sy: wa oe my ‘ sioner of Lands COAL NOTICI t of Omineca La N. Mat Notice \ CCuUpaviod | Keciinic vA , tend tw ap ingeot pation f Land piy & ; 4) and pe-/ for licen "ee iped lands: | troleum : . jena soted on bank Commencing ‘ j : : oe ‘ hea mites Up| Grand Trunk ia post f thence tereof (Grand) south 80 ha sins of creek near thence nortt ast 7 a0 chains, chains | i " . con ye south 80) taining 640 a to place oF . KECHNIS 40 acres mor Per f I Agent Staked and : (70 1913 KECHNIE ; L. N. Mackecty j c, BE. Agent Pub. Apr. 14 ‘ 404 jain, 1943. } 1013 | . : | Omineca trict of ” j Not I, L. N. Ma District of Kecho Va t pation sure : | N. Wes ny | u Land ( peti mi for lies Oe pe nd tw @p- | troleum i ed lan Lands Commencing pia ; i and pe Grand Trunk the ibed lands 80 chains, U : hain planted near Old | north 80 cha ; mile post 135, | piace mi : nt : 7 sins, thence east {ACKECHNIE ement, con a re r. W ADY, ©. EB. Agent - staked and da 17th, 1913 KECHNIE | L. N. Mackechn Ww. ( y, &. BE, Agent Pub, Aj 14 May 12, 1013 10th, 1913 ; ' - - 12, 1913 siaal Omineca La District of yistriet of Notice that I, L. N, Mac Kecinie, of Va 4 ecupation i, L. N. Mac surgeon, ‘ 1 intend t al . upation; ply %% the mm ier of Lands ijtend to ap-| for license b l mal and pe ‘ f Lands! troieum ove wing described lands al and pe Commencing : im planted near ibed lands; | Grand Trunk ia post 128, thence sunted near Old/ north 80 cha east 80 chains, mile post 135,| thence sout s ba thence west 80 thence east 80/ chains t pia mmencement, con hains, thence | taining 640 4 less suDpencement, MACKECHNIE r less re Pr. W Mi RADY, E., Agent KECHNIE Staked 4 ated Mareh 17th, 1913 y, &. BE. Agent L. N. Mack . &. W. ¢ 19th, 1913 Pul Al ‘ i May i 19013 Ww. ¢ | sy 12, 1013 Y Omineca La of District { Notice is 1 el Ma ati, il N. Mac Kechnie f Va pation ’ cCupation | surgeun, ¢ ja al niend w ap ply w& Land er f Landsitfor licensee t k : . 2 ai and pe troleum i i i escribed land ‘ ibe 4 lands Commencing at & post planted nea b ented pear old| Grand Trunk ra mile post 128, thence mile post 135,/ orth & ba thet west & bain ence east eu thence . t 2/03, then east 5 hains, thence chains t place imencement con nunencement, | taining 64 acres more jess w less i L. N. MACKECHNIL MACKECHNIE Per F. W. RADY, C. E., Agent bY, & EB. Agent Staked and dated March 17th, 1913 i9th, 1913 L. N. Mackechnie, § ‘ w. ¢ Pub. Apr. 14, 1913 May 12, 191 ay 12, 1913 jones t of Omineca Land District—Dist { Distee . Hazelton Notice is bereby giv that I, ‘. Ma ati, N. Mac chnie, f Va iver, B mn pation . c re a urgeou la after date inter » ap , — 7 | piy w the Chief Commiss ! ands = r license to prospect f al pe 7 sane im over the wing descril bn . . Commencing at & post pial planted wear gid), cabin near Grand Trunk Pa mile post 135, post 130, thence th 80 ait hence West 80 west 40 chains, t! e north & Hains, Wence | in e « 5 el t pla : in enmencemens, | sn, contain 640 acres m WACKECHNIE L. N. MACKECHNI ADY, ©. E., Agent pér F. W. McCRADY E., Agent 10th, 1993 Staked and dated Marc! th, 18 E L. N. Mackechnie, N. B. ( ay 12, 1913 Pub. Ay 4, 191%—May 12, 101 District of ine uti, L. N. Me mineca Land Dist t t of t pat Haze : ' au 4 tend to ‘D- Notice eret «iy that I ‘. Ma ' : kect f Va ‘ i pation sure ays afte jat aL ply ef $6 i ' . ’ , . \r the f and ‘ * ata pear 4 abi end T « ® h » : the ru 5 a t . west ha t pla in ECHNIL ment, containing 64 acres more r les DY, & By Ageut L. N. MACKECHNIE (eth, iid Per F. W. McCRADY E., Agent i 7 Staked and dated March 17th, 1913 ay 12, 104 L. N. Mackechnie, N. W Pub. Apr. 14, 1913-——May 12, 191 Distaict { — — ati, L. N. Mac Omineca Land Dist ‘ Distr f i Hazelton t ‘ 4 ion . te ~ S a Notice is hereby given that I, L. N. Ma net f Lands | Sechnic f Van ver, B. ¢ pation eal 1 surgeon, ¢ lays after date : al zs dex “1 ot tanh ply to the Chief Commissioner Lands - , ' l “1 f [Te planted about 12) 'or Hoense to poe S o is Pacific track, | roleum ove wine . hains, thence Commenci a post a: rth 8@ chains, T° ~ place of com - = . : ct ¢ thence south & ; oc a est 80 chains to place of MA y containing 640 acres more r , ma aaa Poa L. N. MACKECHNIIE b tout i013. Per F. W. MeCRADY, ©. E., Agent Ww * Staked and dated March 17th, 191 May “ie 1013 | LL. N. MacKechnie, 5. W. ¢ : . Pub. Apr. 14, 1013-—May 12,. 