i —— - EE THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, Daily, 50¢c per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. Weekly $2.00 per year. Aili Other Countries: Daily, $8.00 per year Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance United States and Mexico TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERT!SING—-50 cents per inch. Contract rates on application. HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B.G. Telephone 98 BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St.. New York City. Seattle—Puget Sound News Co London, England—-The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building Trafalgar Square. Subscribers will greaily oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in ease of non-delivery or inattention on the part of The News carriers DAILY EDITION GRR H> S21 urday, March 20, 1948 AUSTRALIA'S NAVY TO been convicted, of using the COME INTO BEING United States mails to defraud, Under the heading “Austra-| Will arouse interest chiefly ma lian Navy's Birth,” we find this sone ge panned ad se on interesting statement in the of fiction, and perhaps her current issue of the United most graceful and cultured Empire: employer of English prose “The present year will see The name of Nathaniel Haw- momentous naval changes in thorne is a household word the Commonwealth. On Jan. wherever the English language i the imperial flagship Drake is spoken, and his son, wh left for England. The Com- has just been committed to monwealth first class dread- jail, is himself a man of more ‘nought cruiser Australia wil! than ordinary~- ability as a replace her as soon as pos- writer. The crime of which sible. The Sydney station wil the court declared Hawthorne not be transferred by the Ad-| and his partners guilty was miralty to the Commonwealth that of promoting mining prop- authorities till July !{ next, erties in the Cobalt district of but in the meantime import- Ontario which they knew to be ant preliminary changes wil! worthless. be made. Admira! Sir George It was a get-rich-quick King-Hali will remain in| schéme in witch Hawthorne is charge of the station till the said to have been engaged, and end of June, when his succes- the wealth. to be shared by the sor will assume control of partners in the project, was t& what will be the basis of a pur- come not out of the Cobalt ely Australian fleet unit. In mines but out of the public of addition to the Australia, the the United States. It is pos- Commonwealth fleet will in- sible that Julian Hawthorne elude the second class cruis- lent himself to such a design ers Sydney and Melbourne In an age when the world Until the third Australian se- honors success without scrut- cond class cruiser Brisbane is inizing the methods by which built tlhe Commonwealth will that success is achieved, it re- have the use of H. M. 8. En- quires strong character to re- eounter, which is to be lent by sist the temptation to engag: the Admiralty. In addition to in practices which are eve these four cruisers, three des- day making one or more lead- troyers of the same type are to built. Then there are a number of submarines due from England. The whole wil! form the nucleus of the Aus- tralian fleet of the future. It is hoped that by July the Aus- tralian station may be com- plete, with the exception of the destroyer section.” Some of these vesselg have ers of the financial world If the convicted men wer: really guilty, for, of. course the verdict of an ordinary jury is not regarded with much re- Hawthorne deserves and he deserves it the more because he had a re- vered name to protect from stain. But, after all, the prison stripes he wil! wear during his spect, sentence, been built in Great Britain.| enforeed retirement from good some in Australia; but they| society might more fittingly --are being assembled in Aus.. become many of the Napoleons tralian waters to form the ba- of finance whose success has sis of a “purely Australian} given them title to be called fleet unit." On July ist the empire builders. Australian fleet, under the di- reetion of an admiral who in turn will be subject to the con- trol of the Commonwealth Go- vernment, will come into be- ing. That is to say, Australie has actually done what Canada is told by its public men that it cannot do; or can only do at the cost of embarking upon a separatist policy which will take Canada out of the Em- pire. The situation ig hum- iliating beyond expression to Canadians. ———— ONE GET. Survivor of Crimea Buried. Prince Albert, Sask., March 26. —Mr. William Ware, one of the last few survivors of the Crimean war, was buried yesterday with military honers. Mr. Ware was a gunner of the Fifth battery