1013. HAVE LOCAL OPTION CLAUSE IN NEW LICENSE ACT MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION OF PRINCE RUPERT OTHERWISE ENDORSES NEW PROVINCIAL LICENSE ACT. I 8 quesday, April THE DAILY NEWS COAL Né a — _ NOTICES TICES aia COAL ol Sd COAL NOTICES WOULD —_ ; ' pistriet of a cnetichieieaas sane Land D ny Omineca Land Districs District of Skeena Land Distriet——Distriet of Queen ° Hazelto™, wat i, wD Notice is Hazelt Charlotte Istands, pereby * ai agent, 60). hereby given that l. RB. p Rort rake notice that I, Filippo Panvini, of Ne pat spply to the, *R, occupation aricial ag O dave) phitece Mupert, B. C., intend to apply to yy after da sands for Hcense| wer date intends tw apply to' the Chiet| teense t, Commissioner of Lands for & ays or mamissl ni petroleum over] COMMIssionerot Lay : . hief| license to prospect for coal, ot] and pe hie nae f a wnds = for coal and | ode oe 4 pr ”s troleum on the following deseribed lands, y Prowing @ ; post planted | lowing described iq ¢ fol.) Om the west coast of Graham Island anaes M sommen lB m the Grand? Commencing at a post ; Commencing at a post planted one mile t $ mile 137 east bank of Por Dianted on the| south from the southeast corner of Coal aol righ east 80 ChaiN®,| mile south from GT reek about one| Lease 7432; thence 80 chains north; thence ence north ie “Cnaitis 0 PIMCEl thence Horth #) charce tulle post 1392,| 0% chains west; thence 80 chains south; Me, 80 chain craining 640 GCFOR) cee” aos chains, east 80 chaing,| MeMee 80 chains east, to the place of be- mit ymencemel ) . mains, West 80 chains to place sinning, containing 640 acres ~~ sve oF | n. p. RONSON cae beement ntaining 640 acres} “Caled Sth January, 1999. Prinee Rupert, p. W. McGrady, Agent owes Week ; FILIPPO PANVINI, April 8, 19438. ‘ ot Rh. D. RORISON eekly Mar, 3, to Apr. 7. . : pated ms Dated Jan sone W. MeCrady, Agent Sieens Lend 50nd To the Editor: . . “ 1918 P atic yistrict yis 7 RDM ogy, yoid—Mar, oath, 1089.1, D. oo Charlotte lraitriet of Queen) At a meeting of the Prince Ru- pub. Fev. * —_—_—_—_—= . { .- ake notice that I, Filippo Panvini, of ae ‘ ‘ wi trict —District of Pub. Feb. 21, 1013-—Mar. 34, 1943 on eee, 8 C.) intend to apply to} Pert Ministerial Association, held omineca Lane © f ‘iil ' , ommissioner of Lands for @ » , ' . Harelion. es 1, A. De - license to prospect for coal, oll and. pe yesterday afternoon in the vestry ety - . « J Oo o p : : Notice | ancial agent, 6 On the West coast, wom ing Geseribed lands.) of the Anglican church, at which a i w apply to the Omineca Land District—pistrict of Commencing . . ae Island; ys, ater Lands coe dha . Hazelton 0 south from the conteone?’ coctas “ar ore all the churches, except one were ‘ wil etroleu ove otice is here ease 7 . a i » prospe i a son a ~ = reby siven that I, R. D. Rort- ace qeaiee ‘oath hee #0 chains north; thence represented, including the Luth- wie 08 ylanted . wh Nhancial agent, 60 days = ©as ence 80 chains south; . . ‘cotnll 7 a * rom * ne’ Grand eo Gate intend apply to the Chist thence 80 chains west, to the place of be-| ran Church and the Salvation i mite -omimissionerofl Lands f license to pros ginning, containing 640 acres, A Jiscussion tor k lace , g way pect for coal and petroier 2 Located 5th Januar 1913 rmy, @ dis Sf OK place on k ains, west 80 petroleum over the fol y, : Z nee north PY vast 80 chains se | }OWiNg described land Weekly Mar, 3 FILIPPO PANVINI the new provisions of the License uth 8 vent, containing 640 acres oa ta or pe ‘ p at Plante on i. ‘ 3 to Apr. 7, Act as amended at the last ses- . e 4 pine ee about one _ ———-—-_____ a yre t KR. D RORISON. miles south from 6. 