esday, April 2, 1913. Wedn _ i EE : COAL Ni | : ee ee CES TICKS . coAL NOTI Aca COAL NOTICES Land, pistriet pistriet of Omineca Land p — : Skeena Land District—District of Queen ominect Haceltom ts oD Hazeit of Charlotte Istands pereby #ive? - agent, 60 Notice is hereby give ati , Take notice that I, Fuippo Panvini, of " pation financial eee the | SOM, Geeupation fina . ; D. Rori rince Kupert, B, ¢ intend to apply tw a cupanimiend apply Heense | after date intends tw ape’ jays| the Chief Commissioner of Lands for & y enmns3? ne . etroleum over} Commissioner Land oF omer troleul On ePect for coal, of and pe et commor coal and be pect for coal and ; ; pros ie eae the following described jands, prosPying described ™ post planted| lowing described jan he fol Comnenoneten ist of Graham Island mmencili® a the Grand Commencing at a , south from the - pees planted one mile ‘ ; yard mile (37 east bank of Porcups pianted on the | Lease 7439 the sutheast corner of Coal ut right-of Way, 1 80 cnains,| mile south f I eek about one! s ‘ once 80 chains north; thence nk ih 80 chains, ©@ lace | ty uth from G. T. P. mile post 199,| feo Mis West; thence 80 chains south pce north 5° vos go chains 00 PIMCE i thence north 80 cha an $2,/ thence 80 chains east, to the place of be. wm 8 a Ht containing 640 wer south 80 chains, west eee ) chains, | ginning, containing 640 acres ’ ‘comment of commencement — mains to place Located 5th Januar 1913. les RONSON, Haining 640 acre Priees ¢ oF wt P Nay, Agent more or less ' Weekly Me FILIPPO PANVINI, I J vis j K. D., RORISON | Ce od Fe I, #8 WwW. Mer ~— a - fe al ; Dated Jan. 22nd. 1913 rady, Agent Skeena Land District-—pDistriet of Queen p. B th, 1919-—Mar, 24th, 1919.1R. D. KR. ew aeeor Islands eb, 24th ee 8. 4 | > nee teat oP wn [prince Mert, ‘pec Inet esau and | ict-—Distiet of ’ far, 31, 1049 | the Chief Commissioner of Lands for a on inecs LAM eltol ~ | license to prospect for coal, oil and pe cn thet I, A. D ~ troleum on the followi sc . . ce 1s hereby 0 Ee chal, 6 lon the West sat of Ones de os lands, \ panei i ’ 4 st of Graham Is sot ‘ pe t apply fe = Omineca Land p District of | cee | ata post planted cae mile al te it ad Lands [or icense Haze . }) south rom the southeast . 10 coal and petroleum over} Notice is hereby given that 1, R. p. Rort-| (OMe, 7422), thence s0 "chains north; thence sowing a bed lands pianted | 22M Sccupation Nnancial age nt, 60 da . SO chains east; thence 80 chains south : 1 : at a at plan ; after date intend ' a ; . cs a thence 80 chains west, to the place of be. omminne 1 ard from the oe] Gommissionerof Lands | vi he oni S oe | Sraaing, ; ntain ng 640 acres : * rent way ein sa chaite pect for coal and petroleum over ne fen cated Sth January, 1943. ce north & wile chains to place lowing described land Weekly Mar. TTLIPPO PANVINI » 80 chal sat 0 ¢ 640 acres Commencing at a t plante Se ee ae h , containing ' planted on the commencement, east bank of Porcupine Creek about one| a nnatlann tenella less hk. D. RORISON miles south from G. T. Pp. mile post 139 j Sm ena Land District—District of Queen yr. W. MeCrady, Agent thence north 80 chains, west 80 chains. | Charlotte Isiands pe n, 191 south 80 chains, east 80 chains to place|,,.%K¢ Notice that I, Filippo Panvini, of ed of commencement, containing 640 acres|/,'"°e, Kupert, B. C., intend to apply to . » 1949 more or less ~~ | the Chief Commissioner of Lands for a tveb. 24th, 1013—Mar. 24th, 1999, RK. D. RORISON | Heense to prospect for coal, oll and pe ) —— F. W. MeCrady Agent —— on the following described lands, , pswrese—eaeanal Dated Jan. 22nd, 3013 y, @ ~~ west coast of Graham Island mineca Land r A. D. A. ommencing at @ post planted one mile won Fe | oe (uth from the southeast corner of Coal les " ) ive ’ Pa a cense 7432; ne , - ccupation ancial agent, 60 Pub, Feb. 