THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by ee LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, BC. , SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Daily, 50c per month, $2.00 per year. Weekly, TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING rates on application. Canada, or $5.00 per year, All Other Countries: $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. in advance. Daily, $8.00 per year -50 cents per inch. HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prinee Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98 BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES Newspaper York City. Seattle—Puget Sound News Co London, England—The Clougher Trafalgar Square. Bureau, 219 East 23rd St.. New Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Subscribers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in ease of non-delivery or inattention on the part of The News carriers. Ww WE E “KL y EDITION CANADA (1S RESPONSIBLE FOR PACIFIC PROTECTION The of Borden and his party for a free gift of to relieve contention thirty-five millions the British taxpayers has tak- en no account of a veritable danger zone that exists in Can- ada. Her own ungarded shores should be the Dominions first and greatest responsibil- ity. The problem of the pro- tection of the Pacifie is the su- preme problem not only for the British Empire alone, but for those ideals ‘of life and that type of civilization we cal! An- glo-Saxon. Writing upon this question in the Nineteenth Century Dr. F. B. Vrooman raises some profound ques- tions and argues to definite and pertinent conclusions touching the whole problem He says in part: “We are entering a life and death struggle upon the Paci- fic ocean, the white against the vellow races. This involves no vulgar color line. Alas! we are learning the economic su- periority of the yellow man over the white—perhaps the militant, certainly the diplo- matic. He is superior in this also, that he will learn from us and we will not learn from him. The divergence in inter- est between the white and the vellow races in the Pacific is fundamental. There is a guif over which no treaty or con- vention can make more than a temporary bridge.” On _ the bearing of that situation on the question of naval defence Dr. Vrooman has this word: “There is a rapidly approach- ing crisis on the Pacifie which eannot be met by a navy in the North Sea that has got to stay in the North Sea. .We cannot put Canadian money in the North Sea. Britain does not need it so long as London has money to invest in Japan- ese warships at a rate of four per cent., and without a pos- sibility of being paid back ex- cept Japan borrow more mon- ey to do it. defend the British Isles... . The plan of a cash contribu- | ease momentarily a full, tion will nation exchequer already and will be equivalent ie Tuesday, ‘pee 1 22 1913 pouring so many millions into the North Sea. The plan of a Canadian navy in the Atlantic Ocean will place our defences where they are not needed and probably will never be used, and that on the wrong basis. The plan of a Canadian fleet of the Imperial navy in the Pa- cific ocean, while fulfilling en- tirely every obligation we sus- tain to the Mother Country, will revive British prestige in the Pacific ocean, put us in a position to help defend the British Empire, and at the same time begin the netessary training of men to make her a self-defending as well as a self-depending nation.” —~0——_——— BRITAIN LOOKING ON WITH DEEP SADNESS The London newspapers are just now handling the Cana- dian naval! situation with cau- tion and reserve, but there is a tone of sadness that such a condition of afairs should ex- ist and that Great Britain is a pivotal point. The Pall Mall Gazette treats the debate as the principal item of the day's news, describing it as the greatest party struggle in the history of the Dominion and deploring that a great party conflict should have come on an issue so important on the an issue se important to im- perial interests. ‘The Daily News says editorially: It is hardly a pleasant augury for the promotion of Imperia! un- ity when the first result