a THE DAILY NEWS THIRD AVENUE Price $26,000, in- dwellings valued at 65.000: TERMS: 811,000 cash, bal- We consider this one of the Lots 9 and 10, Block 30. Section 1! cluding two modern six-room renting for $80.00 per month ance extended over 3 years best buys in Prince Rupert The Mack Realty and Insurance Co. 2nd Avenue & Sth St Phone 150 ‘Uaderwoed $55 ) Rebullt typewriters toot fike brand new machines, do wal work, carry seme guarantee of one year and cost half or tess. Write for complete price fist of all stand- ard makes. BC Comedian Typewriter Exchange. Dept. — 2, 319 Pender © Vancouver, To those who must buy wedding gifts for spring brides our ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE will prove a real boon. This Catalogue illustrates and our se- lect stock of Diamonds, Jewellery, Watches, Silverware, Cut Glass, Cutlery, Leather Go Art Goods and Novelties It will be sent to your address free. We are the largest importers of DIAMONDS in Canada. We are the largest manufacturers of SILVERWARE IN Canada We guar- antee all goods, ship all orders prepaid at our own risk and refund money when goods are not satisfactory. Write for this Catalogue and save money on your purchases Henry Birks G Sons, Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director describes rds VANCOUVER, B.C. The old folks are never lonesome—they always have company when re’s an Edison Phonograph For them and the young folks, the scope of the new Blue Amberol Records includes everything, from old time favorites to present day tunes—popular and classical. The real fun and enjoyment afforded by an Edison Phono- graph is unequalled by any other instrument made. A call on your Edison dealer will convince you. Thomas A. Edison, Inc., 100 Lakeside Ave., Orange, N. J., U.S. A. A complete line of Edison Phonographs and Records will be found at HAYNER BROS. - 3rd Ave. and 6th St Tailoring and First Class Dress- = Bee ~~ Rand Second Ave., over C. D. Rand's wanreD—A chambermaid st the Bay Office riew Hotel 67-u Apply Mrs WANTED—A general servant soau Phone 416 Black L Ww. Pe “Valhalla” of S.H. & E.F. (Scanpenamtan SocreTy Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at ® p.m. in the ball at 319 3rd Ave. For Sale about ams FOR SALE Pure bred Scotch collie me year old. Enquire W. BE. W Tau DEMERS s.r sore os gasoline engine, twelve bp.. high speed, , Orst class shape. Apply | Box 1509, We are now showing the very) prince Rupert ” soit newest in veilings, neckwear and hair ornaments Our millinery} display is very attractive and so| For Rent are our prices. (FOR RENT—6-room house, modern im . provements. furnished, #45 Pau P eerless Studio an ‘s j }FOR RENT—Excelient modern fat ab ; ; or office . bree room cx Rooms 19-20-21 Alder Block | ae a en Se Sah ' =r . 3 a Ss cluding bath, $20 mo also several fu : Cor. srd Ave. and 6th St. ~~ BA? ae Oanes For marvellous value in photo-| next our own, looking down 2nd street very cheap to right party H. F. McRae graphs see a fo 74-75 OUR FEBRUARY SPECIALS VERY large comfortable m to rent, suitable for two, bat mm sdjoining; oe splendid view of harbor; also one small room off sitting room; reasonable rates Little’ NEWS 521 Pitth Ave. West 71-74 $ ency FURNISHED, unfurnished snd furnished housekeeping rooms Aopty Alder Block Magazines :: Periodicals :: Newspapers corner Third Ave. and CIGARS :: TOBACCOS :: FRUITS 2nd Ave. Belew Kaien isiand Ciub Lost and Found LOST—A tweed overcoat with name sewn | ; i | i | in inside pocket. Return tw News /f- fice. 7-0 Daily News Readers ~ a SS SS SSS Miscellaneous _ Will confer a favor by no- tifying this office of State | non- WE buy Home Purchasing contracts “The News” Classified — =(Qne Cent A Word For Each Insertion== a? AT THE CHURCHES. St. Peter's Church, Seal Cove. Sunday Evening service 30 o'clock every at 7 Baptist Services The Crisis of the World—th: Opportunity of the Church” w be the subject of Rev. Warren H MeLe« tomorrow ev ening Morning {i am. and Bible 10) p.m Strangers cordially invited in the MelIntyrs Avenue, Sixth d‘s sermon at 7.30 o'clock at at 2 visitors worship School and All He services held Third near Str Presbyterian Services. and the Arch-Slan- be Rev. F. W. Kerr's row evening