_—— gest CIRCULATION LAR NORTHERN we ciTyY AND BRITISH COLUMBIA wr I AILY NEWS AU A MOVING ON FRONTIER OF MONTENEGRO MORNING SITTINGS OF HOUSE NOT TO BE BEGUN FOR AWHILE . Vernon, Cal., | P 3 cil inal wavaL BILL NOT TO COME UP UNTIL NEXT MONDAY—ALL| London, April 30.The an-| Cincinnati 2, Chicago 7 ernon, Cal, April’ 3°-—K'-\«@aNADA HAS NEVER LOOKED BACK, NOR DOES SHE INTEND WEEK DEVOTED TO MINOR GOVERNMENT BILLS. suncement sent out by a Lon- Others, rain. bane and Duns fought the full TO LOOK BACK,” DECLARES THE LONDON DAILY - don correspondent that the King A twenty rounds and the referee TELEGRAPH : merican League. @ I Daily News. hen in a ch ed and more rea-|and Queen would visit Canada Chics 6. Detroit . declared it a draw. This -was a ~—— 0 Morning | *0™ able f mind it is prob-|next year was premature, No ar- out a FOR e most unpopular decision, as Kil- London, April 28—-The Daily|the Duke of Connaught’s gover- os oe not | able that progress will belrangements have yet been made thers, — bane is declared to have had the lelegraph, commenting on the mor generalship than if he were nate’ . eee made jin that direction. Coast League. advantage all through |Duke of Connaught’s speech at|@ble to bring about some _ wel- ria iq], The West Indies agreement | | Venice 4, Portland 3 cee the Canadian Club dinner, says:| (om *2Peasement of the Ditter that he woul o Ms é 4 or, Says: ‘i ini has not had its third reading Los Angeles 4, Oakland 0 ued strife of which the Dominion ut Sir Wil anh a ke v0 os ven foun ONS. San Franciseo 4, Sacramento 3 PROVINCE SENDS OUT Canada has never looked back) Parliament has lately been the but Sir Wil ° | LLI MANY nor does she mean to look back.| scene.” some time th vee) } Northwestern League. VE ine tk weao = . week, A bill ¢ : - o SUR Y PARTIES Canadians set no limits to their ele ereee ‘ jinerease the Senate representa Vancouver 8, Victoria 10. ren ; SLBaRTA ELECTIONS lriday jtion from the west is nother | Property in eaten Limits Was, Seattle 12, Spokane 1. H. C. Black Has Been Appointed Solin ee ee ‘ measure which is on the tapis Bought by Pat Burns for | Portland 3, Tacoma 4. Surveyor of the Bulkle roe — oe 8.—The pros-|for this week.» Considerable op , Pashueeee — Valley District. . the twentioth century io destined/ Gabate Matnene feet Ae Saas quiet week at Ot-| position is expected to it, and it — VICTORIA DRY DOCK ee op te ne te ce es os a ent tically eertain| is also said that the Senate may Vancouver, April 26.—Although | asl Victoria, April 26—For the}|°°™® ona Wea i not pine. 3 ot be grot , : aT nani new world, We will not specu- will not be/throw it out on the ground that not in the real estate business, |@overnment Naval Scheme to/))rosecution of the extensive gov- Shi : Seeded dal coe pases © ek, but will be/ihe Senate representation should , ' Start with the Beginning ernment surveys planned for this] 4.04 > , . (Special to The Daily News.) . e ag * oO * oper? ons} ecades é t D § ‘e * , ek from today it be increased until the redis- le magnitude f the peration of This Work. season, a large number of sur- eaieie ig ~ Rigen Boh eS Edmonton, April 30.—The re- veek with a holi-|tribution b is brought down during the past year of Mr. P.| cnet veryors has been appointed to as- iain ceitipahaladie paneeliie 8 »°F*)count of the votes for anty-four | Ascension Day, A bill to amend the Grain Aet,|Burns of Calgary, who is here Special to The Daily News. sist the surveyor general. B. C. nN r Peters — constituencies, the elections in better to leave/the bill in regard to the volunteer|for the horse show, probably ex- Ottawa, April 30--The govern- Affleck of Hazelton will operate in ed elegraph, discussing the | two having been deferred, defiin- | matter over/bounty and the bill in regard to| eed that of any #her individual/dry dock at Victoria, the con-|*8e Lakelse district; H. C. Black EVES GORRFORNUH, Hy itely gives the Liberals 37 seats days. They are/the marking of gold and silver|i, Western Canada Istruction of which is to start at of Prince Rupert will undertake “Both parties are united in the|and the Conservatives 17. Upon ernment bills,;are all expected early this week Mr iene . aniieite old to lonee, will be the beginning of the surveys in the Bulkley Valiey; F.