W ednesday April 30, THE DAILY NEWS a yoTICE that the following are the schedules covering PA ment to be made against property benefited by the vari we proveme nis as are sel out at the head of each schedule cal impr . We ~~ ‘HER TAKE NOTICE that a sitting of the Court of yp FURTI \ for the purpose of hearing complaints against the said aa will be held im the Gouneil Chamber of the City Hall, j essen 1 at 11:00 o'e lock a. ™., on Monday. May 26th » 191d , y person desiring to appeal against the said asa ssment a in writing, and all notices of appeal shail be served st he City | lerk at least eight days prior to th Sitting of the jon ine : gourt of Revision. - rep at Prinee Rupert this 28th day of April, A. D. 19143 DA ERNEST A. WOODS, City Clerk ‘AS. M CARMICHAEL, Assessor and ( olleetor yLAW NO ae es ont of Loeal Improvement, being the construction of a per enk road on Atlin Avenue. otal estimated cost, $12,306.60 issessable frontage, 6,372.30 lineal feet Rate per foot age, $1.931265 a - il : fe ag oe £3 : 3 Es Bs af s: 2 ia 25 25 48.28 48.28 5. ¢ 2 3 39 28 28 54.08 54.08 B. 2 3 40 28 28 54.08 54.08 B. 2 . & 25 26 48.28 48.28 2 3 42 25 25 48.28 48.28 2 ee 25 2b 48.28 48.28 Z . a 25 25 48.28 48.28 z 3 45 26 25 48.28 48.28 \ 2 3 46 26 25 48.28 48.28 \ ‘ Z - 25 25 48.28 48.28 2 3 48 25 25 48.28 48.28 kK 2 a 25 25 48.28 48.28 I 2 a ae 2b 25 48.28 48.28 kruck 2 3 51 rT 25 48.28 48.28 kruck 2 3 662 25 Bh 48.28 48.28 | 2 2 18 25 25 48.28 48.28 I 2 2 19 25 25 48.28 48.28 John 2 2 20 25 25 48.28 48.28 ul 2 2 91 25 25 48.28 48.28 ‘ 2 2 92 25 25 48.28 48.28 s, Albert 2 2 923 25 25 48.28 48.28 kate knelt 2 2 25 25 48.28 48.28 n, Kane akan ae 2 25 25 25 48.98 48.28 das I Brodie ) co . i ae 25 25 48.28 Blanche 2 an 25 25 48.28 man & Gulistein 2 2 2a 26 25 48.28 1 & tistein 2 2 29 25 25 48.28 4 trick, errr cern YY 40.05 40.05 77.36 bn Z 1 38 30 30 57.94 bn 2 1 39 25 25 48.28 7 & Frost 2 1 40 25 25 os a3 & Prost 2 ' at 25 25 ret e¢ =O es ae ae 4 2 1 “a 25 25 48.28 I z ee 25 25 48 a8 t 2 ' 46 25 25 48. v 2 1 w 25 25 48.28 M 2 1 4 25 25 48.28 Ww. 7 to a 1 4 25 25 48.28 Ww oak 2 1 50 26 a5 48.28 & Averill, 8. ; ; heel eee ee 25 25 48.28 E. M 2 a 52 25 25 : 48.28 EM 2 an 25 25 : 48.28 E. M 2 a 54 25 25 : 48.28 ocebas 2 1 55 25 25 . 48.28 2 1 56 25 35 ; 48.98 2 a 689 25 : 2 a #658 25 25 43. 48.28 . Dan 2 a 25 25 . 48.28 | z ’ 60 25 z . 