Linie fg “Vive ===] THE DAILY NE vf a] f° mm = ————— wo, 10 PRINGE RUPERT, B. C., TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1943, PRICE FIVE CENTS mn ns Vv ol NN —- —_——_—_—_———_ ING NICHOLAS OF MONTENEGRO TO ABDICATE NEW gw WIRELESS BETWEEN CANADA AND ENGLAND—DUCHESS OF CONNAUGHT RECOVERING PREPARATIONS FOR THE CAMPAIGN FOR FREE mmm ANOTHER JAPANESE | MAN'S BODY FOUND FLOATING SPEECH ENDS IN RIOT WAR SCARE NOW ON ISSUING OF CITY DEBENTURES oe nor ove ar ine sear | (S208! PO“) Tapas orate agains teow LN THE HARBOR THIS MORNING London, May 6.—The in- with Kier Hardie, the Social- formation comes from Con- fornia Alien Land Act Being | of DEBENTURES TO BE CONVERTED INTO INSCRIBED let Leader. 18 stantinople on what is re- Delayed. [WAS SEEN AFTER ELEVEN O'CLOCK LAST NIGHT—MARINER’S - sTock SO THAT ANY CITIZEN MAY COME IN 12 garded as unquestionable CERTIFICATE IDENTIFIES THE REMAINS—HAS - AS A PURCHASER. Special to The Daily News. authority that King Nicholas Cpesiel, Er ane Dany mews. BROTHER AT ALIFORD BAY. } nnn ious 6a — ras _ May 5. s un- - | , ay he eae of Montenegro will abdicate Washington, May 5 it is un a ere again!for the financir ‘ the deben.|SPeech campaign in Trafalgar | i$ his throne very soon, and, derstood that Japan’s protest While coming in from Digby|Scotland, in 1869, and had been Squar has ended in ae —riot.| "e a » alie 1 le . : ; ight for) ‘ures a in fact, is making prepara- ee = a om — ee rn Island in a launch shortly after skipper of fishing vessels in the Alderma tullock ebster| Among the speakers was “Fight- tions to that end. It is be- aliiornia Wi ye Geimyea pend- old country. thought it mistake putting \, ng” Jor Martin the Canadian lieved this will much sim- se the arrival back - the capi. |e tg. ae aT eam ome For the last week or so de- through the b v converting de. | ZONS!derable Rghting look place plify the perplexing situa- tal of Hon. W. J. Bryan. jKohrt noticed the body of @ MAN! ..ased had been employed as a d for con-|bentures to stock, as that| Many arrests were made. Order] tion as to Soutari. Japan's order for new ships is|floating face downward just)/deck hand on the trawler James debentures|should be for another meeting. }¥8% "estored only when Kier regarded here as signifi@ant. The) apreast of the G. T. P. coal|Carruthers and had given up his ro: jaune ii: cimebe cold M16 bat mean | 4 andi > Soe a oe re. saan cake anit aia ceded wKarf. Having several children job only yesterday. He was seen is ae : juester 1 crowds to disperse, ‘ ‘ OF Ss are 0 ze secret > ‘cloe i j change} po oa a * ‘ ' th a bes . ald which they reluctantly did . sessions here, {with hice on Coyle Way te Sere ge Ate ‘bit be, ces : jhe proceeded to his usual land- ee vata aa fallen off one of the wharves. city would ; : b en : uu be protected in having it on haad ing place and immediately notified | ; ‘ “sivek tebe Anyone could come in and buy | GAMBLING CHARGE NEW WIRELESS SYSTEM ihe police. Constable Bailey and] TM remains were taken to Hay- ai ©-\the stock while in debentures you Prov 3 Conste li , : ’ rtain fixed) had a certain fixed amount that AGAINST HOTEL MAN ADOPTED AT OTTAWA oes ites : oe ‘io bea Deceased has a brother, Jo- iken up by|you were bound to take up. At Northwestern League. stntpionannte lbut when Captain Kohrt took|%?™ et Aliford Bay in the em- ‘bed stoek (he meeting on Wednesday even-|Gase Against Proprietor of Grand) Vancouver 8, Spokane 3 Claimed That It Is Less Costly to! them (o the spot where it had|P!0¥ of the B. C. Fisheries, and a or mM @MyY) ing the whole of the issue author Hotel Adjourned Until Seattle 4, Portland. 2. Operate and Will Reduce | been the body could not be wife and two children in the old me could) ized for the different works of the Thursday. Victoria 2, Tacoma 3. Rates. jfound. In ‘the meantime some country. It would re-leity and which had 1 et been sil — | Indians had discovered the body oe a ee ty whether | disp. sed of coult Naced in The proprietor of the Grand Nationa! League. Special to The Daily News. jand had towed it in to shore. A Notice to Odd Fellows. ck or de-j such condition t e immedi-|Hotel appeared in police court Brooklyn 3, Boston 2. Ottawa, May 6.