Remington $30 Underwood $55 ike brand new machines, do y same guarantee of one rite for complete pr 12, 319 Pender W., Vancouver, B.C Rebullt typewriters look year and cost foe tiet of aii stand- Shops of ir 2-13 The Frock or Morning Coat an absolute necessity of every Gentleman. Dignity and ease in either if well fitted. No article of dress more open to criticism. Must be worn correctly or not at all. Fashion-Craft Frock or Morning Coats excel in refined perfectness—Costing nomore than the otherkind Martin O'Reilly NOTICE TO FISHERMEN SSS eae Any fisherman desiring to fish unattached from canner- ies must make application for Officer at Prince Rupert before March 15th, 1943. the Fishery Paewea 5.5. PRINCE GEORGE T RUNK For Port Simpson, Granby Bay, Stewart, Naas, 11 & m., Jan. 8th, 22nd, Sth, 19th, March Sth ,19th. Yor Masset and Naden Harbor, 12 p. m., March 7th, For Skidegate, Aliford Bay and other Queen Charlotte Island ports, 10 p. m@., Jan. 12th, 26th, Feb. 9th, 23rd, March 9th, 23rd @. T. P. RAILWAY PASSENGER SERVICE No. 2 leaves Prince Rupert 10 a. m. Wednesday and Saturday Grand Trunk Railway System (The Double Track Route) Nine month excursion rates im effect. Choice of routes to Chicago to coneect with the excursions and fast trains of the Grand Trunk Railway System. Agency for sil Atiantic Steamehip Lines. Fo: A. & MoMASTER, 10th, @4th, Feb. 7th, alt infermation apply to WE CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK OF GASOLINE ENGINES IN NORTHERN B.C, Parkin & Ward Electric Co, Limited Electrical Contractors ELECTRICAL AND MARINE SUPPLIES Agents for REGAL 4 CYCLE ENGINE Heavy duty, medium and light duty PERFECTION 2 CYCLE ENGINE No Batteries. No Coil. No Timers EVINRUDE ROWBOAT DETACHABLE MOTOR send for our eatalogue before you decide on ay engine for your boat THE DAILY NEWS - ”_——o_ || “The News” Classified Ads. u — some) FIRE BRIGADE DID QUICK WORK TODAY Cottage Back of Skating Rink Was Scene of Fire this Afternoon Just before going i press news was received of a fire which did considerable damage | this afternoon to a smal! cottage just at the rear of the large Au- ditorium and not more than 20 feet from it. The cottage was occupied by Mr. William Watson, an employ- ee at the dry dock. At the time the fire occurred Mrs Watson was sick in bed and her little daughter accidentally dropped some coals from the stove on the floor The fire gained headway rapidly and Mrs. Watson had her hair slightly singed bul was not seriously burned. An alarm was turned in and the brigade was promptly on the scene. While a good deal of the furniture was destroyed, several boxes contain ing clothes were saved. The fire iwas soon under control, the | damage, amounting to probably a hundred dollars, being confin- led entirely to the interior of the house. Mr. Jos. Scott, who lives next door, removed most of his furni- ture fearing the fire might ispread to his residence. He will ihave a busy afternoon replacing it. o Mrs. Watson is at present staying with a neighbor, Mrs Neilson. Many comments were heard as to the splendid and Quick re- sponse of the fire brigade, not- withstanding that they had quite a long run down Fulton to 8th Avenue, thence to MeBride and back to the scene of the fire THE WEATHER. The weathrr report at S*o'clock this morning read: Barometer, 30.102; maximum tempera 31; minimum temperature, 20 Forty years in use, twenty Female Pills, at your druggist. DEMERS We are now showing the very newest in veilings, neckwear and hair ornaments. Our millinery display is very attractive and so are our prices. MRS. E. A. HEAD Tailoring and First Class Dress- making Second Ave., over C. D. Rand's Office. Phone 416 Black (Scan DINANIAN SOCIETY) Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the hall at 319 3rd Ave. Peerless Studio Rooms 19-20-21 Alder Block Cor. 3rd Ave. and 6th St. For marvellous value in photo- graphs see OUR FEBRUARY SPECIALS Largest Line of Post Cards in City HYDE'S CIGAR STORE Magazines Periodicals Newspapers CITY MESEENGERS PARCEL DELIVERY Reading ae Card Room in onnection Phone 326 607 3rd Ave. THE IROQUOIS POOL English and American Billiards Twelve Tables SECOND Ave. Empress Bowling Alleys AND POOL ROOM 4 ALLeve 12 TABLES &. & HOSE, Prop. Sra Ave. Rrigtaaree” Seminars | WANTED A good sized seaworthy la r Wanted view Hotel WANTED —Table girl. Apply at §6Vienns Cafe Third Avenue WANTED—A good watch dog. Apply to ! Mitchell, Vienna Cafe 67-¢ IWANTED AT ONCE—Third Class Engin eer holding 3rd class papers f B.t Must be total abstaine } ' particulars apply Salvation Army lt adel 6¢ by