‘ : THE DAILY NEWS Monday, Ascn :, = ie Pril £46, tong EEE eee : = en - COAL NOTICES, COAL NOTICES, Serer er eer = a NAVI N N DELK 1 Distriet—Distriot cf Omineca Land District—pistrict of | OTES. A | LA Ominecs Lang Di r 6 ominec: 15 manent strict o 6“ Notice is hereby ren that I, L. N. Mac Notice is hereby siven that I, L. N. Mac Kechnte, of Vancouver, B, C., cccupation| Kechnie, of Vancouver, B, G., ovcupation e ws” assi surgeon, 60 days after date intend to ap-|surgeon, 60 days after, date intend to ap The Princess Mary, due to to the Chief Commissioner of Lands/piy to the Chief Commissioner of Lands | . . y od license to, prospect for coal and pe Por license to prospect for coal and pe —_ ——— —$ leave for the south at 6 o'clock! TOWNS troleum over the Py ewan posses lands: | troteum over the following desertbed lands last evening, did not get in from| c i ag) lanted near Commencing at @ post planted on bank Grand Trunk cine ‘mi post 128, thence/or Poreupine Creek about 1% miles up Granby until about midnight | gouth 80 chains, thence west 80 chains,/the creek from mouth thereof (Grand . , -_— t : thence north 80 chains, thence east £0] Trunk Pacific crosses mouth of creek near anne This morning she went to Car chains to place of com ement, COn-] 133 mile post), thence north 80 chains, lisle cannery, returning to Ru Delkatiah Bay The taining 640 acres mor o thence west 80 chains, thence south 80 Ac CHNIE chains, thence east 80 chains to place of pert about noon and leaving for) or te ney Northern tT» rer F. W. tee E., Agent.| commencement, containing | 640 acres more th shortly afterwar WG. T. P. service, y Tminuy staked and rie Waren ‘rt, 1913. or less ‘ * ~— 1) ~~ the south shortly afterward Queen Charlotte tslene ANCouver » L. N. Mackee mi — ee April 18t. The ne ; m Pub. Apr. 14, 1919-——-May 12, 1013. Per F. the settiemer , 'TY centre Staked and dnted’ March i ‘WAR AMONG POWERS The Princess Sophia, en route ements on the north har Land, Distriet—Distriet of L. N. MecKeehnie, N: Wy. C. h fr Sk > to Van.| lands. When re-emptors qt, One Ce Noe. Pub, Apr. 14, 1913-—May 12, 1013. | — | Wanted 18 GREATLY FEARED south from Skagway to Van-~| buying tots at the ray fin cmt Notice is nesey “piven that I, L. N. Mac- : nT . couver, is expected here about 4] Without advertisns ving yo. mt couver, B, C., occupation | | . . i . atlar your life thers “ng 1 ber Rochas, oF days after’ daie intend {0 ap Omineca Land District—District of — | | (Continued from Page 1.) o’cluock this afternoon FOR tees” o value given, sey ply w the niet Commissioner of ay ~ oo icin it 5 1, LN. Mee } | WANTED—A general servant. Apply Mrs. some reason, Which the local ©.} te ae a montt hed q 5 license to prospect for coal an e otice is hereby give a o NN. 8 | L. W. goatt , en . t acre are f Plendid ess ‘ar troleum over the following described lands Kechnie, of Vancouver, B. C., occupation | Poumere, be working in accord, but the P. RK, office could not explain, she] without weeds. ¢ i -_ Commencing at @ post planted near/surgeon, 60 days after date intend to ap j WANTED—A woman cook, wages #60 pet ll take no yassenge fr pert prices ar and at hy Grand Trunk mile post 128, thence south|piy to ‘the Chief Commissioner of Lands AND | month with room, Apply the Superin-| generous mood in which Europe wi =a passengers from thi : : in make twenty qn. 