THE DAILY NEWS 2 OC OOOO - - ——_-- THE DAILY NEws | SILVER CREEK STAMP EDE IS et Te ARCRORSD ICCA Double Weekly Service THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA AND ‘ i 4 TO T HA: THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD, pa RUPERT, B.C. SHO W ING SOME ¢00D RESULTS One on George Skelton, Brave, A , + yl caoeee TH cr HE PRI ERT PU , captain of une Barge EYSSUS prince RUPERT and PRINCE ceonce RRR alii . ; , Garnet. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico:|PARTIES RETURNING FROM THE NEW DIGGINGS SAY THE Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver, Victor: Daily, 50e per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance, Weekly, | DISCOVERY IS GENUINE AND THE VELLOW STUFF A most amusing and il aatil Mondays and Fridays at 9 a we ttle on weilin ane All ps ego Daily, $8.00 per year APPARENT able story is being told on George For Stewart on Thursdays at 8A m eekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance, Ske ; seems the For Granby Ba Atlin, B.C., April 44—Several;opesators in the Fairbanks and kelton this trip. Th seem f y Bay on Sundays at aan.» TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per ineh. Contract : : face : tug Alaska and tow of boxes on Sas Pele Rite Gee Pee. rates on application. parties have returned here dur. | Nome districts, the barge Garnet struck = som Maintain Weekly Service Between Victoria, \ re io 7 Islands, ¢ ‘ : ing the past weemtrom the new! wily for record i" Theavy head wind while on the way |B QU! Satiaays ats tM Commentlag Ain . RTCER aauy or reeore yurposes are HEAD OFFICE diggings and all of them aré abe _—s he rt take in further supplies hes to Funter Bay On finding good Mas set and Naden Harbor, leaving Prince Ruy j T . . . } ql . : Commencing April § Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B, C. Pelephone 98.) more than ever confident that the are one and all of the opinion holding ground the Alaska's hook @. T. P. RAILWAY PAseEnogn SERVICE BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES discovery is genuine and = state/ihat the trail used at present ee Er Lite a cat i Re eran 7 aa deere | most emphatically that there is/eannot last much longer if the was unable to haul in the tow ine orcak Gate Raieaie Cretan from Crna C no doubt whatever that it willl warm weather continues rhey against the wind and sea. George Canada and United States, “Unequalled servis Bans York sity. prove up to all expectations and are therefore tak y I sullicient kept on steering the scow, it is a ot took. “hewncy are ere 1 ; AE wom. 2uget Sound News Co , . e taking In said. for six hours while the boat en . amshiy : ASTER, Seattle—Puget ! I justify the publications of the|supplies to last them until the/S@?®% f London, England—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building,}reports appearing from time to]opening of navigation. The trail Trafalgar Square. time in the outside press. is reported to be in anything but lay at anchor. True or made out} a ™ A party returned here lastia satisfactory condition, be CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY of whole cloth, the story is a good | one,——Wrangell Sentinel, . . . , | Saturday wh ad been on a pro-|ing ‘‘s 9 rT better part okie i DAILY EDITION ae SyIC Wednesday, April 16, 1913 om ie as eee = ” — ns a oe . oo Extremely Courteous. ARE YOU GOING EAST WS. Age ‘ 3 x F t “ | * sevV- sapectie ‘ 0 le po ages I ‘ ” ‘4 : . , Ma, a " " rm ‘ eo sade s agi zines :; Periodicals = = eral creeks covering almost six| Barrett, a telegraph lineman at Dear Reader, it is again ap-| THIS SUMMER? « e F al Ne LOYALTY TO EMPIRE the only right thing to believe,| weeks. They located on three of| Paddy's Lake, and Dennis, an In- OR TO OURSELVES and because we feel it is bet-|the principal creeks and sank ajdian, reached here yesterday, a ter to admit it and face it than/hole on a claim they located in}having come from Silver Creek To whom is your ultimate deny it and find, generations|{he vicinity of ten mile below on|by the way of Nahlin telegraph loyalty given, to the country hence, that we have made ajSilyer Creek, reaching bedrock at]station and they report the trail ' 1 We hav y d ‘ i » have savage es u called Canada or to what we mistake. A united Canada five feet, and, judging from the|that way considerably shorter ial ul * le won a oa vane iver to Chieago and asians Em i ‘ y é 0 eico e 18 ass ec . i British which, goodness knows, We/specimens they brought in, hadjand in excellent condition The], . etu . $72.60 press Bowling A Alen | wath mn Vrangell Se “l. ‘ iver to St. Paul and Empire? Assuming for a mo- have not now—can never be/most encouraging results. They|result is that several parties are Wrangell Sentinel ae $60.00 AND POOL Aes — ” ean built except upon a basis Of|came here to record and incid-| going in that way TY! = ada 4 ane as er va —_ Low ‘ ¢ ALLaye 2 oe mont that cireumstances! jovalty to Canada, Yet the ul-|entally to replenish their outfits The hydraulic companies op-}a, : : a one hed aa General Agent 88, Prop rm might some day arise in which tra-Imperialistic admit that the} and are returning in a day or so erating here are all beginning to ai to se - any ine = . wher 3rd Ave. and 6th St Prince p Rupert Employment Oereny “ . . 