OE, ===] THE DAILY NEWS ————— _ Seer ey soutn /¥%¢ te TTANIC CLAIMS AMOUNT TO FOURTEEN M —_ ee KING OF MONTENEGRO THREATENS TO ABDICATE-RUMORS OF POPE'S REAL CONDITION ANG NICHOLAS DETERMINED aE BASEBALL. rrrame came OVER TWO MILLION DOLLARS: Canadian Pacific Putting on Train For Loss of Life and Property 10 HOLD SCUTART OR ABDICATE “viscous 'tencire'® rcrrermrmmerrers, Rew Aone PAID FOR ONE TIMBER LIMIT al to The Daily News Portland 1 Los Angeles 1 Special to The Dail, News aeruses ALL TERMS FOR RELINQUISHING oF scuTaRi, mipeg, April 16. The Can-| (Game ealled im eleventh New York, April £6.—The (olal| pROSPECT OF CANADIAN LUMBER BEING PLACED ON UNITED WHICH HE HOPES TO MAKE THE CAPITAL dian Pacif elo have! Oakland 12, San Franciseo 2, | claims filed for damages for loss STATES FREE LIST PROBABLY INFLUENCED OF HIS KINGDOM. , jthe f est transeor enta i Sacramento Vi ; if life and property in the Ti- THE PURCHASE an | ‘T tines i it A _ aetteddiinn dniens, oe SS ae ae a trifle over a News fiat : ‘ ‘ has | . : " ina 4. re \ al ; Vancouver 4, Tacoma 1 fourteen miltion collers. | One of the largest timber limit!P. R. The limit is located within The Balkan ypre | J} h will he fit aa h Pp . and 3 _ . ine ¢ Fresh daffodils at Wark’s: 20c deals ever negotiated in British v Denes raijway belt. 1 its rep-|fis pa elieve I i h twelve h sf stops " od hy goggle per doz 89 Columbia was. closed recently ess than a year ago the for. hat Monte. |the res; igreeing | National League. | when Lacey & Co. of Chicago sola)" owners bought the same limit from the Sheblin estate of Min- rt a abate ans, groyavitthat'w re, |WATCH STEALING CASE | Picciury s,chienze s.” [WILL ACCOMMODATE |terin "won the Lower Liloot|neapolis tor $700,000 cash : i River to the Deering Plough Com-| ‘The development plans of the and ee ttn lll a IS AGAIN ADJOURNED eyed. | SHIPS 700 FT. LONG pans of Moline and Chicago for a|Deering Company in connection regard tol’ a - a he ‘aoa American League. es jtotal approximating $2,100,000. j|with the recent purchase have ————— According to Evidence Men Were| re Dee fe pee 'G. T. P. Dry Dock Will Have) Tlie property was sold on the/not yet been formulated. Van- Daily Drunk and Gave Valuables Chicago 5, St. Louis | Capacity of 20,000 basis of $3 per 1,000 on an ap-|couver timber brokers report iper tha Loyal Order of Moose. | to Accused. Cleveland 9, Detroit 0 Tons. proved cruise showing the stand-| that the prospect of foreign lum- ast pealizes A regula eeting will be held] . + Others rain a ing timber to be 700,000,000 feet,|/ ber being placed on the free list p eard|in the Helgerson B 6th St.,] rhe ‘A d preliminary » cE \ reader of the “News” made] ™ostly cedar and fir. Its area is| by Congress has resulted in in- i ' rhursda he 147th { ut 8] TU sa tabiaiat iti illia ,.| about 10,704 acres, and the lower/creased enquiries about British . ari and |oelod a9.00 heer the case of Teack PREMA RE BLAST eS ee See section is less than three miles| Columbia reo propositions P. dry dock, now under construe- tion wil accommodate when LOSURE DEBATE CONTINUED SS fe ct eh a i la SEPARATE SCHOOL QUESTION the work states that there will be ALL LAST NIGHT IN THE HOUSE ::: eee et at te” Pa "have jyuaney net zoieealeaathe “SS” GETS AS FAR NORTH AS YUKON | 1. D. Meil Ser | M xckenin, charged wW h he thef INJURES re » the lengtl of vessel the G. Bi! trom Haney on the line of the C.