THE DAILY NEWS 3 _—_—____ - a a = : oe anne, eT ‘a a ae ' “ ; ee the 181 day of Ma ‘ . eet ON] at the present time to provide for the con- KIL ANE ¢ NOTICE. PASSED Titk . "n « truction of @ certain part of said sewer NICK THE CORPORATI i; ¥ 7 ris em, tamely The construetion of* the PRINCE WKUPERY ray mot AY /} | Hecessary outfalis and trunk sewers, which FOR BOUT APRIL, A. Db { OF} are hereinafter specifically mentioned . junicipal cous , ATT \\D) WHEREAS a plan has been pre- I Hupert has fe . pared by the City Engineer for the bh -_-- April j KS wine | Prince Kupert showing the part of the m, in the lea OUD rubs sewers and the outfalls whieh it is] Featherweights Sign Articles for Bb. Gy, o TAKE NOTICE tha intended to construct at the present time, ) ihe vote Of Wl eopy of the prox \ betee te a a ae and whien plan has, before the passing ot Championship F ~ in Ver- , bylaws 000.00 Upon Which @ ; he | this Bylaw been signed by His Worship n n wenty- ay * vrince Rupert) pality will be taken atthe pettoe acl, | he Mayor and the City Glerk, and sealed non Arena o onty j Mm M n eaieh ord and grading on, ity fone Miih dan °® GOUrt] with the seal of the City, and is herein- Ninth. } | Ih! na mM mM OTT jl sod situate on oer As D. 1013, from tn PY teak ifter referred to as the “plan.” “a atid ] | Hl NH ii } Hy | pert of the 1 A. M, until the fh f kP.M AND WHEREAS the plan shows the line i ‘i 4 Mi Hi | CO t.000 tO pay ERNEST A. Woops oF ihe proposed trunk sewers and the} Los Angeles, Apri] 17.—Artic- HH \ Hi ara ment Clty Clerk situation of the proposed outfails at present I } AWAIT aa oe of de —_— a undertaken and thereon marked in}jes of agreement for the feather. Hi | suing ¢ rec | prince Rupert BYLAW NO ine Yi WHEREAS the said plan also shows weight championship fight at i | [ rip fe Gillerent drainage areas in the City o , adit y ’ | | ation and ety of |’ BYLAW OF THE CITY oF PRINGE RU-| ince Rupert. Which will eventually be} Vernon arena on the night of i) | Il i e Fulton street PERT TU PROVIDE FOR THE EX¢ AVA-| S¢rved by the outfails and trunk sewers April 29, between Champion Kil. vn | og of a debt MON AND GRADING OF A PIBCE Op] *#0WH upon the said plan : A to pay for the een OW ED (HE CITY OF) AND WHEREAS it may be nevessar bane and Challenger Dundee were } i Hil | , 4 interest (UPL ITUATE ON FULTON| uring the construction of the said wor : ir re sctiv q rf me SIRE T, AND 10 AUTHOMIZE THE IN-| lO deviate from the line as shown upon the signed today by their respective } il 4 ihe construe CURKING UF A DEBT OF THE AMOUNT | Said pian, either on account of such devia managers, “Jimrny Dunn and % roll aystem UF $12, it PAY FO! THE SAME] Mon effecting 4 saving in the cost or tend- oeme "M teith it | | Rupert and to AND FORK Si ’ ECURING SAME] Ng toward greater efficiency of the) ‘Scotty ontel 1 debt to the AND INTEREST BY ISSUING DEBEN.- | Scheme , reed that the , ly y i Shee h part) PURRS THEKEFOL AND WHEREAS it will be required to] [Tt was ag : yeah" ow | | | f me | leben raised the sui of $350,000 for the pur-| should weight 122 pounds at 9:15 Hi p WHEREAS it leemed advisable to ex-] pose of paying for the ‘said wotk hereby], ht ru ' i } it Ke NOTICE that the} cavate and grade a piece { land belong- | 4Uthorized o'clock the nigh oO i contes | HH ; sliot and that ome a ecto, ( i Kupert deseribed AND WHEREAS the City intends to issueland that they should be in the o } kept open on the} as follo debentures to raise the said sum of $350, : 7 | A. De pote oa Dery te {f 4% point on the easter ), payable in fifty (60) years, from the} ring within fifteen minutes, so om yy, ntil the o TT property il i Street, distant] Gate of the coming into effect of this By f > . coul ye t : thet hinety-two i more r tess south] /@W, 40d bearing interest at the rate of that the battle ould I gin at KEN A : a of ihe southw of Lot 10,| lve per centum per annum, 9:30, Neither man was expected f Vr ; us Deen appo + bIOCK 34, S¢ ' hence along @ line AND WHEREAS it will be necessary to i v7 ic Ye ‘ > on take charge Of S810] pearing got mol rth forty-three de-|raise annually to pay the seid Gebi the to experience any difficulty in | | Y , ' woops ee Swe Sort ven minutes east (N. 43] sum $2,071.80, and to raise annually} making the weight. y ' I EST A ’ degrees 47 minutes & 55.04 feet more; the sum of $17,500 to pay the interest . . f. Clerk oF lens, then ‘ uiic south 1 degree] thereon, making ‘in all the sum of §20.