3s as 2. - 2 an 25 2 . E. M 2 1 62 25 25 ‘ 48.28 EM 2 1 63 25 25 48.28 48.28 E. M 2 t 64 25 25 48.28 48.28 EB. M 2 4° 65 25 25 48.28 48.28 E. M 2 i 66 25 26 48.28 48.28 E. M 2 4 67 25 25 48.23 48.28 E. M 2 1 68 25 25 48.28 48.28 BE. M 2 1 69 25 25 48.28 48.28 E. M 2 1 70 Qs 25 48.28 48.28 \ 2 7 25 25 48.28 48.28 A 2 6 97 20.74 20.74 57.44 57.44 W 2 a 25 25 48.28 48.28 2 .. | on 25 25 48.28 48.28 E. M 2 75 25 25 48.28 48.28 - 2 1 7% 30 30 57.04 57.04 ss : ' 30 30 57.04 57.94 EM 2 ‘ # 30 30 57.94 57.94 78 : 57 E. M 2 Ss Fe 30 30 57.94 7.04 E. M 2 1 80 30 30 57.94 57.04 Ek. M 2 1 SI 30 30 Hy $4 cons EN i 30 30 57.94 57 : ; i HH 30 30 97.04 57.04 » 7 2 1 84 83.43 83.43 161.19 161.13 vernment or p. ¢ 2 w i 25 25 48.28 48.28 Veriment of B ¢ 2 12 2 25 25 48.28 48.28 raiment of B. ¢ aS a 25 25 48.28 «©. 48.28 ean 8: | a a 25 25 48.28 48.28 on oe 2 12 57 $9.91 39.91 69:92 69.99 Mtity tal" 2 12 58 27 27 52.15 52.15 nity’ We 2 12 59 27 27 52.15 52.15 video, ; 4 27 52.15 52.15 , 2 3 27 52.15 52.15 $ iso 27 97 52.15 59.18 -.9 2 2 63 27 27 52.15 52.15 27 52.15 52.15 2 1 64 27 7 aoe 8.48 b&w A te 97 97 S215 58.18 BAA 6 27 27 52.15 ; 3 3 27 27 52.15 52.15 2 2 69 27 27 52.15 52.15 tf B, ¢ 5 26 48.28 48.28 -. , i HH os $3.83 eas B. Ste, 3 25 48.28 © 48.28 ‘yh! B. 9 it ‘ 25 25 48.28 48.98 Ww & 8 Fim 14 25 25 48.28 wy & § 2 tt 6 25 25 48.28 wil 2 1 7 25 25 48.28 wo & nN 2 ft s 25 25 48.98 ~ B.C 4 25 25 48.28 a . fo 25 25 48.28 t B. ¢ a ee 25 25 48.28 . 8. ¢ 2 tt 12 25 2 48.98 wR ¢ 25 48.28 2 10 i 26 7 8. a 25 25 48.28 r B. ¢ 2 140 4 25 25 48.28 _“—s, % . ao 25 $5 48.28 r*% 888 2 10 5 35 a tet 2 140 6 5 2 10 7 25 25 48 28 2 10 . 25 25 48.2 i ’ 25 25 48.28 Ja 2 1 H+ 48.98 a i wae 25 13-33 Arilla . rT $8 et sy A > ‘8 4 $s $e 48.28 4 2 9 2 25 25 ‘8 a8 2 v 4 eo . 1) HH 2 9 ‘ s 2 ” 5 26 25 4s z3 W : v 6 26 25 4 zs W 2 9 7 25 25 48 3 ' 2 v . 26 8 ‘ Eh - 26 4.98 - 2 ® 10 25 3 +4 A 2 ¥ 11 26 i998 A ® uv 12 rey : 7 i a ges if - - . £ §: o | . fs r Z 7 E = e Es ° 3 | be 3 3 a Es “ae e - ‘ d 28 Nicholson, A ¥ . 2 26 25 48.28 a8 Eklund, John 2 8 3 3 3s ios $6.38 Clapp, } k 2 8 . Clapp, M. E . 2 ee 26 4.25 48.98 Clapp, M. E 2 ~ 6 25 25 48.28 ss Laurence, Hazel 2 8 7 25 26 48.28 eas Zambetti, John y . . 25 26 48.28 48. Basso-Bert & Co 9 ” 9 25 25 48.28 48.28 Basso-Bert & Co 2 w 10 25 25 48.28 48.28 DPronin, BF. I 2 s i1 25 25 48.28 48.28 Dronin, B. 1 » s 12 26 25 48.28 48.298 Government of B, C 2 7 i 25 25 48.28 48.28 Oovernment of B. C, 2 7 2 25 26 48.98 48.28 Government of B. C 2 7 3 25 26 48.28 48.28 Government of B. ¢ 9 7 ‘4 25 26 48.98 48.28 Foyumoto, 7 2 7 5 25 25 48.98 48.28 poremote, T 9 q 6 26 26 48.28 48.28 Robinson, BE. A 2 7 7 25 25 48.98 48.28 Robinson, BE. A 2 7 8 25 25 48.28 48.28 Robinson, BE. A 2 7 9 25 25 48.298 48.28 Westenhaver, ©. ©. & J. D 2 7 10 25 25 48.98 48.28 Albert, M 2 .. a 25 25 48.98 48.98 Albert, M 2 7 25 25 