——_—— eee TT ‘ i THE DAILY NEWS Puccder. 4 = Eee a aaa aE COAL NOTICES, coaL Norices. | ges teteoeremer . Eee THE TELBGRAPI POLES | prrrveeeervecsen,. WITH CORPSES } Ads. Omineca Land District—District cf Omineca Land District—District of Hazelton. Hazelton. | 66 99 e Notice is hereby given that I, L. N. Mac Notice is hereby given that J, L. N. Mac-/ * . Kechnie, of Vancouver, B. C., cecupation| Kechnie, of Vancouver, B. ., occupation! ii : " surgeon, 60 days after date intend to 4p-|surgeon, 60 days after date intend w ap li Rebel and Federal Troons are uy tw the Chief Commissioner of Lands|piy tw the Chief Commissioner of Lands | ond license fo prospect for coal and pe-|ror license to prospect for coal and pe Alike Guilty of Massacre in Commencing at a poss planted near Commencing at & post planted on bank ee ae LESLIE B troleum over the following described lands: | troleum over the following described lands Grand Trunk Pacific mile post 128, thence/of Porfcupine Creek about 1% miles up s } south §0 chains, thence west 80, chains,/the cree from mOuth jereof (rand } s thence north §0 chains, thence east 80] Trunk Pacific crosses mouth of creek near ae —— | El Paso, April {8 Bodies e chains to place of commencement, ¢On-/133 mile post), thence north 80 chains, as —— | Real Est t j hang from nearly every telegraph ate and Im surance taining 640 acres more or less. q thence west 80 chains, thence south 80 L. N. MACKECHNIE. chains, thence east 80 chains to place of }pole along fifty miles of the N rer F. W. MeCRADY, ©. E., Agent./ commencement, containing 640 acres more it f ) 1 Mex yo% , Staked afd dated March 17th, 1913. or less. ’ . D a lican Central railway below Chi a oy L. N. MacKeehnie, N. EB. C L. N. MACKECHNIE om ; “y Pub. Apr. 1913-——May 12, 1013 ouned f. . BECRADY, © Boy Apemt —_— | hauhau city, report refugees ar s { ’ § an ar Sth, 10913 lriving re : 4 Land District—District of Pi : Beate ¥, é ce Wanted |GRANBY MINES BEYOND pe Svene here tonight Both the | *eeorrrroccccccccceg, Ominee " ub. \ — s meet | Feder y ; ah. Gi Namiadipmsnabetnambpldeenoo For & License to Take and Use Water. THE EXPERIMENTAL STAGE! "lersls and Tnsureent stat Notice is hereby given > ee NF jtroops are said:to have partic ‘nnie, of Vaneouver, B. C., occupation -_— Notice is hereby given that The Prince sueniegndibietes ' ' Sereecs, 60 Gays after date intend ‘Team or —la — of ean ayere an, Comey, Limine WANTED—Good make visible typewriter ( pated in the execution of prison eee a . . » . ’ y , rds . o ‘rince Ropert 3 ‘ : for a 10 € s € pews ; YT > . , . : . ly to thé Chief ' Commisekc mer Of Lens Notice is hereby given that I, L. N. Mac-|fitense i. sane rs, 8. bas cunld toot ber pee eR te’ tinued from Page 1 ers that prefaced this public dis orate oy ne following described lands; | Kechnie, of every B. C., aa upation | second of water out of Khtada River, which days. W. C. M., P. 0. Box ? 03-04 —_— ———___— ————- play of cadavers : “ne at & post planted near/ Surgeon, 60 days or date intend to @P-| hows in a westerly direction through Lots y ad Grand. Trunk. mile post’ 128, thence south| Ply to the Chief wommissioner of Lands) 1377 and 1378, and ' mpties nio Skeena| WANTED—Woman cook; good wages.|this narrow-gauge track has a In a quarrel over the dispos #0 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence/for license to prospect for coal and pe-| River near Mile 44, G. T. I leage. The Apply Windsor Hote! gar ‘ : north 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to Wwolewn over ay gy qescribed lends, water will be diverted at a [| t about : ready been constructed and asj|tion of silver bullion stolen fron ‘ : me » . , Commencin Os ante near ot ¢ > c aovan 0? net ; < > . place Soe 7. Ae camp, Grand Trunk pacing mile post 135, ue : fer peamaune ele tl c pow . put ¥ Cw a re Ae - the most of it is for the purpose/a train last week Juan Dobal. a acres more or less ‘ : nce . nce > oe : re ow