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence Por license to prospect for coal and pe tendent, Prince FR sere General Aospl Rupert. “ me-third hur ninta Meg north 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to] troleum over the following described lends, — upe a6t greeted the first successes of the ees ner. eee come orend romk, Seeing mike post 136, allies has passed away and there ‘i / . . - cH Li MACKECHRAIB. ‘ thence south 80 chains, _neere west a is only too much reason to fear The City of Spokane arrived AS. M. WILSON, Py W. MeCRADY, ©. E., Agent./ chains, thence north 80 chains ence eas : . . r ‘ i aii i staked — dated March {7th, 1913. $0 chains to place of commencement, con- For Sale the old cynical, self-seeking mood een 7 no Ae al 2 : lock om Owner, Delkatiah, 0.0). L. N. MacKechnie, N. W. C. taining 640 acres more or less Oe will reassert itself leaves this afternoon tor Seattie RO Pub, Apr. 14, 1913—May 12, 1913. L. N. MACKECHNIE. ‘ self, a ae : BT. ENTW: ” “ie “ Per F. a Jegmapy : i ropean plan. e Ds _ : ERI Diy’ te ‘the. chet ‘CoumMnntoner. Of ‘Lands omineca nm anapeiet District of | ms faa poor oa ~ shape. Apply P 0 ~ 1508, a dark and thick fog since the The steamer British Columbia : NG jor license to prospect for coal and pe- ms ahem = ’ i rince Rupert. . a. ianiumie . .» fof the Goast Steamship Go., ar.| Engineers, Static; , Uruleum over the Fouowing described lands} | Notice ts Me er ue occupauon| | Steam heat, electric light, and all | allies declared war upon Turkey.|0. no otorday with 660 tone ctl li et ee ae , ’ io. Naep nur lags ‘ive , » i ‘ ) o e ‘oached Grand Trunk ‘Pecihe mite post 138, thence} surgeon, 0V Gays alter date intend ww ap modern conveniences, being abso- | Monsieur Sazanoff says that ia z BI ve, Coach horth 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, | Py Sense SeTeavelt ter cual ane Be: | lutely first-class in every respect. Lost and Found whatever happens, Montenegro] ¢0@! a ogers & ack and a A. FARROW thence south 80 chains, thence west 50710 cense Ww . } . . large shipment of oil and gaso " : , . : troleum over the foiiowing described jands; ss iwill not be permitted to retain iaining bio acres aon ‘eg Commencing @ at post planted near old The appointments and service Scutari. Yet the Russian author.|!ine for the Imperial Oil Co Oo4 4th Ave. Bag HNIE. camp, urand frunk racilic mile post 135, —s i ; ; ari. an a ° ye a r *hains, thence east 8v are equal to any hotel on the FOUND—At the bazaar dance at Kalen : ; Per F. W. McCRADY, ©. E., Agwnt.| thence eS Oe ee, Sas, anues ‘ Island Club, one sleeve link. Owner can|ities dare not interfere with the i. Chelot e's — prayed ene Goud rue f (7th, 1913. west 80 chains to place of commencement, coas Bally — Wn bovine for this %,.* popular outburst at St.Petersburg rhe elo a of t ae nion NEW STOC oub _Ma ‘ niaining 640 acres more or less. : ‘ aus atwte : Steamship Co., will take th ac Pub. Apr. 14, 1913—May 12, 1919. oe cee ta inoue: iw .° . 6 .°t:, Hdareteseseszieisizs, . on Sunday against Austria, and|/>'* “en vei feat. on et ; 2 (F SEEDS Per ta aoe fot ae —_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_— the most popular and most in- of the enture 1s week and 1s "6 March 5 . xpecte ~ » 80 Umineca Lang, Diseriet —District of pes oe oe, wc : Rates: $1 to $3.50 per day WILL NOT REFORM fluential personages in the Rus-|¢*Pe! ted from the uth at 8 ‘ Notice is hereby given that 1, L. N. Mac-} Pub. Apr. t4, 1913—May “ia, 1949. sian Empire must bow their ac-}? clock tomorrow morning Ve have just re Serenem,. 