| from American investors. iw ¥ ; i¢ ' | wave the yraperty |, ; a nnage of ock will be only} sed. wh was the ’ ' vas brought to the 120,000, it will not be able to ac-| - ANCHESTER GUARDIAN ADVISES CHURCHILL TO ASSIST IN e appare sobe When the esterday @fternoon and al)commodate the average dread- | TERRITORIAL GOVERNMENT Too SHORT OF FUNDS TO AL- BRINGING CANADIAN NAVAL BILL BEFORE THE > vas searched Satu 2 » the hos; . + the | nought, notwithstanding that thes LOW GRANTS TO ROMAN CATHOLIC SCHOOLS AND DOMINION ELECTORS. wy he had &4 ‘ Lats a ce +s vs [are only about 600 feet long. The HOSPITAL — MAY BE PERMANENT POLICY iwh s¢ hed he had Sf da le —. HATS preces | estimated cost of the dock is be- -—- Daily News sl News. comments as follows on Va ‘ The case a 7 e bIOWN | iween two and two and a half} Dawson, April 44—The Yukon from Catholic schoola perman- Phe closure|a Wests Canadia , il’s re is aga id ed 10; : oa : fe sais Bs ons Council voted on Saturday to/ ently. \ : lent h discontinue the allowance for a A proposition to establish ow vant an: |gmearst sea ins wat et FEELING IN JAPAN AS (caning! tana he DAVID GRAHAMES CASE, — |separate catnotc host st Daw-fontinge the ines annual gran oe It . sta The doctor in AGAINST THE G. T P — after on i i Mag —— now given 8t. Mary's Catholic © vers supporting 1¢ old separate is be. prese time i | rite « t consider . ap : > spare : sim But if the anadian naval , ’ and the Good Samaritan Presby- Phe 7 > -| proble ~s is me ut a the fi van ul TO ALIEN LAND BILL that the will prove of al ee school grant were Tabor of) terian hospitals was broached in a : ; ; re |Claim of Twenty-five Thousand | Pawson and Martin of White! - _ | Dollars Damages Being Heard | jjyrse. } jcouncil, but was voted down on the con-\ sentiment here would instantly | the ground that there are no immense Mass Meeting to Be Held I D.|} be warmed and quickened rhe the| delay in the se ees ie nal Tomorrow to Protest Against FIRE IN CITY HALL Today in Vancouver. The separate Catholic schoo!) funds to build a government hos- ancially favorable to the Do- California Legislation. “ ; . has received a grant here since| pital. Petitions for the purehase sil ie ~~ Kindling Wood in the Furnace; Yaneotver, April ti—David) ine wartiest days of the eity. The|of reindeer herds for the terri- Naval Bill to Blame. Special to The Daily News. Room Got Ablaze and Scared (erie aes a iolies thet = new tack taken probably means | tory were deferred for another me of th aoe Ose, 1 SUING tHe the ¢ ff of -s P “ar, owing . , he imine Continued on Page 4 rok ios ‘e wens: tela So of the Officials. a etait Canaan for 626,.| he cutting off of public ie ar, owing to the lack of funds ewspapers have WwW aSS ec an 000 damages for injuries re- | — — a — There was a great flurry at the xine ‘ ittitude relative ' the Rhee Saw his moraine. os pecially | vege on the steamer nce | . ° ms : ‘ ' in the assessor's office o get out which the legisla f f ta I |}Rupert October 12th last Gra- the official records before they 1 has now under consideration ii yw ter Dee \ jot | Bam was ¢ aught in the wineh and} ON A TRIP OF INSPECTION <:'::.2i tec Ssosce ose: see ey tenet te re Ast AG is imured terna's | WRITE ABOUT PRINCE RUPERT mor the political factions in. 1% VOCS SS She SurmaTe Tom This morning ‘ir au ie of| - taken fire and there was consid- | ‘ e4 jerable of a blaze there, the root | the frm of Tuppe! Kit! . aeieanet ional INST TOURIST SLEEPER OUT OF PRINCE RUPERT ON THIS|!8'" “allied a lass Meet lO ee en hed. But the| “i#htman, for the de fendants. @ITY AND DISTRICT WILL GET VAST AMOUNT OF FREE AD- ted a serious riot vesterday and MORNING’S TRAIN—OFFICIALS WILL SPEND held tomorrow in a building with fAremen were quickly on the spe ot | anted an order made by Judge | VERTISING—A SERIES OF ARTICLES. SEVERAL DAYS HERE. 1 seating capacity of 15,000 to aaah’ oles tien put mane } Young at Prince Rupert changed| sepitibepeictrememaii arial de! — the unfriendly measure : : }so as to allow the trial to be be-| Among the large number of}ricultural development and pos- . gher officials}time the sleeper has been pulled; PrePpeset }fore a special instead of a com-|passengers arriving by the S8.