- Dunn said that if Kilbane de- Hi : nutes ¥v nd 5.26 71.80 > B . res ’ My strona seen ee] A789 to Pay the interest and sinking! tented Dundee he would like to Hi ¥ Ul PRINCE 8A egrets 39 m 8 eet it] AND WHEREAS the value of the wholefhave a fight arranged between | i) rh . . © astrone ) eable ro , “ ” "ie y A CERTAIN} Rorth 1 degre: 26 seconds propert la “thn Mune ipenity of one Gay the champion and “Jemm’"' *Dris- | \TE UN SECOND or a 7 to the polltlor prince Kupert according to the last re coll, the featherweight champion bE VK )PERTY uFyTe ssuats snd COMMING 700.871 vised assessment roll, being the roll for & KUPERT AND] Ssauare une more or 1e88,| the year 1912, 18 $21,686,585. of England. ‘ N bemg @ portion of Parcel 2 as set Ot i - rye Ee, eA% agreement between the M inicipelity of the AND WHEREAS the whole of the debt —_— = THE SECURING] City of Prince Kupert, the Grand Trunk|?! “e City of Prince Rupert, not includ AND INTEREST] Pacific Railwa mpany, the Grand Trunk|'"®8 debts for local improvements and A y DEBENTURES Pacitic Development mpany, Limited, and|*®#00! purposes, is $771,000, Which is not ! ' ble to ex-| Mis Majest King in his right of his| WeMty (20) per cent. of the said assessed | “iid belonging] Province oF 1 h Columbia amount GOT NATURE FAKER ! é i Kupert deseribed| AND WHEKEAS a petition has been] AND WHEREAS this Bylaw cannot be { fi a presented | City Council signed by|altered except by the consent of the n the south the owner the requisite value of] Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council ' property in the City of Prince Rupert ask NOW THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OP , Avenue, at tel ing the City o pass ts Bylaw.| THE CITY OF PRINCE KUPERT ENACTs|O0nkey in a Lion’s Skin Meets bivek 27, See TAND WHEREAS be required to]AS FOLLOWS Monarch of the Forest Face ‘Avenue 179.61) °8!9¢ the sum tor the purpose 1) It shall be lawful for the City of F uweust along)? Paying | ) work hereby 4U-/ Prince Kupert to construct as part of a to Face. of Lot 1% thorized to be nstructed general sewer system the following trunk ri soot more or AND WHeREAS the City intends to is- | sewers and outfalis theast and again] SUS jlebe Diures to reise the seid sui of 4) HAYS CREEK TRUNK SEWER AND| Kansas City, April 16.—Cleve thwest, southeast as i” an . oa OUTFALI : : 5 of jane, Block] G8 Of the coming into effect of this By Commencing at a point at low water}Brown, an actor who has been 4 ’ jaw, and bearing interest at five > per . “ folowing Wel contum per annun mark on Water Front Block “F"’ about ( along Whe worth AND WHEREAS it is paesninee ¢ se} 279 feet southwest of the northeast}donning the skin of a lion in a sid lane 179.86 fe€tlannually to pay said debt the sum or} Doundary of the said Water Front Block o ' yeast and morth-1 914196 and fo raise annoally the wt, Ofl«r° and in @ southeasterly aud a south-| sketch founded on the “Beauty ve said lane 218.66] go00 t? gbay interest thereod, in all the] Prout Block “F' to the lane at the rear | and the Beast,” narrowly escaped sa ane 2 6 . . ; 95 to ve a v ks . ; ; wing the curves, ca tuner 41.00 to pey interest Gnd sink-1 oft Biock 17, Section i. thence in @ south. death last night at Kansas City, g the borthcasterp AND WHEREAS the value of the whole|®!