THE DAILY NEWS TAKE NOTICE that the Municipal Coun cll of the City Thursday, the 1913, at the City Hall, Prince day and place for ratepayers on the 2ith day A. D Police Court Room, in the Rupert, B. C., as the taking the vote of the following bylaws ‘A Bylaw of the City of Prince pager’ to provide for the excavation and grading of a certain piece of land situate on Sec ond Avenue, being the property of the Cit) of Prince Rupert and_ hereafter described and for incurring a debt of 846,000 to pay for said work and the securing repayment thereof and interest by the issuing of de bentures “A Bylaw of the City of Prince Rupert to provide for the excavation and grading of a piece of land owned by the City of Prince Rupert, situate on Fulton Street, and to authorize the incurring of a debt of the amount of #12,000 to pay for the same and for securing same and interest by issuing debentures therefor.” “A Bylaw to provide for the construc tion of a part of a General Sewer System for the City of Prince Rupert and to authorize the incurring of a debt to the amount of $350,000 to pay for such part and for the securing of same by deben tures.” AND vote shall be polling booths shall be said 24th day of April, the hour of 9:00 a. m. until the hour of 7-00 m AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that DANIEL H. MORRISON has been appointed OMecer, to take charge of said Returning vote ERNEST A. WOODS, City Clerk of April, TAKE NOTICE that the ballot and that the kept open on the A. D. 1913, from FURTHER taken by BYLAW NO..... Ses Or THE CITY UF PRINCE RU PROVIDE FUR THE BAULAVA- URADING UF A CENTAIN LAND SITUATE UN SECOND BEING THE PROPEKTY UF tHE CLYY UF PRINCE KUPEKT AND HEKEAPTER DESCRIBED, AND FOR IN CURRING A DEBT UF $46,000 TU PAY FUR SAID WUKK AND THE SECURING REPAYMENT THEREOF AND INTEREST BY THE ISSUING OF DEBENTURES WHERE it is deemed advisable to ex cavate and grade a piece of land belonging ing to the City of Prince Rupert described as foulows: Commencing at a point on the south- easterly side of Second Avenue, at the northeast corner of Lot 12, Block 27, Sec- tion Une, thence northeast along the southeast side of Second Avenue 173,61 feet more or less, thence southeast along the southwestern boundary of Lot 13, Biock 27, Section One, 100 feet more or less, thence southeast, northeast and again southeast along the southwest, southeast and northwest boundaries of lane, Block 27, 547,23 feet more or less following the curves, thence northwest along the north east boundary of the said lane 179.86 feet more or less, thence northeast and north- west along the southeastern and south western boundaries of the said lane 218.66 feet more or less following the curves, A BYLAW renRi £U 1i0N AND VIECE UI AVENUE, of Prince Rupert has fixed 16 This Bylaw ist day of PASSED THE CORPORAT shall take effect on A. D, 1018. ICIPAL, GOUNCGIL OF N. OF THE CITY UF AUPERT. THIS 7TH DAY OF 1013 T. D, PATTULLO, M or. ERNEST A. WOODS, Clerk, ‘|} TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true | copy of the proposed bylaw to raise $46, | 000.00 upon which @ vote of the Munici yality Will be taken at the Police Court noom, City Hall, on the @4th day of peril A. BD. 19138, from the hour of 9 o'clock A. M. until the hour of 7 o'clock P. } ERNEST A. WOODS, City Clerk, —_ BYLAW NO........+. y OF THE CITY OF PRINCE Rt 0 ND GRADING OF A PIBCE OWNED BY THE GITY — , RUPERT, SITUATE ON FULTON , AND TO AUTHORIZE THE IN G OF A DEBT OF THE AMOUNT 000 TO PAY FOR THE SAME SECURING SECURING SAME SRE BY ISSUING DEBEN THEREFOR, WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to ex cavate and grade a piece of land belong ing to the City of Prince Rupert described as follows: Commencing at 4 point on the easterly property line of Fulton Street, distant ninety-two (92) feet more or less south of the southwesterly corner of Lot 10, Block 34, Section One, thence along 4 line bearing astronomic north forty-three de grees and forty-seven minutes east (N. 43 degrees 47 minutes E.), 86.04 feet more or less, thence astronomic south 1 degree 20 minutes 26 seconds BE. 135.26 feet more or less, thence astronomic south 88 degrees 39 minutes 34 seconds west, 60 feet more or less, thence