0 xee i ot t in the two loyalties would be im- organic union of the parts of|to remain in the district for the}accemble their men and plants ~ ke | os wall Sh aie, f LICENSED AGENTS 7 . » oOoKSs , rk compatible, which would you the Empire practically depends| remainder of the season. Since] preparatory to an early start : _ vo == aah sacrifice? This is a question eS ultimate aoe — they came in they have been|this season. The Piltsburg-Bri- put by Canadian Colliers, and ing fixed in the mpire atimade a substantial cash offer}tigh Gold Company on McKee | U M B E R large rather than in our OWN|for their ground, but so far have|Greek have their men on the DEMAND ‘and prattle about patriotism part of the Empire. In our op-| not made a deal. ground and most of the older 3 } Roy. AL RESERVE it is worth giving it the con- C O A L | New Wellingt Coal Be ellington eal, st on the inion this ideal sand ond r Chris Vucevich, representing}hands holding positions each sideration we otherwise might realized. The lam sanac@la party of Slavonians, has also/year for other companies are Y. ; will not support a people who a diilitiiaiad Punk ‘. . ° Coast not think of. The question is been prospecting for some time|eoming in on every stage pre Phone 116 submitted not in order to cast offer her only second place in}in the Silver Creek country and paring for the season's opera eh YEARS and any doubts upon our affection their Denaam has located some fifteen claims|tions. Complete Line of y | . , } for the Mother Country and for on several creeks. He has given Another little flurry of excite- se BY the Empire flag. We do nol WHEN WILL BORDEN an option until the fifteenth of|ment was caused the other day by 7 VERNMENT BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES LINDSAY’ CARTAGE and STORAGE he aakadt ws P » next to Tyra F. Lawson to/reports circulated aro o at _s od tt. Gan oe “a ain 3 sete r= ahah fi Sahel tenmdleny ea lana - ype an! oberg oben} "Sr CANADA. || WESTHOLME LUMBER CO., Limited a se va Oo aanada an » “e i “den seems as anh 5 10 ons 0 é ose o o 0 i oar rt ay ee eee RECOMMENDED FOR Phone 186 G. T. P. Transfer Agents loyal to the Empire, which to be unable to make up his Silver yaar a agrees: sroens for the/nell river had struck good pay, THe INVALID really means to Britain. But sum of $300 each, payable in|the result being that quile a Ondive premptly Giled. Priese reasmats mind as to a permanent naval) .och. A cash payment was made|number of local men who hap- | Tne Home : OFFICE—H. B. Rochester, Centre St. Phmeg ao ot Sees Sea policy for Canada, although ahead the notion ao. signed. Mr.|pened to be in town have gone in Tne CONNOISSEUR UNION $s COMPANY OF BC Ltd Ve «Vey —e aman might be forced to constantly pressed for some|Lawson is an old time northerner,|that direction, which is about 35 y Tne PusBuic | choose between the two. For announcement, Mr. Winston |being one of the most successful|miles south of Atlin. ; - | who naturally » Pete Gerew Cteamer ourselves we believe the great Churchill, without any pres- want the besf. SMITH & MALLETT THIRD AVE Th mass of Canadians three or sing at all, comes forward and ‘ , - — Ace, Purity 66 99 : ment yrogressed Every new : ® four generations hence will be tells us what that policy will SEVENTY DOLLARS PER | shoot wae ned as the shaft went AND MELLOWNESS enture Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting ad loyal to the Mother Country| ' be. How would it be to dis- UNSURPASSED. Sheet Metal Wor 3 0 TER 0" has } better th the , and to the ties of the Empire miss the Canadian Parliament T N FROM SMEL a ee oP op : Gites Sed Ave op ree Lea Prospectors are coming, i New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd 8t., New ~oeshina the | reary of the 1G _—— proaching the anniversary o e | yecial Excursions May 28th to Sep CIGARS >TOBACCOs tember 30th 2nd A 8 FRI ITs ; c returning Limit October Stat ve. olow into the Sentinel officé and many ( uver to Torento and Kalen Velang Cluy $92.00 present management's imitiation | subscriptions expire at this sea neouver to Montreal and son Come in and see how we eturn $106.00 Vancouver to New York 4nd are pleased to call the in these times of great babble Rogers & Black previous DISTRIBUTORS Phone 17 nd Ave. bet, Tth and & Arrives from Vancouver Every - oo ee only as a secondary considera- altogether and try government ———— TI ; é 1e Harris boys ar ow busy tion. If attachment to the Mo-| by contribution for a while ?