1. P. mile post 432,|Skeena Land District—pistrict of Queen) 10M of the provincial legislature, rp. W. Mecrady, Agent thence forth 80 chains, west 80 chains, . Charlotte Isiands, and I was asked to voice’ the pated Fet 1913 south 80 chains, east 80 chains to place| , Take notice that I, Filippo Panvini, of . , os of commencement, containing 640 scres|hTince Rupert, B. C., intend to apply to sentiment of the meeting. h. D. i er, Ce Roense 10 premmen tee ot, anes eS While we are unanimously of pub, Feb, 24th, 19% ; : ; RK. D, RORISON, tole on reebect for coal, oll and pe- , , , oF) a“ F. W. MeCrady, Agent. én the wast aa following described lands,jthe opinion that there should be Land Distriet—District of Dated Jan, 22nd, 1913 Come ast of Grabam Island: i . Ominees ee Hazelton D. A. south tr a ata post planted one mile} a local option clause in the Pro- ; . Vv 1 S801 2 corne Notice Oinen a speat, be Pub. Fei License 7432 thence 80 ‘chains seuin; vineial License Act which would risol Uh pa ge apply 10. the D. 21, 1913—Mar, 31, 1943 rene BO chains west; thence 80 chains} allow municipalities, and wards be er f Lands for license} ili Of Decne” ce eens east, to the place ; igt b ef Comin od petroleum over ——— f beginning, containing 640 acres, of cities, the right to banish the wing described Jands ¢ planted ae reer Ieee panviny, |Dar from their locality, if they f i f 08 an tec Ominecé r stric . ¢ - : ‘ : = commencine unk ‘nile post 198 eee Lend District—Distries of Weekly Mar, 3 to Apr. 7. wished, and while we cannot help ra pele west 80 chains, Notice is hereby given that I, BR. D. Rori LT thinking that this very tighten- east 80 chains to place son, occupation financial agent, 60 days LAND LEASE NOTICES, ? the conde of the License at, nlaining Slafter date intends to apply to the Chief ili lana in walls ing of the cords 0 1e License D. RORISON MeCrady, Agent Mar. 24th, 1013 —$—$—— gith, 1913 District of i, KR. agent, 60 Land District Hazelton motce is hereby given that : pation financial jate intend w apply to the sione f Lands for license and petroleum over d iands post b planted post i2s, chains, east 80 chains, st 80 chains to place containing 640 acres D. RORISON. Mecrady, Agent KR. Ww ivis 1013-—Mar, 24th, 1913 Feb. 24th, District of given that 1, AK. D. financial agent, 61 niend to apply to the ier | Lands for license 4i and petréleum over ribed lands a post tile post chains, west 60 chains, east 80 chains to place containing 640 «acres RK. D. RORISON. MeCrady, Agent. 3. i District Hazelton. ali iu : les¢ planted 125, Mite OC ib urabd sua b chains commencement, le or jess W ivi i Sth, 1¥is—-Mar, 24th, 1913 Zeth, peca Land District istrict of Hazelton, eby given that o Dpenciai © intend to apply le Lands for and petroleum bed lands os post hile post east 80 chains, chains to place containing 640 acres b. McCrady, I, A @gent, t to the license vuver b planted 2s AK. w. 1043 RORISON Agent I th, Mar. 24th, 1013 2ith, 1913 Land District of i, kK. D agent, t District Hazelton “yy given tat As palon financial < intend Ww apply Ww the wr of Lands for license 4. and petroleum over i scribed lands ing at 4 post uel of a smell cabin Trunk mile post 1380, © soulh 80 chains, West 80 chains, a S0 chains, east 80 chains to place omibehcement, containing 640 acres . less. KK. D. RORISON, sy; ,mecnnee Agent. HAMIS sil olulbe ibe Grand planted i ated Feb. Sth EC ° DR Ub. Feb. 24th, 1913-—Mar, 94th, 1013 Omineca Land District—District of a Hazelton. (8 hereby given that I, RB. D. atte 2baton Anancial agent, 60 ute ‘ave intend to epply to the a missioner of Lands for license ruspect for coal and petr over ane O§ described lands; amon ing al 4 post planted | ner of 4 small cabin é brand Trunk post 130, . a ih 80 chains, t 80 chains, tee chains, east 80 chains to place a nencemeat, containing 640 acres j we dec eeeeoe. tT Feb. Sth, 4913. m LD. R Wb. Feb. 24th, 1919-—Mar, 94th, 1043 Omineca Land Di strict—District of ee Hazelton, ~ fereby given that I, RK. D. S alien Pe4oO Anancial agent, 60 1 Coe dale ‘intend to apply to the Prospect. ee 