21, 1913—Mar, 31, 1013 | thence 96 chips wane "st om — pull, Jave end w apply to the F : j}horth; thence 80 chains saat t0 ke an » Comin Eames { Lands for license a | of beginning containing b30" ae om Commissioner y oe ee . ri rospect | a! and petroleum over | Located Sth ee 1013. a mencing — at . . Pog iee, Omineca Lend, District District of | Weekly Mar. 3 to ADT. 1. ee Grand Trua i ‘ azellon ‘north 80 chalt west oF oo} ores is hereby given that I, KR. D, Rori LAN a go chains, east 80 ¢ ’ e} son, occupation Mnancial agent, 60 days AN i J LE mimencement, niaining 640 &SCreS)atier date intends to apply to the Chief —— — ND LEASE NOTICES. or less . Commissionerof Lands for license to pros . a we ei nea pect for coal and petroleum over the fol-|**°¢0& Land District—Dstrict of Coast, I 3 ~~ y lowing described lands R v. ed Feb 1013 Commencing at @ post planted on the! y Take notice that James D. Peebles, of E ; east bank of Porcupine Creek about one gy 4. C, engineer, intends to ap- Py gem, 1019—Mar, 24th, 1949, Milles south from G. T. P. mile post 132, \Geserived lands,” “eee She Following a thence south 80 chains, east 80 chains,| anne : a horth 80 chains, west 80 chains to place esviaaa ae ~,* wane aon on the mineca Land District—-District of of commencement, containing 640 acres ees of Vorsher te , about Hazelton Lom p.{more or ro | S euareee g 4& mile southeast of the mouth eret ive , ) : . : ce pied a elek 46 RK. D, RORISON beach, thence south 66 caine “ones ‘on. b to apply 10 the pas, sof W. MeCrady, Agent. | 80 chains, thence north 60 chains, theres : er of Lands for license os Jan. 22nd, 1913 | west 80 chains following shore line to spect ai and petroleum over a a | point of commencement, containing 640 , ng described lands : + acres more or less. wen ne at 4 post planted Pub. Feb. 21, 1913-—Mar. 31, 1913 j JAMES D. PEEBLES Urand, Trunk mile post 4128 t ’ . 5 uth 8 hains , east oe chains | Dated 29th uum te —— ‘ bains pet ae — Pub. Feb, 10, 1913—aApr. 7, 1013. jommMencelbels Omineca Land District—District of * eno or ess K RORISON, Hazelton Skee y = Fr. W Rohe hace Notice is hereby given that I, RK. D. Rori | ae — oo = cam, ted Feb. 5th, 1913 son, o¢ cupation financial agent, 60 days Take notice that Robert Reid, of Vas- Ww. € after date intends to apply to the Chief) couver, B. C., contractor, intends te » D. R Commissionerof Lands for license to pros-| piy for permission to lease the following Feb. 24th, 1913—Mar, 24th, 1013.] pect for coal and petroleum over the [ol-/| gescribed lands: iid lowing described lands Commencing at @ post planted on ; ' Commencing &t 4& post planted on the! northeast coast of Porcher Isiand, apes! mineca Land District District of east bank of Porcupine Creek about one 2% miles southeast of mouth of Mump- a an oo oe miles south from G. T. P. mile post 132,| back Creek and at the north end of Chis fice is hereby 6! i om thence south 80 chains, west 60 chains,) more Passage, half chain from beach, , Of * ee re . tn. |Borth 80 chains, east 80 chains to place thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 _btend (to apply to im lof commencement, containing 640 aeres| chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east si and petroleum over scribed lands MEDC NE al a ust planted Grand = Trunk tile post 12s soul 80 chains, west 80 chains, ’ bains, east 80 chains to place mumencement, containing 640 acres ow ies Kh. D. RORIBON. Fr. W. MeCrady, Agent. d Feb. Sth, 1013. b. A Feb. 24th, 1013-—Mar. 24th, 1013 waeca Land District istrict of Hazellon, bereby given that I, RK. D t palon nancial agent, ¢ afer date intend to apply to the sioner of Lands for license sh 4| and petroleum over , scribed lands hla ‘ at 4 post planted Trunk thile post 12s i & hains, east 80 chains, “ins, West 80 chains Ww place containing 640 acres