cluding two modern six-room renting for $80.00 per month. ance extended over 3 years. best buys in Prince Rupert. 2nd Avenue & 6th St. Rebullt typewriters or lees. ard makes. We Canadian Typewriter Exchange, Dept. TERMS: consider this Inside : Business : Property Lots 9 and 10, Block 30, Section 1. dwellings ‘valued at $11,000 cash, bal- Price $26,000, The Mack Realty and Insurance Co. look like brand new machines, do equal work, carry same guarantee of one it half Write for complete price tist 12, 319 Pender W., THE DAILY NEWS ———————<—_= = ag in- $5,000; one of the damm Phone 150 making Second Ave., over G. D. Rand's Office. Phone 416 Black ‘Valhalla’”’ of S.H. & E.F. (Scan DIN ANIAN SoctETy) Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the hall at 319 3rd Ave. ‘DEMERS ear and cos of all stand- Vancouver, B.C. We are now showing the very newest in veilings, neckwear and hair ornaments. Our millinery “FROM HOME TO HOME.” display is very attractive and so are our prices. HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. Excellent Cafe. 1142 Pender Street West Moderate Prices, Phone 8500, Vancouver, B.C. Peerless Studio Rooms 19-20-21 Alder Block Cor, 3rd Ave. and 6th St, For marvellous value in photo- graphs see OUR FEBRUARY SPECIALS Little’s NEWS Agency + 1 Magazines :: Periodicals :: Newspapers CIGARS TOBACCOS FRUITS | 2nd Ave. Below Kalen Isiand Club CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Realty - Bargains Section 1, Block 1, Section 1, corner, $1,500 cash. terms. $3,075. SOME GOOD BUYS IN SECTIONS 7 AND 8. C. E. Bainter $3,500; Lot 9, $9,000; $2,000 cash, bal. 5 yrs. Section 1, Block 2, Lots 7-8, Grand View Hotel property, $21,000. Block 18, Lot 3, $21,000; $7,000 cash, bal, 1-2 yrs. Lots 3-4, $3,150; $1,650 cash, bal. 1-2 yrs SNAP. Section 1, Block 7, Lot 56, $7,000; 82,500 cash, bal. Section 2, Block 12, Lots 57-58, double Section 2, Block 2, Lots 2-3, $4,200; Section 2, Block 5, Lots 33-34-35, $41,900 each. Section 2, Block 5, Lot 6, $3,500. Section 2, Block 20, 2nd ave. lot, $2,500; Section 2, Block 19, Lots 13-14, $1,575. Section, 5, Block 24, Section 6, Block 5, Lot 4, 7-room house, Section $- Block 27, Lots 7-8, improvements worth 81,500, good. 1-2-3 yrs. good terms SECTION TWO IMPROVEMENTS. Sealed tenders will be received by E. A Woods, city clerk, up to 4 p. m., Monday, 7th of April, 1913, for the construction of certain plank roads and permanent grading in Section Two, together with an approach road across Morse Creek Plans imay be seen and specifications forms of tender, etc., obtained at the of fice of the city engineer. The council does not bind itself to ac cept the lowest or any_tender. 70-72 W. McG. MASON, City Engineer = as Advertise in The Daily News $6,750; terms B vouched for. i} Toran quality. Tra froirs your buying. through an Canadian Advice regard QV ey (eo eyeolc Be Suspicious E suspicious of that of which nobody is proud. Be suspicious of the mere low- price argument offered in favor of an article with no reputation, no backer, no guarantor. Better buy the thing you know and can trust, than an article unbranded and un- The branded shoe, made by a maker with a reputation, is a safer shoe to buy than the one made in an unknown factory by an unknown maker. The underwear made by a firm whose name is as familiar to you as your own, is worth more to you than underwear nameless or labelled by a maker of whom you have never heard. Tea sealed in a packet bearing the name of a reputable firm is to be pre- ferred to tea of which the packer is not sufficiently proud to advertise its Put your faith in the advertisements ap- pearing in good newspapers. article that cannot stand the spot-light of pub- licity. The commodity an advertiser backs with his own money is something worth your advertising ' advertising agency or the Canton tian Press Association, Room 503 Lumsden L Enquiry involves no obligation on your part— so write, if in- YOO ey illo) oe ie That in vhich much money has been invested to make or keep it good is worth more than that on which nothing or but little has been spent. Peace of mind is worth something, just as quality is. Buy peace of mind. When you buy anything worth while buying, buy that of which you know— from advertisements, or from other dependable acquaintance. Buy the article with the “money back” guar- antee—with the pledge of a known name behind it. Beware of the is available the tng. Tailoring and First Class Dress- | License 7432; i oO Wanted | WOMAN wanted at the Pantorium; experi enced preferred. 7 WANTED-—-A chambermaid at the Bay view Hotel. 