7 CIROULATION 4 ree city AND NORTHERN " pritisH COLUMBIA vol 1\ N0) 0 BELG WPORTANT MEETING -TONIGHT F ABLE TO VOTE UPON THEM INTELLIGENTLY, IF YOU ATTEND THE MEETING. RAL STRIKE NOW COVERS ING THE GOVERNMENT FOR MANHOOD SUFFRAGE —IMMENSE ECONOMIC LOSS \ 17 Since | bridges In addition to the army x there has been/large forees of gendarmes have X he strike situa-|been drafted and stationed at les seem equally |places regarded by the govern er ght it out to the| ment as danger points " s ir there has been Belgium stands to lose #800,- : lt is a fight of the |000 every day the strike lasts ‘ st the govern-/|All the industries all over the ner especially |country are shut down When s vent, are con-/the glass workers joined = the i They have/strike it caused something like eat fina il strength be- | consternation Kach furnace Petit Bleu, althat is allowed to die down must miiar news er with a wide|be destroyed by dynamite and re i irries at the top of| built This would involve a cost ! ice a formal promise|of $180,000, as there are twenty- pay 820,04 er week into the|sevem furnaces in Belgium whose pe fund a « as the strike|export of window glass alone * and the kers assert that) aMounts to $1,000,000 monthly "last at least six weeks, and| The coeling off of the blast fur- I they hay nds in plenty. naces means a clean loss of $20,- ye King has taken no further|000 daily These figures give toward geesting a com-|but a faint realization of the tre- Ki government on!mendous economic blow to the nan ffrage question,| kingdom that is impending. Ibe ernment holds The suceess or non-success of b unde ‘isting eireumstan-j the strike is of great consequence na would be uneen-|to the world at large, for if if P Pha the govern-/sueceeds it will demonstrate the . ed to maintain! practicability of the strike as a shown in the) political weapon Previous at- ‘ demonstrations|tempts at political, as disting- AKI Large bodies ofjuished fram economic strikes, dispatched to}|have invariably ended in failure ‘| centres to safe] But this one has been planned and is being carried on with ex traordinary§ skill. ri and id tunnels MSED TESTIFIED IN HIS OWN BEHALF Chargeg with T heft of Mone id Watches Was Committed y gas and FOR FLOOD VICTIMS Eagies Netted Last Night Two Hundred and Thirty Dollars for Their Relief. f or Trial, The sale of goods donated for ul the benefit of the flood suffer- case Of leaok ers, Which took place at an en- | with ’ . Wo Wa mit theft tertainment given by the Eagles nd 845 in cash lis last night, was quite an interest. ve, Ocoupled the Frank Ellis handled “trate Carss for ing feature h ind {th the gifis in the same way as he Vy Ante morning. handled the last sale of govern- Ses 4 . a of the gnent lots, and the prices he pea ‘nlanders. and weigled out of the assembly were S af ish, the serv. , ed - erpreter are pe. | SUrprising in facet, some com a deal of time is|Plained that he was making flood tof th , Botting at the} vietims of them \ very success Seif ' " lhe accused ful dance followed the sale, one Hing and the box this}hundred and forty couples enjoy + the d his story Heling it, Two hundred and thirty th * watches were dollars were netted for the flood \ 's stated by the sufferers the Ut denies plac \ , pile of ties or - ——— eC ut , implying that Were it not for the weather rh ‘ced them there as , ished the evi.|We might wet conversation down Used Was com. not exeeed the demand WHOLE COUNTRY OF BELGIUM A MILLION WORKERS WITH PLENTY OF FUNDS FIGHT- | TO DISCUSS MONEY BYLAWS WiLL BE FULLY EXPLAINED SO THAT You WILL BE. PRINCE RUPERT, B, 6., THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1913. MILITANTS AND ANTIS HAVE PITCHED BATTLE Hats Smashed, Dresses Torn and’ Militants Mauled to Meekness. Special to The Daily News. London, April 47 The mili- 1 a spark of the spending the city at thisltant suffragettes and the anti- ike-up should time of S400,000 in public |mnititants had a gay ald time last improvements and not for the] | attend the vad ' . night of the Donnybrook Fair ose ‘ irzuing yoperty ess Theatre olerme ; , nal aes ltype The milijants had a big , *Ps to ne such expendi | ge. The sole} jure Ther fact, no place parade, carrying sandwich boards jannouncing their meeting The eeting is tolor need for argument hat it is . jantis were in good foree, too, and} } PY the moneylexpedient that thes« and other tk fell t lit te liter. | : ithey fell wpor » militants liter- hat a yperty hold-|eity improveme should be| ' , on ™ ‘ ae Th = j i a oo i ‘ t ' e lerstand what] completed before the railway , rr , , . ' 1 selrzed To sandwich wards, | ; y vhen they are|reaches here is apparent to all; : nad thes : . bball b : i| : smashec rem up and belabores i on the 24th}that as the railway will be run-|>)- M i : : Sa the militants with the splinters. | rt i and alder-|ning through trains the fall of r need thele tal love! wey smnashec To alts, ore | will attend and answer any}next year makes it equally ap-| 4 oi. ‘4, ites aeittin sail by | eir dresses into shreds ¢ property owner)}parent that Prince Rupert has}, tir the pol arrived the| ithe ithe mw ywoiice ar et » sto the sums|got to hustle some to b adv | ; , et ; ; be read militants were meek and _ badly Ais proportion you! for that event. That the city has ,, mauled No arrests were made.