astronomic horth 1 degree 20 minutes 26 seconds west, 75 feet more or less to the point of commencement, and containing 700.87 square yards be the same more or less, being a portion of Parcel 22 as set out in agreement between the Municipality of the city of Prince Rupert, the Grand Trunk vacific Railway Company, the Grand Trunk Pacific Development Company, Limited, and His Majesty the King in his right of his Province of British Columbia. AND WHEREAS a petition has been presented to the City Council signed by the owners of the requisite value of property in the City of Prince Rupert ask- ing the City Council to pass this Bylaw AND WHEREAS it will be required to raise the sum of $12,000 for the purpose of paying for the said work hereby au- thorized to be constructed. AND WHEREAS the City intends to is- sue debentures to raise the said sum of $12,000 payable in forty years from the date of the coming into effect of this By- law, and bearing interest at fve (5) per centum per annum, AND WHEREAS it is necessary to raise annually to pay said debt the sum of 141.95 and to raise annually the sum of $600 to pay interest thereon, in all the sum of $741.95 to pay interest and sink- dD OF thence northwest along the northeastern boundary of Lot 12, Block 27, Section One, 100 feet more or less to the point of commencement, and containing 1.6 acres be the same more or less, being Parcel No. 12 as set out in agreement between the Municipality of the City of Prince Rupert, the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Company, the Grand Trunk Pa- cific Development Company, Limited, and His Majesty the King in his right of his Province of British Columbia, AND WHEREAS a petition has been pre- sented to the City Council signed by the owners of the requisite value of property of the City of Prince Rupert asking the city Council to pass this Bylaw. AND WHEREAS it will be required to raise the sum of $46,000 for the purpose of paying for the said work hereby au- thorized to be constructed. AND WHEREAS the City intends to issue debentures to raise the said sum of $46,000 payable im forty (40) years from the date of the coming into effect of this Bylaw and bearing interest at five (5) per centum per annum. AND WHEREAS it is necessary to raise annually t pay said debt the sum of $544.06 and to raise annually the sum of $2,300 to pay interest thereon, in all the sum Of $2,844.06 to pay interest and sink- ing fund. AND WHEREAS it is intended to bor row the monies authorized hereby only from: time to time as the same may be required. AND WHEREAS the value of the whole rateable land and improvements and real property of the Municipality according to the last revised assessment roll, being the roll-for the year 1912, is $21,686,585. AND WHEREAS the whole debt of the City of Prince Rupert, not including local improvements an school purposes, is $771,000, which is not 20 per centum. of said assessed amount. AND WHEREAS this Bylaw cannot altered except by the consent of the Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council. NOW THEREFORE THE MUNCIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT enacts as fol- iows: 1. be It shall be lawful for the City of Prince Rupert to exeavate and grade the iece of land situate on Second Avenue ereinbefore described. For the purpose of paying for the construction work hereby authorized it shall be lawful to create a debt of 846,000, which debt shall be payable in forty (40) years from the date when this Bylaw takes effect, for which debt debentures may be issued to be secured in manner herein- after mentioned. 3. The sum of $544.06 is necessary to be set aside annually during the currency of the said debentures for the purpose of forming a sinking fund with which to pay the said debt and debentures at maturity; the said sum of $544.06 to be raised each year a8 a sinking fund, and further the sum of $2,300 is necessary to be raised as interest during the said term and the currency of the said debentures. 4 The said sum necessary to pay the said sinking fund and interest shall be an- nually collected as a special levy or tax against the taxable land in the City of Prince Rupert. 