/Actual Results of First Large! |): \. ad e now busy | Prince Rupert Importing Co., Ltd getting out about twenty-five or PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. al ther Country or to fellow part- In return for a suitable con- Shipment of Ore from the : : : » in the Empire threatens,! tril from this country Hazelton District. et es ee” eee re — Se tae Smpit ireatens,; tribution from this country ane about the first of May. It will be|-—— _ Salis for Port Simpson, Naas River Points ‘Valhalla”’ of S.H. & EF, or even seems to threaten, the} or even without any contribu- ——a sent to the Tacoma smelter as 4 welfare of Canada, we believe} tion at all—it would be pos- The actual smelter returns|they can save abent $4 per ton 1836 THE sank of 1913 aa those attachments would be! sible, doubtless, to secure the|/from ore shipped from the New|on the freight MONDAY NIGHT SCAM DINANIAN SocrETY Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday @ eut without hesitation, be the services of several politicians] fazelton district have been re-| F B N A : as : . =} rom now on the Harris mines Salts for Vanoouver o tah ted fe 2 , : We 7 hs who could tell us » . ia . ~ avons ritish orth merica | p.m. in the kal! at 319 3rd Ave cost a" might. , me not in England . ceived and they are up to expec- jwill rapidly approach the dividend bel = be ‘be ae ns : sree tations. The Harris mings gave | paying point, and there is every TT Years in Business » aCe » see « re 7 ” y ; . ace elieve it, but because it seem to get it. $73 net, a price which will place|;eason to believe that it will be Sestees, ine Gebbuue Oven 68,000,000 | the mine in the high grade class|(he first mine in the distriet to | Rogers Steamship Agency D. C. STUART and which also places the camp|pay a dividend Accountant SS, . = oe o- Teach The Children | Phone 116 9009 tnd Ave. i= Phone F = ! q : f Prince r a al : . < \ district has heard about ¢he high| _— Weather Further North. The Value of Money ——_- Py comes murent. & 6 My grade ore, but that information During the past few days the . DAILW was gained only from assays.|$"0v has been melting very rap- If your children learn, while | Geor etown MEMORANDUM wy |The real smelter returns are what |idly, although up to quite recent- growing, not only how to g eount. Seventy-three dollars net ly the overland trail has been in spend money wisely, but how, e — > “—. Lae eacee OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 O CLOCK means a good big profit in the ore | firs! class condition, Four inches! by self-denial, to save some- Sawmill Co Ltd. ANSON for the owners and stockholders.|0f pure white “beautiful” fell thine for the future. you will | ° WILLIAMS 4& MAN Table Showing the Wonderful Growth of the 5-H-I-C in With a lower freight rate, with|Sunday night and at 6 o'clock & ed th 3 Barristers, Solicitors, Et. Less Than Twenty Months a shorter haul over the new|Tuesday morning the tempera- have start them ontheroad | L ber Box 285 0, bridge to the depot and with the|ture at this place was 4 below to financial success. Opena | um Heigerson Block Prince Rupert, & & All Loans Made Bear ae Interest at the improved ore at the bottom of the |#ere. Since then, however, the Savings Account for each in and 4 Rate of Ff Per Annum shaft, the second carload should| Warm sunshine has caused near!y the Bank of British North ° aa Oo show a much higher return. all the new snow, as well as much America, and encourage them Mouldings P.O. BOX 2B PRINCE RUPERE First Loan made April 22, 1944........... $ 500.00 at is the firm belief of all who = se Blar ‘A rr ar ree to add to it regularly. JOHN E. DAVEY Loans made during month of Dec., 1914..... 4,000.00 — eee the vig mines |Soree ar, Agen 9 al nitty of ex ie: TEACHER OF SINGING Loans made during month of June, 1912.... 17,000.00 eat the Best ore and the biggest Sy. a ae joe ls Loans made during month of August, 1912... 22,000.00 ore shoots are yet to come. This Even a_ successful checker PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH ee | Boat PUPIL OF WM. FOKON, BSG, ARAM, 10% s Loans made during month of Nov., 1912..... 34,300.00 has been proven as the develop-|player works on the square. F. S. LONG, Manager. made at short notice. a a Loans made during month of Dec., 1912..... 35,100.00 ae : = =a ——_—_— c ' Loans pending and in process of being made Jur prices are as low seuny. HAYNER BROS. at December 34, 1912...........0000005 68,000.00 eo ga wy UMDERTAKERS ano EMBALMEM Loans made and pending December, 1912... . 103,100.00 : —IN THE— oa Funeral Directors Skeena Valley Nechaco Valley Se cnet Os Prose Ne fl Becember 31, 1912—-Loans made and in pro- Gee te MEG cra chicks sOFk sk chs oises ct 263,100.00 FARM Bulkley Valley § Fort George District F ARM OFFICE: EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG. Rap: our Repeesenee —IN TRACTS OF 160 ACRES AND UPWARDS— The Canadian Home Investment Company, Ltd. LANDS Carefully selected Lands at Reasonable Prices and on LANDS Gor. Cth St. and End Ave. Local Office, Federal Bidg., Prince Rupert — a a i r eee E. L. FISHER Advertise in Funeral eirener os ee NORTH COAST LAND COMPANY, Limited The D aly N ews |” in WEDNESDAYS, 2 P. M. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT PAID UP CAPITAL $1,500,000. 00 VANCOUVER, B.C. Drawn for The ba (Scoop -THERES 4 LETS SEE ~~ om \ xX DIDNT NuaTs @ Peactr Now ~ T WANT Hora > >| WHY Bony You - “Yo SAN SOME SERORITA - YY DicTioNaRy © itis wre sre