THE DAILY NEWS Ml - ——_—_-_— — ——— — | 4 , itn nati ' BAYLEY STILL HOLDS a= — = DEPARTMENT TO AID grvveer-eeeernen, THE CHAMPIONSHIP FARMERS OF PROVINCE | “Th N dl ified - ort rd i _—— S Ward | Donald Martin Left This Morn- Receives Decision Over Reilly in. e ews” ass ° sett yy ey of —— | ing to Sjoourn at New Fifteen Round Bout at —— u communane ete eee Westminster. Steveston. i E CE RUPERT's INDUS. | og a ' : seth branel f tt Lheaate ANNEX Constable Bayley left this; Vancouver, March 31.—On Hat-| Gees or or = ae ‘Cal ~" t De. cael ‘ ~ The tauncr 1 morning on the Prince Rupert,|urday evening at Steveston | Br - ota * Se oe _ the Go akin Dixie” leaves | : having in charge Donald Martin, Bayley successfully defended the| \e ; : a ‘ ; tome nae ot : Port Edward CMe slip top A sentenced by Magistrate Carss/title to the lightweight cham- —~ & = sires aod a a ae Ptlek. cea’. ae about a week ago to serve five|pionship of Canada in a fifteer seer TE ee a the prov ot teal te cond -_ o'clock. ‘urning a 65 ; months at New Westminster onjround contest against Char! MRS. E. A. HEAD Ww ° te oN oa. , zai tulle ¥ be sold on the f Seccee ore , a charge of vagrancy | Reilly of San Franciseo. Bayleys | valtoring and First Class Dress- anted { Business Chances i a _ One nied a : eee ttt ia inability to put over the slumber | making i ving term : , 7 > por ha« price whe! yull es «de el a MAGISTRATE GAVE WARNING punch when he had the OPP ; cond Ave., over © D Rand's WANTED First class dish washe at tt } : > Er » ¢ y itunity to do so was the subject of ntrat Hotel 75-78 RT GEORGE, the new pay roll ty ira a ‘ A aan ye ' i acht Office nes for business and professions at bul ia delivered . POC C+ Co 54, Foreman of Blasting Operations much comment during the teh Phone 446 Blac WANTED—A chambermaia at the Bay ies’ i is t ty rs { tt iThere was no doubt at any aone , acs ae 7-4 bricklaye brickyard . es wo see ; . . 7” Told to Exercise Every Care. , view Hotel ¢ yards sas sh and ad i 1 ; N Suits Suits S its se | Seibedintianniin jas to the outcome Jayviey eas . s : kind i nese oan In e de ed ul ‘ ” WANTED—A general servant. Apply “re ; n ad rs ill be . ' : / or if } The adjourned case against|gained a long lead, but he failed Valhalla” of S.H. & E.F. L. W. Patmore soa ext fot oo Dy cose rewe : ” ae b hom EY Mr. Bloomquist, foreman for » deliver the slumber punch. — (Scan DIN ANIAN SOCIETY mn . hae fGen golpotad™ =i mail a Soe ’ i ‘ . } at Demers’ , Archie McDougall, charged with|the preliminary Weeks got the “ pay roll entre and tbe location of matt ! ses : ’ : ; . assenger vis . ’ le inals here : the ¢ ’ sf ’ } ‘a! careless blasting, came up before | decision over Cyclone Scott in six) orca, tardies all a0 O00 te Ave ” For Sale Snopes und Manurectarine plants. Wil urged at the ra ! j l et Magistrate Carss this morning.jrounds . There were over 2,000 a ’ : $ — pina a aisd te at Glee sete eee ae It appeared from the evidence|people saw that fight be the distributing point and centre Agrict w pay & trans iy . OR $ > < e, about e hundre lilion acres of rich agri-|, ‘ rges, so that that there were indications of eS a DEMERS — : a ae a een w. E. W come ult al ener mineral and coal lands : , harg z , ‘ z : slight carelessness but no pen-| J. R. Stirret, who has charge 7a Bog Rh a eli = +. - _ | and eace er distric me th ae the : ay , alty was imposed, Mr. Bloomquist|of the cement construction at the We are now «h iz the ry POR SALE—Pairbanks-Morse stationary sand ‘ f navigable waterways of c being warned to exercise greater|G. T. P. dry dock, left last night anes te valida silent cad gesoline a, twelve b.p.. bigs speed, wh : ven st amb ats re or ady ply branch at the points whe the is HAND ‘ . : : € 1£S, Hee ear ane rst class shape. Apply yx 1509, paw. nd cheap ¢ as : ses 4 rchasec ! care in future. on a short visit to Seattle hair ornaments Our millinery| Prince Rupert sof soit Ecopital public tall, waterworks snd alll" Ba al per ams will be sold ae Cie Z nveniences housands <« ns ’ ' ' ‘ display is very attractive and so ' nm = now . ae = a y ¢ eanithe sa ndit ne as Dulis x : are our prices. se are | ae . ne s pel ne - ; Don ’ ; ' the al . he 1 , fon * zi mi Pai For Rent ee. EE Se, Sree Best nee ee ueanes tha Bra Ltd. (Joint Owners and Sole Agents for} ‘* qua! ps) : 2 charg r eorge nsite ; Moser ’ ” ae al at P ] St di RY ‘ h . 