4 THER BAILY NEWS Puesday, May 6, iy; ~ - ™ pa — ————— i ao i r aaa 1“Tocat News trams. |! Publicity Wine) | | “The News” Classified Ads. |) cco", ruby Wins ¢ 1 for -every hole 6n the stove. The New Special Grate guards the lowest fire. The Broiler exposes i) ' ¢ or less : ; mar otter Jens Seth. 1933 Lower Portion of Centre Street CHARITY MEETING) a yy | ater Foe ah wn meio" *F" NEW STOCK OF SEED French New High School -—= — — } Lionel Crippen, who has beer “ = a ao . confined to the house for the past Dain ote. hat b us a ten days suffering from an in | Is preparing =~ '" -—_ ==(Qne Cent A Word For Fac Insertion== ured knee, was able to be out . —_-? er = yesterday with the aid of a cane Three special Article — a Ce) ‘ a~ ws —-- | 3 = ee) — — ; on — The British Empire, of the} NCE Rupe a ee ——— ; | Northern Steamship Co., arrived) RT = © TO STIMULATE COTTON | Wanted NEW TEXT BOOKS FOR —|,!""Sociceuny ufernson chal MAEELTON ano —_ an | is en route north VALLEY = «ss _ GROWING IN THE SUDAN) OUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS Desa : > = nt | Position, wanted t omce or store, Bos Harry C. Evans, pioneer pian British Parliament Guarantees 4... a" Interesting Information for Ru-)|)..,.or will be in town on or about SIDNEY BILLIN = = Sudan Loan for Fifteen ew. Paumore — ae pert Parents Contained in May 10th, 1913. Leave orders at} . Gnam = es Million Dollars. | Provincial Circular. Hayner Bros 100tf Room 31 G. T. P. inn = = London, May 2.—Protection for} For Sale | Ina circular just issued by the The Henriette, of the G. T. P PPPPOOOOODDF + 9 CLE 9 == the eotton trade of Lancashire by| | provincial education department] fleet, arrived in port last night = | fostering the supply of cotton IM-/poR saLB—power boat, 28 bh. fF Regai|notice is given that since thejw — Or — ot Vom! One Ghoul Phone 300 P.O. I i] un dependent of America was the pega eg i see; os a a publication of the last Manual of|two carloads of pipe for the city y — gist of Chancellor Lloyd-George s & Radford, Second Ave. Phone 83 School Law, 1912, the honotable HARRISON W ROGE \ — The Hand That Moves The @& /arcument in introducing in the} 18 the council of public instruction| Mr. Harry Potts, foreman at : house of commons this evening a} FOR SALE—Ohio stationary gasoline eM-| has been pleased to add the fol-|the Er pire office, received a tele Architect = e, 6 bh. p.; ood condition. P. O Ss Lever Saves 16 2-3 Per Cent. — resolution permitting the British Box 980 wa ee Tos 10 lowing text books to the list of|gram vestepday advising him of Suite 1, Fed I =-= of y C ] Bill |} government to guarantee a Sudan/poR sSaLe—resirbanks-Morse stationary | those already prescribed for uselihe death of his mother at Tren- PRINCE RUPERT] = our —_= loan of $15.000,000 for the de- jong Ty — BD, ee Tee n the public and high schools of|ion. Ontario Deceased, who was ned = velopment of cotton growing Prince Bapert ; ~ soitr ‘|the province: 70 vears of age, died from an ; Here is the opportunity for the housewife ? —_ ne ay ene 3 Supplementary readers {) }operation Mr. Potts’ numerous ENGINEERING -_- deal the high cost of living question a hard jolt The chanc: 1 remarked that i For Rent iThe Progressive Road to Read friends in the city extend their] Engineers. Stat = without any effort on her part. © [owing to difficulties with regard / ing, Books I, If and Tlf (the Edu-|sympathy ine, coached f ‘ . ito supplies of American cotton,|¢= cations Jook Comps of To : — The way is to make sure that her new range is = Eid, Oat ptnetns trate neh pial diel & ee sea Palikhene @ 7 ‘ heel ein a €@ controlled by a Gurney Economizer, which will @@ (|“"" i es ieee emai | 1 SENT Ge yorm house, mod mio); (2) the Folkior ae Edmond Carroll, who was for 654 4th save 1 ton of coal in every 6 burned in an ordinary ee cormeres 988i a ee al 20, See. 5; $45 per’ mont io6-8 ja primer (The Educational Book] five vears on the Dublin = range jshortage here despite abundant) .,yeortapty furnished front room,|Company of Toronto); (3) Heart|politan police force, was added = : = jcrops, made it necessary to fos- with suit ng room, beth and want ¥ of Day Books, Books I and II}to the local force the first of this eerroreros ; The Economizer is to the stove what the con- -— ter the growth of cotton where it] f$¢-9° , . The Educational Book Company 1th to replace Constable Car- 9 trollever isto the engine or automobile. Without * would be under British control.