a es . /. Patmore. s04t NIE thence south 80 chains, thence West 80] poses o . ad described as ? ‘ . : ’ ait fo r Ore “«o ¢ @ exer e ‘ — i MAL KE . oo chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east Ronee a } te. cr bed as Lot 13 of climbing the mountain side rmet rou hief, was executed PRINCE RUPERT's | } Staked and dated Maren 17th, 10413 $0 chains to place of commencement, con This hotice was posied on the ground many difficulties have been en-|by order of Pancho Villa, whose TRIAL NDus. } an 4 . ainin eres more or less. o » 43 t ; 913 e ep-| a ie ta is way i 1913 . L. N. MACKECHNIE S cues ‘Sin Be 2 os . m ‘a 4 For le countered, One trestle now un men held,up the train west of ANNEX ‘ ' ’ : Per F. W. McCRADY, C. E., Agent.| Way venandien Stan or Sa der cx _ . . . i] Staked and dated March fot, i015 ater Recorder at Prince Rupert. 4 re oe is over one hun e hauhau ‘ os Doza joined ee Dixie’ leaves } . vis - istrict of gg 2 SY. . “oe ‘ Vater Recorder or with the Comptroller aret ee len. iia in an expedition against the Overnmen i Omunes Leng, Dusiet—t Pub. Apr. 14, 1913-—-May 12, 1913 Water, Rights, Parliament Buildings,) seni Whe os i Nici i Federals Port Edward ¢ ‘ op te e is here P .. N. Mac ictoria, B. ¢ SNAP for cash—Lots 48 and 49, Blox e ore is a low grade copper . , — very d ne oe eae ey occupation THE PRINCE RUPERT HYDARO-ELE¢ s8, Sec. 8. Paid $7 ) cash for in a PI From the Casas Grandes dis o'clock. cement ay ata surgeon, 60 days after date intend to ap Omineca Land District—District of TRIC COMPANY, LTD., Applicant. |defeasible title, Requiring cash, will sei|ore, but the immense quantity], . , ' - ; ‘ o’clock S at 6f ply to the Chief Commissioner of Lands Hazelton. By A. W. Agnew, Agent for same. W. M., P. 0. Box ? 93-04 : ‘ COM eports : nies eS { PY license to prospect for coal and pe Notice is hereby given that I, L. N. Mac Pub. Apr. 21, 1993-—-May 19, 1913 makes the mine an extremely! against the Huerta government troleum over the following described lands:|Kechnie, of Vancouver, B. C., occupation] ——— — __ —_____ | FOR SALE—Lots 20 and 30, Block 39, Sec-| valuable one . POOPPOOPPO POSS C00 SCG G6, Commencing at a ost planted near/surgeon, 60 days after date intend to ap tion 8, 8500 each Frontage 30 feet Franciseo Portillo ind Meximo POC een Grand Trunk Pacific mile post 128, thence/ply tw the Chief Commissioner of Lands WATER NOTICE. Also eight acres excellent agricultural One feature that was especial-|( i » with ' * north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains,/for license to prospect for coal and pe | land at Terrace, $4 Easy terms ’ ~— as , ee 6SIne k ips of ~a thence south 80 chains, thence west 80] troleum over the following described lands: | For a License to Store or Pen Back Water. Apply Box 158, Prince Rupert 91-96; ly striking was the splendid con mer have deserted the Ineur chains to place of eee, con om Onna ar : ine guile post 136, Notice is hereby given that The Prince sit , cs ‘a fe i taining 640 acres more or less, camp, Grand Trunk Pacific le pos 5.) Rupert Hydro-Electric Company, Limited,|/FOR SALE—PFairbanks-Morse stationary|Gitions ane surroundings ro. | S°™** o ser 88 8 GHowN Gel L. N. MACKECHNIE thence south 80 chains, thence east 80] or prince Rupert, B. | will apply for 4| gasoline engine, twelve b.p., high speed : I eral Task Selene: . haainn h Per F. W. McCRADY, C. E.gAgent./ chains, thence north 80 chains, thence! jicense to store or pen back 82,906 acre-| test class shape. Apply P. 0. Box 1509 vided for the workmen At the a ” Staked anc dated March Q™. 