rhursday April 10, 108s. THE DAILY NEWS ———, — n the hollow of Your hand You have a chance to make excellent profits from the development of that greatest of ns of the Canadian West-—the North Pacifie Coast those who invested there in the be Fortunes were made at Prinee Port Ed- t bs ginning. Fortunes will be made at iy those who invest wisely now Prince Rupert needs an industrial complement to permit of its fullest development. The Grand Trunk itself acknowledges that there is not sufficient room for the location of stries along the waterfront in Prince Rupert. Port Edward—immediately adjacent to prince Rupert—offers the only available location for an industrial annex. Port Edward is sufficiently close to the centre of the Prince Rupert business section to assure easy com- nication Rat Eduard BC ; J tince Ruperts > Industrial Annex you a great opportunity. You who read this advertisement hold in the hollow of hand an opening for profitable investment that may never come to you again. Learn facts, act at once, open your mind to reasonable conviction t Edward is what may be termed the nucleus of an industrial-residential city It modern industries absolutely every requirement that they demand—water trans- including the shortest route of any Pacific Coast terminal port to the Oriental irkets; rail transportation over a railroad enjoying the easiest grades of any of the trans- tal lines and splendidly constructed; tremendous resources all around, fish, timber, ils and grain; very level industrial sites permitting easy communication with wharf