THE DAILY NEWs THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico Daily, 50¢ per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. $2.00 per year. All Other Countries: Daily, $8.00 pei Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance, year TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch rates on application. HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98 BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 Bast 23rd St., New York City. Seattle—Puget Sound News Co London, England—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Weekly, Oontkact i In the Letter Box . AGAINST THE CLOSURE. ro the Editor of the Daily News Please give your paper to protest against the the have choked off oppositions have deprived the Sir: me space in way Tories the opposition of the freedom 0 speech, It seems to me like bie man choking a /ittle one into submission. Even if closure were necessary this is not the time to lintroduce it, It is not ordinary} pugilistic fair play to amend the} rules of the fight when the fight] is on, and especially when s | done by the strong flahte jobtain an advantage over the | weaker. | Granting the closure had been ; granted after wise deliberation, rafalgar Square. " Trafalgar Sq it should not be used in passing —_——=— = = ——= imperial legislation The naval DAILY EDITION yao Tuesday, May 6, 1913.{bill ought to mean thirty-five Se la siiiien ir saieeemesiiteenliniiadiilh ini millions plus loyalty plus a | he people's enthusiasm, plus Can- ALWAYS OPPOSED opposition, has declared that Site hawt wih clesere the TO FREE SPEECH Canada shall not eontribute and thiste fe m will be only . Me five i ‘ | has challenged Mr. Borden to} ; ; ‘leverly pointed out re- lthe gift of a golden salver rr “b “th ancouver Sun go to the people. If he did so si yty ‘ently by e ancouver & ; ; : e T ism in Canada has usu he would only be implement- 3 ly hihe made 1 tician rvism anadé as us n n iihe made politicians = Sie” eeabead’. oO ‘ . e ifare o » un this, since they burned the position Phe merits of the the government fell into the parliament buildings in Mon- closure have nothing to G0 Inands of dishonest men the clo- treal, rotten egged a governor} With the present situation.) i. would be an ideal tool to de- 7 The . 3 t owers ¢ general in Toronto, gagged the The fact is that R , and molish the country’s credit by de- legislature of Upper Canada in Borden are oe to a pleting its treasury, and would ‘ the throat of Canada aj} ‘rests the family down we ¢ eayy burdet upon the cr eee Se ~ ' policy of contribution : 2 % ; : compact, the clergy reserves : country’s future A better way and the privileged office hold- rhe function of the opposi- would be to go to the country and ers, since they expelled, illeg- tion, that of compelling the }iet the people say if we will give ally and by false charges, their government to seek the ap- ith rivafive millions or not, and principal critie in 1836, Wil- proval of obviously obnoxious |ihen no opposition dare block the liam Lyon Mackenzie, and legislation, has been cut off by | will of the people. But, knowing wrecked his newspaper office brute force. The opposition is|Rogers for twenty-five years as from those days down to the to be choked into submission | wel} as I do I know he will not present the Tory party has and Canada willy-nilly is to be|;are a gambler’s chance on that been the party of gag, the compelled to pay tribute to the| iy, jc too foxv to let go of his enemy of free speech, the op- English admira'ty. jmeal ticket. This is in line with ponent of free institutions It But there is ancther phasel/the old tricks of the empty din- is the history of Toryism in of the situation yet to be de-jner pail party Party. must get England and Canadh Tory- veloped The Senate may/jn and stay in is their motto. ism has always been a syno- throw out the naval bill The A. H. McPHERSON nym of force overruling or ig- Senate is part of the parlia- Prince Rupert, May 5th. nering popular opinion when- ment of Canada. If the Senate tepamenembeenicepemammypescinmmmngmacnte ever it had the upper hand. refuses to ailow the bill, will LARGE RAILWAY HOTEL In 1910 when Mr. Borden Mr. Borden then go to the| was asked what his attitude on country? FOR CITY OF REGINA naval defence would be if his —_s “a : arty were returned to power, anaes ol * ale tt 20 nid be t eid oa LAURIER AND BORDEN Grand Trunk Pacific to Build e 82 i ould be to s ie eertain if there was hdl POLICIES COMPARED. One on Same Lines as the need of aid by Canada and if The Borden policy is a pol- Chateau Laurier there were he would then ask iey of contribution rhe x ; parliament for the necessary| Laurier policy is a policy of a Winnipeg, May 1—Th« how money, and if parliament re- Canadian naval service act for the erection of the fr ; rplendid new hotel of the Grand ised the money he would then! eo 5 : _ 'Trunk Pacific in the city of Re- go to the country In that) The Borden policy means ; an i: Me é : 5 gina has been le e tender of statement he foreshadowed his| centralization without ntrol pte ee : le ad bas ‘ oni ithe Lyall Mitchell Company, Ltd desired to base his policy upon rhe Laurier policy means co- an emergency He produced} operation with contro! his emergency and it has/ iii ditty fizzled out. The Borden policy ignores Still he is determined to} the people. The Laurier policy earry ou his contribution recognizes the right of the policy. Parliament, through its} electorate to be consulted. ra i FRED STORK’S HARDWARE Established 1908 Eee Carpenters’ Tools Wire Cable Iron Pipe Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery Steel Blocks Fishing Tackle Rifles & Shotguns Ammunition Paint Corrugated Iron Pipe Fittings Rope Valves Pumps Hose Stoves & Ranges Rubberoid Roofing “We Sell Nothing But the Best” Read The Daily News eee Ee was accepted and the work will be done by this Canadian firm The structure will be of cut stone. The architects are Rose & Macdonald, of Montreal. The plans show a very fine building, corresponding closely to the Chateau Laurier, Ottawa, and the Fort Garry, of this city. The edi- fice will be an the capital city of Saskatchewan and will be of great value to pany in connection transportation business ornament to the com- with its “Count” Once Counted Out. Old time Yukoners are not sur- prised that “Count Charles Eugene Carbonneau is at last in the toils of the law, he having been recentiy arrested in Paris on the charge of selling fictitious bonds which are said to repre- sent imaginary railroads in Mex. ico. Carbonneau had a spectacu- lar career in Dawson in the early days when he secured consider- able property by marrying Miss Belinda Mulrooney, who retired him from consciousness for sev. eral minutes once on Gold Run iby swatting him ja scantling on the head with Children’s dresses Wallace's. 99tf i THE DAILY NEWS TERRACE STARTING UP A PROGRESS CLUB | Stock to Build a Public Mall Sub- scribed by Its Enterprising Merchants A large concourse of citizens} met at Terrace on the 26th nat. jto put into effect a growing sen- timent for combined effort to bring before the public the ad. | vantages and superiority of this! place as a town and the centre of} the finest agricultural land in B ( The meeting resolved int | what is now known as the Ter- race Progress Club, and the first business transacted was the | floating of stock necessary to} erect a hall, of which the wn is] in great need, to accommodate | the various institut s and or. ganizations there The stock was eagerly bought up Dy those present and other leading mer- chants of the place who were not able to attend. The hall, a 30 x 50 structure, is already under construction and w be com- pleted in about two weeks Terrace already boasts of a sawmill of large capacity, two general stores, a hardware store in course of erection, real estate office, drug store, a up to date hotel, meat market, church, Do- minion Governme relegraph Office, and a large number of re- sidences erected t nform with the picturesque s unding of the townsite. The nucleus of a brass band consisting of twenty-five pieces has just arrived and those in- terested are under the leadership) of an accomplished musician, and rapidly mastering the science of symphony. The athletic end is by no means neglected: one ol the finest grounds in Northern B. C. has been cultivated to a nicety for baseball and football and much local talent has been brought to ight during the practices of the past six weeks. For those who require a less strenuous exercise a tennis court has been prepared and is being extensively patronized. In all everything tends toward a busy and recreative summer and a spirit of optimism that the most accomplished pessimist eannot overcome prevails FEW LABORERS NOW SEEK RAILWAY WORK Canadian Pacific Fears a Short- age for its Great Improve- ments in This Province. Montreal, May 1 The pro- gram of construction in Western Canada this year is the largest in the of the Canadian Pa- cific, and we have never seen 80 few laborers looking around for employment. This statement was made day by Mr. Baillie, head of the C. P. R. labor department. As yet,” he said, “the west has made no demand for construction laborers, and there aré now quite a few waiting around the bureau for employment, but I fear when the demand does come the supply will be far short.” This time last year, Mr. Baillie said, it was a daily occurrence to see fifteen hundred men waiting in the courtyard outside the em- ployment office, and this year there is only a seattering of for- eigners to be seen in the vicinity of the place. “This state of affairs is wholly due to European affairs at the present time, and what the out- will be there is no fore- telling.” The great mass of European laborers are either remaining in Europe for actual war purposes history eome or they are prevented from leav- ing owing to the situation of the! money market. NATURAL GAS STRUCK | ON TORONTO STREET Hopes That It Will Prove Com- mercially Valuable for tium- inating the City. Toronto, May 1 Dupont street, at the head of Brunswick avenue, was illuminated last | night by natural gas which was struck after continuous boring : for two