5 oe wee : AR ‘ : Centra pay ' : . Sue A PERFECT Fit ] eer ess u @) FOR RENT Exce lient modern fat above ay 1 Ag fress e ‘ = 7 an ver | deviv and the second pa Detiueesoncoce oMce, $25 « Three room cot om 624 Van ver Blo ancouver i ' { ‘ ‘ OOOPEEPEPPO + CC eg Rooms 19-20-21 Alder Block tage, rear of om . t nished ond B. ¢ 75 -8¢ ae year { mal da | ye Cor. 3rd Ave. and 6th St ; a 7 cabi #20 a ee Om oe & oS aoe vor. . e. ) : nishe« pins, sae eal on = ; —— THIRD AVENUE Sie newell : : next our wa looking ¢ wn 2n ‘ DIED AT THE HOSPITAL which a bull shall belong sha E * or narveiious vaiue in moto. very cheap t igh rty HF McR > the i th / Lots 9 and 10, Block 30. Section 1. Price $26,000, in- caiaih: bee I were ne ap right pa od ene | FE ade rf . 4 { ' NGINEERING cluding two modern six-room dwellings valued at were OUR FEBRUARY SPECIALS FURNISHED, unfurnished and furnished James Reid, a Graham Isiand| . ‘ hes ting ca i: Eng »* Ma : 7 . . TT yal_ housekeep 00) e o« . . . < 5 renting for $80.00 per month. TERMS: $11,000 cash, bal “at te te ee ee ce Ga Rancher, Died Yesterday aeonned ot ih she ‘ ance extended over 3 years. We consider this one of the Morning eae awe r ' . hb e selection ! : best buys in Prince Rupert. Little’s NEWS Ag o~ i ream | sy : = . ; bree shouls ee give Ve t Th M k R ency Lost and Found James Reid, a Graham Islar aref nsideratior und the| _ F cher diec at the ieneral : e ac ealty and Insurance Co. Magazines :: Periodicals :: Newspapers L . oa - ne = pt - > = ; ibers should have ia 2nd Avenue & Sth St. Phone 150 2 . hapten oo a ae anent policy No progress { CIGARS TOBACCOS FRUITS LOST—A tweed overcoat with name sewn hour on Sunday mor n ng after a ean be made by a@ periodic Chang. | ¢*tteeeeoooooocroccoccccocosossen | 2nd Ave. Below Kaien Isiand Ciub — — _ = eo ‘ete i ais ft De re and neg from breed to al he Largest Line of Post Cards in oly % reart trouble leceaser was a 7 Rec sition for an shal , - : ¢ if ; j iu j native of Belfas Ireland and ‘ . ‘ De was 68 years f age The re- 2. ose A oe lepar i ‘| HYDE'S CIGAR STORE supplied b e depa dj mains are at Hayner Bros un-|. a i by the preside Magazines dertaking pat s, whence the ‘od directors a 1 six add . funeral will take place tomorrow] alii ‘oper a ‘ CITY MESSENGERS aft ae : hia CU , PARCEL DELIVERY - tute i ne : had no ediat elatives in rh wee h . al mending 8 Canada hat in the cas rams and Phone 326 607 3r¢ Av irs it will@f {f not always,| Lady Dorothy Neville Dead. » found heat have each a — il the prope f one or tw ‘ London, March 28,.—Lady Dor In such cases the fa 8 rae ta ea nn ach ese | MEW STOCK OF SER She wielded a great influence in}, ' : ' s K . | s I the English | tical and social]... he same s3 and « world, and imbered among her dit . nder which the depa We have } friends the best English men and ent sella the @ sis | hi women during a period of me erst . stitute ’ = r 2/50 vears She enijioved the close ' rr ‘ , } TIMOTHY GRAIN SEEDS ' : ‘ far . > ' sia ’ e >> friendship of Disrae and knew]. “3 ane the i CLOVER POTATO SEED pe ~~ the Duke of Wellington and Lord ~iare atoaak ine | ALFALFA GARDEN SEEOS Ws Palmerston, G. F. Watts, wh lative to the care and manag FLOWER SEEDS ’S 7 «| painted her portrait in 1844;] ent of the animals unti ; by ( Cobden, Bright, Gladstone, Lord], ments have beet le , payments have ee! nade : Aa Ae en ern Sir ane The live stock branch reserves Mail ord rving Chamberlain, ulwer- ry the right to fix a maxi serv Rep |Estion, Arthur Balfour, Lord) ice fee. PRINCE RUPERT FEED . 4 © . 