1813 Saas tee oa ae feet of water from Khtada River, a stream Prince Rupert : ' soir ; : ' ' agreement with General Huerta L. N. Mackechnie, 5. . & “ , pay ° CF sees. flowing in a westerly direction and empty ; mine warding wuse a iarge } . Pub. Apr. 14, 1913—May 12, 1913. _« L. N. MACKECHNIE. ing into Skeena River near Mile 44, G. T.j All Federal regulars hav n Per F. W. McCRADY, C. E., Agent.] p_ mileage The water will stored in| number of shower baths are pro-| removed from the district where L t of hg gt x Ww . a S oarever Of. 0,001,681,095 eume Eset F R vided Each man is provided { \ Omineca Land District-—District 0 » aN. F P lp IN. - &. : capacity, built or to be built in Lake or ent . ; P © extensive mherican imbering | ANI Hazelton. Pub. Apr. 14, 1913-—-May 12, 1913 Brutine! Valley, and will be used for gen with ; wcke ic e puis . . Notice is hereby given that I, L. N. Mac erating electric power purposes as author . ra : cker in which he puts interests are located Kechnie, of Vancouver, B. C., a ized by Water Records Nos. 27, 36 and 50,| @™ es his regular clothes while on shif | sy to the Chiet yh By ‘Lents — con oe eaeite ts tame ‘and wen en pean a COMFORT 2S Y furnished front room yy There is no excuse for the men | A N N E X . ™ . = ; - ih . , > room adjoining; good view of harbor for license to prospect for coal and pe Notice is hereby given that I, L. N. Mac-| With, on the land described as Lot 1377, soheae ; . rn | DOt keeping themselves clean an A BANK OF ENGLAND i iroleum over the following described lands: | Kechnie, of \ ancouver, B. C., occupation] Range 5, Coast District eres, Tight and phone a Firth | ; selves clean and | Commencing at @ poss planted near! surgeon, 6v days after date intend to ap This notice was posted on the ground . 91-94 [there if little doubt but that th Grand Trunk Pacific mile post 128, thence ply the Chief Commissioner of Lands] OM the 13th day of April, 1913 The ap-l@ ~@)cost of providing the bath e N | north 80 chains, thence west 80 chains,/fo; jicense to prospect for coal and pe- plication will be filed in the office of the j i Ss 1 thence es 80 ~~ eee —" = troleum over the following described lands WW ver gu a ge 4 ; pe ee 2 ( ; t d Found ] ;paid back -to the company many - — . t ace oO commencement, con- one »jec tions ia re ed with wm sak Los: an | . taining $40" acres more or less. camp, Grand ‘Trunk Pecin? mile post 13%, ow Reet j ler or with the Comptroller (| times over in better work from |Sensation Caused in Financial Qwned and operated by the . N. MACKECHNIE. t re 3 ce 861° ater Rights, Parliament Buildings . ‘ — fs ‘ G Trur achtin, Oh Pet F. W. MeCRADY, G E. Agent a eS ee “Tass Victoria, B. ¢ + -~@/ the men. The sleeping quarters| Cireles by His Disappearance arand Trunk Pacific Railway o Staked and ‘dated March 17ih, 1913 west $0 chains to place of commencement, THE PRINCE RUPERT HYDRO-ELBC-|1 os7 prindie Boston bull terrier dog,|@'¢ bright and airy. That ther, and the Loss of Securites the American and European plan L. N. Matkechnie, S. E. C. containing 640 acres more or less. "B ne . about year old, with collar having twolis perfect satisfaction ¢ ne the qennadion Excellently furnished ib W Pub. Apr. 14, 1913—-May 12, 1913 L. N. MACKECHNIE. By A. W. Agnew, Agent. . ‘ | } a action among (tlhe with @ Per F. W. McCRADY, C. E., Agent.| PUD. Apr. 21, 1913-——-May 19, 1913 write Bon soe, wart «Phone 45 OF! men in regard to conditions was| London, April 19.—A Bank of steam heat, electric light, and aj Seabed aad, come io _— suse ee evident from their appearance| England sensation is one topic in modern conveniences being abso- ] Omineca Land District—District of Pub. Apr. 14, 1913——-May 12, 1913 . POUND—At the bazaar dance at Kaien ; appear: lutely first-class ir Hazelton. . ce : ; LAND PURCHASE NOTICES. Island Club, one sleeve link. Owner can} 4nd general bearing financial circles just now — or Notice is nereny given a I, pee. have same by paying for this ad. at Wt th it No deta f th iffa h | The a 3 ancouver, B. C., occ — ie! * smelter is co letes ° ele © anal ave 4 ppointments and sery wegen $0 days after date intend to ap Omineca Land District—District of Daily News Office 70 en the smetter is compit ' asia: teieailie al ne a ; S anc service ply w “the Chief Commissioner of Lands