K. D. RORISON., W. MecCrady, Agent i913. elmeul tr d Feb. Sth, db. A W. ¢ Feb. 24th, 1013-—-Mar. 24th, 1013 4od District——District of Hazelton hereby given that I, RK. D u, ipavon financial agent, ¢ Siler dave intend to apply to te \ultiassioner of Lands for license vspect for coal and petroleum over oo hg described lands ucing = ah a st ibe = corner or 6 Onell Trunk mile post 130, south 80 chains, west 80 chains, $0 chains, east 80 chains to place tmiwehcement, containing 640 acres Or leas K. D. RORISON, W. MeCrady, Agent 1943. al tice planted cabin Grand i led Feb. Sth >» ¢ . DR » Feb. 24th, 1918-—Mar, 94th, 1013 mineca Land District—District of Hazelton. hereby given that I, KR. D cccupation Amancial agent, 60 date intend to apply to the her of Lands for license ' coal and petroleum over de s¢ ribed lands 4 corner of ® a ne _ rend Trunk mile post” 130, 50 4b 80 chains, west 80 chains, nine we, east 80 chains to place eneement, containing 640 acres Or less I Wr Mecrean nae Hed Feb. bib, 1913, i D. i » Feb. 24th, 1913 —amar, 94th, 1043 tice is ‘ospect olic wing MMencing planted all . cabin Pmineca Land District—~District of x Hazelton, on. lereby given that I, BR. D Bas" pation Nnancial agent, 60 ‘ eee intend to apply to the ospect ge of Lands for Heens: Bollowin Soa! and petroleum over mmencre described lands: the — at soa post planted Grand “smn! 8, Small cabin ¢ south gf Unk mile post — 130, b 80 chai Cuains, east 60 chains, ommencemne, ee tein ee 10 place or less ‘Ol, Containing 640 acres Ki. D. RORISON, __F. W. Mec ted Feb. 6th, 1919, eee AOOOe DR Db. Fe Feb. 24th, 1919—Mar. g4th, 4048 miheca Land District—District of dies Hazelton, on hereby given that I, BR. D ate ‘ae financial agent, 60 > Commins intend to apply to th: respect +. UF Of Lands Tor leense following 4 ‘oal and petroleum over MDI LA ae ay ed, lands the Fas at 4 post planted Grand Trane 4 small cabin Me ‘Sorih “a runk mile Post 130, b 80 chains. Chains, east 80 chains, omMMencement est 80 chains to place ” leas Containing 640 &eres K. D. RORISON ter Ww ec | ed Vet th, eiem Crady, Agent. DR b Feb. 94 1013-—Mar. @4th, 1019) A Charlotte 1g) “ cada rh ands Land D . ke i ‘strict Of Skeeng miaewtes tle, Wa inane 1, RB. CG. Goodale, of Md to app a ", occupation attorney, Coal and Dateeke 4 license to prospect ribed lands; =» OVOP the following MuMen beast conte tt, & POSE planten at the ee south ‘no w nolan ae: Township 7, M, then b ' ence wes 0 80 cha = th 80 chains, hence ,. PML OF commencement a “ GOODALE, Locator e ! A. B. Jes ; Doren ym, 1843 on Agent + 94, Mar, 9, 10, 17, 94. more or less 80 chains following shore lime to point of R. D. RORISON | commencement, containing 640 acres more Fr. W. MecCrady, Agent or jess Dated Jan. 22nd, 1913. ROBERT REID. RN. &. C. Dated 29th January, 1913. R. D. A. | Pub. Feb. 10, 1913—Apr. ¥, 1018. Pub. Feb. 21, 1913—Mar. 31, 1013 | eee — ——-| LAND PURCHASE NOTICES, i i Cmineca Land District-—District of } . 7 Hazelton. —— Land ee of Coast, Notice is hereby given that I, RK. D.| axe notice that 1, Daniel Brenton Ken Rorison, occupation financial agent, ¢ ey, of Terrace, B ¢., occupation rancher days after date intend w apply to the! jnicnd to apply for permission to purchase Chief Commissioner of Lands for license) i. following described lands to prospect for coal and petroleum over) Conmencing at a post planted at the the following described lands northeast corner of Lot 5130, thence north Commencing at @ post planted near an| 4) chains. thence east 30 chains, thence old construction —_, = pen = south 40 chains, thence west 30 chains to thence north 80 chains, eas 0 chains < ’ or a pnceme : south 80 chains, west 80 chains to place the p cas ie a nt, containing of commencement, containing 640 acres; ~ DANIEL BRENTON KENNEY more or less. . | Dated Mareh 13th, 1913 1 BR. D. RORISON | Pub. April 7th to June 2nd. F. W. MeCrady, Agent Dated Feb. Sth, 1913 se 7 en ” ee ee s f, Ge Skeena Land District—District of Coast, RK. D. BR, Range V. Pub, Feb. 24th, 1913-—Mar. 24th, 1915 Take notice that George W. C uter, of Prince Rupert, B. C.; occupation farmer, intends to apply for permission ww pur- chase the following described lands: Gmineca Land District—Diswict of Commencing @t @ post planted 2% miles Hazelton. east of Quinista Hiver, on the Skeena Notice is hereby given that I, R. D.