CULATION panaeet OFF y AND NORTHERN in THE CIT ariTisH COLUMBIA + oe _ eee : . yol A LO PRINCE RUPERT, B. €., TURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1913. NEXT MAILS Frem Seuth Prince George. . Wednesday, 0 a. m. For south Venture . Wednesday, 2 p.m. [ARTHQUAKE SHOCKS IN OTTAWA AND MONTREAL ANITOBA TOWN OF GRETNA BURNING—RECIPROCITY TRADE TREATY WITH | AUSTRALIA SHALL ASSESSMENT ROLL BE EXHIBITED IN PUBLIC PLACE? TO HAVE TYPEWRITTEN COPY AFFIXED TO WALL IN oaag HALL WAS LAST WIGHT VOTED DOWN. mn took place Alder! Bulloek Webster night on the|said there were many who ob- hing the as jected to tr ing the bus of \ rman Bulloek-|ficials, and they desired to look ven notice offover the whole rol and see if oll be type-jthey were a issessed fairly as the city halljecompared with others, as in mak d have readyjing the assessment prejudice , jinflpence might creep in Even \ \ stated the 25e/if the typewriting did cost some xy information as|thing “ d be money well was an imposi- spent in the general satisfaction He thought all/it would give He was not par- hould be given ticular about giving the names he ee of any charge|ut thought the more publicity « prepared to the better ritlen copy The mayor said there was no not think the|prejucice or influence to be fear- nted Anyone sed, the assessor being under oath w the assess » perform his duty without fear tain lot or bloekjor favor He was in no way in- nformation from|terfered with in his work and it the name ofjiook no instructions from any- lid not think this} one To make a The motion was then put and yould be an un-j| defeated the ayes being Ald is all the city| Bullock-Webster, Maitland and hers were busy|Kerr; the nays Ald. Sutherland ipher would have | McCaffery Dybhavn and the ma the purpose.| yor. UDITOR’S BELATED REPORT ON LAST YEAR’S CITY FINANCES COMMENDATION THAT ALL PUBLIC UTILITIES SHOULD BE) SUPPLIED AT AS NEAR TO COST AS POSSIBLE TO AVOID UNFAIR TAXATION. a majority of 58, with all polls on heard from. In Medicine Hat rs report for and telephone departments 1} Mi iyvor Spencer has a majority of December, 1912.) am of the opinion that these are} 390 over Hon. ©. R. Micthell, with efore ‘the ‘eounell not properly general revenue and| il] polls heard from. motion of An eee ie eer bevenuc: account], There will be recounts of pro- Sutherland, Aan ae ane . ‘ v — ae aa . . ay} tested ballots in Macleod, where until specially appropriated, All/ tne premier was defeated by 17, K was laid on the} public utilities should be sup-/ anq also in Medicine Hat, as well veek, The mayor — at na near to ed ee poe | as in Edmonton, where the count ) he did not wish to| sible, otherwise an unfair dis-| i. now in progress. ne but the audit|tribution of taxation results, as The Liberal leaders here now a trifle late in| outside holders of real estate will! ojaim that the Conservatives have aching th uncil. The report benefit from whatever profits are] only 13 absolutely sure seats out as as f Ws derived from these utilities with- lof the 54 contested. “ I have audited the |°Ut aay contribution thereto | Protests, it is said, will be laid the corporation of There is being carried 0 the | against the return of some twenty he p e Rupert for the} sewer rentals account $684.50 as|1, iberals. ge 3ist of December,| 4" asset I would advise that) uw the following re_|this be either written off or col- | Debatable Controversy thereon: leeted. i £ revenne ace The bank balance shows an as- | Special to The Daily News . a cal Lsapten, set of $36,936.99 and includes | Washington, April 29——Pre- { 4 T hese Mas special accounts sinking fund |sident Wilson stated yeeterday ave had ap-|amounting to $54,704.31 jthat he considers the Panama showing aaa revembe| Deduct debtor balanee at bank, {Canal cpatable with Britain a this as also the] .96 936.99, showing current. bank |Very debatable one, & : revennd itaemee Teseounh overdrawn $14,764.32. eid sal fees ; _ © plus of 81,116.62. I would advise mee oe sane plane Turn urtle pw is ( ' seni assets accounts be either collec _ poole anaes ana or written off the books ae — aor wee 29 1709.69 hich shows general] I have found the books well and Farnborough, Eng., April 2: al Lieut. Harrison, of the Royal i. it $30,593.07. | accurately kept, and all re cords | oiving Corps, was killed yester- , uded in general |in a satisfactory condition day His biplane turned turtle lus from lights | DAVID C, STUART, Auditor at a height of four hundred feet. PUBLICITY METHODS LOCAL JOTTINGS Manitoba Town Burned mee Board of Trade Asked ‘ob d a 100.104 (Special