8 2 ove! ee ne Jeseribed fetes, a ie et post planted ,*= urber or a small cabin ce. tG Trunk = =mile post 130, “ af ut 50 chains, east 80 chains, COmenn West $0 chains to place bcelment, Containing 640 acres © or less Kh. D, RORIBON, t 2c ated . . MeCrad . (i Feb. sth, tig, y, Agent b ub K Feb. 24th, 1043-—Mar. Sith, 1918 “ Land Distriet—Distrtet of Hazelton, ‘ereDy given that I, KR. D ’Son Tnancial agent, 60 moe intend to apply to th her of Lands for leense ¢ deseth and petroleum over ‘bed lands ee ee ant 68. email Unk mile post 130, lains, walls, ass 80 chains, COMMERCEMent eopse, CAINS to place Pe OF jess ‘) Containing 640 acres Ki. D. RORISON. Yj gMecrady, Agent. Otaing planted cabin hh a i oth, 104 1013--Mar, 24th, 1048 ' Land District Skeena K. ©, Goodale, of occupation attorney, 4 license to prospect ‘Um Over the following Isiands t of that |, ston, I for 1 Det Pome’, 8 theas: , hee fs an 4 post fe planted at the es ection 8, Township 7, nerun thenee west 80 Chains to 50 chains, thence pn” POnt Of commencement ‘ pognals, Locator. 1918 » Aaa, er ‘ h a thence ‘Ate " Pup pan? ira Feb #4, Mar, 3, 40, 47, a4, Commissionerof Lands for license to pros pect for coal and petroleum over the fol lowing described lands Commencing at @ post @ast bank of Porcupine miles south from G. T thence south 80 chains, north 80 chains, west of commencement, more or less planted on the Creek about one PY. mile post 132, east 80 chains, 50 chains to place containing 640 acres RK. D. RORISON W. MecCrady, Agent 19143 F Dated Jan. 22nd, b. i N Pub. Feb. 21, 1913 a Mar, 31, 1013 Omineca Land District—District of Hazelton. Notice is hereby given that I, AK. D. Ror son, occupation financial agent, 69 days after date intends to apply to the Chief Commissionerof Lands for license to pros pect for coal and petroleum over the fol lowing described lands Commencing at & post planted on the east bank of Porcupine Creek about one miles south from WU. P. mile post 132 thence south 80 « ns, west 80 chains, north 80 chains, east 80 chains to place of commencement, containing 640 acres more or less RK. D. RORISON F. W. MeCrady, Agent Dated Jan. 22nd, 1913. N. E. C. RK » A. Pub. Feb. 21, 1913-—-Mar, 31, 1013 District of I, R agent, ¢ Cmineca Land District Hazelton. hereby given that Rorison, occupation financial days after date intend to apply to the Chief Commissioner of Lands for license to prospect for coal and petroleum ove! the following described lands Commencing at @ post planted hear 4! aid construction cainp, mile post 135 thence north 80 chains, east 80 chains south 80 chains, west 80 chains to piace of commencement, containing 640 acres more or jess, R. Ww 1¥i3 Notice D is KORISON Agent D. r McCrady, Sth, RK. D. RB. Pub. Feb. 2h, 1913-—Mar Dated Feb Ww. C. 24th, 1913 Gmineca Land District—District of Hazelton. Notice is hereby given that I, RK Rortson, occupation Mnancial agent, 60 days efter date intend to apply to the Chief Commissioner Lands for loens< to prospect for coal and petroleum over the following described lands Commencing at @ post planted near an old construction camp, mile post 135, thence north 80 chains, west 50 chains south $0 chains, east 80 chains to place of commencement, containing 640 acres \¢ . more or less R. D. RORISON Fr. W. MeCrady, Agent Dated Feb. Sth, 1013. 5. EB. C. D . of hk. D. RB, Pub, Feb, 24th, 1913-—-Mar. 24th, 1915 Omineca Land District—Distriet of Hazelton. Notice is hereby gf that I, RK. D Rortson, occupation An cial agent, 60 days after date intend to apply to th: Chief Commissioner of Lands for license to prospect for coal and petroleum over the following descr $ Commencing at @ post planted near an old construction camp, mile ost 135 thence south 80 chains, east 80 chains, north 80 chains, west 80 chains to place of commencement, containing 640 acres more or less. R. D. RORISON W. MeCrady, Agent. 