lee i ee ae Pee erase ASE GO mms get down to busi- MARTIN O’REILLY ==SALE OPENS=————— SAT. MARCH 22-'9 A.M. Store will be closed all day Thursday and Friday during which time we will be working arranging stock and cutting and slashing prices. SSS — OF eOWDO_OEOIOHF:._{Q°-“-nr---.——=axq&=&=] Oooo lOO EEoramnmr=oe=0D®_ODOEOEOEEXOU.TCCP == _~_EP7CFP SPSS ————==— — OFOFREOFE FEU >-—”"==—=EFEH+EWJ-2->-=SSSSaSSSSSBTES eeennnnnneeeen errr eee HURR Y Be on hand when the door opens for O’REILLY’S GREATEST MONEY SAVING OPPORTUNITY HURR y Neen ES SS = ————————— ——— This Big Stock of Merchandise The Greatest of All Sales You be the Judge Each and every article in this stock of merchandise is from the best manufacturers in the United States and Canada. Each and every line is up-to-date in every respect. _Prices, which were always the lowest, will be cut in two. Positively no stock reserv- ed; each and every stitch of merchandise in the place will be put on sale. . There are scores of new ideas to select from in ali de- parimenis of the store. What you have paid formerly cuts no fig- ure now. .Former prices all forgotten. Like a great comet appearing in the clear sky, a monster ball of fire leaving a glowing trail startling the entire world, comes this tremendous sale. A mammoth stock of trustworthy merchand ise, glowing with bargains, blazing a new trail in the mercantile history and crushing prices lower than ever before, causing a fast and furious sale unknown in the commercial annals of the city! Never bofore such amazing, unbelievable reduction in prices. A stock of merchandise converted into a grand sensational bargain Perhaps we are talking to one of our customers and pro- panorama; a veritable wonderland, causing joy with astounding bably talking to some citizen who has never entered our store. It bargains that will open your eyes in amazement by daring feats makes no difference, we are here with the bunch of surprises for and raging torrents of underselling that will dazzle and delight all. .Merchandise at red-hot, cut, slash prices. Waken up! Be every mortal man and woman for a radius of many miles. The alive to this golden opportunity. Come with a well filled purse, shelves will be stripped to the naked wall to pile high the bar- as the terms are strictly cash. gain bins and tables. We do not ask you to take our word for any statement made in this circular. We might say, right here and now, that you shall be the judge. Come and see for yourself. Look over the great bargains offered and see if we are not making prices which were never before made in this store or in any other store in town. This is not a profit-making sale. Mothers; bring your children. Husbands bring your. wives. Now is the opportunity to dress well for little money. If we were to offer you silver dollars for 50c you would line up in front of the store and wait your turn. Now here is the same proposition, so get in line. Be here early. Don’t al- low your neighbor to get ahead of you. In some cases we are go- ing further than offering you silver dollars for 50 cents. Now we advise you to HURRY! HURRY!! HURRY!!! If you can’t run, hurry just a little. = MARTIN OREILLY =: Second Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. HURRY SMUN ATIVE FHL