x pARGEP” rat gating orry AND NORTHERN Prince ; priTish COLUMBIA , Venture .. Wednesday, 2 p.m. re = SS —_—__ ——— ———_—_—————— voi. IV, NO PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., MONDAY, APRIL 24, 1913. PRICE FIVE CENTS JARGE GRAIN ELEVATOR SOON T0 BE BUILT ALE OF OCEAN FALLS PROPERTIES F IXED FOR TODAY—FREIGHT RATES ARE DISCUSSED »)ARD OF TRADE DISCUSSES FREIGHT RATES WITH OFFICIALS CRIMINATING STEAMERS ARE TACKLED FIRST AND THEN | WAY RATES THAT DON’T ENCOURAGE THE | Dis THE RAIL SETTLER—VICE PRESIOENT DALRYMPLE REPLIES. ohyt rates board of Is of held la aftern thoroug Mea fs renee yon hiy resent Vice 1 ‘ Assistant | Mar Agent and Mew vo Liiway get Hinton Local Mob h introduc d out that the Rupert the cor fact that al Seattle that from the between those than they ulian ports ich cheaper in the ; Prinee ist ‘ rom Rupert (a por il merehants the Ket ‘ made t settler to advis hikan ‘ the said the Bell, | eompanins rating het t g | ‘ outhern pr ind Prine: Rupert| arrive that were of freight rates satisfactory to all Vice President reply ited with the C. P. R.,, the city a first class service It had cost do this and expected he with ld for had been to did not th the A That pany trying basis be it a vould Dalrymple that in hi pany his com was giv ng steamer them mones to ome return mmpany he was shed to do all this city, but they expenses He om those was connected “ they cor heavy they should pare iska rates with something thing to do own part he was do all that could be d tunately revenues here ; was jeor had no with |} his pared to but unfor to be ev The the pre me had mnsidered as well of loca then taken up had to was that he the burdens further econ the | traffia matter rates on railway w the this as vies preside nt point ote of ned of for mn Unt the ine was depart be Dy would t, be » diMficulty in wever, there irranginkg enit all «ee ned the poard Were ithe officials for the the confer- mcer thanks of red to irtesy she ended wh and PPIPLOL PPD OL OP OL ODDS WESTHOLME OPERA - HOUSE ers THE HOME OF HIGH CLASS MUSIC To-Night Monday and Tuesday BRITISH GAZETTE caving Sandring Freat charity Hotel, London, Hleresting old The Great Three Ree IMP LE LUXE Feature « LE AH ” MMS AKIN Living Drama With Emotionatiam ‘ts Grandeur Music by the Orchestra medy Finale Admission to¢ and 166 rete tepnnoonoontees LL THE COMPANY’S BIG PROPERTY, YARDS HERE, TO GO UNDER THE HAMMER TODAY UNLESS NEW LITIGATION SUCCEEDS. KEAN FALLS DIRECTORS HAD NO RIGHT TO ISSUE DEBENTURES INCLUDING LUMBER April 18 An al- leged in the filing of the letters of incorporation of the Ocean Falls Co., the six million dollar pulp and lumber company which started at Ocean Falls in 1909, made the ground of application to re- strain the holders from carrying sale Vancouver, oversight business is to be an debenture out their proposed of the company’s assets on Mon- day, and to declare the entire de- benture issue of $3,500,000 in- valid. The technical omission on whieh this important attack will be made is alleged to have been discovered in the letters of in- corporation filed with the regis- trar of joint stock companies during a search among the rec- ords made by Mr. L. 8, Steadman, | local solicitor for the Diamond |Rubber Company, a New York lereditor. It is alleged that in the filed with the registrar at the time of the formation of the company in October, 1909, the particular clause in regard to di- lrectors reads “The directors ishall be nine in number The first board of directors shall con- of the following | but that the following where should appear is left blank, The debenture holders are now In control of the company, and un- }eopy persons” immediately the names sist space der threats of a compulsory wind-up are advertising a sale of the company's property i} Mr, W. A. Maedonald, K. ¢., Mr W. E. Burns, Mr. ©, 8. Arnold and other lawyers who are en gaged with Mr, Steadman in act ine for ereditors, are looking up authorities on the point They will argue that as there are no directors registered on the rec- ords at Vietoria, that the com jpany is legally without directors, and that any aets performed by the board of directors (which is allewed to be unregistered) can not have any legal foree (Continued on Page 4.) his | rates | OPPOSITION LEADER’S REPLY TO GAG GAME OF THE TORIES Sir Wilfrid Laurier Loudly Applauded as He Told the Con- servative Cabinet He Could Plainly Forsee a Bitter Day of Reckoning obtained to speak in the Commons despite the and the meth- government to a finish Sir Wilfrid an opportunity House of disorderly of the the closure The opposition leader was heard after ja motion introduced by Dr. Pugs- ley that the adjourn at 9 o'clock had voted down. (This gave the chief the opportunity he ° Sir Wilfrid roi follow- ers to a high pitch of enthusiasm when he declared he would rather stand defeated in opposition than Laurier scenes ods motion