RENWORTH .& JEFFERSON’S CASH - RAISING SALE Prince Rupert’s most daring attack on prices in Boots and Shoes Are you giving thought to your spring Boots and Shoes? If so. we wish to acquaint you with the fact that our great cash raising sale affords you opportunities for vast savings Here's the opportunity to get the newest, most stylish Boots and Shoes in all kinds made by the foremost manufacturers of the Dominion and U. 8. A, at a saving of from $1.00 to $3.50 per pair Hundreds have taken advantage of these forced drastic price concessions ~and why not you? It’s a duty you owe to yourself and to your family to at least investigate the more than liberal Offerings we are making pn ovr high grade Boots and Shoes, and, remember, it’s worth just as much to you as if you paid full price for them. If your thoughts are on future purchase, there is no better time than the present, dur- ing the life of this cash raising sale. It makes it pos- sible for you to invest your money to better advantage and greater interest if You Think Shoes. If You Think Prices—Think. RENWORTH & JEFFERSON THE BIG BLUE SIGN | Prince Rupert if You Think Boots. 3rd Ave. ~_— _—— THE DAILY NE -——_ Lovett Guich Claims. Mr. Allen G. Barnes has gone His catch of furs includes marten, mink, fisher, wolverine, weasel and a couple of coyote His part- ner, Pinkerton, has gone to the Silver Creek placers with G. W Morris. Hooper got a two year old bull moose about four miles from the lake. Not Coming to Canada. The Institute of Journalists has abandoned its proposed meet- ing in Canada this year, so much time having been lost in arrang- fine the details that it is now felt impossi to proceed further. On the naval question, the sit- uation at Ottawa seems to be that the resistless force is opposed to the immovable body. LAND PURCH WASE NOTICES. HARRY HANSON ! Licensed Plumber has commenced business at 139 Second Avenue All kinds of plumbing and steam heating at r@onable prices and ail work guaranteed. Phone 262 P. O. Box 907 FRED STORK’S HARDWARE Established 1908 Carpenters’ Tools Wire Cable Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery Stee! Blocks Fishing Tackle Rifles & Shotguns Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rope Valves Ammunition Hose Paint Rubberoid Roofing Pumps Stoves & Ranges Corrugated Iron Just a Post Card Upon which is Written “SEND ME YOUR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE” in communication with Caaada’s greatest jewellery firm. With the modern methods of rapid trans- portation, and the possibilities of almost instantaneous communication which the telephone and telegraph has given us, it is unnecessary to worry over exorbitant prices or vex yourself with meager assortments of antiquated goods. We are manufacturers and importers. All our goods are guaranteed. We sell to you direct. We ship ali goods at our risk prepaid, and refund money when goods are not satisfactory to the purchaser. OUR CATALOGUE I8 A GREAT HELP GIFT BUYERS. WRITE FOR IT Henry Birks G& Sons, Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.C. Subscribe For The Daily News will place you TO WEDDING TODAY. Skeena Land Dis District [ ast Range \ Take notice that Ole J. Jensen, of Kit sumkalum, B. ¢ upation ranche in tends to apply for per wo Pp has the following described is Commencing at a post planted about nalf a mile north of the southeast rhe of Ne 35246, thence easterly 4 chains more less to the west b ry of T. L. No. 3524 thence south ma * ' a slough, thence we re hy to the east N 534 thence fr ess to the point mencement uaining 12 acres OLE J. JENSEN, D. LAIRI Dated March 28th, 1013 Puk Apr. 21, 1913 June i¢ 1913 Ke a Land District—District rf OGoast ake notice th Margaret B. Gran ' Pr e Rupert, B ‘ dress maker, intetids Ww apply ut i bas the followl a | wf Lot jmumencing at ast corner « orthe Take notice that I, Daniel Brenton Ken- ney, of Terrace, B. C C., oceupation rancher, intend to apply for pera to purchase the following describe d lands Commencing at a post planted at the northeast corner of Lot 5130, thence north 40 chains, thence east 30 chains, thence south 40 chains, thence west 30 chains to the point of commencement, containing 120 acres more or less DANIEL BRENTON KENNEY. Dated March 13th, 1913. Pub. April 7th to June 2nd Skeena Land Dissrice— District of Coast TAKE NOTICE that Fugees Renz, of Prince Rupert, B.C., occupation cook, in- tends to apply for * permission to pur- chase the following