5. There shall be issued any number of debentures to be made for such sums as may be required for raising the said sum of $46,000 and the said debentures may be either for currency or sterling and shall not be for less than $100 currency or £20 sterling each, and not exceeding in the whole the sum of $46,000 and the said debentures shall be duly prepared, exe- cuted and sold for the purpose aforesaid. 6. The said debentures shall be deemed to have been properly executed by being signed by the Mayor and the Treasurer of the City and shall be sealed with the corporate seal, 7. ‘The said debentures shall bear the date when this Bylaw takes effect, and shall contain a promise to pay the amounts se cured thereby and the interest thereon at the rate of five per cent. per annum, pay- able half yearly, on the first day of Janu ary and the first day of July, and may be with or Without coupons attached for in terest and if coupons are attached same shall be equivalent to one half year’s in terest at said rate 8. Said coupons shall be properly exe- cuted by having written, stamped, printed or lithographed thereon the names of the Mayor and Treasurer of the City 9 All debentures issued under this Bylaw shall be numbered consecutively no faatter when issued beginning with Num- er 10 The number as are attached 11 The said shall bear the same coupons debentures to which they the debentures when issued, sold or hypothecated, and any cougons thereto attached shall be deemed a valid and binding charge upon the said City of Prince Rupert 12 Debentures shall he made payable at in’ England, the United States therein set out 13 hereunder any place or Canada The amount of debt, authorized by this Bylaw, is subject to consolidation with the amount of any other debt authorized by any other Bylaw of the said City and notwithstanding anything herei contained authorizing and directing the issue and sale of debentures for the payment of the debt thereby created the City of Prince Rupert consolidated stock may be issued im the place and stead of the debentures to the amount of such debt This section shall only apply in as far as the City may be empowered by Statute so to do i4. It shall be lawful for the Council before or during the construction of the works hereby authorized to borrow from any bank, of other eorporation or person willing to advance the ‘same, at interest to be agreed on, for the purpose of the sald works or any part ereof and for such loans to hypothecate the debentures to be issued hereunder, or a part thereo provided that such loans with § interest shall be repaid out of the monies to he realized upon sale of such debentures or any other security whieh for the time be ing may take thelr place 16 The Counetl may the deben ing fund. AND WHEREAS the value of the wauole rateable land and improvements and real property of the Municipality according to the last revised assessment roll, being the roll for the year 1912, is $21,686,585. AND WHEREAS the whole debt of the City of Prinee Rupert, not including local improvements an school purposes, is $771,000, which is not 20 per centum of Said assessed amount. AND WHEREAS this Bylaw be altered except by the consent the Lieutenant-Governor-in- Council. NOW THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. It shall be cannot of lawful for the City of Prince Rupert to excavate and grade the jece of land situate on Fulton Street ereinbefore described. 2. For the purpose of paying for the construction of work hereby authorized it shall be lawful to create a dept of $12,000 which debt shall be payable in 40 years from the date when this Bylaw takes ef- fect, for which debt debentures may be issued to be secured in manner herein- after mentioned. 3 The sum of $141.95 is necessary to be set aside annually during the currency of the said debentures for the purpose of forming a sinking fund with which to pay the said debt and debentures at maturity; the said sum of $141.95 to be raised each year as a sinking fund, and further the sum Of $600 is necessary to be raised as interest during the said term and the cur rency of the said debentures. 4. The said sum necessary to pay the Said sinking fund and interest shall be an- nually collected as a special levy or tax against the taxable land in the City of Prince Rupert. 