me Mes a nee ones cae eaeetRenieammunedenntmmeeeer enna The Best Procurable. WE CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK OF GASOLINE ENGINES Parkin & Ward Electric Co, Limited Electrical Contractors ELECTRICAL AND Heavy duty, PERFECTION 2-CYCLE ENGINE EVINRUDE ROWBOAT DETACHABLE MOTOR Send for our catalogue before you decide on an engine for ‘DEAR DAILY NEWS $30 Underwood Rebuilt Sppowenere look like brand new Gate, do | hg 7 carry same guarantee of one y and cost halt oF Write for complete price Net” ” all stand- ard —a Vancouver, B.C “The News” Classified Ads. Canadian Typewriter Exchange, Dept. 12, 319 Pender W., =One Cent A Word For Each Insertion== _— MRS. E. A. HEAD Tailoring and First Class Dress- Second Ave Phone @ kno ‘ple | G “Valhalla” of S.H. & E.F. G AONE pure IN NORTHERN B.C. race | | over C Office 416 Black dD (SCANDINANIAN SoctrETY) Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the hall at 319 Srd Ave. Rand's PRINCE aUPERT i" AND ANNEX ‘MARINE SUPPLIES Agents for REGAL 4 CYCLE ENGINE medium and light duty coast. No Timers No Batteries. No Coil. your boat HHH THUY NN a) ay nO Hi a pi ie > ’ “fl ul ie f nia) vy | A iP i. ii | Mi | L , | Hy 4 1 i” A os nl 4 7 i f an Tl / il rh 5 h hid ee se 4 } i! WE ARE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Bryant Company, Limited “The Store of Better Things” Yo] -) ) oe. < a 1 MA wi : i. ! ng x ~~ 4 n mip I furnished, Owned and operated by the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway on the American and European plan. Excellently steam heat, electric light, and all modern conveniences, being abso- lutely first-class in every respect. The appointments and service are equal to any hotel on the with Rates: $1 to $3.50 per day. G. A. Sweet, Manager. , 3 * A PRING overcoats in twelve different styles, every style authentic and every garment perfectly tailored—that's the 20th Century Brand line. from the tallor shops. Large shipment arrived fresh "a 8 Wanted private family, Phone Red 184. 68-69 WANTED—A chambermaid at the om | view Hotel 67-1 WANTED—Table girl. Apply at Vienna | Cafe, Third Avenue 7-69 WANTED—A general servant. Apply Mrs L. W. Patmore. S04 | For Sale | SMITH PREMIER typewriter, $25.00 Westenhaver Bros. 68-70 FOR .SALE-——Lot 96, block 38, Section 7 What is your offer Apply Box 3742 Sta. B., Winnipeg, Man 66-69 10 Rooms 65-70 ROOMING HOUSE for sale $600. 821 Third Ave POR SALE—Pairbanks-Morse stationary gasoline engine, twelve h.p., high speed, first class shape. Apply P. 0. Box 1509, Prince Rupert. soit For Rent $15.00 a 68-70 COTTAGE on Fraser street, month. Westenhaver Bros ROOMS AND BOARD—Albert Block, elec tric light, steam heat. Moderate terms 66-72 FOR RENT-—Furnished front room for one or two gentlemen, close in. All modern conveniences. C. EB. Bainter, Phone 387 66-tf FURNISHED, housekeeping rooms cormer Third Ave. and Sixth St. POR RENT-—Nicely furnished room with large closet, hot and cold water 435 4th Ave. Phone 171. satr unfurnished and furnished Apply Alder Block 64-78 s Lost and Found LOST—A tweed overcoat with name sewn! by inside pocket. Return to News Of ice. 7 67-1 oS Miscellaneous WE buy Home Purchasing contracts. State number, issue, series, date, amount paid in, and your rice. Bonus for numbers under ten, The “5% Contract’ Brokers 601A Pacife Building, Vancouver, B. ( 68-73 =) { TWO young ladies would like board in|? T. Pe itrain to spend the DEMERS | e are now showing the very} a in veiling’, neckwear and| |hair ornaments Our millinery| |display is very attractive and so| jare our prices. Peerless Studio Rooms 19-20-24 Alder Block Cor. 3rd Ave. and 6th St, For marvellous value in photo- graphs see OUR FEBRUARY SPECIALS - Church Services - - ” FIRST PRESBYT’ Services Chureh Empress REV. F. W. KERR, M.A. THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH — McINTYRE HALL, SRD AVE., NEAR 6TH ST. Rerviass every Sunday at 11 and 7.30 os Sunday REV. W. H. McLEOD B.A B.D. Pastor THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH —— AVE. AND MUSGRAVE PLACE — Sunday at li 32. em and 7 3e Sunday REV. C. R. se. BD. Pastor — ST. ANDREW'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Cor. Fifth Ave, and Dunsmuir Place Dermias ear, FS. ane prayer, 7:30, u school, 2:40 p.m. Communion rst of mon and = thir ® a m. During the Lenten season there will be serv- ice in the church every Wednesday at 8 p. m. THE OLY A tee ARMY CITADEL le Court aise service a ft & m., 3 and 8 ?i m. Sun- day ‘School, 30 pp. om. dey WEaneaday. "rns PASADENA To HAVE AIRSHIP SERVICE Pasadena, Cal., March 