described lands t planted at the N E. corner of T.L. 30945, thence north 20 chains; thence east 13 chains, more or less, to the west boundary of John Mc Kechney’s pre-emption; thence south 20 chains, more or less to John Mckechney's 8.W. corner; thence east 20 chains; thence south 20 chains; thence west 33 chains more or less, to the east boundary of T. L. 30045; thence sorth 20 chains, or less to the point of commencement, ontaining 90 acres more or less EUGENE RENZ, D. LENHART, Agent ~%3 Commencing at a H Dated Feb. 24, 1913 Pub. March 17 to May 12 Skeena Land Disirict- of Coast nge TAKE NOTICE that Prince Rupert, B.C. intends to apply for chase the -District Vv Frank Knott, occupation baker, | mission to escribed lands Commencing at 4 8t planted at N.W. corner of T.L. 30045, thence 80 chains; thence west 20 chains; fe sow ing the thence bank of the Skeena River; thence north easterly along the said bank of the Skeena River to the point of commencement, con taining 150 acres more or less i. D. LENHART. Apent A Dated Feb. 24. 1913. am Pub. Mareh 17 to May 12-13 : Omineca Land District District of Cassiar ake notice that I, RK. D. Rorison, finan cial agent, of Vancouver, B. C.. 60 days after Gate intend to apply to Chief Com jasioner of Lands to purchase Lot 015 A, Siar district, Skeena River, containing 43.7 acres more cr less Dated Feby. Sth, se88 D. RORISON a. w Mefraedy, agent Mar. 3-Apr ing interests of his brother, the jlate Alfred Barnes, who died cently when on his way back a visit to his old home at Malmes bury, England He has been in Dawson since 1898 and previous to that was in business Van- couver for several years His claims are on Lovett Gulch, four miles from Dawson. Good Catch of Pure. W. T. Hooper has returned to Stewart after spending the winter trapping near Meziaden Lake more | ito Dawson to look after the min { Range thence east 2? south 20 chains, thence es ’ thence north 20 chains to piace ‘ mencement afd conmiaining 40 4 $s @ less ; MARGARET B. GRANT Dated April 5th, 1913 Pub. Apr. 21, 1913—June 1 1913 Skeena Land District—District of Range V Take notice that Gertrude M. Newell f Yarmouth, Nova Scotia upation married woman, intends to apply for a ssion t purchase the following des ribed nds Commencing at & post plan ted at the northeast corner of Lot 5142, thence West) 20 chains, thence north 20 chains, thence east 20 chains, thence south 2? chains following the meander of the L ake se Lakr to the point of commencement mtaining 40 acres more or less GERTRUDE M. NEWELI L. H. KENNEY, Agent Dated April 16th, 1913 Pub. Apr. 21, 1913-—Jume 16, 1913 Skeena Land District——District of ast Range \ Take notice that Emma Wat = Ag new, of Victoria, B. ( pation married woman, intends to apply f permission t purchase the following described lands Commencing at & post planted m the south shore of Lake Hayward, near Falls River, a branch of the Hocsal thence north 20 chains, thence west chains thence south ‘ thence east 20 chains more © f commence ment, containing 40 acr re or less EMMA WATEROUS AGNEW Dated April 13th, 1913 Pub. Apr. 21, 1913—Jume 16, 1913 Skeena Land District—District of Coast, Range V of | | s0uth | Water north 60 chains more or less to the south| Viet : | | \ e oO ws One Cent A Word For Each Insertio 3 Wanted pmnsrmernsl > WANTED.-Good make visit pewriter, n good condition Also typist ne lays WwW. Cc. M., P. O. Box 4 WAITRESS and kitchen help wanted at Vienna Cafe ’ WANTED——Woman cook good wares Apply Windsor Hotel au WANTED Strong lad at t eighteen t learn mill business apply f e R pert Planing Mills 2-95 WANTED—A general servant. Apply Mrs L. W. Patmore. soaw For Sale i A > SNAP f 18, easible for same i . title Ww cash— I Paid Req M. I Sec FOR SALE—I tion 8, $50 Also eight land at Apply Box FOR SALE gasoline engine, first class shape Prince Rupert ts 29 and 0 each acres Terrace 158, I Fr exce si rince Rupe twelve Apply f aennewnt Fairbanks. Morse h.p., { stationary high speed, 0. Box 1509,) 301 For Rent ished fr good and phone COMFORTABLY fur m ~~ ining; electric ight Ave. West view i $ rows write Brindle Bosten bull year old, with collar of studs Reward Box s0¢ bazaar one sieeve link by paying for OmMce FOUND—At the Island Club, have same Daily News WATER NOTICE. Lost and Found dant terrier having Phone 4 v2 at Kalen Owner can this ad. at 7our e For a License to Take and Use Water. Notice y given tha will ‘ Rat - RK e fled with Par rince the amet cE Rt LTD t 21 19 ERT Apr A HYDE art