1013. F. Dated Feb. 6th, N. W. C. KR. D. RB. . Pub. Feb. 24th, 1913-——Mar, 24th, 19139 Gmineca Land District—-District of Hazelton. Notice is hereby given that 4 a. Ds Rorison, occupation financial agent, 6° days after date intend to apply to th: Chief Commissioner of Lands for license to prospect for coal and petroleum over the following described lands Commencing at a post planted near an old construction camp, mile post 93% thence south 80 chains, west 50 chains, north 80 chains, east 80 chains to place of commencement, containiny more or less. B. D. RORISON. . W. MeCrady, Agent Dated Feb. 5th, 1913. i bs Pub. Feb, 24th, 1018—-Mar, 24th, 1915 Omineca Land District-——District of Hazelton is hereby given that Rorison, occupation financial days after date intend to apply Chief Commissioner of Lands for I, AR. D. agent, 60 to the lieens: Notice and petroleum over to rospect for coal the “following described lands Oommencing at “ post planted about 600 yards from the Grand Trunk right-of-way, mile 1374 thence south 80 chains, east 80 chains, north 80 chains, west 80 chains to place of commencement, containing 640 acres more or 1e85. B.D. RORISON F. W. MecCrady, Agent Dated Feb. Sth, 1018 N. W - ° Pub Feb, 24th, 1013-—Mar, 24th, 1019 Omineca Land District—District of Hazelton Notice is hereby given that I, hk. D Rorison, occupation financial agent idays after date intend to apply to th lChiet Commissioner of Lands for licen to prospect for coal and petroleum over the following described lands | Commencing at about 690 yards Trunk right. of-way, thence south 80 chains, 80 chains, inorth 80 chains, east 80 chains to place lof commencement, containing 64° acres |}more or less, } AR. PD. RORIBON Fr. W. MeCrady, Agent R* 4 Feb. Sth, 1918. planted the Grand 137% Kh. BD. Pub, Feb, 24th, ib1S-——Mar, @4th, 1018 Skeena Land Dissriee——Dotrict of Coast, v. : , Take notice that James D. Peebles, of ee 4. C., engineer, intends to ap- or permission Ww leas described lands: Pere Commencing at & post planted on the northeast coast of Porcher Iisiand, about & quarter of @ mile southeast of the mouth of Humpback Creek, haif chain frem beach, thence south 80 chains, thence east SU chains, thence north 80 chains, thence west 80 chains following shore lime ww point of commencement, containing 640 acres more or jess. JAMES D. PEEBLES. Kobert Heid, Agent. Dated 20th January, 1913. Pub, Feb. 10, 1913—Apr. 7, 1913. Skeena Land District—District of Coast, Range V. notice that Robert Reid, of Van- couver, B. C., contractor, intends te ap ply for permission to lease the following described jands: Comumencing at @ post planted on the northeast coast of Porcher isiand, about 2% miles southeast of mouth of Hump- back Creek and at the north end of Chis more Passage, half chain from beach, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains following sbore line to point of commencement, conteining 640 acres more or less ROBERT REID. Dated 20th January, 1913. Pub. Feb. 10, 1913-——Apr, 7, Take 1913. WATER NOTICE. For a License to Take and Use Water. Notice is hereby given that Jock Bounar, of Kitsumkaium Lake, B. U., Will apply for & lieense Ww take and~ use isu miners ihehbes of water out of Hall Creek, which fows in @ westerly direction through | Lots 1432 and 1521, Range V., Coast Dis trict, and empties into hitsumkaium Lake imear southwest corner of Lot 1432 The | Water will be diverted at 4 poimt about % mile up from the mouth and will be used for irrigation purposes on the land de scribed as southerly portion of Lot 1521, Range V, (ast District this notice Was posted om the ground on the ‘th day of Mareh, 1913. The &@ plication will be filed in the oMece of the Water Recorder at Prince Kupert. Objections may be Gied with the said Water Kecorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B. C. JOCK BONNAR, Applicant Mar. 