to house been Liberal sought ised his be in office by power of gag rule | The Liberals rose and cheered so persistently that the speaker had to ask them to preserve order in jthe house. Sir Wilfrid charged Mr. Bor- iden with unfairness in his treat- jment of himself and the opposi- tion He had applied the gag jwhen he should have gone to the people, as the Liberals had done iwhen reciprecity was obstrueted. The opposition could be gagged because they were in a minority,! but a day of reckoning would come as soon as there was a dis- solution. Sir Wilfrid was given a pro- longed cheer by his followers, He said that the spectacle that had been witnessed that afternoon was a very apt commentary on the speech of his honorable friend, the prime minister, who had stated and reiterated that the new rules were not’ to prevent free speech, but to prevent abuse The prime minister had been pro- fuse in declaring that the minor- ity could always rely on fair play, but the words were searcely out of his mouth before the opposi- tion knew how much fair play they were to get. By the unwritien law of parlia- not to speak of common courtesy, the opposition leader always presents the views of his ment, party after the leader of the gov- ernment has spoken. He had risen under that impression. He was greatly surprised to see the of marine rise also. In of fair play, he said, called on him to take minister the exercise the speaker hurry | SIR WILFRID LAURTER, THE the floor. Then the majority took | away his right to speak. | “Every man on that side of the to gag me,” said Sir “When I saw the min-| house Wilfrid. of marine rise, I concluded rose ister that he had an announcement to All he had risen to do was} That is) Obstruc- | ed make. to ‘move the resolution.’ closure in anticipation. tion is a fault,” said Sir CHAMPION OF FREE SPEECH. “IT call on the man on the other side who is without blame to throw the first stone.” Some of the Conservative pa- he said, had described ob- struction as the murder of par- pers, liamentary government. The murderers, then, were on the government side of the house. (Continued on Page 3.) DELAY OF GOVERNMENT MAY HAVE COST LIFE Workmen Placed in in Perilous Po-| sition by Inaction of Offi- cials at Victoria Vancouver, April 18—Failure of the Provincial Government to do its duty and issue licenses for for the documents to come from Victoria the carrying of guns, nearly re- sulted in a double tragedy on Malifiz lake last week, according to a story brought to town by F. G. Karl of Lytton, who is at the Hotel Metropole. rhe law provides that no per- son shall carry a gun without a license, but although woodmen in the district have asked = for their license, and although there} is a notice in the loeal postofices | to the effeet that the law must be observed, applications for li penses have resulted in the re. ply that there are none to hand, and that the applicant must wait The trappers cannot do their | The auction sale of household work without a gun; they are not/furnishing at H, J: Haskamp's safe without weapons; yet when joffice, Second avenue, will take they take the necessary steps place Wednesday morning at tt get their licenses, the tlicenses|a. m 93.04 are not forthcoming and they FRANK A, ELLIS, Auctioneer are liable to penalty if they carry guns without such licenses, Wallpaper— Wallace's S¥Lf | Ri FLE SHOOT! NG erage Scores Made Despite the Weather and Gusty Wind. Av | | There was a good attendance of Karl Grey sharpshooters at the ranges yesterday and the scores were good for the time of ithe year, considering conditions. They were as follows: 200 500 600 Yada, Yds. Yds. Total Me Mordie at 32 29 v Brown af 28 31 90 Averill 20 26 27 se | MeLean 7 6 ae 26 77 Matheson 27 26 20 73 Williserort 25 30 18 73 Holland 19 8625 27 71 Russell is 25 21 oa Lamb 22 22 % 63 \¢ umming 27 a4 62 | Private Russell won the ‘band cap for the souvenir spoon prize | a a | THE WEATHER. | | rhe weather report at 5 o'clock ithis morning read Barometer, /29.087; maximum temperature, temperature, 40; }46; minimum 06 | precipitation, Auction Sale. CHARGED WITH USING RIFLE IN CITY LIMITS One of the Bullets Ricocheted from Rock and Struck an “Innocent Onlooker.” There is a law against the dis- charge of flrearms within the city limits and Louis Courin has but recently found it out. Yet it is useful information that all eiti- zens Ought to be acquainted with. Louis was practicing with a .22 rifle yesterday afternoon in the Archie MeDougal! cut near Hays Cove. He had fired several shots when one unfortunately rico. cheted from the roek and struck a young man at some distance, Then the trouble began and Louis was placed in durance vile. He will make his excuses to the magistrate tomorrow, The young man struck spent bullet was not much injured, by the Mail Orders. Send your orders for dry goods, ladies’ and children’s garments, crockery, glassware, wallpaper to H. 8. Wallace & Co,, Lid department store, Prince Rupert, B.C. Write for samples of new spring goods w87itt Wallpaper— Wallace's, ete svif jject was again referred to at the GOVERNMENT DISFRANCHISES VOTERS OF GRAHAM ISLAND LESS THAN FORTY APPLICATION FC FORMS SUPPLIED FOR FIVE HUNDRED ENTITLED TO CITIZENS’ PRIVILEGE. From Vancouver Sun jpendent of the Conservative as- Masset, April 16.