19013. fuesday April ! THE DAILY NEWS 3 ENGLISH CHAMPION ON TRAIL OF RITCHIE Freddie Weich “Revives in the States in Pursuit of Match New York, March 29, Freddie Hi l| Hi I Welch, lightweight champion of \ i lh i WL vf i 1 England, and holder of the Lord ") *,* Lonsdale belt, arrived here yes- va WHT = F Britis : terday on the Mauretania, He | Hy Hh 2 i i) = h Columbia announced that he would remain ' H WA b. in this country for several : months in search of a title bout i ‘i ec 7 ; with Willie Ritchie, the world’s oe champion. be Welch said he would agree to yy rince e any fair condition for a battle} | \ * with Ritchie. He intimated that! iI} Vesa he would make 133 pounds ring-| I ] side, and said that he would} | ay . readily sign articles for a 20 | } n ustria round bout on the Pacific Coast | f oN | i r nex Barrister Hoveli Leaving i ¢ 4 /) 5 7\ Hazelton loses a good citizen! MH WW / BY FINDING OUT ABOUT THIS GREAT NEW PACIFIC COAST TOWN- in R. DeB. Hovell, the local bar-| il HI / mt ] SITE NOW YOU CAN MAKE A BETTER INVESTMENT THAN YOU HAVE rister. He has left for Victoria,} HH} / EVER MADE BEFORE. YOU ARE ASKED TO JUDGE FACTS ONLY AND where he expects to establish} i THEN DECIDE FOR OR AGAINST. WRITE TODAY FOR THE COMPLETE himself. As President of the | WL | \ A oe 4 LITERATURE AND GET INTO TOUCH WITH THE GREATEST, SUREST IN- Board of Trade and in other ca-| Fi A i ; VESTMENT OPENING IN CANADA TODAY. pacities he has been active in aT mt | promoting the welfare of the} i 7 You know Prince Rupert, the whole world knows Prince Rupert. This community, and he will be much | Ta im ) VY ai the Pacifie terminus of the great Grand Trunk Pacifie Railway, grew missed. Many friends will wish | 1. i 4 T Hh f 4 othing almost over night, and developed with wonderful rapidity be. him success in the provincial) } oe A A t HAD TO BE. One of the greatest railroads in the world had capital.—Omineca Miner. Mm Hi Vi x a | a WILLED it Many who saw the opportunity made fortunes in Prinee Rupert ae | Nate ting there AT THE BEGINNING, before prices soared. Tt costs money Will Ply on the Stikine HH H i Hi " inside lots at Prince Rupert now But you have practically the same | q Fi | i Hi 5 Ti ndid opportunity in Port Edward The Hudson's Bay Co. steam- | Hi HH ] | A i er Port Simpson will run on the} ii i| HAT | 1 PRINCE RUPERT NEEDS PORT EDWARD. Stikine during the coming sum. | . ( i | es a : mer. The company has an ex- | r ‘le | TD LZ Prince Rupert NEEDS Port Edward Prince Rupert WITH PORT ED- tensive business at Telegraph | a tH Pe WARD, offers the greatest facilities for the Pacifie Coast shipping and in- Creek, under the management of th | 1 i i Ki ; y of all the ports on the entire coast line. But, without Port Edward, our old friend J. C. Boyd. The i i p i‘ mM HH A)! HW F HH ant Prince Rupert's capacity is cut down from the industrial standpoint because carrying of supplies for that! ) ) Hit ny Hi Pe HH} Fi waterfront is already utilized, or leased, to practically its full extent, point, with Teslin-bound pros- HH Hi , HH i, with development merely beginning, intending users of industrial water- pectors and big game hunters, i i | Mh | HU wii i nt space MUST turn to Port Edward to supply their needs. Definite proof will probably keep the big boat | | Hl i ( 4 | ] ih ] i f this will be supplied on application busy. i | el WH i} Se ee ee eee H] i 1 i iH W INDUSTRIES ALREADY ASSURED. Hudson Bay Co. to Rebuild ti i 4, ‘ i i | i F | WHHL } | Hi ij 1 | vH ; rhe Prince Rupert Hydro-Electric Company, Ltd., a powerful corpora- backed by the same capitalists who are behind the Western Canada ver Company, of Vancouver, has selected Port Edward for the site of its It is announced that the Hud- son's Bay Co. will shortly begin g power plant, and is already installing Other large industries are as- the erection OF 6 new Mars Of - I and ¢ . ; the site of the burned structure ed, and