| sibilities in the Bulkley and other department jover — the | “4 Accompanying ee HANGING oe THREAD — jury. | Prince George this morning was/valleys in the interior. Mr. Bil- ning enithe party were the local ofMeials HIGH COST OF LIVING _ Doctors Declare the Pope Improv- * ee oe late = appls nhoW.|/Mr, Sidney Billingham, special lingham will personally visit the Creorge rhe} W. ©. Mehan, general superin - 1e trial is in three days. You /correspondent for the News-|interior and intends going all the ED = tendilibiaadiiis habe 3 i ing, but Current Reports will have to #0 to trial before : Ss sin “Gilad Wied oa Talew il airymple, |tendent; G. A, MeNicholl, supet An interesting debate was gty Contradict This a ria re @/ Advertiser of Vaneouver. The|way through to Telkwa in order raMlic man-|intendent ind A. FE. MeMaster,|/by the Baptist Brotherhood in , jcommon jury,’ decided Mr Jus-} purpose of Mr. Billingham’s vis-|that the information given to the lr. Bell, as! general agent The officials will|MelIntyre Hall last night on “Re gpeciel i aay il | tice Murphy. jit at this time is to get matter for | public may be no mere hearsay. ie manager,/return to the city tomorrow]solved, that a young man in Rome, April 16.—The medieal | rere ia series of deseriptive articles During the next few days Mr. Hinton, gen-|night and are expecled to remain} Prince Rupert should not marry!) ietins at the Vatican still eon-| Notice. concerning the city of Prinee| Billingham will eall upon a num- Winipeg, |in the city Friday and Saturday. |on less than $1,200 a year LeOliinue encouraging ts to the A public meeting will be held|Rupert and the distriet surround|ber of the civie officials and Nicholson. |On Sunday they will go to Granby |Ives presided and Webb _ led | Pope’s health and the one of this |i? the Empress Theatre onj/ing. He expects to spend about | prominent citizens for inter- Hips, of Van-jon the steamer Prince Rupert for the affirmative and J. Knight). .nine says the Bontiff’s gen.| Thursday night, the 17th instant,| three weeks in the district in or-|views. It will be to the advan- party were| As announced yesterday, the|for the negative \ eee Of} oral eondition eontmues good.|at 8 o'clock sharp, for the pur-|der that he may thoroughly ac-|tage of the city to give him every . T. MeGregor,|object of the visit is that the of eally good speeches were made) y+ the same time the rumoers|Pese Of discussing the bylaws/quaint himself with the condi-| possible assistance in the way of Mr. Kirk licials may see for themselves|by the menabers and the umpire,|.oesent in and around the Vati.|Whieh are to be submitted to the|tions as they exist now and the|reliable information and there is he regular/the conditions and prospects in}|Revy, Warren H MeLeod, decided)... ape that he is really near the |Tate payers on April 24th, Ajprospects for future develop-/nq doubt but that he will be m a trip oflorder to know what traffic ar-|that the best points had been point of death and that the real|!arge attendance of rate payers|ment. li is his intention to|/courteously received by all. end of steel,|rangements are required ide for the negative inews is being suppressed is requested 89-90 write a series of three articles, | As the result of his visit the gether with a . | ERNEST A, WOODS. City Clerk.|the first of which will deal with|city of Prince Rupert will get a was attached; Built right—keep their shape Fresh daffodils at Wark’s; 20e Halibut Fishermen's Union. aeeneeapnn Prince Rupert, the second with|vast amount of free publicity iin for use Northway's Ladies’ Suits per doz 8Y R. Kearley; seeretary of the] Social and Dance. Hazelton and the mines in that}whieh could not be purchased for s the first} Wallace's agit en RE Halibut Fishermen's Union of the| The St. Andrew's Society will|vicinity and the third on the ag ‘ean: of dollars. ' inquest on Abrahamson. Pacific, came up on Saturday and igive another of their