— Thureda 4 THE DAILY NEWS ‘ - Se ».c. E., . ' | Staked and dated March 18th, 1913. NAKUSP IS HANDED A | Passages, British Columbia, num Omineca Land District-—Distriet of L. i Mackoohate, N. Wy. 0: 913 B GGEST BLASTS YET id 304 of the Canadian Hydr rhe B Omineca Land Distric Pub. Apr. 14, 1913-—May 12, 101! anted | j|bered 304 0 « Canadian Hydro azeiton. . . | ’ i ce gt te WILL SOON BE FIRED ROTTEN RAW DEAL 0c sirses, has jas yeapiost nist Kechnie, of days after’ asi nd, aD: ae —s on venggee ie | | | pub ishede by the Hydrographic} 'Wo or th j Surgeon, 60 Gays rier ae ioner of Lands os ; WAITRESS wanted at once Apply at} { { i to the Chief Commissioner © . Notice is hereby given that I, L. N. Mac- yr ’ pply | lSurvey, Department of the Naval] tons f bh , ply license 40 prospect for coal eS Kechnie, of Vancouver, B. C., occupation | Qyep Sixty Tons of Powder will) Vienne Catt ' |Government Gives Citizens Few) rc ade Fisheric Ltd \t weeee over om . ee i Dianted near ea ave “Gomateet ae ot ‘Lente Be Used in One of WANTED—First class dish washer. Apply} Feet of Waterfront and | Service of Canada , oO nein a x 1 ; e Chie ol sione ¥ thie * y | . a = Grand Trunk Smile post 128, thence hn for license to prospect for coal and pe Them Central Hotel | Railway a Mile | Chatham Sound, Holland Island serie be chains, thence We piso chains to wee crcing as 6 Deer bianine told : | WOMAN wants’ house work, day or hour Foe alarm established at = the The ss, Vy j north 80 chains, thence west 80 ¢ 640 Commencing at & post planted near o —_— | Box 662 c a8-90 | Holl: 1 Isl Steamship ¢ pace Of commencement, contmining © >. tow A 7. aoe Oe ae Arel Mel 1) k j Nakusp, April 14 Nakusp will| lighthouse on Holland Island. De | ‘res more or less thence south 80 chains, ence wes Archie MeDouga IS MAKING). . ' , book : | : " . o wabrive fro: t) os « N MACKECHNIE. ent.| chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east é ge ; j i ‘aoe wee Experience. * pnone| Shortly send an influential depu- | seription Diaphone, perated j Per F iw ee rth sie 80 chains to place of commencement, con-/the final preparations for two o Blown 334 ) 88-90 | tati n to Victoria to protest j with air, compressed by an oil en | Yesterda if Staked and dated March 17th, . taining 640 acres more or less. | the biggwest blasts ever put off in au ? rate: . Gaia s agair ' L. N. MacKechnle, N. W. C. so4s L, N. MACKECHNIE. Y ' von. | WANTED—A woman cook, wages #00 per/ against what its people consider|#ine. It will give one blast of 3 ia Pub, Apr. 14, 1913—-May 12, 191: Per F. W. MeCRADY, C. EB. Agent./ prince Rupert. Both are in con- month with room, Apply the Superin lseconds’ duration every 20 sec.|Granby and N ——$_ —$ Staked and dated March 19th, 1913. . ‘ Save Cove. ¢ tendent, Prince Rupert General Hospi-|the rawest kind of a raw deal| seco “ i t of L. N. MacKechnie, N. BE. C. nection with the Hays Cove ex . ’ sett : ' mm onds. thus Blast, 3 seconds:|/OwWing to th Omineca Land District—District « Pub. Apr. 14, 1913-——-May 12, 1013 cavation In the smaller of the handed out to them by the Pro ; - freight th: ’ eae L. N. Mac s ired | WANTED—A general servant. Apply Mrs.| vincial governinent by the alien.