x a , tT 4 THE DAILY NEWS — - Wed ; s \ : ——— {LOCAL NEWS ITEMS i i ir 66 | “The News” Classified Ads. || a Just a Post Card Upon which is Written “SEND ME y sil die gore OUR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE” i Jewellery Arm ee with 6 ; ° : da ’ a portation, and the ith the modern oaiie antl greatest } all communication umn aan” oem of almost foe ee = given us, it i ich the telepho instantaneous | — s, it is unneces ne and tel f ~—— jengineering or vex your vessary to worry Ov egraph has ret self with me » y over exorbil : morning after irned this goods. We are t ager assortments ant prices - week 9 er spending neds af Guar nanufacturers and oa of antiquated ' as, s in Vancouver a few ae ; on \ ton all goods at eer We sell to vou yo tony All our a 8 —— . deen Club are not ae ces prepaid, and ae ae We ship FIVE | —— “as rs. J. A. Kirkpatrick ey OUR CAT ory to the purchaser noney when goods FINE ~ 7 = city this morning ae Srererrroe \ATALOGUE IS i ——- eight months’ after a tes EIS A GREAT » | DIDN'T Wan SE W is’ trip to Ve wn Veereee , bd " nl . ane’ ‘ tee GIFT BUYERS. WRITE Re ag fO WEDDING | TROUBLE HIM ted een A innipeg and California yuver, We ha ee c * FOR IT T wy R points H] ODAY is — on erg I ‘ wede er STENOGOE Norm ‘ enr ; Arrested for Dru sition. Box 38, Belly Row: ALOON trac an MeLeod, railws 8. p IFS $ Last Night 4 nkenness ox 32, Dally News wants po NGERS ractor, arrived in t ay con , JEWE ons, imit d dred Doll ad Fifteen Hun- | ANTED A food gone ve ey morning on the Pr he city this G LLERS AND SIL e ars in Pocket. L Reade Ae te P| T. P. Steam rince George eo. E. Trorey, Managing Director VERSMITHS | It ero aay POSITION wanted . arene Brought er Prince George i 4 B : SLIE was prol 34, Daily Ne in office or store in La ; randt, of B | aut yably ¢ a News. tore, Box rge Cro ‘ , of Christia 5 VANCOUVER, B.C. for Jon Johnson 1 lucky thing | WOMAN wanted 101-6 | This Mor wd & Brandt, returned tl istinusen Real Est » Ade , sf son that Const ; work, led to do a few ning. from a shor 1s morning ate and ims arreste istable 100t morning onl few hours’ house eoconenaneme lort busine ng Insu - near the Em, ed him last night . y. ‘Phone Red 183.) The steam south ess trip to the 3 2¢ Panoe it aan sae ae ‘mpress Theatre. John WANTED= Women | pieced liar er Prince George ar ent of Local I , 10 is a Swede = poly Winds cook; good . | arp on time tk en ee is Avenue fron th mprovement, perm and hardly in ede, was drunk] WANTED jor Hotel. re jwith 97 saloor lis Morning Miss Lottie And ' ale 1 1e Grar 4 anent gradi . care : a condition al * —A | large aloon passengers couver, ¢ deraon, of Ve “enerrore Seventeenth Street to Trunk Reserve at aoe of Second a. of himself and espe ae al -T Pammore. servant. Apply Mrs. | a number of third « ~* > a iver, arrived on the ae Get te. , 0 » Cr » lar specia r nat i vg . ‘lass ¢ iworge ? ce * assessable frontag $0 al estimated cost g98.00 Creek to a large amount of mon y = soar l j neavy cargo of freight 5 ne th ge to spend a few n do ‘ eeeeees) », 38% ’ 35,000 T aonh ey he owing is ¢ : Fol e guest of . ionths age, $8.99523 ; 90.94 lineal f . Total 1 him. O ; a list of Mr. . ‘ eet. . . n his arr ee nti of the se ‘ he and Mrs Rate per foot front the police statio 7 : ival at For Sa engers: sloon pas len KE. De rt. that he-Wwas n it was found|@ e } F. T. Goler as carrying i” ee area i > ‘oleman, BE. T This morning ing over $1,500. |, EE P. Kelie, A. D j b E. Thompson,|, Mrs Arthur © Magistrate wd in police court FOR SAL e—fetrbeaks M ley, R. as ohnston, Mr. Mor.