THE DAILY NEWS M es ———_—— — —— a BRC. ——— | PRINCESS ALICE feld at Vineennes, where = thirty a THE DAILY NEWS | EUROPE BROUGHT cand troops satuled Prost. It aaa ne Pte” thet fF TNO SS. PRINCE GEORGE THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA ; RUNS AGROUND CLOSE TO PA great assemblage groups of young fF Ls oe GRAND Published Daily and Weekly by — en chated for the three years TR leaves for Vancouver, Victoria r THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. | Steamship Mite Sandy Shoal at Financial Disorders Resulting ¢ omy cerviee in cadences thal al; it ¢ and Seattle mL ERE i iil Entrance to Victoria Mar- from Germany's Proposed nded not unlike an America a FRIDAYS, 9 A.M ; bor When Steerin Army Increase Likely to T ’ . ‘RSC i RATES—To j ted States and Mexico:! 9 ; ee yell SUBSCRIPTION RATES—T — ada, Uni , a A c Gear Jammed Endure for Some oe other Giurtete of Maris 6 “PRINCE JOMN” Daily, 50c per month, or $5.00 per te advance. Weekly, Victoria, March {9-— Whe Time. sarge number of anti-militarist for Port Simpson Orenty Bay, Stewart Naas, 11 0 . i r Co : Daily, $8.00 year. | ro 0 ; - ' —- b tines vee bal inte . n, March Su $2.00 per year. All Other Countries y, $ per ye f unding int the inner harb phishes ia : nee gs wer held by the wial Por Masset abd Naden Marbor, 19 p. m. jan. 10: Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. from Vaneouver last night. the aren ' ets The favorite ery at these March 7th, ett steamer Princess Alice, of the CC. has he Weight of the K catherines was an exhortation to For sussagets, Saree OY cet omer © © Char omrrermn . . . . » , Feb th rd, Ma TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per imeh. Contract P. R. coastal fleet, . with he irlike proposals The s spit upon” the three year serv otT.e WAY PASGENG | stee mete out of as ace’ os j » P. RAK ER SERVIC rates on application. teering gear temporarily « he at announc: : » solliee Pie Several violent n Ne @ leaves Prints Rusert 1¢ 6. m Weds. ee commission, ran aground on tt ‘od unters occurred when the anti-/| : ee HEAD OFFICE | sandy shoal that partially blocks | ® : hat evervone was « ‘ tariste tried 1 display the Grand Trunk Railway System / 8 jthe entrance to James Bay a with recovery { ne urs ed fag. Some were injured and (The Double Track Route) Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B.G. Telephone 9 lremained ashore for the bet! y ant Geb de ny efeedin Wane mada Nine month excursion rates in effect. Choice of + Ipart of an hour Ae tf with the excursions 6nd fast trains of the Grand ‘CH ¢ OES AND AGENCIES 1 caged shell " = ter as Pi ‘ i int BRANCH OFFICES ‘ |be ascertained no damage Was! jane meant. The weic : CHASED BY SHARK NE em canty New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd &t., New/sustained by the vess a em gathered { eevee : _ , York City. held fast on the sandbar near Mc)... been sotmethina i. Italian Sailor Rescued from Big. . ; Loughlin Point The big pas ' — Man-E i rs Seattie—Puget Sound News Co senger craft was loaded with), |) wal : . : = THE I} OL irketLs as as : ‘ ' London, England—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building,/passengers at the time of the t to forecast San Francisco, March 21 AROUND THE WORLD 4 LUT Jl Oj! Trafalgar Square mishap and considerable excit Ber as Was to be exper Thus Mr. Shark lost a meal and une an a+ pi POO] ment prevailed aboard f ViIN® i has seen the wors f the Ttalian saved his leg, reads - enpnasems * . L Subscribers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in/such an usual oecurrence. It Was! ong although at the flan entry in the g of the ship |] Empress of Asis sailing ne eaverpees English a : = 7” ¢ Printcese« . o ne 4th, ease of non-delivery or inattention on the part of The News carriers.