2 rHE DAILY NEWS THUMB PRINTS NOT | sung EHE,DAILY News. |{ ADVICE TO PREMIER BORDEN. | NEEDED IN mis cast AICCA Double Weekly Service ats TO THE SOUTH GRAND Published Daily and Weekly by h Ro- | e- THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. || a gta bape pny hig on PR vend ‘ by the splendid steamers BALL a | Mt orden, sit and listen: | am| When ley point ou iat yo . } INCE m —— ’ | ) te i wits’, whee ber, siettah* e, eamerenttt RUPERT and PRINCE GoRce SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico:|And you need a guy to guide you, complete New York, April 12.—As three Leave Prince nae ot ee Victoria and seatii, Daily, 50¢ per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance, Weekly, so let me have a try , From se f-government yo ae thumbs adorn Harry Rosen, 5 hasan et onan a oA Mm 2 T 18e . ( : a Oo . — a $2.00 per year, All Other Countries: Daily, $8.00 per year. eo a "th = A cyte > ane oe - iS years, of 1581 East New York For Granby Bay on Die een. sak 25 » . ‘Natly . raise, lere’s one complete owning street, v ey WO per your, sirtetly in eavenes. reply— [There's just one cogent answer)/avenue, Brooklyn, it was easy to Steamers Prince John and Prince ay : : ' ; after he hi rot los eekly Service Between Victoria ort TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch, Gontract Say—Bah! this argument to meet find him after he had got lost Mainieltnariowe islands, Calling at Way Porn rates on application Say—Bah! His elder sister had taken him bound Saturdays at 8 P. M. Commencing Ap: - ve ” Wh h to the Bronx and while she was Masset and Naden Harbor mqreag Trines nt HEAD OFFICE pe bill San © alt the kind When they jibe and jeer and flout]* isiting friends he wandered @. T. P. RAILWAY PASSENGER sevice § ot ata re kine , a » ane er ane ‘ \ . » Third Ave ‘ince ae ..{from the house. Henry Brown rrain No. @, for New Hazelton, leaves Prin ! Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. They expected in the program of you for your cowardice oe sod a at ike ee ain he toate == ———_—__= your government to find, supsne nue and One Hundred and Thirty Crane Tred Btarer ry Sedeaion Chicag . on Z “ , | Not what, three years or so ago, Before your Nationalist masters a hth sian hited eer cee ae he one } i on” cutie ceceoues DAILY EDITION af Rx. hursday, April #7, 1945, you seemed to have in don't show the slightest siesieneas ented police station caee am ee aman dlaeaeenneanalll me OMAGTER es - mind- sign : : , “i ; When sister missed Harry she KING NICHOLAS be incorporated into Servia Say——Bah! hat you feel the bitter truth of went to the nation. anneal ems to prese yme icul- {; reserve your proper ' : TO ABDICATE seems to present some difficul it; as ee . oO wire despatches yester- | ties. The two countries are | wpon they say that giving empty line— , a I ae Me Pi Little CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Little S NEWS ur ‘e despt mS yeser- ° oy 8a} ats ; : ' “other,” she saic “He is easy . |} separated by what has been oe Say—Bah I ; ’ ’ ol day stated that Nicholas, King ihe Terkish province of Novi ships will not be giving aid, to identify, for he has three ARE YOU GOING EAST Ha of Montenegro, will abdicate if Bazar, and hitherto Austria And that building them in Eng- thumbs, one on his left hand and THIS SUMMER? fers #8 Be Newspaper oe og smqguetio ~ , a an Gianaaet nina land will not help Can-/of course you can't take the ad-liwo on his right.” special Excursions May 28th to Sep CIGARS PORA the owers continue as ‘Lire ngly protest ag ‘ adian trade, vice unless you break away i cine inne: atten dinate i i tember both ale ‘Chas ‘2nd ie, Ons FRUITS that Seutari shall not be the the inclusion of this area IN} wWhije it's shabby to hire British From the poliey of silence you — ae Satan +408 mee Rey te Toronto and : sow Kalen tetang Clue Ler : : root ar t yolleemal}; ‘ountec | capital of his kingdom, and oe tars because they're lower have stuck to day by day,]) i. anal ro: See ee ) Montreal and samme that Montenegro will cease to nel cede paid— But the word is just a little one as . $108.00 mene HOW PREMIER BORDEN “—— Three,” said the lieutenant » New York and BSS be an independent state to be- Say—Bah! and I think it’s good Take } : ‘ abn wattle , . $108.50 - : AKe Tila awe 2s our » Chicago anc come incorporated in Servia. BOXED THE COMPASS Malay = asian $72.60 Empress Bowing Alle The K r Servit » Pr . ~de é I , aT Sav Jah! » St. Paul and ; eae adhe es ae nian Go bide eee ‘wn wo yp a ¥ 3 ¥ ‘Two Meserte-ts “eee” t Potnt Corresponding!) Ta a OOL ROOM pation: B ow * 29, 1909: do desire to em- fundamental principle at * , ; ee Other Pons eS 4 ALLeYs sponsibility his brother sover- i bs . ; : é . ™ ry life Because a Liberal speaker was J. @. MoNAB HW. & ROSS, Prop 12 TABLES | ' 7 ‘ in and phasize, as far as in my power, stake, Now, Borden, on your very life} .oontty interrupted in the, House General Agent iin ieecn 2 8rd Ave 12n sires 0 shun, € T ’ . ‘ — , » > 3 debate . Corner Sr ve. and 6th 5 , upert ployment Bur a sahibeution will provide the importance to Canada of That autonomy's endangered a = dont caet on debate, .,,0f Commons by the ery of “Rot! eer Phone 264 meal tickets for Ferdinand and some attempt at naval defence; the Hep 7ou mean 7 take; Phis is no time for ae a f you'd some newspapers have referred : ooo SOaNre his family. That is the agree- et the Getence of our seaports That, oo us meses Cet ntd wis Te age ihe a to the occasion when Hon, Wil- . Sa ment to be entered into. and the protection of our com- ial 2 ? ’ a , and hs om ae and nie ‘}liam Paterson was interrupted in _ But there is a pathetic side merce. Let us look at’ the : Say—-Bah! ‘oa : Beh! oe a speech by the same cry ‘If it's C O A to all this. Tt was Nicholas who question from another aspect. ; rot, said Hon Mr , Paterson | precipitated hostilities in the How many cities and towns are F why does the monorebie gentie.| L Balkans by being the first to there in Canada which would ATTEMPT T0 BLOW UP READY TO STAMPEDE man drink so much of it Hon. | New Wellington Coal Best declare war against Turkey. It be open to the raids of a se- - Mr. Paterson's retort was a good] eis on the will be a strange irony of fate cond or third class cruiser? THE BANK OF ENGLAND Great Interest Displayed All Along |". mt See See We er _ and | Phone 116 Roger & Bhd if the end of the war shall be I suppose there are not less Coast in Reports from New John A. Maedonald. Rot!” cried , Li f | gers a victory for the allies, and his than forty or fifty cities and Mechanical Some Aetelbuted to! Teslin District. out a Liberal party member when Comp ete ine o | d own abdication and the ex- towns in Canada of 2,000 pop- . | Mii Sir John A. was speaking No BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES . . Militant Suffragettes, Found | . . ia -idoubt,” said Sir John A.,, the CARTAGE and tinction of his kingdom ulation or upwards which Inside Railing George Coffey, a pioneer of ' nal ; : ; nas he } T Montenegro is a very little would be open to the raid of . Yukon since the fall of ‘97 and eae ae A ae ie tee WESTHOLME LUMBER CO., Limited | a country, its area being only an enemy comin ainst us. a2 as om Phone 186 3,486 square miles. Its pop Mr besten ease Feb London, April 14.