5 There shall be issued any number of debentures to be made for such sums as may be required for raising the said sum of $12,000 and the said debentures may be either for currency or sterling and shall not be for less than $100 currency or £20 sterling each, and not exceeding in the whole the sum of $12,000 and the said debentures shall be duly prepared, exe- cuted and sold for the purpose aforesaid. 6. The said debentures shall be deemed to have been properly executed by being Signed by the Mayor and the Treasurer of the oe of Prince Rupert and shall be sealed with tne corporate seal. 7. The said debentures shall bear the date when this Bylaw takes effect, and shall contain a promise to pay the amounts secured thereby and the interest thereon at the rate of five per centum per annum, payable half yearly, on the first day of January and the first day of July, and may be with or without coupons attached and if coupons are attached same shall be equivalent to one half year’s interest at said rate. 8. Said coupons shall be properly exe- cuted by having written, stamped, printed or lithographed thereon the names of the Mayor and Treasurer of the City. 9. All debentures issued under this Bylaw shall be numbered consecutively no matter when issued beginning with No. 1. 10. The coupons shall bear the same number as the debentures to which they are attached. 11. The debentures hereunder shall be made payable at any England, the United States or Canada therein set out. 12. Scid debentures when issued, sold or hypothecated, and any coupons thereto attached shall be deemed a valid and bind- ing charge upon the said City of Prince Rupert. 13. The amount of debt authorized by this Bylaw is subject to consolidation wit the amount of anv other debt authorized by any other Bylaw of the said City and notwithstanding anything herein contained authorizing and directing the issue and sale of debentures for the payment of the debt thereby created the City of Prince Rupert consolidated stock may be issued in the place and stead of the debentures to the amount of such debt, This section shall only apply in as far as the city may be empowered by Statute 80 to do. 14. It shall be lawful for the Council before or during the construction of the works hereby authorized to borrow from any bank or other corporation or person, willing to advance the same, at interest to be agreed on, for the purpose of the said works or any part thereof and for such loans to hypothecate the debentures to be issued hereunder, or a part thereof, pro vided that such loans with interest shall be repaid out of the monies to be realized upon sale of sueh debentures or any other security which for the time being may take their place. 15. The Counct) may sell the said de bentures at less than par if it is at any time found necessary 80 to do 16. This Bylaw shall take effect on the ist day of May, A. D, 1043. PASSED THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT THE 7TH DAY OF APRIL, A. DP. 1048 T. D. PATTULLO, Mayor ERNEST A, WOODS, Clerk. TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true copy of the proposed Bylaw to raise #12 000.00 upon which a vote of the Muniet pality will be taken at the Police Court Room, City Hall, on the @4th day of April A. 1. 191%, from the hour of 9 o'clock & m, until the hour of 7 o'clock p. m FRNEST A. WOODS City Clerk BYLAW NO 4 BYLAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE CON STRUCTION OF A PART OF A GEN ERAL SEWER SYSTEM FOR THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT AND TO AUTHOR IZE_THE INCURRING OF A DERT TO THE AMOUNT OF 8350000 TO PAY POR SUCH PART AND POR THE SE CURING OF SAME BY DEBENTURES WHEREAS tt ts necessary general system of sewers Prince Rupert, but it is im vide for the completion of © provide a for the City of ssible to pro- he same at the tures at less than par found necessary 80 to do. if it is at any time present time AND it WHEREAS ‘8 deemed advisable | Wed (MENTALLY DERANGED: 66 | { | JUMPED IN HARBOR Classified Adds. |. wx snc iom err Jom | = — }at the present time to Provide for the con- PROVIDE FOR THE EXCAVA.