—Hon. Louis p. lansntia’ search of the man’s Every Odd Fellow is earnestly d do 80 a8 /ately offered as debentur or in-jthis morning to answer to a New York 3, Philadelphia 6. Pelletier, the postmaster general,| clothing revealed a mariner’s cer-|requested to attend the regular ! nter charge of keeping a gambling American League. announced in the house of com-|tificate giving the name of the|meeting tonight, when the initi- passed/4% or 5 pet at might be} house As the charge was only Philadelphia 8, New York 1 mons yeSterday the details of an|unfortunate as William Hum-|ation will be exemplified. iges, the | decided on when the qlaci of} laiv terday the accused was Washinwion 5 Reston 8 important new arrangement that|phrey. According to this certifi- jurnment until is had been effected with a British}ecate, the deceased was born at} ‘“Nature’s Queen.” Thursday, ne, at The cour the djourned t hursday morning. syndicate to provide for a thor-|Portgordon, county of Banff,| May 8th. 104-8 given)Wednesday evening Wo three drunks were ¢ LITTLE MONTENEGRO oughly up-to-date wireless sery- , e usual fine ice between Canada and Great ; ; ; RG ; diiemaudtabens a HAS HAD TO SUBMIT Britain that would bring with it : MVINCIAL REPR ENTATIVE’ ures Queen tickets 25c, atti great reductions in the ‘ost of P it MeColl & Robertson's grocery. New King of Al- working and rates within a year Believed that g the pet the deben- lec al meet. | the . ‘ wi em rrange ! Lex n adj« FOOTBALL TONIGHT ‘i “CADS AND COWARDS FACTION IS QUESTIONED! “"scccsesowame | BE noe AND IN IMPROVING LIVE STOCK : ; Special to The Daily News. ot Gham WILL PLACE PURE BRED SIRES IN DISTRICTS WHERE THEY rrested While A - WULLOCK-WEBSTER WANTED TO KNOW IF HE MADE Callies and Thisties Will Try) hi. May 5—The assassina- a woes ating os tyes. ARE LACKING AND IN REMOTE PLACES. M PROTEST AGAINST THE LOCAL IMPROVEMENT Their Ceenee. tion of the Albanian provisional a, STATUTE at 7 y ht the Calli minister of works and minister Ottawa, Ont., May 2.—The de-| market will be increased, not only 7 o'ecloe igh e Callies . _ , . = ton of justice is reported in despat- (Special to The Daily News. lpartment of agriculture, under|directly,; but also indirectly, ches From Drindies. London, May 6.—In the « urse | the direction of Hon. Martin Bur- through the emphasis placed 8 i an It is believed that no conces- ae sceitadiiie o; 0 mactinn ot eal. ae eatrennhs: hk upon the value of pure bred sires. — p before | at m ght be decided later Any t* B a oe om - Me sions are being asked by Mon- H le P; - : Se ce ie Mis } + It is not the intention to place ‘id B |that he could do was to draw the} ?™ Ferguson “e a “ rf ©-ltenegro for evacuating Scutari. o_o os corne! a" en iSS\important work for the advance-|these animals in districts where ld. Bul-lijviaw in the specific form ealled} Lean, Stewart, Lamb (reserve)./pn. Montenegrins bave decided| ‘ina Boyle got so far as to de-| ment of the live stock industry of| suitable male animals of the same exception tolfor by the law Phisties—J. Kelly, Nicol, Murray,|:., evacuate at the request of the/°!@re the British government was| Canada, and plans have been ap-|cjass are already privately es which| Ald. McCaffery said that a | Abbott, J. H, Kelly, Robertson, J. Powete. wholly composed of cads and | proved which, it is believed will] owned. ens Glen |cording wage stepneetation of| M nro, oe eee (to i had been thought that Es- soeset mare _ a ip pres tend to remove the difficulties The aim is rather to aid see- sds iii: | the iileeie the’ eounell had od o = . r olmberg will act @8/.44 pasha, who after leaving eee r and broke up the j that have formerly stood in the tions where purebred sires are done by day | option in the matter other than|’"'"' Scutari assumed the anne &. ae pie Fine naa lacking and, as well, ” Gnonenegis ito have the work done by con- of Albania, as an influential Al- nany parts 4 , -/new communities in following a in the | trae t AN Carers ACCIDENT banian with 8 strong toting A GOOD CATCH lars oe — — a pe and intelligent system in » prestige of a gallé - Ue, . a ° . ‘hwith make} “De you mean to tell me,” ask-| Kenny Earsman Cut His Foot with a res meen as aaa Zibassa Brought in 77,000 Pounds) (ribution of pure bred stock for sepge «s and saa jee AIG, Bulleck-Wedster, “that an Axe While on a Fishing acceptable to Albanians than a of Halibut on Sunday. breeding purposes. WILL SELL LUMBER. such infor-| we have a representative at Vic- Srpesities. foreign prince, and that if allow- — | It has been decided that the olin ccessary for | teria, a man whom we pay, who — ed to