M ndas Apr! 14, 1913 THE DAILY NEWS ee 16 This | ae the tt da effect at the | tim i for the eon L NOTICE. PASSED Thi . ' rain part { iid sewer \INIC! rok Cont rhe ¢ uct the M PRINCE Ripe Hl cj : ‘ al nk sewer vhieh si Coun. | APRIL, A. D as ’ L at ler ' ten tioned wt at aot has fixed at I "4 ; Seas sy ay One Ah! ’ At D ' ' for the ity April A j : i ~ ihe part of the ; m, in ee , and uifalis whieh it is a, 8 nul uy, = the | TAKE NOTICE — Ktended t at the present time, Ha ok w 9 copy of the |; : nd whien pian a, b © the passing of Oe ent | bylaw 600.00 upon w ae ih Byla ' ghed by His Worship “ : ; prince Rupert] dainty. wilt bs tus the Ma th ty Clerk, and sealed ral ’ son and grading Room, City Ha : i : with the ui of wu city, and is herein ; ate o- 1S 10/ Cron 7 | iter ererred to as the plan | , ‘ ’ " ‘ a5 - ne ried | 4 w until th Pp AND WHEREAS the plan shows the line “i A ' 000 to pay I EST A. Woon f the proposed trunk sewers end the f ‘ ing repayment ‘ Clerk eitustd n of the proposed outfails at present on werk and issuing of Ot _——e oe unde aiken and thereon marked in for = BYLAW the , prince Rupert ie ad WHEREAS the said plan also shows be and wrading 0 ne iWerent drainage areas in the City of si city of|* cane, LL F PRINCE RU-| Prince Rupert whieh wht eventually be to Street TION AND « ’ N THE EXCAVA erved | th (falls and trunk sewers os i a dept LAND WAI Hi eee BE sown uy the said plan ind pay for the PIUNCE KUPT ATE ON FULTOR AND WHEREAS it may be necessary nt an and interest STREET. A ATI ion PUL py luring w ruction of the said work C. oe ' CURRING oF ' seviate from the he 48 shown upon the aah th natrue OF #12 PF THE AMOUNT aid pla i ia unt of such devia ye wer System AND FOR st ; SECURENE aoe i i saving iM the cost or tend huper and AND INTER) j ' CIN Den - Nard erea efficiency of the lebt to the TURKS THEREFO! . — : h part AND WHEREA t will be required to 2 t deben WHEREA sdvinhiin td on re it im ‘ $350,000 for the pur | : ‘ NOTICE that the | ©@vate and x f land belong. |yvre Of baying for the ‘said work hereby j kk ing to the { anp Ft ‘ md that the Kuper Jescribed AND ERERAS U _ ‘ . kept open on the] 4s follows sali wi i the City intends to issue y 4 Dp. 1018, from Commencing a the easter! ( .' ‘ . int 4 a ype ors, ¢ ora rid 24 the hour of] property eet, distant! dat ming into effect of this Br. ae ff ninety-two ess south : ~ % into ef¢ of this By ( ke NOTICE thatlot the th , tf ia fave’ eo bee aie eae totke te ‘ been appointed | Biock 34 ence alongs & li ber centum per annum mantel. | » charge Of seldl bearing aster ' on ies _ AND WHEKEAS it will be necessary to s grees and { ; aise annual to pay the said debt the : woopDbs degrees 47 1 j : " i 671.8 md to raise annually Clerks r tes 2 he um i £17,650 to pay the interest 20 ; het making if ali the sum of 820. “ more or ik . 171 pa the interest and sinking ; y r rHRINcke Al degrees yu ‘ snd i THR BAUAVA Teet more AND WHEREA the valuc f the whole ; \ GbATAIN| north 1 dee 2 f the tteabie improvements and reali vik \ ELUOND] west, 75 feet to the potntpPrul ' hh the Municipalit of the City PROPERTY OF lot comm eu 4 Mitaining 700.8740! Kupert according to the last re vs i LPERT AND] square is | all more or less ‘ sment roll, being the roll for t i AND FOR IN-] being @ port arcel 22 as set out in iy 1912, 18 $21,686,58 i ‘ tU PAY] aereement beiw © Municipality of the AN cee KEAS the whole of the debt W h IME SECURING] ily i ft I the Grand Trunk f the y of Prine Rupert, not includ it AND INTEREST] Vacific Ra 1 mpa the Grand Trunk lebts for local improvements and k ' ) DEBENTURES Pacific De pine mipar Limited, and ’ purpose is 771,000, which is not b : sdvisable to ex His Maj« h 1 hi right f hi twent zt pet cent. of the said assessed W . and belonging] Province i sh mbia smnount grate ane Khupert described AND WHEKEAS 4 petition has been AND WHEREAS this Bylaw cannot be 5 . presented t ty Council signed b iltered except by the onsent of the je i the south- | He ane - Uy requisite value I} Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council Avenue, at the foe’ the ei ‘ Prince Rape “ ook ‘UW THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF ‘a 2, Block 27, See : sty , Pass this Bylaw. i THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT ENACTS ported ust along — the Pals the wT ® r . Required tol As FOLLOWS Avenue 173.61) OF Day r ; aad “a Selatan. 