86 cae iver’ Gele istwad Wop, | THE LORDS THIS YEAR} knowiedzements to the crowed, a ment piy w the Chief Commissioner of Lanus Omineca Land District—District of | which shouted down the Aus- Gravel for Dry Dock, for license to, prospect for coal and pe- Hazelton. tN. Mac- | > ; Asquith’s Reply to trians and declared that Scutari} Captain Babington is leaving TIMOTHY GRAIN SEEDs troleum over t following cribed lands: Notiée is hereby given that 1, L. N. Mac remier squ th’s y a ans ? clare t Seute 1 ‘ f 0 4 i w Commencing at @ st planted near] Kectmue, of Vancouver, B. C., occupation G. A. Sweet Manager . 8 » . Negr i t ‘xtensive o CLOVER POTATO Grahd Trunk a mile post 128, thence sareeul ov Gays atier date 1tend tw ap ” » ’ Question Asked in the House must be for Monte negro, today with an extensive ulfit, SEEDS north 80 chains, thence west sv chains, piy Ww the Cniet Commissioner Of | Lane | of Commons. Meanwhile, at Vienna. thel]consisting of the two launches,| ALFALFA GARDEN SEEDs nee t 5 ne a su ” ens uv prospect itor cu 7 ” “ - nas ‘ . - enains to piece of commencement, con- iroleumn over she LouowIng cues a p burgomaster, amid the tumultu-|Mover and Sangra, a dredge and FLOWER SEEDs taining 640 acres ~~ or less. sommmencing 4t @ post pianted near oid) “ ‘ . a ma é a aco or » Skeens vo oO " r N. MACKECHNIE. camp, urand Trunk Peciie tile post 135, London, April 11.—In answer}0US applause of the citizens and}a scow, for the Skee ae River t Mail orders P on t Sa gay, C. E., Agent.Jinence north 8 chains, thence - A to a question in the House of without rebuke from the govern-|@et a load of gravel for the G i ! Staked te: arch 17th, “ibis nains, tence soul 50 chains, ence . ead : : i om a 3 stake ‘and dated March $7 Caen, reas to pines of COMMMEROEERERT, x Commons yesterday asked by Rt,|™ment, declares that the Austrian|T. P dry dock. PRINCE RUPERT FEED 0 aig ‘ ves more or jess. " 7 : ; > are +k f y re ene eer eee ee Nay age EE ee re - Church Services - Hon. Walter Long, as to whether orgs are om “ =~ oe ' Per F. W. McCRADY, C. E., Agent. was inte » gov.jand have resolved to tolerate i LOCAL NEWS ITEMS omineca Lend, District—District of Staked and dated mare 8 foth, 1913. | . ~ 7 “ aa Tt Pree o Pa on ei Aeeiaien: « Routan’ ta aa ween azelion. ; L achechnie, 3. i IRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURC! ernme o enlarge @ speci - & - noe te Fn ay s mipaen inven ic have Posie ite. “ia, tna a wee & Ss defence committee, Premier As-|4nt town and upon its fate the i Largest Line of Post Cards In oly e, oO . C., | ' : c . or » Bf , surgeon, 60 days after’ date intend 7 = Bmoreee age ot 1.50 ls }quith stated that it was thought}|Passions of two mighty nations — Pa " - A _ Be y By eo > Omineca Land District—Dbistrict of — | ny! ' lundesirable : he present time|are concentrated. Bhe Austrian|]900*%S Of wallpaper a on or license to prospect for coal and pe- ieneiten i REV. F. W. KERR, M.A., Pastor undesirable at the presen ime a3stf WCemmcnting “st 8 poet, pianted _— Notice is hereby given that I, L. N. Mac- “THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH to widen the scope of the com-|treops are hanging upon the a cabin near Grand Trunk Pacific mile} Xechnie, of Vancouver, B. C., occupation McINTYRE HALL, 3RD AVE., N@AR 6TH ST. mittee dealing with the question| Montenegrin borders and = are Mr. and Mrs. E. Rogers of San Magazines Per post 130, thence south 80 chains, thence} Surgeon, 6 days after date intend Ww ap aling ques oe ‘ —s west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains,|P!