101 ——e | D'steiet of i that I, L. N. Mac Omineca Land Dist Dist t of , : Haze n t ‘ occ upaliot take iecna ie ae Notice is bereby given that I, L. N. Ma : Kechnie, of Van ve t ‘ pat . eo. | Surgeon, 60 days after date intend to ap ai and pe ply to the Chief Comm I « described lands > fee t - ane planted BDOUt 18 ee eee ae ne roltowing 8 qualon eas Commencing at a post 5 y cabin near Grand Trunk uth ad chains, 130, thence north 80 chair place of com- 80 chains, thence south § hair thence 40 acres more OF | east 80 chains to pla r mn ement i } 0 acres more r less Mi KECHNIE, | oerarens oa a NN. MACKECHNIE » & EB. Agent, Per F. W. McCRADY, ©. E Agent som, 1043. Staked and dated March 17th, 1913 } . : L. N. MacKechnie, 5. EB. ¢ ‘ 12, 1913 Pub. Apr. 14, 191 May 12, 1013 —f = District of | Omineca Land District—District of ; Hazelton a 1, ie 5 ei Notice is hereby given that I, L. N Ma intend to ap- | Kechnie, of Vancouver : petion ioner of Lands |Surgeon, 60 days after date to ap coal and pe ply fo ‘the Chief Commissioner of Lands : . Por . » to pros 1 r al «@ I « lescribed lands hy ft if Swing described lands nN aoe Commencing at 4 post plant “te chains thene ~| Porcupine Creek about 1% m p the ith 80 chains creek from mouth thereof ae ae | : on com. | Paciie Railway sses ; "7 ; — - com Ae oe mile post 133 ther th & more OF | chains, thence west 80 chains, thence tN key HNIE inorth 80 chains, thence east ~ 7 ‘ i bk place of commencemen conta ‘oth ‘we acres more or less i L. N. MACKECHNIE ’ : Per F. W. MeCRADY EF, Agent ny 12, 1048 staked ‘and dated March 18th, 1943 —_ | L. N. MacKechnie, N . . ace t—Distriet of Pub, Apr, 14, 19! May 19, $98 that I, L. N. Mae ’ c rc . ‘He .» Oecupatio;r LAND pUnK HASE NOTIGES ste Intend fo ap- | ner of Lands! oal and pe-| leseritbed lands | Omineca Land District —Distr Cassiar planted on bank Take notice that |, L. N e, of ' 1% miles up| Vancouver, B. ( pat a thereof (Grand | days after date intend ¢ abt we ‘ses mouth Of) Chief Commissioner of Lands to purchass thence north) Surveyed Lot 915A, Cassia D chains, thence River situated ea uv 13 t 80 chains to) Gr Trunk Pacific taining $8643 Hlainin 640 or less ‘ |acres MOTE OF OR ce CHNII yy RE CHNIE Per F. W, McCRADY, C. E., Agent , E., Agent | staked and dated March 19th, 1013 ist 1018 i Mackechnie, N. E , : i191 Jul ! 1y 42, 4048 Pub, Apr. t4 strict of Skeena Land District-—District ‘ Range V tL. N, Mag TAKE NOTICE that bue ! cupation | Prince Rupert, B.< pation ¢ k end to ap-| tends to apply for permiss: a of Landa) chase the following i . | and pe Commencing at @ post planted at lh deseribed lands: |B. corner of T.L. 3094 thence | planted on bank| chains; thence east 13 chains, More. ' 1% miles up| tesa, to the west boundary } thereof (Grand| heehney’s pre-emption; thence 8 mouth of | chains, more or leas to John Mech thence south) 8.W. corner; thence east 2 a hains, thence| south 20 chains; thence West » ‘ t 80 chains to| more or less, to the ast bounda taining 640\L. 80045; thence north ? : or less to the point f com KECH ontainin res more OF : : yn" Nip aes nlaining 4 ee es NI RENI 8th, “ibd is } H. D. LENHART, Agen . | Dated Feb. 24, 1015 ‘*Y 08, 1008, | Pub, March 17 to May 12-14 | THE DAILY NEWS “FROM HOME TO HOME.” HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. Moderate Prices, Phone 8500, Vancouver, B.C. Diamonds and Diamond Set Jewellery ladies’ handbags, Canada’s greatest diamond and jewellery house supplies the people of all British Columbia with the finest, most fashionable lines of all home manufactured and im- ported goods. of the qualities and most beautiful the latest LAND PURCHASE NOTICES iange \ fake fi that |, Dantel Brenton Ken 4 errace, B. C., occupation rancher, | ; fend to apply for permission to purchase i "Coenmencine re r peaned a W. P. Murvay left on Sunday erson and Fells