Rae eee ALOE A THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Daily, 50c per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. All Other Countries: $2.00 per year. Canada, United States and Mexico Weekly, | Daily, $8.00 per year Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. rates on application. Contract HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98 BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City. Seattie—Puget Sound News Co London, England—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafaigar Square. —S=———— Saturday, April THE DAILY NEWS i ' i SOCIAL, MORAL AND RELIGIOUS TOPICS OF GENERAL INTEREST (Contributed by the Ministerial Association) NOTE—The “News” does not necesarily endorse all views that may be expressed in these contributions slightly hurt by moderate In answer to a question raised | indulgence may be allowed the iby a physician, in the New York pleasures of that indulgence; | Medical Record, as to why medi- whether this agent is to remai jcal men should “swamp” the daily |!" as one of the influences |newspapers with articles on the for riding the world of those |hygenic and medical uses of al-|least fit to survive or whether lcohol instead of sending them to this substance, so potent because the medical journals, Dr. J. M. W f its peculiar properties be Kitchen, of New replied | P iced with things too dangerous as follows: for general use. only Knowledge of Alcohol. force is to Jersey, The writer is hardly in accord A ina. with Dr, Jacobi's criticism of pr Woman's Suffrage in Ch |fessional writing on alcoholism A little Chinese : the lay press, for it years old, is taking special work seems as if the general public is|at the University of Pennsylvania lles calling on the medical profession to Welles- sixteen gir really preparatory entering passed away and IT betook myself) to literature, hoping that I should not only equal, but that I should) rival many in mental accomplish merits, Other things were before me and other things passed away be do what I would, I was called to another career: and wow ause, I find myself, at the end of a long | life, not a philosopher, not an suthor, but simply an old man who has endeavored to do his duty in that state of life to which it has pleased God to call him Forty years in use, twenty and recommended by physicians. For Women's Ailments, Dr. Martel’s | years standard, prescribed Female Pills, at your druggist. 1836 THe BANK oF 1 BritishNorthAmerica —— 913 | | | aa PACIF \e Maintain Weekly Service Between Vict Queen Charlotte Islands, Calling at W bound Saturdays at &§ P. M.. Commen Masset and Naden Harbor, for New Hazelton, leave and § Train No, @, Canada and United States For all information General Agent. TCO Double Weekly Service TO THE SOUTH by the splendid steamers PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORGE Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver, Victor Mordays and Fridays at 9 A For Gtewart on Thursdays at 8A.» For Granby Bay on Sundays at 8am Steamers Prince John and Prince Albe: ‘ he At feaving Prince fT Commencing @. 7. P. RAILWAY PASSENGER BERVice atur Grand Trunk Rallway System from Chicas Unequalied s« tickets, reser Ageney all Atlant St GRAND TRUNK System 2 4nd Gea Ld a Va i Apr Prince | fa Af MCMASTER B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE DAILY EDITION aie 5, 1913.