48.98 48.98 Scott, J. G 2 6 i 32 32 61.81 61.81 Scott, J. G 2 6 2 32 32 61.81 61.81 Worsopp, Mary B 2 6 a 32 32 61.81 61.81 Hays, Mrs. ©. B 9 6 ‘ 32 32 61.81 61.8 Lennox, W 2 6 5 32 32 6184 61.81 Stewart, Thos 9 4 6 a2 22 61.84 61a Stewart, Thos 2 6 7 32 32 641.84 61.81 Stewart, Thos 2 6 . a2 32 61.841 61.81 Grossman, I 2 6 9 a2 32 61.81 1a Gratton, W ; 2 6 10 60.79 30.40 58.79 58.79 City parcel No. 4, on G. T. P and Government Agreement plan 701.40 791.40 1598.41 1598.44 BYLAW NO Assessment of Local Improvement, a 16-foot plank roadway along Seventeenth Street, extending from the proposed plank road- way in Tate Street to the proposed plank roadway in Graham Avenue, Total estimated including cost, $3,710, interest on debentures. Total assessable frontage, 1,474.71 lineal feet. Rate per foot frontage, $2.51574. 3 2 £ gs “ - > << 5 s ae &: os e S su = oo s = 3 c : 2 & 5 2 os 4 Es 5 25 zo & & 2&4 & a & eo Government of B. C 2 12 4 100 50 125.78 125.78 Government of B. C. 2 12 5 25 25 62.89 62.89 Government of B. C 2 12 6 25 26 62.89 62.89 Government of B. C. 2 12 7 25 25 62.89 62.89 Government of B. C. 2 12 Ss 26 25 62.89 62.89 Government of B. C 2 12 y 25 25 62.89 62.89 Government of B. C. 2 12 10 26 25 62.89 62.89 Government of B. C. 2 12 if 25 26 62.89 62.89 Government of B. C. 2 12 12 23.79 23.79 59.85 59.85 Government of B. C. 2 12 13 35 35 88.06 88.06 Government of B. C. 2 12 “4 35 35 $8.06 88.06 Government of B. C 2 12 15 35 35 $8.06 88.06 Government of B. C 2 12 16 35 35 88.06 $8.06 Clapp, Mrs. M. E. . 2 ss O47 35 35 88.06 88.06 Clapp, Mrs. M. E 2 12 18 26 26 62.89 62.89 Clapp, Mrs. M. E. ; 2 12 19 25 25 62.89 62.89 Coe, We, i Be 66s os ~~ 2. a 25 25 62.89 62.89 Westenhaver, C.C. & J. D.. 2 12 21 31.19 31.19 78.46 78.46 Westenhaver, C.C. & J. D.. 2 12 22 25 25 62.89 62.89 & J.D. 2 12 23 25 25 62.89 62.89 Westenhaver, C. C. & J. D.. 2 12 24 25 25 62.89 62.89 Westenhaver, C. C. & J. D 2 12 25 25 26 62.89 62.89 McLeod, J. F. & M. R. ... 2 12 26 32.05 32.05 80.63 86.63 Couture, M. 4 2 20 1 80 80 201.26 201.26 Couture, M 2 20 2 35 35 88.06 88.06 Couture, M 2 20 3 30 30 75.47 75.47 Government of B. 2 20 ‘ St.44 40.72 102.44 102.44 Government of B. C 2 20 -149 68.60 68.60 172.58 172.58 Government of B. ¢ 2 20 150 72.56 72.56 182.54 182.54 Government of B. ( 2 if 1 100 50 125.78 125.78 Eresch, John C 2 11 24 100 50 125.78 125.78 Buch, Samuel 2 2 1 85.95 42.97 108.11 108.11 Legge, Louis 2 2 2 26.23 26.23 65.99 65.99 Legge, Louts 2 2 3 25.03 25.03 62.97 62.97 Donaldson, H. L. 2 2 4 25 25 62.89 62.89 Government of B. C 2 2 5 25 25 62.89 62.89 Government of B. C. 2 