of the proposed contribution to provoke a domestic crisis of the most acute description. It is clear the more it is discuss- ed the more the advantages of Laurier’s alternative are ap- proved in Canada. It avoids constitutional problems both here and in the Dominion Borden's plan weakens the al- ready imperfect contro! of the British parliament of arma- ments and withdraws from Canadians the management of their own ships. Obviously 1s Great Britain can ' to our} there is no element of perman- ence here, but rather an ample promise of future opportuni- ties for friction which all wise statesmanship will seek to avoid.” Licensed HARRY HANSON has commenced business at 139 Second Avenue All kinds of plumbing and. steam heating at reasonable prices and a!! work guaranteed. Plumber P. 0. Box 907 Centract Weekly, | - JAPANESE QUESTION BECOMES EXCITING IN UNITED STATES soncsus s«-noacr visors United States and Mexico:| PRESIDENT HOLDS THAT CALIFORNIA HAS RIGHT TO PASS THE DAILY NEWS THAT GERMAN PARTY NOW TOURING CANADA September—Wil! Be Invited to Visit BILL PROVIDING THAT NO JAPANESE CAN HOLD TITLE TO LANDS OF STATE Washington, April 49 that the anti-alien land bill is aimed dir declaration Frank | derstoc California | P Fre a sta i | president of nl that Japan already lanning to boveett A The President is mm }Association, t cani foods i ying | manufacturer t! ti j to demonstrate to Japan that the through the Dominion was ectiyv a le Japanese ‘spite al i aaa _ , my sone : general feeling in the { el ferred to at the last meeting empts to conceal its real pur-/States should not b dged by ‘ ’ aS ithe oard of trade are scheduled pose, Was voiced here today ‘ithe situation in Calif i pre ec al : ua ; ' ; ‘ AS to arrive at Victoria early in Sey government officials by the Jap Sacramento, Cal \ 1%——-ltember. but it might be we anese ambassador in renew rhe effort of the California lee atch them with an invitat his protest to the California leg-| slature to avoid 1 nna als Prinee Rupert before the islation. Japan's formal protest |¢ imination betwee! } : ind erary is f lv arranged is expected to be filed later ther nations in th ’ aren rhe party embraces, 135 Ge President Wilson does not be bill, which late yesterday W@S)iinjan manufacturers and irna liewe he ean prevent the passage passed in the assen ‘ : te ata Most of the b anein of the bill. The President and of 58 to 15, has led 1 silu@-lare presidents of boards of Secretary of State Brvan con tion today where the st deter in various towns Germa ferred again this morning over|" ned opposition against I'S P@S) 44 they are coming to study th the measure and decided oa ane senate is | — potentialities of a more tho @éich closely the situation, and from those within the state e ughly exploited Canadian a if necessary, to send a represen- pendent upon Euro; capita ket Mey die ini whe are keer tative to the state department to rather than from the Nipponese cs of financial matters and Sacreménto to get first hand in-/#°vernment. s certain that their impressions formation. a Ww have considerable effect por President Wilson holds that a When a man begins shout} German investment 1 the D state’s right to enact legislation}his virtues from the housetop/!™! At present (he s a is paramount, and it is not be-jhis neighbors proceed sit up; #erea dea f (er in i} i lieved he will interfere. [t is un-land take unfavorable notice coming to Canada and s OT ac nt f this, as ich a a cle sire to study trade possib s,| tha hey are iking this i ‘ i v he h the y stands six against six a pris s acg ad A W¥ seven against f ives th } «j th ind i f eight agains f th ' er is « ed rhe Daily News has the larg est circulation in Northern B.t Chat = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = oct \ , san i ts eh ea there are some fuel to create heat. every 6that in its control. 