67- WANTED—A general servant. Apply Mrs L. W. Patmore. soau For Sale POR SALE Pure bred Scotch collie, about one year old. Enquire W. FE. Williams 72 FOR SALE—Fairbanks-Morse stationary gasoline engine, twelve b.p., high speed, first class shape. Apply P. 0. Box 1509, Prince Rupert. soit For Rent to rent, adjoining; VERY large suitable for comfortable room two, bathroom room off sitting room; reasonable rates 521 Fifth Ave. West 71-74 ROOMS AND BOARD—Albert Block, elec tric light, steam heat. Moderate ore. 2 FURNISHED, unfurnished and furnished ees rooms. Apply Alder Block corner Third Ave. and Sixth St. 64-78 Lost and Found LOST—A_ tweed overcoat with name sewn in inside pocket. Return to News Of fice, 67-u Miscellaneous WE buy Home Purchasing contracts number, issue, series, date, amount in, and your price. Bonns for numbers under tem. The “5% Contract’ Brokers, 33h Pacife Building, Vancouver, B. C 68-7 State paid GOAL NOTICES. District Islands. Lamd District Charlotte that I, Filippo Panvini, of B. C., intend to apply to Commissioner of Lands for a to prospect for coal, oil and pe troleum on the following described lands, on the west coast of Graham Isiand Skeena of Queen Take notice Prince Kupert, the Chief license Commencing @t @ post planted one mile| | south from the southeast corner of Coal | Lease 7432; theneé 80 chains north; thence }50 chains west; thence 80 chains south; = | thence 80 chains east, tw the place of be ginning, comtaining 640 acres. | Located Sth January, 1913. FILIPPO PANVINI Weekly Mar. 3, to Apr. 7 Skeena Land District—District of Queen Charlotte Islands. | Take notice that I, Filippo Panvini, of Prince Rupert, B. C., intend to apply to | the Chief Commissioner of Lands for a |license to prospect for coal, oil and pe- | troleum on the following described lands, ;On the west coast of Graham Island: | Commencing at a post planted one mile ; South from the southeast corner of Coal Lease 7432; thence 80 chains horth; thepce | 80 chains east; thence 80 chains south; } thence 80 chains west, to the piace of be | inning, containing 640 acres. | Located 5th January, 1913. . FILIPPO PANVINI. Weekly Mar. 3 to Apr. 7. | Skeena Land District—District of Queen i Charlotte Islands. Take notice that J, Filippo Panvini, of pvenee Rupert, B. C., intend to apply to ie license to prospect for coal, of] and pe troleum on the following described lands, | On the west coast of Graham Island: Commencin ata St planted one mile south from t sout t corner of Coal thence 80 chains south; thence 80 chains west; thence 80 chains north; thence 80 chains east, to the place of beginning. containing 640 acres. Located 5th LAND LEASE NOTICES. Skeena Land District—Dstrict of Coast, Range V. Take notice that James D. " Vpseeaeee, a ¢. engineer, intends to ap- y for ission to lease the follow) Sraere lands: 7 7 ommencing at @ post planted on the northeast coast of Porcher Island, about 4 quarter of @ mile southeast of the mouth of Humpback Creek, half chain from beach, thence south 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence west 80 chains following shore line to point of commencement, containing 640 acres more or less. JAMES D. PEEBLES. Robert Reid, Agent. Dated 20th January, 1913. Pub. Feb. 40, 1913-—-Apr. 7, 1913. Skeena Land District—District of Coast, Range V. Take notice that Robert Reid, of Van couver, B. C., contractor, intends to ap- ply for rintssion to lease the following described lands: Commencing at @ post planted on the northeast coast of Porcher Island, about 2% miles southeast of mouth of Hump- back Creek amd at the north end of Chis more Passage, half chain from beach, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains following shore line to point of commencement, containing 640 acres more or less, ROBERT REID. Dated 20th January, 1013. Pub. Feb, 20, 1013-——Apr. 7, 1013 Daily News Readers Will comfer a favor by tifying this office of non. delivery of the paper. Un- complaints are lodged of knowing whether not the delivery boys are doing their work Phone your complaints to os. less there is no way or Chief Commissioner of Lands for a) “The News” Classified Ads. ==Qne Cent A Word For Each Insertion== | Ome ~- | splendia view of harbor; also one small) i i ~_——_ ee _—— MEMBER BORDEN - | S$, PREMIER BORDEN |What the Distinguished Gentle-| man Said in Parliament on | Feb. 12, 1910 It has been suggested that in stead of the organization of a Canadian Naval force, there should be a system of annual contributions from this counts to the mother country; and IT an free to admit that, from the stra of view, I be with the view tegical point would jinclined to agree of the Admiralty that this would be the best way for the self gov jerning dominions of the Empire to make their contributions, But, Sir, from a al and political standpoint, I opposed to it, for many reasons iIn the first place, I do be llieve that it would endure. In th second place it would be a soures lof friction. It constitution am not would become lbone of partisan contention I would be subject to eriticism as to the character and