2 6 18 18 45.29 45.29 Scheinman, N.. & Guttstein, A 2 2 29 100 50 125.78 125.78 Government of B. ¢ 2 1 36 108.81 54.40 136.87 196.87 Anderson, John 2 1 39 5.85 5.85 14.73 14.73 Goodman, John 2 i a8 32.03 32.03 80.58 80.58 Clayton, Dr. W. B., & Kirk patrick, J. A 2 i a7 122.29 81.29 204.51 904.51 Assessment of Loeal Improvement, the construction of a plank roadway along Tate Street to Moresby Avenue, thence along Moresby Avenue to its junction with Second Avenue. Total estimated cost, $14,840, including interest on debentures. Total assessable frontage, frontage, $2.8059931. 5288.68 lineal feet. Rate per foot z 2 E ak - Ser 22. o z Ss 0 ag ee - im. g : : s Bs Es ZO F 3 pe <5 = a>e Grand Trunk Pacific Ky. Co 2 Al 1370 casiey, >. a ee 75.91 75.91 213.00 213.00 ochienman, Guitstein & Gluck 2 20 77 28.59 28.59 80.2 80.23 Cameron, Roderick 2 20 76 30.77 30.77 86.34 86.34 Vigeck, Matt 2 20 75 25 25 70.415 70.15 Videck, Matt .. 3 25 25 70.15 70.45 MeMordie, Mrs, E. .. ae 25 25 70.15 70.15 Wegner, Wm. F. 2 20 72 25 25 70.15 70.15 schienman, Guttstein & Gluck 2 20 71 25 25 70.45 70.15 schieuman, Gultstein & Gluck 2 20 70 25 25 70.45 70.15 ferguson, W., Donaldson, K., 0 RP reryqoe ore : 20 69 25 25 70.15 70.45 Ferguson, W., Seunid, RK. ee $ Be eo 2 2u 68 25.54 25.54 71.67 71.67 Casiey, Mra. bk. .... 2 au 79 39.02 39.02 109.49 109.49 casiey, Mra. kL. .... 2 au 80 35 35 98.20 98.20 Steen, Jas., & Hebert, H 2 20 81 30 30 84.17 84.17 Cohen, ih 2 Geetha se eee 2 20 82 25 25 70.15 70.15 Sibbaid, Wm. ........ 2 20 83 25 25 70.15 70.15 Soskin, Morris ......... 2 20 84 25 25 70.15 70.15 Sullivan, W., be ee, Bs 2 20 85 25 25 70.15 70.15 Douglas, a ae 2 20 86 25 25 70.15 70.15 DORE, Gi ss es chide obs 2 20 87 25 25 70.15 70.15 eee, 6. Be nastseeceorss 2 20 88 25 25 70.15 70.15 Pumter, 660 Fy. o6-04040 2 20 «689 25 25 70.15 70.15 _ FF eee 2 20 90 25 25 70.15 70.15 Mullin, APOUMUP .... 6. ee eeee 2 20 ot 25 25 70.15 70.15 Dumas, Joseph 8. ........> 2 20 92 25 25 70.15 70.15 Aiport, MSGR. 20th c'eveseé 2 20 93 34.20 34.20 95.97 95.97 Westenhaver, C. C. & J. D 2 av e4 34 34 95.41 05.41 Megerey, FOB. secseccsveces 2 20 95 25 25 70.15 70.15 dames, JOE GL: as cdsenesss 2 20 96 25 25 70.15 70.15 Westenhaver, J. D. ........ 2 20 97 25 25 70.15 70.415 Westenhaver, J. D. ........ 2 20 98 25 25 70.15 70.15 Duyn, Nick, & Hoogan, Frank 2 20 99 25 25 70.15 70.15 Demeem, G GC catbahesee coe 2 20 tov 25 25 70.15 70.15 G. T. P. D. wy GO, Wie cocee 2 20 tot 25 26 70.15 70.15 as. h & Co. we nen g 2 20 to2 25 25 70.15 70.15 Government Me B & 2 20 103 25 25 70.45 70.15 Gevernment of B. G ...... 