|silent interval, 17 seconds Notice is hereby given that I, L. | two, which will probably be fired > | ; . take the : souver, B. C., occupation mo 48 of ' I L. W. Patmore. soar |. ' f the f shore right Queen Charlotte Islands, Hecate|™ 1 Rochale, of Venouuver, so: \<.ond to aD Omineca Land District—District o this week, between 45 and 50 tons pation © fe foreshore rights in : ied § « surgeon, 60 days after date inten: ‘ands Haselton. - ae Wee OCW ye : | 4 teres me meme @® that town to the detriment of the|Strail, Skidegate Inlet, eastward] Pecter he ply to the Chief Commissioner and pe Notice is hereby given that 1, L. N. Mac-| .¢ powder will be consumed. It| oo j the ! , ' here for the for license to prospect for conlinedl jands:| Kechnie, of Vancouver, B. C., vecupation ate aol Ipeople and the future progress|of Deadtree Poin Amended tr sver the following 7 oan near)|>ureeon, ov days aiier daie intend w ap-f}is calculated that this shot will For Sale j* ' characteristic of gas buoy light. | tonight Commencing at @ post P 128, thence| ply tw the Chief Commissioner of Lands move and crumble 100,000 vards { of the town are “ Grand Trunk Pacitic mire Past 80 chains,|for license to prospect for coal and pe- ‘ ) merce eres em seers ots About a year ago the Canadian|OlM! Lawn Point-—-Spar buoy to be horth 80 chains, vocins, thence west. 86| oleum over the folowing described lands:|4f rock, The other and larger : lished, 1.58 les 130 d Marketing Municipal @ Bence souls 8° cuecommencement, con Commencing & at post planted near old t ired til next |POR SALE—Pairbanks-Morse stationary) Pacific Railway Company made] established, 99 miles de Pa! Bonds chains to place of oo ’ camp, Grad Trunk Pacific mile post 135,)shot will not be fired until nex gasoline engine, twelve h.p., high speed, | . a } _ ial g grees S. 77 degrees FE. Mag , peeing 040 sores Mon MACKECHNIE tan: deades eakte Dh chains cams | week About 33 1-3 per cent first class shape. Apply P. 0. Box 1509,;@PPlication to the Provincial gov- | Deadt Sint he liek AL the , en a hee chains, thence north chains ence + 8 a , Seine , ath s ; : es e| rom Deadtree Poin e light } per F. W. McCRADY, ¢. E-, AgeM'.| vest $0 chains to place of commencement, more powder will be used. Prince Rupert sorte jernment for the whole aad ir aan re s Toronto's a 7 pieee one Cres Sa " comeing O40 ares MMYLre OF i855, BUY direct from owner lot on Overlook} waterfront at Nakusp for track-|shown from this gas buoy wiil be ; ri b sorta. 1813 Way"t2 1913 toc ADY, CEL A nt rr St., $1,000, % cash, balance 18 months | | purpose Immediately this|fixed white instead of oceulting| 4 well know Pub, Apr. ; , . r Per F. W. McCRADY, C. E., Agent. 7 per cent. Wm. Doig, Box 983 ; ae surposes, satate " . cee : ‘ — Staked and dated March 19th, 1943. COUNT CARBONNEAU JAILED | {.)3" " was made known, a storm of pro-|as formerly advertised. On op|>rokers the M trict of L. N. Mackechnie, N. W. C. siainaiinitaiann y \ 1913. I . marked that Umineca Land, Dissrict wiatret Pub. Apr. 14, 1913—May 12, 1913. in Co i With Promotion of test arose, Public meetings were|about May tst, 194: awn Point ale elton. : : surchases w Notice is hereby given that |, L. N. jeee- n nnection ro t d F. d jheld and resolutions opposing|@as and bell buoy will, without . b ‘ ee neem 3 ins Greer pie Gasend to Omineca Land District—District of a Railway in Ecuador Los an oun the grab” were passed by the/| further notice, be moved to a new le ; hs surgeon, ow hd » Hazelton. . i: - > nite« State . , 2 f Lands . 