1) It shail be lawful for the City of : yutheast along} yy, nana ’ etructed "S mereny sti-i, Hupert to construct as part of a ry y a oe = AND whe i BA the City intends t ; = ‘'~ J a em the following trunk a. “e : aaa i oulfails , theast and again} S46 yoo raise the sald sum 1 HAYS CREEK TRUNK SEWER AND é thwest southeast! date of the coming into effect of this By | OUTFALI : ‘ f lane, Block liaw and bear ng oa mm oe. Commencing at @ point at low water ess following the earing interest at five perlmark on Water Front Block “F” about i I centum per ant 4 ater rou abou ne the borth AND WHEW ‘S t is necessary t 27 feet suthwest of the northeast ha ‘ © 179.86 feet annually to pa id debt th , a _ boundary the said Water Front Block ast aid MOFTh- larg, « and aise annually the st m or] ! afd im 4 southeasterly and a south est a astern and S0UTD-Teeng tw pay interest thereon, in all the] Westerly, direction across the said Water : said jane 218.6¢ sum of $741.9 ; pa interest and sink Front Block I to the lane at the rear st the curves,ling fund , , { Block 17, Section 1, thence in a south ence a northeastern AND WHEREAS the val of the whole] ®'lY direction along the said lane to Third A 27, Secuiool rateable land and mprovements and real/\*Ychue, thetce in @ northeasterly direction i to the POM) property of the M inicipality according to| #!0%8 Third Avenue until it intersects with 1 : miaining §1.6lihe last revise ; assessment roll, being the]! Continuation of Cotton Street, thence une more OF less, DeiN€l roll for the year 1912, is $21,686.58 trees aa maa 7 cara or neste I t in agreement ND « a ‘deb ’ ' Stree to Eighth Avenue, thence in a north w pality of the City of], - A WHERE Rapes bt is a. gi weal easterly direction along Eighth Avenue to ' i Al frupk Pacific improvements and school rp ane is | He lane in Block 30, Section 6, thence in a rand Trunk Pa-|e7t; ooo wt . n ) pe entum of | *0Utheasterly direction along the said lane mpany, Limited, and/ said assessed ar nt ' to 4 point marke@ on the Bylaw Plan as M ‘ hing in his right of his AND WHER e aa th Bylaw annot be H. ti, situate on Parcel 28, as set out inbia altered except by the consent the | ie @4#reement between THE GRAND TRI Nk ND Wh i petition has Leen pre-| Lieutenant. « rhor-it ‘ n PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, THE GRAND veil sighed by the} NOW THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL] TRUNK PACIFIC DEVELOPMENT COM value of property| COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE|T ANY, LIMITED, HIS MAJESTY THE Rupert asking the] CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT ENACTS As|*S!NG in his right of his Province of British pa this Bylaw FOLLOWS jumbia and THE MUNICIPALITY OF THE EAS it will be required tof 1. It shall be lawful for the city of |“! TY OF PRINCE RUPERT i $4 for the purpose) Prince Kupert to excavate and grade the|,,/Urther commencing at the said M. H paying 1 rk hereby au-j piece of land situate on Fulton Street} i) And continuing in a@ southerly and 1 ted he reinbefore described puthwesterly irection along the said AN i the City intends to 2 r the purpose of paying for the|/8tee! 28 and the Grand Trunk Pacific l 1 i —— construction of work hers authorized and Government Reserve to a point at the o ra the aid sum hal! ane between Blocks 38 and 39, Section 5 rty ‘ ears | Shall be law 1 eate a een at ote : . P “ 5 ) 4 yea whict ol the a’ northwesterly direction along 4 ming into effect rich debt all be payable in 40 years : 7 ~ . ete from the date when this Bylaw takes ef me Sale lene 6 nth Avenue airing interest at five fect, for which debt debentures ‘may ‘| j ne mmencing at the aforesaid Annu faeeed Wo be secured tm teamen ; ae n.