camp, was] portheast corner of Lot 6190, thence. north | for Vancouver, to open offices in| brought down to the depot here cha rence as 0 ¢ .» : south 40 chains, thenes went 06 dhelea ta that city for Aldous & Murray,| suffering from appendicitis. Dr the point of commencement, containing | Limited. Stone was called and had him eee wVANIEL BRENTON KENNEY ee rushed to the hospital where he ‘ f ’ Pub. April 7th to Ju a ona was operated on at once He is John Hynes, foreman at the now getting along very well . - Sealy ranch, has nearly recover- eS Skeena Lane st “ue DNinge perict Of Goast) od from a serious attack of pneu- ied hoon: | i 7, _TAKI TICK that Prank Knott, of! monia. ok aS Loring hes craws Prince Rupert, B.C, occupation baker, attention to the fact that the Hends to apply for permission to pur : " A 1 Hu leet f TI ‘ a jos with described lands: . w , wore agwiige mean rhe yiinencing at & post planted at the ) ‘rinch ane ily |p , Pp »’ The Hz , N.W , corner f TA 30045, thence south Dr. » and family Pretty Peopl Phe Hagwilget 50 chains; thence west 20 ‘chains; thence | have returned from their visit}Indians were first given that a hains more or le to the th . Tv > bank ena River, thence. north to eae 2 ; They thoroughly|name when they pitched their al yank of the Skeena) enjoyed e rip. ‘eae aite o : , f commencement, con 403 P tents aa the present sit f Hag- 3 cres more or less “a. ® wilget village. FRANK KNOTT, oe Dated Feb. 94 iP LENHART, Agent The Benedicts have engaged Pub. Mareh 17 to May 19—~13 Gray's four-piece orchestra’ to Last Saturday the temporary ___j}come from Prince Rupert for the| depot was remuved from Bowser keena Land District—District of Coast big dance on May 1ith street. The cars were taken out} : : if istric 0 204ast, : , Kange V ) the line further and the staff in} bake not that Gertrude M. Newell, of ae | 7 Yarmoutt va Scotia, occupation married Boyd C. Affleck has gone to charge of the local offices moved | The Finest, ia nds to apply for permission to| . : down to the permanent depot “Excellent Cafe. f ba f wing described lands Smithers, where his firm will The trai lled { th mg & at & post planted at the " sam . . e in ulle into le new northeast corner of Lot 64142, thence west|"@ve three surveying crews on danat aoleniae tae pall 1142 Pender Street West e 0 che t hort 20 chains, thence/(ownsite work until July 4. P y ning M ae fo ae, suit Laie, i: first time, and left from there minencement, containing Sunday morning. OER TRUDI M. NEWELL nt ey “tye Pe in eo ea } NNE j enharge o e erry las ees i ; Dated April 16h, 4914 Se 8 ; eason Contractors Moore and Camp- Pub. Apr. 24, 1043-——June 16, 1043 returned on Wednesday from bell k ia a Vancouver and Prince Rupert. pe are making good progres ; oe «¢ with their work on the Hagwil- 1 ‘ i rict istrict of Coast, ge V get bridge. ey re ac i ub Emma Water mus Ag Assistant Postoflice Inspector aria 7 Rave machin n mvends apply for’ perm married). M. Haynes of Victoria, in-| CTY erected, a cable run down to ase the following described lands spected the local offices last week| the river bed where they will! get lithe se yorst yla p< 0 a : shore of Lake Meywhed. on ar Falls returning to the coast on Sun.|the gravel for the concrete work | I " ( ‘ ‘ ocs ence © a g . a ee and they have a lot of prepara- | highest standard of perfection. Bains more Or lade to polat of Géseimaes” lg tory work accomplished. In a very Silverware in the best “ate i EMBA WATREOUS wanew Wiggs O'Neil has his new) few days a will begin the con-| patterns in both sterling and plate. \ :OuUs ( 2 > | Dated April 13th, 1913 , Russell car in commission. He | cree —s on the anchor pits! Cut Giass in splendid assortments of b. Apr. 21, 1913—June 16, 1913 expects to keep it busy between! ®"@ ‘ower foundations. cut from high grade blanks. aoe i Hazelton and Bulkley Valley ee Leather Goods showing Skeena Land D strtes pistries of Coast, points. Frank Care! has purchased two travellers. Also z ak » tie that Jle J Jensen, of kis oa. 8 big stage wagons for the new a ae to purchase rhe threatened strike of bridge| stage line he will start shortly| dress upon request mencin ” ( oO *kers é ser | . nalts neha wrth of ihe bobmnees Sbestiworkers has sot seriously af-/between Burns Lake and Fort| -° . thence easterly 40} fected work on the railway brid-|Praser, Mr. Carel is now wl hains tu the west boundary | ge« A few of the men went out! ; P an ‘7 thence south 30 chains ieee of ’ chasing a couple of teams of | f $8 to a Slough, thence weste \ “re was ener: /e- 10 chains more or lest to the east BOUB | eos ae ante ane ne |heavy horses for the new line.