—It is more}sociation, he can win over any than probable, if there is a by-|candidate who may be selected. election, the Queen Charlotte The action of the government Islands will offer an independent) in disfranchising voters will make Conservative candidate in the|the Queen Charlotte Islands suf- event that it is found impossible|fer probably worse than any to get their candidate accepted|other district in the province. by the Prince Rupert machine. Just three weeks were given by a Magistrate Charles Harrison,|®0tice from Prince Rupert that one of the best known pioneers|4!! the rolls had been obliterated, of Northern British Columbia,|@nd new registration were neces- has said he is willing to make the|Sary. There was not another race, either as a straight Con-|boat due for three weeks. And servative, or, if he is not nomin-|Mot more than a hundred appli- ated, to run independently, and,|¢ation blanks could be found in in the latter event, he will have|the town, and the government the solid backing of the voters of}agent at Prince Rupert had sent the Queen Charlotte Islands, and|!ess than forty over here. much of the Skeena district out- It is estimated there are ahore side of the northern metropolis|than five hundred persons on the where dwells a considerable spoke | "orth end of Graham Island who in the MeBride machine. It seems|4re entitled to vote, but most of more than likely that William|them live on seattered pre-emp- Manson, present member for the|tions or settlements, so that, had Skeena district, will be given a|there been even sufficient blanks, job in Victoria. pry would still be hundreds left Mr: Harrison é@ame ‘to the|°™ the new voters’ liste for‘ fhe islands thirty years ago as a mis-|"° ason thet they could net be sionary to the Haida Indians. jreac hed in that short time with leaving London and Berlin, where | *#¢ "ews of the government's ac- he held important church posts, | see. on account of failing health. He! is heavily interested in lands! G.T.P. Debentures here, and in Prinee Rupert prop- London, April 18—The Grand erty. His influence from a po-| Trunk Pacific Railway are issu- litical standpoint is extensive,|ing 2,000,000 pounds 4 per cent. and it is thought that even inde- ee at 87. RAILWAY TO CONSTRUCT LARGE GRAIN ELEVATOR AT THIS POINT ASSURANCE GIVEN BY VICE PRESIDENT DALRYMPLE AT THE CONFERENCE WITH THE BOARD OF TRADE SATURDAY AFTERNOON. The ing beard of trade at its meet- Friday decided to get communication with the grain commission and invite that body here to look into the ques- The sub- so arranged as to admit of en- largement from time to time as the demand increases, and no doubt the ultimate capacity of the one to be erected here would amount to ten million bushels. Therefore, the company would be able to handle all grain ship- ments here that offered by the time the railway was completed. on into tion of elevator sites. meeting of the board with the Grand Trunk Pacific officials held at the Inn on Saturday afternoon, Mr. Williams bringing it to their attention. J. E. Dalrymple, vice president and traffic manager, said the city need take no further concern re- garding the matter as it had al- ready been attended to by the railway. He said the company intended to erect here one of the most modern type of elevator now in use and similar to the one the company now has in opera- Bound for the North. The City of Spokane left for the north on Sunday evening, having on board the following passengers from Prince Rupert: D. MeIntosh, J. Hubley, Mrs. G. Coyne, B. Frere, N. Belyin, P. Pietrich, G. Ready, M,. Veillux, A Erickson, M. McCormick and J. Rady. Built right—-keep their shape tion at Fort William, on the “Northway's" Ladies’ Suits— Great Lakes. The elevator could| Wallace's. sett be erected here in nine months’ time, but the exact location for Pantorium Pioneer Gleaners. it had not yet been fixed. Ut is|Phone 4, to have a capacity of 800,000 i ae bushels, constructed in cireular Sales giet anata. H. Wal- cement cells. The plans will be|& Co,, Ltd, ante — a = = eT Empress Theatre To - Night PICTURE PROGRAMME 1. A GLIMPSE OF YELLOWSTONE PARK. 2. HOW BETTY CAPTURED AN OUTLAW. 3. TOLD IN COLORADO. 4 BUCKSKIN JACK, THE EARL OF GLENMORE. 5. THE GOSSIP. MUSICAL PROGRAMME 1. LIEBESTRAUM WALTZER. 2. UM GLAD I'M MARRIED. 3. GOOD LUCK, MARY. 4 JUNGLE BAND. 5. BRING BACK MY LOVIN’ MAN. 6. SWEET JASSAMINE. 7. UM GOING BACK TO DIXIE. 8. THE BIRDS AND THE BROOK. A. F. WILLIAMS, MUSICAL DIRECTOR. eeoree.