-| struction of @ certain part of ssid sewer system, namely; The construction of the OF | necessary outfalls and trunk sewers, which are AND pared hereinafter specifically mentioned WHEREAS @ plan has been pre by the City Engineer for the city of Prince Rupert showing the part of the trunk sewers and the outfalls which it is intended to construct at the present time, and whicn plan has, before the passing of | this Bylaw been signed by His Worship the Mayor and the Oity Clerk, and sealed |} with the seal of the City, and is herein alter referred to as the “plan | AND WHEREAS the plan shows the ine of the proposed trunk sewers and the situation of the proposed outfalls at present Pag undertaken and thereon marked in red, AND WHEREAS the said plan also shows the different drainage areas in the City of Prince Rupert which will eventually be served by the outfalls and trunk sewers shown upon the said plan AND WHEREAS it may be necessary during the construction of the said work to deviate from the line as shown upon the said plan, either on account of such devia tion effecting a saving in the cost or tend ing toward greater efficiency of the scheme, AND raised pose of paying for authorized, WHEREAS it will be required to the sum of $350,000 for the pur- the said work hereby debentures to raise the said sum of $350,- 000, payable in fifty (50) years, date of the coming into effect of this By jaw, and bearing interest at the rate of live per centum per annum. AND WHEREAS it will be raise annually to pay the said sum of $2,671.80, and to raise the sum of $17,500 to pay the thereon, making in all the sum a ee eee ee fund, AND (5) necessary to debt the annually interest of §20. sinking whole and real the City last re roll for WHEREAS the value of the of the rateable improvements property in the Municipality of of Prince Rupert according to the vised assessment roll, being the the year 1912, is $21,686,585. AND WHEREAS the whole of the debt of the City of Prince Rupert, not includ ing debits for local improvements and school purposes, is $771,000, which is not twenty (20) per cent. of the said assessed amount, AN") WHEREAS this Bylaw alterea except by the consent Lieute.ant-Governor-in-Council NOW THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: (1) It shall be Prince Kupert to general sewer system sewers and outfalls: 4) HAYS CREEK OU TPALL Commencing at a mark on Water Front Block “F’’ about 270 feet southwest of the northeast boundary of the said Water Front Block “F’’ and in @ southeasterly and a south westerly direction across the said Water Front Block “F" to the lane at the rear of Block 17, Section 1, thence in a south- erly direction along the said jane to Third Avenue, thence th 4 northeasterly direction cannot be of the lawful for the City of construct a8 part of a the following trunk AND TRUNK SEWER point at low water the continuation of Cotton Street, in @ southeasterly direction along Cotton Street to Eighth Avenue, thence in a north easterly direction along Eighth Avenue to the lane in Block 30, Section 6, thence in a southeasterly direction along the said lane to @ point marked on the Bylaw Pian as M H. 11, situate on Parcel 28, as set out in the agreement between THE GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, THE GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC DEVELOPMENT COM PANY, LIMITED, HIS MAJESTY THE KING in his right of his Province of British Columbia and THE MUNICIPALITY OF THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT. Further commencing at if and continuing in a southerly and southwesterly direction along the said Parcel 28 and the Grand Trunk Pacific and Government Reserve to a point at the lane between Blocks 38 and 39, Section 5, thegce in @ northwesterly the said M. H direction along the said lane to Ninth Avenue Further commencing at the aforesaid M. H. 11 and continuing in a northerly direction along the aforesaid Parcel 28 to the lane between Blocks 21 and 31, Se« tion 6, thence in a northwesterly direction along the said lane to Eighth Avenue. Further commencing at the aforesaid M. H. 11 and continuing in a southeaster ly, northeasterly and easterly direction along the aforesaid Parcel 28 to Eleventh Avenue, thence in a northeasterly direction