THE BAILY NEWS | a TO Double Weekly Service a TO THE SOUTH by the splendid steamer. PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GkoRGE Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver, Victor Mondays and Fridays at o A For Stewart on Thursdays at For Granby Bay on Bundays at THe Dany News __ CONDITIONS AT PRINCE RUPERT 7 rnc nnd asa ce rene STATED IN SCOTCH NEWSPAPER ‘ss. 05, Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. } j selves lfiret are inelined = to be |AYRSHIRE LAD SAYS CLIMATE IS SIMILAR TO THAT OF THE [fank and government clerkship» CLYDE, OR BETTER—CAN SAVE MONEY HERE are not well paid in comparison} - meas with private positions ro me Under the heading of “Living!at $50 per month, but finding/(his northern B, C this a small wage soon acquired pears the best at present for the] | | ling up a “trade” they had no ex perience of in the “Old Country Above all men who want to get) GRAND ACL System trying - * SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico Daily, 50c per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. Weekly, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries; Daily, $8.00 per year Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance, ® 8d Boattie on ™ 8am SA ™ Steamers Prince John and Prince Ait eountry ap in Canada,” a young man who TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—-50 cents per inch. Contract|signs himself “Ayrshire” and a better position, young man There are many Maintain Weekly Service Between Victoria, Va ? > ‘ . ’ j . "f roads ’ , CO Queen Charlotte Islands, Calling at W rates on application. gives his address as Skeena Riv Spending almost a year in oe new railroads be — es hound Saturdays at 8 P. M.. Commence m, Ay . inci: : pies. : Prince Rupert, I moved to an-]§ ructed, opening up vas new | Masset and Naden Harbor, leaving Prince 5 ' HEAD OFFICE er, writes in the following intet other posiiies & country which districts, and offering many op atv.e aan ean Ml Stes Buildi Third Ave., Prince R t. B.C. Telepl , 08 esting way to the Glasgow Her ! portunities, for those who are =. eww tes o. ASGENGER sERVice Daily News Building, ird Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C, elephone ald: I continue to hold. In all those Train No, 2, azelton, leaves Prince nu, Sis steady and pushing. Our climate and Saturda BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES Sir,—I have read with much! Situations [ had no previous @X-;ig very similar to that of th coneke and United Bintes, Umequsliog sontcae . . . 946 . 9 : re » lette ; : 1 perience. This is one of the|Clyde—if anything, better, From For all information, tickets, reservat New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 Bast 23rd St., New/interest the letters appearing in : Baer’ ol ' AA. lmany advantages Canada offers|the wages paid here in nearly all Meneral Agent. Agency all Atlantic Steams! A. E. MomasTen Weekly Herald Canada With | over the “Old Country” to all who The Glasgow York City. classes of employment more can : ; i i *What do we hear every day very first of such strikes that has resulted in victory. The only other national strike that had politics mixed up with it and was an attack on the gov- erning body was that in France last year, starting with the ty- that voting is compulsory upon those who are eligible Very naturally, the men of Belgium grew restive under this system, and they under- took to compel the governinent to give them a “one man, one ei uel be soos Gam) omy ov ing up I am, ete ro grumblers My only re t is that I did not come hers eral years sooner instead ¢ iting at home for if trade pick LUMBER COAL Seattie—Puget Sound News Co. re prospects = in be “saved” in comparison with — London, England—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building,}your permission I would like to|are steady and willing. At home seth Oh ttt, tek te Gade it ; en Trafalgar Square. make a few personal observa-|im nearly all cases it is “Once 8) stances the hours are longer CANADIAN PACIFICO RAILWAY Little’s NEW bl ul il Pt - tions that may be of some as«|baker, always a baker,” a8 you|Just today I heard of a young ARE you GOING EAST Agency 2 . . . . . » 98 in 7 cee on greatly o oo by a ane sieht ‘ie lone sistance to anyone’ thinking Of! will rarely get a chance to change Seotechman and his wife who left THIS SUMMER? Magazines ©: Perio, i " Dp sf non-delivery