|'¥® children a suthbert and her ate of 85 and etm imposed a fine| frst an tat twelve ee enemy Magneson, Mis CG. W. Baker, H.|'#e this, me ies = on the Geo eect , costs. e : ‘ .-_n 8 Miss Ll, ° : : , iz te 83 § contractor and we Johnson is a Prince Rupert. Apply P. 0. Box peed. | J. Thompson - ottie Anderson band she made Vith her hus I oo 1ON 4 of ba . ras one of ae soir %, . . arence 4 "Ito : » an extensive - 8 : § E : 3 Pe : ai f ten leaving for Seattle a" - - John Warrick, I “s ae I a old homes in i caida a § Es 3 5 € >. - - and wife All ; ee tell mu upon sondon se — - ; vert Jes . arriving Lot 4 OCTION Andrews, Hen & 8 -é lclair, Mrs. © so, R. W. 8 their ret in Vaneor 23, 1 2 » ‘ ® - , mre, Ul tht Sin return here : iver ; . AuarewWs, nenes a 2 ‘4 : <& 26 > 224.88 " 265.36 —— 0 — ; ; secre of 7 i a 66.34 ; AD ne Hom oa .2 7 25 24.58 a MIR: F E ) Hebert, GA ie | + BR Bee st : ‘ —s : | mAL OF CANADIAN NAVY or President Wilson. Tre Connoisen : as. & 7 1 2 25 : 66.3 Set é | es i| Sin HM Susseres BG ie 8 BHaas oe 3 ij 3 52 §3 25. NG PRINCE RUPERT, ‘* ¢tter plain! The Pusuic . rt : ; 2 . 66 ——- yal > ; Brotherbood, w. oe 8 7 3° 25 Pt 224.88 66 33 aii MR i : z 8 ” Continue Preside niy directed t who nafural mer, P. oon 25 224.88 a = 3 rued fre > ent Ww want th Palmer, P Soa e eaikhl ¢ ; . a 5 25 ses-ee | (00.34 a A & £ ym Page 1 White I oodrow 3 Wil e best fs Stewart eae seeeeeee 2 : = 25 33 224.88 os 34 Koon, Claude © Be Bee |) — nn ; + e House, D. C.," wa eon, AGe. Purity . . ° 5 Pi ’ s ee eee —_——_—_——— > — -— i . , Aes as rece F Stewart, Thos. <<). : é 4 25 os 224.88 st Wet jamont, Mrs. dean “1+ 8 i . do —-—- | 1e trip to Ste wart Fas ig — -|\ he Whitehorse, Yuk received ae 6 ° . 6 . ear : 5 » . we P re ory os : , on Ter a ee a BORE seit esi 3} tte ot faa thie | pie ome a ~ Prinee| OFS post oie in” a. Tate ma UNSURPASSED ; , Mrs. C. B 6 4.88 Sater 4: ; “ i 4 > 25 83 78.8% 1 «Willis istmaster W ate mail Tima, Fred soteeee Py ; ’ 25 35 224.8 66.34 O° Sy gr e-em t i : 25 78.83 83 . itiam Jolliff : ilson ste DISTRIBI Stewart +: ens 2 6 i 25 25 294. 8 66.34 hobiuson, E. A. terrteee 2 ) 25 25 rt 78.83 | Falcon, of iffe and the its desting arted it for UTORS , 3. : 6 > 88 Weste w Ae peewee i ; 25 83 78.83 , of the o ve lation Pr . Tapesen, Ceri Said! ail 3 6 3 ze 4 s24-38 b+ 7 antes? o. ¥ os 3 : : + 25 recs 7803 service, were b _— ry protection going mail, ast - ant eek: oa came Co., Lid Gratton, oe em 6 14 25 25 ona ae 66.34 Clapp, Mrs. M. E.- one. 98 : 8 25 25 78.83 78.83 |side the G oven ied up along iNew Zeals e letter was fron INCE RUPERT ' Governme ifrid ... 6 15 5 25 sacee oaeat McLeod, Wm. ........ se ° 25 $6 78.84 78.83 e G. T. P. whe z fealand and s , ‘T, | / ; nt of B “+ 2 6 25 24.88 wat bee reeses es 25 83 78 Prince G . wharf as mail cler ome ht . G + ‘ 10 25 9 66 son, 43 ince Georg ne the . irre : ae, of, B mre 2 5 t 62.05 62.05 224.88 66.34 Hillier, Peay +4 ans ; oe rH 25 33 83 78.83 jeorge pulled ir he He moe rk had mistaken “W (1 | eeeeceosoers " ice oF 6 oo oe a — Seee sia, 6ssecs Sree Ce, eee m2 25 =. sn Cees were looking spick » and both| "OVS" for “White E wnie secorocececssecsiee i ao 8. C.. 20 3 34 wills Oo ee tos oe ses : 25 . 7 © 4 spic i e Horse,” G B. 5 43 4 270. er, G. : 2 8.83 ‘a . . and spe in e. Government 3 R ¢:: ; a ® 3 35 31488 11440 mull é. in, ae J., & Frost, . 7 25 - 76.58 78.83 ta ee Neweombe and io Male or B ae 7 25 ° 9 ier,’ G., Blair, i.; &' Frost o yked their . Op ne EE. & Seatae, Po 8 +4 25 224.88 $6 =. ey Blair, J., & Frost, ° wou 25 nee 78.83 |gild reir handsomest td ajestic Theatre. Ferguson, fap ise se F's ry sf 3 25 sosee 66 34 tulier, G., Blair, J.; & Frost, 2 q ‘1 96 78.83 7 ded uniforms in thelr! T “om Ford, La eae 2 9 25 25 secae | Seat By Be c's gas a Frost, 7 ed 25 7 Among those ’ he large ¢ i Ferguson, |W wa 4 2 20 7 25 a $3358 6 a4 willie, G., Biair, J., & Frost, 2 ‘500 os 78.83 73.83 |Pany the aaa invited to accom ljiestic Th e audiences at the Ma * $B HEaR ead daze [Millen 0. Bini . q me ‘ a - eatre . —_ rae o Serccng, 7 $6 sseiss ease Hillier, G., Blair, a mee © 28 47 25 ~ 40.48 10.09 | 2Utomobile tr r admiral on the) iver atre last night were Beugias. Hamilton 2 20 12 66.34 ir Camptell, Sarah teens — + 26 a Pattullo wer ip along with Mayor 1 a real treat in the oats of B. 2 20 13 25 25 Whyte M,. : 1 +9 95 76.83 |hig ere Judge Youn , line, when “CG pieture Building, | Government of B.C... ; 2 3 ss. 35 384.88 66.34 965 Whyte, aes: ee 25 78.83 ar Manson, M. P. P #, Wil-jism” and fonvieted by Hypnot ey wrnished for rooming Government o B.C... 2 15 25 25 294. 8 66.34 36 yte, H. M. oa 2 i 21 26 78.83 ain Fred 8 a . » and Cap : ane the “Ve . ' ot- 2, 16 rooms, ali rented; loce G of B. 20 «16 ; 25 4.88 66 265.36 | McMordie, M 7 2 5 7 Stork of the E¢ “ap- | Egypt" wer engeance © tio aoe st E c. 2 8 8 as 25 (384.88 oe, | seeus Government > t : 1 83 i iu.43 | Rifles. the Earl Grey| ‘catia were presented. Th Ms ae « pen proper equipment for 12 Baker, L. L.. 2 - &.. 18 25 ; 66.34 55.36 jovernment of BC. 2 24 25 78. Admi is to be e © m6- ° table border ti Raa ae 2 20 25 . 224.88 265.36 Governme » © 1 78.83 miral K tt complime 8. $800.00 cash hever, CC Westen. 19 5 25 224.8 66.34 26 G ent of B. ( 2 Ya 26 78.83 ingsmill is 1e high e mented on will handi Baker, L. L * 2 25 8 66.34 65.36 joverument of B : 2 26 25 78 on board the Pr stayin class progr e. This is a snap, but » . L. 20 224.88 265.36 | 2overnm » G i £8.83 e Prince G ying | Wednesds ogram For ° haver, Cc.’ 4 Westen- 20 25 66.34 2 © G ent of B. C ‘ i 27 25 78.83 in the e e George wh j resday and +r . or wher must sell at or Abbot, | o Gas 0 0s 08 , 25 65.36 jovernment of B. Ms 2 28 26 78. : e city. rile | Maje — ane Thursde t ce account of Ay bt. J. nan os 224.88 66.34 265.1 Government of B e 2 a 25 et! rte jestic announce ay the it health. Ground rent $25.00 per Se artes B | 25 +H 224.88 266.86 | Govermmens of B. ¢ 2 4 30 26 78.83 M paerenctees jthree reel fe: es the great month, lease Gordon, ver, 4 D. 2 90 23 25 25 994.88 66.34 265.36 aereesmnens of B.C. 2 +. 