| .o9 pewr—s-room cottace on Park Ave.,/0f Toronto; (4) Britannia History| gill, resigned. Constable Cart —) control neither is efficient. an Egyptian cotton, he claimed, was) gi8; wager in house rown a Reader Introductory Book,iIhas done considerable special 0 War . ‘ a . better from the point of view of _ : ortes om ° a Cs sanendi pee = dibend ios a ) With the Gurney Economizer it is possible to = eee ae 1 a ee . t 3 ~ I va = and aan : k unde : z : rection of Chief : : © manufacturer an¢ » palit adian istory le Opp, ark Tickers and the latter speaks very —= quickly vary the heat of the oven. Various foods 7 gy sa agree el LAND PURCHASE NOTICE ee ter ' require different temperatures. The Economizer = f th a 1 ame "7 A 7. m t “ wi . Company highly of his qualifications PRINCE RUPERT'S INDUS- -— keeps this desired temperature absolutely uniform. pr duct, and also irom t " poin = ieee a ite English grammar {) British ——_ TRIAL ANNEX = ‘ . —= we of the workmen, because ‘aon ne aed aoe Ennyu, of Columbia Public School Grammar Glassware, Crockery Wal- It also means that when cooking iS over, you it was cleaner and healthier to} cyeena city, B. C., occupation lumberman,| (The Ci pp, Clark Company), to]/!ace’s 99tf The launch “Dixie” leaves =—= may have a cool kitchen and still have your fire = work than was American cotton ae oe 8 soote fee permiesion i purchase | replace Goitein's hie eae the Government slip for = oing — while you can have the fiercest heat ina = The resolution was adopted with- an Commnnnelic a. post. planted at the ‘ sheets etihe Tene Shi : 194 ; Port Edward every day at 2 fe inutes by a slight pressure on the lever. td southwest corner of Lot 18, Range. &,|'/ 0G! eee ee aioe NEW ROUTE TO WHARF o'clock, returnin — ew min y = it division. Coast District, on the bank of the Ka Yex| (2 British Columbia High ; . ™ 9 at 6 i River, thence 20 chains west, thence 2 4 . an . o’c » — Ifyou possess a Gurney-Oxford youradvantages gmp | chains north, thence 20 chains east to the|School Grammar (The Copp, IS NEARLY COMPLETED tes : bl The Divided Flue means heat boundary of said Lot 182, thence south) ¢-).,) Con nv te replace —_= are innumerable. — — ‘FORTIETH ANNUAL along said boundary 20 chains to point of are pan : , replace lial = commencement, containing 40 acres more; West's Advanced English Gram every inch of the coals. . a Pub. May 5, 1913—Jume 30, 1913 be a a Days. : | |} French Grammar, by raser an These features are exclusively “Gurney-Ox- go | Stetingutened Speakers on So- ? : \Squair (The Copp, Clark Cor oe . | ¥: e Copp al om. or i asia a =e |, Se ee LAND LEASE NOTICE | pany to replace Fraser and The final stage in the prepara we Sane" ot | It will furnish your kitchen handsomely—it =. | Public Affairs to Attend |Squair's French Grammar and|tion of the new route via Second meat of will do your work adequately. = Skeena Land District—District of Coast,| Reader The Copp, Clark Con street to the G. T. P. wharf has Se | Seattle, Wash., May 6—An- ree motion unites a. St. ameer of (Pany) after June 30th, 1943 now been reached and it is only| TIMOTHY GRAIN SEEDS =. |nouncement has just been made of Prince Rupert, in the Province} Mathematics The Ontario|@ matter of a few days until the|CLOVER POTATO SEEDS SS | ec tittees for the enter lumpia, prospector, intends | ‘ : ; eeids giaienlll € Centre treet Fred S k 2 d A ea committees for t be enter- : permission to lease the follow- | High School Geometry (The Copp we portion o entre street ALFALFA GARDEN SEEDS en t e o the ‘ational sOn- 1 jescribed land Clar} . V ye closet agains tre ( tor ” n ve. = | . nt f h Nationa . — ‘ Sane A "a a post planted on the/‘/ara Company ~ 3 1 against afl FLOWER SEEDS @e | ference of Charities and Correc-{east coast of Banks and, British »- | Science The Ontari lig Teams are today engaged in lumbia, on the shore a small unnamed | as High m | which meets in this city on|)3y'ang being about five (5) miles in an|School Physics (The Copp. Clark hauling gravel from the cars for Mail ord p ' July 5 o 12 Mayor Geo. F a y direction from End Hill, thence/~..... e top dressing that is being ap- ail orders = : oe ic mu ‘ See = Pr j , : eighty : hans “ton ii ney a on . i ; 3 f : ~ f h . r ~ —< ca ae I = fe Cotterill is onorar reside! enty 2 caains, thence west eighty plied to tha ortion « e route = as 8 £9 OF eS SS =>. n S : Sir o ” owt ‘s " chains, onan oan twenty 2 : ‘ } : t 7 - jand Rev. Sydney Strong preside hains to point of commencement, and CARD between the overhead bridge and PRINCE RUPERT FEED (( jof the executive committee nta — ae om and sixty (160 INAL IS AGAINST First avenues When this work acres more © ess The national conference this FRANK B. ST. AMOUR, Locator WOMAN SUFFRAGE s completed the new route will] _ the fortieth Dated the 20th day of April, ‘2 be open for traffic 4 sidewalk oie . il be 7 CS year, which will be rei Pub. May 5, 1913—Jume 30, 13 for pedestrians from the bridge annual meeting, will without ' . e s Bee doubt be the largest in point of cetatn Oil Eloquent Letter Read at a Maes|'® ! irs! avenue has already been Silversides Bro attendance and of the widest Meeting of the Maryland constructed. general interest of any thus far|por » License to Take or Pen Back Water. Antis. ao aeeeieeenntenome - held. It is already known that] Notice is nereby given that G. R. 1 COUNTY COURT The up-to-date House Decor ‘rahe @ ‘ : f T e. | Sawle, of Prince Rupert, B. C., will apply R ert Graham Taylor, Edward T. De-|5awie, of Prince Kuper ans ise 500 Een Seltimers. Md. May 4.-A let. tors of Prince Rup vine. Jane Adams, John M. Glenn. |reet of water from an unnamed creek, - ter from Cardinal Gibbons op- Two Cases Occupied Attention of . *,° stream flowing in an easterly direction anc Court This Morning. ign Writing.. Judge Ben Lindsay, Governor | emptying into Goose Bay near Granby Bay posing woman suffrage was read ‘e ‘ ‘s 0 prominence | Townsite The water will be stored in a West and other of o lenCe | reservoir of 60,000 gallons capacity, built|}at a mass meeting here tonight P H in in sociological, philanthropic and|]o ult 1,000 feet from mouth lunder the auspices of the Mary The following eases were Gis. aper- ang g — air ; : . am, 4 will be use or Mines tic wr ary- public affairs will discuss most|purposes under a notice of application for| land association opposed to wom-| posed of at this morning's sit- Our Speciaities i s ects before »}a license to take and use water, ysted “-, ‘ . ee : important subject ” the lherewith, on the land described as iand|an suffrage The cardinal said,|ting of the May county court be- - ‘ convention. adjoining west side of Granby Bay Town-|in part fore His Honor Judge Young: site. . a . “ i 6 © ee pape This notice was posted on the ground “Equal rights do not imply that J. E. Gilmore vs. Captain Me- Ye Olde Reliable High Rentals in Regina mm the 36m day of april, 3038. The &- 1) oth sexes should engage promis.|Coskrie—Application by plaintiff] @nd stredt Phone 156 G Siehete throughout Ww ' econ — filed in ae ee o the h e § 10u estern ater Recorder at Prince Rupert, C.le sly » SE . _ a for furthe articular = Canada are high. In tt on Objections may be fied with the saidj°UOUSly in the same pursuits, but} ——, oo ere of se “a fh this par-| water Recorder or with the Comptroller|rather that each sex should dis_|feadant’s set-off. Application al-|—— 2 © W e Li ueur S t h h k ticular Regina is no exception os Kights, Parliament Bulldings.| .narge these duties which are| lowed A. M. Manson for appli- q co C IS y The city council, realizing the 104-10-16-22 G6. R. T. SAWLE adapted to its physical constitu.