{M. H. 11 and continuing in a northerly ‘ s necessary to raise after mentioned . P . lirection along the aforesaid Parcel 28 to vt I aid debt the sum of the lane between Blocks 21 and 31, Sec “4 ise annually the sum of The sum of #141.95 is necessary to] tior thence in a northwesterly direction i ‘ t thereon, in all the] @ Set aside during the curret long the said lane to Eighth Avenue #544 pay interest and sink f the said deb s for the purpose of Furthe mimencing at the afvresaid forming a si hd with which to pay|M. H. 41 and cont nuling in @ southeaster 4 j niended to bor ne 7 = ne é eareeee . ty y, northeasterly and easterly direction . ; rized hereby only : ‘ ea nione the aforesaid Parcel 28 to Ele vent! : r ; the olane these yeee = A Saning fu d y an 1 ue einne "ee aver ‘ thence “6 4 a rtheas yy 2 ae ° q interest during the id term and the cur and = then in an Srdtnetonts “directi« n me os = — wees rency of the said debentures along A fre 1 Street to Ninth Avenue o 4 ‘ : ~y +: a eC ‘ The said sum necessary to pay the Further commencing at a point marked as ssacanenant “wi oll, thw the | “#!¢ Sinking fund and interest shall be an-|M. H.20, on the Plan, situate on the afore ' . ¢ 821.686 bat “) aually collected as a special levy or tax} Said Parcel 28 and continuing in a south ‘ND WHERPAS 7 ' Se fet py against the taxable land in the City of}erly direction to Sherbrooke Avenue : ‘ ba 7 = 4 * the Prince Rupert Further commencing at a point about pe wt inciuc oce o “ 2 ¢ , h 1 school pasposes. 1s 5 There shall be issued any number on -— my a # = “ a 3 1 90 er centum of! ‘ r ‘de bentures to be made for such sums I oo a s uate on the aforesaic d assessed ; ' as may be required for raising the saia| Sree! 2 and continuing in a south sum of $12,000 and the said debentures} **'rly direction to Sherbrooke Avenue AN WHEREAS Bylaw cannot be may be either for currency or sterling and Purther ommencing at a point on tcept by the consent of thelshali tot be for less than $100 current Eleventh Avenue at tts intersection with a 1- Council or £20 sterling each. and not d Edward Avenue and continuing in a south W THEREFORE THE MUNCIPAI ; , ane n rn iD easterly and southerly direction along Ed NC] P THE /RPORATION OF THE pre: we ye the sum of 812,000 and the said ward Avenue to Albert Avenue — debentures « rep HINCE RUPERT enacts as fol-| cuted and sone, Ly As "ese ALL UAND TRUNK SEWER 6 The said debentures shall be deemed |?8OM DISTRICT MARKED “A” ON PLAN \ lawful for the City of} to have been properly executed by being|,,..cC™mencing at @ point at low. water pe fate an ind rede the) signed by the Mayor and the Treasurer | gii{k on Water Pront Block “E” and about lat ite on Second Avenue|of the City of Prince Rupert and shall be th ae er west of the continuation of hed sealed with the corporate seal a Oey a, Broperty line of Seventh astry pose of paying for the 7. The said debentures shall bear the] [iret and in @ southeasterly direction - a K hereby authorized it) date when this Bylaw takes effect, and - > os 7 ane ; ee : = ze be, create a debt of $46,000,/ shall contain a promise to pay the amounts northwest property line es Pires aot the uel 5 © payable in forty (40) | secured thereby and. the interest thereon Sean Sit ae ae one teas ves Svea When this Bylaw takes/at the rate of five per centum per annum, | aror a w canteny Girection across the f w! lebt debentures may be} payable half yearly, on the first day of Pines hie at sernt Block “EM, and