¥ direction along the said lane to Thir . S . ‘ " ne , ) alu ) . on . . g g Sho animal Block 27, Secon} rateable land and improvements and real|A¥enue, thence in @ northeasterly direction| Kansas hown in his anima to the DOMt! property of the Municipality according to] 0s Third Avenuc until it intersects with! makeup, he is replaced on the i niaining = 1.4 » fast revised assess - . the continuation of Cotton Street, thence nore or less, Deinel eat fer fe eed Senos is ent danaee ieee southeasterly direction ‘along Cotton | stage by a real lion, the change in agree , a the . eed the | Street to Eighth Avenue, thence in a north ty of the City of iy of Poke Rapant, Mhole gobs of the | easterly direction along Eighth Avenue to| being made by a trick shift in the pa ; ’ , ‘ Oo *rince upe w neluc Ol ‘ a ~ > ine and Trunk Pacific | improvements and school purposes, is} He lane in Block 30, Section 6, thence In 4] ceenery, A helper pulled a lever Grand Trunk P@-1 $771,000, which is not 20 per centum of | S0Utheasterly direction along the said lane an ona e as bled npany, Limited, and| said assessed amount bo - ernee > — ge — ~ . too soon and Brown was tumble his right of his ey a ane . > ,» Situate on Parce 5, a8 set oO ’ . . . re Thea mbie altered ‘escept "Ds mthe Cree ganms , a the agreement between Sue GRAND TRt NK to the stage with the lion. The a pe nu bas been pre-| Lieutenant-Governor-in- Council oi ae —- oe SovnLoPent a real lion seized the intruder. Out . , cll signed by the NOW THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL PANY LIMITED “IS MAJESTY THE|of the skin backwards to safety e value of property Ot NCIL OF ane CORPORA TION OF THE KING in his right of his Province of British j } { til h a: K agers 8 king th at owe PRINCE RUPERT ENACT AS! Columbia and THE Ml NICIPALITY OF THE | nt Brown, but not unti le we . will be required t 1. It shall be lawful for the City of a = PRINCE Rt ae . oun severely injured by the animal's e4 for the purpose] Prince Rupert to excavate and grade the urther commencing at the said M. ? " . work he roby "ee piece of land situate on Fulton Street}11 and continuing in a southerly and|Claws. Brown will not be able ted hereinbefore described southwesterly direction along the saidj/{q assume his role for some time. City imtends 2 Pos the purpose of paying for the|!arcel ¥8 and the Grand Trunk Pacific aise " the said sum] COMstruction of work hereby authorized it} 4d Government Reserve to @ point at the — forty (40) years4 Shall be lawrul to create a debt of $12,000| lane between Blocks #8 and 39, Section 5, ming int effect] Which debt shall be payable in 40 years| thence in 4& northwesterly direction along WILSON’S STAND ON wring interest at fve| from the date when this Bylaw takes ef-| the said lane to Ninth Avenue annum fect, for which debt debentures may be Further commencing at the aforesaid ; : issued to be secured in manner herein M H if and continuing in a northerly PANAMA CANAL TOLL necessary tO T@I8€larter mentioned direction along the aforesaid Parcel 28 to sid debt the sum of \. The sum of 95 is necessary to/the lane between Blocks 21 and 31, Sec 14 sally the Sul Of Ihe set aside annually du ring the currency] tion 6, thence in a northwesterly direction " thereon, im all the f the said debentures for the purpose of|along the said lane to El id de ures fe 08 0 s : jighth Avenue. ident Favors British View— bay interest and SiMk-Frorming a sinking fund with which to pay Pp de te por.| ine sad debt and debentures at maturlty; | y PurtMer commencing at the aforesaid mproper for United Sta- OTHING commonplace or cheap-looking about 20th Century Brand niended to bor-| the said sum of $141.95 to be raised each o ster -asterl) ae Ow zed hereby only} year as a sinking fund, and. further the | Mong mmeasterly and easterly direction tes to Exempt Own clothes. They have style and individuality not found in any is the same may De oo, a or ia te oy A. SI — ‘2 Avenue, thence in @ northeasterly direction enn: ; eres duri e 8 c e » arc ¢ ‘ value of the whole}|rency of the said debentures a" tkeo le a uerthwesterty Gherten London, April 19—The report other make. New Spring styles and fabrics ready for