to The Daily News.) © Send Monthly Ca ens Sap Sone : Winnipe April 29 The town y bie of coders peg, At Information to London. Children’s dresses. Wallace's of Gretna, Man., near the inter- \ - 9otf national boundary line, was last : he discussion on Me night reported as burning. The hotel and business houses were ok place at the Pantorium Pioneer Oleaners, rade the} Phone 4. Of trade has re-! ieee recently, h } lo co-operate! The Daily News has the larg- { ial bureau of In-/est circulation in Northern B.C Abies he sending of athe ! ' or more often | Birth. he “ ne to McLeod (on April Sth wis H. Turner at to Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis McLeod ut in the letter Ambrose avenue, a daughte: h ‘tion Dureau that * 'nformation be Ticket Office Removed. igent general's The G. T. P. ticket office is be : are 80 frequent ing transferred today from Cen P *O IMpOrtuUNAale ling street to its new location in Y mail advices do the Hart Block, next the Bank of in toueh @¢losely Montreal hia British Columbia M seng ® the decision ” "lY Cable letter How does Mr Borden like the Wa —— prospect of going down to fame Wallace's 90tt'as the author of the “gag” law? Hon. A. G. Mackay Elected in Edmonton Instead of A. C. Ewing. Edmonton April 26 That Hon. A. G. Mackay was elected instead of A, C. Ewing is shown by the returns from the courts of enquiry He had eight ballots passed in his favor yesterday and ip to noon today he had fifteen more, making a total of twenty- i three It has been discovered ithat in poll 41 he received seven- ltv-four instead of forty-nine ly ites Indications are that he iwill be elected by seventeen votes |The latest election returns indi- ate that Rocky Mountain has gone Socialist, Mr. C. M. O'Brien, | former member, winning over the | Conservative Campbell by a majority of ten Final returns ae Edson give Hon, C. W. Cross ; as the Caused Much Alarm but Little Damage—Houses Shaken Badly at Ottawa Special to The Daily News, Montreal, April 29-——An earth- quake shock was distinctly felt here last night. Much alarm was felt but no damage has been re- ported Ottawa, April 29——During the jearthquake shock last night the jhouses in the western section were badiy shaken, but there have been no reports of fatali- ties RECOUNT OF VOTES CAST BY ALBERTANS already destroyed. Mate for the Red Devil Upon the recommendation of the fire committee the council decided to order an auto hose This is not to be as large present one drawn by hor and would earry no chemical but only hose. wagon Wallpaper Ww allace e's, oot The Santa Ana of the Alaska Steamship Co,, arrived from Port lhownsend, Wash,, this morning with a cargo of lumber and ce. ment for the G, T. PB. drydoek. qxqnnerepennniiiniiiaammi Glassware, Orockery, lace’s, Wal. otf EARTHQUAKE AT MONTREAL | MAGISTRATE’S DECISION 1S APPEALED AGAINST {© BASEBALL ; Northwestern League. Vancouver 6, Victoria 3. Spokane 7, Seattle 1 Tacoma 4, Portland 2 American League. All count zames of rain. Nationa! League. 5, Chicago 8. St. postponed on ac- Pittsburg Cincinnati 5, Others, wet. ONE HUNDRED MILLIONS immense Outlay Planned in Im- provements by Cariadian Pacific this Year Louis 6 Special to The Daily News. Ottawa, April Thomas Shaughnessy, president of the C, P. R. cables from London that the C. P. R. will make an outlay this of a hundred millions. The money necessary for this has all been subseribed. 29—Su veal BLINDED BY AMMONIA Employee at Bures’ Butcher Shop Victim of Accident Yesterday William Sherman, at P. Burns & Co.'s butcher shop, was the victim of an unfortunate accident yesterday afternoon. While working around the re- frigerating plant one of the valves out and a quantity of ammonia vapor was blown into While the accident not expected to leave any perma- an employee blew his eyes is nent injury, Mr. Sherman was temporarily blinded and will be obliged to have his eyes band- aged for a week or more. Starting Art Gallery On motion of Ald. Bulloek- Webster, seconded by Ald. Mait- land, the council last night de- cided to request the two prev- ious mayors to send their por- traits for the adornment of the council chamber, so that of first Mayor Stork should not look so lonely. Miss Bella MeLeod, the G. T. P. Inn, who was taken to the hospital last week threat- ened with appendicitis, has quite recovered, She was able to leave the hospital yesterday. waitress at Wallace's Majestic Theatre Last Time Tonight A DOUBLE PROGRAM OF TWO BIG FEATURES Ladies’ Suits. 