hen ved i manner herein-| January and the first day of July. and may Avenue Seventh Street to Stcond , be with or without coupons attached and , 3 , ' £544.06 18 Necessary tol if coupons are attached Same shall he FROM Dist Re Ate es Tat NK SER ‘ during the currency bequivalent to one half year’s Interest at " i -~ — 7 oe res for the purpose off said rate = on Ware “* a poe . at Jow water 0 nd with which to pay 5 Said coupons shall be properly exe bine » Tenth Bifeet end en, eis the bontures at maturity: }cuted by having written, stamped, printed |i Of T ip Winndtlos caesese the “ateren ‘hind, ‘ane’ falged each} or lithographed thereon ‘the names of the | 20i “Water Fe otc. on nd, and further the| Mayor and Treasurer of the Clty Street as sh a r 1 deli ; t 1 » ~ ; ae 2 be ypiaee : . all debentures issued under this! <3\4° Plan ’ and delineated on the the sale erm ané |] Bylaw shall be numbered consecutively no ®) Pr » 2 > sald debentures matter when issued beginning with No. 1 whats A ty sy ¢. thes it fue eke mM necessary to pay the 0 yf Ay 5 oe eve onsidered advisable t . ba ' The coupons shall bear the samelaier the line of the said trank sewer ' nterest shall be an-| number as the debentures to which they jor their construction, or the position of Special levy +a taxiare attached the outfalls or any of them, it shall be and in the City of 1. The debentures hereunder shall be}iawrul to do so ander thin Syiew, ena made payable at any place tn England, the} ouch alteration Shall nob in any wey tn. be issued any number} United States or Canada therein set out validate the debt heret > : : made for such sums 12. Said debentures when issued, sold | *' : Sotae ea? created oF the id securities therefor, and in case of any ! for raising the said] or hypothecated, and any coupons thereto such alterations being made the money to ! the said debentures attached shall be deemed a valid and bind be raise d hereunder shall be “a ) s ad to less than On Sterling and] ing charge upon the said City of Prince] eoncruet tin altered plan eomen & - and nce Oo gurrency Rupert : “ }) For the purpose of paying for the : B eding in 18 The amount of debt authorized by construction of work hereby authorized po! $46,000 and the said! this Bylaw is subject to consolidation with|{. shai te lawful to ereate a debt of A dul prepared, exe-|the amount of anv other debt authorized | ag59 000, which debt shall be payable in ; he purpose aforesaid.|by any other Bylaw of the said City and fifty (50) years from the date when this bentures shall be deemed] notwithstanding anything herein ntained | Rviaw takes effect, for which debt de Uper exeented by being] authorizing and directing the issue and | bentures may be issued to be secured in AyOr and the Treasurer] sale of debentures for the payment of the} manner hereinafter mentioned i! be sealed with the} debt thereby created the City of Prines (4) The sum of 82,671.80 is necessary Rupert consolidated stock may be tssued|to be set aside annually during the cur ‘ebentures shall bear the|in the place and stead of the debentures reney of the said debentures for’ the pur iW takes et, and shall) to the amount of such debt ose of forming a sinking fund with a pay t nounts se This section shall only apply in as far] whieh to pay the said debt and debentures the Intere thereon at] 4s the city may be empowered by Statute | at maturity, such sum being calculated to nt per annum, pay-| 80 to do pay the said debe ntures at maturity, cal " the first day of Janu 14. It shall be lawful for the Council! culating that it is annually invested at a f July, and may be| before or during the constructic on of the | rate of 3% per centum per annum. The pons for tn-| Works hereby authorized to row from | said sum Of 82,671.80 shall be each year all be , are ae same jany bank or other corporation or person, | praised as sinking fund and further the sum st at said to one half. year’s in.