2 20 104 25 25 70.15 70.15 Hansen, c. es ey Ss. & 9 os ten 9s . , McNaughton, B. .......+.- : 25 70.15 70. Clapp, Mrs. BM. BB. wcccseoes:s 2 20 106 25 25 70.15 ze 48 Beveridge, W. & N. ....... 2 20 «#107 30 30 84.17 84.17 Beveridge, W. & N. .)...:: 2 20 108 113.6% 88.21 947.52 247.52 Government of B, C. 2 20 «109 25 : 25 70.15 70.15 Government of B. C. 2 20 «#6110 25 25 70.15 70.45 Government of B. C, 2 20 iit 25 25 70,15 70.45 Government of B. C, 2 20 112 25 25 70.15 70.15 Government of B. C, 2 20 1138 25 25 70.15 70.15 Government of B. C. 2 20 114 25 25 70.15 70.15 Government Of B. GC. ...... 2 20 115 25 25 70.15 70.15 Government of B. G. ...... 2 90 116 25 5 70.15 70.15 Government of B. C. ...... 2 20 117 25 5 70.15 70.15 Government of B. C. ...... 2 0 118 25 5 70.15 70.15 Falconer, Duncan. 2 20 119 25 25 70.15 70.15 Hellman Eric ... 2 20 120 25 25 70.15 70.15 Zambetti, Joseph . - a 25 os 70.15 70.15 Gerak Farholo 2 20 122 25 25 70.45 70.15 Linnell, J. N 2 20 1423 25 25 70.15 70.15 Melsaac, J A. 2 20 124 25 25 70.15 70.15 MacViear, 1). J. 2 20 125 25.14 25.44 70.55 70.55 kerr, Peter B. 2 20 126 25 25 70.15 70.15 Gillies, Rodk. 2 20 127 25 25 70.15 70.45 Mckinnon, J ‘” 2 20 128 25 25 70.45 70.15 MeCubbin, John § 2 20 129 25 25 70.45 T0415 Engelland, John .... 2 20 130 25 25 70.15 70.15 Gottstein, Jacob B. . 25 25 70.15 70.45 Gottstein, Abe M. 2 90 132 25 25 T0145 T0415 Government of B. ©. 2 20 433 25 25 70.45 70.15 vovernment of B. ¢, 2 20 134 25 ob 70.15 70.15 Government of B. C, 2 20 ips 25 25 70.45 70.45 Government of B. C 2 20 «#196 25 on 70.45 70.45 Government of B. ¢, 8 90 137 25 25 70.15 70.45 Government of B. ¢ 2 20 #1398 25 25 70.45 70.15 Government of B, ¢, 2 20 130 25 25 70.45 70.45 Government of B. C 2 20 «6140 25 o5 70.15 70.15 Goverament of B.C. .. 2 we 25 2 70.15 70.15 Government of B. 6, 8 80 448 25 @5 70.15 70.45 Goverament of B. C. 2 20 143 25 Qn 70.45 70.45 Government of B, C, 2 20 144 25 @5 70.45 70.15 Government of B, C, 2 80 14h 25 Qn 70.15 70.15 Government of B. ¢. 2 20 646 25 5 70.45 70.15 Government of B. C 2 20 147 25 ‘ 70.45 70.15 Government of B. C 2 20 «#148 25 o6 70.45 70.45 Government of B. C. 2 20 149 25.46 25.46 Tt4a Ti.44 Government of B. C. 2 20 150 75 7.00 105.22 105.98 McLeod, John F. & M. R 2 12 26 717.04 88.49 108.86 108.96 Government of B. C 2 12 27 26 5 70.15 70.15 Government of B. C 2 2 8 28 25 5 70.45 70.15 Government of B. C ® 2 2 25 ‘ 70.15 70.15 Government of B. C, 2 2 30 25 26 70.15 70.45 Government of B. C 2 Pi a1 25 25 70.15 70.15 Government of B. C, 2 2 8638 26 26 70.15 70.15 Government of B. ¢. 