99tf CONVICTED BY A Medico Psychological in Two Big Reels HYPNOTIOM Story VENGANCE OF EGYPT in Three Reels And a Good Comedy Tomorrow and Thursday ANOTHER BIG PROGRAM A PARIGIAN STAGE TRAGEDY A Three Reel Story of Stage Life in Paris, Showing a Spectacular Theatre Pire HARPOONING A WHALE Educational LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT A Beautiful Hand Colored Subject TOPSY TURVY LOVE AFFAIR Comedy MUTT AND Jerr , JUST TOO LATE @ Reels of Real Photopleys 100-—Ad mission— 16. Bail for the Accused is Fixed at $600 In the case of Tom Gyr, charg- | ed with selling liquor without license, Magistrate Carss ren. dered his decision this finding the accused imposing the morning, guilty and minimum penalty, six months’ imprisonment. A, M, Manson, of Williams & Manson, appeared for the accused and en- tered an appeal against the de- cision. He also made applica- tion for bail which was fixed at 8500. The hearing of the appeal will be before His Honor Judge Young, probably next Monday. NEARLY 150 TONS OF HALIBUT IN FOUR DAYS Boats of Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Company Bringing in Good Catches. The George FE. Foster, of the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co.'s fleet, arrived in port about 11 o'clock last night with 125,000 pounds of halibut. This is the largest catch brought in by a single boat this season. It repre- sents about one week's fishing. The Andrew Kelly brought in 90,000 pounds on Saturday. the Skagit 45,000 pounds vesterday and the Zibassa came in on Fri- day with 35,000 pounds The total catch brought in by the four boats since Friday amounts to 295,000 pounds, or practically 150 tons The G. T. P. left Sunday night with 4 boxes, steamer Henriette for Vancouver representing A portion 264 about 60 tons of fish of the large amount that has just been brought in is being frezen and will be kept for shipment during the fall and winter months. THE WEATHER. The weather report al 5 o'clock Barometer, temperature 34, this morning read: 30.417; maximum 52; minimum temperature, Another Boiler for Light Works The superintendent of lighting recommended the immediate in- stallation of a third boiler so that it would be in place when the boiler inspection took place. He estimated the cost at $120 and suggested that the work be done by day labor. The Council adopt- ed the recommendation. Football Match Tonight There will be an game of football on tonight between two teams cho- sen from the Callies. The teams will be known as A. and B.. The former will be composed of Pat- terson, Martin, Dick, Nicol, Rob- ertson, Hunter, Dowther and Ab- bott. Lamb will be the reserve man B team will be composed of J. Kelly, Watt, Brown, Mur- ray, J. H. Kelly, Stewart, Willis- croft and McLean, Ferguson will be The game will start at 7 interesting 2nd Avenue reserve, o'cloek, Committed for Trial Jim Walsh, charged with the theft of $178 from a man named Sullivan in the Knox Hotel, was this morning committed for trial, He will come up for election this afternoon Bylaws Formally Passed. Otllcer Morrissey to the eouncil Returning jhaving reported | bine result of the voting on the | money bylaws, the measures | we re formally declared carried at | the meeting of the — council last lHarry 6. Evans, pioneer piano ituner, will be in town on or about | May 10th, 19013, Leave orders at |Hayner Bros, 1ooif NEW PREMIER HOTEL PLANS DISCUSSED ) BY CITY COUNCIL a|NOMINAL RENTALS TO BE CHARGED BY CITY FOR BALCONY The board of works reported to the couneil last night in favor of the plans for the Hotel, to be erected at the corner of Second avenue and Sixth street. A letler was read from the new Premier presi- G. W. Mor- asking permission to place a heating plant under the side- walk and for posts on the Sixth street side on the sidewalk to support a balcony on the seeond storey. The city engineer reported in favor of both the excavation and the baleony, suggesting that a nominal rent of 81 be charged for the sidewalk so that the ground did not go out of possession of the city, and a rental of 25 cents eacl: for the baleony posts to be placed on the edge of the side- walk. A suggested agreement to this effect, drawn by the city so- licitor, was read. Alderman Bullock - Webster complained that everything came dent of the company, row, SUPPORTS AND FOR SIDEWALK CELLAR. sion of the council. He approved of the report and agreement and he thought the council should «necourage the building of bal- conies and the placing of awn- ings so that the whole sidewalk might be always covered. But he did not believe in this method of bringing everything cut and dried before the council. The matter of rental was certainly