3 to 24. LAND PURCHASE NOTICES. Land District-—District of Coast, hange Take notice that 1, Daniel Brenton Ken- ney, of Terrace, B. U., occupation rancher, intend to apply for permission to pur the following described lands Skeena Lc Commencing at a post planted at the northeast corner of Lot 5130, thence north 40 chains, thence east 30 chains, thence south 40 chains, thence west 30 chains to the point of commencement, containing 120 acres more or less DANIEL BRENTON KENNEY. Dated March 13th, 1913. Pub. April 7th to June 2nd. Skeena Land District——District of Coast, Range V. ee Take notice that George W. ter, of Prince Rupert, B. C.; occupation farmer, intends to ly for permission to pur- chase the following described lands: Commencing at &@ post planted 2% miles east of Quinista River, on the Skeena River, thence 40 chains north, thence 40 chains west, thence 40 chains south, thence 40 chains east to point of commencement, containing 160 acres more or less. “SORGE W. CARPENTER. Dated January 28th, 1913. Pub. Feb, 10th, 1013-—-Apr. 7th, 1913. Skeena Land District—District of Cassiar, Take notice that Bernard O'Neill, © Goose Bay, B. C.; occupation prospector, intends wo ly for permission to pur- chase the following described lands: Commencing @t @ post planted one mile distant and ip @ southeasterly direction from the Hidden Creek Copper Company's wharf, Goose Bay, B, C., thence east fol- lowing the sinuosities Of the shore line 80 chains, thence north 20 chains, thence west 50 chains, thence south 20 chains Ww point of commencement, containing 160 acres more or less. BERNARD O'NEILL. F. 8. W. 3 Agent Dated January 8th, 1943. Pub. Feb. 10, 1913—Apr. 7th, 1013 Omineca band District—District of Cassiar. Take notice that |, RK. D. Rorison, Nnan cial agent, of Vancouver, B. C,, 60 days after date intend to apply to © . missioner of Lands to purchase Lot O18 A, Cassiar district, Skeena Kiver, containing 43.7 acres more or less, Dated Feby, Sth, 1913. A. D. RORISON, F. W. MeCrady, Agent. Mar. 3-Apr. 28. Skeena Land Disirict-—District Coast Ran v we V. NOTICE that Frank Knott, of Prince Rupert, 3B,C., occupation baker, intends to apply for permission to pur- chase the following described lands: Commencing &@t 4 post planted at the N.W. corner of T.L, 30945, thence south 80 chains; thence west 20 chains; thence north 60 chains more or less to the south bank of the Skeena River; thence north- easterly along the satd bank of the Skeena fiver to the nt of commencement, Con- twining 150 acres more or less, FRAN KNOTT, & » LENHART, Agent. 4 to May 12-—13 of TARE Dated Feb. 24 Pub, Mareh 1 Skeena Land District—District of Coast ange ¥. ee TAKE NOTICE that Bugene hens, of Prince Rupert, B.C,, occupation cook, in tends to apply for permission to pur- lehase the following described lands: Commencing ata 1 planted at the N gE. corner of T.L, 80045, thence north 20 chains; thence east 13 chains, more or less, to the west boundary of John Me kechney’s pre-emption; thence south 20 }chains, more or less to John Mckechney’s S.W. corner; thence east 20 chains; thence south 20 chains; thence west 33 chains, imore or less, to east boundary of T. L. $0045; thenee north 20 chains, more lor less tO the point of commencement, oe v0 acres more i BUG Nir RENZ M p. LeNwART. Agent. Dated Feb. 84, 1043. to May 12-13 Pub. March 1 ‘i Act has been done partly at least to head off an agitation for this power of local veto, which the liquor men dread so much, yet at the same time remembering that sometimes it is wise to “hasten slowly” we cannot refrain from highly commending some of the new provisions of the License Act. We have as a body on more than one occasion brought before our city council the disastrous effects of permitting the sale of intoxicating drink to continue un- til midnight. The new law closes all lieensed bars from 10 o'clock