2 2 28 25 5 70.15 70.45 Government of B. C ie 4 ‘ 5 70.15 70.45 emers, f ; i 2 ‘ 6 5 / 70.15 70.15 emers, BB ......, > ae. an 6 a5 70.15 «6-70.45 Demers, Numa ........ a a 17 ao ao 70,15 70,15 SALVATION ARMY AND 6 million free beds given to mer great evangelistic work ir notorious gamblers, would-be cides and generally down outs have been reclaimed started .afresh earried on 20,915 officers, cadets and ployees. Contributions fully received and by the “Daily News” local officer. The which thieves, 1s will be or by AFRICA AND AUSTRALIA New Zealand Cruiser in Touch by Wireless With Two Continents Sydney, N.S.W., April 25—The battle cruiser New Zealand while on her voyage between South Af- rica and Australia was simul- taneously in wireless communi- cation with the two continents. This is believed to be a record distance. Glassware, © vestne?. Wal- lace’s. 99tf Kilbane After Ritchie Los Angeles, April 26—Johnny Kilbane, featherweight cham- pion, declared today that if he is retu-ned a winner over Johnny Dundee in their fight April 29th at Vernon he wil! immediately is- sue a challenge to Billy Ritchie for a._match for the lightweight championship. ITS APPEAL FOR AID Compendium of the Position n Maintained by the Army in 69 Different Countries. a The officer in charwe of the | Salvation Army local corps ap- a peals to the publie for generous a assistance toward the support of a the annual appeal known x throughout the world as the a “Self-Denial Fund,’ which is de. a voted to the maintenance of the nl army, training of officers, social | and missionary operations i Following is a compendium of| J the position maintained by the nH army today: At work in 59 dif- n ferent copmiries and colonies: n Total number of social institu- tions, 996; 117 rescue homes for a the fallen Magdalenes; 23 ma.| ternity homes; 56 children’s| homes and creches; 102 free food nu depots and shelters; 146 hotels for working people; over 11 mil- lion free meals supplied and over and women during the past year; 459 day schools in heathen lands. drunkards, sui- and and by em- thank- acknowledged the ————————— ) Ae FERGUSON’S ‘P. & O”’ Liqueur Scotch Whisky TESTIMONIAL Dr. James O’Connor, Listowel, reports : “I feel it my duty to say that your whisky is one of the best whiskies I have ever tasted, and I may also say that I will recommend it as a stimulant in suitable cases.’’ Prince Rupert Importing Co., Limited BERR —DISTILLERS— ALEX. FERGUSON & CO. x x x a | z x z a a a nm a a a a a mn a mn a mn a a a a ml a a mg mn x x 108 West Regent Street, Glasgow x mg mn mg mg a PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. . a am The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. 