monthly charter apply P. 0. B 282 63-68 WANTED—A general servant Apply Mrs./ L. W. Patmore soar ene For Sale ~~ FOR SALE——Lot 35, block 38, Section 7 What is your offer Apply Box 742 Sta. B., Winnipeg, Mar 66-¢ ROOMING HOUSE for sa i Rooms $600 821 Third Ave 65-7 A SNAP A good going I tograph business for sale, wit! ving rooms at tached; finest locatior 1 | ce Rup ert Valuable lessons n the various branches of photography | any wrt may buy Photographer leaving town Apply Box 27, Da News 65-6¢ FOR SALE—-Pairbanks- Morse stationary gasoline engine, twelve h.p., high speed first class shape Apply P.O. Box 1509, Prince Rupert soit — =~ ==Qne Cent A Word For Each Insertion== —_— WANTED A chambermaid at th Bay- ‘NEW WESTMINSTER h x + { For Rent > ROOMS AND BOARD Albert Block, ele tric light, steam heat. Moderate terms FOR RENT~—Furnished front room f ne r two gentiemen, close in. All modern mveniences c. E. Bainter, Phone 387 fe uw FURNISHED, unfurnished and furnished housekeeping rooms. Apply Alder Block corner Third Ave. and Sixth S&t “4 FOR RENT Nicely furnished room with large closet, hot and cold water 435 4th Ave Phone 171 5atr Ts : Lost and Found years standard, prescribed and — recommended by physicians. For |*'**. ™. Manson, S. aA. Women's Ailments, Dr. Martel’s | ‘Valhalla’ of S/H. & E.F. | TWICE HIS STRENGTH Mexican Federal General Bat- LOST A tweed overcoat with name sewn ito it | in inside pocket Return to News Of fies 67-tf ’ | D. C. STUART | i Accountant 308 2nd Ave. “i Phone 280 | Auditor for the City of Prince Rupert PRINCE RUPERT. 8. C. Ww. ©. Williams, 8. A, L. L. B WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Box 286 Melgerson Biock | P.O. BOX @ JOHN E. DAVEY TEACHER OF SINGING | | PUPLL OF WM. FOKON, £5Q., A.8.A.M., LON., ENG Prince Rupert, 8B. CG PRINCE RUPER? | | HAYNER BROS. UNDERTAKERS ano EMBALMERS Funera) Directors 3rd Ave. near 6th St. Phone No. #6 E. L. FISHER Funeral Director and Embai CHARGES REASONABLE 2nd &t., cor. 2nd Ave. Phone 366 OPEN DAY AND NIGHT | | | | | | ining to hold their positions de ) ling for Supremacy of Northern Sonora Navo, Arizona, March 19 | |General Ojeda, with a force of i i175 federals, is fighting an en- emy twice his strength this af- ternoon in what may prove to be the decisive battle for supre macy in Northern Sonora Bot tled up at Naco by constitution. alists advancing from the east west and south, the commander of Huerta’'s army unexpectedly Hleft his fortifications and mar ched two miles southeast to meet the columns of Elias Valles and |Prefeeto Braemonte. A brisk» +s | gagement began at once, the fe -iderals using field artillery with leffect, By 1 o'clock the fighting jwas general between the 500 fe derals and 900 state troops. The iconstitutionalists were begin spite the artillery fire See the wonderful ball tossers WITHOUT PHONES Telephone Service Crippled by Biowing Out of Switch- LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. Cubs and Pirates tonight = at the Auditorium it The Atlin Fisheries , Limited is shipping a big consignment of halibut south tomorrow on the Prince George, Mr. Adair Carss is leaving for Victoria to write = for his final aw examination He expects to be absent from the city about three weeks The Prince” Rupert Employ ment Agency sent seventy-five board lmen to Granby Tuesday via ss iVenture for employment on con New Westminster, March 17 This city is without telephone i } | ;service and may be so for a week! r even longer On Sunday last | about 8 a.m. the main switch it the basement of the local tele phone exchange om Clarkson St was blown out This made the operating switchboard useless The blowout also started a fire in the exchange and the fire br gade was called out But little damage from fire was done, how ever, although the loss to the switchboard and apparatus fron the blowout will be thousands of dollars None of the officials of the B ( relephone Company who visi- ted the city yesterday would say what was responsible for the ac- eident They intimated that the trouble resulted from eross wires somewhere or from some un known cause Shortage of men will render the work of repairing the damage siower than usual There is also a possibility that some parts destroyed yesterday will have to be ordered from Chi- cago Every effort is being made to repair the damage as quickly as possible and give the public telephone service once more J. W. Metntosh representing W. J. Pendray & Co., of Victoria, manufacturers of White Swan soap, is paying a business visit to Prince Rupert and district rhe Cubs say there is nothing EE