a MUNICIPAL NOTICE. PRINCE it STHELI CURKRING I siz theast and again last revised Trunk Pacific), vements ui has been pre leutenant.( rHEREFOR interest and sink KPORATION OF city a debt of $46,000 when this Bylaw takes debentures may manner herein $544.06 is necessary to luring the currency for the purpose of nd with which to pay ebentures at maturity; to be raised each shall be nterest shall be The issued any number| made payabl« eney or Sterling and 1nd not exceeding in $46,000 and the said es shall be deemed executed by being takes effect, and shall the amounts se fret day of Jann July, and may be hereby hall be property siamped, printed consecutively no ' to Consolidation with upon herein contained it is at any time to, NOTICI the |} pon will 1 City Ha vi until A BYLAW I i I INTE Pub! WHEKEA and ¢ » ithe fullow tw and { rencems WHEW presetited own 1 cil WHE u paying tot WHehEA debentu payal the cor bearing r aun WHERE to pay and to raise pay interest WHEREAS land an of the the ear WHEREAS Prince RK whict Limited, @pd] said assessed amou WHEREAS except OF THE PRINCE shall be Rupert to f and = situ des lawful t debt shall late when whi hentioned sum ide annu said debent sinking debt and im $141.9 & sinking fund uring the the said said s aid sinking fund i, being the [ nually lected be $12,000 either for be for £20 sterling each, been thereby rate of five yeariy apuary and the first day of July, and may or without coupons are half to one Said coupons shall be properly having written x lithographed and Treasurer debentures numbered cx matter when issued beginning with No coupons as the debentures attached The at any States or Scid The amount of debt authorized by this Bylaw is subject to consolidation with amount other shall be during on, for any part hypothecate hereundes that such be repaid out place at less found necessary This Bylaw of May PASSED THE CORPORATION RUPERT NOTICE the proposed which will be taken City Hall 1018 until the BYLAW NO A BYLAW TO PROVIDE STRUCTION SEWER PRINCE RUPERT AND INCURRING AMOUNT svucHn WHEREAS it ts system of Prince Rupert present time AND WHEREAS THE DAILY NEWS WHEN THE DUKE OF WENT TUNA FISHING AT BRETON plan shows the While visiting Cape Breton His sed outfalls at present Royal Highness th Duke of Con- said plan also slows must have been a welcome change are the prerogativ: babbling brook. way to fish in Cape Breton proper thing to do is to go to St, Ann's weigh all the way pounds to two tons, one with a hook and line is a feat of which to be proud the smaller ones have been taken Ann’s Bay the fact, the govern- ment steamer Ear! Grey, extending for many inland from the rugged and pic- — GOT A BITE THAT TOWED THE ROYAL MOTOR BOAT AROUND AT A DIZZY PACE FOR SOME TIME. the and You him has bul turesque Cape direction along the im @ northeasterly ntil it intersects assessment tuna as far as the eye can see in long/salmon nets and the line fouled. battalions of the brightest green.| With the|line snapped like thread and the stirring history,|big fish took to the heaving At- peace and a|lantie few small hamlets are the homes|hopes the Duke will again visit of a seanty population who weir Ann’s.—Rod and Gun. CONNAUGHT — more concerned the fishing in. dustry than The been made for about the job of tuna fishing like Gives a Quick, Brilliant Polish That Lasts he is. Breton constructed on last The hooks used would hold a Ben-| gal tiger, and the stout cord line is guarded by wire, which rapidity of a fast express train, The tuna rod used in Cape not play the tuna like a salmon. | running line and let him do the} If he has happened to have swallowed your hook, which happens sometimes, you may tire plaving. swallowed the will be the one to become tired. The | hook evidently did not get it far enough ’ give the Governor General an ex- tremely interesting period of real sport, for he towed the royal mo- tor boat a dizzy pace for some handling DUKE TO BE CHIEF OF THE BOY SCOUTS Governor of Shortly to Be Commissioned by the King. ) 4 point marked agreement between THE MUNICIPALITY with the Duke's own ideas, as he Dominion. The Boy England are organized a royal charter and, there- and interest shall be as taxable Rupert There niures to required nm the Plan, situate on the afore commission the organization are concerned, although they are all shall ) feet southwest of Baden-Powell. and not exceeding in the sur of $12,000 and the es shall sold for said debentures shall be deemed properly the Mayor of Prince Rupert and shall be with the corporate The said debentures when this Shall contain a promise to pay the amounts amd continuing in @ south Baseball Chronology The first baseball club was the York Knickbockers cond about) = The first mateh was played at baseball league was championship Commencing at National As- Professional sociation was formed in 18714. The National League was form stamped, printed there The American League (origin- debentures hereunder place in #ngland, the changed to American debentures or hypothecated attached shall be deemed a valid eharge upon aiterations being made hereunder shall construct the altered plan the purpose of paying for the Forty years years standard, prescribed recommended by physicians. For Women's Ailments, Dr. Martel’s Female Pills, at your druggist. of any Bylaw notwithstanding anything herein authorizing and sale of debentures for the payment of the thereby created consolidated place and to the amount of such debt section as the city may be empowered by hereinafter mentioned sum of $2,671.89 da therein set out, ntures when issued, deemed a valid and binding charge upon the said City of shall debentures for the which to pay the said debt and debentures sum being calculated authorized or other willing to advance The amount of debt authorized b centum per annum this Bylaw is subject to consolidation wit said sum or $2.