one to be dealt with by the whole council, and he moved that this point be cut out of the report for further discussion. The mayor said many matters were brought up after the coun- cil met which it was advisable should be acted upon speedily. But if at any time any alderman desired to have fuller time fer consideration the matter could be laid over. The report was then adopted. Parliamentary Progress Ottawa, April 29—Rapid pro- gress is being made in the House of Commons in the minor busi- ness of the government. Enjoyable Affair Given by Young People of Baptist Sunday School. A large crowd assembled in McIntyre Hall last evening and thoroughly enjoyed the concert given by the young people of the Baptist Sunday school. The dif- ferent numbers were enthusias- tically applauded. Much credit is due to the committee in charge, viz: Miss Christina MeLeod, chairman; Mr. Davey, in charge of the music, and Mr. Murray, in charge of the drills. The amount received from the sale of tickets was very satisfactory. The fol- lowing is the program: PART I. Drill .. By Young Ladies Reading ..Miss Mary Exley Solo «.sseese+ Miss Greta McLeod “The Ragged Boy’... .-Master Albert Woods Miss Amy Shaw The Maple Leaf” Character Song Reading Tableau-—“The Farmer's Boy’’........ Master Elmer Thompson Duet. .Mrs. Freeman, Miss Freeman Dialogue—"The Competing Railroads’’ . . Messrs. Miller, MeIntosh, Ives, Bain Character Song—‘Cleft for Me” ay Pe a0 bee eae Reb aee a Miss Freeman (Ihustrated by Tableau) ‘ .. Mr. John E. Davey “Hello Central” .Miss Amy Shaw Dialogue *The Engaged Girls” . . Three Young ‘Ladies Solo Solo Messrs. Duet Clapperton and Davey Tableau (in three parts)-——*Virgins”.. . .By Young Ladies Chorus Somewhere”..By Young Ladies PART I. Tableau Spring” Reading Miss Annie Browne Character Song The Gypsy’s Warning” Character Song-——‘‘Jonn Brown's Body” . ‘ By Young Ladies Dialogue——"'Mrs. MecGastill’s Cook’ Young Ladies Chorus-——Auld Lang Syne “Ged Save the King The Duchess Worse (Special to The Daily News.) London, April 29—The sur- in attendance upon the Duchess of Connaught state that intestinal troubles have again in and it is now believed that another operation will geous sel surgical be necessary. Australian Reciprocity. Special to The Daily News.) Melbourne, April 20-—-Hon, G, FE. Foster, in an interview here yesterday, says he is hopeful of arranging a satisfactory basis ; for trade reciprocity between |Canada and Australia | Mrs, F. W. Henning will not jleave for England unti! a week | from today, to the couneil cut and dried, leaving nothing for the discus- BAPTIST CONCERT SELECTION OF CARE TAKER FOR CEMETERY Ald. Bullock-Webster Insists That Council Shall Make the Se- lection by Ballot. At the council meeting last night the city clerk read the names of twelve applicants for the position of caretaker of the cemetery, as follows: B. A. Spencer, Ernest Fuller, Albert Nicholson, David Holland, W. Hawkesford, E. G. Osborne, W. H. Sherman, Henry Evans, Frederic Adams, C. K. Yeterberg, Morris Couture, Joseph Garron. The mayor observed there ap- peared to be plenty of applicants but the’ one selected would have no sinecure as he would have to do whatever work the city engi- neer called upon him to do. Alderman Bullock - Webster said these men had sent in their pected to be balloted for. Alderman MeCaffery moved applications in good faith and ex- that the selection be made by the city engineer and the cemetery committee, Alderman Sutherland did not know any of the applicants and thought the city engineer should make the selection. He seconded the motion. Alderman Bullock Webster said it was not necessary to call in the services of the city engi- neer for such a matter. He moved that the man be selected by ballot. Alderman amendment. The mayor said the city engi- neer should select the man he considered the best for the work. He should have authority to hire him and to fire him if he was not found capable, as the city en- gineer was responsible for the work. Aldermen Bullock - Webster, Kerr and Maitland voted for the amendment and the motion was accordingly carried, Kerr seconded the Earl ein Rites. The following is the seore ecard of the results of the shoot. ing of the militia at the ranges on Sunday: 200 500 600 Yas. Yds. Yds. Total, Lieut, MeMordie 33 32 34 06 Sergt. Brown 30 20 20 88 Averill 2806 a7 28 83 Matheson 28 30 23 St Holland 20 28 30 78 Williseroft 2s 28 a 77 McLean 29 a 8 76 Huffell “ 21 0 65 Salter 40 o 36 Nautical ‘jn nautical dee. erations, nautical musie. Boat Club dance. 100.1 ‘ ee ee cen” ee cei er ele oo Pe