| Willing to advance the &a At interest to jot $17,500 is necessary to be raised to 8. Said be agreed on, for the pr me of the \4]} nay the annual interest upon the said de wld by hha shall be properly exe-| Works or any part thereof and for such bentures, and that sum shall be raised r ~ ten, Stamped, printed | loans to hypothecate the debentures to beleach year during the said te rm and the NOP and 'y i the names of the] issued hereunder, or a part thereof, pro curreney of the said debentures 1 ee f the City vided that such loans with interest shall (5) The sald sum necessary to pay the AW shal }., Issued under this} be repaid out of the mor to be realized | said sinking fund and interest shall be aller why Mbered consecutively no] upon sale of such debentures or any other annually collected as a special levy or tax ri 1 beginning with Num-| security whieh for the time being may against the taxable land in the City of ! rp take their place Prince Rupert Mber as 's shall bear the same 15 The Counetl may sel! the said de 6) There shall be issued any number Mlachod ‘ures to which they|bentures at less than par if it is at AMY) or debentures to be made for such sums "oT i time found necessary 80 to do as may be required for raising the said mil op > hentures when issued 14 This Bylaw shall take effect on the sum of $350,000 and the said debentures MEPL ay ind any coupons] t*t dav of Mav, A. D. 1013 may be either for currency or sterling wll, © deemed a valid! PASSED THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF land shall not be for less than $100.00 rin nN the said City of [THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF | cuppency or £20 sterling each, and not ex- ! PRINCE RUPERT THE TTH DAY OF APRIL, | ceeding in the whole the sum of $350.000 mart ; hereunder shall bel A. D. 1018 and the said debentures shall be duly pre e | ; phiee in Eneland r, D. PATTULLO pared, executed and sold for the purpose uit Canada therein set Mayor aforesaid , r FRANEST A. WOODS 7) The satd debentures shall be deemed Is Bylaw lebt, anthorized by Cler to have been properly executed by being - a 'o consolidation with rAKF NOTICE that the above a tree gned by the yor and the Treasurer of a er debt authorized | eopy of the proposed Bylaw to raise 812 the City and sball be sealed with the cor : i il the said City and] 000.00 upon which a vote of the Munict- | porate seal , ne > ne herein contained mality will be taken at the Police Court Ss) The said debentures shall bear the ; in@ the issue and} Room, City Hall. on the 94th day of April,|date when this Bylaw takes effect, and : the payment of the A. P. 194% from the hour fr ® o'clock | shall contain @ promise to pay the amounts ¢ the City af Prines a. m. until the hour of 7 o'clock po om secured thereby and the interest thereon i k may he tasned FRANEST A. Wwoons it the rate of five per centum per annum . ! of the debentures City Clerk payable half yearly, on the first day of tent This seetion January and the first day of July, and far as the City may may be with or without coupons aitached , i j latute so ta de BYLAW NO for interest and if coupons are attached . or 4 ,laweul for the Counett same. spel Re edulvale nt to one half year’s ns ) terest ¢ p e} ; rh A A BRYLAW TO PROVIDE FOR La = s ®) Said coupons shall be properly exe ’ poration or wm a STRUCTION OF A PART OF " cuted by having written, stamped, printed . sane at interest FERAL SEWER SYSTEM POR THI Crry r lithographed thereon the names of the i i PUPpOSe OF the OF PRINCE RUPERT AND TO AUTHOR: | Mayor and Treasurer of the City ‘ ! thereof and for 178 THE INCURRING OF A DEBT TO 10) All debentures issued under this ' ite the debentures THE AMOUNT OF 8350,000 TO PAY] Bylaw shall be numbered consecutively no 1 as 1 ” & part thereof POR SUCH PART AND Porn THI FE [matter when tssued beginning with num ot ; ‘os with interest} CURING OF SAME BY DEBENTURES ber ue ' of the monies hs it The coupons shall bear the same ® may ' veh h debentures or WHEREAS it ts necessary to p vide g) Ruane ae debenture to whieh they tt ke th are ' for the time be general System oy ™ were For ine a oak (4 Debentures hereunder shall be Pea ay ie mn Prince Rupert, but it is impo » at the| made payable at any place in England Nd new’ than ; Sell the deben.