Hazelton. z Skeena Land Dignrees ponies of Coast, ~ and operations are running en bade pubir Pron ei are equa! any hote the for license to prospect for coal and pe- Notice is hereby given that I, L. N. Mac . . ‘ir reg * we » works w sources, but it is understood the coast troleum over the following described 1andgJ xecnnie, of Vencouver, B. C., occupation Take not ce that Ole J. J¢ nsen, © kit-| CARETAKER FOR CEMETERY (‘!0!" regular way the works \ ' 6 ; ' cindy oa ; Commencing at a post planted neaP! surgeon, 60 days after date intend to ap- | *“™*alum, , occupation Fancher, in- | _— support a population of 2,500 or veser ions following the dis.| a cabin near Grand Trunk Pacific mile ly t ‘the Chief Commissioner of Lands tends to apply for permission to purchase; | nail wearan ‘ . ‘ ; ; post 130, thence south 80 chains, thence/for jicense to prospect for coal and pe-| ¢, following described lands on et ippheatons, marked Cemetery 3,000. At the present time more] *PPearance oF a responsible . . , t ing pos lanted abow received b he undersigned up t o ‘ ' west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains,| troleum over the following described lands: | nai; 4 wile oy ot ee wale ae = ‘14 p.m. Monday, April 28th, 1913, for the| than 500 men are employed cial of the bank, showed that se-| — thence east 80 chains to place of com Commencing at a post planted near oldj of 7° | No 35246, thence easterly 40| Position of caretaker at Fairview Ceme 1 : urities valued at several thor Rates: $1 to $3.50 per day = ee SS eee ae ye. § oy ge Se chains more or less to the west boundary| ‘ery. Salary $75.00 per month. Care rhe residents of Granby : ‘ ; te . z ' , ss. : ciitinniea ence no 80 ¢ mee west 80 : : an’ an chains | taker W eve te in @aves ema aane sand pounds were missing | . N. MACKECHNIE. 7 - ,,0f T. L. No, 35246, thence uth hain a 4 era and ca yul “one » smselves e | Per F. w. iicURADY, c. E., Agent. Seat 80 chains to plac “an oman — more or less a slough, thence westerly | OU! such other duties as the Committee should consider them - X-lthe absence of any auth ritative | Staked and dated March 17th, 1913 : 0 piace of commencement, 49 chains more or less to the east boun-|™ay direct tremely fortunate in having such } tg gh eh a al . containing 640 Oe eS nce dary of T. L. No. 35246, thence north 30/.. : ERNEST A. WOODS a splendid and vebdl f hi statement with regard to the de | ub. A is—I , 1913 : Se eCRADY er chains more or less to the point of com- | ¥5-% Cy Gag? Sera om egular renee ri » mi I . Pub. Apr. 14, 1913-——-May 12 seamed tok coced ek tock S fpeme. mencement, containing 120 acres more or | and passenger strvice as is sup- scription of the missing seeur G. A. Sweet. Manager L. N. MacKechnie, S. E. C. . less : } ee ee a ties, an advertisement, publish : OLE J. JENSEN, Locator plied by the G. T. P. People hav- 1 0 and District—District of Pub. Apr. 14, 1913—May 12, 1913 : . I . las ee nee it he mineca L a, District Pp y ines iis coal TD LAIRD, Agent. | ENGINEERING ing business to Granby are pro- d last week eoncerning th oe to ereny oun ae 2 Pub. Apr. 21, 1913—June 16, 1913 |i ngineers, Stationary and Mar-|-iled with travelling accomm vonds, attracted a good deal of : » o CO} » B. ©, ’ ' : OMENOe ‘ ’ : rtisen Lix surgeon, 60 days after date imtend to ap- Omineca Land District—District of ine, Coached for examination dation seldom seen in pioneer| This advertisement did = ly to the Chief Commissioner of Lands Hazelton : ' 2 ploneeri not mention the Bank of Eng or license to prospect for coal and pe- Notice is hereby given that I, L. N. Mac-| *keena Land Diotries oietries Of Coast. | A. FARROY communities troleum over the following described lands:|Kechnie, of Vancouver, B. C., occupation] , 'S&* Rotice that Margaret B. Grant, of aes d = a a and | Commencing at a post planted near 4/surgeon, 60 days after date intend to ap-|/Timee Rupert, B. ¢ coupation dress* 654 4th