4\ Morley and countles others of : . (—~ r ae ; _ ——_ O erc an 1se _\° Sere Ladies’ Bridge Tournament. ( pe | $3,000,000 C. P. R. Contract. “ ° ° he € A iiiinteartinnn The first of the series of games rs es 08, Se The contract for the construe- the tad Zr a a = see ve l was | tion of the Kootenay Central Rail- vas the . fs we ae > cy ~ W : ] h ° e h bl ley way, a short line of approximately — ao ‘ irs oar) a ; ‘|The up-to-date House Dem 3 . . rg z : den's residence on Saturday ever 7 hen it comes to slaughtering prices on the best, seasonable 150 miles, which is designed 10] ee eee nsrert Ward obtaining] 10" ef Prinee Rupert nneect the main C. P line at} * : ny ; 4 . . S the highest score The players e *.* e 9 Golden with the Crow's Nest Pass ; S merchandise, Q’REILLY has them all backed off the walk Ssute at Fort ‘tosis, tee | besa] were Mrs. George R. Naden, Mrs. 4 Sign Writing. 9 e oat hey Py Bey es . a F. G. Dawson, Mrs rremayne P H ‘ T 1 k d: “HoH h d : 99? B h dan of Spokane for the sum of oe A i Mor enet Mrs he : aper- anging e e¢ almer, rs ‘ ymon ’s he questions are asked: ow does he do it! ecause he |+3,390,000 Palmer, Mrs. MeCiymont, Mrs pe. o ie 66 | THE WEATHER. tullo, Mrs. F S. Clements, Mrs --- buys in large quantities and knows how to buy. Why does J. M- Christie, Mrs, Clarke Durant] sy ide Reliab The we vather report at 5 o'clock] @"4 Miss Milligan 2nd Street Phone 156 Grew ifi 99? ° this morning read: Barometer, ig crs a he sacrifice on these goods? cause one store is enough. V0-BiS,. maximum temperarare,| ° Wedding at the Central, | i4; minimum temperature, 36; Mr. Carl Olsen and Miss Ger s s s a. ¢ 7 A trude Tafferteller were united in precipitation, .27 inch ruc k Never again will the people of Prince Rupert have an oppor- }} ae marriage on saturday evening in| Lot 12, Bloc | Te Buy Band instruments. ‘|the parlor of the Central Hot ? . b l . h idi | | ° | Bs A few friends witnessed the cere . ] tunity to uy c othing at such ridiculously low prices. | Mr. Alex. Gray left this morn.| mony, after which Mr. and Mrs Section ‘ ling for Vancouver to purchase} Black invited the company to a , |drums and other musical instru- wedding supper The happy e e ;}ments for Gray's orchestra, which couple will reside in Prince Ru me t our has been enuaged to play regular pert. r O e lg- jat the Majestic Theatre. 6 i . | —-- a estore sees DELKATLAH ? lia gest oad it Ever ulled | ‘The wife of Rev. F. W. Kerr | presented her husband with a fine bl & boy on Saturday Both mother H 1 6 Compas! ° ° e mee ambie and child are doing ; arrison, : One week from today will be too late. It has been said opportunity [and child are doing woll ri ; i FINANCIAL AGENTS ; ae © . *¢ | €. A. D. Thompson, formerly » eg Rupet ; knocks at your door but once. So it is in this case. We urge you to visit |toreman of the Rvening Empire ED | Third Ave. Prins? d f h a fi of this city, and now on the staff ee oO » O 20 oP a Delkatlah Bay. The Northern Terminus us every day of the remaining five. of the Onrineca Miner, is visiting |.¢‘tss new a.'%. P. service, Venavuver t riends in the city. Queen Charlotte Islands, commencing s April tat The necessary centre for all the settlements on the north half of the wd e Islands When pre-emptors continue O e % N ti buying lots at the rate of 15 a month fe oO ce oO e without advertisng or urging you can bet ° your life there's value given. §60.00 to ——- P bli $200.00 $10 monthly Ploughed quar $i " HURRY u Cc ter acre gardens of splendid sandy loam) 3}. py, HURRY HURRY K y ats a without weeds, $10.00 q year and at Ru ' é pert prices you can make twenty times| 5 ’ iM ‘>> PD 4 oe Sue co a. this. One-third Rupert rainfall a by ve MUST BE ACCOM SA owe: CHAS. M. WILSON, | (-: AS 6 @ Sy A Rogers & Black Owner, Delkatiah, Q.0.1./ el Vy rAd Gabe Svaneter Co, ROBT, ENTWISTLE, |. § “ : estholme Lumber Co - a r in CM Lindsay's Cartage & Stor Aeent, Masest, oes) e t A ‘0 age | z s Ney Moore Bros For Rent. Lid y ae Pacific Transfer Co Two room cottage om 4th Ave, Bast of ¢ R Naden (0., Yar (RSE) ory _ Couture Bros McBride 81. List your property with me| ¥® » Ay Pony Express for quick sale Agents Cen ree ETE ICDS acl <> aoe Opposite P.O, Sra Ave 7