—A milk can|Who has been in the country ——$ $$ * G. T. P. Transfer Agents v, . of ‘ . ’ . ’ . . . | ulation is 225,000. It con- ruary 27, 1943: .What will be] filled with gunpowder and con-|every year since, being ."' one Subscribe for the Daily News Orders promptly filled — Prices reasonable , » : i we _lof the head men of the Yukon FICE~H. B. hk 2. Cmen § sists chiefly of a series of rug- the purpose of the navy which}|nected with an electric fuse was |” ; | oF Phone i ged mountain ridges with here my honorable friends propose} found, this afternoon, inside the} por a - eres 1 ae UNION §.5. COMPANY OF B.6., Lic “ll and there a_ lofty peak. In to create when it is created? | Sere. OG Bw wey SOF sale ee places it is ronrity wooded They propose to have one fleet railing surrounding the Bank of) thousands of people all along the » Oc EA® The Twin Screw Steamer The people are a hardy race unit on the Atlantic and one — ada dante: 4 Sta the} Pecitie ete we ee See Roya RESERVE SMITH & MALLETT ; : : : police. lfr : eemen banana ve agws cae every man of them fit to bear fleet unit on the Pacific. For i . i : from wen Franc : co to on Wi 6“ 99 | — arms in defence of his coun-; what purpose will they be pla-] ° ee a cee ae oe 7 a oie = = a ~ HISKY. en ure Phembing, Hosting, SteemSttngas try. King Nicholas is in his! ced there, and to what extent —— vee 2 oe ee rchammeatiacesd ‘xu *icuguelalg acy aheay a nnn, Seni lny vase nn Sheet Meta! Work seventy-second year. He has| will they be effective? [I say|#¢ Plunged it into a fountain in/after news is recejved confirming AGES YEARS Offs: ard Ave ‘ , ; on ivige* : aii wijjjthe vicinity. When the can was|reported strikes of placer gold in Arrives from Vancouver Every eee ae ‘ borne the title of King for a that the defenee of Canada will ee little less than. three years. be by the united naval forces examined a clockwork arrange-|that country. Mr. Coffey says the GUARANTEED BY MONDAY NIGHT Previous to 1910 he was known of the whole empire, and I ment was found inside. entire country is ripe for a stam THE toa” a . ‘ sini > . s : The attempt on the bank in|pede on the slightest justification ° | - . os & Prince. Montenegro won further maintain that it would some “attiats is attributed to the | Seattle is especially enthusiastic OF ANADA Sails for Port Simpson, Naas River pointe | “Valhalla of S.H. & EF, its practical independence be impossible for a single fleet aaieenad . a ses ha i ‘ ates sail ae al s tb RECOMMENDED FOR éné Q@rénby Gay Tecedase, 0 & ; from Turkey more than two unit on the Atlantic ora single nil an sullrage es, ae ere is Ke 1a aiong le THe INVALID e i SCAN DIN ANIAN eTY centuries ago, although it re- 1 unit on the Pacific to de- ee Danas eee “ang : ori f ; : , ee on : wees . . Smartly cut, well tailored, hav- THe Home | Meets every 2nd and 4 oon cognized the Sultan as its no- fend the shores or coast line ‘ = ae T C Balls for Vancouver P oa n the right “hs about them Travel broadens some, but ne ONNOISSEUR p.m. in the sa ve minal suzerain. of Canada against such an at-|'"* rig —— os 7 WEDNESDAYS, 2 P. | the ladies’ suits at Wallace’s./others can remain at home and The Pusuic . : The proposal that Monte- tack as might be expected if negro, the little kingdom, shall an atack were to take place. who nafurall want the besf. : ; Ace, Purity Rogers Steamship Agency 0. ©, STUART ano MELLOWNESS Accountant sotf get fat. . ——- ae —=—.— SAVE $50-$75 ON YOUR TYPEWRITER | UNSURPASSED. eee op ge ou y ¢ i j < Rebuilt typewriters have same finish, wear like and do DISTRIBUTORS mae | PRINCE RUPERT. B. © e e e work equal to brand new machines. Guaranteed one year. Send for price list. All makes in stock. Prince Rupert Importing Co., Ltd Canadian Typewriter Exchange, Dept. 15, 543 Hastings W.. Vancouver, B.C. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Georgetown ; ” ' . w Williams, & 4,48 1836 THE Bann of 1913 Sawmill Co. Lid. | oo & MANSON | i Barristers, Solicitors, Eu. | BritishNorthAm Lumber Heigerson Block - ai Rupert, & “BIRKS” OFFERS YOU REAL AND SURPRISING $3) reves evsmeas and | = APITAL ANO eet” ,000 Mouldings ‘" ee ppince nUreat VALUES IN CUT GLASS WEDDING GIFTS. JOHN E. DAVEY Naturally the CUT GLASS WEDDING GIFT you are | Teach The Children TEACHER OF SINGING considering must be of the best, and yet you do not care A large stock of dry finish- i to pay more than its actual worth. This is a time when The Value of Money pe Ry gg PUPIL OF WM. FOTON, 8G, ARAM, 148 the Mail Syatom of our big sore -te of real value to those If your children learn, while made at short notice. who live far from the city, Write for our illustrated Cat- , DAILY MEMORANDUM OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 O CLOCK Table Showing the Wonderful Growth of the C-H-I-C in Less Than Twenty Months All Louns Made Bear f° taterect at the Rate of uf O Per Annum First Loan made April 22, 1914........... & 500.00 Loans made during month of Dee., 1941..... 4,000.00 Loans made during month of June, 1912.... 17,000.00 Loans made during month of August, 1912... 22,000.00 Loans made during month of Nov., 1912..... 34,300.00 growing, not only how to ans ade 3 ac 9 ‘ were ee ere 2 35,100.00 alogue, which will be sent to you free, and consult pages Our prices are as low as any. BROS. 4Ue § se : roces oO 2 : 2 . -~ . t 2 S TT , pe cones 34 Bia 8 68,000.00 86, 87 and 88, where you will find illustrated our fine gg spend money wisely, but how, Call on us before ordering. i HAYNER “oy cies Waal me Shei ore - ao4e. pe.* 03. 0. 0 showing of high grade glass. Study the values shown , by self-denial, to save some- , jMHDERTAKE ee noe an eo Deceinber, ; 2....103,100.0 and you will readily appreciate the advisability of getting 4% thing for the future, you will eet i ecember 31, 30%2-—Loans mage wud in pro- into communication with us at once. All goods ordered % a oe ; ses : ’ . ae eee ee ee : have startedthem on theroad | ‘FICE: } COSS LO dale... cece reece errr creer cees 263,100.00 through our mail department are shipped prepaid at our Saleh concn, i OFFICE: ; See our Representative risk, and money will be refunded when goods are not en- ” aaese success. pea 8 | EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG | : tirely satisfactory. ; Savings Account for each in Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. : the Bank of British North : - SHER America, andencourage them | E. L. F ISHE to add to it regularly. Advertise in Funeral Director ane era CHARGES KEA The Canadian Home Investment Company, Ltd. Local Office, Federal Bidg., Princ. Rupert Henry Birks & Sons, Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS — Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.C, PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH The Daily News Bnd Ot cor. Bre AD NIOHT F. S. LONG, Manager. a es Ee as ae EE ————————————— | “Beso Soplado”, or Blowing the Kiss Drawn for Th “Ov PRESS ALL Five FINGERS OF YOURL RIGHT HAND Yo YouR LIPS -THEN SPREAD "EM OUT, BLOWING Five 1s5€s AT ONCE “Yo “Your LADY ‘OH NOTHIN Go ONLN ID HATE Td Be so THE SENORITA Har Got” J FIVE Kisses ALL AT ONCE FROM A MuG LiKe WIM A SENORITA - FOR INSTANCE IT TELLS How “Yo THROW A iss 30 HEN’ LL FALL For \T — Hey cA, iT C) said - were, svn. Bare *Y