\y the Chief Commissioner of Lands! canes, ey Sarees ii of national defence. The sugges- eagerly awaiting the orders to] Francisco, who have been guests E ‘om. ior license to prospect for coal and pe nday etrike . » wnlara sain le a . . ~~ a ‘TY ™ inonctment, containing e4o heres tore oF troleum over the foliowing described lands: 2.30 p.m. Bareca jtion that had been made that the|St! ike, while the rulers of Russiajat the G. T. P. Inn sinee Thur PARCEL. DELIVERY i . Commencing at a post planted near old Bible Class 2.30 p.m. ° -y should extend he|@re confronted with a demand of|day, left this morning for the wage L. N. MACKECHNIE. camp, Grand Trunk Pacific mile post 135, REV. W.H.McLEOD B.AB.D. Pastor [)°"0Uiry should extend to the)’ nenes th ate os oN : Reading and Card | Per F. W. McCRADY, C. E., Agent.[ thence north 80 chains, thence west 80 wider aspects of imperial defence | @!mos e whole of the Russian|south. nn Staked and dated March i7th, 1013. cast 60 chains to place of commmanctanent, “aoe proapoe e a would be considered by the cabi- | People Phone S26 607 Sr¢ An e € $s to place of co o ’ , ’ . © om The se oO e No e Feb. in ta ithe 12, 1913. containing 640 ‘actes more or less. | a inne net in due course. The reason for the demonstra- The case of th N ro : in : L. N. MACKECHNIE. am. end 7.) p.m. Sunday ees iry made|tion now being undertaken is that terior Land Co, vs. R. 8. Sargent,) | Per F. W. McCRADY, ©. E., Agent. | School at 2.30 p.m. teferring to an enquiry made in action in connection with the * Gusimees Land Distetet—District of pripee ane aetes oe fou, 913. [fe REV. C. R. SING, B.D. Pasees by a member of the opposition as|'t is essential for the peace of]' ‘1 2 ? lets, will come up before - 2 » ». ities "ete : ial me sale o s, 0 , efore diac naeeae ak ions i oe Pub, Apr. 14, 1913—May “42, 1913. to whether the government in-|Europe. Sir Edward Grey’ de- ee a eae Coad » ~ . “ . ~ ' ~ ” “o o “ ‘ Rocmale, of Yancouver, é: 2 a ; ge. ee ee Sean tended to do anything in connec- clares that it was accomplished at 14 o'clock on, ay e e Oo ap- or. b> ; . niente Ie ’ ‘ ply iy’ to the Chiet Commissioner of Lands Omineca Land District—District of Morning prayer, 11, Even- tion with the reformation of the|OMly just in time to preserve 0 Wal trol am ov rtne Tolle wing d scribed 1ands: a alee | schon, "9:3 ee aenoly House of Lords, the prime min-|Peace between the great powers H. J. ©, MeDonald, of the Gran role ove o escri s N e oreby yn that I, L. N. Ma sc. » 2:30 Pp. m. oly : : . Snch ¢ Pac ae s r : cqhin pear On na Trunk F Potne male st kechnle. "Vantouver” b. C., occupation Communion dest Sunday ister intimated that the govern-|Such a breach of peace would be|by Bay Mining, Smelting and De ra "ac le post) surge 5 a or e intend t - of month, at if 4 m., | . 7 ng ce ) “ofl negro Nonme ‘9 te vas { as- 130, thence south 80 chains, thence east Diy to "the. chlet ‘Ctealabtoner = "Leske and third Sunday at 8 ment would not déal with the re-|!* ee likely te promt Montene ly velopment Co., Ltd,, — , pa PRINCE RUPERT'S INDUS. Sot te cee” place” Gates, _Geence for license to prospect for coal and pe a. m. During the Lenten form of the lords during the}? amy other Balkan states, No-|senger south on the Prince Ru- . : “01 nce - role » escr a 8 a e | > , (Cor - meut, containing 640 acres more or less. hones slink tea taal aoa phous 14 coneee tere —? a. |present year. body at all acquainted with the]pert this morning. According to TRIAL ANNE *. N. MACKECHNIE. chains from Grand Trunk Pacific track, European situation believes that|the statement of Mr. MeDonald, The launch “Dixie” leaves W. McCRADY, C. E., Agent.