| vide for the completion of the same 4 United States or Canad ithe were Ss v if itis at any t resent time My ‘out ry 0 4 1y time | present tim ; le (18) The said » do AND WHEREAS it is deemed advisable ‘ocal road department, STEWART NOTES ten Davis is w manager of the Wigwam fn the beautiful summer resort al the end of the north arm of Burrard Inlet. Jacek Devine will be in charge of one of the departments whe will Among those early this George, Who intends siderable work o Billy cone mining Buiter is to do i his claims, It is altogether likely he will be accompanied by Mrs.! George and they will camp out.! . + J.C. Veiteh, formerly aceount-! ant in the offiee of the local road superintendent, has gone to San Francisco, accompanied by his wife and son. He will return to accompanied engineers, . camp early in June, rte . by some J. Fisher, formerly employed as chef at the King Edward, has been doing well in Victoria, where he has purchased one of the neer hotels, the Auto, which shortly to be torn down to make for a modern hostelry. . pro- is room in the shortly the Stikine charge’ of mile wagon will build Charley Cullin, formerly is for take 5 leaving Victoria River country a section of a new 7 road the government that district. DIMPLES IN FASHION Hats of Today Modest Compared with Monstrosities of Cen- turies Ago. to in all the rage specialists are at in cheeks that rounded. Two kinds to order weekly dimples that will last only permanent dim- preferred how long Dimples are now in Paris and work making them naturally supplied are too are and former as there is no knowing the fashion will last Hats of today pared to the of a few centuries Antoinette had traordinary he nvented height many days, The seven ples are are modest com- headdress Marie for ex- “One that forty-five com. of vards of gauze and ribbon. From the folds sprang branches of roses and the} was composed = of) surmounted = by a} white feathers.| Chartres, deter-| the Queen, de- headdress two inches It was made up of many waving at the top of a Headdresses were worn One wife of monster ago. a passion address was and she inches in was posed edifice vards plume of niire many waving The Duchess de mined to a surpass signed higher. plumes tower. representing ships. an English oflicer appeared ,car- rying on her head five English line of battle ships, a French frigate and a tlugger. An ar- rangement of silk and gauze rep- resented a harbor. Barricau | to Box Moore. Ernie Barrieau and Tom Moore, of Nanaimo, have signed articles for a bout in the Coal City on the night of April 19th. Articles were agreed to yesterday, both fighters agreeing to make 133 pounds five hours before the night. Burns Ready for Bayley. Frankie Burns, the clever little San Franciseo lightweight, is out with a challenge to Joe Bayley, the Canadian title holder, and Frankie is willing to wager from $500 to $1,000 on his chances with the Victoria boxer, or, in fact, will agree to anything that suits Bayley. Forty years in use, twenty years standard, prescribed and recommended by physicians. For Women’s Ailments, Dr. Martel's Female Pills, at your druggist. or hypothecated, and any coupons thereto attached shall be deemed a valid and binding charge upen the said City of Prince Rupert, (14) The amount of debt authorized by this Bylaw is subject to consolidation with the amount of any other debt authorized