BS > = a F THE DAILY NEWs © THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mex Daily, 50¢ per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. $2.00 per year. Al!) Other Countries: Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. rates on application. HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C, Weekly Daily, $8.00 per year Contract Telephone 98. Subscribers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of non-delivery or inattention on the part of The News carriers DAILY EDITION <= DO SOMETHING FOR It THE POOR RAILWAY local newspaper Saturday afternoon was a following as the exact Board of the was only Friday tha great occasion for the vice-president’s of Trade and representatives of the city council to get some- the citizens of thing as near to of opinion from Vice-President J. E. Damrymple, whose spec- railway an expression district to the curious, jal business on the hungry homeseekers of company’s board is dealing in freights—as may occur for some time. What the Board of Trade is seeking to do, on be- half of the merchants of this city and the settlers along the Skeena and Bulhiey Vaileys, is to get a freight rate by which these men who are building up the country can live, and not of Prince Rupert burn paws pulling the chesnuts pany ? more profit would be aid does Mr t t Monday, April 21, 19139 published the words state- ment on the subject: “I hope Prince Rupert will give the utmost aid to en- courage the new settler and exhibit the pessibilities of this land- he Pacific coast and elsewhere.” Now why should the citizens their ut of the fire for the railway com- The more they did the coming to the railway, and how much Dalrymple prom- have their nose held to the ise on behalf of his company grindstone by the one transpor- in aid of the struggling set- tation company al! the time tler? That's just the point The vice president's reply, even Mr. Gordon of Kitsumkalum the kind of one he made, was recently received an account of deep interest. or » feed—chop, barley When Mr. Mobley pointed out f cattle . I and so forth, in sacks—calling that the merchants were pay- ing the same rate for freight for $80 f. o. b. Vancouver. With to Prince Rupert as the C. P. R it was a freight bill for 860 was charging to Skagway, The vice president thinks the citizens of Prince should “give the utmos! double the distance of a haul, Mr. Dalrymple said he did not Rupert aid to think they should compare the the new settler.” The citizens Alaska rates with those here are willing, and made an effort That his company had nothing to do this on Saturday) Ac- to do with. And when Mr. Mob- cording to the vice president ley pointed out that the C, P. R. and traffic manager of this made a_i discriminating rate great transcontinental! ratiway, from Vancouver to this point they failed to take the prope! in keeping with the high rates! course and his wisdom st 1 he fixed by. the G. T. P., Mr. Dal- gested no other. He did state rymple evaded the point and that as to steamer service said the two companies were! citizens wiuld not like to giving a splendid service and had been to heavy expenditure before the G. T. P and that it was not unreason-| were put on, but he could able to expect a profit That say this in regard to the ri was all the comfort and conso- way as the freight now about as high as by Skee navigation. rates lation the worthy vice president | had to offer on that subject go back to conditions as they were steamers not : Regal Marine Engines “They are built to run and do it." To Suit all requirements Ligh’, medium ard heavy duty types i SSS eS Perfection Marine Motors With patent Ignitor, no coil, no batteries necessary. Evinrude Detachable Row Boat Motors Attached to stern of boat in a minute. A lady or child can run them. We carry the largest stock of Gasoline Marine Engines in Northern B.C. Send for Catalogue Parkin & Ward Electric Go., Limited Prince Rupert, B.C. THE DAILY NEWS LUTHER M‘CARTY SCORES AN EASY VICTORY OVER JIM FLYNN PUEBLO FIREMAN EVIDENTLY VERY MUCH OUTCLASSED IN THE SIX-ROUND BOUT PULLED OFF AT PHILADEL- PHIA Philadeiphia, April 18—Luther|was not affected by I s McCarty, claimant of the white|@rm hooks With straig! |heavyweight championship, was abs he pounded away al | = face as th jewarded the popular decision DY] 4 inte the « linotes 4 a wide margin at the end i a f the first round | fast six-round bout with } is bleeding In h und his mouth w the close of the bo Flynn of Colorade, at the Oly pic Athletic Club here last ah early closed McCarty led throughout the fiz and frequently compelled his of After shaking = h ponent to clinch to avoid his \ first round both cious left jabs ja inch After the na Although he appeared be} separated by the outclassed from the start Fiynnity jolted Fliynr fought gamely throughou the; to the jaw, while i entire six rounds With both|three short jabs | M gloves protecting his iW ind | face Blows we I his body crouched I such rapid successior manner as to prevent MeCarty/ters until the be from reaching a vital spot, the The following Pueblo firemat rushed nt succession of ¢ clinch after clinch and succeed-|Carty using bott ed in landing many blows at|with effect