5. eeqeaeoeaeaeeees2= a Save One Ton of Coal in Every Six The Economizer will do it. While the cost of living has undoubtedly been growing greater, at the same time it inventions that increased cost of living, and the careful house- wife takes advantage of these inventions. On every Gurney -Oxford range there is an Economizer which controls not only the drafts but also the entire combustion or burning of This Economizer will save 1 ton of coal in : would use with the ordinary range. The Economizer is a simple device, absolute By merely moving the lever you can obtain any degree of even heat in the oven. This insures the satisfaction of always having light, delicately crusted bread and biscuits. The kitchen fire ceases to be a worry if the Prince Rupert. tement made by the the Canadian Press he party of Germa s whose tor We have TIMOTHY CLOVER ALFALFA | Mail orders Pr NEW STOCK OF SEEDS ment of GRAIN SEEDS POTATO SEEDS GARDEN SEEDS FLOWER SEEDS ompt 7s PRINCE RUPERT FEED 00. tors of | Sign is true will offset this Our 2nd Street Silversides Bros. |The up-to-date House Decora- Prince Rupert Writing.. _ Paper-Hanging Specialties “Ye Olde Reliable” Phone 166 Green Te PRINCE DIST Prince Rupert Importing Co., DEMAND Royvat RESERVE WHISKY. AGE & YEARS Economizer is on your stove. G The Gurney -Oxford is the final result of UARANTEED BY experimental thought. Science has given it THE GOVERNMENT ivided Flue, a new Special Grate, and a 1 OF CANADA. roiler attachment. RECOMMENDED FOR This Gurney Oxford rangé is primarily a Tne INVALID a saver of money, time, and energy. Tre Home Tne Connoisseur Tne Pusuic who nafural Fred Stork ° 2nd Ave. want the besf. " Ace, Purity Ano MELLOWNESS UNSURPASSED. RIBUTORS RUPERT, B.C, ‘ TO THE SOUTH by the splendid steamer. PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORGE Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver, Mondays and Fridays at © A. For Stewart on Thuredayse at 8A. wm For Granby Bay on Bundaye at Steamers Prince John and Prince a Wa @. T. P. RAILWAY PASSENGER BERVice Maintain Weekly Service Betw y Oueen Charlotte Islands, Calling a pound Saturdays at 8 P. M.. Commer Masset and Naden Harb ea u mme Train N ?, for New Haze eave and and Trunk Railwa ter nada and United Stat i a ’ 4 informat t ke ex General Agent Agency a Atlant TT TI LSA. ec Bu System Victoria ang ¢ SA. m I A. E. Momasrep CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ARE YOU GOING EAST THIS SUMMER? Special Exe ! ns May 28th 1 Se; tembe : Returning Limit Octobe Va ’ tw Toronto and turn $92 00 Va \ Montreal and j ) $106.00 it Va ’ New Y Kk and i r $108.50 | Va ' Chica and | $72.60 il Va to St. Pa s r $e0 00 ' ! nis es 1 w 4. @. McNAB 1 A LUMBER COAL and Complete Line of BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES WESTHOLME LUMBER CO., Limited Phone 186 ee ee The Twin Screw Steamer from Vancouver Every MONDAY NIGHT Arrives and Granby Gay Tuesdays, 8 « m Salle for Vancouver WEDNESDAYS, 2 P. ™ Rogers Steamship Agency Phone 116 Georgetown Sawmill Co. Ltd. Lumber Mouldings A large stock of dry finish- ing lumber on hand. Boat lumber a specialty Delivery made at short notice. Our prices are as low as any. Call on us before ordering. OFFICE: EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG. Cor. Gth St. and 2nd Ave. UNION S.S. COMPANY OF 8.0. Lie “Venture” Sails for Port Simpson, Naas River Points Advertise in “The Daily News Little’s NEWS Ares Magaz > Aa MON Ieland Ciyy CIGAR 2nd Ave Below K ieee Bowling Ales AND POOL ROOM 4 ALLEYS on 4. & ROSS, Prep Prince Rupert € 0. Box 4 LICENSED asauve New Wellington Coa Best on the Const Phooe 116 Rogers & Black LINDSAY'S e . CART AGE and STORAGE ransfer Agents orruy nf SMITH & MALLETT OfRoe or *Valhalla’’ of S.H. & Ef, SCAN DIN AN Meets every 2 p.m. im the a D. C. STUART Accountant 308 2nd Ave Prone 20 Auditor for the City of Prince Ruwt PRINCE RUPERT. B © Alex. @. Manson, & A w. tw WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc Bex 286 Prince Rupert, BS one, BA LLE Meigerson Block P.O. BOX S pest JOHN E. DAVEY TEACHE! i NGIN ror. or *™ : aey. oe ae, 1 HAY N ER BROS UNDERTARBE Punera Srd Ave. ore E. L. FISHER Funeral Director ane Enpdaimer HAROES 2nd &t., cor. 2nd ave The Bull i is Safe as Fa: ar as Recon i is Pisa Draw WiLL ua iF Nou TAKE THE YoR sENOR THAT (6 THe Bure WE wie i? Boss -You TArce THE- Yoo - L Just cant BEAR To THINK OF TAKING THE LIFE OF A POORL, cure % DE FENCE LESS Burr’ |. > —_ on @iaia- inv sno. Barto Me