} mile 137%, thence south 80 chains, thence " here c f ‘ . llaec lerable deptt = aune ne staked and dated noe 7th, 1913. west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, Sun GARwaeaan alee cavaDes, Worth looking at—worth buy-|'here could, as the Journal des|there is still a considerable depth ee Government ole . thence east 80 chains to place of com- E , , save oi : rns slof s i ire Pub. Apr. 14, 1913-——May 12, 1913. Gansemeent, Ganteiiing 660 neres more oF| Granville Court ing—the wallpaper at Wallace’s.|Debats says, be an alternative.jof snow at Granby. Port Edward every day at2 less. Sunday services at 11 If the powers had stood aside it o'clock returning at & , Neiesupicen > *Mlieg siendeel Per F. W. itcURADY. iE Agent. | 8. Ono FT "> Oe THE CANADIAN CLUB would have left Austria to act o'clock Notice is hereby given that-I, L. N. Mac-} P'Xed.ang dated ee te. Week ight’ services. Mon: ane. '-One Bed Bol Bow cos- Specially for Coughs — fa oe bie ee ee Pub. Apr. 14, 1913—May 12, 1913. Say’ wad Getorans Teare- Last Distinguished Man the Club|*ier what would have been the iy to the Chief Commissioner of Lands Invited Was the Discoverer consequences of this, for mes- oe or license to prospect for coal and pe- ~s fr ; . . Q and Colds troleum over ‘the following described lands: Omineca Land District—Distcict of ——_—__—_—_——_- of the South Pole. weary ea St. ene. — or ormme planted near a Hazelton what e outeome would have One of the fi cabin near Grand Trunk Pacific mile post les: ined ot i ‘ e of the finest laborato- ° 130, thence north 80 chains, thence past = aa o byeae eae a ce a, o Z The Canadian Clib is one of} been. ries in Canada is devoted tice to t e 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence] surgeon, 60 days after’ daie litend t ap- aid ; -~——- exclusively to the manufac- Oo ee conde ‘pose, on ihe to the Chief Commissioner of Lands the best and most progressive of ture of Mathieu's Syrup of ° for license to prospect for coal and pe- the s ions i city di ~ ee. Nin eey ce ag troleum over the following described lands: mt institutions in the city and is ae ¥. “ae Liver er = u IC staked - ? ‘quod Marek S70, al Agent.} Commencing at a post planted about 12} The up-to-date House Deocora- we!) deserving of liberal support. great Canadian specific for N. MacKechnie, 8° W.C. mie 137 Rnd ay ee couse frock, tors of Prince Rupert The two last modest luncheons AGAIN IN CONGRESS —. = finest of Pine ‘ 3: : mile 13 , thence south 80 chains, thence “ re ar, the choicest Norwa st Fup. Apr. 14, 1913-—May 12, 1913. east 80 chains, thence north 80 | chains, one to the Duke of Connaught and ' Cod Oil, and cio on On and After April . —- | thence west 86 chains to place of com- Wri the other to Sir George Doughty the many healing medicines ALL ORDERS FOR COA Omineca Land Distriet—District of | {uencement, containing 640 acres more or ting.. 7 : | Sen Roo See! ‘8 Rep MPANIED Morice us neren ot 1, MACKECHNIE were of the most iniéresting|"*"Sesmpting Bhipe im Coast ||| s'cresr'sligs wee the musT ay THE CASH were stance et Nell] suued nd ied Mat at, HOE ™ cep character. ‘They chanced to be hs tee their qualitytie right, The | surgeon, 60 days after date intend to ap-} ['*x° ee os . visite but it § t only the ot : sees Rogers & Black . N. MacKechnie, N. W. sitors, but it ts not only the ob- combination of ingredients , uy 2 = Ln Iasioner ‘of ‘Lands Pub. Apr. 14, 1913—-May Se. 1913. Our Specialities ject of bringing the people to : ; oe in Mathieu's Syrup of Tar Union Tratsfer ( troleum or ae owing Gosertned lands: —_— Rupert in touch with those who Washington, April 1t.