7 -a = > . ada » ft , wesitio R00 feet ort N 7 ply to the nt ter coe ele = Notice is hereby given that 1, L. N. wee. eeu Rm Cart is board of trade, the farmers’ in-|] tion 5, for nor h iii penaived ae over the foliowing described lands: | Kechnie, of Vancouver, bic C.. coop - Charles Eugene varbonneau, | ogra gold cuff link with initials|stitute, and even the local Gon-|degrees W. Mag from its pres ee ae a eee peat e unence| ply to the Chief Commissioner of Lanus| formerly of Montreal but well- oe gb Me” Reward at News Omer servative association, As a re-|ent position and 0.9 mile 143 de.| formation ‘ on ae eben teens Gest 80° chains,| (or license _ Peet ee ee known in the north during the 0-93 aii if ihe pbetecte ichiabal auton ‘ ia: deine 4 il bonds ae . fe . @ u| troleum over the folio B Be : be ” leila R ‘ me . ‘ . a as chains to pace. of comms Sncement, Con ore oak, Becin? toute ost 188, earlier days of the Yukon, was v ielend Chub one sheeve ink owner can were received from members of|from Lawn Point As soon as]! thod ! g € . . ri P vacific mile po 5, . , a . ate li of wi } taining 640 acres more mA . wur a, “Som Fe Nt ge Big sd};arrested on Saturday at Boulon- neve seme by paying for this a4. at the government, ineluding Hon.|Lawn Point gas and bell buoy is[@le. a! Ww N. AC whe . -_ Y . ne i * yally News ce, 7 . re 8 Per F. W “iuctRADY, = &, Agent. eat 2 ain wo pikeo of Seeds. ge-sur-Mer while-on his way Price Ellison, in which the prom moved, a black spar buoy will be ther ! : . . 7 ~ *th ‘ west 80 ¢ 3 e - , . - - ‘1 onds o ' Staked and dated March 17th, 1913. containing 640 acres more or less. from London to Paris. Carbon- ise was made that “the interests/established at it® old position be nd f Ca L. N, Mackechnie, 5. E. C. L. N. MACKECHNIBE. I aa oft#Mally @ © CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PRINCE ; vt . Two issues Pub. Apr. 14, 1913-——May 12, 1913 Per F. W. McCRADY, C, E., Agent,; Meau, WhO Was Originally a wal- RUPERT. of Nakusp would be safeguarded 1.54 miles 147 degrees (8. 60 de hn | = Staked and dated March 19th, 1913. ter in a restaurant in Montreal, | The value of this omise is|@rees EB. Mag.) from Lawn point.]'"! 'e United s L. N. Mackechnie, 8. W. C. © valu ais promi . i ¢ Pris R Conners, t0ne Pistict—District . Pub. Apr. 14, 1913—May 12, “1913. went to the Klondike in 1899 and] Notice is hereby given that a sitting of, chown by the result. The Can Sailing Directions—Vessels en_| Of Prince Rup: V azelton. 7 : . - ve s Comm o >visic: ne orna a ry Notice is hereby given that 1, L bee was known there as a “eount. 9 = eh er aa ieee = +y~ = adian Pacifie gets a mile of|tering Skidegate should bring|!@"4 2c ancouver, B. &., Of ; ernes — > aeene » |? P o ipe “a DD wet . amountec BHO 401 v iocoere % dove eaves date intend to ap Omineca Land Distriet—District of His arrest in Franee, according in the Council Chamber ai the City Hall,, Waterfront, whilst the town is|Lawn Point gas buoy (in its new ce wer eae Chlot mmissioner of Lands Hazelton tl bl j tel I K ee Wed i May . Terry, Br sa 5 > ef Commissio ~ . . . » OF » *spatches, is in *rince Ruper , on ednesday 4 via o - @ - ue. ipos o lo nf 58 dewrees wi \ py Beiaee to prospect for coal and pe- Notice is hereby given that I, L. N. Mac- to o eee. Somes 28th, 1915. at 10 o'clock a. m for the | #levn nly xty ix feet Natu : en pear 25 , Ay - Ohio were troleum over the following described lands:/Keehnie, of Vancouver, B. C., occupation] eqgnnection with the promotion | purpose of’ hearing complainis against the|ally the residents are indignant.