| broad poliey of offering naval the recount at Edmonton McKay, p by the block-/1If supply is reached the customs ideal’ Mahia Gail tad “r ‘ates |Zovernment naval scheme. Butterfield, Victoria, will work in|help and the difference, however|Liberal, was defeated. be pressed this|aud militia estimates will be un- , ’ i . on ynaicaves the Nechaco district; K. ©. Taylor,| viewed, is one of method only. —_——_———— : i total of 2,000 acres within the et ae ; 1 e Liberals seem tojder fire ‘ity limits of Calgary at an aver OUCHESS MUCH WORSE Vancouver, in the Naas River re-| There could be no finer achieve-| The season’s event—Boat Club age a ' + 00 cateee sanenan. schatipsiatinney serve; T. H. Taylor and D, O.|/ment to mark the conclusion of|dance Friday night. 100-4 at ta ft 4.000.000 The Heart Weakening Followed as a Wing, Victoria, will continue the ea ( NICHOLAS CALLS DEMAND wea formerly comprised a farm| Result of Second Operation She |*""¥°Y of Base lines in the er ae ea, re Groundhog coal district; F. ©, he used for pas ing s stock Underwent ow : . , , T \ th th . iat See ay ae . Swannell, Victoria, will make an ith e gro oO ec A a . ¢ . surve ‘ ; OF POWERS UNJUST AND CRUEL) <3." (sities) (Sovcag the aty News. | ign Vilar ml iand has been assessed -by the }sages to ee Bonanrent ented. Dodie 7 : ee cS Brit : r . : *% er <¢ c ° PE FACING A CRISIG—AUSTRIA MOVING TROOPS TO/vivic authorities at $3,000 an|day were to the effect that the Celembia Over ceceaaad oa — MONTENEGRIN FRONTIER—SERVIANS AND BUL- acre. condition of the Duchess of Con- ctevegs with tenele - vf ind CLAIMED THAT KING NICHOLAS AND ESSAD PASHA MADE A GARIANS FIGHTING DESPERATELY. a neuget was cree Following distriets under Sant rections from “DEAL” AND THAT FIGHTING AT SCUTARI aie aiden , Wallpaper. Wallace's 99tf}the second operation for intes- she surveyor general . WAS ALL A BLUFF. Special to The Daily News. seribed by the government of we + tinal trouble the heart is said to es Geneva, April 30,.—All the Aus-| King Nicholas as “unjust and VETERAN'S BOUNTY be weakening and this. morning CURACOA | STRANDED Cettinje, April 28. — Essad|King Nicholas, who approved his a ps stationed in the/cruel.” The demand of the Euro- i a was thought to be Pasha, the defender of Scutari,|Plan to proclaim himself inde- rol have left for the*frontier|}Pea@n powers is couched in the FOR SIR CHARLES : ON CRAIG MUD FLATS who surrendered the town to the|Petent prince of Albania. M Europe is again| {lowing terms: ne Montenegrins and was permitted The whole aptain a. we Ibani id: % g despatches re- TE tet ah edieinaadiais afthe y eicotone” nandkane EP of both the bride and]yessel stated that she was rest-|'"Urderer of his brother and thea)! All ania, said; if Essad ’ Only five bat. | 7°*ehie } ; : oe 8 ee ™ ...)@room were present at the happy y easily . @ eg) Went to the Albanian mountains Pasha’s reported deal with Mon- } , . I PPYling easily and that h xpected a a ai se the internationa naval forees|and others were present as Sir we e Ox; a a6 i‘ tenegro be t it is t hery nienegrin artil- event. Mr. and Mrs. Agnew, af-|her to float off high tide tt ind became a sort of gendarme); ‘tenegro be true, i Is treachery : lvine before the Montenegrin|Charles said goodbye to the capi- rer to float off at high tide this ; and folien—-t h bec : city. a oe oe eae “al a ea oe | ter visiting a few of the principall morning. There was no damage|”" igand. He aided the Young; @? (i 7 reachery — ause cles in Vienna] ®°®* om 397" eo . eae eee eee | cities in the east, will leave for , aq} lurks in their uprising against] Without Seutari, Albania would : Montenegro invited to givelvears a leading figure and where rs done and no alarm felt. He had decapi ments of the ; their home in Prince Rupert btained . ~— 1c i, | \bdul Hamid and was elected a|be decapitated and would become Sete’ tinal prompt reply to this communica. | hy ik part in many stirring obtained wireless connection with ieputy a mere annex of Servia and Mon s from Seutari a eo , —_——— the Santa Anna, which was on the|“°R™*?