along Eleventh Avenue to Alfred Street, and thence in 4 northwesterly direction along Alfred Street to Ninth Avenue Further commencing at a point marked M. H. 20, on the Plan, situate on the afore said Parcei 28 and continuing in a south- erly direction to Sherbrooke Avenue. Further commencing at 4 point about 90 feet southwest of M. H. 22, as marked on the Plan and situate on the aforesaid Parcel 28, and continuing in a south- easterly direction to Sherbrooke Avenue Further commencing at a point on Eleventh Avenue at its intersection with Edward Avenue and continuing in a south- easterly and southerly direction along Ed ward Avenue to Albert Avenue (b) OUTFALL AND TRUNK FROM DISTRICT MARKED “A” ON PLAN Commencing at a point at low water mark on Water Front Block “E” and about 200 feet southwest of the continuation of the southwest property line of Seventh Street and in a4 southeasterly direction across the said Water Front Block “E” to 4 point about 60 feet northwest of the northwest property line of First Avenue, thence in an easterly direction across the aforesaid Water Front Block “E” and First Avenue to Seventh Street to Second wt ae (e) JUTFALL AND TRUNK SEWER FROM DISTRICT MARKED “J” ON PLAN Commencing at a point at low water mark on Water Front Block “E” on the line of Tenth Street and continuing in a southeasterly direction across the afore- said Water Front Block “E” to Water Street, as shown and delineated on the said Plan (2) Provided that if for any reason whatsoever it is considered advisable to alter the line of the said trunk sewers, or their construction, or the position of the outfalls or any of them, it shall be lawful to do so under this Bylaw, and such alteration shall not in any way in validate the debt hereby created or the Securities therefor, and in case of any such alterations being made the money to be raised hereunder shall be applied to construct the altered plan (3) Por the purpose of paying for the construction of work hereby authorized it shall be lawful to create a debt of $350,000, which debt shall be payable in fifty (50) years from the date when this Bylaw takes effect, for which debt de bentures may be issued to be secured in manner hereinafter mentioned, * (4) The sum of $2,671.80 is necessary to be set aside annually during the eur reney of the sald debentures for the pur- pose of forming a sinking fund with which to pay the said debt and debentures at maturity, such sum being calculated to pay the said debentures at maturity, eal culating that it is annually invested ata rate of 3% per centum per annum, The Said sum Of $2,671.80 shall be each year raised as sinking fund and further the sum of 817,500 t# necessary to be raised to pay the anwual interest upon the said de ventures, and that sum shall be raised each year during the said term and the currency of the said debentures (5) The said sum necessary to pay the sald sinking fund and interest shall be annually collected as ecial levy or tax against the taxable nd in the City of issued any number Prince Rupert (6) There shall be made for such sums for raising the sald of debentures to be a8 may be required the said debentures currency or sterling sum of $350,000 and for less than 8100.00 may be either for and shall not be currency or £20 sterling each, and not e ceeding in the whole the sum of e350 000 and the said debentures shall be duly pre pared, executed and sold for the purpose aforesaid (7) The said debentures shall be deemed to have been properly executed by being signed by the Mayor and the Treasurer of the City and shall be sealed with the eor porate seal (8) The said debentures shall bear the SEWER AND WHEREAS the City intends to issue) from the | along Third Avenue until it intersects with/ thence | wu o | | Wanted WOMAN wants housework, day orf : ne Box 668 ge-9t SITUATION wanted by young man as book keeper Six yrs. experience Phone Black 334 88-90 WANTED—A woman cook, wages #60 per month with room, Apply the Superin tendent, Prince Rupert General Hospi tal. 86t WANTED—A general servant L. W. Patmore. Apply Mrs. soar For Sale FOR SALE—Fairbanks-Morse ‘tationar. gasoline engine, twelve h.p., high speed, first class shape. Apply P. 0. Box 1509 |; Prince