|51 degrees W. Mag and make Commencing at a post planted nhear/ surgeon, 60 days after date intend tw ap- 2 ~aiiway i Ecuador assessments as made for the year 1912 : ' 7 Monetary Times a cabin near Grand Trunk Posme aie ply w the Chief Comengrsoter of a> of a raitway in Feuador. Any person desiring to make complaint directly for it turning sharp st 130, thence south 80 chains, thence/jor license to prospect for cual and pe . against the said assessments must give! southwar at before re hing west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, troleum over the following described lands: notice in writing, ting the cause of Wedding Bells. ag ira ju ‘ . a THE WEATHER. thence east 80 chains - Gece ‘= a ememenene, OS 8 eee Pais pant ian, Card of Thanks. fcomplaint, to the Assessor at least ten catesisuaaia it Thence a course 182 degrees nceme containing 6 acres camp, Ura Pacific oi o» lays prior to the sitting of the said court : rn Sein . —e : suicumesiiie theace north 80 chains, thence Wess 96 I wish to thank all my friends | “A RHOn Dates Rupert B. C. April 14th \t the Methodist parsonage] (S. 25 degrees FE. Mag with Sti neath L. N. MACKECHNIE. chains, ence sou c as, C . niaa fe . «i 11913 sterds j nA . Ch: »«|Lawn Point ov directly aster Per F. W. McCRADY, C. E., Agent. | east 80 chains to place of commencement,|for their kindness to me and my| JAS. M. CARMICHAEL, Assessor yesterday afternoon Rev. Charles | Lawn int buoy dire eernnrthes a Staked and dated March 17th, 1913. containing 640 ea my toe cousin during our recent bereave- | Kk. Sing united in the bonds of} and Deadtree buoy directly ahead 9.94 ’ C Pi N. BE. C. - : * |= — ' il : fie , ' ’ uN Pup. Apre 14, 4943 ey 12, 1943. Per F. W. McCRADY, C. E., Agent.; ment. [ also wish to publicly : wedlock Mr. George Northrop of | Will lead to the latter clear of a os nate » penpec ane ous sotee som 1913. thank Mr. E. L. Fisher for his| A sensible vounge man never | Detroit Michigan. and Miss | dangers Care must be taken to] *® i . N. MacKechnie, 8. E. C. ' ’ Lome aaa fa ae mE pen cipita Omineca Land District—District of Pub. Apr. 14, 1913-——-May 12, 1913. kindness to me and my people} throws himself at the feet of a Bertha Lydia Hoekin§ of North! eave the spar buoy on the port]! ! Hazelton. ; during our trouble. 90 | girl who throws herself at his Vancouver The happy couple | hand Passing Deadtree buoy or Notice is hereby given that I, L. N. Mac ain . head ah : lithe tt i the : NR Fried in Their Own Fat. Kechnie, of Vancouyer, oi A Omineca Land District—District of R. TADICH. ‘ jwill take Saturday's train for up| 1e port han le course is 20! surgeon, 60 days after date inte 0 . Hazelton. ‘ iecliiaail - ea _ ive Oo legrees s 1 legre W Mag ply’ ‘the Chiet Commissioner of Lands Notice is hereby.given that I, L. N. Mac- einen oP river points tron pe a eee , Washingt for license to prospect for coal and pe-|kechnie, of Vancouver, B. C., occupation; f))j/{ right—keep their shape} The stout woman delights in junti rree Island is passed troleum over the following described lands: | surgeon, 60 days after date intend to ap- | Nor ays” Lad .~ Bit Ain . the ge ? ! Streit of Georgia. Haro Bireit dent Wilsor ‘ Commencing at 2 ee as de oe e ply w the Chief Commissioner | of Lands | orthway's sadies” Suits referring to the other Kind as | Sales girl wanted H. 8. Wal | ’ ee . : 50 annualls cabin near Grand Trunk Pacific mile post) for license to prospect for coal and pe-| yr, jlannte 89 “skinny.” & Co Patos Island light station, Alden] * ee 130, thence south 8Q chains, thence east] troleum over the following described lands Wallace's. 9tf skinny. & Co., Ltd sotf | ‘ signature to th . 