Ag May bh Mw 13 WATER NOTICE. For a License to Store or Pen herel given tha liydr Electric ¢ K B. ¢ will pen back 1 m Falls Riv ‘ lirectior ab water 12,582 bull all Hiver T he Ie Ses as @ and wl cense with Range This m the notice fith day plication will be Water Recorder at Prince Objectio may be fled Water RB der or with the of Water Rights, Parliamer Victoria, B. ¢ PRINCE was posted of April, 19 filed in the RUPERT LTD Applicant By A. W. Agn 21, 1913-—May Apr WATER NOTICE. For a License to Take and Use Water. Notice is hereby tha Rupert Hydro-Electri of Prince Rupert, B. C., will license to take and use 266 ¢ second of water out of Khtada flows in @ westerly direction 1377 and 1378, and empties River near Mile 44, G. T. P water will be diverted at a 8,000 feet from the mouth used for generating electric poses on the land ceseribed Range 5, Coast District This notice was posted of on the 13th day of April, +0 lication will be fled in the Vater Recorder at Prince Objectio may Water Recorder or of Water Rights Vietoria, B. ¢ THE rRik given with COMPAN LTC Agy May \ 1913 Ww By Pub. Apr. 21 mpan pe with the mw mpany will nm RK with HYDRO-ELECTRIK Company, mileage Rupert be filed with the Parliament PRINCE RUPERT HYDRO-EBLE‘ ‘Y. t The Prince Limited, | 1 BK tptrotle t Buildir 40-ELECTRI Agent i9 i913 Back Water. The Prince Limited i for a 12 acre er, a stream 1 and empty ighteen mile a st red f ' ad of neralng zed by a notice take and tre land mst Dis 1 at ee ithor der 1 on the 13 office ipert ground The ap wf the aie e the said Comptroller 6Bulldings ow 19 Agent 1913 t The Prince Limited apply for a ubic feet per River, which through Lots into Skeena The about be pur 1377 point and will power as Lot ground The ap of the h the 13 oMce the said Comptroller Buildings >. Applicant Agent 1913 ew, 19 WATER NOTICE. For a License to Store or Pen Back Water. Notice Rupert is hereby given tha Hydro-Electric Comp f Prince Rupert, B. ¢ license to store or pen back feet of water from Khtada Ri Nowing in a westerly directio ing into Skeena River near Pr. mileage The water will a reservoir of capacity, built Brutinel Valley erating electri« ized by Water KR a under 4 cense to take with the Range ‘ This m the or to be b and will be ¥ rds Nos ? tice and use land water, described oast District notice was posted 13th day of Aprti, or 19 PUF-| plication will be fied in the oMee Ww ater Reeorder at Prince Objections may be Recorder or Water Rights, ria, B. ¢ THE PRINCE rhic CO Rup fied with the Parliamer RUPERT LTD, Applic yA. W. Ag 1013 May of Pub. Apr. 21 will Mile 3,611,421,705 power purposes as of application t The any Prince Limited apply for a 82.006 acre ver, 4 stream m and empty 44, G. T Stored in cubic feet uilt in Lake sed for gen author and 50 for a posted here as Lot 1377 be a6 > 7, » the 13 ground ve the F ‘ he said waptroiler Buildings vert Ce at YDRO-BLES ant ow 19 Agent 19013 When a London newsboy becomes amba the United States to Hungary it looks as i world geed not go to the for romance the Daily News. The paper that priate the facts Ontario ssador for Austria. f the new » old world = In the Letter Box PORCHER ISLAND MAILS Ne Princes Publix ind subles ruth too funny Rupert w ty be and ind truth a to remedy f though w I a ’ the rities and ri ands have been rful int sagacity Mar tof te m Saturday ter was posted at I = wate oy the dressed | kids date 10 pwn John 1a af eft OCEAN FALLS CO. HAD NO RIGHT TO ISSUE DEBENTURES from ndou f consists Continued Page 1 f this The treme « atu upheld by the fia that rf d rect of if 82. 000.000 ention the courts in ; al board first a sum ¢ issue deben arranged d of &1 debenture Janu hol later and on a 500000 holder 8, 1910 trust debenture issue To secure the the directors on gave debenture deed, the ire of the It by of this holders deed that Mr. Archer B receiver for the debenture has authorized the company by Monday next include over 80,000 timber the te Falls with hotel mill, pulp a retail lumber Rupert, and three in the company’ ary a rs ts covering asse company virtue Martin hold sale ¢ debenture try ers, f the on ts iction These acres s asse a morning assets of (icean lumber power Prinee engaged leases, wnsite at buildings mill water vard vessels at work NEW FILMS AT THE EMPRESS. new ph will be at the Empress tonight of than usually excellent de- With the exception of one domestic ec The they of stirring romance adventure and cannot fail to enjoyed old and young alike Their