Saturday evening until 7 o'clock Monday morning, and on other nights from 11 to 7. For many parts of the province this is a forward step. Any person apparently under the influence of liquor, or who has acquired the reputation of being a drunkard, or notoriously his money in drinking DIRT FROM CREEK PANS OUT WELL Prospectors from Silver Creek Arrive at Nahlin Showing Good Pay for Work wastes Nahlin, B.C., 4—Two men who came down the trail to- day from Silver Creek report that J. Fuller, owner of No. 11 below discovery Silver Creek, has reached bed rock after passing through five feet of grave!. They took out coarse gold to the value of 75 cents a pan, which is con- April on Jv sidered good pay. Prospects on other creeks ap- pear to be favorable, but no bed- rock has so far been uncovered except in the case mentioned above. There is a small town of tents on Johnson Creek and other creek benches are being dotted by the tents of the new arrivals. The first white woman and child in camp are Mrs. MeGrath and her son, who accompanied the husband and father from Rome. W. F. Carmack and his wife, and Billy Leak of Dawson, are on the way in, while Johnson of Nome, and Jim Barry of Juneau, are among the other well-known Al- askans on Silver Creek. American Wins in Paris Paris, April 5—Jeff Smith, the American middleweight pugilist, practically knocked out the Frenchman, Adrian Hogan, to- night at the Girque de Paris. The end came in the eleventh round. When Hogan was helpless on the ropes, his seconds sprang into the ring and carried him out. The bout was scheduled for 20 rounds. Gunboat Smith Gets McKay New York, April 5—Gunboat Smith, the Californian heavy- weight, knocked out Fred MeKay of Canada, in the second roune of a scheduled’ ten-round bout here tonight, McKay had the better of the opening round, Smith finding it dificult to reach his opponent who was taller and twenty-nine pounds heavier. Smith weighed 183 pounds. Moving to New Station. The railway offices in New Hazelton will shortly be moved into the new station and the cars now used as a depot will be moved out to Porphyry Creek, to which point the service will soon be extended, This is about twelve or fifteen miles farther east and it means that much less haul for the contractors who will have a big bunch of supplies to go out as soon as the roads get in a little better shape. liquor is placed under an indi- vidual prohibition act. No doubt there will be many ways of evad- ing this law, but such a person waiting for his “friends” to treat ean no longer loiter around a bar him. The self-respecting license holder can no longer take money out of the drunkard’s pocket. The new act protects the li- ecense holder from the greed of the great liquor corporations. The “tied house” is no longer possible. Along the line of railway con- struction in the interior it notorious that certain licensed men were selling to “blind pigs” so that instead of having only one bar they had dozens. This illegal now. It is made muéh easier now to conviet those selling without a license, and the penalty im- prisonment without the option of a fine. The man who worries the bartender for a drink after hours and succeeds in buying one can also be punished as well as the vendor. During prohibited hours full view into the bar room must not be obstructed in any way, and no musical instrument, dancing or other form of enter- tainment is permitted in a bar room. No woman can purchase or be served with liquor in a bar room, and Indians will find it a little more difficult to get a “friend” to go into the bar room to buy them liquor. was 1s is We wish as a body to express our hearty approval of what the Provincial government has done in the way of screwing up some loose nuts on the license ma- chine, though we still urge the insertion of a local option clause in an otherwise most excellent