| . pay, the man-| pressing need of a larger pay roll} the desir-|should not find a_ place in the} wy sit dein « Oatinedl gotf ‘ ve ” t aces . posed works| serious consideratio of the by-| oe laws tonight, but it is neverthe- | \ eeling is for the serious,|less an argument that will appeal | TURKEY’S TREASURY nsideration of|to many | NOTES DISHONORED | bs Government's Unsuccessful At- prope@ses to treat the old bills as | if they were protested THE LIQUOR LAW OF ONTARIO IS CHANGED Bottle Trade In Hotels of Prov- ince Will Be Eliminated. April Provin- Secretary the 14. Hanna roronto, cial has an- following radical the All liquor sold in taverns nounced changes Ontario liquor laws to be consumed on the premises, bottle trade eliminated. Shop and tavern licenses to be placed on a uniform footing, advancing the smaller fee of shops ab pres- ent to the same as that of a tav- ern. Livery stables and similar lounging places are to be sub- ject to same penalties for having liquor on premises as boarding houses at present, The hour of in d8s80 spondent corre. News the | as parliamentary for the Toronto and afterward represented Toronto Globe and Montreal Herald Notice. 4 public meeting will be held} in the Empress Theatre’ on} rhursday night, the 17th instant, | ithe | specifications will have to be ap- iproved by the company. The ac- tual work of construction, ac- cording to Mr. Baer, the local manager, will start in about two months. Hopes of His Ultimate Recovery chinge for the better in the con- dition t weaker and weaker and is gradu- his temperature rose to 103 and fears were he might not rally. With Slides Illustrating the Old opening in the morning _ is Rll changed from 6 to 8 o'clock, Rev. Dr. White will give bis in- a RVI teresting lecture, with lantern JOHN GARVIN DEAD. views, on the province of British ie ‘ Columbia, Dr. White has spent Oa Apri! 84. _— lhis life in this province, has Garvin, 47 years of age, @ former! i pavelied to every part of it and well known newspaper man of been able to secure some of the Foronto and Montreal, ane here Gadad vietin Of thantnin ehemah this evening. He came to Ottawa and famous mining camps. He has views of great interest of the old |mous spots and the publie will do well to take them in this even- ing Sixth avenue and Fulton street THE DAILY NE ee HE POPE OF ROME SINKING FAST—ALBERTA TODAY EXPECTS BASEBALL. National League. St. Louis 0, Cincinnati 5. Others, rain. American League. Cleveland 2, Detroit 1. Others, rain. Northwestern League. Vancouver 7, Tacoma 0 Portland 141, Spokane 6, 4, Victoria 1. Coast League. Oakland 4, San Sacramento 6, Seattle Franciseo 5 Venice 4. PORT EDWARD TO HAVE ‘GOOD WATER SYSTEM Directors Galitee Vecteréey to | Go Ahead at Once—Esti- mated Cost $30,000. i of the directors of | Co | At a meeting Port Edward Townsite held in this city vesterday after-| noon, it was decided to go ahead} at once with the installation of a | water system for the future in-| dustrial city Port Edward is} tempt to Exchange Them fortunate in having a_ splendid Against One Year Notes. supply of pure water within easy | reach. Wolf Creek, only a mile] Vienna Apri 14 rurkish|east of the eastern boundafy of | ltreasury bills, amounting to ¢1,-|the townsite, has a capacity, it} 600,00 rurkish which became|!§ estimated, suflicient to supply | due on March 13 at the National a city of 150000_people, and it) is from this ,souree the water Bank of Turkey in London, have will be obtained The main pipe been dishonored fhe Turkish/| line will be laid down Harrison government made an unsuccess-|street with laterals in both di- ful proposal to exchange the bills |? tions on First avenue. Provi- sion is to be made for addition against two twelve months notes to the system by putting in “T” plus 7% per cent. interest with | pipe along the trunk lines. The the right to redeem at a discount/estimated cost of the system before their expiration Purkey | planned for the immediate future also offered the customs revenues /ijis $30,000. of Dschedo, representing £60,000| Survey work is to start at once, yearly, to renew the bills rurkey/after which definite plans and POPE GROWS WEAKER Are Now Exceedingly Slim. (Special to The Daily News.) Rome, April 17.