the atre This the Slander derer will top : aerr Empress rr in The is ifirst in a series of four sermons Mr. Kerr will give in interpreting the Book of Job An afterno meeting for single men only will be held in the Presbyterian Hall from 2 to 2:45 At this meeting }Mr. Kerr will speak to young imen on “Two Social Iroblems and What We Are Going to Do About Them Morning service is held in the Presbyterian Hal jat 11 o'clock. Methodist Church Services. Beginning tomorrow morning the Rev. Mr. Sing will conduct a series of New Testament Bible The of the on bring studies members congregat will please number, issue, series, date, amount | their Bibles. King James Versior > q I : m, and your price. Bonus for numbers delivery of the paper. Un- | under ten. The “$% Contract" Brokers,| Morning service at 141 o'clock less complaints are lodged 3) ¢3'3, Pscife Building, Vancouver, B. C This series will occupy the month there is no way of knowing |of Apr and being a connected ; MATRIMONIAL AGENCY of highest char-| .1dy no service should be missed whether or not the delivery acter; strictly private, up-to-date, de 4 , . d _ ‘ pendabie seventh successful year. if) Al the evening service 7:30 boys are doing their work Wishing to marry, investigate our plan d re a Ph. ? ‘ t is different. Literature and full) 0 CiOCK, the subject will De me ne your complaints to information 10¢ Ideal Introduction no . ies ~ onic - - i Gun boa 3996. Vancouver, BL inl? Important Ethical and § log 98 ical Lessons from the Inaugura i r 1of the President of the United | ’ . ' ° of the of States of America Everyone Corporation welcome. COAL NOTIOES. Prince Rupert _—_— LAST CALL. Skeena Land District—District of Queen Take notice that: i) The Charlotte Islands f il of the Municipal Corpor- We have a lot of gouds that Take notice that I, Filippo Panvims, %r at 1 of the City of Prince Rupert|can't be moved very well We priate Se Ss Se tones ter 7 intends to construct the grading| will sell them at what we can get jcemse to pi & for coal, oil and pe-jof Fulton Street from the south-|Monday, March 31. Hart's 74 troleum om the followimg described lands,’ om the west coast of Graham Island ern boundary of Section One to ———— oy ge ay mile/the north side of Eighth Avenue, N. Scheinman, of the Acme Lease 74323; thence 80 chains north; thence; including the necessary retain-| Clothing Co., returned this morn- loans 80 a in te the Dine ae ing walls and the coating of theling from a hurried busines trip ones, Se tee 640 — middle thirty-six feet in width/to Vancouver. Hiureo panvini. | with broken stone for a depth of a hia itil Weekly Mar. 3, to Apr. 7. I at hal . on | six ont he : es oon se Household Hints. ment, and intends to specially : Mothers who want the chil- Skeena Land District—District of Queen assess a part of the cost upon the Chastette stands land abutting directly on the} Take poses ob pune Pesvial. of work Prince rt, B. C.. intend to 0 teal i tne Chief Commissioner of Lands’ ter ‘s 2) The estimated cost of the} license to prospect for coal, ol) and pe-\ work js $25.660.00. of which troleum on the following described ilands,, om the west coast of Graham Island Commenc at & post planted one mile south from southeast corner of Coal Lease 7432; thence 80 chains north; thence 80 chains east; thence 80 chains south; thence 80 chains west, to the piace of be ginning, comtaining 640 acres. 214,190.00 is to be paid by the Corporation, and the estimated special rate per foot frontage is | $9.71197 The special ment is to be paid in forty annual assess. Located Sth ee PPO PANVINI instalments. Weekly Mar. 3 tw Apr. 7 | » _ > | (3) Persons desiring to peti- ition against undertaking the Skeena Land District—District of Queen | work must do so on or before Charlotte Isiands the 29th day of April, 1913 Take notice that I, Filippo Panvini, of Dated this 29th day of March, Prince Rupert, B. CC, intend w appl the Chief Commissioner ‘of Lands tor ‘6 1913. license to prospect for coal, off and pe- 74 ERNEST A. WOODS, troleum on the following described lands, om the west coast of Graham Island: Commencing 41 4 post planted one mile south from the southeast corner of Coal License 7432; thence 80 clains south, 80 chains