19. Pasadena will be the home of the first passenger carrying dirigible airship service in America’ in about two weeks. This announcement was made today by Roy Knabenshue, who is just completing a big aerodrome for his headquarters. His air- ship is expected to make several round trips daily to the beach cities, the Parseval ship having a capacity of ten passengers in addition to the pilot. It will be capable of a speed of forty miles an hour and will earry fuel suff. cient for twenty-four hours, to be ready for any emergency. TRY A NEWS WANT AD LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. A. Ansell, private secretary of |Mr M. Donaldson, and general manager of the G railway, who was taken to the hospital on Friday, is report ed to be improving. Dr. Eggert is attending him. vice president Mr. EF. B. Tatchell, manager of the Union Bank branch at New Hazelton, arrived on last night's Faster vaca tion a guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. A Arneil. Passengers Southbound The Princess Mary, bound, had the following pas- sengers from the city last night R. H. Whitehall, J. Dana, 8. A Barber, G. E. Fentby, J. B. Bul lock, J. Kugler, J Donoughue, Mr. and Mrs. Walker, R. G. John- son, Stephen King, A. E. Clark C. B. Clark, O. R. Toron, G. J Campbell, W. IT. Imuse, W. Avi- son, Mrs. Adams, H. Wolf, C. W. Smith, D. Lewis, A. L. Young, A Hepburn. south- Who Hit Bob? Robert Jennings, road inspector, city last night after spending a week or ten days inspecting roads and trails between Hazelton and this city. When Bob stepped off the train it was noticed that he had an ugly gash just over his right eye. The “News” did not learn whether this was the result of the roughness of the trails or a mix-up with some Liberal who may have been over anxious for a registration form whieh the genial road superintendent is supposed to have carried with him. gcovernment returned to the Durbar in Kinemacolor. The Westholme have the Theatre will pleasure of putting on tomorrow night a feature which is still an amusement sensation even in New York. This wonder- ful kinemacolor motion of the Durbar ceremonies in In- dia, where King George and Queen Mary were proclaimed em- peror and empress with all the pomp and blaze of would imagine of that great em- pire, is one of the most gor- pieture color one geous series of pictures in the world’s history, and you certainly should not miss them. BLOODED STOCK FOR FARMS ON BULKLEY Cayuse Has Had His Day—Asso- ciation to Bring Registered Bull. The large number of ranchers who have been spending the win- ter in Vancouver and Victoria are all returning with the very best stock that could be found in the part of the province, to show the faith these men have in the future of the valley as a plock raising and dairying coun- try. The cayuse is becoming a thing of the past so far as his usefulness as a draft animal! is concerned, and although they are still used for saddle horses and for packing supplies into the hills, the farmers are rapidly dis- posing of them and purchasing thoroughbred horses to take their places. Five years ago, with the excep- tion of a few big horses used by the government, there were noth- ing but cayuses used, and now the breed has almost entirely disappeared. The Bulkley Valley Agricultural Association will have a registered bull brought to the valley this summer, and will take up the matter of stock breeding with the royal commission when that body sits in Telkwa about the first of June, and the improvement of all kinds of stock will be one of the main subjects to be dealt with by the association in future. teams and other live southern which goes Omineca Development. Men and supplies are being sent into the Omineca River dis. triet by the Royal Standard In vestment Co,, a Vancouver con- cern which owns a number of placer leases that will be oper ated this season, The Daily News has the larg. est circulation in Northern B.C. EASTER SERVICES AT ALL the Holy Communion was cele.