— wUNICIPAL NOTICE. described distant e @ lite 4 feet more] the u » degree | theres ot sore f seconds the rrunk and ) effect of this B wm Un hortheastern real ii for the yea iviz AND WHEREAS the loca Street interest and sink said debentures of sums said debentures | ; Sterling and currency and not exceeding in the sum cf $12,000 and the said said debentures shal! deemed t being of Prince Rupert and shal! be and amounts thereon | a & debt of $46,000.) snail contain @ promise to pay the when this Bylaw takes and the first day of July, shall be properly having written, debentures at maturity printed of the this issued beginning with sud interest shall be be made payable at any place in England, the sold thereto or hypothecated or sterling andjattached shall be deemed a valid and bind and not exceeding tn f $46,000 and the said of debt authorized by this Bylaw is subject to consolidation with authorized tures shall be deemed contained and payment of the notwithstanding anything herein authorizing and Sealed with the issued debentures consolidated stock takes effect, and shal! to the amount of such debt interest thereon be empowered by Counell attached for in from said such shal! vut of the monies to he realized Mibered consecutively of such debentures or beginning with THE MUNICIPAL oti PAL. OWATION OF : RT THE 7TH DAY OF APRIL consolidation with yurt o'clock 5 but it is impossible to pro vide for the eompletion ef the same at the rif it is at any time AND WHEREAS Mm) at the present time to provide for the eon in } i ertam part of said sewer rl ' laine! The construction of the wie ‘ trails and trunk sewers, which a hereinafter pecifically mentioned 1) WHEREA & plan has been pre pared the Git Engineer for the City Prin showing the part of the uh Ww and the outtalis which it is ' Ne tf) construct at the present time, ‘nd whien plan has, before the passing of thi i ‘Ww been signed by His Worship ; the Mayor and the City Clerk, and sealed with the seal of the City, and is hereip iter referred to as the plan ; AND WHEREAS the plan shows the line the proposed trunk sewers and the ituation of the pr yposed outfalls at present ' = undertaken and thereon marked in rec \\D WHEREAS the said plan also shows the different drainage areas in the City of nee Kupe which will eventual! be erved by the tialls and trunk sewers how pon the iid plan | ANI WHEREAS it may be necessary rON| duri the nstruction of the seid work ' deviate im the line a8 shown upon the AMOUNT 4 pla either i aceount of such devia ME] Hon eff ie &@ Saving in the cost or tend MI ne toward ereate efficiency of the hen ANI WHEREA t will be required to hised the a 1 $850,000 for the pur puse paying for the said work hereby ‘ i Z : AND WHEREA the City intends to issue leben t t tise the said sum of $3560, easterly payable h fifty 50 years, from the lat it ung into eflect of this By uth} aw aL bearing interest at the rate of I v cehtum per annum ‘ND WHEREAS it will be necessary to raise annual to pay the said debt the i i $2,071.80, and to raise annually i 0 to pay the interest making im all the sum of 820 feet! i i pa the interest and sinking 55 nd AND WHEREAS the value of the whole the rateable improvements and real point proper u the Municipality the city . i nee Mupert according to the last re y issessment ii, being the roli for ea iviz, i8 §21,68¢ 8 AND WHEREAS the whole of the debt thie t ot Prince Rupert, not includ Trunk 1 debt for loca improvements and ! i poses, is 1,001 which is hot | went z per cent, of the said assessed | ain aut | AND WHEREAS this Bylaw cannot be jaltered excey b Line colsent if the itenant-Governor-i-Counci | ‘OW THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF ; Pitt CITY UF PRINCE KUPERT ENACTS ;A FULLUWS it shall be lawtui for the City of Prinee Hupert t mostruct a8 part fa general sewer system the following trunk se we and outfalis i) HAYS CREEK TRUNK SEWER AND UTPALI mmmencing at point at low water mark on Water Front B I about 270 feet southre f the northeast | voundary the said Water Front Block . I and in @ southeasterly and a south | westerly direction across the said Water }Front Biock “F to the lane at the rear 4 Block 17, Section 1, thence in @ south erly direction along the said lane to Third Avenue, thence in 4 northeasterly direction