80 chains, thence no 80 chains, thence Commencing at a post planted about 12) | Point—Fog signal to be tempor west 80 chains to place of commence-| chains from Grand Trunk Pacific track, es = lastly disedatiaued a ale It will also ment, containing 640 acres more or less./mile 137%, thence south 80 chains, thence ; . ~~ | Marshall &1 L. N. MACKECHNIE. west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, nal will be temporarily diseon , -_ Per F. W. McCRADY, C. E., Agent.|/ thence east 80 chains to place of com- : j | member of ¢ y : Staked and dated March 17th, 1913. mencement, containing 640 acres more or tinued from June ist to July tst ; rt pur peewocuans., B. oz. C. 4 less. 1913, pending the installation of} 5#™e Period Pub. Apr. 14, 1913——-May 12, 1913. - L. N. MACKECHNIE. ’ exemptions t , Per F. W. MeCRADY, C. E., Agent. 9 ja new fog signal plant Staked and dated March 19th, 1913. Omineca Land District—District of L. N. MacKechnie, N. E. C. csntinnnaithehetinsiaanitnidiansisiie en Hazelton. . Apr. 14, 1913——May 12, 1913. PIONEER NEWSPAPER ENGINEERING Notice is hereby given that I, L. N. Mac- Kechnie, of Vaneouver, B. C., occupation _ surgeon, 60 days after date intend to ap ‘ ly t the Chief Commissioner of Lands Omineca Land District—Disteict of SHE MAN PA AWAY Re oy al or license to prospect for coal and pe- Hazelton. : SSES Notice is hereby given that I, L. N. Mac- se Ks ; "tone eneit we Hr post Slameed ~ Kechnie, of Vancouver, B. C., occupation e Commencing at a post planted ne C , » B.C, e \ cabin near Grand Trunk Pacific mile post/ surgeon, 60 days after date intend to ap- | h d t ff d b th t d Former Proprietor of Nelson A. FARROV 130. thence north 80 chains, thence east|ply w the Chief Commissioner of Lands e man a van a es 0 ere 1s $ ore uring prieto the so 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence] for license to prospect for coal and pe- Daily News Dies in New West- 654 4th Ave. East West 80 chains to place of commencement, | troleum over the following described lands; minster Hospital. e e containing 640 me $e, Se aeitiee chaina from "Osena Prrun “Peas ee our closing out sale until you try us once. If you New Westminster, B. C.. April Per F. W. McCRADY, ©. E., Agent.| mile 137%, thence south 80 chains, thence Staked and dated March a7 1913. east 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, 14 There’ passed away in a " as ® © Kup isn 4a nti. Way “42, 1913. supeoment, contelninn’ 620 | ——~4 ene er > come once you will know our prices are ab- hospital here on Thursday one of : less. . MACKECHNIE. the old timers among the news- ort Wali L. N Omineca Land_District—District of Per F. W. McCRADY, C. E., Agent. ] t ] ° ht paper men of the province, Mr Hazelton. Staked and dated March 19th, 1913. ; » Mr. ; N. W sO u e y rig se F. J. Deane, formerly member for ———_ Notice is herwby given that I, L. N. Mac L. N, MacKechnie, Kechnie, of Vancouver, B. C., occupation Pub. Apr. 14, 1913-——-May 12, 1943. Kamloo surgeon, 60 days after’ daic intend to ap- on ope. ; PRINCE RUPERT'S INDUS- Vv to t ef Commissioner of Lands . The late Mr. Deane began his or lieense to pr et for coal and pe- . a troleum over the following described lands: Omineca Lend, Dinewiet—-Dtesries of - journalistic career in British TRIAL ANNEX commencing at a post planted near a . . . 