THE DAILY NEWS ~ AUSTRALIA EXPORTS "00 ome =| MORE CRITICISM OF THE DAILy News cae sani AND MORE THAN CANADA Ss" "25 euases "SECRETARY BRYAN] ORE CoE THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA head of the new syndicate was E aa later for V Vi G Published Daily and Weekly by CG. Rvelyn Mille, himself a heavy ves for Vancouver, Victor * od Standa ily Mail ia T THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. — a tistion show, However, nctor in the schere a { ene ov Oe ae Xa las and Seattle ALLS at Dominion’s Imports fitted — FRIDAY. a - hundred ton steamer was ‘ 8,9 A.M Are Greater. " me ’ - M. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico:' one TT en caution teste ° London, March 22—Following “PRINCE JOMN” ; sions and excavation t s were ‘ ; H Daily, 50e per month, or $5.00 per year, In advance. Weekly, Ottawa, March 22 Writing t ; . 4 : ad t : ‘ rfid p the Post's attack on Mr. Wil- ror Port Simpson, Orenby Bay, Stewart Nees, ti a} | $2.00 per year All Other Countries Daily, $8.00 per year. the trade and commerce depart- hips, there were built ane um Jennings Brvan, es Am veo cuit tek tates Eaten, 98 0 - ’ = 9 : : > Came - : og n Secretary of State or his , ’ m.. nm 100) ‘ tly in advance. ment, Mr. D. H. Ross, Canadian |j,-ge steel boxes with com! . et March 7th, @1st Weekly, $2.50 per year, strict!) commissioner at Meibourné.|...— seg ter “stad sg a c », speeches at the St. Patrick's Das Por Skidegete, Aliford Bay and other Queen Chariot: tion loeks on the doors whiel Jan. 12th, 26th, Feb. oth, 23rd ' TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING-—50 cents per inch. Contract draws a comparison between the |i), treasure was to be stored banquet at Washington and the ; : — 4 a total trade returns of Canada The ship lies inthe harbor at Irish Fellowship Chab’s banquet wt a... wate i i : . ’ ednes 7 ; rates on application. and those of Australia for the last the Pacific entrance of the Pat the Mail says: nd . ys sail two yéars. In both cases Canada if Mr. Bryan really expresses Grand Trunk Railway Syste HEAD OFFICE ; - oon OO ; ama Canal today for sale at ystem is on top in the matter of it bergain Mr. Mille t unted his| the views f the cabinet and the (The Deuble Track Route) c , B.C, e 98.) ports, b » reverse m case! . a. 2s. : pee atta Preside the relations betweet Nine month exeursion rates ip effect. Choice of + Baily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B Telephon ports, — ~ - rse is th a adventure at the University Clul _ . ne rela — t ' re ; e “ the excursions end fast trains of oo Grand ‘ — : ,ENC in expor rade Canada ore | i. Panama recent is hera g | reat riiain ana le nited BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES than doubled the figures of AuS-|)incolf as a fool { engaging | States may enter upon a — agency fer ali Atlantic a - a Fo a interme apply te hix oule YT; egarded it MoMAGTER, “ New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd 5t., New <= n such an enterprise. Yet, when|™ h would t regard Je ; . aking the Canadiar figures | ne had finished. there was ; xtreme regret by a majority Se eae Sound News Co - gy a a es — b an of the doze mn at the table = ce e mode rate persons : attle—Puge und New 31 and the Australian fieures "with him that would t gladly oth countries THE | / \ bhondon England—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, the vear ended Decemb.« $4. thee have ebitebed his: res sees and The Standard describes Secre AROUND THE WORLD / <( IQL O/S . imports and exports of the Deo- strength im another trial at the tary Bryan's speech as a “fine| FOR $639.10 PO . Trafalgar Square. € minion and the Commonwealth pirates’ treasure ; tunately.| ¢xample of virulent and inflated] on NEW —— PACIFIC OL 8 in 1914 and 1912 are shown 48/1)... an, all pox v i not | nonsense whieh the = inferior press of Asia sailing from Liverpool English ar Subscribers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in follows: nat GeO GS Pees and coul’ BM) iad Of Ginenenes talks etcall on June 14th, 1913 — ease of non-delivery or inattention on the part of The News carriers f ia raise the money among then ro area aa dati ail Empress of Resets eating trem i iver Twelve Tables — ' — ‘ tre re : te ants to cat ris oles j pool on Apr st, , Imports . buy the treasure shi; rhe expe : : f = ————— = - — — Caneda $472,247.54 #2 6S dition left En ; ; The Standard regrets the From Vancouver to Montreal, and a ana e+ ae 7 0 let giand ’ Six i . @ »am< e DAILY EDITION Monday, March 24, 1943.