asiong Third Avenue until it intersects with the continuation of Cotton Street, thence in @ southeasterly direction along Cottor Street to kighth Avenue, thence in a north easterly direction along Eighth Avenue t the jane in Block 30, Section 6, thence in a southeasterly direction along the said lane to @ point marked on the Bylaw Plan as M H. 11, Siftuate on Parcel 28, a8 set out in the agreement between THE GRAND TRUNK PAGIPIC RAILWAY COMPANY, THE GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC DEVELOPMENT COM PANY LIMITED HIS MAJESTY TH KING in his right of his Province of British jumbia and THE MUNICIPALITY OF THE ITY OF PRINCE RUPERT | urther commencing at the said M. H }i1 and continuing m a southerly and } southwester! direction along the said arce 28 and the Grand Trunk Pacific }and Government Reserve to @ point at the ane between Blocks a 39, Section 6 thence in a northwest y direction along the said lane to Ninth Avenue i her commencing at the aforesaid M. H and continuing a northerly direction aiong the afore Parcel 28 t& the lane between 21 and 31, Sec tion 6, thence in & northwesterly direction aiong the said lane to Eighth Avenue Further commencing at the aforesaid M. H. 11 and continuing in a southeaster northeasterly and easterly direction along the aforesaid Parcel 28 to Eleventt Avenue, thence in a northeasterly direction along Eleventh Avenue to Alfred Street and thence in a northwesterly direction diong Alfred Street to Ninth Avenue tax Further commencing at a point marked M. H. 20, on the Pian, situate on the afore said Parcel 28 and continuing in a south erly direction to Sherbrooke Avenue Further commencing at a point about 90 feet southwest of M. H, 22, as marked on the Plan and situate on the aforesaid rarce 25, and continuing in a south easter! direction +t Sherbrooke Avenue Further commencing at a point on Eleventh Avenue at its intersection with Edward Avenue and continuing in a south easterly and southerly direction along Ed ward Avenue to Albert Avenue ) OUTPALI AND TRUNK SEWER FROM DISTRICT MARKED “A” ON PLAN Commencing at @ point at low water i Water Front Block “E” and sbout 200 feet southwest of the continuation of the southwest property line of Se Street and in a southeasterly dire across the said Water Front Block “E” to point about 60 feet northwest of the northwest property line of First Avenue, thenee in an easterly direction across the aforesaid Water Front Block “E” and First Avenue to Seventh Street to Second Avenue f OUTFALL AND TRUNK FROM DISTRICT MARKED “J” ON PLAN Commencing at a point at low water mark on Water Front Block “E on the line of Tenth Street and continuing in a southeasterly direction across the afore said Water Front Block “EE” to Water Street, as shown and delineated on the said Plan 2 Provided arn i SEWER that if for any reason whatsoever it i8 considered advisable t alter the line of the said trunk sewers or their construction, or the position of the outfalls or any of them, it shall be lawrul to do 80 under this Bylaw, and such alteration shall not in any way in validate the debt hereby created or the securities therefor, and in case of any such alterations being made the money to be raised hereunder shall be applied to construct the altered plan. 3) Por the purpose of paying for the construction of work hereby authorized it shall be lawful to create a debt of $350,000, which debt shall be payable in fifty (#0) years from the date when this Bylaw takes effect, for which debt de bentures may be issued to be secured in manner hereinafter mentioned ‘ The sum of $2,671.80 is necessary to be set aside annually during the ir rency of the said debentures for the pur pose of forming a sinking fund at maturity, such sum being raised as sinking fund and further the sum/the amount of any other debt authorized of 817,500 18 hecessary to be raised to|/by any other bylaw of the said City and pay the annual interest upon the said de-| notwithstanding anything herein contained bentures, and that sum shall be raised / authorizin and directing the issue and each year during the said term and the/sale of debentures for the payment of the currency of the said debentures debt thereby created the City of Prince The said sum necessary to pay the/ Rupert consclidated stock may be issued