license act. Yours faithfully, F. H. DU VERNET, President. BOARD OF INSPECTORS — FOR CANADIAN BANKS Suggestion to Pay Chairman of Board Twenty-Five Thou- sand a Year rigid and inspec- A government Ottawa, April 5 thorough tion of strongly advocated by Mr. H. C. McLeod, ex-bank manager and monetary expert, before the bank Canadian Banks was ing and commerce committee yesterday morning. Mr. McLeod's suggestion was that a board of inspectors should be nominated by the directors of the banks to be approved by the government or finance minister. He thought that a board of twen- ty would be sufficient to provide a complete and adequate inspec- tion of all the banks in the Do- minion at least once a year. Only the head oilices would require or demand inspection although in some cases he thought it might be necessary to inspect some of the larger branches. Mr. MeLeod said he would pay these inspectors ample salaries The chairman, he thought should receive no less than $25,000 a year. This particular sugges- tion was received with a gasp of astonishment by members of the committee. “Why! That is more than a cabinet minister gets,’ exclaim- ed Mr, White. Consular Post Raised Seattle, April 5—In a letter received yesterday by the new Chamber of Commerce from the London chamber, the former body advised that beginning this month the status of the Bri- tish consular post at this port is raised from that of viee consul- ale to a consulate. is Another Australian Warship Sydney, N.S.W., April 5—The Sydney Sun, referring to Austra- lia’'s proposed naval expansion, says that the British admiralty will welcome another super- dreadnought for the Imperial fleet, as it will quicken the pace of other Overseas Dominions in the matter of naval construction, During courtship a man easily makes a dollar look like thirty cents, After marriage he tries to make thirty cents look like a dollar. This is less easy. Forty years in use, twenty years standard, prescribed and recommended by physicians. For Women's Ailments, Dr. Martel's Female Pilis, at your druggist. The paper that prints the facts | —the Daily News. Gifts for Spring Brides To those who must buy wedding gifts for spring brides our ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE will prove a real boon. This Catalogue illustrates and describes our se- lect stock of Diamonds, Jewellery, Watches, Silverware, Cut Glass, Cutlery, Leather Goods, Art Goods and Nodvelties. It will be sent to your address free. We are the largest importers of DIAMONDS in Canada. We are the largest manufacturers of SILVERWARE IN Canada. We guar- antee all goods, ship all orders prepaid at our own risk and refund money when goods are not satisfactory. Write for this Catalogue and save money on your purchases. Henry Birks & Sons, Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director oF Educate your children musically Start with the Edison Phonograph An appreciation of music is as essential as tech- nique. The world’s masterpieces are on Edison Records, done by the greatest artists. You can play them again and again, until you have familiarized yourself and your children with the sort of music they ought to know-—classical and popular. Stop in at your Edison dealer’s and have him play some Blue Amberol Records. They will delight the family. Thomas A. Edisoa, lnc., 100 Lakeside Ave., Orange, N. J., U. 3. A. A complete line of Edison Phosographs and Records will be found at HAYNER BROS. 3rd Ave. and 6th St. PS FERGUSON’S ‘P. & OY queur Scotch Whisky TESTIMONIAL Dr. J. Nichol, Llandudno, reports :— ‘*Your whisky is, in my opinion, an ex- cellent and well matured spirit ard as such I can conscientiously recommend to patients requiring such a beverage.” —DISTILLERS— ALEX. FERGUSON & CO. .108 West Regent Street, Glasgow PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. BER Read The Daily News