by any other bylaw.of the said City and notwithstanding anything herein contained authorizing and directing the issue and sale of debentures for the payment of the debt thereby created the City of Prince Rupert consolidated stock may be issued in the place and stead of the debentures to the amount of such debt, This section shall only apply sold in 80 far as the City may be empowered by Statute 80 to do, (15) It shall be lawful for the Council before or during’ the construction of the works hereby authorized to borrow from any bank or other corporation or person, willing to advance the same, at interr st to be agreed on, for the purpose of the said works or any part thereof and for such loans to hypothecate the debentures to be issued hereunder, or a part thereof provide d that such loans with interest shal! ye repaid i of the monies to be realized upon sale of such debentures or any other security which for the time being may take their place 16) The Council may sell the said de bentures at less than par if it is at any time found necessary $0 to do. 17) This Bylaw shall take effeet on the ist day of May, A. D, 4043, PASSED THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THER CITY OF PAINCE RUPERT THE TTH DAY OF APRIL, A. D, 1018, T. D. PATTULLO, or. BRNEST A, WOODS, Clerk, TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true copy of the Bylaw to raise $350, 000,00 wpe ry ich @ Vote of the Muniel ality w uy taken at the Koon, is Hall, on the 24th day Dd. 3, from the hour of A ee a. mo. ublil ihe hour of T'dlock & | return ERN ‘Sy 4,wooDs, | EW Spring styles in the famous 20th Century ready for your inspection. Bryant Company, Limited — miss EMERSON FREED _ Home Secretary Liberates Her at Instance of United States Government London, April 11—M Emerson, the militant ette of Jackson, Michi prisoned for window and who went on a hunger was unconditionally from Holloway gaol. He never saw a game of bali upon the grassy lea; He never saw the athletes clout) the pellet far and free— It was because the gentleman was blind and couldn’ The He never sat and heard of fans get up and cheer— the gentleman was It was because deaf and couldn't He never a pitcher made a He never panned a hu allowed a man tc It was because the gentleman was dumb and couldn NEW BOOK OF GENESIS. Out of the silence, song; ' Out of the bud, a rose; .108 West Regent Street, Glasgow Out of the rose, the seent . ssaitiienien The Out of a word, a war: Out of the steel, a shi And, so we are told, the Out of the germ, the ——Denver Republican. Out of the winter, spring; Out of the planet, grass; Out of the pieture packa And out of the garden, sass. Louis Post. St, smashing, THERE’S A REASON. shouts of frenzied never thundered in his ear; rose and shouted when wood.wind blows. The Independent, Ni | WT | lj ii ue i] HHH | Wi ii a MK a NH Ii : ne Wl Hill HN Ha ‘il ns : NS rH 9 il EESESESEEEE=-SS==S= mi — ne : r| HI | Wt Hil Nt \ Ne iy > A iP fi Le JT eS Brand make are WE ARE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS “The Store of Better Things” 00000 FERGUSON’S ‘P. & O- Liqueur Scotch Whisky Zelie suffrag- | gan, im- Iss strike released t see. rooters a crowd | TESTIMONIAL Dr. James O’Connor, Listowel, reports : | ‘I feel it my duty to say that your whisky is one of the best whiskies I have ever hear. tasted, and I may also say that I will recommend it as a stimulant in suitable ” Cases. balk; rler who » walk— ‘t talk, —DISTILLERS— ALEX. FERGUSON & CO. Prince Rupert Importing Co., Limited ~AGENTS— PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. P; ‘re comes grip. ge, seeds; BERR = Dispateh a Out of the bureau, a rat; Out of the drawer, a Out of the closet, a hat; Out of the house, a ou Sunptetagesnsemnetnimgumenenees shows Millinery also way the wind blows. braid; raid. 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