| brated, i The MeIntyre Hall was com. fortably filled last evening, o the Easter service, when Rev. H. MeLeod preached on the ae s Life of Christ’ to a large con gregation At St. Andrew's church there were three celebrations of the Holy Communion, the first at 8 o'clock, second at the close of the morning service, and again at the close of the evening service, Bishop Du Vernet was assisted by Rev. Mr. Rushbrook and Rev W. E. Collison, The church was prettily decorated with clusters of daffodils, calla lilies and trac ings of greenery Mrs. R. O. Jen nings superintended the work assisted by the members of the Girls’ Auxiliary. The service was fully choral and the anthem Christ is Risen’ was beautifully rendered by the choir, under the leadership of Mr. W. H. Mellior, with Miss Laura Holtby as sop- Bishop Du Vernet was preacher at the morning with Rev. Mr. Rushbrook evening In the after baptismal font, presented by the children of the diocese was dedicated Following the dedication service, the sacra- ment of baptism was administer ed to Master Charles Armstrong As the weather conditions were ideal, the congregation was un- usually large. No less than 98 communicants took the sacra ment of Holy Communion, the largest number on any one day since the establishment of the church in this city. rano soloist service, in the noon the new HON. DR. YOUNG FORMALLY OPENS NEW HOSPITAL WING Continued from Page 1. pleasure in sending the hospital board a cheque for $10,000 as a further government grant William Manson, M. P. P., felt of Prinee Ru- appreciate the assured the people pert would highly grant and referred to the liberal manner in which the government had always treated the Prince Ru- pert hospital. He felt confident that if the citizens continued the good work they could rely upon a continuance of this liberality from the government. Mayor Pattullo expressed the appreciation of citizens at the visit of Dr. Young, and also of the promised cheque. What they wanted now, he said, was for the province to begin the erection of its public buildings here. He urged that it was necessary to have money spent in such works as early as possible and the declaration that it would be done was of much importance to everybody in this city. Dr, Young then declared the new wing formally opened. Among those present were: William Manson, M. P. P.; Gov- ernment Agent MeMullin, Mayor Pattullo, Aldermen Naden, M. Me- Caffery and Leek, Chief Constable Owen of the provincial police, James Thompson, Frank W. Dow- ling, Judge Young, H. Douglas, V. Bennett, J. A. Kirkpatrick, O. H. Nelson, D. G, Stewart, Crippen and others. Dr. Young left for Victoria on the Princess May shortly before 1 o'clock. Lione! CONCRETING THREE RAILWAY TUNNELS Prince Rupert Firm Starts Men at Work on Three Tunnels. Manager Graham of the Bates & Rogers Construction Co, of Fo THE CHURCHES CROWDED r Rent a Tw Continued from Page 1. McBride al —_——$——— dintoientenihieentiin for quick 1. ” DOvuGLasg ines NWS Magazines eri urrection Of Jesus Christ. Spec dicals :: News ial easter Music was given by the | CIGARS TOBACCHg choir, under the leadership of Mr! 2nd Ave. Below roa FRU John E. Davey, solos were ren. | te Slang dered by Mr. Davey and Mr. Clap- = perton in @ most pleasing man ENGINEERING ner. Jars of Spirea made fitting) Engine: decorations, ine Map rhe Rev. Chas. R. Sing. preach ; ed from the Methodist pulpit on . The Lights and Shadows of the wi ™ PPP PPPPOPPOO + OG by. Largest Line of p OMt Cards in op i) HYDE'S CIGAR Stomp} Magazir Ren ~ ‘OWS apery CITY MESSENGERS PARCEL DELivERy Reading Phone 326 607 ang An tere DELKATLAH ee TOWNS Delkatiah Ba . of the new I : Gusen Chas ne April ist I the settler alt islands W“ buying lots at t cn without advertisng gine 2 your life w ‘ 160.8 $20 $1 ‘ ter acre ga Without weed ’ : pert pr ke tw this On ! ainta CHAS. M. WILSOR Owner, Delkatiah, 9 ROBT. ENTW Agent, Masset, We have a TIMOTHY GRAIN SEEDS CLOVER POTATO SEEM ALFALFA GARDEN SEED FLOWER SEEDS Mai! orde PRINCE RU PERT FED | Silversides Bre The up-to-date House tors of Prince Rupert .Sign Writing. Paper-Hanging Our Specialties “We always deliver the Pd 2nd Street Phone 156 LOTS 19-20 -21-22-0 Block 45, Section 8 $2,100.00 C: FOR ALL Harrison, Gamble & Compal FINANCIAL AGENTS Third Ave. Prince Rupet Prinee Rupert has been in Hazel- ton and started a gang of twenty men at work on the construction of bunk houses, mess houses and office quarters for the large num- ber of men to be employed in about one month on the work of lining up the three tunnels near here with conerete. When the work is in full swing two hundred tmnen will be employed—one hun dred at the Duncan Ross tunnel and fifty at each of the smaller tunnels on this side long and will be worked from both ends, while the smaller ones are about 400 to 600 feet in length Separate camps will be estab- lished at each tunnel, and at lead to the belief that this work will not be finished in Jess than NT! Wa PAY RE a A 5 roomed! Price $1, 50 $550 Cash nt The big tunnel is 2,214 feet! pajanc rangements that have ‘been aaa (. R. Naden (0, ld Agents nd Avenue one year, probably fifteen months.