—There is no of His being indi- grows the he Holiness, ‘ations that illy sinking. During the night then entertained that LECTURE THIS EVENING Cariboo Trail and Famous Mining Camps. Cariboo trail and other fa- at the Methodist Church, Wallpaper—-Walilace’s. soir 8 o'clock sharp, for the of discussing the bylaws which are to be submitted to the April 24th. Aj attendance of rate payers) 80.900 City Clerk, al pur rate payers on large is requested ERNEST A, WOODS Board of Trade. I'he regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trade will be held to a point where the supply would/at 8 o'eloek al the city hall on Friday evening St. Andrew's sociely SOCIAL AND DANCE In Club Roms, Seeond Ave TO-NIGHT Good Music Refreshments Gents $1.00; Ladies Free 90.94 | LORNE MacLAREN, Seey i ——$_—_——— WPS GREAT STRIKE FOR MANHOOD ALBERTA ELECTIONS TAKING PLACE TODAY Probably Today Will Record al Great Liberal Victory All Over the Province. (Special to The Daily News. Edmonton, April 17.—The pre- dictions early this morning were for fine weather for the day, and ;a big vote is therefore expected. Premier Sifton stated last night jthat only one Conservative can- jdidate in the-whole of the south- jern part of the province stood a ghost of a show of being elected. | The Premier confident of a |}sweeping Liberal victory. At the jlast election the Liberals carried thirty-two seats out of a total of | forty-one. i 1s Loyal Order of Moose. A regular meeting will be held jin the Helgerson Block, 6th St., Thursday, the 17th inst., at 8 o'clock. 89.90 J. D. Meikle, Seey. [BURNING SCHOOLS IS MILITANTS NEW FAD Former Member of Parliament Inciting the Foolish Women to Incendiarism. London, April 14 The in- flammatory speech made by George Lansbury, a former mem- ber of the House of Commons, at the suffragette meeting at Albert Hall, on Thursday night, urging the militants to continue their campaign of incendiarism and show no regard for property of any kind, has borne fruit An attempt was made today to burn down the Ship Council's schools at Gateshead. Through a window of a rear building the incendiaries gained access to the room in which carpentry is taught. After drenching the place’ with kerosene they set it afire. SEAMAN ON JOHN: MET WITH ACCIDENT Fell on Deck and Cut Deep Gash Under His Chin Charles Anderson, a the Prince John, met with painful aecident last night short- ly seaman on a before the steamer started on her trip to Port Simpson and Masset. Missing his footing he fell on the deck and cut a deep gash just under his chin. The ambulance was summoned and he was hurried to the hospital where the wound was dressed. His condition is not at all ser- ius. HALIBUT FISHERMAN VICTIM OF ACCIDENT Charge of Buckshot Breast While Shooting Wild Geese. Gets in William Larsen, one of the crew of the halibut Borealis, owned by the Atlin Fisheries, Ltd., trawler was the victim of an unfortunate shooting accident yesterday. See- ing a couple of wild geese in one of the Island, Larsen with another man put out to get the other man the boat. The latter again getting his eye on the game jfired, Larsen, unfortunately, was struck by a BB shot which pierced his lune. He was at once »brought to the eity on board the Borealis and taken to the pital Although he seems getting along well, is still serious, coves on Graham in a dory them. Larsen landed and re- mained in hos. to be his eondition Wallpaper——-Wallace's avr Pantorium Pioneer GOleaners. Phone 4, NEXT MAILS From South Princess Mary for Seuth Prince George Friday, 9 a.m. PRICE FIVE CENTS ——- FFRAGE —_—- SWEEPING LIBERAL VICTORY SCHOOL CHILDREN WERE COOL "WHEN FIRE ALARM SOUNDED ALL WERE LINED UP OUTSIDE BUILDING WITHIN TWO MIN- UTES—FIRE BRIGADE DID QUICK WORK. About 11 o'clock this morning|and he was given no opportunity an alarm of fire was turned in|of notifying the teachers. The from box 45, Seventh avenue and|°°°!ness with which the pupils Eberts street, and at the same marched out of the building, ac- . , ; cording to Mayor Pattullo’s state- moment the alarms in the various | pent, was most admirable and it rooms of the Central public | will be gratifying to parents to school were sounded. Within | Know that their children are so two minutes the pupils Were lined} Wel! trained in the fire drill. ifp in uniform order outside the| The fire department was equal- building and one minute later|!y unconscious that the alarm Fire Chief MeDonald with his|Was merely for a test and is to men were on the scene with the|be congratulated on its prompt “red devil” auto fire apparatus | response. ready for action. Their services, | however, were not required as the | alarms had been given by Mayor| Patiullo and Alderman merely as a test Social and Dance. The St. Andrew's Society will Naden | give another of their very popular to see how the! socials in their hall on Second school children would conduct/ave. tonight (Thursday). There themselves in case of an actual/will be music and song and a fire. No one in the school out-|good program of entertainment, side of Principal Hunter had any!to be followed by refreshments knowledge that it was only a test jand a dance.