—The and Cod ‘iver Oil is the Westholme Lumber ¢ ‘ Comme! a an near a ‘ tor cabin near Grand Trunk Pacific mile post se nthinee “ ” chance to come here; other dis-|]P@nama Canal toll question has result of the life work of the Lindsay's Cartage & SW! 130, the h Omineca Land District——District of Ye Olde Reliabie 7 . chemist Mathieu. mee north 80 chains, thence west Hazelton. ti ished invited here reappeared in Congress. Senator age 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence Notice is hereby given that I, L. N. Mac-| @nd@ Street Phone 156 Green inguished men are invitec ere R k No hap-hazard remedy this east 80 . uns to place of commencement, Kechnie, of Vancouver, B.C, eeu tion by the club. Its secretary, Dr. aoe vas ae his bill of —s0 “just as good” drag Moore Bros surgeon, 60 days after date inten ap- as " 2 one w ast session for the repes ut uy some obscure - *acific Transfer per P. W.itinMAGKECHNIE. [ply to the Chief ‘Commissioner of Lands : = Clayton, keeps in close touch with |'** as o 2epen) of that ein Gea Seneseh ged Pacific Tra Staked and ‘dated March 17th, {oid | for, license to. prospect & described lands; LAND PURCHASE NOTICES. |the Canadian Clubs of Vancouver] S@¢tion of the new Panama Canal house. Couture Br 0 ove ° D : > y whie a , op . ress Pub. Apr ta, Iie Mag 42, 4013 Commencing at @ post planted about 13 and Victoria and any world|!@W whieh would permit Ameri- Just a cough and cold Pony Expt y . choline from Grand Tru Pacific track,|Skeena Land District—District of Coast! fanous man they entertain is in-|©®" coastwise ships to enjoy remedy, which thanks to its oon mile 137%, thence north 80 chains, thence Range V . freedom from tolls. excellent formula and its east 80 chains, thence south 80° chains, Take notice that I, Charles H, Ziegler,|}yvited here. Last week Captain Omineca Land District—District of 1. i 5 —— thence west 80 chains to place of com-|of London, England, occupation gentleman, 4 2 » e s bee —ferr unvarying excellence in pre « Notice is nepeny sivee tes I. L.N. Mac-{Mmeheement, containing 640 acres more or|intend to apply for permission to purchase |AMmundsen, the discoverer of the The measure has been referred ration has come to be Kechnie, of Vancouver, B.C.” occupation | © the following described lands; Northwest Passage and of the|'® the committee now headed by nown as the best cough surgeon, 60 days after’ date iitend to ap- N._ BACEROUNIE. Semmens oS post pines ot Sel. Senator O'Gort { N fork remedy in Canada, where its ot oc ply to the Chief Commissioner of Lants Per F. W. tacenaey C. E., Agent.| northwest corner or Lot 29, thence north|South Pole, was urged to pay Ru- nan of New York, y im Vanades, waete lor license to prospect for ceal ani | staked and ‘dated Maren tor, 1013. 40 chains, thence west 40 ‘chains, thence isit. H ii hia| Who led the fight in the last Con sale is very large. If you troleum over the following described lands: L. N. MacKeehnie, 8. W. south 40 chains, thence east 40 chains to| pert a visit. e replied that his ; r really wanttocure your cold, ° porcupine Cie at & Dost plant on bank of Pub, Apr. tty 4819-—May 42, 1948. point of commencement, containing 160] present tour was in the hands of /8Pess against the Root proposal. don’t accept any substitute. Section ] cupine Cree! p or less. : is expecte . seek from, teeute teereod (eae 3 CHARLES HENRY ZIEGLER. |a syndicate and, much as he|!t is expected that the tolls ques- Sold everywhere-—35¢ large Pacific Railway crosses mouth of ra , dca meant a Dicsaager Noble, AgeDt.