- ; Re tion scenes a, é t he aviieibainn be way from here to Ketchikan. and} he the war broke out he|tenegro—folly, because it makes vhi¢h has been The Montenegrin ee J ‘ ne - vo pulled gut PLENTY OF MONEY IN that Seal et — = 704 went to Seutari to assist Hassam/|the situation more diMfleult and Europes _ltive in London to whom this de-|Col, Hon, Sam Hughes presentec ot cms . ~~. |Riza. the Turkish e - | imperils Albania’s very existence ere are mand was cabled back from Cet-|Sir Charles with the hundred THE OLD COUNTRY ay if any help were needed. ee the — an ae by angering the amie at this ; » . " The Santa Anna was unloading ° ir nite tinje, said today dollar bounty to whieh he is en linia ne L a ed : : . a : uneture. ” ; =? hs ' ‘ ) ordered by my{ titted @s ome of the veterans Of| Opinions Expressed by the Vice- at Ketchikan this morning and as a arned that ~~. powers in-|/ en she Aiissieinn iin ontenegro's Protest. ae weer Comer 1866 President of Union Bank of =| ‘Here had been no further com-|'\™ 6 ee they realize their ition, will " The repre- government to protest formally rhank you,” said Sir Charles. Guana munication with the Guracea it should be independent, and to Mwy steaee Mia — on, > he Montenegrin|against this unjust and cruel de “his is » first rewar e was believed that she would float|®*S'st them sought to raise the) : @ powers 0 gri rh the first reward I hav Stancil ; Albanian flag above Seutari Europe can not bew before a coup Londons received mand and once more to ask the]ever got for my military services.” Winnipeg, Apri! 26——-R. T. Ril- oa the maud Rete withopt aay Se- The capitulation of this place which violates their elaborated ‘y from Cettinje| Kuropean powers to pane. > % - ey, vice-president of the Union sistance, leaves him at the head of a strong plans to coneiliate all interests.” Olest formally|an equitable manner, the vita The steamer Venture, of the! pank f Canada returned to —— aig . . . ; : f ' . . = Swe op. \ foree which he was allowed to|!smael Kemal Bey will leave ind of the Euro.|question of Montenegro's fulure/Union Steamship Company, ar-| Winnipeg this week from Bu. Bennett May Succeed Roche take from the fortress. In Vi.| Paris today for London. the immediate|and to place that nation on anj|rived from the south shortly after rope, where he spen eee | Calgary, April 26-—It is said mma and Paris } a jer of - lari by the Mon-~/equal footing with other Balkan clock this afternoon, months. He was in Londom whem} here that R, B. Bennett, Conser- ves ara Veneded as Ge Pantorium Pioneer Cleane rt demand is de-|allies.” ELE the Manitoba loan was bRow@ht}Vative leader of the provinee and ara an arr Se Bh. ey Phone 4 ~ THE WEATHER. out This was done by the Up-| member of parliament for the . *_ . . ’ ion Bank, The popula st).4erip-|Calsary riding, is slated to suc- oe ADMIR rhe weather report at 5 o'clock tion exceeded the r qui nents ceed Dr. Roche as Minister of the GIVEN EXTENSION ALSACE-LORRAINE this morning read: Barometer,|o¢ the loan by 168 000 ends|interior in the Borden cabinet, in _ 10.125; maximum temperature, | step) iam the event that Dr. Roche's con-| British Columbia and White Riv- NOT GERMAN YET IS VISITING PRINCE RUPERT rae meer 8 “There ie lots of saerey im the|tinued ill-health compels his re- er Railway's Application elias Old Gonntry,” sai ‘x. MRiley,|Urement. oa Bella Coola Sanitorium. amd there is a < tyit surplus —— -- —— Ottawa, April 26——-The British Diet Censures Government for DMIRAL Ky Arrangements are being made} oney Deere ties en Calgary Bishop Honored Columbia & White River Railway) @!vin@ Support to Kaiser's eet DIRECTOR OF THE CANADIAN WAVAL)>,.. (he building of a sanatorium | jqeg prewaleat { 70.15 \ pre Ottawa, April 26—Bishop Me-|Company was granted an exten- Military Bill. . ‘ The ’ § « a, ” «© ‘ . a ICE, ARRIVED IN CITY THIS MORNING. for the Bella Coola Indigns. — sent investme 70.18 Ygda} Nally, the newly appointed Bis. |5!0P of time for the building of} Strassburg, Germany, April The plans and ponte ee at . should receive 70.15 7o.