said sinking fund and interest shall be/in the place and stead of the debentures annualy ion = & qpomat prey ee tag to the amount of such debt agains we axabie lanc mn the City o his ™ Prince Rupert us the City May be empowered by Stature 6) There shall be issued any number| $5 joao.” Ds 7 neces of debentures to be made for such sums |” . . as may be required for raising the said 15) It shall be lawful for the Council sum of $350,000 and the said debentures|Pefore or during the construction of the jie) be elther for currency or stering| ¥vfss hereby authorized to borrow from jand shall not be for less than #100 00 | any bank or other corporation on person leurrency or £20 sterling each, and not ex-| Willing to advance the same, at interest ceeding in the whole the sum of $350,000/% be agreed on, for the purpose of the! and the said debentures shal! be duly pre- | 54d Works or any part thereof and for pared, executed and sold for the purpose sue reane * nupowecate My Cohennses aforesaid 0 it ssuec sereunder, or &@ par erect, 7) The said debentures shall be deemed | povided that such loans with interest shall ito have been properly executed by being | ¥¢ repaid out of the monies to be realized siened by the ayor and the Treasurer of upon sale of such debentures of ahy other the City and shall be sealed with the cor core waren for the time being may porate seal lake heir place The said debentures shall bear the (16) The Counct! may sell the said de } date when this Bylaw takes effect, and/bentures at less than par if it is at any shall contain &@ promise to pay the Amounts | time found necessary so blo do jsecured thereby and the interest thereon “av , » effec iat the rate of Ave per centum per annum, | 441 2 oy Byler pat ieee eBpet om, the myable ha yearly, on the first day of —- an . | payable and the first day of July, and|, PASSED THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF lmay be with or without coupons atiached| THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF for interest and if coupons are atiached| PRINCE RUPERT THE 7TH DAY OF APRIL, same Shall be equivalent to one half year's D, 1018 interest at said rate '. D ®) Said coupons shall be properly exe Mayor cuted by having written TO | or lithographed thereon Y|} Mayor and Treasurer of the City tf All debentures issued under Bylaw shall be numbered consecutively stamped panties when issued beginning with num a“ yer of it rhe coupons shall bear the same number a8 the benture te which they are attached (42 Debentures hereunder shall be advisable | made payable at any place ie Engiand, the | with which to pay the said debt and debentures calculated to pay the said debentures at maturity, cal eulating that it is annually invested at a rate of 3% per centum per annum The said sum Of #2,6714.80 shall be each year THE DAILY NEWS OPPOSITION LEADER'S REPLY TO CONSERVATVE METHODS Gontinued from Page 1.) In 1908 there was obstruction in connection with a bill introduced by the Liberal government deal- ing with the voters’ lists in Mani- toba and New Ontario He was bound to say that the appeal which had been made by the o position at that time had im-' pressed him and a mpromise had been offered ar “T found fault I never whined,” declared Sir Wilfrid As the head of the government I thought it fair to « and offer a compr ise Sir. is that not better” § than Cheers The there was 19141, when was opposed It down on January 2¢ 29 even a prelin taken The met with dilators kind; was delivered He had whined He as adopted another courss appealed to the We were defeate frid added, witness, f d accepted no down ne closure? which was last occasior or obstruction mn bill brought July vole the reeiprocity was and on not nary been measure of speech afler speech the “dog not compla that occasion introdt had was motions every in days.” ned or on either have now could ced closure had had was proposed, but He people ! Sir W but as Heaven is m would = rather stand than he n if the here defeated powe! today the Liberals, at bods minutes thas 1 »~S tia bu i flice by tion gag this and deeclara rose cheered for Wilfrid in a lelly some Sir the ster the mi proposed generous action of of io move the report marine he had an resolution amendment to rs io a committee to accordance This was but when