the amount of the contributions in both par liaments It would not be per manent or continuous It would onduce, if anything could eon duce, to evering the pre connection between Canada an the Empire. Permanent co-operation in ' fence, in my opinion, can only be accomplished by the use of our own material, the employment of our own people the development and utilization of and resourcefulness, all by the pressing upon the peo our own 8s and above ple a sense of responsibility for their share in international af fair. e« Don'ts by Mr. Will Crooks. Mr. W Crooks; M. P the genial Cockney philosopher of Woolwich, imparted a few useft life rules to a crowd at Whit field's Tabernacle, London They were: Don't argue when you are tired you can't do it, Don't take the workshop home with you. Don't talk trouble before the children. Don't “swank.” Don't think you can't be “done”: you can Don't think you are worse than other people, and don't think you are better; you're not. Don't think you have a constant job; the man in the cemetery has got that. Don't talk of being master in your own house. You might be while you are there, but you have got to go out. Don't get angry; no one cares if you do. Miss Holtby left by vyester-. day's train to attend the bach- elors’ ball to be given by the young men of Hazelton tonight She will be the guest of Mrs, ©. H Sawle. The Daily News has the larg- est circulation in Northern B.C. BRITAIN BUILDING LARGE AIR FLEET War Minister Believes It Will Prove to Be Greatest in the World. London, Mareh 24 The Brit ish minister of war, Lieutenant Colonel Seely, announces that Great Britain will shortly have one of the greatest, if not the greatest, aerial fleets in the world Although both France and Germany far outdistanced Britain during recent years in lithe construction of aeroplanes, Britain has been able to profit by thei and Ww pro poses to build machines speedier experience nm and more stable than any yet in for naval Colonel military hopes in a Seely operation purposes that Br time Will 148 of attaining a speed of ninety hour and of of other machines will but provide tain possess aeroplanes cap ible mil the attacks hese rms repelling air craft used for an be is i it the also navy with purposes in tended to hydroplanes HE SOLD HIS WIFE TO ANOTHER MAN This Occurred in England with Permission of the Court. And A Ls says New York, March i don cable to the Tr The barter for $27,500 was the courts authority of a that of i mm | bune sale of a arranged a the | case} | and wo. |} man by ree here dae ain Marcel us his wife, Helena | both actors J the was named a rhe sel stated that! Morris | 500 dam | anit was brought by Moraud Woodley A. Morr Morrison ‘ respondent cle fended it had been should pay Ragone against Moraud son, inheritor of millions S| Ssuil was un and cour agreed that i Moraud $27 ages Mr addressing Justice Bargrave Deane the jury, said rhe parties have agreed as to The « prepared to p damages -respondent the { satisfied petitioner . to re as I can see biectionable ‘ son practically ian for CANADA ASKS THAT UNITED STATES ACT impatient at Delay Regarding Regulations for Border £5,000 Fisheries. Washington, March 24.—Can- ada is becoming impatient at the of law enacting the delay Congress in into the regulations for government inland fisheries the jomt treaty. John D. Hazen, the Canadian minister of marine and fisheries, accompanied to the White by Ambassador Bryce, the attitude of the administra. tion toward the question with the purpose of ascertaining the prospects of early legislation in the the border water framed by commission created by House discussed Subscribe for the Daily News. Lime at the Westholme DURBAR IN KINEMACOLOR Princes of the Indian Empire Scene from the Durbar in Kinemacolor, to Be Been for the Last Theatre Tonight, Third Ave. Write t The Metzger Vital Battery Co, Roh! Block, Corner of 7th ' tha Calgary s ome POOPPOPOPO D+ + + +SEE, itiee Suits Suits Suits at Demers’ natura OUR STRICTLY Hany TAILORED suit with ings ha com ‘ VN charge f we guara A PERFECT FIT, POOPPOELOOIOLIOD C—O +++ +O bb bbe ENGINEERING Engine s 1 Me ine, coache 1 ation A. FARROW i 4 Ave. E _ oo terce Largest Line of Post Cards in Oty HYDE'S CIGAR STOR Magazines | als = Newspapen CITY MESSENGERS PARCEL DELIVERY Reading and ard tt Phone 326 607 3r¢ in We have 1 sy TIMOTHY GRAIN SEEDS CLOVER POTATO SEEDS ALFALFA GARDEN SEEDS FLOWER SEEDS Mail orders ted PRINCE RUPERT FEED ——= Silversides Bra The up-to-date House Decor tors of Prince Rupert Sign Writing. Paper-Hanging Our Specialties “Ye Olde Reliable” 2nd Street Phone 156 Ont LOTS 19-20 -21-22-8 Block 45, Section 8 $2,100.00 Cash FOR ALL Harrison, Gamble & Compal FINANCIAL AGENTS Prince Rupet ee WHY PAY RENT —- lose A 5 roomed hh Price $1,850 $550 Cash n tbe ‘ ! Balances s G. R. Naden Co, bt jgenuls end Avenue