{/the first voyage o he | week there was s e sig Edward Sewall in port today|} empress of Russia sulimae from Liver Twelve Tables Alice in several weeks is Tithe sitain easins wy from Baltimore with a cargo of pool on April ist, 1013 — — = ena pete eae ae yme time past she had been ‘ aS ; ; rane aa ' Vancouver to Montreal, and a J _— Sat Jay. March 22, 1913 some ti A = ~ had a aid 1 ne time ‘ many a That is the way Captain on rae ong ‘atlantic otenmentp ine a DAILY EDITION ui Saturday. g <2. 1919.lup undergoing a th gh ove lly reéovers Quick sums up an adventure of|| tw Liverpool. Prom Liverpool to Van bili as ——= = = = ——E——————————— Ee haul and at the sar time ooo The thing that he oe at the vovage when his vessel was = ay r RD mah gy Bay — SS | — _jled with a new set of oi) burt 7 saad : bi - ‘ 7 " ananae Hapesaki, Kobe . : that the money could not be ising the situa . ibly becalmed in the tropics and a/] Hong Kong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, Kobe ’ eo appear used for partisan purposes ers. Premie Asquith’s ae dover f her crew overside swim- eas ~ ‘ones one ee Empress Bowling Alleys : REDISTRIBUTION. " , : NT >| After several unsuccessfu the House of Gommons that I ming THE FAMOUS “EMPRESS LINE” AND POOL ROOM ¢ 49 the THE APPOINTMENT OF > fe bin” par Ohrent : . . G, McNab, General Age ; At the elections of 1911, th .jforts had been made to r 1 and is vay . A breeze came up and as the , Prit "A rt 8 a. a. a noes ° 12 Tague i ‘ ‘ deed . i ay ree? f ip and as t vines Rupert. : ie yote for Saskatchewan, Alberta] PUBLIC OFFICIALS UP‘ - her, orders were signalled to the} an oxpedit —_ 4 the| ship bore away before it the men|| agent for All Atlantic Steamship Lines Seenie Runer a ail Ave and Manitoba showed a total of CONSIDERATION OF CAPAC- engine room below to send her), ontinent he ‘ ir be-jin the water raced for it All but *. ©. Box 4 Pr ne B08 i 484.674 Ldbecele. 164,710 Coa. ITY AND PERSONAL CHAR- a. ag ahead and by bring} iqeen Frat ‘ ’ Giuseppe Cardini were picked up. |} einen AGENTS ="? ” _ 7 ieee . — 1 er relm to yort she was as eile . h. Nathan ae iow i wa siniadenliaciastiied pte a a eee servatives and 6,824 Independ- ACTER, AND NOT PARTY = . P i - Infla story G i ais’ The Italian was seized with a} oe SERVICE ALONE.” backed off with the aid of the|. mt the : . ging the| cramp ab While he struggled the! “J ents and Socialiste—e total : eo ee ad ’ rising tide. - No time was lost in|iwo countries wit! cause for/ fin of a big shark appeared near | Conservative minority of 26,- Yet since Mr. Borden's CoM-|heading the vessel for the C. P.| 1 quarrel on t : Germany | him A line from the ship fell UNION $5. COMPANY OF B.C., Ltd ( O A L 785. It is small wonder that ing to power there has been|R. landing stage and all the pas-| io. pretty we nvinced thatiwithin the sailor's reach and he| Mr. Borden is afraid to venture such an unprecedented slaugh.|jsengers were landed hone the England was on iwa Fy the! took a turn about his waist He on redistribution or go to the ter amongst the Liberal e¢m- worse for their exper — nerore first opportunity for an invas was jerked from the wateg just i The Twin Screw Steamer New Wellington Coa! Best on the country with his proposition ployees of the pubtic service ]8 o'clock On the usual schédule of the German Empire, and the|as the mian-eater made its final} Coast to ship $35,000,000 over to that the government rerently]the Princess mance lel pary tee | French were equally satisfied that;dash and his escape was meas- | 99 Phos 116 Rogers & Black England to end a bogus emerg-| stated it would take over 18)night for Vancouver jan armed force of Great Britain|ured in inches ency. months to prepare particulars a Forse: 6t dielr Giepossl. Mr. As- wa " See en re “ -— 0—— of them without including the /POTATOES 40 CENTS A TON guith poured a large pail full of Forty years in use, twenty, 9¢ CARTAGE and A GREAT OPPORTUNITY hundreds or thousands of post- eeniniencnton lice water over the hot heads o1 years standard, prescribed and STORAGE FOR TRANSPORTATION masters dismissed by Hon. Mr.| Chilliwack Growers Get Rid OF oth sides, and convinced the! recommended by physicians. For) ne. Hae aa Ge COMPANIES Pelletier. Nor is this state- ee a ae — }Germans that England was not) Wemen’s Ailments, Dr. Martel's, MONDAY NIGHT G. T. P. Transfer Agents It is a generally admitted ment strongly in epee oe , - - > : seeking a quarrel and the French | Female Pills, at your druggist. _ _ Orders promptly filled Prices reasonable , are} the_fresing of © convicted] Vietoris, March 21—-Mr. J.jthat they would have to fight a| | Salle for Port Simpson, Nass River Points OFFICE. B. Rochester Corie st Pha fact that freight rates are forger at Decousse, who im-]Terry, of the poultry branch of|war of aggression without Ene-|= oe and Granby Bay Tuesdays, 8 a. m. a based not so much upon what mediately took a governmentithe Department of Agriculture,|land’s help 1 THE BANK OF | . a the transportation costs as job from which a Liberal had|reports that last week eggs were} The danger of war recedes! 836 1913 upon the amount the commo- been dismissed. Nor is it ex-jretailing in Chilliwack at 20 cents|every day, but poor old Germany| B N America i Galle for Vancouver SMITH & MALLETT dity to be transported and the emplified in the case of a manja dozen. He also stated that | -} sti | staggers under the blow of ritish orth i WEDNESDAYS, 2 P. m. THIRD AVE ' parveeter ee -_ nemed MeCloskie, appointed en Vere SOREN Sey Sune jae y ary indy ett All signs point | TT Years iw Busmess Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting ad stand. According to a des- postmaster at Wakaw, Sask., ton and that a consignment toward her continuing so to stag-| Céprees, ane Butewe Oven 6F,000,000 i Sheet Metal Work patch from Victoria published who, the Hon. Mr. Davis re-}500 tons had been offered to ger for some time 1e | | . Qffice: Ord Ave rend in the “News” today, potatoes] cently said in the Senate, with-}large wholesale firm at $3 a ini Rogers Steamship Agency Phone 174 tnd Ave. bet. 7th and «thie are selling in Chilliwack, B.C., in three months of his appoint-Jand refused by them. The China- War Spirit in France. | , | at 40 cents per ton, yet the ment had been fined for a seri-|]men, a number of whom have left Paris March 21 The as Our Travellers i Phone 116 — | i prevailing wholesale price in| ous offence, and who a short|their ranches this summer, pa tary spirit d ated a ur Cheques Prince Rupert has been $23.00 time later attacked his mother-]$20 an acre rent and at = suct fan 1 Frenehr wh | i 7 7 MY WARDROBE per ton. If the transportation in-law with-a knife and then]prices cannot hold their own lay s nded the ving} are issued in denominations of 4. LEE, TAILOR companies do not make up took to the woods. a 7 | $10, $20, $50, $100 and $200, | —THE - soon and raise the freight Mr. Borden's third essential! with the exact value in the Cleaning, Pressing ond Reparidl rate on potatoes there is lik- was: | leadin foreign currencies > y Oo y S ; i tt t ely to be a big drop locally in “ELECTIONS UNTAINTED See ne eee oe Reon a the price of this commodity) By THE CORRUPTING IN- , a, ee ee ee, —umrrep that is in such universal de- FLUENCES OF BRIBERY AND | They are payable without | D. C. STUART mand. FRAUD.’ | discount, so that you can or His lack of sincerity in this | realize their full valuewithout Rescantont oa , | . non MR. BORDEN’S BROKEN was shown by his tolerance of | trouble. Hotels and Trans- Lumber and Mouldings pee od “ gt . a » a ' : . ‘ © for ty n PLEDGES. the Hon. Mr. Rogers, who led | portation Companies accept omen queen. 6 ¢ In a speech delivered at Hali-| the notorious outrages in Mac- | them as cash. | All Kinds of Baddmg Supphes fax, August 21, 1907, Mr. Bor- donald by-election, the at- — den, then leader of the oppo- tempt to bribe the electors of | eo Alex. @. Meneon, B.A sition, laid down as his three Richelieu with the promise of PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH Firet Avenue Phone 186 W. E. Willems, 8 A, LEE essentials of good government: a railway if they elected a F. S. LONG, Manager. | WILLIAMS & MANSON “HONEST APPROPRIATION; Conservative, and the attempt Sicemmneentncinagithinniaasisntiliientdlimapemmnimeminecceni . | citors, Ete. OF THE PUBLIC MONEY IN| to influence the Antigonish by- —s THE PUBLIC INTEREST.” election by publisihng there DEMA , Rupert, 6 . Prince Ry What he meant by this was aforetime the government es- ND eorgetown —- 3 exemplified by his efforts to| timates for public works in Royat RESERVE secure $1,000,000 for good| that riding. W Sa iC Lid. Ss PRINCE RUPEE roads, and his persistent re- These are samples of the HISKY. wml . | ‘ DAVEY fusal of the Liberals’ demands; manner in which Mr. Borden is AGE S JOHN E. DAVE that its expenditure be so safe-| iryiag not to redeem the mul- YEAR L k TEACHE! NGING — -—" on ess aw of ents he made be- GUARANTEED BY um | PUPIL OF WE. FoZON. Hee. 4848 on, should get its fair share and| ore his election. Ti “a HE GOVERNMENT end - tae : , enna Mouldings | ; RECOMMENDED FOR HAYNER BROS. — THe INvVAuUID HB uwoerracnns aso eMnaLems KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY Tne Home A large stock of dy fab rears ed THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No. 3 Tre Connoisseur ae ee a te - = Pu furally made at short notice. _ ; : who natural i Builders’ Supplies Plumbers’ aoe Plate Glass Mirrors want the bee?. Oop giten eee qofew avany. RD Paints HARDWARE Stoves, Ranges AGE , Purity Call on us before ordering. SHER | Te aines Tewere : ano MELLOWNESS E. L. Fl | raniteware ; UNS . - 4 Empaine DURBAR IN KINEMACOLOR ee Pen MAROES REASONABLE ° ——_ + en * “ta P . TT i a . ' MONARCH MALLEABLE The ‘Stay Satisfactory The King-Emperor and Queen-Empress im their Regal Robes at Delhi DISTRIBUTORS OFFICE: ae Range.”’ Prince Rupert Importing Co., Ltd EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG. OPEN DAY AND NIOHT To Appear at the Westholme Opera House Next Week. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. = ___ = aE And the Best Criticism Scoop Ever Wrote ; y “HOP Drawn for The DP , SWELL DOLL WaANTs SINCE BECOMING THE W NOUR PAPE ae 7 ———— 7 PER PUBLISHED 4 |_. 4 Pata : YO SEE THE DRAMATIC DRAMATIC CRITIC - THE CRITICISM OF MY SHOW = ax ry WERE BOSS - TAKE BACK CRITIC? - Yeas TUL STAGE SHIRTS TusT iM Which You HAD THE, : y > . YouvR JOB OF DRAMATI< BE RIGHT CANT WEEP AWAY B CRUST TOSAY THAT my o CRITIC- ID HAVE To oy Dow FROM MY FATAL UNDER STANDING Mape Tue, | © MAKE 180 POUND=s a BROOKAM BRIDGE SuPPoRTS LOOK LIKE A COUPLE OF A D/SAPPOMTED NOODLES! A} RING siPE_ YO REALLY BE A Successeur. Gl @-« -eei - Bw oe