88 25 78.84 Mr. and Mrs. W , Stage T eature, “A Parisis ‘ expires March, 1916 Ford, Arthur L._ [2 90 8B 25 5384.88 Stee 208.38 Sutauen of 8. | ; 1-8 3 waa [Of Witnepegosis, M W. Hippsley | tional ragedy,”” the most | — By reasonable eter wenstes rews, Harry 2 20 25 é 224.88 ca 265.36 | aover : Cc 7 i : 78.83 |her Ss, Man onal sté st sensa- ao ae * 2 26 25 25 294. 6634 2 . of B. ¢ 2 + 34 25 78.83 ere some week , who were age picture Stewart, ‘Thos. .; & 2 25 $80 OSBabe aaaa 08.36 |pccn gemucl ¢: sk) 25 78.33 | pureb eeks ago, wh duced. It i ever pro- Stewart, bos 2 20 0=— 38 95 25 54-38 66.34 265.36 ——. Samuel . 2 4 36 26 78.8: pure rased land , len they ing tr s one of those Stewart. Thos. 20 29 ’ 25 4.88 66.3 265.36 eee, Louis 2 2 83 Terrace in the vie : ; ragedies thrill- -_— 2°38 25 224.88 34 965 Legge 2 i 5 78.83 ace, retur inity of 7 s, full of exe Beowart, ‘Thos. 2 30 25 25 22 66.34 36 Ip , Louis 2 2 2 45.05 78.8: urned to th : that hold excitement a . 2s at 25 $34.88 06.34 965.36 | Roneidson, Ht 2 oe a5 akee morning on 1e city this) tt ds one spelll ee ree. Teen, : 2 20 0«432 . 25 $24.88 60'34 265.36 pererement Cah hb ; : ; 3s et and | the Prince G irough, Tt pellbound all ieiacue nt of B. C : 20 33 $e 25 setae 66.34 265.36 pe rament of B.C 2 : 5 95 gees are spending 4 ieorge atre fir 1e@ sensational Beets artes 20034 = 25 oat 88 6634 $68.36 | Government of BC 2 . 6 25 8 83 |prior to ge a few days her re that is a par the- 7 Governme mt of B. C : 20 a5 os 25 gat a8 66 34 265.36 Government of BC 2 ; + 95 83 ; oing to Terr: ’ re\is a sigt a part of the stor 4 ete f 24.88 265.36 jovernme ¢ 2 78.83 side. rrace ¢ zht to be vr ory Sorerenens of B. C 2 0 36 25 25 2 66.34 Gc nent of B. ¢ 2 2 « 26 73.8 Oo re-| 18 ye remember Governm at or B. ¢ 2 20 «37 HH 25 $34.88 66.34 265.36 Government of B.C 2 x ° 25 ye-20 a true picture ered, It ores of BC ; 200« 438 25 25 $24.88 6634 265.36 Government ree 3 2, 8 $3 ; = life and e of Parisian stag O eens of B.C 20 «39 25 25 224.88 66.34 965.36 | covernment of B 2 14 25 F id a woman’ age nt of o. 2 20 25 224.88 265.36 jovernme ‘ 2 a a an’s love en ke!) 8 40 25 25 888 6634 265.36 | Mocle sons of 8, ¢ oe ae 35 _—e Governme of B.C 2 eo 6 5 25 $34 88 66.34 265 36 enone. A. R : 2 q 13 25 3 - eee # ™ o.. 8 20 648 ; 25 4.88 66.34 o50e lees? po seeeewees 2 a, 44 25 : oe. ¢. ¢ 200«(43 25 on 22488 66.3 265.36 aie sot ete 2 i FS Wéscenhaver ecg? 1 M4 r 25 BARR 8 $4 205-36 IHamilton, ‘ : - is 3 ASK _FOR COMPLE Lots 18, 19 and 20; Block 20, Se Pow s. 5 8 5 $4 965.36 Hamilton, s 17 25 T Beatty " oe 25 5.36 on, HH. 2 E : petted, 4g oe 8S ee fom webu eh He ae # LITERATURE AND tion 8, Eleventh Avenue eatty, A. C 2 2 224 . Gove nristina Rear 3? 5 3 25 ., Did 0 ‘ 88 jovernment of B. €. ...... 25 nen MeMeekiti Dick, J : 46 2s oi ; 66.34 265.36 Government ¢ :: & 3 . f 25 33 PHOTOGRAPH | bi ye - € —[—E Beveridge, Win. & Neliie 3 aH an : 24.88 66.34 265.36 Government of B. ¢. ; 3 § ae 25 S OF chalupka, R Nellie 2 ° 25 5 224.88 265.36 | Gover of B. C. 3 7 25 Sasilee’ 6 udolph. . 