Royal Artillery. He was laid to rest at his homestead at Spruce Holme, near here. New World's Balloon Record Paris, March 26th—A new |world’s record for height in a jballoon was made by Rene Rum- -RICH-QUICK |plemayer, who has just eomplet- SCHEME THAT FAILED ed a successful flight fr6m Paris The sentence of imprison-|to a point near Kharkov, Euro- ment pronounced upon Julian! pean Russia. The distance trav- Hawthorne and two others onielled was 2400 kilometres, ap- ~~ EASTER PARADE OF FASHION IN HION Men Ginger Up! Listen ~NEW YORK CITY LAST SUNDAY gy stews that is faunted hv e | Business talk to busl- CHROMATIC BLOUSES OF THE BULGARIANS MAKE THE GO- nese men whe ) THAMITES SIT UP AND TAKE NOTICE "Now this "is a 1 — at _tenien 0 9 New York, March 2i There e best people week end in Tux heal@®. Look here. If still some bickering down Tcha = ! Lance or somewhere els¢ ong BR mee italja way, they say, and Adrian- fand the proletariat whose — athe a ¢ ople is stubborn, but the Bulgar-|« register is the city dire have slipped away |! ans have captured New York./tory own the Easter parade and, ... God first co. a then here + | The Easter parade on Fifth Ave- ssess the avenue utterly from | your hope. DR. ; a a? ee tom jnue revealed to dazzled eyes the| Dr. Pankhurst'’s church | tt ter roln—renews the spring of ecartte j}gorgeousness of the Bulgarian) Vanderbilt mansion Today's — fe at tblouse, the Bulgarian girdle and| parade proved once I hat and ithe Bulgarian ribbon, which is;there is no show like it any- f j me t a ribbon—it's a riot where ; On the word ofa lady wh About { o'clock, when the pat knows, a girl might just as well/ade was in full swing, y ’ have stayed at home and minded| get some notion of the practica the parrot, unless she could dis-| value and commercia! side f tt play, between Madison Square)annua!l show Fror ne RUN- Rohl Block, Corner of Tih Ave. & 3rd St. E and the Plaza. one of those Bul-/dred small towns near and far Calgary garian effects, which look like a/ milliners, shopkeepers, hat de Post impressionist’s sketch of/signers, dressmakers buyers THE SONG OF SONGS. the’ solar spectrum A ray of! and anufacturers wi were is sunlight had no chance whatever inee 4 os the first ¢ pse of the|Ower the roar of the cities with these Bulgarian wrappings.|new styles and the ates Over the hush of the hills It broke into a million pieces be-j effects had come t ake notes.if«e heard a song that neve stops fore it fairly lit. Dressmakers on Wench A vy e that never stills Shades of Tolstoy! Sharp-eved milliners ar iress Epic ud as the sea is, You have seen pictures of Tol-|makers were on the watch for| Ly ow as the dew stoy pottering about his estate lfashion’s new freaks, and they/It sings and sings a so nt a loose blouse, and maybe you/made hasty notes f every ef- things have watched Russian peasants/ fective and striking gow hat | And builds the world anew enter America through the gates|that passed before thei yes. It} Da less deathless, stern b of Castle garden wearing things|might as well be ¢aid right here} kind, Bold ar i fr that looked _ skirts which hadiand now that th Bulgarian ee and strong not been properly tucked in very|blouse and the sash that went|!t sweeps with masterly touct wel That gives you a sort of|with it were not the whole show mans | a ground plan of the Bulgarian|by any means. Take hats: Fids|And rolls the world along blouse that all the girls are crazyi/are little this seas y diets}! m soul to s wings its about this year, but unless you/of color, enough to roof the head work, elbowed in the Easter parade you} There was the cat which is a And lo the darkness flies missed the high ghts of the/tbat its name implies, a boat.-|And all who heed that song of thing ishaped hat with a shaded feath wouee Take a Mujik’s baggy blouse,|jutting out like a mast Phe} View earth with other eyes lor in Pompeiian red, drape ajcanoe is about the newest hat|New eres, new thoughts, tha vellow sash loosely around the/that is shall go of hips, add a shirt so narrow at] But even the canoe was lost| 5ee'me as beauty sings the bottom that no lady can step'sight of when you caught the ; Unt the ght of the farthest more than twelve or fourteen in-jslashes. The slashes are not a dawn ches at a time, and slit at one hat; they are a misdemean Shall fold its rainbow wings beth sides so as to show at feastia slit ing northward fr . — —- —-—--—— $1.50 worth of a #3 pair of silk the hem of the skirt to some- stockings, and you Soin some| where south of the knee and dis 1836 THE GANK OF 1913 idea of the show that crowded | playing considerable hose. It ts spectators four deep against the popular because t looked BritishNorthAmerica