9, 1913. THE DAILY NEWS arch saturday M NOTICES vOAl pistrict of , land on ‘ Haze ' that herel ¥ na ‘ ye cond t apply ster date” ; i mmiss i spect ands owing @ . post ’ ' n uy ,. we. mile yt " y unk rigt ‘ ast ¢ ‘ hains gin § - nine mil r a. D. RONSON r. W MeCrady, ted Fel eve w D. I { mar. 24th, 1913 » Feb. 240 be pistrict of , La > « that ‘ al agent ‘sal Appl ys ~ Lands fo f 1 petroleum ’ “ and wilk : A post Loe” ya from the - ay mile y tik 2 sins, west 80 1 Bee ene 4 0 chains salted Lem ntaining 640 mmencement om h. D. RORISON Fr. W Mecrady, Fel iv pated t : rel gith, 191 Mar, 24th, ik . ’ - La District —Distriet of eca - Hazelton heret given that ipa nancial agent, jal end w apply © ommmissione Lands for “y i 1) and petroleum over 4 crmine de bed lands - i i 4 post —— i K mile post hers ‘ west 80 8 7 4 4 chains fullit niaining 640 ‘hem A. D. RORISON Fr. W. MeCrady, ated Feb vi gC Dp. BR ub. Feb. 24 Mar. 24th, 1013 ala District—-District of Hazellon y given that I, t pa nancial agent, alter Gate end Ww apply wll i Lands for spect { i] and petroleum over ow pe ae bed lands Miswel é at 4 post srand Trunk mile post e soul 6 ns, east 80 » 8 ains, west 80 Chains to place cupupeucel Hiaining 640 a hk. D. RORISON Fr. W. MeCrady, ed Feb. Sth, 1013 w. C b. A ub. Feb. 24th, 1913-—Mar, 24th, mineca Land District—District of Hazelton ‘ jas lend Ww apply ill. ut . Lends for ibed lands 4 pust bains, west 80 ast 50 chains K. D. RORIBON Fr. W. MeCrady, Agent fed Feb. Sih, i¥t3 b. Feb. 24th, 1013-——Mar, 24th, peca Land District hazellol given that 1, 4 ‘ Liehciaé @geul, alte la hiend Ww apply . Lands tor % 4| and petroleum over i wile di ibed jands t ‘ at 4 post ud Trunk mile post es ‘ hains, east 80 8 4 west 80 chains Midd ben containing G64 KK. D. HORISON t. W. MeCrady, Agent ree. oth, 1919 m. Feb. 24th, 1013-——Mar, 24th, 1013 4s Land District—District of Hazellon eby given that 1, ioancial agent, end Ww apply { Lands for ribed lands al 4 pust of @ simall 8 chains, West 80 less ted Feb. Sw, gE. L.A ». Feb. 24th, 1013-——Mar, 24th, muneca Land District—District of Hazelton ce is after sale intend to apply MuMissioner of Lands for re ‘ spect for al and petroleum ove; foliow ng d . eocribe abeDcing - y .. lands. te corner of o Small Grand vraid = = Trunk §6=6 mile = post 2 ; bor chains, west 80 5) chains, east 80 chains to rv VMUREDCEMeE DL OY leas KK. D, RORIBON, oe t. W. MeCrady, Agent, feb. Sth, seis D. Ki D. Feb. 24in, 1943 Mar, 24th, Minecg Hazelton, Lice . is reby given that 1, vevon linaneial agent, » Guar dale intend to apply “Missioner of Lands for Prospect folbe, * ©o@l and petroleum over WL aliie Le i. moses mee lands the ing at 4 post rher of a small e itd “Trunk =mile post Db 80 cb Chains, Cast 80 romney - * West 50 chains to place “eol, containing 640 acres K. D. RORISON, led Feb t Sy; Mecrady, Agent. ? ieee W DR WD. Fei ‘ “th, 1013-—Mar, 4th, 10418 taaiy son Te * Land Distriet—Diseriet of ties Hazelton. , “bY given that 1 ft veel Thaneial agent, i 4 ‘tend to apply ; *r of Lands for > “| and petroleum ove: Miven ‘bed lands te ‘ ; al a post set : of 4 small _ oe mile = post > « be D408, Cast BO ¢ Tithe “) Weas 30 chains “OL Containing 640 K. D. RORISON ak F. W. “MeCrady, Age w vis - x K Fet “*th, 1019-—Mar, gaan, 1048 fa oe 4 D1 ‘slands Land District Bee posi ' of Skeena, le, Wa thas LR. ¢ Goodale, nd ‘ply one occupation attorney, ul andy " 4 license to Prospec| a tla OU Over the following MUL thie eas: , oon * post planted 2 Bouin { Section 5%, Township 7, De, thence “ins, thence 86 a A 1913 dled Jan . WD. Pep ford, + #4, Mar, g, 10, 17, a4, given that |, ‘Rh inaaciai agent, 11 and petroleum ove: sus thie post iiuining 640 acres Astrict of COAL NOTICRS Umineca Land 0b Dist lowing deseribed jana Commencing at «a east bank of Por more or less hk. D, RORISON Fr. W. MeCrady, Agent Dated Jan. 22nd, 1913 dK 5. EB. C Pub. Feb. 21, 1913——-Mar. 31, 10413 Omineca Land District-—District of Hazelton lowing described lands more or less RK. D. RORISON PF. W. MeCrady, Agent Dated Jan. 22nd, 191% A. DLR N » Pub. Feb, 21, 1913-——-Mar. 31, 1913 Omineca Land District—District of Hazelton. Notice is hereby given that I, KR. D. Rori Commissionerof Lands for license to pros pect for coal and petroleum over the fol lowing described lands RK. D. RORISON Fr. W. MeCrady, Agent Dated Jan. 22nd, 19183 N. E. C KR. D. BR Pub. Feb. 21, 1913-——-Mar. 31, 1013 Cmineca Land District-—District of Hazellon RK. D. RORISON Fr. W. MeCrady, Agent Dated Feb. Sth, 1913 5. W. Cc