| River, thence 40 chains north, thence 40 Rorison, occupation fMnanc agent, 60) chains west, thence 40 chains south, thence days efter date intend Ww ply to the/ 40 chains east to point of commencement, Chief Commissioner of Lands for license/ containing 160 acres more or less. to prospect for coal and petroleum over GEORGE W. CARPENTER, the following described lands Dated January 28th, 1913. Commenc'ng &t @ post planted near an Pub. Feb, 10th, 1913—Apr. 7th, 1043. old construction camp, mile post 135 = thence north 80 chains, west 80 chains | ~ oe south 80 chains, east 80 chains to place|Skeena Land District—-District of Cassiar, of commencement, containing ©40 acres Take notice that Bernard O'Neill, of more or less. Goose Bay, B. C.; occupation prospector, R. D. RORISON. intends to apply for permission to pur- F. W. McCrady, Agent chase the following described lands: Dated Feb. 5th, 1913. Commencing post planted one mile : 5 $ distant and iM a@ southeasterly direction oe 4 from the Hidden Creek Copper Company's Pub. Feb. 24th, 1913—-Mar. 24th, 1913.) Sobre Goose Bay, B. ©, thence east fol- lowing the sinuosities of the shore line 80 thence chains, thence north 20 chains, ominece Lang sict—pinret ot | it Hecht acasea Cotusing 1 norieon, Sete at eer 1S ERNARD O'NEILL, Cher aires gale _ invend nat tee Beonee Dated aeonemn a — pub. Feb, 10, 1913——Apr. 7th, 1913. to prospect for coal and petroleum over the following described t Commencing at 4& pos t planted near an) ineca Land District—District of Cassiar. st 135 uction camp, mile , . oe LS teen 80 chalks, east fo chains, otal neat tyes TF, B.D. Roreon Gays north 80 chains, west 80 chains to place | ir date intend to apply to Chief Com of commencement, containing 640 acres more or less. missioner of Lands to purchase Lot 015 A, Cassiar district, Skeena River, containing 43.7 acres more or less. Dated Feby. 5th, ss R. D. RORISON W. McCrady, Agent F. Dated Feb. Sth, 1013. a. RORISON. n: DY n F. W. MeCrady, Agent. Pub. Feb, 24th, 1913——-Mar. 24th, 1913.) Mar. 3-Apr. 28. ie Skeena Land District—District of Coast cb—District of TAKE NOTICE that Frank Knott, of eames a ee ’ , Prince RUpSrs, a ——, —: eb iven that I, RK. D./intends to apply for mission to p eertne vie ‘inancial agent, 6° | chase the folowing seribed lands ; days after date intend to apply to th Commencing at @ poet planted at the Chief Commissioner of Lands for license N.W. corner of T.L, 30945, thence south over|80 chains; thence west 20 chains; thence /north 60 chains more or less to the south bank of the Skeena River; thence north easterly along the said bank of the Skeena to prospect for. coal and petroleum the "follpwing described lands Commencing at & post planted near an : 5 camp, mile post 13% » Me chains, west fo chains, | River to the point of commencement, con north 80 chains, east 80 chains to place | taining 160 acres more ot, ee. ae ‘ p nit ’ 2 3 vy commencement, containing me more or less. Dated Feb, 24 . D. RORISON. a Pub, Mareh 1 W. MeCrady, Agent. 1013, 1913. 