years until a depth of 4,107 feet was reached rhere was a steady flow of was from a three inch pipe, but it will not be ij} known until today what commer cial value the natural gas may have It was two years ago that Mr J. Van Sickler, 252 Dupont street while looking for an artesian well in his spare time, came across a small gas which has discharged a supply continuously well, since night and day At that time gas \\ was struck at 35 feet, and Mr Van Sickler carried the boring down 70 feet. Satisfied that there was more on the lot, Mr. Van Sickler continued to work to se- cure another source of supply With a three inch pipe he made| borings and last night was re- warded with success ri aa NAL \C by the splendid Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver, Mondays and Frideye at o Am For Stewart on Thursdays at 8A. mm For Granby Bay on Sundays ot BA Mm Steamers Prince John and Pr) Maintain Weekly Service Between Victoria Queen Charlotte Islands, Calling at Way px bound Saturdays at & f Commencing Masset and Naden Harbor, leaving Prince Commencing @. T. P. RAILWAY PASSENGER SERVICE Prince and Saturdays Train No. 2, for New Hazelton, leaves Grand Trunk Railway Canada and United States For all information, General Agent. System from { Unequalied se tickets, reservatic Agency all Atlantic Steam STA Double Weekly Service TO THE SOUTH PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORGE ns, ship Ru TRUNK hl STEM steamers Victoria ang Seatiic on nee Albert Vane and rts Leave April i2 ‘ Rupert on We April @ Rupert 19 hicago for a rvice over 4 a ete Lines. A. &. Momasy er CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ARE YOU GOING EAST Littl’s NEWS Ag enc THIS SUMMER? Magazines :: Periodicals: Now Special Excursions May 28th to Sep MG & . ’ tember 30th . CIGARS TOBACCOS FRU] Returning Limit October ist . Vancouver to Toronto and 2nd Ave. Below Kalen Island oO} return $92.00 Vancouver to Montreal and return $106.00 Vancouver to New York and ee retern $108.50 — Vancouver to Chicago and 87 - return 2.60 eSS B | All Vancouver to St. Paul and enna Empr OW ing eys return Other Points Correspondingly Low AND POOL ROOM 4. @. MonAB 4 ALLfys 12 TAL General Agent Cor. 3rd Ave & 6th St 4. E ROSS, Prop. Gee hee Princess Mary, South, Sunday, 6 P. M. Prince Rupert Employment ° ‘ °. © Box yment Bi. sau r he National Institute of Journalists are shortly holding} their convention at Montreal when a number of representative British writers visit the Dominion and make aé_e tour through Doubtless them will far Rupert. are to it get some of i as as Prince} The Daily News has the lare- circulation in Northern B.C. est = DEMAND Rovat RESERVE WHISKY. AGE G YEARS GUARANTEED BY THe GOVERNMENT OF CANADA. RECOMMENDED FOR Tne INVALID Tne Home Tre Connoisseur The Pusuic who naturally want the best Ace, Purity ano MELLOWNESS { UNSURPASSED. DISTRIBUTORS Prince Rupert Importing Co., Ltd PRINCE RUPERT, B.C Ca nuialiiin PRINCE RUPERT INN aND ANNEX Owned and operated by the §) Grand Trunk Pacific Railway on ff the American and European plan. «Excellently furnished, with steam heat, electric light, and al! modern conveniences, being also- lutely first-class in every respect. The appointments and service are equal to any hotel! on the coast. LUMBER COAL and Complete Line of BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES WESTHOLME LUMBER CO., Limited Phone 186 UWION S.S. COMPANY OF 8.6, Ltd “Venture” Georgetown New Wellington Coal. Coast Phone 116 Rogers & B LINDSAY'S “stonact OFFICE H. B. Rochester. Cer tre Best on G. T. P. Transfer Agents Orders promptly filled Prices reasnabic The Twin Screw Steamer Arrives from Vancouver Every Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitt Office: Ird Ave Phone 174 SMITH & MALLE THIRD AVE Sheet Metal Work 2nd Ave. bet. Tth and “tb MONDAY NIGHT Salle for Port Simpson, Naas River Points *“Valhalla”’ of S.H. & E and Granby Gay Tuesdays, S a. m Baile WEDNESDAYS, 2 P. Mm. Rogers Steamship Agency Phone 116 for Vancouver 308 2nd Ave. Alex. @. Maneon, GB. A Sawmill Co. Lid. pggnblae ” WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Lumber Meigereen Biect _ ies Rupert, , and ae Mouldings P.O. BOX 2 PRINCE RUP JOHN E. DAVEY A large stock of dry finish- ing lumber on hand. Boat lumber a specialty. Delivery made at short notice. Our prices are as low as any. Call on us before ordering. OFFICE: EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG. Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. Advertise in The Daily News Meets every 2nd and 4th Purl. OF WE. FOLON, me Scanvmwanian Society p.m. im the kal! at 3ly9 Do. C. Accountant STUART Phone 2 PRINCE RUPERT. B © TEACHER OF SINGING ARAM on HAYNER BROS UNDERTAKERS ano ©M Punera’ 8rd Ave. near 6th St ' Director E. L. FISHER Funeral Director and Ember CHARGES REASUNAB 2nd Bt. cor. 2nd Ave. Phone 3 OPEN DAY AND ner That is Right. The Baseball Season Has Opened, Hasn't It ? Drawn for The Daily Nev ) 7 “es- \ Ape. ott AND THIS is THE ( WONDER 1& THEYD ALL THOSE GAMES WEvVe MissED! TusrT AS SOON PLAY |\_ So! OVER FOR US THAT HoPe- Le I ; sear efresrFr