titles give indication of what they Four shown more itoplays a scription. medy called all ind be Gossip,” are dramas by some LOCAL NEWS ITEMS, | are and what may be expected, be- ginning with How Betty Cap tured the Outlaw, Told in Ca fornia,” which state s still a country of thrilling romance, and ‘Buckskin Jack, the Far! of Glen more,’ There is also a reel de picting the gorgeous scenery of Yellowstone Park and a fine pro gram of incidental music to he given under the baton of Musical Director Williams Soon to Be Married. Friends buying them a set of dinnerware at Wallace's g2tf| Auction Sale. The auction sale of h iseho ld] furnishing at H J. Haskamp | omece Becond avenus will take | plac e Wednesday 1 rning t if a. im 03.04 FRANK A. ELLIS, Auctioneer ' Wallpaper— Wallace's s9if| ngi@ne Thousand ~ es ‘THOUSANDS FLOC KN TO WEST FROY non MORGAN'S OPERATIONS THROWN INTO SHADE : England’s Great Sea Monopolist st is the Controller of an Immense Fleet. Le Ph nor i nd pps polist of n April today the a the Beside mmere hin J two-¢ recent pur the Eng- the con merchant that the vessels has this branch Morgan i rope ever known of merely By his of the Nelson knight has of fleet eamers far owned by any company | world Hundreds of thousands of employees of dollars steamers at his disposal first the c e . a er sition line secured of eater ish a rol mail st a gr than n L and mil in rest no ions invested are Philipps where When Morgan off trans-Atlantic steamship ec bine all the world talked about Philipps has been doing this of thing for the six but he has done the nonchalant, quiet of which he takes lunches Company after company has been rbhed until t under the ! of man more and tonnage than American pulled his mm it ort year last s it sort in sal way his mn “lay this Vessel abyss direc there freater control one are 8 are owned f al by German ¢ The trade America his hands any French ec Africa most bine and South entirely mr is in On Last Night's Train. fi who ¢ night I Ihe were mn the Jennings Dan Demp and Mrs Rankil rllowing autie by Rn \ onkey Robinson, Mr rd, W. Ellis Shepherd mn ( lr | Whitefo and My Only Two Passengers. The City left here or Saturday ruth be passengers were G,. T Reed if Seattle und from Gres evening two Prince Rupert and AR. C mi ony son Third Ave. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. White a ca n by the train n Sunday rived at Winntses a An evening and are staying with M Day of Last A Ara und Mrs. 1! H. Mobley My W ek | Whiteford, who is in partnership | #4 with Mr. Mobley in the salt mine|th proposition at mile 45, is here to du . dis es matters in con n| the B vith the development of the same iS ei The bed of salt which was struc) nt aan tL time ago gives every ind ition of turning out quite up t Jor th high expectations of h wners, as it has been bored t i ‘ siderable depth with ich. | @énavia he bottom of it i I a= | | hdas anniversa ve | : ad u her vents f h | i iv be fittingly : } ! ~ 5 from the bea f chinaware at Wallace's yuri” Alex. J, Prudhor 1s taken| 7 Small List This Trip ' t hos] il Sa i ind « | erday had a sligh i | et f h He is ‘ ‘ hr la be . lO. J Fra ! » & | a 4 ut the Grand 1 shops,|W. 1 vas § he fh al this W. McK i Wh i K | Sa Getting Marries his s rhe pa i gain} Pp : la ind he ! id.| wa visab e t nh hos thisif } ne a ee ~T y ta } } ia Prrrorroroocooocosoococcccoontes x th ght hang il t the W he idies’ suits at Walia “ i Sort : ; A SPLENDID ATTRACTION ' } LESLIE BROS, } be red , ghts Real Estate and Insurance $ i Weesth rt : } I : ! the ‘ i sh H i xtra ft British (1a ? how g King he y ; | } Sand cha Palace he ha POPOPIORLOLIEPPLOOCCODD D+ CDC bbe a it the Sa Hots I “a h Pp sident f th Fre n i : Paris ind fha th pe te x Old ¢ “ ; ie de grit Port Edward: u I el I } } N fea ‘ i Lea ! H Forsa Nothing a lthis ss] lid 1 ; PRINCE RUPERT'S INDUS- } p TRIAL ANNEX ; ‘ _— _ , oo. tae re The launch “Dixie” leaves } eat the Government slip tor } , som 7 ie 1 Port Edward every day at?} : re ’ “a ” o'clock, returning at §} aed eantnet tiie ation o'clock } 5 : : y : h Sb ecoossossoooooccocooooooooeiy Rupe feels « \ a the bers a ‘ the fa . Merch Ve de ‘ 5 1 fr rt I i ind the w lerf Fev alle ! g h vy seld hear sid f th ‘ irgwe cities such as I I He 1 Ne \ mE oe CHAS, M. WILSON, Owner, Delkatiah Qc! ROBT ENTWISTLE, Agent, Massel. Qc ot 12, Block 8, Section | 6,300 Harrison, Gamble & Compal! AGENTS Prince Rupert FINANCIAL Fine Homesit IN SECTION 8 \ $2,000 Re R. Naden Co., lt Real ks