house walls of Fifth Avenue side the very thing—black walks and convinced old gentle- Oh, Yes, the Shoes TT Yeas m= Susinees men in club windows that -life All the girls are crazy about Caprrat amo SunPive Over $7 600 000 was worth living after all shoes with e red ps When Proletariat Mas Inning you were not busy wondering x There was a time, generations how far a girl could go with the ago, when the best people stalked|slash and st be a lady y we Bank Money Orders Are solemniy to and from church|watching the blue-topped and Safe And Convenient while the dubs watched reverent. white-topped and gr i 1} y from the side lines. Nowadays and gray-topped shoes If you want to send any sum | up to Fifty Dollars, to any | pointin Canada, Yukon excepted, or to any of the principal cities of the United States, buy a Money Order at any Branch of the Bank of British North America. H.1.C ry ere MEMORANDUM OSCEN EVENINGS UNTIL GQOCLOCK Table Showing the Wonderful Growth of the C-H-I-C in | Less Than Twenty Months 0 Interest at the oO Per Annum $906... .scndeves 2 i944..... A The cost in trifling. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH All Loans Made Bear F. S. LONG, Manager. Rate of DEMAND Roya. REserve 99 made during month of Dec., First Loan made Apri! Loans 500.00 4,000.00 Loans made during month of June, 1912.... 17,000.00 Loans made during month of August, 1912... 22,000.00 WHISKY. Loans made during month of Nov., 1912..... 34,300.00 Loans made during month of Dee., 1912..... 35,100.00 ace YEARS Loans pending and in process of being made at December 31, 1018 oces gees eens , se Bee 68,000.00 G ANTEED BY Loans made and pending December, 1912... . 103,100.00 THe RNMENT December 31, 1912—Loans made and in pro- OF CANADA. SONG. Gb: OONds: . < s'o bo oc rc hak ot 263,100.00 RECOMMENDED FOR See our Representative Tne INVALID The Tne Home Canadian Home Investment Company, Lid. Tne Connoisseur dant Stn tei tas iin Gest Tne Pusuic 2 who nafurally want the best. Ace, Purity ano MELLOWNESS UNSURPASSED. DISTRIBUTORS The Daily News has the larg-| The f paper that prints the facts Prince Rupert Importing Co., Ltd the charge, of which they have | proximately 1492 miles. est circulation in Northern B.C. | —the Daily News. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C, TON Double Weekly Service Stab TO THE SOUTH by the splendid steamer, PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORGE Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver Victor Mondays and Fridays at TU a System cA Mm For Stewart on Thuredays at eA wm For Granby Gay on by ndeye et @A y Steamers Prince John and Prince a Ma sin Weekly Service } 5 \ arlotte lstand : © at Wa i Saturdays at 8 “ Maseet and Neden Harbor a mine oT. ®. RAN way PASSENGER SER Vice x ?, for New Haz : amal Tr k allwa 5 and Unite Stat ; . format General Agent. Agency all Aviat A © Momasres a THE LROQL OIS POOL English a Twelve Tables Sn S. S. PRINCESS MARY Empress Bowing g Ales | Southbound Sunday,Mar.30,6pm.] |) 9 acsys 01 ROOM ; 4. @. MONAB, General Agent | ho. a bent )) * ©. Box 4 yen, terme F vi __, SOENSED AGENTS aie COAL New Wellington Coal. Phone 116 CARTAGE and LINDSAY’ STORAGE G. T. P. Transfer Agents UWION S.5. COMPANY OF B.C.. Lte The Twin Screw Steamer “Venture” Arrives from Vancouver Every MONDAY NIGHT Best on the Rogers & Bad Coast Orders promptly fi« OFFICE H. B. Rochester. Cx Oe wesenate, ome Salle for Port Simpson, Naas River Points and Granby Gay Tuesdays, 8 a. m. Salle for Vancouver WEDNESDAYS, 2 P. m. Rogers Steamship Agency Phone 116 SMITH & TH MALLETT Plumbing, Heat Z eamhtt Sheet Office: 8rd Ave Phone 174 MY WARDROBE 4. LEE, TANLOR Georgetown Sawmill Co. Lid. Lumber Cleaning, Pressing end Repairing Scott Buliding, Next oo Phone Green 390 D. C. STUART Accountant 308 2nd Ave . Poe ° Auditer for the City of Prince Rawt Mouldings PRINCE RUPERT. & C fi e Alex. @. Manson, & A A large stock of dry finish iD umne, 0 ae lumber on hand. ‘Boat ing Delivery lumber a specialty. ma made at short notice. WILLIAMS & NSOS Barristers, Solicitors, Ee Bo: 2% Prince Rupes OF Our prices are as low as any. Call on us before ordering. Meigerson Block P. 0. BOX B@ PRINCE nee — JOHN E. DAVEY EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG. TEACHER OF SINGING Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. ~ St is diet conan, une. aneete HAYNER BROS. emBaLeses —THE - UNDERTAKERS 4» Westholme Lumber Co. — Srd Ave. oer —LIMITED— E. L. FISHER Funeral Director and Em HA t BAS 2nd 6t., cor. 2nd Are OPEN y A” Lumber and Mouldings All Kinds of Building Supplies Firet Avenue Phone 186 Evidently the Boss Isn’t as Lucky as Scoop How Do YOu Like MY DIAMOND, Boss? -Bovent vr wir THE MONEY