Ave. Fast The G. T. P officials were . cabin near Grand Trunk Pacific mile post|piy wo ‘the Chief Commissioner of Lands| “ker, intends to apply for pertiission t& reat] leased } ; _ urc ervices- 130, thence south 80 chains, thence east|for license to prospect for coal and pe-|PUrchase the following deseribed lands greatly pleased with their visit to 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence) troleum over the following described lands Commencing at @ post planted at the the smelter city They realized A west 80 chains to place of commence-| Commencing at a post planted about 12] #0'tbeast corner of Lot 694, Coast District WATER NOTICE. ye FIRST PRESBYT ment, containing $40, eres more OF less.} chains from Grand Trunk Pacific track. Range 5, —— cane 2 oe ns Bence ; that its future success is beyond Services every L. N ACKECHNIE mile 137%, thence south 80 chains, thence|>/"'" *” ee he Ay i dk and lool Church He - , Per F. W. McCRADY, C. E., Agent.| west 80 4 ine thence north 80 chains, thence forth 20 chains to place of cCom- |For @ License to Store or Pen Back Water. all doubt and look upon it as one Senprese Theatre at 7#) p.m Staked end Gated Maren 17th, 1913 thence east 80 chains to place of com-| ™* er and containing 40 acres more Notice berehy airen tat Tee Pen sure adjunct to Prince Rupert Sunday Sch b.. .. N. MacKechnie, N. W. C. mencement, containing 640 acres more or,;°" ****- ; ' = ieee te ; cee REV. F. W. KERE a , i y 4 MAKGARET B. GRANT Rupert Hydro-Electric Company, Limited Hundreds To Down Fences and : RR, MA ase Pub. Apr. 14, 1913-——May 12, 1913 less. Sth ee cece Dated April 5th, 1913 lof Prince Rupert, B. C., will aps for 4 - al j a d ‘we h THE FIRST ee . Per F. W. McCRADY. C. E., Agent Pub. Apr. 21, 1913—Jume 16, 1913 license to store oF pem back 112, acre Trains Stop at Port Edward ushed into Grounds th- re. a ee omineca Lang psoeetee- District of Staked and dated March {9th, 1913 5 PM _— . menor fr = River, . stream i out Paying. monn RD AV : a dazelton L. N. MacKechnie, N. E. C.. ° : ne a eames rection and empty . tg A Bw © Notice ts hereby given that 1, L. N. Mac-] Pub. Apr tan isis Hay a sens Skeena Land District—District of Coast,|!2€ into Hoesall River about eighteen m Starting tomorrow the regular ————— am. and 7.90 5 Sunday Kechnie, of Vancouver, B. C., occupation ' Po Range V from its mouth. The water will be sto . imenet ten i] ; , Portland. April 18 Judge Mc oem Dp. a — surgeon, 60 days after date intend to ap- _ Take notice that Gertrude M. Newell, of |!% @ reservoir of 4,912,582,060 cubic feet] Passenger trains will stop at Port riland, Apri Judge __ Bible Class 2.3) pm ly to the Chief Commissioner of .Lands Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, occupation married Capacity, built or to be built at head of] Kdward going in either direction| Credie stated today that the of REV. W.H McLEOD BRABD. Paste or license to prospect for coal and pe- Omineca Land District—Dist.ict of woman, intends to apply for permission to |'#!s, and will be used for generating] | : > aie ees , ——_—_—_— ——— troleum over the following described lands Hazelton. purchase the following described lands w ae ; P wot J irposes as authorized by} lo let off passengers and wi!|| ficial paid attendance at the open THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH p - . one 08 vie » a e ate t re 2 a er ¢ o . . neta ey yy aoe i berety seen geet L Ce a A jemaes & Oe , tele ecard Bo. os Ane wate ce. ues stop on signal to take on passen ng game in the Coast League SIXTH AVE. AND MUSGRAVE PLACE 130, thence north 50 chains, thence east surgeon, So days after date intend to ap- | 20 chains, thence north 20 chains, thence | Us er posted bergen, oy me lend gers. The single fare from Prince| yesterday between Los Angeles aee Som Wate chains, nee sou chains, thence|ply w 1t Chief Commissioner of Lands|east 20 chains, thence south ; hains, | OM E08 695, Range 5, Coast Dis : ; : ) rt west 80 chains to place of commencement,|for license to prospect for coal and pe- following the meander of the Lakelse Lake, | '"'¢! Rupert to Port Edward is 40c¢ and| and Portland was 16,128 Added oa owe containing 640 acres more or less. troleum over the following described lands:|to the point of commencement, containing} Ths notice was posted on the ground the return fare 70e to this were about 1,500 who : a L. N. MACKECHNIE Commencing at @ post planted about 12/40 acres more or less on the 14th day of April, 1913 The * é i . I . “ Per F. W. McCRADY, C. E., Agent.j chains from Grand Trunk Pacific track GERTRUDE M. NEWELL ;Pitcation will be Oled in the office of the _ stormed the bleacher gates and s Staked ‘end dated March 17th, 1013 mile 137%, thence south 80 chains, thence cH. KENNEY, Ageat. | Ter ctione mas be tea cle the said) Judge Young is today j.jerewded through without paying Cor ; N. MacKechnie, S. W. C. east 80 chains, thence north 80 chains,| Dated April 16th, 1913 ‘Djections may be filed with the saic ' ye young is today presid- o > o 0 ; Fuh Apes as "18i3—Miy' a, 101s. | ieee west 6, Shas place of fm] Pubs ADE. 81, 113 —June 16, 1013, eo ie aheraet| ing over the case of Tsack Mac_|Several hundred tore down a sec less. , | Victoria, B. ¢ 5 Kenin, charged with the theft ofjtion of the fence and raced Omineca Lene, Bowie District of L. N. MACKECHNIE. Skeena Land District——District of Coast,| PRINCE ' ne PER HYDRO-ELECTRAIC watche and money T ' i/through before the policemen on . azelton. Per F. W. McCRADY, C. E., Agent Range V cO., LTD., Applicant i Ss an oney. re tria K ore the police 0 Notice is hereby given that I, L. N. Mac-| Staked and dated March 19th, 1913. | Take notice that Emma Waterous Ag-| By A. W. Agnew, Agent. | ‘ned at eleve ‘clock ¢ as|/fuard had ar ipportunity to Kechnie, of Vancouver, B. C., occupation} L. N. MacKechnie, N. W. Cc.” : new, of Victoria, B. C., oceupation married} Pub. Apr. 21, 1913-—May 19, 1013 opened at eleven o'clock and was /#Ul - an Opi , surgeon, 60 days after date intend to ap- Pub, Apr. 14, 1913—-May 12, 1913. woman, intends to apply for permission to| still in progress at time of going|tlose up this means of ingress ply to the Chief Commissioner of Lands purchase the following described lands: — | pen mennene TI ' ‘or license to. pros ct for coal and pe-|- Commencing at a post planted on_ the | WATER woTics. to press. This is believed to have been the : ra troleum over the following described lands: south shore of Lake Hayward, near Falls eovemnaegenaieecinees largest nur 6 . le who ever | - Commencing at @ post planted near a Omineca Land District—District of River, @ branch of the Hocsall, tnance | | ’ : namber of peed yi ION ARMY TADEL cabin near Grand Trunk Pacific mile post Hazelton. north 20 chains, thence west 20 chains,| For @ License to Take and Use Water. | The Princess May arrived from | Witnessed a minor league game THE SALVATI ARM! 130, thence north 80 chains, thence west Notice is hereby given that 1, L. N. Mac-| thence south 20 chains, thence east 20 Notice is hereby given that The Prince! the th s >of arn “a cast 80 ch ins to eee : chains, thence | Kechnie, of Vancouver, B. C., occupation} chains more or less to point of commence-| Rupert Hydro-Eleetric Company, Limited, | me sour st 12:30 today, on p | jay services at fi eas chains to place of commencement,| surgeon, 60 days after date intend to ap-|ment, containing 40 acres more or less of Prince Rupert, B. C., will apply for a| route to Skagway. PALACE DAMAGED | n. Sand sp. m@ Sue containing 640 cages Pee oe tees ply po ie beeen hes ee Manne april 134 WA TERON S AGNEW | license to tae ane use $08 £ ane 8. of | ae eek 8 oe z lay § { s Per F. W. McCRADY, C. E., Agent.| troleum over the following desert s:| Pub. Apr. 21, 1913—June 16, 1943, Setagie” donate eee poet Si Week em aay, Te Staked ‘and dated Maren Hote “shat | commencing _ oaant goonmres Sere p ell oa ee ae ey aan — oe att es, FLEW OVER SAHARA Even so Historic and Venerated a) ag ol ta rday ; acKechnie, § c chains from Grand Tru Pacific ck, 3 . 