7 to May 12—13 Skeena Land District—District of Coast ge V. TAKE NOTICE that Bugene Renz, of F. Dated Feb. 5th, N. E. C. : dD. A, ; Pup. Feb, 24th, 1013-——-Mar, 24th, 1013 — | Prince Rupert, B.C., occupation © in» tends to apply for permission to pur- Omineca Land District—District of chase the following described lands: Hazelton. Commencing, ¢ a ose pientes at oe # a . ; iven that I, R. D./E. corner of T.L, 30045, thence nort 0 ones oe Sinancial agent, 60/ chains; thence east 13 chains, more or days after date intend to apply to the | less, to the west boundary of John Me Chief Commissioner of Lands for licens kechney'’s pre-emption; thence south 20 to prospect for coal and petroleum over) chains, more or less to John Meckechney’s the following described lands S.W. corner; thence east 20 chains; thence Commencing at 4 post planted |south 20 chains; thence west 33 chains, about 500 yards from the Grand|more or less, to the east boundary of T nk right-of-way mile 137% 90045; thence north 20 chains, more thease soutn 80 chains, east 80 chains, | or less to the point of commencement, north 80 chains, west #0 chains to place | containing 90 acres more Ao ene. wal of commencement, containing 640 acres uD eNbAhT a ke ve or less. . » De a » Agent, = KR. D. RORISON Dated Feb, 24, 1013. PF. W. MeCrady, Agent Pub, Mareh 17 to May 12-13 Dated Feb, 5th, 1019 —_——_—————K—K«< an WATER NOTICE. For a Licensee tO Take and Use Water. Notice is hereby given that Jock Bonnar, of kitsumkalum Lake, B. C., will apply for ; K. : Pun Feb. 24th, 1015-—Mar, 24th, 1015 Omineea Land District—District of ja license to take and use 150 miners Hazelton inches of water out of Hall Creek, which Notice is hereby given that I, BR. D./nows in a Westerly direction through Rorison, oceupation fMnancial agent, © |Lots 1432 and 1521, Range V., Goast Dis days after date intend to apply to the trict, and empties into Kitsumkalum Lake Chief Commissioner of Lands for licens?) pear southwest corner of Lot 1432. The to prospect for coal and petroleum over) water will be diverted at @ point about \ the following deseribed lands mile up from the mouth and will be use: Commencing at A post planted | for irrigation per 0808 On the land de about 600 yards from the Grand scribed a8 southerly portion of Lot 15621, Trunk right-of-way, mile 187% Range V, Coast District, thence south 80 chains, west 60 chains, This notice Was posted fp, the round north 80 chains, east 80 chains to place/ on the bth day of Mareh, containing 640 secre will be The ap »licalion fied in the oMce of the | Water Khecorder at Prinee Rupert of commencement, on we RK, D. RORIBON : eit’ hoaae may be ante ‘the gaia § . cri , Agen | Water Kecorder or w Comptroller ated Feb. 5th, a lof Water Kights, Parliament Bulidings, E i é. , Victoria, B. nem pemmem pani . BK. » Applicant. ub. Feb, 24th, 1619-—Mar, 24th, 1918 Mar. 5 to @4, THE DAILY NEWS NEBRASKA JEALOUS OF CANADIAN LANDS Legistature Passing Bill to Pre- vent Entirely Sale of Cana- dian Lands in State A blue-sky law of a new var- iety is passing through the Ne. braské legislation It is aimed at the sale of foreign lands in that state, applying almost sol- ely to the Canadian lands. Its main provisions are that all lands sold in the state must have been inspected by a state hoard for verification as to re. presentations, that all agents must pay a license and put up a bond of $10,000. If the repre- sentations as to the productivity of the land are not borne out by the subsequent experience of the purchaser, the shortage in re- turns may be obtained by legal means from the agent. No news- paper or other advertisement for ain, and in some parts of the U. S., are not always such as coul be recommended as good for the reputation of the country. ALL ALASKA TO AID Alaska Legislature at Juneau Passes a Resolution Juneau, Alaska, March 29— The Alaska legislature’ took steps this morning to aid the stricken states of the Middle West. Senator Millard, at the reqpest of President Ray, introduced a joint resolution providing for the appointment of joint representing both Legislature, with act. Under rules the commit- houses of full pow- suspension a ee the ers a resolution was to of the passed and hastened to the house where it was quickly put through on final passage. The committee will communi- with every village, town and in Alaska to secure contri- butions for the tornado and flood victims. UNITED STATES NOT JEALOUS OF CANADA Ambassador Bryce Delivers Mes- sage of Good Will from President Wilson. Ottawa, March 29.