THE DAILY NEWS ‘ 5 scares era nae = 8 ; eee [eect ee eS eRe e e, : ? Dr pecereeere 5 COOP De e+ ++ Ct + bee Wd ») of 9} | } | ni i } i) 2 ) i CRASH SMASH _BANG| THE BIG SALE | ! { X K 3) )} ; ££ IE f \ | be —— FFF FFE i SSS { The doors of O’Reilly’s Second Ave. Store were thrown open Saturday morning to the largest crowd ever atttending a sale in Prince Rupert. From early morning until late at night the store was crowded with anxious buyers. Bargains were carried away by the wagon load. The amount of business being so far beyond our expectations we | were unable to wait upon the enormous crowds. Hundreds of buyers were compelled to leave the store without | being waited upon. But we wish to state that we will be able to handle all who may come within the next 12 days. ‘Don’t Miss One Day of This Greatest of Sales i A FEW OF OUR ENORMOUS PRICE REDUCTIONS LOOK - READ - REALISE i) Odd Pants and Suits Sweaters and Underwear Hats and Suit Cases Heavy Wool Pants, reg. $3.50, now «bade x elles veo OE Heavy Woo! Roll Neck Sweater, reg. $3.00, now.........-... $1.90 ORES Ould Gand. . soos Kecesescsicsqucncsssamal ears eeneae $5.00 i One lot of $20.00 Suits........ ds shies > ae Sweater Coats, reg. $2.00, now............ 6. cee eet etree $1.26 GRMO Owls Oaed. «0 00 cee retdecvecccceccbacs Oetbetssciuee 95.40 | ee he eee ee Sweater Coats, reg. $4.50, now....... 2.6... cece eee renee $3.25 BROOD Bult Gade. oo .ssscbadnnessedcencus vabeb cee epee abe $3.90 esn.en an . a i ia All BOc All Wool Sock®............ 0. cece eee cece esse ee neees 35e All odd Hats, $2.50 to $3.00 value, now.................... $1.25 CUD aa ga Tenancies sina erecer er eces exe ° Black Cashmere Hose, & pairs........ 2.6... cece eee eeeee $1.00 Gordon’s $5.00 Hats Now... ....... 6. cece cece tere eee eeeee $3.75 Shoes and Overcoats we Raincoats and Gloves | Al Cone 2. sc chais fobdcnetes «coos $9.28 Every article in stock marked down in stelth eee). ee seals A vercoats..... eb Pg pee LTS ie . : n , GOOD MOM. os kav cad ds ctentnrbest ibe ce $11.40 ; All coal pin soe ta ale a wk Gis bib bea ; ao in the same low proportions. ao co $17.50, aoe 000 che band nn us eek ass Ged $12.25 { One lot oF GRIM Meee, og. ccc cneenerean ei Nothing reserved. Bronco Working Gloves, reg. B00, now..............--.00 cece 350 i All OOOO Te Fig ond 0 a dee bean bgalen cle 04s .. . $3.40 Mon’s Heavy Horsehide Gloves, reg. $1.00, now................ 160 hy —== == 2 | 3) y ‘ 1 i 3 i WARNING! PROOF Second Ave., -+ Prince Rupert, B.C. | vrs wor sor made in these olrouviars, ask the man who bought Saturday, then come and see for yourself Only Twelve more days of this Great Sale HURRY ete ercceee