7 , | : plinbease , nn me Sa e eeeereee (omy. S00 cast so. Maines mort 50 chains, thenes Skeena Land District—District of Coast mou The ‘water Will be diverted at the Bisk Al A 1 18—F 2 oon oe ea east Chains, thence south 80 chains, Range V "I head of falls, and ‘will be used f y iskra, Algeria, Apri rour red to Militants ail thence west 80 chains to place of com- Take notice that I, Daniel Brenton Ken-| ating electric power pt os om the lem ‘y aeroplane , Omineca Lqnd, Diawtes- District of Sencomem, containing 640 acres more Or} ney, of Terrace, B. C., occupation rancher, described as vot 035, Range a “hoaen on aes — ey s " I — by EY totic yor meee . . intend to apply for permission to purchase | trict. r feutenants © 1 French army ond x n th Png s berety given shay t. L. N. Mac : _L. N. MACKECHNIE. the following described lands This notice was posted on the ground| arrived here tod: ‘ % Lond me April : : ws oe oe be a . C., occupation Per FP. W. MeCRADY, ©. E., Agent. Commencing at a post planted at the}on the 14th day of April, 1913. The ap arrives vere today after a 500.| House of Commons tast night W.! 0c ’ prosce, 0° says after tate intend to ap staked and dated March 19th, 1913. northeast corner of Lot 5130, thence north | plication will be filed in the oMee of the} mile trip over the Sahara desert.|H. Be a Liberal wt and for 0 ’ or Beense to proaeeer tar nes ee | Ke eran, 5. S.C. 40 chains, thence east 30 chains, thence| Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B, ' : enn, a Liberal whip, and for-| ii troleum over tae fol wing decortbed lane: ub. Apr. 14, 1913-——-May 12, 1913. wales ats memes wees We oe, to weet aoe nes be fled with the said ED merly private secretary to Reg ° ] 0 of commencement, containin jater rc ; 4 4 . , ! i jee eS i Se = dank of 190 acres more or less. 6 a Water Rights” jm, A man at Budapest, who made]inald MeKenna, home secretary ection , b DANIE NTOR NN gy la wager thi . ; 4 nr ye ra wee (on ee ee nein ure te te ee E RUPERT HYDRO-ELECTHIC| “) o that he would climb ajannounced that Holyrood Palace hear mile post 133), thence south 80|. Notice is hereby given that J, L. N. Mac-| >. April 7th to June @nd CO., LTD., Applicant church steeple 100 feet high, ac-|the famous royal palace in Edin Sarah ee "ahaha , ye —S eoeen %3 ene ater’ a Gieend - . Pub. Apr. 24 mieid Way ie,’ wa complished the feat, but is now]burgh, has been closed because Fi , chains to| Surgeon, 60 days e e inten - , . c : ; ' place of commencement, containing 640|PIY the Chief Commissioner of Lands|Skeena Land District—District of Coast being prosecuted for attempted|of damage done by suffragettes ; acres more or less - ine A license to prospect for coal and pe- : _ Range V. 7 "| suicide. He added that foreign visitors ) per vw. acne ony | Ueaecetad as a peat npeata chase ti] rhe nr otis ck fie | . . C. B., Agen : 0 . B.C., » in- - v » § . » palace j Staked and dated March 18th, 1913 chains from Grand Trunk Pacific track,| tends to appl for permission to pur- SUBSCRIBE FOR THE NEWS Subscribe for . vould be admitted to the palace 9 L. XN. MacKechnie, N. F.C mile 137%, thence north 80 chains, thence| chase the following described lands: Subscribe for the Daily News.| under certain restrictions | Pub. Apr. 14, 1913—May 12, 1013 west 80 chains, mee south 80 chains,| Commencing at a post planted at the N : oiltiieeas dee thence east 80 ns to place of com-|£. corner of T.L. 30045, thence north 20 og rn | i Omineca Land District-——District of — one CP Gee ‘Wore oF a. Gell teatett of soe TWO CONTRACTS AWARDED — : Hazelton iL. N. MACKECHNIE. Kechney's pre-emption; thence south 20 len . Compas! Notice is hereby given that I, L. N. Mac s Per F. W. MeCRADY, C. E., Agent.