| cant, GC. V. Bennett for defendant. importance of lower rentals, has a a e tion and are sanctioned by the In re Kouri-——Application under F r Sa e set about to solve the rental pro- Earl Grey Rifle Scores. canons of society. Workmen's Compensation Act to O blem. The scheme was first sug- y “When I deprecate female suf. Judge Young as arbitrator. Ap- gested by Alderman Halleron. 200 500 600 frage I am pleading for the dig-|Plication by respondents, Foley, s | See, on lagen npbery oom Lieut. McMordie "es 7 "=e ~— nity of woman. I am contending| Welch & Stewart, for security| Lots 18, 19 and 20, Block 20, Sed erty, 5 zy about half a sec.|*'' ere os 7 b> zifor her honor. I : str , for costs. Judgment reserved. 7 : , Corp. Averill 27 #30 8629 86 am striving to ‘ tion 8, Eleventh Avenue TESTIMONIAL ! a beeper ge ecgamre beret. Brown ; zt 33 33 34 er ae peerless pre- =~ 7 ae _ oa , : . e -|Col. Sergt. Lee 2 8 29 78 | rogé 8 ore rv . 4 illiams for applicants on ae re op ane > | matleron proposes that lots injtm Holand : a a y H oe + oe Pa os : whi hi oe rts: ‘ t is in myo inion, a w fe dit in ia Bema - e Pte Russe 24 i 24 69 é Ss 4 graces ¥ ch po : » s y P g£ ’ hole ; thi eeoti . I leased to work. Pte McLeen $3 s oe of exalt womankind and make her McCarty Enters Tourney. e some, mild whisky, without the obnoxious ingmen at a nominal figure. Pte. Vidler a ae. i 44jthe ornament and the coveted h : j — mince ac after-taste you find among nine out of cin —_—_——— —_—_—_— companion of man . - : . s . Calgary, Alta., May 4 , | twelve other brands. I have great pleasure ler ar News has the lerg- The paper that prints the facts “We must remember that wee ray t ay mtd od 1-3 cash, 6, 12 and 18 months. ‘ oh : ‘ est cire Nor = i : ee . | in advising its use where required.’’ ulation in Northern B.C. the Daily News. ty gg gg does not person. champion, has agreed to enter —_— = - Se ene Se | Ally vote she exercises the right/the series of elimination matches | _ oe ” proxy So power- planned for Calgary, to fight on Harrison, Gamble & Compan ul is the influence of a sensible|May 24. He will meet the winner matron over her husband andlof the Pelky-Morris flaht, sched. FINANCIAL AGENTS | sons that they will rarely fail ¢ . a , . —DISTILLERS— | rarely f¢ O}uled for May 1.—-Mickey MelIntyre : ve. Prince Rupe DAILY ) follow counsel that comes from | will meet Billy Griffiths here on Thied A inspired rather than labored|May 4 jin the first of the series to| — reasoning clean up the welterweight cham- MEMORANDUM as _— eaten ones pionship tangle. Ray Bronson Advertise in OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL G9 OCLOCK Ny nigte Club swinging, dumb bells, flagior Hillyard Lane probably will OWN YOUR OWN HOME © | |i'iiotia!s ft hte 1 Now BE INDEPENDENT 5@c. Reserved seats at tone | TRY A NEWS WANT AD The Daily New ALEX. FERGUSON & CO. 108 West Regent Street, Glasgow Prince Rupert Importing Co., Limited —AGENTS— PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. We are loaning money from Coast to Coast in Canada to our contract holders to | == DEMERS IFOR SALE aT 5° /O Strictly Man Tailored Suits A fine residential | PER ANNUM a 4 c ’ BERR RRR KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY Investigate the C. H, I. C, contract plan today. It will Our last sh ay you. It ‘ hes esi ast shipment in the above ELEGANT COSTUMES has THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1624 PHONE No, 3 TI Pert ‘Hom aay ee oe : hah oaienl $1 000 Canadian Inv Ltd. ’ Builders’ Supplies Sheet and Plate Glass ome estment Company, We have all sizes in navy, brown and gray 6 and 12 Plumbers’ supplies Plate Glass Mirrors Home Office, Pacific liding, Vancouver, B. C. Half Cash, balance ole HARDWARE Tiower nee — Rupert oe, ederal Buliding We also have a large assortment of eastern manu months re ye “ve ; ‘Cloe — pen &venings Until 9 o'Clock factured suits in all sizes, colors and materials. in prices Varnishes Graniteware MONARCH MALLEABLE The pene Cetetenere from $18.00 up GR. Naden Co., Li Rea! Estate anc Ins