1142 Pender Street West Subscribe For The Daily News “FROM HOME TO HO HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager _Excelient Cafe. Moderate Prices, Vancouver, B.C. Phone 8500. wi WATER NOTICE. For a License to Store or Pen Back Water. : i Notes =! gree that The Prince S upert dh = » of Prince Rupert, B. C. for & s ; 3 cense to store pen back 82,906 acre- 5 . ei = feet of water from River, @ stream z° 2 «8 a flowing in a westerly direc i 8s OS 35 21 of Water us.” Paritament Bulidings, io ae ;ega #8 35 3 eerte PRINCE RUPERT |BYDRO-BLEC- MeLeod, Lille Eo 2012222. ; is 86 88S 2 TRIC CY. L-TD, Applicant. Rochester, — So ten, «= 45 8 (8h kee OO Pub. Apr. 21, 1913-—-May 19, 1913. Roghester, H. B., & Monroe, .s ‘ 25 25 70.45 G.' Be Fenkoiccs ities he e* Rochester, H. B., & Monroe, 2 1% WATER NOTICE. SAGs teh oeaes s °° 25 70.15 70.15 ———— Rochester, H. B., & Monroe, ns . ss 25 70:15 roi, |Fore pee to Siore or oe —, Manipton, jis.’ ierBett Seeees Stee ver Gus Bain, Gordos .. 25 70.15 70.15 Bain, Gordon . - 2° +4 71s 46 aos ja 8 reser¥olr at, of aeid, uit ha Rodseth, | Byestuin i «6 8 25 70.15 70.15 | fapectty, built Hanson, O., & Johnson, a. 25 25 70-45 70.45 Y., oe Reece. 2. & Deees, $ is ts +4 38 70. 70.15 | Water Record gi ig uta @ notice McCullag' : $8 19 25 25 rot 70.15 of | ieee for a take McLaughlin ; Hse) 8s 25 SN BO By Ryley, Le ; ist 8 HH 70-18 70:18 | Gescribed as Lot 638, Range 5, Coast Boss, Barry ¢ , e 33 2 O18 tots Shee mentee was. pasted im Ge Ford, Lavina ¢ 3 .. 24 25 25 70.15 70.15 jon the 14th of April, 1913. os Ford, Lavina C 2 15 1 30 30 84.17 84.47 heaton ‘wilh be Mled’tm’ the e Beveridge, W. & | ; i 2 8 25 70:15 70-15 |Water ‘Recorder at Prince "Rupert, B.C Beveridge, W. & N. a. US 25 70.15 70.15 | Objections wi Crandell, Mrs, irene SS a 25 70.15 70.15 | Water Recorder or with the troller Crandell, Mrs. Irene oe as 25 25 70:15 70.15 Jof Water Rights, Parliament ‘Bulidings, Crandell, Mrs. Irene ....... 8 $7 @ 25 25 70.15 70.15 | Victoria, B.C. MeMordie, 8. P. ..... a RA ee 25 70.15 70.15 PRINCE RUPERT HYDRO-ELBCTRIC Besordie, &. P. . a 25 25 70:15 70.15 CO., LTD. licant. Motorde, &. 2. 7; 25 25 7018 | TOTS By A. W. Agnew, Agent, MeMordie, 8. P. a eee 25 7015 70.15 | Pub, Apr. 24, 1943—May 19," 1948. MeMordie, 8. P. 2 17 11 5 95 70 is 30:18 7 : ’ MeMordie, 8. P. a ae 95 70.15 70.15 petoree, BP. 5. ; * & 25 25 70.15 70.15 WATER NOTIOS. Shrubsa _ » . eneee 015 70.15 Shrubsall, H. BE. & R a a ae 25 25 7 15 For @ License to to Take” Water. McLeod, Wm, : , $8 3s 4 is. ae Notte is "hereby given Caupany "ihe the Prince McCormack, David 2 3 ‘7 25 95 70:18 70:15 Rupert vgro- ey ‘6; wh MeCormack, David EK i +. 