| chains, more or less to John Mckechney’s T . . ty ‘ ‘Harrison am e Keehnie, of Vancouver, B. C., oceupation Staked and dated March 19th, 1913. S.W. corner; thence east 20 chains; thence re council last night award ’ . surgeon, 60 days after date intend to ap L. N. MacKeehnie, 8. E. C. south 20 chains; thence west 33 chains. ed the contract for the grading SENTS " ly t the Chief Commissioner of Lands Pub. Apr. 14, 1913-——May 12, 1913. more or less, to the east boundary of T. ; FINANCIAL AG 4 WA license to, pres ect for coal and pe L 20048; thence norte, 20 chains, more of the eity lot on Fulton street Rupert , roleum over the following described lands ——___— =ejor less to the point of commencement, ; ‘ . . ® 498 : ince Commencing at a post planted on bank “ - containing 90 acres more or less. Fine lots in Section 8. All level and clear. These are to 8. P. MeMordie, for $2,125, and | Third Ave. Pr of Poreupine Creek about 1% miles up| LAND PURCHASE NOTICES. EUGENE KRENZ, » Ty the one for clearing the Market} a 4 the creek from the mouth thereof (Grand H. D. LENHART, Agent worth looking up. Two year terms, , ; run acific Rallway' crosses mouth of ate eb. , 1913. o¢ ‘ as ace site, 30,97: 0 to use é¢ Trunk Pacific F Dated Feb. 24, 1913 Lots 23 and 2 ‘ . PI te, $30,273.14 M \ 5 SO hala thence Post) Shence south | ominece Land District—District of Cassi Pub, March 17 to May 12-—13 ols 23 and 24, Block 37, Double Corner. Co s e | y — G ‘ p as a : , mains, thence east 80 chains, thence Take notice that LL. N Mechechaie né Lots 31 and 32, Bleck 38, Double Corner Lots 8, 9 and 10, Block 39, Single Lots. Lots 42 and 43, Block 39, Double Corner Lots 53 and 54, Block 39, Double Corner scion se A Fine Homesil The auction sale of household furnishing at H, J. Haskamp's north 80 chat ’ ’ place of ‘commencement’ “containing eds | sanoourer. Wh, , decipation surgeon 0] Skeena Land Digirick—Diirict of Coast oe — lays after date intend to apply to th nge V. es more or les Chief Commissioner of Lands to purchase| TAKE NOTICE that Frank Knott, of L. N. MACKECHNIE Per F. W. MeCRADY. CE. Agent. | Surveyed. Lot 915A, Cassigr District,| Prince Rupert, ~ B.C,, oecupdtion baker, Staked and dated March 18th, 1013 Skeens River, situated near mile 136,|'mtends to apply for rmission to pur L.. N. MaeKechnie, N. W. C.- jrand §=Trunk Pacific, containing 43.7) ¢%ase the following described lands Lots 23 and 24, Block 41, Double Corner : Pub, Apr. 14, 1913-—-May 12, 1013 acres more oF less - commencing @t & post planted at the) , roy ; office, Second avenue, will take 8 L. N. MACKECHNIE N.W. corner of T.L. 30945, thence south Lots 18 and 19, Block 42, Double Corner y IN SECTION _. Per F. W. MeCRADY, C. E., Agent 80 chains; thence west 20 chains; thence Lots 22 and 23, Block 42. 8 place Wednesday morning at 11 Lots Omineca Land Distriet—Distriet of Staked and dated Maret 19th, 1913 north 50 chains more or less to the south sOl8 ae BAC bd, ws 2, Single Lots . m 93.94 ¢ 5 Ad . Hazelton . N. MacKechnie, N, c bank of the Skeena River; thence north- | Lots 24 and 25, Block 42, Single Lots . Vat Has the Area Notice is hereby given that I, L. N. Mac Pub. Apr. 14, 1913-—June 9, 1943 easterly along the said bank of the Skeena| ; a a : FRANK A, ELLIS, Auetionee: Kechnie, of Vancouver, B. ©., oceupation River to the point of commencement, con: | Lots 26 and 27, Block 42, Single Lots ’ . ten = ai — om Sued? & omer [SGEaEEe 100 C5008 more @ lam } Lots 1 and 2, Block 49, Double Corner } $2 0 ply to the Chief Commissioner of Lands FRANK KNOTT, | “ “> . ” p Se , rer, Neense te Progpes} ee can} and be Skeena Land District e ; . ’ 5 } ZIEGLER ated Feby. Sth, 1013 7 7 Staked and dated March 18th, 1018 Alexander Noble, A H O CREW Man 1913 94.99 en ” y : , Agent Rh. D. RORISON . . er 94-98 eo : MacKechnie, . ¢ Dated March Sist, 1013 FP. W. MeCrady, Agent, | ’ m : . a vance 1 pr. 14, 1013--May 12 1019 Ub, Apr. 14, 1019-—-June @, 1048 Mar. 3-Apr. 28 ’ state snd insu Wallpaper—-Wallace's B9IT| Real hst*