}t9 make a more definite state-|ley, and her name is Miss Mabel TT Years in Buewess. mat ; paper - - - —_———~ —— SS SS ment as to the physical effects Lee. She is an ardent suffragist, | CaPrra. amo SuRPLUS Over $7 600,000 FAMOUS ae SAFETY ae , PUBAC FRUITS . aske ef >| i 7 n v ROBBING PETER claring Canadians inferior tojon the human body of the mod- = a . a d oe ot China| a PRINCESS Woapuandneda SPEED Ave. Below Kaien isiang Chup Americans, as well as to Aus-|erate use of alecho! than has vet | abou rat the women ; a La TO PAY PAUL. iretiame been declared. got the vote she explains d that} i | LINE ar Orne SERVICE i oHhts r ¥ e "atio f i iys been e SS . all p paenge a “an Speaking in the House at Ot-| We want a generous discussion preter 4 - on ‘a a a The Convenience of a E SSS and con on the naval » tawa on January 17 last, Mr./of the following propositions pTOaLCE Lato me Teens . . . me : 1 “Whe the ¢ ese men Vv ed! Sophia, Southbound, Friday \ find in our exchanges, none Pugsley gave an account of his {. The habitual use of alcohol) 7 7 > tas an Chine : oa oan Joint Account ny ape 4, oA M. mpress Bowling Alleys } better has been found ‘than Mr visit a couple of weeks before|/in small quantities, which to} side oe a * . ate orsities ‘ Princess ee, -wyow w Sunday, : ant POOL ROOM | ' L. W. Patmore’s reply Thurs- to the plant of the Fore River| superficial observation does no :.aen - papier ~ ~e m. Thev | A Joint Account may be wn So — " ag om 12 Tapes | , day night, before the loca! Lib- Shipbuilding Company at Quin-j|harm, really does physical dam-| = pee gn - eae t Seal tha(| Openedin the names of to or | 4. @. MONAB, General Agent Prince Rupert EE ho eral association, to Borden's cy, Massachusetts. The site of|age by inducing a habit of dila- aaah = “gg ear “s au tion ne tits Whichev — aeltien Phone 264 | is bug-a-boo British emergency.| that gréat naval construction|tion of the arterioles with sec-)*" ay ts they did, and as Chinese ere ee eT | mae a plant was an open field injondary results due to throwing ham . mb a aan persona} cat most conveniently Se ee ‘8 Sy SSS . reas eo arious o ~_ | a avs espec ducatec yersons | aie a Pe a been a a — pressur n variou I lit was Only natura! that suffrage the bank can then deposit the it no less an 4 vessels, In- | #ans. | atin sila ne diline . ny i r HAVE YOU REGISTERED? cluding five battleships for the} 2. Any individual using aleo. | Should ae eon vom BE ae ' joint funds or withdraw the UNION SS. COMPANY OF B.C. Ltd) C O A L Every qualified person who United States and one for Ar-|hol ae +. gerade pond a om ral ee; i cash needed. It saves time . gentina. grasp of the alcohol habit and is} i wishes to vote at the next diate del injured in proportion to the| Y. M. C. A. Notes. and trouble. sai eile Quan |New Wellington Coal. Best on te ji ee oe elec- SALUTE THE FLAG amount ingested and to the regu- | Tokio is the sec a anak | Coast ' on must register anew. larity of the indulgence. jstudent centre in the world. Phone 116 The fact that your name is OF CANADA FIRST 3. Under all ordinary condi-| Thousands of Chinese students PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH 99 = Rogers & Bad ; on the old list makes mo dif- Some one suggested thatltions of health, ans physical ad-| flock to that capital AY. @.C F. S. LONG, Manager. enture oi q ference, as all the old Pro- | there should be flag drills and/yantage due to the pleasure of|A. for their benefit has recently | CARTAGE and ie cs erg parame tr other patriotic ceremonies |the indulgence or to the neienive [Seen ee dente ee ; ‘ Qsstees Sve Waneseew Grete LINDSAY’S STORAGE Vv e C ’ : Tects } alcoho s E o a Z 0 a s Piste s- | ” Tho: - fail to register heid in every pubile school in effects of ale h | is far outbal “* 4 7 wen ee * DEMAND i ose who fail to reg “ : anced by its evil effects which are| sociation has been organized a j MONDAY NIGHT G. T. P. Transfer Agents will have no voice in the Canad& every day in the school not perceived immediately but are|the University of Athens, Greece, Roya RESERVE | oni public affairs of