upon it with the binding in accordance with traditions in rules minister! that house the prime knew he rose to speak he was eg the discussion of not al- and yw free his pro- posal Sir Wilfrid move to the scussiol intend- of the which pre- two of said he had ed to strike out rhut n vents d on the the ing moved into committee of sup- This had no bearing what- the bill, to facili- passage of which these | It was just] resi clause days house is week, when ply evet tate rules a plan to deprive the minority of | the right to their griev- | ances before into commit. | It was designed to] of searching affecting the govern- the day It was apply- gag to parliament with a In conclusion Sir “Let me repeat to friend: as shall you reap; as shall meet as you are unjust, you meet with injustice. on naval the were devised. state going tee of supply prevent the asking questions ment of the vengeance Wilfrid right ine said my hororable you sow, 80 are fair, fairness; vou so you with so shall mT S SS: SS WOK SN \ WN WN NS A NX SN \ ~ \\\ \N \ NN \\ \ SASS sae OTHING commonplace or cheap-looking about 20th Century Brand They have style and individuality not found in any New Spring styles and fabrics ready for inspection. WE ARE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Bryant Company, Limited “The Store of Better Things” other make. honorable friend two vears ago took a ceriain attitude on the ocity bill. He has no right to complain if the same My right recip! methods that he made use of are applied to him im the present case My right honorable friend has not forgotten the words of Shakespeare: ‘This even-handed justice commends the ingredients of our chalice to our own lips.’ “The poison has come already poisoned to his own lips at the present day. The poison that he offered to us today will come again to his own lips at some future day We are in the minority; ean be gagged; we can be prevented from expressing our opinions. They can trample upon our body. But, the day of reckoning will come as soon as we have a dissolution of the present parlia- ment.” Prolonged cheers. we sir, United States or Canada therein set out (18) The said debentures when issued, sold or hypothecated, and any coupons thereto attached shal! be deemed a valid and binding charge upon the said City of Prince Rupert, i4) The amount of debt authorized by this Bylaw ts subject to consolidation with printed | the names of the | | this no EANEST A. WOODS, Clerk TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true copy of the proposed Bylaw to raise $350, 000.00 upon which @ vote of the Munici ality will be taken at the Police joom, City Hall, on the @4th day of April, ;4. D. 1018, from the hour of @ o’cloek| @ | 4 m. until the keur of 7 o'clock p. m BANEST A. WOODS, Ciy Gierk CAUSED SENSATION IN ENGLISH FOOTBALL Mayor of Fulham Practically Accus2s Liverpool! of Allow- ing Chelsea to Win wear like and do Send for price list. All makes in stock. iters have same fin Canadian Typewriter Exchange, Dept. 15, 543 Hastings W., Vancouver, Prreriet littl ieee FERGUSON’S ‘P.& O’ Liqueur Scotch Whisky dous sensation in the football world by the char- ges that the Monday Lo cond of some account, and his allega- tion cannot be dismissed like the common sibles. and head of a great London bus- and a direetor of two gue football clubs, Woolwich Ar- senal and ely. words. Chelsea was ness Must Grow More Cattle. cattle man, believes that in mixed farming solution problem, present TESTIMONIAL Spiers, Haltwistle, reports: “Tl have pleasure in saying that I consider it a wholesome spirit, free from fusil 7! resulting from mutton, poultry, butter and eggs Australia and from | astounded when and eggs, very useful as a stimulant in cases such treatment is required.” from British Empire heef We import more | United ~—DISTILLERS— ALEX. FERGUSON & CO. 108 West Regent Street, Glasgow Prince Rupert Importing Co., Limited —~AGENTS.- PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. raised cannot commodities raised kept | | | Forty years in use, PATTULLO years standard, prescribed =e by physicians. For Women's Ailments, Dr. Martel's un Female Pilis, at your druggist. Cours| Woodrow Wilson has at least refreshing disregard for vain a Conventions | | That is very wood to start with BERR BRR RRR RRR