among recent applications for locations were those of a cold 7 aed ‘ - ton an at Hazelton. Mr. Graham, the lo- ige plant, a large stone company and a shoe factory The opening for ; ‘ , ; cal manager, states that until istry at this great port of the North Pacific is marvellous ,and far-sighted ‘ inufacturers are already taking advantage of it receipt of orders from headquar- ; eee ters, the size of the new build- ing is not known. THE MEN BEHIND PORT EDWARD. ete rhe Port Edward Townsite Company, Ltd., is made up of a number of Sawmill for Burns Lake minent professional and business men, largely Canadians. It has the Charles Pearce, who is a mill po oO » Grand T Pacific ailwi tompan c as entere an of long experience, has gone . DptEs aS Te Sraey creak Pesiie Retiway Company, whies Ras entered ee . IME to buy your Spring Clothes is right now. Big rush later on— a contract to provide complete transportation service Port Edward is to Burns Lake to instal there ated near Prince Rupert, on the main land and on the main line of the the sawmill plant of the Burns fewer cloths to choose from. New Spring models in 20th Century and Trunk Pacific rhat railroad has atready selected the site for its sta- Lake Trading and Lumber Co., ' =, nites aie Seat : _ es ed a 3 Ox foe ko Brand now in stock. Smartest and best we have ever shown. Gerow and M. H. Laidlaw. ARE EXCLUSIVE AGE WHAT $600 DID IN PRINCE RUPERT. m Bank Accountant Missing When Prinee Rupert lots were first offered to the public there was con- Vancouver, March 29—John e e F lerable of a feeling of doubt among many people as to the value of the McLennan, accountant in Mol- Bryant mpany t . estment History has shown, of course, that few opportunities have been son's bank is missing. Friends 9 4 Tered to the world that equalled the opening in Prince Rupert in 1909. fear he has been murdered. “The Store of Better Things” 2 Prince Rupert's future was assured from the very beginning. It was at the ginal sale that Mr. George Duncan, of Vancouver, bought a Prince Rupert OPPORTUNITY. | for 8600. That was considered a good price then. but values began to and they kept on rising. Now NOTE THIS. The same lot for which They do me wrong who say I eke 8. Bea Mr. Dunean paid 8600 was sold in 1912 by Harrison, Gamble & Co., of Prince " -@ome no more : NEW stock FARM Nupert, for no less than $10,000 CASH. When once I knock and fail to It's worth more than that today, and it will be worth yet more next year. find you in: Provincial Government Lease the <>, Rebuilt typewriters look like brand new machines, do | Port Edward's proposition to you now is similar to what Prince Rupert of- For every day I stand outside your Wilson Ranch on Ladner Road. \ ap S257". teak “Gus te Candee oes tk at of Sue i ered in 1909. Perhaps you missed the first one; isn't it worth while to at door, = ard makes. east GET ALL THE FACTS about the second? Mr. Duncan did. ,He is go- And bid you wake and rise to New Westminster, March 29. x it Conte esate Selous, Sun. 98, an Gade ¥. Comms, 26 & to repeat, For he has made a heavy investment in Port Edward lots ficht and win. The Provincial government are | eer alee = = = NIGHT AT THE START. How about you? preparing to establish a stock Wail not for precious chances|breeding and experimental farm MERCHANTS AND MANUFACTURERS. passed away, ~ Jat Sunbury on the River road he- [0 , ; . . : 5 Weep not for golden ages on|tween Ladner and New Westmin-| Ii Folder B is a convenient, comple te brochure, Gontaining about all the ihe wane! ster along the lines of the Colony | formation you would require to have about the manufacturing possibilities > Nast Mesthe onl waneral ste Ave Each night I burn the records of}Farm at Coquitlam. For this a ~ — ~ ifle waee> Oe meres. ee oer ‘ — a n yume dine purpose they have leased the °00 a 9 ou GO net contempiate extending to ia leid, 1 18 Wel oO be i1ilormed abou ’ * ohn oe : ek . - acre ranch of Dr. J. Ker Wilson, t Folder B goes to you free and without obligation, on request. Please At sunrise every soul is born , again. some of the finest land in the use your business letterhead. Delta, and are now preparing to nl Laugh like a boy at splendors that} stock it. | To profit fully by the opportunity at Port Edward, immediate action is have eped, About 200 acres of this ranch | yy required. The sale has already started. No need to use “snap” judgment, To vanished joys be blind and|will be cropped this summer and | but don’t put off getting complete information. Just send the coupon today. deaf and dumb; and the remainder used for pas- | It doesn’t obligate you in the least—send it now. My judgments seal the dead past|turage and hay. Some of the blue) e e i ribbon winners among the stock ml with its dead, But never blind a moment yet/at the Colony Farm will be taken to come. to this new ranch. e e Starting Prices from $100 to $2,000 Per Lot. Lots Measure ff)" tous mouner? Then rouse| tnvitation to Boy Scouts, Liqueur Scotch Whisky 30 thee from thy spell! New York, March 28,—Sir i X 100 to 30 x 110. Terms: Quarter Cash, balance over Art thou a sinner? Sins may|Robert Baden Powell, chief of the +} r be forgiven; British Boy Seouts, has sent an : ee years Each morning gives thee wings|invitation to the Boy Scouts of ees to flee from hell, America to attend the third na- | Each night a star to guide thy/tional rally of the Boy Seouts’ | feet to Heaven. Association of Great Britain in | TESTIMONIAL e . e —R. B, Malone, Birmingham, England, July 2 to : : Prince 9, inelusive. It is likely that sev- Dr. ent Hirwain, Glyn roy 3 i ‘ arriso Nn am @ 0 R: rt Relief for Flood Sufferers. eral troops will go from this ports : 7 tls, In my opinion, a good, w 01@- 9 °9 lupe country to England to attend the | gome, mild whisky, without the obnoxious The board of directors of the|rally and participate in the scout- | after-taste you find among nine out of Knights of Columbus have »~ lers ox ition. | relve Hall & Fl Joint Directing Sales Agents ee the ma r eaanek ha age ek eres? ares on eat Enaneene pnenige 0 er sum of $10, | in advising its use where required. y 9 Victoria, B. ok the sufferers by the recent floods Hazelton's Star Pitcher | in Ohio and Indiana, In addition Graham Roek, who was Hazel- e ee t to this they will receive contribu-|ton's star pitcher in 19114, has Pe tions from the local councils,|signed with the Seattle team, ei which number some 4,700, repre-|/and the press of the Sound eity ie i os senting a membership of nearly|praises his work in the training —DISTILLERS— a oe 300,000. season, Graham was an all ALEX. FERGUSON & CO. HIS COUPON NOW TODAY. ST round athlete of note at Wash. . Sines teak rr details concerning Port Edward, Relatives of Jens Bjarnason,/ington State College, while his 108 West Regent Street, Glasgow bs B. C., Prince Rupert’s Industrial Annex. It is understood formerly employed at the Big}work with the Hazelton team quutnenmmmesiens that this request does not place me unde obligation In any funnel camp, are anxiously en-|marked him as a ball-player of sense. 28.3 quiring as to his whereabouts.;high class, . . * @ His father is Th, Bjarnason, of Prince Rupert hiciiee Co. Limited ee ei acaaneess oveeecoere ee Selkirk, Man. Lying in State. ? My address i8.......seeeeeererees panes OPN mee CO eRS Athens, March 29.—The body —~AGENTS— be i eer Li cee ribedameresses ‘ ore eeeereerege Forty years in use, twenty|or the late King George lies in A _ earner years standard, prescribed and) ciaie on a catafalque in the ca- PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. a a ml a ml a a x a x a a a a a a a x a a a os a a a x am a a a a a a a a x a a a a a a a recommended by physicians. For|ihedral. Thousands of people Women’s Ailments, Dr. Martel’s|passed before the eofin vester Fomale Pilis, at your druggist. | day.