—Right Hon. James Bryce, British ambassador at Washington, was the guest of the Canadian Club at a banquet in the Chateau Laurier a_ few days ago. He was welcomed by the chairman as one of the Em- pire’s foremost men and described by the Prime Minister as one who has climbed the height of almost every phase of human intellectual achievement, as a student, ideal- ist, man of letters, parliamentar- ian, constitutionalist, minister of the Crown and diplomat. Imperial unity was the keynote of Mr. Bryee’s address, but in the course of his remarks he made an interesting reference to the work of the British embassy at Wash- ington and delivered a message of good will to Canada from President Wilson and Secretary of State W. J. Bryan. In part, he said: “Tt has been my sign either eleven treaties—I am not ment quite certain which—with the United States government since I went to Washington, and of that number nine have been treaties relating to the affairs of Canada. By those nine treaties we have, I hope, dealt with all the questions that are likely to arise between the United States and Canada—questions relating to boundary; questions relating to the disposal of and the use of boundary waters; questions relat- ing to the fisheries in the inter- cate city privilege to or twelve at this mo- national waters where the two countries adjoin one another; questions relating to the inter- ests which we have in the Behring Sea, and many other matters, which it would take too long to go into at this momeut—and I am happy to say that I do not think your relations with the United Biates ever stood upon a The return match between Knock Out VICTIMS OF FLOODS | of April 15. WOLGAST WANTS TO CHANGE FIGHT DATE Former Champion Asks to Meet Murphy Before Twenty-sixth, as Scheduled. Remington $30 Underwood $55 Oliver $45 Rebullt typewriters took like brand new machines, do equal work, carry same guarantee of one year cost o— fan’ Write for comp! ite price list of ol stanee Canadian Typewriter Exchange, Dept. 12, 319 Pender W., Vancouver, B.C. San Francisco, March 31 In. timations are thai the second Wolgast-Murphy bout, scheduled | — BERR Se by the promoter for April 26, might be called off by Wolgast +> if the date were not advanced are FERGUSON'S heard today. Tom Jones, Wol- gast's manager, telephoned the office of Coffroth, the promoter, from the former champion | " training quarters last night that! 6 9 ‘ April 12 or 19 would be satis-| if factory to his man, but that the | a» 26th was too late. “We have other plans for the © 6 ¢ latter part of April,” he declared. | Coffroth was out of town. It was} said, however, that the date fixed was tentative and could probably be set forward. Liqueur Scotch Whisky BIG SALARY FOR CATCHER foreign land may be published roeaiaammsctenaito without approval of a state board| Star Cub Archer Has Signed with on to be created. the Chicago Nationals. re The object of the bill is appar- TES NIAL / ‘ ently not so much to protect buy- Chicago, March 31.—James TIMO i, ers of Canadian land against los.;;Archer signed a four year con- Dr. James O’Connor, Listowel, reports : 7” ses from misrepresentation, as|tract as catcher of the Chicago “I feel it my duty to say that your whisky pe to prevent entirely the sale of|Nationals late this afternoon. is one of the best whiskies I have ever aie Canadian land and thus put an|Archer has been holding out for T end to the migration of farmers|a salary of $7,500, and while tasted, and I aay also say that I will f to the Canadian west. This pur-|neither he nor President Murphy recommend it as a stimulant in suitable pose is not likely to be fully ac-|would say at what’ stipend he cases.”’ ‘omplished, but so far as the bill] signed, it was reported that a will protect the Nebraskan inves-|compromise at $6,000 was ef- wen P tor against wildcat subdivisions| fected. Both Murphy and Archer z and fraudulent statements re-|declared they were very well specting the location of farming|satisfied with their agreement. —DISTILLERS— land, its object is entitled to a|The catcher will join the team at certain sympathy. The methods] Louisville in a An days. ALEX. FERGUSON & CO. used in selling town lots to in- —-—__—_—__ ——- ‘108 West Regent Street, Glasgow vestors in Eastern Canada, Brit- LIGHTWEIGHTS TO FIGHT Knockout Brown to Meet Bud Anderson on the Fifteenth Prince Rupert Los Angeles, Cal., March 31— Importing Co., Limited AGENTS— PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Brown, the New York light- eight, and Bud Anderson, of edford, Or., will occur the night They will box twen- ty rounds at the Vernon arena. In the previous fight Brown and Anderson boxed a terrific twenty round draw. M Japan Will Exhibit. ‘ Honolulu, March 29, — Lars 7 Anderson, retiring United States 7 a ambassad at Tokyo, who ar. - rived here today on the liner Man- ehuria, to Washington, declared there was no foundation for reports that Japan would not exhibit at the Panama-Pacific international exposition in 1945 at San Francisco if the anti- Japanese legislation pending be- fore the California legislature were put through. en route * E Seek Canadian Mail Contract London, March 29—The con- tract for the Canadian mails, which has been held continuous- ly by the Allan line since 1853, expires on May 4. All the British steamship lines on the route The old folks are never lonesome—they have lately been increasing their fleets in order to make a tender for the service. always have company when there’s an Edison Phonograph For them and the young folks, the scope of the new Blue Amberol Records includes everything, from old time favorites to present day tunes—popular and classical. The real fun and enjoyment afforded by an Edison Phono- graph is unequalled by an other instrument made. A cail on your Edison dealer will convince you. are wolf Some automobile hard pressed to keep from the garage. owners the - Church Services - Terme | ¢ ae am. and | Sunday REV. F. W. KERR, M.A., “THE FIRST BA PTIST CHURCH McINTYRS HALL, 3RD AVE., NEAR 6TH 8T. Services every Sunday at 11 and 7.30 p.m. 2.20 p.m. Bible Class 2.30 p.m. REV. W.H. McLBOD B.A B.D. Pastor THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH SIXTH AVE. AND MUSGRAVE PLACE am. and 7 p.m. School at 2.30 p.m. REV. C. R, SING, B.D. PasToR ST, ANDREW'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Cor, Fifth Ave. and Dunsmuir Place ing prayer 0. sunday ‘Thomes A. Edison, Inc., 100 Lakeside Ave., Orange, N. J,.U. S.A. sc » 8 ~ complete line Edisoa Phonographs and Records will found Commi ub ~ frat suntey a of be onth, * and third Sunday até HAYNER BROS. - 3rd Ave. and 6th St. 4 m. During the Lenten season there will be serv- ice im the church every Wednesday at 8 p. m. THE SALVATION ARMY CITADEL Granville Court Sunday services at ii am, Sands p.m. Sun- 30 Pp. hm. Subscribe For The Daily News Ween agar’ perveee Mon any and tate And Get All the News ian —IN THE— y Skeena Valley Nechacec Valley Bulkley Valley Fort George District IN TRACTS OF 160 ACRES AND UPWARDS-— Carefully selected Lands at Reasonable Prices and on easy terms. NORTH COAST LAND COMPANY, PAID UP CAPITAL $1,500,000, 00 FARM LANDS Limited _ better footing than they do now,”