the country. calendar. There are many} eymulative. where there are 2,000 students. wre ta) tos oe mises Gotu ee led Prices reasonatia Registration must be made Canadiens “whe. tndorse thé i. The primary physiological] — - San Franciseo a Japanese WHISKY. = “te «alo seh OFFICE—H. B. Rochester restl wie ed before aged 7. ae idea. It is true there is dan-jefMfect of apparent stimulation is Y. M. C. A. building be to be erect- G Oren’ — - eouee at ain’ Seatne ger of creating a sort of sup-jonly the beginning of nl ' ~ eee ae Pacifie AGE YEARS erficial patriotism and a race|due to the coagulative effect of) oast cities ought to be generous | Galle for Vancouver M: places or from persons of young bragegarts in Odr the aleoho! on cell peripheries, | enough and Christian enough to yousmanreen BY nine, oO. & aren MALLETS named: s ho Is. yet the risk seems|and deepening the effect to thejerect Chinese and Japanese Y, M HE GOVERNMENT | ce ini OMce of aati? dees , sell centres reduces vital activ-|C. A. and Y. W. ©. A. buildings OF CANADA. | Plumbing, Heating, Steamftting ad Office of Any Solicitor more than worth while. Thej‘ ; ™ Bp gen sf: Beg” Feige common Sheet Metal Work , S & Nodes & Ce. 106, school children of Canada do|ity in the cell. 38 ar) te RECOMMENDED FOR : Ota eb ine Vaibe Po Mobley Geo. J, Frizzell not see enough of their flag.| 5. So-called moderation re-/who had become Christians while THe INVALID | Rogers Steamship Agency Phone 174 tnd Ave. bet. 7th and th Se A. J. Morris 3. J. Si The ame Ghand citizen | Sults, the vast majority of|Studying in Japan returned to T H D. A. McKinnon J. R, Morgan e average anadian citizer iy ‘ : mf Wrest Chin HE OmME | A. W. McLean does not do half enough boast-|¢@ses, in indulgence that is}. Yunnan province, we shina, Tre CONnNoIsseur Phone 116 a . ing about his country. We are measurably immoderate. and | and started a Y. M. C. A. on their Tue Pusuc : too modest about Canada.|USually shortens life and weakens | OW? a ee ee h Tural MY W ARDROBE He showed that Great Britain) Wii. we take the holiday of a|*¢!f-control. foreign assistance who naturally =| — — is now paying off her national re ee ae eS The question that is now be-| " want the best: & O68, vaRen debt at the rate of fifty-five life time we trek to London ; -s . a we Beet ot. Shel , AGE. Purity _— and the cheap tourist resorts rore society or 1s decision is le ari oO Shattesbury as he , ; " :. od a millions annually, and for of easeial leads of trving to} Whether society must suffer the|was nearing the end of his won- er eorgetown ee Borden to borrow $35,000,000 see other parts of our own|°onSsequences of the grossly ig-|derful career as a_ statesman “ | Scott Buliding, Next to Clty Mall from England, ee 4 el country. To remedy in some|"°rant and damaging use of al-/|said In early life I was pas- DISTRIBUTORS Sawmill Co Ltd. | SE enl cational debt 28 caeee mould degree these conditions we cohol in order that those who are sionately devoted to science. It| ppince Rupert Importing Co., Ltd) ” a ne . : 5 ie need " Es »RINCE IPE . } be simply to assist the British| Would — ie oe a . . PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. D. C. STUART taxpayers to pay oe ee ne- co mm c the ‘children in Lumber Accountant tional debt by just that amount. ee we f \ | — - se . every school about the great- J and See the point? ain ai die min eountey. Be / e Ps P — | Auditor for the City of Prince Rupt ——— : : ee a RUPERT. 