THE DAILY NEWS GIVES GOOD ADVICE ANOTHER BURIED CITY 'ALASKA RATE CASE ee TAND PURCHASE NOTICES. —— - yc NOTICE. Remains of Prehistoric OClviliza~ tion Discovered on Caro- WILL NOW BE RETRIED Supreme Court Decides Judge Erred in Dismissing TO BOY BALL PLAYERS “Lob” at the Start so as to Avoid Pain from Stiffened y more boys begin this: month to think of the old bat the well worn glove, » plan shows the line pre ” sed Ob cSfalls at present the federal cour Alaska whieh ring re payme nt AND WHEREAS the said plan also shows r different drainage gation Compa ind others char. of Venice the son of them will! 4s shown upon the of acres were ¢ ‘ansportatior a stupendous solidity wuneP . ; day of spring when the ground is Of Interest to Spereenien. April Rod and Gun is published by ‘ enough to permit the AND WHEREAS the intends to issue reparation, prey Skeena Land eee District of Coast, Take notice that I, Cheries Hu. spegier, of London, England, cecupation gentleman, intend to apply for od em to e purchase the following deseri Commencing at @ post planted at the horthwest corner or Lot 20, thenee north 40 chains, thence west 40 chains, thence south 40 chains, thence east 40 chains to point of commencement, containing 160 acres more or less, CHARLES HENRY. OLER. Alexander Noble, Agent, Dated Mareh Jist, 1913. Pub, Apr. 14, 1913-—June 9, 1013. Skeena Land District —pustriet of Coast nge TAKE NOTICE that Frank Knott, of Prince Rupert, B.C, oce baker, intends to apply for rmission to pur- chase the following scribed lands: Commencing at a post planted at = N.W. corner of T.L. 30045, thence south 80 chains; thence west 20 ‘chains; thence north 60 Chains more or less to the south bank of the Skeena River; thence north- terly along the said bank of the Skeena River to the point of commencement, con- taining 150 acres more or less FRANK KNOTT, 3 D. LENHART, Agent. Dated Feb. 24 191 Pub. March 17 to May 19—13 Trout of Nipigon the opéning number the excellent had on this famous stream, which is probably and describes pitching honors Steamship Company, to make through to show his comrades how truth- he has boasted, independents. commissioner agreement be twe down or however his par- Kupert described commerce commission, Skeena Land a of Coast nge TAKE NOTICE that Eugene Renz, of Prince Rupert, B.C., occupation cook, in- tends 9 me oe for permission to pur- chase ollowing deseribed lands: Commauneing at a post planted at the N £. corner of T. tS 30045, thence north 20 ehains; thence fast 13 chains, more or less, to the west boundary of John Me- Kechney’s pre-emption; thence south 90 chains, more or less to John Legg on A 5.W. corner; thence east 20 chains; t south 20 chains; thence west 33 chains. more or less, to the east boundary of T. L. 30945; thence north 20 chains, more or less to ‘the point of commencement, containing 90 acres re or . EUGENE RENZ, H. D. LENHART, Agent. Dated Feb, 24, 1943. Pub. March 17 to May 12—13 The @e¢ 2 : ac “ig! Lieulenant- Governor The case goes back to trial Salmon Sweepstakes. A. Morris and again for a month without a pain|' and to his temper. shoulder or wrist cuca = See : oe S oming into effect of served with summonses charging each of them that he did on April less following the the seore of pitehers, recruits and Largest Store in
in 4 northeasterly until it interseets with jin Philadelphia, were the winners of certain prop- . cash prizes proposed to be disposed of by lot, » last revised assessment 3 “MeGraw knows, Street to Eighth Avenue, thence in 4 north Wanamaker’s direction along SS » the agreement between THE GRAND TRUNK KAILWAY COMPANY, DEVELOPMENT combined area of 32 _—_— 4 petition has been pre the pitching Not for weeks do they pitch KING in his right of his Province Columbia and THE MUNICIPALITY Omineea Land District—District of Cassiar. Take notice that I, R. D. nn finan- cial agent, of Vancouver, C., 60 days after date intend to whee Ghier Com- missioner of Lands to perenase Lot 915 A, Cassiar district, Skeena River, containing 43.7 acres more or less. Dated Feby. 5th, 1913. Pw. fecrady, Agen i. c * Mar. 3-Apr. 28. , Skeena Land oe of Coast, Ran Take notice that I Fated Brenton Ken- ney, of Terrace, B. ¢., occupation rancher, ind to apply for permission to purchase the following deseribed lands: Commencing at a Coa. lanted at the 10. ‘chains, “thence, east ‘30. chains, thence 0 chains, eas south 40 chains, thence west 30 chal to to the point of commencement, containing 120 acres more or less, DANIEL omen KENNEY. Dated March 13 Pub. April 7th to ane | ——_—_—___ |= Find it through a Daily News Want Ad. pe ee commencing at it to piteh, and piteh all ‘ring interest at five interest and sink rtheasterly direct interest during the > said debentures THE NELSON STRIKE mprovements