| or T. L. No. 35246. thence north so0|ment in this district. The men| He a hbains more mnencement less ntaining 120 point of com acres more or less OLE J. JENSEN, Locator. T. D. LAIRD, Agent Dated March 28th, 1913 Pub. Apr. 21, 1913——June 16, 1913 Skeena Land District—District of Coast, Range ce that I, Charles H. Ziegler, England, occupation gentieman, apply for p riission to purchase h wing described lands mn ng at @ post planted at the sorthwest rner or Lot 28, thence north ‘ cha thence west 40 chains, thence th 4 hains, thence east 40 chains to point f imencement containing 160 acres more or less CHARLES HENRY ZIEGLER Alexander Noble, Agent Dated March 3ist, 1913 Pub. Apr. 14, 1913-—Jume 0, 1913. skeena Land District——District of Coast lake ' © that Margaret B. Grant, of rin ‘ cupation dress make ntends t apply for permission to ‘ the lowing described lands Commen g— at @ post planted at the jortheast rner of Lot 694, Coast District Kang thence east 2 chains, thence south chains, thence west 20 chains thence north 2 hains to place of com pencement and mtaining 40 acres more ess MARGARET B. GRANT Dated April Sth, 1913 Pub. Apr. 21, 1013—Jume 16, 1913 WATER NOTICE. For a License to Store or Pen Back Water. Notice is hereby given that The Prince Rupert Hydro Electr mpany, Limited ~ Prince Rupert, B. C., will apply for a en to store or pem back 112,777 acre feet of water from Falls River, a stream lowing in @ westerly direction and empty- og into Hoesall River about eighteen miles f its mouth. The waiter will be stored na servolr of 4,912,582,060 cubic feet upacity, built or to be built at head of and will be used for generating power purposes as authorized by Record No. 21, and under 4 notice for a license to take and herewith, on tre land ed "as Lot 635, Range 5, Coast Dis- alls Water ground The ap tice Was posted on the the 14th day of April, 1013 ation will be fied tn the office Recorder at Prince Rupert, B. ¢ Objections may be fied with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptroller wf aR ater niente, Parliament Buildings, i PRINCE RUPERT HYDRO-ELECTARI( co., LTD., Applicant. WwW. Agr y A. new, Agent. 1913-—-May 198, B Pub. Apr. 214, 1913 WATER NOTICE. For a License to Take and Use Water. ce is hereby given that The Prince Hydro-Electric Conmpany, Limited, Rupert, B. C., will apply for a take and use 508 C. 8S. F. of of Falls River, which flows in 4 direction through Lot 635, oast District, and empties into about 18 miles from its water will be diverted at the sd of falls, and will be used for gener ‘ tric power purposes on the land bed a8 Lot 635, Range 5, Coast Dis Rupert f Prince ense to vate rut ane . « H : River : th The rhis notiee Was posted on the ground 14th day of April, 1913. The @ plication Will be fied in the oMece of the Recorder at Prince Rupert, B. C. bjectons may be fled with the said ‘ Keeorder or with the Comptroller Water Rights, Parliament Bulldings, \ torla PRINCE. RUPERT HYDAO-ELECTAI co,, LTD. Applicant By A. W. Agnew, Agent. » 1013-——-May 19, 1013 Pub, Apr. 24 For a License to Store or Pem Back Water e is hereby given that The Prince Hydro ee | Company, Limited, e Rupert, ( will apply for a to store ae Ree back 82,906 a from khtada River, 4 stream sterly direction and empty skeena River near Mile 44, G, 1 see the water will be stored in 4 ’ f 3,601,421,785 cubic feet i t or to be built in Lake Vali and will be used for gen ¢ power purposes a8 author edt Kecords Nos, 27, 36 and 50, ‘ s notice of Bg en for 4 uke and use r, posted here- » vw land deseribed as Lot 1377, eat District e was posted om the round t day of April, 1018 The ation will be fled im the oMee of the der at Prince Rupert, B. C i may be Dled With the said Wa heeorder or With the Comptroller Wate Kights, Parliament Buildings, i B. ¢ rit PAINCE RUPERT MYDRO-BLEC- thic CO., LTD, Applieant, pA ghew, Agent. 