point of commencement, containing 640 acres more or less. o- REID. Doses 20th Jan 13. . Feb, 10, 101 ee 1013. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE NEWS The Best Procurable. Absolutely pure —IN THE— Skeena Valley Nechaco Valley Bulkley Valley Fort George District IN TRACTS OF 160 ACRES AND UPWARDS- LANDS Carefully selected Lands at Reasonable Prices and on easy terms. NORTH COAST LAND COMPANY, Limited PAID UP CAPITAL, $1,600,000. 00 VANCOUVER, B.c. ! Owned and operated by the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway on the American and European plan. Excellently furnished, with steam heat, electric light, and all modern conveniences, being abso- lutely first-class in every respect. The appointments and service are equal to any hotel on the coast. Rates: $1 to $3.50 per dy. G. A. Sweet, Manager. Advertise in SCENE FROM HOMER'S ODYSSEY AT TOMORKOW NIGHT MAJESTIC KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No, 8 Builders’ Sy Supplies Sheet and Plate Glass Eugmbers Supplies piete Glass Mirrors e HARDWARE f= se ‘inware Varnishes Graniteware The ‘Stay Satisfactory MONARCH MALLEABLE The Daily News Range,."’ THEATRE PURI LAND Skeena Land Take | thee I, | pa south 40 el the ' } 120 u acres Dated Ma Pub, Ma ! ot I WHY PAY REE cn 5 roomed th ’ Price $1, eS $550 Cash : a4 1 onli Balance lA 6. R. Naden Co, Agents ond Avenue