¢ raised as sinking fund and further the sum notwithstanding authorizing and sale of debentures for the payment of the snything herein contained monies to be realized of such debentures or which for of the said debentures sinking fund and collected as a 8 amount of such debt only apply in so far as the City may be empowered by Statute reclal levy or tax Counct! may debentures to be construction of the works hereby authorized to borrow from corporation or person, MUNICIPAL said debentures any bank or other currency or £20 sterling each, and not ex- the whole the sum of 8350,000 the said debentures shall be duly pre ang whe said ; hypothecate the debentures to be issued hereunder, or a yrovided that such loans with Interest shall © repaid out of the monies to be realized upon sale of such debentures or any other PRNEST A, WOODS Clerk lebentures shall be deemed ; be sealed with the gith day of Apri r of 9 o'clock sell the sald de from if it 8 at any hour ER shall contain @ promise to pay the amounts ? This Bylaw shall ist day of May, A. D. 1 THE MUNICIPAL PRINCE RUPERT THE 7TH DAY OF APRIL, 1915 Ser sonia Der AY effect on the coupons attached shall be equivalent to one half year’s oF Said coupons shall be properly exe having written, ERNEST A. WOODS, Clerk. Pant RING OF SAME copy of the proposed Bylaw to raise $350, t ; R bered consecutively beginning with ioom, City Hall, on the 24th day of April, but it is tmposaible uatil the hour of 7 o'clock m vide for the completion of the same Pp BANEST A. WOODS, visit mer. did. that made payable at amy place in England, the LLOYD-GEORGE’S VISIT HAS BEEN POSTPONED Chancellor of Exchequer Cannot Find Time to Visit Canada This Summer. London, cellor David Lloyd-George, according to} a newspaper statement, finds that! it will be impossible for him to} States The chancellor of the exchequer received tember to attend the International Risteddfod replied, would be impossible to accept the invilation, mentary duties, but added that if there’ was any posisbility of fix- ing a would take the matter under con- sideration. Aylmer, Ont., April 17—W,,G. | South Dorchester | farmer, was this afternoon nom- inated by the Liberals Elgin for the Dominion to oppose David Marchall, M.P. Charlton, Could Reach It. A temperance lecturer was en- thusiastically denouncing the use of all intexicants. “IT wish all wine, all the whisky in the world) Jf was at the bottom of the ocean,” he said. Hastily Pat arose to his feet. “Sure shouted. “IT wish every bit of it was at the bottom of the sea.” As they were leaving the hal! the lecturer encountered Pat. “IT certainly am proud of you," | “It was a brave thing) for you to rise and say what you! Are you a teetotaler?” “No, Pat, “I'm a diver.” he said. Subsidies to This Province. Ottawa, Borden, replying to a question by tion. William Pugsley yesterday, stated that no arrangements had! yet been made to-provide for the representation of other provinces at the sittings of the arbitration commission subsidies, why this should not be arranged, Calgary Debentures Calgary, April interest of Calgary finance, has Your enjoyment of a phonograph depends not only on the number of selections. It depends on the quality of each. The Edison Blue Amberol Record was invented on the quality idea. It produces the most clean cut, lifelike and beautiful tone you ever heard. It will never wear out and indifferent handling of it or dropping it on the floor won’t break it. It is constant ; in its ability to please. Your Edison dealer will be glad to play Blue Amberol Records for you. Themas A. Edison, Inc., 100 Lakeside Ave., Orange, MN. J., U.S. A. A complete line of Edison Phonographs and Records will be feund af HAYNER BROS. - 3rd Ave. and 6th St FERGUSON’S ‘P. & O’ Liqueur Scotch Whisky | TESTIMONIAL ; Dr. James U’Connor, Listowel, reports : “I feel it my duty to say that your whisky is one of the best whiskies I have ev tasted, and I may also say that I wi recommend it as a stimulant in suitable cases.”’ —DISTILLERS— ALEX. FERGUSON & CO. 108 West Regent Street, Glasgow Prince Rupert Importing Co., Limited —AGENTS—- PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. BERR telegraphed authorities | — disposing of $3,000,000 worth of six per cent treasury run eight months, Welsh Matched. New York, April Welsh, England, to box Johnny Lore of this city before St. Nicholas Athletic Club here April 23, Charity is responsible lot of worthless advertising. champion of} as Ss = 7 7 ee - —_———D “FROM HOME TO HOME.” HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver, Excellent Cafe. Moderate Prices, 1142 Pender Street West - Vancouver, B.C, Phone 8500,