inspection. vements and real 4 The said sum necessary to pay the/along Alfred Street to Ninth Avenue pality according to} said sinking fund and interest shall be an Further commencing at a point markea|Sent by James Bryce, British Am tment roll, being the| nually collected as a special levy or tax M. H. 20, on the Plan, situate on the afore WE ARE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Nhdle debt ot’ the} eealnst jthe taxable land in the City Of }said Parcel 28 and continuing in a south-|assador to the United States on whole debt of ve; Prince Rupert erly direction to Sherbrooke Avenue “ oditak ) ‘ » res : » rec 0 % not including local! 5. There shall be issued any number! furiner commencing at aatne anaes the results of the recent conver e e° school purposes, I8lor debentures to be made for such sums . ‘ils : su : feet southwest of M. 22, as marked | *re ’ (20 per centum of as may be required for raising the said = the Plan ‘and ‘situate ‘= the’ aforesaid cation with Preaigamt Wilson an mpany, I sum of $12,000 and the said debentures| parcel 2s. and continuing in a south-|foreshadows, it is understood, a Bylaw cannot be}may be either for currency or sterling and j the consent of the/shall not be for less than $100 currency we oo yy Sn favorable termination of the con “ puneil : rv £20 sterling each, and not exceeding IN} Pieventh Avenue at its intersection with troversy between the two coun- of h THE MUNCIPAL| the whole the sum of $12,000 and the said|pqward Avenue and continuing in a south- ’ KPORATION OF THE} debentures shall be duly prepared, exe-|casterily and southerly direction along Ed.|tries over the question of the PERT enacts as fol-| cuted and sold for the purpose aforesaid i | ward Avenue to Albert Avenue ~aname ’ polis = 6 The said debentures shail be deemed b OUTPALL AND TRUNK SEWER Panama Canal tolls. The Man Bien « CMe Mo —_ awful for the City Of|to have been properly executed by being OM DIS Cc oD * oO »LAN | Chester Guardian understands| — FROM DISTRICT MARKEI A N PLA) avate and grade the|signed by the Mayor and the Treasurer or oint ow. water ' 3 yi 7 : n Second Avenuelof the City of Prince Rupert and shail be neebmmencing at & point at low. abour|that President Wilson will short- NEW CHIEF OF POLICE. , aor ee ps = : i sealed with the corporate sea’ 200 feet southwest of the continuation of|//y make an important statement reeens " hes . pares tor, Ge 7. The said debentures shall bear the}the southwest property line of Seventh So the Sian SAVE $50-$75 ON YOUR TYPEWRITER © ken haa late when this Bylaw takes effect, and] Street and in a southeasterly direction! 0 . . FOR EDSON : Rebu iters same wear like and eae aos of aoe shall coutain a promise to pay the amounts|across the said Water Front Block “E” to While President Wilson has is te ty cave machines. one .?- ‘ ¢ payable in forty (40 secured Thereby and the interest thereon|a point about 60 feet northwest of the : ; \ When tits Bylaw takes at the rate of five per centum per annum, | northwest property line of First Avenue,|never expressed himself publicly A for Mal t debe s 5 ‘ . om ‘ > e =| : ayable half yearly, om the first day of|thence in an easterly direction ac 8 = on the question of Panama canal Present One is Arrested to brand new for price list. a makes in in manner herein a at aruary and the first day of July, and mayjaforesaid Water Front Block “E 14.06 is necessary to] B® With or without coupons attached and} First Avenue to Seventh Street to Second/iolis, he has informally indicat- treating a Citizen He Had 3 se eee noe | if coupons are attached same shail be| Avenue. ~ ustody. P apenas ; at equivalent to one half year’s interest at c) OUTPALL AND TRUNK sewer/ed to his friends that he believes ine y s sinh nd with which to pay said rate FROM DISTRICT MARKED “J” os coe jn an interpretation of the treaty entures at maturity; 8 Said coupons shall be properly exe Commencing at @ point : > > Q to be raised each|CUled by having