Have Notice is hereby give that ADR #On, OCCUPAtioN Anancial agent ovr after date intend . a” nr sys Commissionerol Lands for. live . aw pect for coal and ; eum over the | | planted on the iniies south from G. T. P, mile post 192 thence horth 80 chains, west 80 cheins south 80 chains, east 80 chains to plac “ of commencement, containing 640 acres Notice is hereby given that I, BR. D. Rori son, occupation Nnancial agemt, 60 days after date intends Ww apply w the Chief Commissionerof Lands for license wo pros pect for coal and petroleum over the fol Commencing 4t & post planted on the east bank of Porcupine Creek about one miles south from G. T. P. mile post 132, thence south 80 chains, east 80 chains, north 80 chains, wesi 60 chains to place of commencement, containing 640 acres son, occupation financial agent, 60 days after date intends to apply to the Chief Commencing at @ post planted on the east bank of Porcupine Creek about one miles south from G. T. P. mile post 132 thence south 80 chains, west 60 chains, north 80 chains, east 80 chains Ww place of commencement, containing 640 acres more or less Notice is hereby given that I, R. D Rorison, occupation fmancial agent, days after date intend to apply to the Chief Commissioner of Lands for license to prospect for coal and petroleum over the following described lands Commencing at & post planted hear an old construction camp, mile post 135 thence north 8° chains, east 80 chains, south 80 chains, west 80 chains to place of commencement, contaiming 640 acres more or less. AK. D. RK Pub, Feb. 24th, 1013-——Mar. 24th, 1913 Horison, Chief 4) and petroleum over south of lrunk mile post Sails, east 80 Chains to p mMuneDCEuent, containing 640 acres Kh, D. RORISON, Gmineca Land District—District of Hazelton. Notice is hereby given that I, KR. D RK. D. RORISON Fr. W. MeCrady, Agent Dated Feb. Sth, 1913. 5. E. C, kK. D. RK Pub. Feb. 24th, 1913-—-Mar. 24th, 1915 occupation fmancial agent, 60 days efter date intend to apply to the vommissioner of Lands for license to prospect for coal amd petroleum over the following described lands Commencing at @ post planted bear an old construction camp, Mile post 135, thence north 80 chains, west 50 chains 80 chains, east 80 chains to place commencement, containing 640 acres more or less. t. W. MeCrady, Agent. ivi3 blo Drospect the foll Commencing at & post planted near an old construction camp, mile en 13! thence south 80 chains, east 50 north 80 chains, hereby given that 1, yalon linancial agent, st planted ‘ containing 640 acres Rorison, occupation nancial days after date intend to apply to Chief Commissioner * Lands for to rospect for coa the rollpwing described lands Commencing at @ post planted near an old construction camp, mile post thence south 80 chains, west 50 chains, north 80 chains, east 80 chains to place of commencement, containing more or less. Laid Distriet—District of Omineca Land District-—District of Hazelton. ne described lands R. D. RORISON Fr. W. MeCrady, Agent. Dated Feb. Sth, 1913. Pub. Feb, 94th, 1913—Mar, 24th, 1943 ———_————————— Gmineca Land District—District of Hazelton. . -t Notice is hereby given tha alta p th R. D. RORISON ’ W. MeCrady, Agent, Dated Feb. Sth, 1013. N. B.C . dD, RK, Pub. Feb, 24th, 1019-——-Mar, @4th, 1919 . scribed lands the following described ‘post planted | about 500 yards from the Grand north 80 chains, west 80 chains of commencement, containing 640 more or less, about 500 Chaing oh 80 chains, ’ Pont of commencement SOODALE, Locator, E. Jessup, Agent Omineca Land District—District of Hazelton Notice is hereby given that I, Lands for licetis to prospect for coal ang petroleum Commencing al a Trunk right-of-way, mile 137! thence south 80 chains, RK. D. RORISON Fr. W. McCrady, Agent Dated Feb. Sth, 1918 N. W. C K Omineca Land Distriet— District of Hazelton Notice is hereby given that 1, K Rorison, ocoupation financial agent, Chief Commissioner of Lands for to prospect for coal and petroleum the following deseribed lands Commencing at a post Trunk right-of-way, thence south 80 chains, west 8° north 80 chains, east 80 chains or | ; more or less BR. D. RORISON W. MeCrady, Agent F. R ¢ ye Sth, 1015. P Notice is hereby given that I, KR. D Rorison, occupation financial agent, 60 days after date intend to apply to tl Chief Commissioner of Lands for license for coal and petroleum over chains, west 80 chains to place of commencement, containing 640 acres more or less. license and petroleum over 13%, : nt, | og cupetioe to