very popular} : An inquest is being held this|is staying at the Premier He [secials in their hall on Seeond AN FALLS CASE HELD UP affernoon iato the death of Her | says the recent strike at Van ne tomorrow night, There} PASSENGER | ‘st y mon Abrahamson, a Finlander|couver has been settled satisfac Hwill be music and song and a} + who was foud in his room at the} torily He is here in regard to [ood program of entertainment, BY SMALL LEGAL TECHNIC ITY Knox Hotel suffering from severe|matters connected with the or. | to be followed by refreshments | ON INCOMING STEAMERS . AL injuries to the head He died} ganization in whieh he claims |@"4 a dance, ALL ° within three hours after being | Prince Rupert has 150 members ae ee Chesiakee Launched Again. The steamer Cheslakee, of the On Sunday he goes to Ketchikan STION Taken IN NAME OF “OCEAN FALLS COMPANY, LTD.,”|'*he! (0 ‘He general hospital, aud 8. S. PRINCE GEORGE BROUGHT NEARLY A HUNDRED SALOON INSTEAD OF “OCEAN FALLS CO., LTD.,"—WILL HAVE the a ne the anes a og aoe rn ae Union SteAmship Company, was PASSENGERS THIS MORNING. TO START ANEW ae — vs ae = _ ed Pantorium Pioneer Gleaners.|/@unched at Victoria yesterday, i Shikcome “aie Pryasoe Se i 4. : after having 20 feet added to her With almost a daily boat serv. Leaford, I. Larson, Albert Chand- —Beecauselthe insolvency of — th Ocean r : Pins. inne idee of | llength Alterations to her ae.lice from the south, every steamerjler, R. T. Wakeford, Yip Wing, tse had been! Falls Company but was met Dy ee oF \‘aaloniined if ‘a “ — i ——= =Iloommodations have to be made/arriving in Prince Rupert at the| Walter Laing, E. H. Gordon, A, VY. time of the on Hibbert Tupper'’s objeetio 7 ae of — oe —— "| land she is to be ready for serviee| present time brings a large num-|Cox, W. D. Hoskyn, F. H Worloek, pany, Lid \0 n behalf of the debenture hold ro oe ” as MN ’ ‘ jearly in May and return to this|ber of passengers The Prinee|Master W. A, Wallace, H, P, He is “Oe. lers amastie oosk nh sabieeiedl Alen ct Andrew's Societ run George this morning had an un-| Blake, H, BE. Upton, A. EB. Keffer, the proceed Iam afraid it is a fatal point aint Wiad ats j ay i —— biiieliaattemccadiocges usually heavy passenger list for|}A, D, Bain, A. H, Holmes = and Oh tO Wind) and that you'll have to start al ae ange . co om inepest the Schools. i\this season of the year, nearly|wife, A. KR. Backus, F. Reid, T. Pp and lum-loyer again if the repist edl the ladies syite at . ro “ee SOCIAL AND DANCE | Mayor Pattullo, aeeompanied|a bundred saloon passengers and|Wickham, H, Wickham, J, Braek- have ta bel name of this eoncern is the Oc- | In Club Roms, Second Ave by Aldermen Naden and Dybhayn,|over eighty third class. Among|man, Miss Waters, L. W. Waugh, lean Falls Go, Lid, | do not see} oe : yesterday afternoon made an. in-|the saloon passengers were the|E, J. Doreen and wife, L. Loug- 4 lonald, K. ¢ oun your aflidavit in regard | | the most iportant is the one by Thursday April 17th spection of the schools | following: heed, H. A. Bigelow, J. W. Carin, \ proceedingstihe Ocean Falls Company can|the ereditors that the majority ’ rene ee | J. B. Dalrymple, G, T, Bell, W./C, J, Rogers, H. Carpenter, A, R, Crane Co, off apply said Mr. Justice Murphy.|deeision favoring reorganization Good Music Refreshments Book-keeper wanted al once.) P. Hinton, J, T. MeGrego: M. L.| Pieard, G. RK. T. Sawle, Joseph Pago, had an| His Lordship is hearing ijbe made binding on the minarity McRae Bros., Lid 87.88) 0' Brien, Mr. Kirk, Captain ©. H.| Bvans, R. J. D, Smith, J. BP. Me. bee Supreme | lengthy series of applications The argument Will Continue Lhis) Gents $4.00; Ladies Free : $$$ $$$ — Nicholson, Jack Karton, ©. Adams, oR - Wearing tolregard to the company, of whir hj afternoon Wallpaper Wallace's aver. Lindsay and wife, A, Bliss, J. (Continued on Page 4,)