i, 1989 THE DAILY NEWS : a een——renenene = ———— ———— — ~ — ~ _ _ CO ‘BASEBALL WRITERS OBJECT TO PLAYERS, OPPORTUNITY oe Game New York, March 22—RHesolu. tions condemning the practice of the baseball players writing for Mathien’s Syrup newspapers about the game were adopted yesterday at a meeting| ot Tar and Cod Liver 68 of the New York and Brooklyn! not only st a but cures ‘Sinko pRacebel | Ont only ene * ae chapters of the Baseball Writers it. Its tonic and restorative Association, held at the office of perties enable the system to the New York National League o B C aoe sos Club. permanently throw off a cold. , - When the resolutions were presented, Acting Chairman Jas 35¢ for large bottle. R. Price read letters to the New Sold everywhere. ‘ : York Chapter from three mem- mea! ons i On the 27th of this month here in Prince Rupert the | bors on the Pacific. It is located a few miles south of bers of the National Commission, ee - first sale of lots in Port Edward Townsite will begin. This | Prince Rupert ON THE MAIN LINE OF THE GRAND August Hermann, Ban Johnson, 1 and Thomas J. Lynch. Each of- 9 A will offer to the investing public of Canada the greatest TRUNK PACIFIC RAILROAD, and has arranged with the fered his co-operation to the iu railroad for complete transportation facilities. The town- baseball writers in combatting opportunity to profit by western development since the first the practice. The resolutions af site and h ve indus- Poe , SOrutIONns ai- 4 sale of town lots at Prince Rupert in 1909, which was fol- ' FOO Se SE ON a ter noting the “practice of base- oO 7 TT A Fr Pe 9 vw trial needs. ball players allowing the use of such wonderful enhancement in values. Port lowed by THE GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC IS NEARING COMPLE- their names and signatures to| COD LIVER Oll ‘ Edward forms the Industrial Annex to Prince Rupert and TI articles written by other per-| ON—THE PANAMA CANAL WILL SOON BE OPEN— lsons,” declare the practice WESTERN AGENTS , solves the problem of accommodation for industrial enter- TESTIMONIAL Dr. W. R. Spiers, Haltwistle, reports: “T have pleasure in saying that I consider it a wholesome spirit, free from fusil oil and other imperfections resulting from want of maturity, and that it would prove very useful as a stimulant in cases where such treatment is required.” know about Port Edward as an industrial eral sales agents. If you desire specific ited Athens Mr. Sullivan spoke s centre. A postcard or letter requesting it ] d t | A information a request will bring it to you. : ae : Sd oe n u +) r l a n n e xX Don’t delay; find out about Port Edward of the king’s democratic char- places it in your hands without any obligae- tion attached. Send for it today! NOW. It means money to you! acter and loveable disposition. To the king he gave credit for enlisting the interest of the late King Edward of England in the _ games. 7. ak Mr. Sullivan spoke o 1e V ell Known Read This Real, Tremendous Ring's expression of ainal Ke NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA, AN EMPIRE IN ITSELF should be wiped out as tending r prises at the terminus of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railroad. WILL SOON STARTLE THE WORLD WITH ITS VasT to deceive the baseball reading Pergusen Gres., 185 Gannsigas Ave, Winnipeg _ Port Edward’s future is already assured. The Prince public, to lower the tone and dig- | ——-——-—-— : es 5 Eiectrio Company has alread . he WEALTH—PORT EDWAPFD AND PRINCE RUPERT WILL nity of the sport, to cause ser- } ™ r a chosen Rupert Myere a ee # ee ° | FORM THE CENTRE OF THIS ENORMOUS ACTIVITY— ious friction in the various| EE EEE as the site for ant and other big indus- teams, ¢ to srepresent the “i latter place » ome | WRITE FOR LITERATURE NOW, TODAY, AND LEARN ree © fap: ele aa tries are negotiating for waterfront and pier wharf space. | att THE FACTS ABOUT THIS REMARKABLE OPPOR- ” he weeitdadk at the aaemel a le presiden oO ie asebai) Port Edward possesses one of the finest natural har- | TUNITY. Writers’ Association of America 9 = is asked to consult with the Board a of Directors with a view to adopt- a 7 ® fng a similar resolution. PY Manufacturers and Interesting Booklets, 6 9 x " > > . REVIVED OLYMPIADS A Business Men Should Photographic Views x a he Aski x) Get this Information Yours for the Asking Late King George of Greece Was x & Fond of Athletics © 6 nl o Port Edward solves the industrial prob- - —_———— - B.C... re We cannot begin to give complete de- eyennese | lem of Prince Rupert. it will unquestion- tails about Port Edward and its splendid New York, March 22— ke workmen 16 petted ho fel. First Loan made April 22, 1911........... $ 500.00 9 lows: Linemen, inside wiremen, Loans made during month of Dee., 1914..... 4,000.00 metermen and inspectors $5 per Loans made during month of June, 1912.... 17,000.00 mt day, head operator $140 per Loans made during month of August, 1912... 22,000.00 Prince Rupert, B.C. month, station operators $8120 Loans made during month of Nov., 1912..... 34,300.00 CUT AND MAIL THIS COUPON NOW TODAY | per month, station oilers #8100 Loans made during month of Dee., 1912..... 35,100.00 i | per month, Loans pending and in process of being made £ Please send me full details concerning Port Edward, B.C., | O Gentle tial ta Oh remem G6, 4c nec nin ccabac cue 68,000.00 77 Rupert's Iadustrial Annex. It is understood that this | r Hall & Flo er THE WEATHER. Loans made and pending December, 1912... . 103,100.00 Vs does not place me under obligation in any sensé y rd December 31, 1912—-Loans made and in pro- The weather report at 5 o'clock MD OO ORR, gc cc cscececnetivess ieee 263,100.00 e is be . this morning read; Barometer, See our Representative VICTORIA, B.C. 30,303; maximum temperature, Joint Directing Sales Agents 37; minimum temperature, 22 The Canadian Home Investment Company, Ltd. Forty years in use, twenty Local OMice, Federal Bidg., Prince Rupert oo years standard, prescribed and /recommented by physicians. For Women's Aliments, Dr. Martel’s Female Pills, at your druggist.