8. © CAN CANADA DO fore this could be done, it DAILY Mouldings — might be as well to have it de- td ae PRINCE RUPERT INN ieee = NOTHING LIKE THIS. cided whether there is really a 3 sd R Ln OB Mm | Alex. Manson, 8. A Are we to believe that in Canadian flag or not. If there OGCEN EVENINGS UNTIL G9 OCLOCK — A large stock of dry finish- W. E. Williams, BA, LEE business capacity and power of| is not, there should be. The ; i ing lumber on hand. Boat AMS & MANSON organization Canadians are in-| only basis on which we can Table Showing the Wonderful Growth of the C-H-I-C in number a pomiy. Delivery | wie Solicitors, @ ferior to Americans? The up-| create a united nation in Can- Less Than Twenty Months | ANNEX made at short notice. | Barristers, - holders of the Borden naval ada is to give the citizen a Oo iii nctininaen trios mem Box _ policy and of the Admiralty} common flag—not the British All Loans Made Bear Interest at the ate ae Heigerson Block Prince memoranda concocted in sup- flag. That is the Empire flag. Rate of J Per Annum —_—-——— . port of that policy cannot es- We want a Canadian flag as ‘ @ cameo) né oe PRINCE ROPES? cape from the position of de-| well. First Loan made April 22, 1941........... $ 500.00 Owned and operated by the >. DAVEY — Loans made during month of Dec., 1911..... 4,000.00 Grand Trunk Pacific Railway on Gowns: a 5 WEAL r at Madrid. The document is Loans made during month of June, 1912.... 17,000.00 the American and European pian. EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG. TEACHER — a BOTTLE TOLD stamped with the seals of the Loans made during month of August, 1912... 22,000.00 Excellently , Gumishad, with Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. PUPIL OF WE. FOTON, Haq. 4.n4Am. 10% second empire; and is dated Sep- Loans made during month of Nov., 1942..... 34,300.00 steam heat, electric light, and ail “ -_ ° > modern conveniences, being abso- tember 4, 1870. It places the Loans made during month of Dec., 1912..... 35,100.00 lo aie in ul & 7 1 raat value of the jewels, which were Loans pending and in process of being made : ely ony HAYNER BROS. Jewels and Money Found Esti- presents from European sover- Ot Beocember 85, GOD. oi é cnc sds 0cds o0 4 68,000.00 The appointments and service L U M B E R i ceiliinaauns oxo GDM mated at Five Million. eigns to Empress Eugenie, at Loans made and pending December, 1912... . 103,100.00 are equal to any hotel on the Penere) Diresters Francs. 4,600,000 franes, and the money December 31, 1912—Loans made and in pro- coast. Grd Ave. near 6th St Phone Na — at 200,000 frances. Close to the 0068 to date. .. cade od dined bse eeecesd 263,100.00 C O A L Perignan, France, April 1.—jbottle a skeleton was unearthed. Gen ite initiniiieminns As oo Soldiers have discovered near the Rates: $1 to $3.50 | ; per day. es old fortifications at Mottlouis a Consistent a The Canadian Home Investment Company, Ltd. eee: tc~ HER buried bottle containing what| Jinks—How are you feeling? Local Office, Federal Bidg., Prince Rupert Complete Line of E. L. FIS SF, E Blinks—Like a millionaire, ° Director and Embeinet purports to be an inventory of) jinys could you tend me 8 BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES Puneres ag te jewels and money entrusted to} dojjar? G. A. Sweet, Manager. WESTHOLME LUMBER CO.. Limited 2nd Bt., cor. 2nd Ave. Pnent Manuel Perez for conveyance to| Blinks—Not while I'm feeling on Limit OPEN DAY AND NIGHT the mother of Empress Eugenie|that way.—Chicago News. z “Hacienda” i Awful Mouthful for ; cienda” is an ou or Scoop 7" Drawn for The N 7 i (‘You Know THE BIG EsTATE -A COUPLE OF HACIENDAS 7TWHY AH-~ We ARE, ier ASAMUTE TILL | LEAVE EL Paso IN MEXICO CALLED WHO WISH To RETURN To ge 1 A COUPLE UV -~ UV- X Go BAC« ANC Yo DAN AND CROSS HACIENDAS — WELL “Ou GO THEIR, ADminis TRADOS —~ 4 AH ~ou See we_ ARE OVER THE BRIDGE UP YO THE AMERICAN GuaRD GEe HATS TOUGH aides: tk dice , SEG WHATwE “| OND YELL HIM THaT WEL 1.8. Uv A COUPLE OF! @® aig - rere - seo BA