| wale << 988,085 Cae a casted nntie offepecch, which K says is impos-|| De ot G7 paste, smmame Bes tities cee Canada $559,320,544 $315,317,250 oe ‘ a d directiv| sible to pass as a mere indiscre couver, via Gibraltar, Villefranche, Port SSS Sa ——— SST 500—™"" — —— Australia 379,557,801 #3.136.787 Magellai and then sail i . ; th p Bill j Said.Suez, Colombo, Penang, Stnwapore, 2S . The total f Canada in 1912 for Coeos Island. which es at; ‘ion ust SS tuc anama ; “il Hong Kong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, Kobe Emp b ; c the . WHAT MR. BORDEN of us who think that th showed an expansion of %105,-|/the mouth of the Gulf of Panama|coming before the House, and|[ and Yoko ‘oon aera eT ress owling Ales os sflicie : : . : ; ‘ Ru r Empre ‘ 18 AIMING AT. strongest and most efficient 193.889 over 1911, while in the about 300 miles distant from the| fears that the Trish electioneer- , THe FAMOUS “EMPRESS LINE” AND POOL ROOM “The prime minister, says | Imperial navy ts one in Ww hich} same period the trade of Aus- city When the vess« reached| ing machinery will be brought to =s ae Renee, 8 _ a a ase, Prop "an the Toronto News, “would have; there is a natural and reason-/tralia increased $50,948,824 Cocos the surf was nning high} bear in favor of discriminatory Agent for All Atlantic Steamship Lines prgee Rupert Employment gs a ! . ‘ > and aft as meth mn tolls And,”’ adds the paper, “if . © Box 4 Bien a Canada lead in the reorganiza- able division of labor and of and it was imy it and in : par : LICENSED AGENTs “y » shino’s boats &» with much/|this is to receive the open sup ; , onsibility between the! FOUND NO TREASURE Sheen che! hae: PRS — ee ot'te Enpwre cae -_ | — +4 ' N toil. a raft was launched and by| port of the administration, BES cicientecninticten ee — —_ a creation of an Imperial navy.”} various Dominions with due} ON COCOS ISLAND this means the tools and provi-| prospects of a just and favorable j This may be accepted as a suf-| provision for co-ordination and niaian were put ashore. The work] settlement would seem doubt- deieniiy accurate statement of] co-operation looking to, com. aan eae ee neces Salar WON SS. CONPINY OF BCU =6COAL | ——.. | what is in Mr. Borden's mind mon action to meet common! English Expedition Reaches Pan- there was no success EE n ————————— | He wants to see the Empire so dangers. The centralized navy, ama Admitting Failure. 1 page ” - ‘ . | reorganized that all the outly- in their judgment, is a poor} _——— notice has been given by Mr. Em-| tee Wellington Coal : | Twin Ch eal, = Bast ing Dominions shall be sub-| substitute for such an empire-| London, March 19—The tatest| 10 LIMIT RATES OF merson is that the banks in mak oe — = ordinate to a central organiza- wide naval force, behind which] .ypedition in search of the pi- INTEREST ing their monthly returns to the will be the full fighting force] rates Cas CHARGED department: of. finance must 99| ‘Phese 116 Rogers & Black tion which, for a generation to treasure on Cocos Island OV { e e CARTAGE come at least will be controlled of all the British peoples |} has returned to Panama, confess- |make a statement as to the high- | by the more populous mother The fact is that Mr. Borden) ing its failure. A few thousand Mon. H. R. Emmerson Gives No- | esi rate of interest charged dur- | and country. Now we all! love the has been captured by the Order] gojjars more in money and sev- tice of Amendment to the ing the month LINDSAY STOR mother country; but we prefer| of Imperial Fussers who have} .,-a) jives have been poured ints Bank Act ee Arrives from Vancouver Every AGE to govern ourselves, thinking drawn up the specifications for} ihe quest; and the treasure rests/ —_—— | ‘The Daily News has the larg. | MONDAY NIGHT G. T. P. Transfer Agents that this is better for both her| a model Empire and intend to|.ecure against the hands of mod- Ottawa, March 22—Hon. H. R.| o.¢ circulation in Northern B.C. | - | ete ‘ ‘ and for us. Nor is there any| make the Dominions over t0lern argonauts | Emmerson has given notice of an| oti | promptly filled Prices reasonable evidence that the mother coun- fit the pattern whether they About two years ago an expedi-|amendment to the Bank Act — Galle for Port Simpson, Naas River me | ove HH. B. Rochester. Centre St. Phos ® try has the slightest desire to} like it or not. Objectors are|tion organized by two English-| which provides that in future) 4g@96 rtwe sanx or 1913 Ee oe assume again powers which; to be dealt with as traitors.