3 00 H 3 50 W k 3 H Fl : ‘ , as ‘ > ” eabin near Grand Trunk Pacific mile post ppoties io berepy Even peat. . ? $ . ats e or Ing eavy an- Columbia twenty years ago on the The launch “Dixie” leaves 130, thence north 80 chains, thence west cureeon 80 days atter’ date intend 1 ap- |}Nanaimo Free Press, conducting t slip for 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence ly to the Chief Commissioner of Lands P t © | : the Governmen east 80 chains to place of commencement, | PY license to prospect for coal and pe- now ants he irts now j that paper with trenchant pen Port Edward every day at 2 containing 640 acres more or less. troleum ov the tol owing described | oe: through several controversies j Ben PA CKECHNIE Commencing at & post planted about 19 Loe og : weleck, returning Per F. W. MCCRADY, C. E., Agent. | onaing pncine at 8 Dost Paside eck which had more than local in- ' Flaked and dated March 17th, 1913. mile 137%, thence north 80 chains, thence ° e ; o'clock. L. N. MacKechnie, S. FE. C %. . terest. Subsequently be was as — Pub. Apr. 14, 1919-—-May 149, 1913 east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, e » he . : ’ % thence west 80 chains to place of com- sociated with Mr. Hewitt Bostock ~ ouralies met, containing 640 acres more or oO he Provinee, a weekly maga ) eca Land s Strict oF less. ‘ n t wagers - igrmiga liad er. w. neta AGERE $4.00 Tweed $3.50 Fine Flan- zine of the review type familiar Lot 12 Block 8, ’ Notice is hereby given that I, L. N. Mac Pe B.. Agent, ire niki 4 t Kectini, or Vanea ver, i c. occupation Stake and dated Morey 19eh, ioe $5 00 Hats Pants | Shi - Great eritain, published = at eon, 6 ays e a ub. A i3. v4 ; P , ‘ Soars ureeon, 60 days ier date intend to ap. Pub. Apr. 14, 1913--May 12, 1943. e ne irts now ictoria,. When that paper ceased . for license to "prospect for col and ne publication as ai weekly. Mr. S ction ] roleum over the following described lands ‘ane took char » K Connon stat ad Howie described lands: said Anths phiee: naan now 3.25 2 10 Deane ivok eharge of the Kam- e Poreupine Creek about 114 miles up the Hazelton ° nope ‘Bentinel. Bnd entered A creek from mouth thereof (Grand Trunk Notice is hereby given that I, L. N. Mae- 2 litieal life, successfully contest f & oc “« est. 15 Pacific Railway crosses mouth of creek kechnie, of Vancouver, B. C., occupation near mile post 133), thence south 80] sur ; . : i , , ; 13 surgeon, 60 days after’ date intend to ap ing Kamloops in 1898, He retired aie eg en = 80 chains, thence ply 0 the Chet Commissioner of Lands $5.00 Tweed $1.50 Cotton “* ae a > Seton lace of comm nee east 80 chains tolfor license to prospect for coal and pe- in 1900 and later acquired contro! I Ore nencement, containing 640} trolcum over the following described lands: Pants of the Nelson News subsequently acres more or less. Commencin ® silicon ® @t @ post planted about 12 nee @. ein MAGEE CHNIE chains from Grand Tru Pacific track, irts collar att. disposing of the Sentinel. Part- Staked ‘and dated Match iach ip Aeem! | mile 137%, thence north 80 chains, thence . ’ i Gated March 18th, 1943. west 80 Chains, thence south 80’ chains, 2 th ing with his Nelson interests a / EC thence east 80 chains to place of com- c ea er or e “ few years ago, he took over the .. N. MacKechnie, N. E. Pub, Apr, 14, 1913—May 12, 1913. Mmencement, containing 640 acres more or oO I k H ld f hich } sranbrook Herald, of which he ess. Omineca Lend, Déseriet. District of Per F. w. ‘MeCRADY. CE Agent. Cashmere Sox ° was active publisher until within H . n Gamble & Comped) Notice is hereby given that I, L. N. Mac PN’ Mackechnie, Te _ $1.50 White Cot- 50c Men’s tae leet tow weeks armiso ; Mr. Deane leaves a widow and FINANCIAL AGENTS Kechnie, of Vancouver, B. C.,’ oecupation ) —~May surgeon, 60 faye, after date intend = ap Pub. Apr. 44, 1918--May 19, 1913. 