%xjhop of the Calgary diocese, will its lines by the railway eommit-|26—— The government of the prov- la ince Rupert is, points of interest and of inspect-Tready cee one an woe wor el ber of finaneia 4 | 13 4 4 7 o to Reme for the eonsecration|tee this morning. ince of Alsace-Lorraine was cen. ' h the presence|ing the progress that has been ommeneed at an early date. The) ¢ high standi 70.15 70.415 | Gevice This is at the request sured today by the provineial : ; and Meedinn | imade since his last-visilt here two/sanatorium will be situated on a look unfavorab! 4 HH 4 HH on inderstood, of Monsignor New Cigar Store diet for instructin its - esen » taser POM ie Admiral Kings-|suitable site on the Indian re-|o¢ Ganadis 7015 70.15 |Govery; ae = : & repr ° aval service, | Sears ast One va ...taalia Gaain anal OF GARACIEN 70:48 wean |Governs: formerly apostolic dele G, 8 Pitzmaurice has leased/tatives in the federal couneil of . | Kingsmill}, | mill accepted the mayor's h ye orve ella YOO VOUPK ties. Canad) 3 70.18 70.45 Governmejanada rhis is an un ne of the new stores in the Hart|the German Empire to vote for ; ixec as eee Se . - q 7 ¢ f overnme the gity on the! tality {4 o'clock being fix 1 enough HH 70.45 70°48 | Government as there have been|Block, where he will open in the|the military bills inereasing the George this|{he hour for starting Elected for Speedy Trial. is no ff 25 70.15 76.15 | Government O adian bishops whol|course of a couple of weeks an|German army The delegates ranted. 1 Interviewed by the News Jimmy Walsh, charged with the | mar 25 rH bs HY 79 + yecuiaen Mart.signal honor con-| f lat cigar and tobaceo|deel: : b hb bill . j ”y Lieu | Rear Admiral Kingemil iid that} theft of $178 from a man named} .aj, 25 5 arte cPih |deoak “ite \ ‘fk al ‘8 and tobacco }declare that these bills are con. On his arrival| hee ' x ; ? lote ,o 25 ‘ 70.45 70.45 |Young. Geo. A store. Mr, Fitgmaurice's popu-|trary to the views of the people met by Captain} bis visit here was entirely for|Sullivan at the Knox Hotel, came | , 25 26 70.15 70.45 |Clapp, F. E arity in Prinee Rupert will un-jof Alsace-Lorraine. Th tio or itat ith Captain New-|up before Judge Young this|; gee | Bons TH44 71.44 | Clapp, P. FE : 4 a. en . io William Jolliffe consultation with Cay jh 75 87.0) «osee 108/89 | Tracy, Robt. EB nautical dec.|doubtedly win for him a good|was adopted by a vote of forty- | he mee i to the fishery| morning and re-elected for speedy |,4 77.94 38.69 08.96 oa a4 | Tracy, Robt. E PP of the Faleon,|combe in regar : :~ Se aan Gk ba flee eee 26 25 Oe ts 6 welts. (MeMordie, tre’ Ban’ 2Rsic Boat| share of the ¢igar business seven to five. ' Pattullo, who gave| protection service, b th with re-jtrial }@ CAs ont ~ \98 25 25 70.15 70.15 |MeMordie, Mrs. Edith 100.1 _————_——_ An official statement by the , os leard to what is being done and|morrow morning at 11 o'cloek, 20 25 25 70.15 70.15 | MeRachern, Hugh j > ; y ' dea ind 1 for the future aotnineis 34 3 + 7015 70.45 |MeRachern, Hugh | Club swinging, dumb bells, flag}vieeroy of the provinee declaring ended an invita.| Hal is required for > , : oe ; 39 95 25 70 7 4 :? Gord, aripur L * piano |drills, ete., by the children at the/that the military measures were \ ; } j tent he said, to take i}. H. Pillsbury returned to th 70.1 10.1 » Arthur | : a ' bile trip in or It is his intention, he se . 33 25 2 70.15 70.15 | Hall, Geo, D 2 wut) Westholme, May 6 Admission|of a purely defensive ¢haracter . ames 5 leity this morning after a shg é 4d 3 70.15 70.15 | Hall, Geo. D . Metlaee.. o ; ave an oppor lh sae hater bin See ol ; 25 6 +) wos \Haye, David H 9 tant| 50 teserved seals at Orme’s,|was read without produeing any ne the various Continued on Page 4 usines i ancouver, 3 7 * 3 rit S 8 faye. Berta i ; 4 " 101.6 effect on the legislatures, PRINCE RU No Arrangements Yet Made for the King and Queen to Visit Canada Next Year. Special to The Daily News. ANNOUNCEMENT PREMATURE | PERT, B. 6. — , WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, i913, T BASEBALL. DECLARED A DRAW Dundee 20 Round Bout. | | i | | | National League. New York 6, Brooklyn 0 Special to The Daily News. Unpopular Decision in Kilbane- SERVIA AND BULGARIA FIGHTING DESPERATELY—RECOVERY OF THE DUCHESS DOUBTFUL BRITISH COMMENT ON DUKE OF CONNAUGHT’S LONDON SPEECH eee NEXT MAILS From Seuth Princess May Thureday noon Princess Mary .. Priday, o.m. For South Prinee George Priday, 9 a.m. PRICE FIVE CENTS =