retain his self-chosen post,| The Zibassa, of the Canadian|department of agriculture’ shall|gome Held by the City to Be Dis- tract for the would allow this kind of a thing While on a fishing expedition he might be inclined to make Fish and Cold Storage fleet, ar-| purchase well bred animals, these posed of Because It Is De- |to go through? oe nobody en-/up the Skeena on Sunday, Kenny territorial concessions whic h|rived Sunday with 77,000 po sunds|to remain the property of the preciating in Value. d clerk are ter any protest? Earsman chad the misfortune tofu compensate Montenegro of halibut. This is reported to|government, but to be placed in At the council meeting last ntraects for To this city solicitor Petersjcut his foot with an axe while for the loss of Scutari-and satis-|be the largest catch ever brought} the hands of such local organiza-| night Alderman MeCaffery, chair- said works|replied that he had written to|splitting kindling for a camp fire, fy European claims. in here with a six dory boat. I tions as agree to be responsible|man of the board of works, rec- 1 into with! Vietoria urging that the passing Fortunately he was not alone and ——— for their proper maintenance and ommended that some of the lum- ns, firm orlof the statute be delayed and|prompt aid was rendered rhe Everybody should see the chil- Duchess Recovering. management, under the general | ber belonging to the city now the ap-| Mayor Pattullo added that he hadjaceident will necessitate his lay- dren at the Westholme on May supervision of the officers of the piled up on Market place be sold. to be de-|asked the city solicitor to take |jng up for a few days. Mr. Ears-|¢in Admission 50c. Reserved (Special to The Daily News.) live stock branch. Alderman Bullock - Webster, | this action He had himself|man is a well known local base-| eats at Orme’s. 104-6 London, May 6.—The Duchess All the animals distributed will) with surprise in his tone, asked ter asked i¢|Wired to Mr. Manson at Victoria ball player, being one of the of Connaught’is now reported as|be bought, if possible, from home/|why this was recommended. that all the |Urs sing that the matter be delay-| Brotherhood Cubs, YORK COURT AND slowly improving and hopes are|breeders, and will be Canadian} Alderman McCaffery said that under con.|@d for another year ee ee NEW now entertained for her ultimate | bred. the lumber was decreasing in The city solicitor would not THE WEATHER. PRIVY COUNCIL DIFFER recovery. As far as possible they will be|value and for that reason the said he had|say off hand the work had to be a canceneocerenenaegpienapeeibnesestitinis purchased in the province in| board thought it advisable that it bylaw in ae.|done- by contract That point The weather report at 5 o'clock -_-_- City Reading Room which they are placed. In this|should be sold. il improve. | could be carefully gone intOlthis morning read: Barometer, Whether Railway Employee Can Thé-city purehasing’ agent ‘last way Canadian breeders will re- The recommendation was ap- Release Employer of Lia- Bony pulenqene 4 i nsive ‘encoureme i the ; night reported to the council re-|°°'* encouragement anc reir) proved. garding the estimated cost of the \s to whe. | bylaw passed its second reading ————_—_—_—__-— ow 4 7" furniture required for the city for several month l Presi Bea ace. Albany, N. Y., May 3.—The leg- : a ; ANAMA ( ANAL OLLS sev nths unless Presi- Weten.apr om Cine. ality a an agreement by a rail- reading room. The lowest ten- P T dent Wilson chooses to exert his E FERRY four who made the flight. In all rhe board of works reported] ,oaq employee under wintath. the der received was ae of he Bash QUESTION POSTPONED influence to have it reopened, ; . ee . . . ia and Door Factory, , and cqcticaiiicianiallitaatisiahiaaia the passengers weighed 680 Ibs.|to the couneil last night reecom- voluntarily joins a relief asso- } i ’ ACR 7 , z t ’ , this was accepted by the coun- oe 7 : The Martin hydroplane will be]mending that a six ineh main be |ojation whereby, in consideration . vies Sen Pantorium Pioneer Gleaners. COOS BAY the first to establish a regluar|laid on Beach place at a cost of ae mr cil. Sy Te m to One Veto the “| Phone 4, of the benefiis accruing to him, across a consid-| $715, exclusive of the cost of the] naer such agreement he re- se ate Committee Puts Over Sub- ee Bonfire for Empire Day. ject Until December. —_—— the grad-|ther dav labor might o might|and the Thistles will meet in a Fulton St.) not be employed was something friendly game of football. Cal- by the Leg. | later. 