20c r ton ig ts irts | ht i ply © the Chief Commissioner of Lands — — se one daughter ® was a promi for license to prospect for eval >a ee ee ee us en ers i jase a og Beal and pe P nent Mason, being a P. M. of! Third Ave. Prine " Commencing at a post planted on bank} LAND PURCHASE NOTICES, 1 00 25¢ Kamloops No. 10 and a member ° of Porcupine Creek about 1% miles up the creek from the mouth thereof (Grand of Cranbrook No, 34 . Trunk Pacifié Railway crosses mouth of ' creek near 133 mile post), thence south} OMmineca Land District—District of Cassiar. 50c Heather tg : 80 “chains, thence sas 0 cht (eee Oras notine Bat Let er, Canslar: 0 BURN MORE BUILDINGS ne om north 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to| Vancouver, B. C., oe mupenee surgeon, 60 Nace of menceme ; days after date intend to apply to’ the 2 50 C 75 S d —— : H¢ more Or lesa ee Containing 640 Chief Commissioner of Lands “to purchase Cash re So 7 rope . wages _ Cassiar District, me x Suffragettes Believed to Have Set acres more or less. } F. W te h, NACBECHNIE Siseek icc situstsa near mile 136 P i or F. W. Me rY. ©. EB., Agent, | kee oe . ; staged a dated gCRAL ‘eth ie Ar" n Grand , Tn Paci, Comtaming 43°% yjamas now Fire to Cricket Field Pavilion IN SECTION 8 . acKechnie, N. WC re bore or less. Pub. Apr. 14, 1918-——May 19, 1012 > w ie. MACKECHNIE, 35¢ Pr + eee Va ge —_____— staked Nid™intea Maneh oun AS : c — et , red and dated Mare » 1943. ® ‘ 7 Omineca Land District —pistrict of LN Maclochale, K 5. c. oa London, April 16.—The pavil Hazelto 4 ” ’ S——dune 9, 13 _ Notice is hereby given’ thet IL. N. Mac tee « the Sunbridge orient 2 000 Kechnie, of Vancouver, B.C.) occupation| —_ fleld, probably the largest in all: ’ surgeon, 60 day fter date intend U ll | i i 1 i S i 0 phy ah ner “Comanlasioner ot 1 8D a a 5 nusua y ow prices in a new ring ult or vercoat. | England, was destroyed by fire . » Can Be Ine over ine allowing deasttbed ie [MSCS Land Diguck—Platet of Coast, 10 Dolleve thal the ‘aufiragetion| ars A 4 Commencing at & post planted on bank Take notice that i Charles H. Ziegler, to believe the » sulfr ‘ttes \ of Poreupine Creek aout 1% miles up| of London, England, occupation pentiednan: ° © ‘ aot Un uffragette the creek from the mouth thereof (Grand| intend to apply for permission to purchase are responsible for the conflagra. | Trunk Pacifie Railway crosses mouth of| he following described lands tion as hot ‘apt f Mr creek near 198 mile post), thence north] Commencing at @ post planted at the . photographs o re 80 chains, thence east 80 chains. thenee| 0rthwest corner or Lot @ » thence north ; Pankhurst were found in the , south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to| 40 Chains, thence west 40 chains, thence T place of commencement, containing 640] 800th 40 chains, thence east 40 chains to ruins rhe fire was burning in Berens mare ap ia m0) of ; be een tor adn pexnon,,,.. [Sr amon apeiagenent Seatauing "s48)B A 2nd Ave. Biiiscoversy and tne aces when 0 Lid Per F. W. MeCRADY, ©. F.. Agent CHARLES HENRY ZIEGLER ° discovered ¢ re ¢ » d Staked and dated March (8th. 1012- Alexander Noble, Agent . liscovered and there ean be no . a en ” N. MaeKechnie, &§ Ww. Dated March Sist, (91% } question of its being of ineendi-. ® q 4 "ul 3— 4 @ ft Pub. Apr. 14, 101%8-——-May 12, 1918 Pub. Apr. 14, 1013-—June 9, 19149 | ary origin, Real Estate 4 j Insurance