west; thence 80 chains horth; thence 80 chains east, to the place of beginning, containing 640 secres. Located 5th January, 1913. . PILIPPO PANVINI Weekly Mar. 3 to Apr. 7. Clerk Prince R:.nert Take notice that; i The Council of the Municipal Corpor- ation of the City of Prinee Rupert jintends to eonstruet the grading; ‘ Tobe notieg thet James D. Peebles, of Of Sixth Avenue from the east ancou 4. C., engineer, intends to &P- | side of Taylor 8 . h aa rmission to : ; aylor Street to the west E lease the following | Commencing at & post planted on ae| ut of Fulton Street, including northeast coast of Porcher Island, abour|'he coating of the middle sixty oe Homakeck “teeae eae “= mouth | feet in width with broken stone beach, thence south 80 chains, thence cant} fOr a depth of six inches. as a wees 06 chains feintan ENA. teases | Local Improvement and intends point of commencement, containing 640\10 specially assess a part of the res ey ee Se es seenkes cost upon the land abutting di- rectly on the work. Dated 26th Jan > oi — wary, ; a Pub. Feb. 10, 118—Apr. 7, 1943. 2) The estimated cost of the iwork is $35,810.00, of which 8$1,. 1692.00 is to be paid by the Cor- poration, and the estimated spe- cial rate per foot frontage LAND LEASE NOTICES. Skeena Land District—Dstrict of Coast, Range V. WATER NOTICE. 1s} -\of Water Rights, A Victoria’ B. en Parliament $27.29421. The special assess-| ment is to be paid in forty annual instalments. | For @ License to Take and Use Water. — | Notice is hereby given that Jock Scones, | } Of Kitsumkalum Lake, B. C., will apply for @ license © take and use 150 miners inches of water out of Hall Creek, which flows in @ Westerly direction through! 3) Persons desiring to peti- Lots 1432 and 1521, Range V. , } triet, and empties into Kitsunikalum pis} tion against undertaking | water will be diverted at a point shous’ work must do so on or before the |mile up from the mouth and will be osed | 20th day of April, 1943 } | ; i the} near southwest corner of Lot 1432 | for | irfigation purpc ) 4 de-| ‘ scribed as southerly portion of von ise | Dated this 20th day of March | Range V, Coast District ‘14943 | This notice was posted on the ground oo PNP on the 5th day of March, 1613. The , 19a ERNEST A. WOODS, 4 Meation will be Mied in the ofnece of the | ater Recorder at Prince Rupert Objections may be Mied with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptrolier Bulidings, | | ook rownan, sooticem | SUBSCRIBE FOR THE NEWS Mar. 3 to 24. Clerk. Corporation of the City of idren’s feet to grow naturally and be comfortable should buy the ‘Classic’ Shoe. Scott, Froud & Co.'s Shoe Sale ends Saturday 73-74 “ Seventh Ave. Section 6, Block 27, Lots 9 & 10. | $7000 the Pair $2,000 cash, balance 6-12-18-24-30 }| months. ) These lots are improved are enough below grade to good basement They give « Lots 23-24, Block 16, Section & $950 the pair, $350 cash, ance 6-12-18 These lots are about street and clear Owing w the ground ip the rear mand a magnificent upper harbor obstructed bal- lank road, perfectly level on a grade, the these lots com formation of view of the This view cannot be This is a snap List your property with us Law-Butler Co. Third Ave. Notice to the Public On and After April 1st ALL ORDERS FOR COAL MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY THE CASH. Rogers & Black Union Transfer Co Westholme Lumber Co Lindsay's Cartage & age Moore Bros Pacific Transfer Co Couture Bros. Pony Express Blor. = _— ’ ot ass FOC CCC Cette c5s, + Pee. en EES FAREWELL DANCE in Monor of One of Prince Ru- ae pert’s Popular Young Ladies. ort Edw ( \ umber of friends of Miss ee Balif arranged ai delighif dance as a farewe!l m the PRINCE RUPERT'5 in R un Catholic Hall last ever TRIAL ANNEX ne rhe guest of honor wore a The taunes st becoming gown of pink the Devenenaa™ leaves satin and silver squins and car Port Edward » * SD fe ried a shower bouquet of red and o'clock ret A Gay ae white rosvs. The hall was gaily e’elock wenieg a jecorated with flags and stream- « and the floor in excellent cor OOOO OO OOO CO one es Mr. Gottstein at the ; ee 1 lis irsed most inspiring i - The program ! is ee eecccncceccteyy es and three extras consisted tee ely