or inattention on the part o e News carriers. |,» » Weste ‘s ‘ ar. ; . : » lim ' " eWspan ee : ful of io ee a. a fear-| your livelihood, should you find|this part for Australia about 1] special Excursions May 28th to Sep- |) CIGARS OBACCE ee omen —~ ——$$— = —— u ’ akin { » step is now “ar ago The are > » te ember 3 : ‘ me pa re co . fyou want to, through necessity. a rhey are returning t Returning Limit October Sist 2nd a FRUITS DAILY EDITION Tuesday, April 29, 1913 almost, three years since I made! , - Prince Rupert, as they find it Vancouver to Toronto and ve. Below Kalen Islang Ch . — eee “lap my mind to give up a “bare|The man coming here must be]pojq I I See — = inaciielintdeaiecnasiitatiainaminias . - . I ; B 2 , olds the best prospects § for Vancouver to Montreal and living” in a Clyde town and try|prepared to take any work for|them return sf Sire ; $105.00 SUFFRAGE STRIKE upon property and education.|my juck in Northern B.C., then|which he may be suited as a start Aeound here. however. we havell: seen 7 alee. == a OF BELGIUM MEN. No one may vote until he haslin the embryo state, but now aland very likely he will get a job] plenty of “kickers” who are al So. —— $72.50 Em r B li 1 The greatest industrial strike reached the age of 25 years strapping youth I came prepar-|in his own special line if he de-| ways running this country down Vancouver to St. Paul and $60.00 Dp C55 ow Ing Alleys in eettie.. 6 merety political If he owns property appraised ed to follow any employment for|sires later on: but | know of sev-|As a rule these people have their cor piles Corresponding Low AND POOL ROOM , . at 2,000 francs he has tWOl whieh I was suited So after aleral successful men who havélown unsteady habits to blame 4. G. MoNAB © a.eye 12 TABLES question was practically at an votes. Some hold three voles.|,> : ; ' General Agent r. 3rd Ave & Gth St 4. E. ROGS, Prop a4 : few davs of idleness I got a start/ built their success through tak-| for sir disapo ’ or els : t Ave, : ’ for their disapointment r else princess Mary, South, Sunday, 6 P. M j Prince Rupert Employment end yesterday. Also, it was the A notable feature of the law is they ure of the type known os *, 0. Box 4 Peureae ) LICENSED AGENTS ing up of all the railways. That vote” law by sending mechanics New Wellington Coal. Best on th was a failure. and workmen out on strike and NEW STOCK OF SEEDS Coast One cannot help in making tying up the industries of the ai PI 116 Ropers & Bae a reference to this national country. It would be useless We have just received a ship Complete Line of 4 strik f the Belgiums for for them to refer their demand wines. af i ar iene ik. cake, ft, LRA setorm. 10S chore. BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES 10 CARTAGE and manhoot sullrage yu nake and three vote men, and there- TIMOTHY GRAIN seeps og : ; , some comparison with the fore their leaders resorted t CLOVER POTATO SEEDS WESTHOLME LUMBER CO., Limited TORAGE Speen oO long continued in the coercive strike. Phone 186 G. T. P. Transfer Agents Great Britain for woman suf- Tt salt i ad ALFALFA GARDEN SEEDS sal , frage. The militant suffrag- sae rian See Pewee FLOWER SEEDS tere promptly fi —: . have not struck for the effective than the destructive yy OPPICE-H. HK Rocherter. Centre Pet apeee saat” campaign of the women ol Mail orders Promptly attended | UNION $.5. COMPANY OF B.6., Lid - reason most of them have no jobs to quit. But compare their plan of campaign with that so successfully carried out by the men of Belgium. In their strike there was not a single ; , a a - “ } Hating act of violence that can be laid} ‘"@t 800 oped > Se 8 | | eet Metal Wor 4 / » wteiite be upon universal suffrage. ] versl es ros Offer: Sri Ave. resto at the door of the strike lead- The Full Value . ii iain hii Siem ore oe ers, and the few incidents of this character were trivial. of the campaign of the suf- England. So long as the men of Belgium behaved and did not endanger life and property they had with them the strong sympathy of all who believe es PREMIER BORDEN AND HIS GAG LAW. “If Parliament does not CUCTCECOOCCOCOOLE ote PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. of Coal tors of Prince Rupert Sign Writing.. The up-to-date House Decora- The Twin Screw Steamer MONDAY NIGHT and Granby Gay Tuesdays, 8 & m “Venture” SMITH & MALLETT THIF av¥ Plumbing, Heating, Steamfittingand Sails for Port Simpson, Naas