written, stamped, printed mark on Water Front Block “BE” om, the which would make it improper Edmonton, Alta., April 1 * BEER h or lithographed thereon the names of thel|line of Tenth Street and continuing In a ; 7 : » ‘hi j iibs , m tre 2S § ‘ ! ary to be raised | Mayor ‘and Treasurer of the City southeasterly direction across the afore-|for the United States to exempt|Chief of Police Gibson sid term and the v All debentures issued under this}|said Water Front Block “E” to Water its vessels in the coastwise traf-|town of Edmonton, has been ar- , ' e s Bylaw shall be numbered consecutively no] Street, as shown and delineated on the é "ek - Fie 88 m neces cary ‘80 pay the} Matter when issued beginning wits No. 1.}said Plan fic from paying tolls. He is al-|rested ona ee mares king 1 and interest shall be ar 10. The coupons shall bear the same] (9) provided that if for any reason|. i citizen while taking the latter 9 : is 8 ‘SP cial levy or tax number as the debentures to which they| whatsoever it is considered advisable to|5° understood to take the posi e , d 79 sase is to : ‘ land in the Clty of] 4re attached. aint a alter the line of the said trunk sewers, tion that the exemption as now]into custody, and the case ao it The debentures hereunder shall befor their construction, or the position o ‘ - . i ‘ . ; . the hall be issued any number | made payable “at any place in England, the} the outfalls or any of them, it shall be|Proposed is in effect a subsidy|be investigated by a judge 0 made for such sums]|United States or Canada therein set out./iawful to do so under this Bylaw, and and he always has been to op-|district court. for raising the said 12 Scid debentures when issued, soldj/such alteration shall not in any way in- : i - ind the said debentures |or hypothecated, and any coupons thereto validate the debt hereby croated or the| posed to subsidies. The nnn eas pe poli z , . rreney or sterling andjattached shall be deemed a valid and binc securities verefor, @ mn case of any 0 s in e town 0o ‘ S than $100 currency | ing eharee upon the said City of Prince}such alterations being made the money to ee eee and be tlegger bated, and ich, and not exceeding tn} Rupert be raised hereunder shall be applied to Forty years in use, twenty|/Edson continues unabated, anc oa 1 Of $46,000 and the said 13. The amount of debt authorized by| construct the altered plan yrominent citizens are taking op- ed st be duly prepared, exe. this Bylaw ts goaject » a ha (3) For the purpose of paying for the| years standard, prescribed and/I i 4 Th aah . : 1 the purpose aforesaid. |} the amount of any other debt authorized] construction of work hereby authorized osile sides, e mayor ane e have been’ Gebentures shall be deemed|by any other Bylaw of the said City and}it shall be lawful to create a debt of recommended by physicians. For ° sil re divided on the rights ® © % yy berly eveutéd by being | notwithstanding anything herein contained] g350,000, which debt shall be payable In} Women's Ailments, Dr. Martel’s/ Counc!’ are ViGeD CA YRe. C1gat a ® the City Mayor and the Treasurer |authorizing and directing the issue and) nfiy'(s0) years from the date when this and wrongs of the situation, and oe orate ' ‘hall be sealed with the/sale of debentures for the payment of the} Ryiaw takes effect, for which debt de-| Female Pills, at your druggist. a ae Oe debt thereby | created the city pf prince |bentures may be issued to be secured in the decisions of the council in + SP he sald debentures sha »| Rupert consolidated stock may be issued) manner hereinafter mentioned. —______—— | . ; ; \s B Dentures in beer Ge . the place and stead oF the debentures 4) The sum of 92,671.80 is necessary regard to police me a se , a . th t the o se-|to the amount of such deb to be set aside annually during the cur-|,, P ’ reverse y e : tthe interest theman at] This section shall only spply_in as farlreney of the said debentures for the pur- | United yawee sr Sane therein oe om. are