1018 ‘way 10, 1013, wat w ithe a we Pub. Apr. 21, idozen appear ‘onditions. | ©. E. Rosenhome, cook at Pet- will satisfied with wages and! .hould make some money as} there will be a great many people | Geo. E.T. _M in Bineund pass through this way to Fort! Fraser this year. NEW HAZELTON BALL GROUNDS IN SHAPE | —— | Boys Requested to Turn Out and Practice for the Big Open- ing Game. ' baseball “and in practice and the first the ball boys teams and half a work on the} have accom- | As a matter of are in as good grounds could credit to the The now ¢ grounds exce! are ent] new ompleted shape for the \ ast Week if this two and games. | half} week had three men al they plished wonders fact the shape as be, and town grounds and grounds new are a any they are on foot for and gala day; be on May 24th Arrangements a grand whether it will opening or July ist has mot yet been de- cided. Every ball player in town} and vicinity is requested to turn, out to practice now and help get the team in shape for the first | gaines. New Hazelton has never | had proper ball grounds before} and this year should have a live} team. They need practice and the unanimous support of the town Omineca Herald. Prompt Mail Service. William Lynch handed out the) mail on Saturday night for the | first time, and he got it out in} good shape and at an early hour. Arrangements were made to put the letter and registered mail off the train at Thirteenth avenue, and Cashman took it from there | to the post office. Omineeca | Herald. Old Time Yukoner Dead. James Hamilton, who eame north and went into the interior 30 years ago, died at Fairbanks April 7th He was a pioneer of Fortymile, Circle City, Dawson, Fairbanks and other’ mining towns on the Yukon, Death was caused by cancer. Forty years in use, twenty years standard, prescribed and recommended by physicians. For Women's Ailments, Dr. Martel's Female Pills, at your druggist. Find it through a Daily News Want Ad. WATER NOTICE. For a License to Take and Use Water. Notice ts hereby given that The Prince Rupert Hydro-Electric Com pany. Limited, of Prince Rupert, B. C., will er for a leense to take and use 266 cub eet r second of water out of Khtada River, which | flows in a westerly direction through Lots 1377 and 1378, ann’ epores into Skeena River near Mile G . Mileage. The water will be diverted of @ point about 5,000 feet from the mouth and will be used for enqreung electric power pur- ones On the land described as Lot 1377, Kange 5, Coast District, This notice was posted on the ground) on the 13th day of PAD rll. 1013. The ep-| ication will be fled in the emacs of Vater Recorder at Prince Rupert Objections may be filed with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water, Rignus, Parliament Bulldings. | Victoria, B. Tie AUPERT HYDRO-BLEC- | RIC ri vant LTD., plicant By A ww, . Pub, Apr, #1, 1913——May 19, 1913 —_————— have a busy season and| Henry Birks G& Sons, Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS VANCOUVER, B.C [# 4 a i q | i! Hh H i, ' ‘ " AM i il el be it HA fl Mi p aT r *f an LASS—that’s a good word to describe one of the notable character- istics of 20th Century Brand Clothes. Class means style, plus fit and drape— all due to clever designing and expert tailoring. Spring styles now ready. WE ARE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Bryant Company, Limited “The Store of Better Things” very popular designs conveniences for purses and novelties. Our illustrated catalogue will be sent free to any ad- Write for this shopper's guide and get the benefit of our moderate prices and quality goods. All goods sent prepaid to your nearest post or express office and money refunded if goods are not satisfactory. wT ne — Fe it Ti aa