Rupert, soitr BUY Overlook St., from owner lot on % cash, balance Wm. Doig, Box direct $1,000 7 per cent, 88-91 oa3 Lost and Found | } dance at Kaien Owner can ad. at 70 FOUND—At the bazaar Island Club, one sleeve link. have same by paying for this Daily News Office LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. Waliace’s. Wallpaper sotf Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doyle ar- rived in the city this morning, en route to Millbay cannery on the Naas of Smith, wholesale in the busi- W Ek. Davidson, Davidson & Wright, stationers of Vancouver, is of his regular city on one ness trips. to the a couple former returned this morning after months’ visit at his Welland, Ont. W. A. Wallace, son Wallace, arrived in morning from Victoria, has been attending G. R. T. Sawle city | i ft of | home in Master of Mr. H icity this he s where ischool William Smith of Prince Ru- pert left this morning for Copper River, where he expects to be en- for months on the now made to the in that vicin- gaged some trails being ivarious coal ity. mines ‘IMPURE FOOD CASE TOMORROW AFTERNOON | enuretiitiemass The laid by the local sanitary inspector against the Prince Rupert Dairy, which was }to have come before Magistrate iCarss this morning, was ad- journed until 3 o’clock Thursday afternoon. charge Sales girl wanted. H. 8. Wal- & Co., Lid, soit date when this Bylaw takes effect, and shall contain a promise to pay the amounts secured thereby and the interest thereon at the rate of five per centum per annum, payable half yearly, on the first day of January and the first day of July, and may be with or without coupons attached for interest and if coupons are attached same shall be equivalent to one half year’s interest at said rate. (9) Said coupons shall be properly exe- cuted by having written, stamped, printed or lithographed thereon the names of the Mayor and Treasurer of the City. (10) All debentures issued under this Bylaw shall be numbered consecutively no eather when issued beginning with num r The coupons shall bear the same debenture to which they (12) Debentures hereunder shall be made Pyne at any place in England, the Unite tates or Canada therein set out. (13) The said debentures when issued, sold or hypothecated, and any coupons thereto attached shall be deemed a valid and binding charge upon the said City of Prince Rupert. (14) The amount of debt authorized by this Bylaw is subject to consolidation wit the amount of any other debt authorized by any other bylaw of the said City and notwithstanding anything herein contained outheg see and directing the issue and sale of debentures for the payment of the debt thereby created the City of Prince Rupert consolidated stock may be issued in the place and stead of the debentures to the amount of such debt. This section shall only appl as the City may be empowere 80 to do. (415) It shall be lawful for the Council before or during the construction of the works hereby authorized to borrow from any bank or other corporation ar person, willing to advante the same, at interest to be agreed on, for the purpose of the said works or any part thereof and for such loans to hypothecate the debentures to be issued hereunder, or @ part thereof provided that such loans with Interest shali repaid out of the monies to be realized upon sale of such debentures or any other security which for the time being may take their place. (16) The Council may sell the said de bentures at less than par if it ts at any time found necessary $0 to do, (17) This Bylaw shall take effect on the ist day of May, A. D. 1043. PASSED THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF rane eee THE 7TH DAY OF APRIL, 7 ’ 4 T. D. PATTULLO, (11) number as the are attached. in so far by Statute Mayor BANEST A. WOODS, Jerk. TAKE NOTICE that above is @ true copy of the proposed Bylaw to raise $350, 000.00 upon whieh @ vote of the Munici ality will be taken at-the Police Court oom, City Hall, on the 24th day of April, A - 1003, from the hour of @ o’e¢ & m. until the hour of 7 o'clock p. m BANRST A. Woops, ity Clerk. a= ~—~@ |ANCREASING PASSENGER LIST |, ON ALL INCOMING STEAMERS || ))0 (i the} ==Qne Cent A Word For Each Insertion== Wharf ts Now in