and said sinking fund and inte and continuing in Proposition Made by Employers and Merchants to Trades 20 per centum of » either for currency or sterling and . » and continuing in a sonth proposed by the Employ- or £20 sterling each, direction along Ed and not exceeding in t sum Of $12,000 and the & y Si /RPORATION OF RUPERT enacts as Trades and Labor » said debentures shall be Commencing at including ¢e- southwest of the continuation of Rupert and shall be sealed with tne ” here by authorized said Water Front ‘Block ee” to a debt of 846,000 payable in forty when this Bylaw takes lebt debentures may be manner herein shall contain 4a promise to pay the amounts secured thereby * outside con- centum per annum January and the first day of July, and may coupons attached and 544.06 Is necessary to coupons are attached DISTRICT MARKED Commencing at Water Front Block res for the purpose of und with which to pay tebe niures at maturity to be raised each and further the Said coupons shall be properly or lithographed Mayor and Treasurer of the City numbered consecutively matter when issued beginning with No necessary, to pay the T 1 and interest shall be » debentures hereunder shall be made payable at any place in England, J $80 per month with Scid debentures when or hypothecated sucl alter tions . : attached shall be deemed a valid and bind- | ,UC" alterations being made th hereunder shall construct the altered plan the purpose of paying for the said debentures rreney or sterling and and not exceeding In debt authorized by f $46,000 and the said § The amount of this Bylaw ts subject to consolidation with Forty years years standard, prescribed and recommended by physicians. For Women's Ailments, Female Pills, at your druggist. hypothecated, and thereto attached shall and binding charge upon the said City of which debt shall be entures shall be deemed | notwithstanding anything herein contained authorizing and sale of debentures for the payment of the be issued to he hereinafter mentioned sealed with the sum of 82,671.80 of the saic ebe es fo e to the amount of such debt > kee we 7 whieh to pay the said debt and debentures such sum being e¢ the said debentures at maturity, eulacing gihat it per centum per annum shall be each year r aise das sinking fund and further the sum interest thereon at be empowered by nrst day of Janu be deemed a valid’ rons attache si oO 67 ( p aeieaaed tame m oe ind fama (14) The amount of debt authorized by this Bylaw is subject to consolidation with of any other debt authorized ) y other bylaw of the notwithstanding anything herein. contained willing to advance the same * the purpose of the * shall be proper : n ty. - » debentures to be y of the said debentures The sald sum necessary y the payment of the be rep aid out of the monies to he re alized mbered consecutively no} upon sale of such debentures or any other | annually collected as a special levy. or tax beginning with Num amount of such debt This section shall only apply as the City may be empowered by Statute issued any number for such sums for raising the said of $350,000 and the found necessary lawful for the Council if . y cf i w from currency or £20 sterling each, authorized tO borro fros id debentures shall be duly pre cuted and sold for the purpose avor 27 FOODS » « he ne 9 » vt » ERNEST A WwW aid debentures shall be deemed te A issued hereunder, or a part thereof, Pov ided that such loans with interest shall repaid out of the monies to be realized upon sale of suc b debentures or any other » and the Treasurer of and shall be sealed with the ¢or “consolidation with debt authorized of the propose ‘ Bylaw . pees thing heretm contained ’ Payment of the shall contain & promise to pay the amounts The Council may sell the said de found necessar y rhis Bylaw shall take effect on the | ist day of May, 13. ontum per annum, as the City may "be with or without coupons aitac hed i ih Hh 4 EW Spring styles in the famous 20th Century Brand make are PASSED THE Mt NIGIPAL CORPORATION if coupons are bk Be RUPERT THE TTH DAY OF APRIL 1918 shall be equivalent to one half year’s ready for your inspection. Said “Coupons shall he properly exe having written, lithographed thereon Treasurer of the Ci to berrow from ERAL SEWER SYSTEM OF PRINCE RUPERT WE ARE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS a ERNEST A. WOODS, Clerk, shall be numBPered consecutively issued beginning with num . w bob 4a Vote of ihe Bryant Company, Limited ) taken at me ei ° A ¢ Room, 7, Hall, on t gat ay ° “+ be ‘ i The Store of Better Things Prince Rupert, but it is impossible vide for the completion of the same at the AND WHEREAS * wnitl the hour of 7 o'clock p. m , | mae a AX ERNEST A. WOODS place in Basiand, there atures a. issued, is deemed advisable