| women, whose object in search-| when a bank charges more than} | she transferred to the daugh-| Sir Joseph Ward, the former|ing for the treasure was to de-|7 per cent. interest the amount) B N Ameri Salle for Vancouver SMITH & MALLETT Fi ter states long ago. | prime minister of New Zealand,|yote jit to charity in which they| may be recoverable in any court ritish orth ca WEDNESDAYS, 2 F. @ THI a Mr. Borden wants further to was the first Imperial states-|are interested in London, spent|of competent jurisdiction The i TT Years ww Business. Plumbing, eating bees tting and i vy } ote to succumb to the > sake in cos : “ame! present Ban Act makes the see an Imperial navy built up} man of note cumb te six weeks in Cocos, and ca present Bank ‘ nak eeiats. dip tema aaa nts totes Werk | on lines which will deprive the overtures of the Empire § re-|away owning that their plans had| maximu nterest charge 7 per} a i . | | Office: Srd Ave W orkst Dominions of the right to have| organizers. He submitted somel|gone wrong. But the confession |cent. but the Supreme Court has | Rogers Steamship Agency || Pi °° =. =» = Ss their own naval forces. We| of their schemes to the 1911] wae not for publie consumption.| ruled that where a higher charge : i are all in favor of an Imperial! Imperial conference and was Chey returned to England and has been made ar d paid it is rt Our Travellers Phone 116 navy—excepting of course the at once suppressed, courteous-|ihere succeeded in convincing | recoverable Cheques | worthy citizens who object, on ly but firmly, by Mr. Aequith.| some hardheaded English busi- Another amendment of which a - an ~ MY W ARDROBE moral grounds, to anything be- Sir Joseph Ward has since lost| are issued in denominations of ing done in.the way of naval tn, 14 ts oie cers OO -—S—S—S”—“—S $10, $20, $50, $100 and $200, _ne- 4. LEE, TAILOR defence. But there are some| to have fallen on Mr. Borden.} with the exact valus ia the | es Geccine ano Gault leading foreign currencies Westholme Lumber Co. we Buliding, Next to Clty Mal | stated plainly on the face, Phone Green 390 ’ They are payable without —LimiTeD— FRED STORK S HARDWARE discount, so that you can D. C. STUART realize their full valuewithout Accountant ee Spee , Sennen: | trouble. Hotels and Trans- Lumber and Mouldings 308 2nd Ave - ane : | portation Companies accept Auditor for the Clty « - ry F f ; e . . % PRINCE RUPERT Carpenters’ Toois Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery | them as cash. All Kinds of Building Supplies 7 j a — Wire Cable Steel Blocks Fishing Tackle sstelicaiee Alex. @. Manson, B.A Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles & Shotguns PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH Firet Avenue Phone 186 W. E Williams, 8. A, ELE Valves Ammunition i} U. S. LONG, Manager. ee ee is WILLIAMS & MANSON Hose Paint Barristers, Solicitors, Et | Box 256 Stoves & Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated Iron DEMAND Geo etown Meigersen Block — Prince Rupe BE Roya. REserve rs Wuisky, |SawmillCo.lid |r 0" YEARS OHN E. DAVEY ney Lumber ees HER OF SING PES. » BY | rurn. OF We. rorON, me. 484" = “We Sell Nothing But the Best” HE RNMENT | as} — OF SANABA. Mouldings RECOMMENDED FOR HAYNER BROS. “FROM HOME TO HOME.” THe InvauO CL UNDERTAKERS ano EMBALMERS pe rene 6 Ee Se ne NNOISSEUR lumber a specialty. Delivery a Th m short notice. HOTEL ELYSIUM ee. my EE want the best. Our prices are as low as any. Sid. Sykes, Manager Call on us before ordering. EL FISHER } The Finest,-Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. Aes. Purity | Excellent Cafe. Moderate Prices, DURBAR IN KINEMACOLOR ano MELLOWNESS 4 Embaine? CHARGES KEAS NABLE Funeral Director UNSURPASSED. King George and the Khedive of Egypt 1142 Pender Street West - - Vancouver, B.C. DISTRIBUTORS OFFICE: ae aap, Gnd Ont Phone 8500. To appear al the Westholme Opera House for tttree nights, be-| Prince Rupert importing Co., Ltd EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG. OPEN DAY AND ‘ ginning tomorrow, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. Was It Beginners’ Luck, or is Scoop a Shark? a Drawn for The }) Prone NIGHT OF COURSE TLL PE FRANK @ND TELL You Thar \TS ‘Yoo DEEP A GAME FOR YOU~ ‘You HAVENT BRAINS ENOUdH “Yo SAWN * ir! se Ls at mo ( MI y= l TM pi mn wo 6. +s ~ se HA SS Gar: be : © as - yer sune -BaALTo- mY?