3 98 70°45 coin |e Prince r PC. apply fo Couture, M:, & Letourneau, €. 2 17 19 35 26 70 15 70:45 license to e Couture, M., & Letourneau, C. 2 17 20 25 95 70:18 rois | water out of Fails River, whieh flows in a Couture ey A Letourneau, ¢ : 3 o 3. a. aor38 ve. 78 wostert ee ue qas. } utton re : . . : 7 22 25 26 70.15 70.15 ssall River about 18 miles from its Collard, ‘Alber 2 1 23 25 25 70.15 70.15 nae The water will Be diverted at / Collard, Albert N 94 $8 28 30:46 eis ee ® } Hamblin, Sydney 2 17 $8 38 HH 70-18 seit head of Falls, and wil . oS 7 s i Hamblin, Arthur 2 17 96 95 98 70:45 7018 ating electric puter yutposes toes 1 Government of B, C 2 17 97 HH 8 wo a8 cake described as Lot ’ Government of B. C 2 17 $8 os HH 4 +. os 4 trict, swe i at lll Government of B. © 2 17 ; 4 a 30.98 ? 48 Ts notice wae, posted 8 ean pe hE ewe 5 Ot: O15 |p WES Bled’ in’ the ‘eines of the ai Government of B. C. Pin 2 44 a : a2 ree ch a der at Prince KR t, B. ( Government of B. © 2 17? St 25 3° 8.38 zones abr oes ra re ne fed wit aS } ees ee § Pf RR Of ORR SS | teen oe ee Government o ‘ . " Government of B, C 2 19 1 25 25 70.15 70.15 eto Kights, Fartleaees Buildings, ri ae Se et 3 ie take SePhiNGE RUPERT HYDRO-BLECTRIC Government of B, C 2 19 3 25 4 70.15 70.15 LTD Abpucant : Government of . ce : 13 ‘ HH HH aa te ais ” By ew flovernment of é, . 8 ? § : A. Government of B. C, a 25 25 70.15 70.15 | Pub. Apr. 21, 1013 nay ta itd. MeCullagh, Martin 2 1° 7 25 25 70.15 70.15 E ——_—_—_—_—_= MeCullagh, Martin ae oe 3 tots)©6 fats. | «LAND PURCHASE NOTICES oung, eo. | : . . Younes, Geo. A 2 0 10 HA 25 70.15 70.15 Clapp, P. & ae 3 TO tk «TRIE. [Skeena Land District—Distries Clapp, FE 7 ae Hy 8 aes Take notice that Margaret Tracy, Robt. E , 10 ts 15 1 Prince Rupert, B Tracy, Robt, E 2 ze ss 70.15 70.15 | maker, intends’ to apply for MeMordie, Mrs. Edith , i@ 8616 25 2 70.15 70.15 purchase the following MeMordie, Mrs. Edith : 9 8616 30 30 84.18 84.18 Commencing at & MeEachern, Hugh : - 30 30 84.18 84.18 riheast corner of Lo 04. MeBachern, Hugh Q TT ee 30 30 84.18 84.18 Hane 5, thence east 20 ¢ ford, Arthur L 2 i9 1e 30 30 $4.18 84.18 [sou 20 chains, thence west Ford, Arthur L 2 19 8620 30 30 a4.i8 84.18 | thence north wy chains to piece of Hale dB Po HER HAR gee tat sini Us Davi : © 30 30 84.18 84.18 ¥ noanet 8. GRANT. ape, Davi Q 19 «684 30 3 84.18 84.18 penet o it bth, 4 me Gee Oe isis ie. se, 2 19 8 e798 7.98 275.84 2873.94 Apr. 91, 1013-—Jume 16, 1048,