| Would like to visit Rupert, he tion will be forced upon the ai-| bottle. Ry WA ee WC) Betas ~~ arr einetind Pub. Apr. 14, 4913--dune 9, 1948. id nol teesh th licate’s|tention of Congress at an early J. L. MATHIEU CO., Prop, ce wes’ e eould not bre syndicate’s 7 oe arty -° north 80 chains, thence Sast ht tne ee Notice ts bereby roy that 1,\L. N. Mac- eee! cite roe e erBntee date in an effort to onee mor Sherbrooke, P.Q. place of commencement, containing 640| kechnie, of Vancouver, B. C., occupation itinerary. All such efforts as , ° If pain and fever accompany the cold, eres more oF less. surgeon, 60 days after date ititend to ap-|Skeena Land Distriet—Distriet of Coast|ihese show that this city is alive|*?¥ to repeal the free toll provi- dtapel them.” Sehd cnorprohers 88% par eos N. MACKECHNIE. ly w the Chief Commissioner of Lands v. : bef ane ; Fe te A 96 5m _ Ww. o RADY, C. E., Agent,| £0? license to prospect for coal and pe-| TAKE NOTICE that Frank Knott, of/and up to date. sions before the canal is opened a staked, 7% dated March ‘sth, 1943 "| troleum over the following described lands: | Prince Rupert, 6B.C., occupation baker, for trafic J i, Mackeehnie, N. : Commencing at @ post planted about 12/intends to apply for rmission to pur- , \ Pub. Apr. 14, i9ide-Maye ‘42, 1043 ehains from Grand Tru Pacifie track,|chase the fo owing scribed lands: tist Serv saliaetneariiataneiatinmiapnintanin ieee eats ; mile 137%, thence north 80 chains, thence| -Commencing at & post planted at the Baptist lces. iat ia omi Land D oe chains’ 10 place of com: |b0 chainey thence West 90 ‘chains, thence|,, Fhe first services of the Bap- Building Wharf at Granby. ee mineca Land District— e > of com € ce wes c ; . , ; Wotton us bepattazelton District of mencement, containing 640 acres more or} north 60 chains more Gt, less, 10, the sour tist congregation in the West- ae — io es oe ae — 5 : otice is re! iven that . we bank © eena ver; thence nor ami » e opaz, o Nor . 08 ’ oO! : 8 ve. anc ' bl & Compal) Kechnie,* of Vancouver, pt BA L. N. MACKECHNIE, easterly along the said bank of the Skeena|"lme Theatre last evening were |, : opas the North Coast | "Street. "925,000; $10,000 cash Harrison, Gam e surgeon, 60 days after’ date intend to ap- W. McCRADY, ©. E., Agent.| River to the point of commencement, con- well attended. Rey, Mr, MeLeod| Towing Co., left this morning for ply to ‘the Chiet Commissioner of Lands staked “a dated March 19th, #013. taining 150 acres more or liv , a Granby Bay with Hyatt's le SECTION TWO. >INANCIAL AGENTS iratoum over vl tal Solas tosanibed tae Pub. Apres. 1843": Nay 12, 1913 H. D. THANK KNOTT. Gerresee. 60 interesting saemap drivin iit in to fark |!%g)2%,, Block 20, 81,700; 9875 cash _ pert ‘ole c . teri Ys wd aa ‘ , ’ , ° . : ° ‘ : Commencing at a post” peepee Sees Dated Fee, 96, 1013. on the Living Christ as the nerve Whi * on in tow Mark |“ bal. arranged Third Ave. Prince Ru of Porcupine Creek Sook miles up|™ es — Pub. M 17 to May 12—18 centre of organized Christianity. ittely, who is in charge of the SECTION Five. the creek from the mond theteot (Grand Trunk Pacifie Railway crosses mouth of LAND PURCHASE NOTICES, Skeena Land District—District of Coan Mr. Clapperton sang “Rock of |OUtMt, has a contract for driving}, 1. , 2, Block 9, $9,000 all cash, Large Ages” and Mr. Davies “The Holy|the piles for @ new wharf at) double’ corner, bth Ave, so'"thalnn” chance" sasb 9S cami’ paul cnorsen chains, thence — Site, 99 ; G db horth 80 chains, thence west 80 TAKE, NOTICE inst Bugene Rens City. rte | = comme neement, af (80 chains to Onyincce Land Diserict tistics of Cassiar, ee oy 10 app ny ofaliae ts ‘yf tist tt. X.. eee ee ee — Lot’ 11, Block 