AROUND THE WORLD FOR $639.10 ON NEW CANADIAN PACIFIC EMPRESSES Empress of Asia sailing from Liverpool om June t4th, 1913 Empress of Russia sailing from Liver pool on April ist, 1913 From Vancouver to Montreal, and hoice of any Atlantic steamship line to Liverpool From Liverpool to Van couver, via Gibraltar, Villefranche, Port Said,Suez, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, Kobe and Yokohama on either Empress of Russia or Empress of Asia THE FAMOUS “EMPRESS LINE” J. G. MeNab, General Agent, Prince Rupert, B. C. Agent for All Atlantic Steamship Lines Westholme Lumber Co. Lumber and Mouldings All Kinds of Building Spplies Firet Avenue Phone 186 LINDSAY CARTAGE and STORAGE G. T. P. Transfer Agents OFFICE. B. Rochester. Centre St. Phone ® jatruction work Glen Searle, linotype operator at the Daily News office, was abl to be out today, having been confined to his room at the Windsor suffering from a cold] and rheumatism port this morning at 11.50 with a full passenger list en route t Skagway A great number were returning Kiondikers whilst there also was on board a big placer strike on Testin Lake The May had some little diffi eulty in effecting a landing breaking one of the heavy haus ers before getting finally moor ed to the whartf She left again at 1 o'clock Mr. W. G. Radford, of the rea estate and insurance firm of Patfullo & Radford of Prince Rupert and Dawson City was am- ongst the passengers returning north today on the Princess May Mr. Radford, who is Mayor Pat tullo's partner Dawson end of their real estat: represents the and insurance business. He has spent the winter n the lowe coast eilies Messrs Archie Martin and Norman Watt, two of the best known of the old pioneer band of adventurers who went into the Klondike in the spring of ‘98, re turned north today on the Prin- cess May after spending the winter in Eastern Canada Mr. Fred. R,. Chute, managing director of the Lone Star M ng Co located neat the forks of Bonanza and Eldorado Creeks in amongst the northbound passen gers today on the Princess May Mr. Chute, who was one of the original locators of this valuable property in ‘98, has stuck to tt ever since, despite the fact that for years it was difficult to gel worked most successfully every season now with a substantial profit Mr. Chute, for the last winter at his home in England Spring to get everything in read- . : iness for the season's work. Anglican Church Notes week for the St. Andrew's Angli- can Chureh will be dedicated close of the Sunday School ser- vice. It is the gift of the echild- ren of the diocese, Indian as well as white, as St. Andrew's is the cathedral church of the diocese The special preacher at the Good Friday service tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock will be Rey W. F. Rushbrook, captain of the Northern Cross. Pr In order to give all communi- cants an opportunity of partak- ing of the Easter communion there will be three celebrations COAL | New Wellington Ceal. Best on the | Coast Phone 116 Rogers & Black next Sunday—-al 8 a.m., at mid- day and at the close of the even- ing service. Special Easter mu- sic will be rendered by the vest- ed choir under the leadership of Mr. Mellior. For EASTER STYLE: FIT hrs al the Auditorium, it This button not only fastens but also assures you the genuine glove whose style and excellence make Perrin’s Gloves famous in many countries. SOLD Aaa A ad ’§ GLoves DURABILITY The Princess May arrived § in } | CIGARS TOBA contingent fer the reported ri hy the famous Klondike basin, was it upon a paying basis It is a free-milling proposition and is three or four years has spent the returning early enough in the The new baptismal font which arrived from Vancouver this next Sunday afternoon at the Men Ginger Up! Liste the ma yur fh TERY ‘ ther ta ne t and aff " tr WwW The Metzger Vitalie Battery Co, Roh! Block, Corner of 7 ’ h Ay Caigary "9 HE Magazines FRI In 2nd Ave. Below Kalen Island Oly ENGINEERING NEW STOCK OF SEED We hay TIMOTHY GRAIN SEEDS CLOVER POTATO SEEDS ALFALFA GARDEN SEEDS FLOWER SEEDS Mai PRINCE RUPERT FEED (0 Silversides Bros The up-to-date House Deow tors of Prince Rupert Sign Writing.. Paper-Hanging Our Specialties “We aiways deliver the goods" 2nd Street Phone 156 Grew — SMITH & MALLETT THI A lumbing, Heating, Stes ting and Sheet Metal Work € rd Ave Woreeba im” iA os ———————— MY WARDROBE 4. LEE, TAILOR Cleaning, Pressing an¢ Repar Scott Building, Next to City Mal Phone Green 390 ee LOTS 19-20 -21-22-2 Block 45, Section 8 $2,100.00 Cash FOR AL Harrison, Gamble & Compal AGENTS Prince Rupett FINANCIA! Third Ave.