30.235; maximum temperature, He had no! After this brief discussion the|53; minimum temperature, 42. bility for Accident ferry business arshfield, Ore., erable stretch of water pipe which is on hand, The P| leases his liability for accident, ‘easure of council adepted the .report and was upheld by the Court of Ap-| A® application was read at the instructed the eity engineer tol,.oj. = hie : council meeting last night from Washington, May 1.---By a vote PROGRAMME FOR RENT. peals yesterday . 7 Nh S-room modern flat furnished, | )!0' eed with the work. The Privy Council in England, the Overseas Club for permission|of thirteen to one the Senate ; — Ang on 3rd Ave. at 9th St.; $45 per reversing the Canadian Supreme to have a bonfire on the street on|canal committee decided today to Children s Concert eles wy ‘ le “* " ‘ Os Pins ok _ » peg - > Passo; ' )—Careying | menth. Two 4-room cottages, Cemetery Caretaker Selected. (Court, held that such an agree- ay prin oo Bullock-|put over to the eens Ser To Be Held in the vag 1 remy . Out of the twelve applicants|me ade » Gr » . ebster movet iat permission }session of Congress all questions oy remaining near schoo! house, in Section 6;| Ou ve applica nent made by the Grand Trunk ha mien tk heen: te eel ed Semnesn tanaka ion WESTHOLME THEATRE H. G. Helgerson, | for the position of caretaker of|Railway Company with its em-|"° & . I of Panama Canal toils, nehding wll 1 minutes, | $16 per month. WH. 9 "| ; Hill inn: tien eee € the ae ON TUESDAY EVENING lis) boa Beech, | btd 106.8 ithe cemetery the city engineer! ployees, was invalid, being op-|'!) Under the Girection © ne}the Senator Root amendment to At ® aClock’ led ' “ reported last night that he had|posed to public policy. fire department and the city en-|yepeal the free passage provision 1. Overture-—Caliph of Bagdad’ : . a : rineer, é this as carr of » Bes : Westholme Orchestra Mei. d. Affida. France Has Large Deficit. {selected BE. G. Osborne, who was LL gineer, and this was carried. f the Panama Canal toll act, Dumb Bell Exercises. : 2 - » report for duty today. The re. “Nature’s QOueen.” Salvat - Senator Brundege voted against it, 3%. “Spring Serenade”.. .Lacombe the prog erday, mak Paris, May 2.——A defleit of $40,-)°° FF : . . sature wueen Salvation yestholme Orchestra ‘ d . one aan i bite feature of the }port was adopted by the council.|Army Citadel Thursday. 104.8 Resolution of Condolence. Before the vote was taken sen. ‘ Flag Drill. Hach |) ; At a meeting of St ators pointed out that the Demo. . Summer Rape. i. eriean pas. I j I — Andrew's * ouing. John Maroy eas ‘ which »| Franc re oO 013 n or —— ——— ’ | Westholme Ore stra ™ the} French budget for | Land for Empire Defenders. Society last night a resolution of|crats were committed to tariff 6. Reettation——“The Walrus Mm, ang built by| der to meet the additions to arma the Carpenter”. Lewis © Sydney, N. 8. W., May 2.-—-The condolence with Robert A, Stalk jand curreney legislation at the Miss Satherike Pillabary Masters t fey ised as an ' vill be necessary for " -. | . Conk — - nts, . ; P ¢900.000.000 in\defence department has under BASEB | I jer, who was one of the first mem-jextra session and that they would Jack Naden INTERVAL Shockley , “ 4ay.i branee to borroy . } ‘ » ‘i o o Mane 4) : ‘1g, of Port. 14044 consideration a scheme for grant- bers of the society, was unani-| have enough to do to legislate on 7: Belection--""Fhe Apendions’’. y Purchasers . ing tracts of land in the northern Meeting TONIGHT in mously passed, ineluding expres-|these subjects, The overwhelm. Teer Uxeretaea. Orchestra a , * , > | i ‘ Swedish Exerc May wm Coorwe King Notice te vy to bushmen and others .oe Se ‘acoeptan jsions of regard for the late Mrs,|ing vole by which the committee Eutracie-— ote rena \ . 5 le se ay _ ‘CL as ferry The Pony Express has moved oo “one for the Empire. ha Stalker, agreed to the Motion was taken up seienthoume 08 hy : ; 2 ee . ME ie Sn Sag eee “ o indicate th ere would be “Oc bo and aviators!ite office and barn to the corner — “ : io ind that there ild od Save the and ' ° 7 oa’ & , . r S ‘ 9 o act net | ti “ Martin were the of 3rdé and McBride. 102-7| Ladies’ Suits, Wallace's, o9tf 3; Wallpaper, Wallace's 99tf|no action on the tolls question