River Points **Valhalia’’ of S.H. & EF, ee ee — adopt my proposal after rea-| j=: You will never derive the full value of the preached, violence openly sonable discussion I will dis- : SCAN DIN ANIAN =e) money you pay for coal unless your stove is con- > committed; windows smashed; solve é ro to e coun- = ‘ pe - historic buildings, of which the “tom, said ie tg aad a" trolled by the Gurney Economizer. It actually Pa r Hanging Salle for Vancouver Meets ever oh vd AN al British nation is so proud,| he introduces the gag. He has saves 1 ton of coal in every 6 you would ordinarily Our Specialties wasneeeave, 2 ?. © p.m. in the hall a \ damaged by dynamite; a bomb; given his party a new name burn in other ranges. — ‘ was exploded in the historic) [| is now the Conservative- I “Ye Olde Reliable” | oes : ie nea ee , t also assures a thorough, steady, even heat . D. ©. STUART Free Trade Hall of Manchester,! ¢josure party. ie weet ee ae end Street Phone 186 Greer | Rogers Steamship Agency from which Jonn Burns, the ae roughou e entire stove. ere is no waste Accountant = Phone 116 308 2nd Ave “i Prone 280 labor member of the cabinet, | was to speak; and the whole, of this woman's political cam-| paign has been a continuous | succession of acts of violence. | By it all they have not only) gained nothing, but are every) day weakening their cause and destroying public sympathy. The Belgium men won without | violence. Under the present Belgium electoral laws [there are approximately 800,000 men | in a total population of about} 8,000,000 who may vote be-| cause the electoral qualifica-| The Borden-Rogers or Rog- ers-Borden emergency is a de- lusion, but the surrender of control over our money is a serious matter. ie diciaalaces Premier Borden evidently thinks the Liberals will submit to Rogers domination as com- placently as he does. o— . The lookout men of the Borden navy signa! that a strange de- stroyer called “The Senate” is rapidly approaching and show- heat going up the chimney. The Economizer makes sure that the purpose for which fuel is being burnt is carried out. The Gurney Economizer is a simple device that requires just a light pressure on the lever to result in a consistently heated oven—the secret of suc- cessful baking. No sane person can afford to ignore this saving in coal bills, so make sure that your new range has an Economizer. The Gurney-Oxford is equipped with other exclusive devices, the Divided Flue, the New ‘PRINCE RUPERT INN AND ANNEX Owned and operated by the | Georgetown Lumber | Mouldings Sawmill Co. Lid. | Auditor for the Olty of Prince Rupe PRINCE RUPERT. B. © Alex. @. Manson, B A W. E. Williams, BA, LEE WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Ete. Geox 296 Prince Rupert, 6 & | Helgersen Block | ls 0. BOX & PRINCE RUPERT j | } JOHN E. DAVEY Special grate, and the Broiler attachment. It also is made with a perfectly smooth polished top which forever requires no black lead. There are no crevices where dirt may lodge —above all it is sanitary. No intelligent housekeeper to-day can afford to ignore the benefits which science has brought to her through the Gurney-Oxford. Grand Trunk Pacific Railway on the American and European plan. Excellently furnished, with steam heat, electric light, and all modern conveniences, being abso- lutely first-class in every respect. A large stock of dry finish- TEACHER OF SINGING ing lumber on hand. Boat lumber a specialty. Delivery made at short notice. tions of an election are based ing signs of hostility. | pUPEL OF WH. POON, med, Anan. 168.08 Ee = eas es = a Our prices are as low as any. % 5 Call on us before ordering. HAYNER BROS. “ | UNDERTAKEK® 4N EMUALME Funers Srd Ave. near 6th 8 The appointments and service are equal to any hotel on the coast. Phone No # OFFICE: i ! EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG. Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. 2nd Ave. Fred Stork — - Rae: $1 $3.50 pr dy ee The Daily News Scoop Isn’t Very Long on Geography COG CO OCOOOO OOOH ODOOOOHOOODODOOOOODOCCOOCCOOCCLO COUOOOCOCOCCCOCOOCCECOCTOCE E. L. FISHER Director and Empalmer CHARGES REAS NABLE 2nd St. cor. 2nd Ave prone OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Funeral G. A. Sweet, Manager. Drawn for The ! WHAT COUNTRY \ ‘S$ PRUCE’ | SEARCH ME - TLL Wave “Yo Go Bacic AND LooK é '¥ UP ON “THE BOss SAYS T™ ABSOLUTELY SAFE. BECausE re @ 1419 - ware sxro nan