of waltzes and two-steps S ° . ‘ ume to an end all too s uits Suits Suits ‘ oa.m Among the invited guests were Mr. and Mrs. Stan at Demers’ Lucas Mr. and Mrs. J. M Christie, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pills , bury Dr and Mrs. Tremayne Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Ward, M and Mre. R. L. MeIntosh. Mr. and w iMrs. Angus Stewart Mr and i i" . ambie, 3 sdge a a ure. OUR STRICTLY Hany Mrs Hugh Dunn Mrs Harry TAILORED SUIT Pearsa Mr and Mrs. Clarke witl Durant. Mr. and Mrs. Broadhurst gs Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Morris, Mrs Lamont, Mr. and Mrs. F. 8. Cle cha | ments Mise Thomps Miss|$ & A PERFECT Fiz | Milligan ss Johnstor Miss | Sonees | Grant, Miss Mercer, Miss Wart woesorocosoorcooocosccceseal | Miss MacDonald, Miss Elictt, Miss)“ = Du Vernet Messrs News be Miller. Marshall, Pettigrew, T . ENGINEERING Crew, Gamble, Wart Harris Ene Agnew Baer Wilson, Cla Nu Crippen, B Durant Walla , Bodwell and Ha Miss Elizale th} a Balfour, who for the past year Lag has been a resident f Pr ce} Rupert, leaves tomorrow eveniag ll] "== m the Princess Mary, e1 ste to | her home in Hamilton, Ontar # Largest Line of Post Cards & ony HYDE’S CIGAR STORE Magazines LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. | 8 agen | CITY MESSENGERS al Shepard superintendent PARCEL DELIVERY for Foley, Welch & Stewart, re-| Reading turnec s morning from sg ned this r ni nah » ane —_— ried trip to Van ver and left! ; mmediately for the interior i Sale Ends Today. | rin on the footwear bareains| NEW OLOCK OF get in on the footwear bargains at «=Seott, Froud & Co.'s Great] sh Sa Price f entire st | om e Sale rices f entire Stock) wwe. hay, . greativ reduced 74 i * male George H Collins general TIMOTHY GRAIN SEER . ' anage f the Atlin Construc-| CLOVER POTATO SEEM n Co., returned to the city this) gauparea GARDEN SEEDS morning after spending a couple noraing afler spending & cous FLOWER SEEDS of weeks in the lower coast cities Mrs. Fred R. Hunt and son, ac-| Mail ord: a ympanied by her mother, ar- rived on the Prince Rupert this|PRINCE RUPERT FEED @ morning from Vancouver and are guests at the home of Mr. and —= Mrs. G. A. MeNicholl They wil return south on Monday Tenders Wanted Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to and including April 10th, 1913, for the supply- ing of material and labor, or labor only, for the whole or any part of the following work at New Hazel- Silversides Bros The up-to-date House Deconm tors of Prince Rupert Sign Writing. Paper-Hanging Our Specialties ton: Building 18 ft. plank roadway “Ye Olde Reliable on the following streets: South 156 Grew Railway Ave. from the depot to | 2nd Street Puene Templeman St.. Templeman St.,) et from South Railway Ave. to Tenth} win sha bose i's tes Lot 12, Block § man St. to Pugsley St.. a distance ion ] of 3,628 ft.. and containing ap- proximately 300,000 ft ae? lumber. Laying sidewalks on the fol- lowing South Railway Ave. from the depot to Temple- man St.; Templeman St from South Railway Ave. to Tenth Ave.;| () Ninth Ave. from Templeman &St./ to the railwa; crossing; Tenth} 9 : Ave. from Templeman to Field-| ing; a total distance of 4.844 ft.,| and containing approximately | ; 100,000 ft. . M. lumber ‘Harrison, Gamble & Compall Grading the following streets i FINANCIAL AGENTS streets: South Railway Ave. from Ninth to Pugsiey St.. Pugsiey St from { Ninth Ave, to Sixth Ave., a total | Third Ave. Prince Rupe distance of 1,935 ft | Also clearing South Railway | eee Ave. from the depot to Temple man St ; Tenders for building roadway | jand sidewalks to state price per) Sede] feet B. M. The price to} To Rent jtaking out stumps and grading 95% |knolls where necessary, and put : th jting in sufficient log supports to jkeep the work up to grade line | Tenders for the grading to be | ! are for the whole grading work men-}, j tioned eomplete Specifications may be obtained from D. MeLeod, Foley, Welch & = Stewart offices, New Hazelton, or|- ' from the undersigned The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Lo Tenders to be marked “Tenders k N d Co. , ’ for New Hazelton a. ° a en Work.” 74.78.81 agents | HARVEY & McKINNON, | ad Avenue New Hazelton. |