2 2 49 95 25 9294 66.94 7 6 nment of B. ¢. 2 8 25 2 e ee ; 88 265.36 overnme - & 3 25 5 M , & Kreutz 20 «50 ; o.CRaaan «S228 = 08 ae, eS os 25 Albert, M 2 ’ 25 seeSe. 98-86 Zonte White’ Reid A ” 2 i 25 25 each oiieken’” 2 ‘ 2 20 Bt 25 88 6634 : 55.36 Whi e, Reld A , 2 5 1 25 2 co & 4 20 «52 : 25 65.26 [wre Bela A 2 25 1- Campebit, John 5 fe te a8 eee White, Meld A ; Bee 25 38 3 cash, 6, 12 and 18 months Coate John 200 «BA 25 488 66.3 65.36 perts, G. A ° 28 Weigh Fdith 3 20 55 26 95 224.88 as ys 265.36 paperta, EM 9 ; ia oa 28 Robins? n AE % so 686 as 25 5 HY 66.34 3° a6 ponerse, EmMe 2 3 6416 35 $s . Robinson, FA rhe R OR Be Be seb ae [Metaes We 3 RR ri 9 aewve Harrison, Gamble & Compal) Stewart, The 2 20 25 . 22:88 a4 265.36 cRae, H. F . 38 2 25 n . Stewart. Thos 2 ee ; 25 (994 66.34 265.36 | pee : 2 ; 25 ce ’ fo sah hos 20 «40 25 5 2488 64 265.36 mis, W. 6. : 25 upe . : Cheveticn, rai: °:° 0 OR RAR Ghat tua te Broderies. deo Lae a rts peanicsal A Cout Chas. A 20 «68 o3 25 e488 4082 Ganka ia nedy, Elizabeth oe 25 n . ; foumre, Ghee Ao BBR Oe OR ARR Bhs Sets Calder, oul Vi ae ee ustrial A Third Ave. Prince Rupet Cohen, M . 2 a8 a3 20 38 saves os a eat se io A ", G., Blair, J, & Prost 2 4 24 35 25 nnex Shirley, John 2 20 35 a5 269.87 6 268.84 Mier, G., BI 25 — pelirimitn a 66 ‘0 . 414.85 7e.0i 918.44 Banned is of" A ees © a «9 95 te This industrial ad ar wou’ gas ape HEE [flwornmemt of Bf 2 2 mR itis ah erotica tae EF ager, 4 458 ‘3 fee oS ‘ i 26 entir vortunity » Hupert e . Ferguson, W., Donal 2 2 68 77 (196.94 641,96 Government orm. & .) $s 26 itire great Norther y is greatest. Prine omes now at son oat. ee 25.54 oiks H pracesnens hy c 2 4 5 25 26 eve of a tr ern British € ice Rupert and t . : 25.54 2290.76 oomepene: 2 & Gamer. Oo oe 25 $6 remend solumbia ¢ he Scheinman, N at i av.ty oven tenee ma A, & Meler, G : . 98 25 ably d us moveme a country are stein, A Gutt 9 25 Hamilton, A 2. ee : a8 uring the nt. Value y are on the Scheinman & Sine. ie a s 96 eo4ane Hamilton gq 2 ‘ 7 + 2a lowing. present year ies will go up mt . A & tuck.) ? ot 25 $6.34 265.96 money Geo. A ; : ° 28 96 Port Edward and the years > remark warns Nit POE treat tenn arene (ein: fe & Pee See to buy, went Year and the yours immediaiely fol- ff} "Cove Lot on 8 Videck, M rs Edith. 2 72 : 25 2 265.86 | MeNicholl, eo, A 9 ; a8 now. Th Videw att 0 6267 25 24.88 as ‘Nicholl, Ge 9 on his is . Cove Cirel Camersn Nod a gatas ese setae tail yee A: [Fruaiee) fo SRR it yee . us ‘ se 15 96 , stee e.% * Scheinman, ' 2 20 bs a5 33 204 88 66.34 945 = Pattullo T eS . ’ ‘x + 28 Cali On or W San La enn - «+ haat o5 ae o8408 44 * 2468 94 Cameron. hod ; 4 on on rite To ¥, Vernon & Conds . oe 677 a6 e488 66 3 965.96 Restgmerer C. 6. & J ’ ; 4 59.51 é 8 - = 7.00 bese Seine oo ‘ Rceocament ‘hor wu ? FF He 47.2 66.54 mt Agreemen 6 60406 17848) Tikes ouny. i novernment is Half Cash, wt 6 and 18 : 0. W Rallw ) aterfront ay nm 9n.%4 ze ) Third Aven 9 months 24te ; ue / : s — Opposite Post om aden V0., Real : thiols and Ipsurance