on! close quarters while the latter McCarty, however, seemed to|an attempt to land be in the pink of conditi ind; would end the figtl } Ml ie) C r¢ Cl =y Oven Results From A Gurney -Oxford Range The value of a stove toa woman is measured by the successful results in cooking obtained from the oven. With this primary object in view, stove experts have invented means of ab- solute control over the distribution of heat to every part of the range. The Gurney-Oxford is constructed with a Divided Flue that carries the heat to the back of the stove through two different divisions. this scientific arrangement the two back of the stove are given equal cooking value and the oven is thoroughly surrounded by a steady even heat. With a Gurney- Oxford, it is never neces- Sary to open the oven door several times dur- ing the baking of a pan of biscuits to turn them around next the heat. Biscuits, pastry, cake, or bread all bake evenly, rise evenly, and brown evenly without any atten- tion whatever from the cook. A simple device aptly called the Economizer regulates the exact temperature of the oven by moving a small lever around a series of six notches. A woman soon learns the impor- tant value of each notch, one of which im- mediately checks the hottest fire and keeps it low until she requires it again. A wonderful cooking reputation is made and lived up to through a Gurney- Oxford range. -—= = es = = = = ¢ ‘ ; Code ¢ ‘ j COgG \ j OOGOCHE OOOOTCOOCOCE COOCEOE ‘ ; o¢ o¢ HEAD OF MORGAN PUBLICITY BUREAU Financial Editor of Sun Accepts Position at Twenty-Five Thousand a Year New York, Apt iz Danis } Ke we, firfancial editor of the New York Sun for many veart has resigned to accept i p m with ! P Morgan & ¢ which according to the W it day. is as head of the pul department It is und he wil receive a salary of & 00 a year Mr. Kelloge 1 gradua Amh at { & : : wn f uN ‘ ; r } { h } } M Mathieu’s Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Of A tonic as well as a cough cure Large bettie Shc. Sold e = swhere. MATHIEU'S SYRUP or TAR @ Coo LIVER OFL ——s) a DEMAND ag RoyaL RESERVE i’ Whisky. | AGE ® YEARS GUARANTEED BY 4 THe GOVERNMENT t oF CANADA. RecomMMENDED FOR Tne INVALID THe Home Tre CONNOISSEUR Tne Pusuc who nafurall want the best Ace, Purity ano MELLOWNESS UNSURPASSED. DISTRIBUTORS Prince Rupert Importing Co., Lid PRINCE RUPERT, BA NEW STOCK OF SEEDS have 18 ‘ ved s | TIMOTHY GRAIN SEEDS CLOVER POTATO SEEDS ALFALFA GARDEN SEEDS FLOWER SEEDS ded t C0. Mail orders Prompt PRINCE RUPERT FEED Silversides Bros. i |The up-to-date House Decora- | ters of Prince Rupert _ «Sign Writing.. _ Paper-Hanging Our Specialties “Ye Olde Reliable” 2nd Street Phone 156 Green TRUNK TO THE Steamers Prince John and Pr Maintaf? Weekly Service Between \ Queen Charlotte Istand ca eatw 1 rturda) at 5 M wether Masset and Naden Harbor mime Go. T. FP. RANWway PASSENGER BERVicg N for New Haz eay und «6Tronk hea ‘ saa and United Sta i pall | a nforma » € General Agent Ager A Atiar ATCA Double Weekly Service by the splendid steamer. PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORG; Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver, Mondays and Fridays at o Aw For Stewart on Thursdeye “8am For Granby Bay on Sundays at Baw TU) ALL System SOUTH Victoria and Bee e “ McMASTER CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ARE YOU GOING EAST THIS SUMMER? s] Excursions Ma Q Se] tember tt ae mast $82.00 “ $105.00 y New ; , ‘ $108.50 Va ' $72.50 \ at $60 00 reat ~ 4. @. Monas i LUMBER COAL and Complete Line of BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES} WESTROLME LUMBER CO., Limited Phone 186 UNION S.5. COMPANY OF 6.0, Lic The Twin Screw Steamer “Venture” Arrives from Vancouver Every MONDAY NIGHT Salle for Port Simpson, Naas River Points end Granby Gey Tuesdays, 8 & m Sails for Vancouver WEDNESDAYS, 2 FP. ™ Rogers Steamship Agency Phone 116 Georgetown Sawmill Co. Lid. Lumber Mouidines A large stock of dry finish ing lumber on hand Hoat lumber a specialty Delivery made at short notice. Our prices are as low as any. Call on us before ordering. OFFICE: EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG Cor. Gth St. and 2nd Ave. Advertise in —_——= NEWS Agung Little’s Magazines . 4 \ ew EDapen IGAI FRU. 2nd a ~ ve, Below Kaien tsiang Cluy ee is ))) . ) ale } |} Empress Bowling Alleys | } AND POOL ROOM’ i) 4 ALLeyes 12 Tap \) MH & ROBE, Prop Ore tee }}) Prince Rupert Employment sy» i *, ©. Box 4 Pr ne 264 { i LICENSED AGENTS 3 COAL New Wellington Cos beat on th one Pheve 116 Roger 4 Black LINDSAY'S *stomact Transfer Agents | SMITH MALLETT | Piumb ‘ geet “1H “Valhalla” of S.H. & EF Meets ever ‘ ay D. C. STUART Accountan 308 2nd Ave Prone Auditer for the Clty of Prince PRINCE RUPERT. B C Alex. @. Manson, & A w. E. Willems, 8 A, REE WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Et. Box 286 Heigerson Bloc’ Prince Rupert, & P.0. B01 2 NCE RUPERE JOHN E. DAVEY TRAC? } } NGIN “a FUPtL. OF WE. roZON, BBG. 4.848 ae HAYNER BROS. H ard Ave nee E. L. FISHER mer Funeral Director ang Empel KROES RBEA®S NABLE 2nd 8t., cor. 2nd Ave prone EN I np N ju —_—_— SENOCRITA— GOT HER DATED UP Tonwur ar 7 O'CLoce The Daily News Ir Hore Your SOLDIER Jeg om Boss ALL