Charge of Police. Shortly after noon yesterday Iman named Ole Knudsen had been employed clearing land | a who Do Ro Do an ah da an an Mi *| Charles jingham, 18 months | lB. iNe 'Co ne Va Se bu Va sa er sie an cl be ter Elizabeth MeCabe, BE. son, Mackay, the returned ing from a business trip to Van-| Baer reports, considerable tight- fairly jbrother at their ranch up | | for Sheriff Shirley and his life by jumping from r. P. wharf into the chill iwaters of the harbor The [fortunate man had not been feel had city take y (Continued from Page 1.) , jus been h hie he a and the treatment the ine well | brought to in a buns As wharf he harbo wnell, F, Lazelle and wife, J nald, F. Doyle, H Doyle, J yle, W. E..Davidson, Miss Wal-|“"* a Rourke, D. M éore. | threw off his coat, saving R. Matthews |#0Ine te the A. G. Don jand leaped into the water McLeod and | feet belo Knudsen ughter, J. Brickman, D. Steven- bow : safe tyren J. Waterfield, Henry Doyle|?" © d wife, W. B. Baer, Fred Nash d wife, H. B. Lehrman, D. M Ed, Davis, Jack Long, Long, Mrs. V. A. Long,| Kelsey, J. Lang, 8, Ril. | towne M. A. Merrill wife, | Stable Jenkins, J. Jellick, H. Maytor,| f° : Webb, Miss ©. Schmidt, J. B./0f the provinetal police ilon and wife, R. Degville, G, H,/Of the | doct wan and two Japanese. for medical walking along W“ 8, swith across nan d wife, A. Wilkey, ue, Mrs. Cole, Mrs Ww is a pows height swirl man apove nmediately started to keeping his head and shoulder | of f his companions got 5 well out water One a boat as quick fas possible and soon reached hit to \ was summoned and the ' ss Cor him in shore and inate man is now in charge Sever saw h all that deranged He will to an asylum a 1 to he rs " al or } iday and declare is mentally NEARLY HALF A MILLION be sent RE MONEY BYLAWS. to upon which the are of] 0. manager { loeal Townsite this morn WwW, BD. Port Baer, Edward to the city Persons eligible vote inine bylaws Ito be { tho owners taken on he Prince Rupert apt bef se who of who are uver, Vietoria and Seattle. Mr tate, or make market at ’ . ; registration business ss the money : although is eo The tightness at says, also evident, extent as at that the is pr con in neouver, brisk. he to the He reports Edward lots satisfactorily shortage of d that the total are very se to the half million mark, ing over $490,000. jinstant ERNEST A. WOODS, ¢ attle, is t not neouver, le of Port essing lering same Backus mber p eariys mH Mr. PLR the G r jduring the }Rupert and later in the contract the Prin | | 0 engineering staf! most days of Prince the money iis in the ing business, arrived ithis | Geor ge sales morning on meme NTINUED TN Huge CLOSURE BILL Oo ALL LAST Nig { Is Cut and Dried Affaip the" iSkeena, made a deliberate attempt! e Best Bargains in Rupert Really SECTION ONE. Avenue, 845.500 basement First easy teri lot, natural 2 and 3 years Avenue lote, 35, 815.500 SECTION TWO. 81,500.00 Block (2, 81 Double corner, Fraser Street eash, 1, Third Block 50 Pair near McBride, Lots Lot 94, Block 20, Lots 21 and 22, Lots 23 and 24, Block 15, $1,800.00 pair Lot 10, Block $2,000.00 Lot 49, Block 3, $1,500.00 Lot 8, Block 1, $1,500.00 Lots 20 and ¢ Block 20, $4,200.00 On all these Section Two properties cash payment 350.00 ‘s easy. SECTION FIVE. Pair good level lots on Sixth Avenue, SECTION SIX. good four $6,000.00 Lot 25, with room cottage, #3,500.00 7, Block easy terms. Call at office for our list of good buys in Sections Seven and Eight. Westenhaver Bros. Third 8t. Phone 100 THE WEATHER ENGINEERING rererre } Hebb n EEC EOE L LL | FERGUSON’S “P. & OY’ Liqueur Scotch Whisky TESTIMONIAL Dr. James O’Connor, Listowel, reports : “I feel it my duty to say that your whisky is one of the best whiskies I have ever tasted, and I may also say that I will recommend it as a stimulant in suitable —DISTILLERS— ALEX. FERGUSON & CO. .108 West Regent Street, Glasgow —AGENTS.- PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. BERR Port Edward PRINCE RUPERT'S INDUS- TRIAL ANNEX The launch “Dixie” leaves } the Government slip for Port Edward every day at 2 o'clock, returning § at o'clock. Lot 12, Block 8, Section | Harrison, Gamble & Compal AGENTS Prince Rupett FINANCIAI | Third Ave. IN SECTION 8 \ $2,000