22, $2, r+ $i ) h 8 re or less. © notice that I, L. N. MacKechnie, of ” oe TH THER. . - ie Ores r a y : t ( ) PW. HMCERADY CB. Agent days. aftet date” inten to apply to the “™Comuneneing rire st planted ide n | Worship will be more largely at. S WEATHER. uae toa “o 150; $1,200 cash staked Mind dhe Mod March sth, i048. | Lilet Commissioner of Lands to purchase | Fngins™tnthed way tee quence north $0/iended than in the past. The| The weather report at 5 o’elock| "balance 6-12-48’ months,» Pub. Apr. 14, 1943 Way’ 12, 1049 Skeena River, situated neat, mile 196, less, to the west pounds 7 or john Me-|evening services in the West-|this morning read: Barometer, |}! 42, Block 28, £2300: 9800 cash; 4 Grand Trunk Pacific, containing 43.3| Keehney’s pre-emption; nee south § 89) holme will be continued til the} 29.734; maximum te , . oe ee acres more oF less 7| chains, mote or leas to don Mckechney's gaia pea > ~ applll a-nilvnged Pig e @ temperature, SECTION SEVEN. ! Omineca L o » thence re re j / $ . P re, 38; Fics minece Land aicct—Distiet of | nar vw. ich RENNIE | South Ber ciainr aches ‘Seep ceamer/DeW church at Fifth and Young|##; minimum temperature, 38:1 om a.24, Mocken geriet 41,100, & Bection & 00 Kechnie. ot Waneo ed we a pie dai dated vie | pom, $088, a he ee 90" chain, oi. is completed, precipitation, .86 inch, 11-47 months; double froniage oi ) oe 2 bm mer dis leona te aan Pub. Ape. 441844 Jone 9, 1043 or less to the point of nicer nent, Ca, ae eee vee Lt tid ee ee nd balance # " ly op ms a Lands ‘bine is containing 90 acres more of ‘anus Mail @ndecs, Men's Own Association Lots 25-26, Block 99, $1,800; 9900; 6 $100 cash 4 > P ‘or coal and pe v , ; : ay be ep the following Seserped lente: Skeena Land Digertes ~pistrict of Coast, Dated Feb. 24 ff > io . Agee Sond peer avteee ~~ ony poeta, ate oye ae th of Poreupine® Creek ‘about "1" v Ape Pub. March 17 to May 12—19 ladies’ and children’s garments.| All members of the Men's Own SECTION EIGHT. ee 1% miles up Take notice t tt “p the creek from the mouth thereof (Grand| ney, of Terrace, B. ¢., vel Brenton, Ken: crockery, glassware, wallpaper,| wishing to join the classes wil! on 3y°e* nme Ot, O600% C000: 6 Trunk Pacific Rallway crosses mouth of|iniend to apply’ for 6 ' } ’ ereck near 133 mile post), thence north| the following ¥, for erraiscion w purehase Depinece- Land District. a Oe hon Cassiar,/elc., to H, 8, Wallaee & Co,, Lid.,| kindly he at the gymnasium at 8| Fort George Business bnd Residential ake notice that I, KR, f 80 chains, thence east 80 ehains. thene Commencing at , 9 BAD’ | dépar » rine ‘cloe , e south “ chains, thence west 80 chains tn portheast corner of ‘Lot 3190, thence’ pores Stter Mate’ tenia, 8 Chist ar a mo rt te “ ” Rupert, o"olock wu tonight. weeperaee aes a Ws pene containing 640 od fhalns. thence east 30 chains, thence seiseioner of Lands to phrehase 1 O15 A, . pene mem oo of new List Your Property With Us more or “ ba ied teu » 48 chains, thence west 40 chains to yter district, Skeena Hiver, Containing) Spring goods. w87tf Even ‘though you d myed “ti ew “at iB DY eB kwent.| 120 heres more or tenement, containing} 43,7 acres more or less you don’t want n ‘ Waren ath, ip een RANIEL BRENTON meme Paved Feby. 6th, 1919, — any you will enjoy looking over . a 4 Ne . nie Maren bated cnn tain as RY oe BicROAson Book-keeper wanted at once.|the pretty china or handsome Collart & I Reynolds : rancd iub.’ Apr. "e 1913 Yay 12, 1013 b. April 7th to June 2na. Mar. 3-Apr. 28. ; ' |MeRae Bros,, Ltd, 87.88) crockery al Wallace's, ast Real Estate and we Third Ave.