promptly — ; ee A ent. per annum, pay-| 48 the city may be empowered by Statute/pose of forming a sinking fund with sole’ ae Eeastnees ~ wa when coupsas mayor, avho has the power to re; ne d the. : ay ytd a Pe i shall be lawful for the Counet! aS emeartie” oath ‘Tan tat ite C thereto attached shail be goemee ‘s alidj reinstate officials who have been — a 5 “ \ i pons atthehed for in-| before or during the construction of the| pay the said debentures at maturity, cal-|4"d binding charge upon the said tuy ot discharged. ‘f a ne ns are attached same | Works hereby authorized to borrow from) culating that it is annually invested at a|?rince Rupert. ae . he da. . \ to one half year’s in-|4ny bank or other corporation or person./ rate of 3% per centum per annum. The (14) The amount of debt authorized b Chief of Police Gibson is the M said rat willing te advange the same, at interest to) said sum of 82,671.80 shall be each year|this Bylaw ts subject to consolidation wi shall be properly exe- | be agreed on, for the purpose of the said] raised as sinking fund and further the sum|the amount of any other debt authorized| third chief that Edson has had in written oad one y tea | wks or any part thereof and for such] .- $17,500 is hecessary to be raised to|by any other bylaw of the said City and three months. Alexander, whom inthe hemes Hot the | loans to hypothecate the debentures to De] pay the annual interest upon the said de- | notwithstanding anything herein con ’ abaani . 4p oo a o ne | issued hereunder, oF a part ithe reof, pre. ventures apd that sum shall be raised sushorisin and directing the eeue = he was arresting on Saturday, rs vided that such loans w hteres each year during the said term and the|sale of debentures for the payment t > afterwards 1W shan es issued under this|be repaid out of the monies to be realized currency, of the said debentures. debt thereby created the City of Prince} made his escape, and afterwards 4 ; Mbered consecutively HO} upon sale of such debentures or any other (5 he said sum necessary to pay the| Rupert consolidated stock may be issued brought the charge of using un- beginning with Num-|security which for the time being may] cqiq sinking fund and interest shall be|in the place and stead of the debentures lexander take their place annually collected as a special levy or tax|to the amount of such debt, necessary violence. Alexander shall bear the same 15 The Council may sell the sald de-|against the taxable land in. the City of hi en ; *b- bentures to whieh they |bentures at less than pac ff it ts at any| Prince Rupert This section shall only apply in so far} was mixed up in the last disturb | | TESTIMONIAL Dr. W. R. Spiers, Haltwistle, reports: “IT have pleasure in saying that I consider it a wholesome spirit, free from fusil oil time found necessary 80 to do (6) There shall be issued any number = we oy may be empowered by Statute ance, when Chief of Police Staf- : f bentures when issued, 16. This Bylaw shall take effect on the! or debentures to be made for such sums yA shall be lawful for the Couneil| ¢ a aunented br the Monnied and other imperfections resulting aoe ted ds coupons | 1st day of May, A. D. 4 ate ] may be required for raising the said ord was arre a DP) » Mae . i al ne “deal alia PASSED THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF sum of $350,000 and the said debentures |e@fore or during the construction of the want of maturity, and that it wou pon the said City of |THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF) inay be either for currency or sterling| Works hereby authorized to borrow from| Police on a charge of shooting. PRINCE RUPERT THE 7TH DAY OF APRIL, | and shall not be for less than 8100.00 ony bank or other corporation or person, where such treatment is required,” prove very useful as u stimulant in cases hereunder hall be/A. D. 1015 x currency or £20 sterling each, and not ex- hg to advance the same, at interest ane iny place. In "England, rT. D, PATTULLO ceeding in the whole the sum of $350,000 | 10 De agreed on. for the urpone Of ime MAN UNDER THE BED! ‘ Canada therein set Mayor and the sald debentures shall be duly pre- |*#4 Works or any part thereof and for ERNEST A, WOODS pared, executed and sold for the purpose to be eed nteion Le rte thereof ' Bis Bylaw ' of debt, authorized by Cler aforesaid J mn Se Bi t to consolidation with TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true (7) The said debentures shall be deemed | Provided that such loans with Interest shall Mrs. Hicks was telling the 2 4 repaid out of the monies to be realised > Ww b he burglar ther debt authorized | cx he proposed Bylaw to raise 812,-)to have been properly executed by being | 2® other women about the burglar f the sald City and 1 A ts aad vote of the Muntel-| signed by the Mayor and the Treasurer of | UPON sale ° such debentures of any other) — se the ht thing herein contained |pality will be taken at the Police Court the City and shall be sealed with the cor tae’ their plage. for the time being may/scare in her house re nig me - ecting the issue and | Roa all, on the @4th day of April,| porate sea rtm payment of vn k D. 1043 "inten the. hour of 0 o'clock { The said Gebentures shall bear the (16) The Couneil may sell the said de- fore, —DISTILLERS— 1 the City of Prinee|a. m. until the hour of 7 o'clock p. m date when this Bylaw takes effect, and|bentures at less than par if it ts at any “Yes,” she said, “I heard a ALEX. FERGUSON & co. tock may be issued ERNEST A. WOODS suall contain @ promise to pay the amounts / time found necessary $0 to do, - d t i th fr . the debentures} » City Clerk secured thereby and the interest thereon] (17) This Bylaw stall ake effect on the} MO'8e and wot up, and there from 108 West Regent Street, Glasgow lebt, ‘This section Pe at the rate of five per centum per annum, 108 day ’ May, A. D under the bed [ saw a man’s legs ; \s far as the Clty may payable halt yearly. on the Qret day of) passen THE MUNICEPA COUNCIL OF " ail t 80 to do BYLAW NO January and the frst day of July, and T . BD < * L Cc 0 sticking out, —_—S——— may be with or without coupons attached Ta PORATION OF THE CITY OF weal for the Couneil . at : ‘sie “OR THE CON-|for interest and if coupons are attached PRINGE. RUPERT THE 7TH DAY OF APRIL, “Meroy!" exclaimed a woman, Onstruction of the) A BYLAW TO PROVIDE F same shall be equivalent to one half year’s|4 D- * . »? oe . e °. = prized to borrow from] grnucTION OF A PART OF A GEN-| {iin Sieh said rate, ‘ T, D. PATTULLO, the burgiar's legs R Co nee ration a Sa PRAL SEWER ‘SlEre M FOR THE CITY | (® nee crapeas chal pe pronerty ope, Mayor. “No, my dear; my husband's ey f © purpose , } UPER . bn | CBee . . . ’ . sar : : ny pare” pee yo me 12K THe INCURRING OF A DERT TO or lithographed thereon, the names of the enna A ‘wooes legs. He had heard the noise, theeat ™ be j INT OF 8950,000 TO P ayor and Treasurer of the City wae ibis on ll c me oe fee i a part tcer POR socnt PART AND FOR THE SE (10) All debentures issued under this|. VARs forics tao the above is © ue too Phe Ladies’ Home Jour AGENTS— bh loans “whit Thereot.| CURING OF SAME BY DEBENTURES bylaw shall be pumbered consecutively no $0000 Unset bien 4 ro Tee eel. nal, NCE RUPERT, B.C Bealls ; es matter when issue inning with num ; t the one >» b i - — fap Other kecurt F such dehentures o WHEREAS it is necessary to provide & ea TY The cou shal ee i haus "on ine gcc day ot April PRI doayce M May tay 'y whieh for the time be eneral system a powers for A ee ontae oa” ee oe peer me same i ten the’ bo oe Montenegro talks like the in- — ve yee eace t Rupert, but ‘ oselD they , . a tenn nai sell the deben- | vide for the sompletion of the same at ore aimened . weur . shock p. m toxicated mouse that dared the | | lens in ' Debeasures . wooss, . MOCOAsary 96 to do + ls at any time preen WHEREAS it is deemed advisable| mate. payad at any piace le'Wnglens, the aD Clerk. cat to come on, BERR RRR