' THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico: Weekly, Daily, 50c per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. $2.00 per year. All Other Countries: Daily, $8.00 per year Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. Contract TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING~—-50 cents per inch. rates on application. HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98 BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES 219 Bast New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 23rd St., New York City. Seattle—Puget Sound News Co London, England~—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, | Trafalgar Square. Subscribers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of non-delivery or inattention on the part of The News carriers. | aio Wednesday, May 7, DAILY EDITION 1913. DIRECT VOT FOR SENATORS. FIGHTING THE BATTLE OF THE WHOLE PEOPLE. It may now be taken as set- Here is a resolution passed at a mass meeting of Toronto tled that United States sena- Liberals which rings true as a tors will hereafter be elected clarion call and every Libera! directly by state voters at association of this province large, and not by state legisla- would do well to copy it: tures. This will bring an = “Whereas the naval policy dia ae ee eee ee of contribution and centraliza- late. In three states formal tion is opposed to the princi- charges have been made and ple of local self-government, sustained that legislators ac- upon which the British Empire cepted bribes in connection is founded; with the election of senators closure The direct vote’ will end this “And whereas’ the kind of bribery, and the popu- rules being introduced inio the lar vote in most of the states Canadian Parliament are in- is so large that it will be im- tended to deprive the represen- possible to win elections by tatives of the people of this the purchase of votes State country of freedom of speech legislators are probably no : more corrupt than United and to prevent the investiga- Pathan Uteied ab the suerte bad tion of Governmental wrong- legislatures of any other coun- doing, and to vest the whole try. but their number is so control of Parliament in the small that on critical elections hands of the Government of a few members of the worss the day; sort may have a vast influence “Be it therefore resqived oO that this meeting hereby ¢X-| L@yRIER AND BORDEN presses its full endorsation of POLICIES COMPARED. the position taken by the Lib- eral party at Ottawa for the The Borden policy makes for preservation of the British a divided Empire. The Laurier Empire and all the rights and policy makes for a united Em- privileges of the people of pire. Canada, and pledges itself to 0- do all in its power to uphold The Borden policy is an abandoned policy. The Laurier policy is an accepted policy their hands, believing they are fighting the people's battle.” MEMORANDUM OCEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 O CLOCK OWN YOUR OWN HOME BE INDEPENDENT We are loaning money from Coast to Coast in Canada to our contract holders to BUY OR BUILD HOMES PAY OFF MORTGAGES IMPROVE REAL ESTATE - AT /o PER ANNUM Investigate the C. H. I. C, contract plan today. It will pay you. It means becoming your own landlord. The Canadian Home Investment Company, Ltd. Home Offi Pacific Gulldias, Vancouver, B. C. Prince Office, Federal Building Open Evenings Until 9 o’Clock ORTIE M’MANIGALTO DUNCAN ROSS ON NAVAL BILL HARIGAL TO AND SOME PROVINCIAL ISSUES oun ne Rsv Forehead so as to Escape ENTHUSIASTIC—CZAR Moc- esepattion, VICTORIA LIBERAL ASSOCIATION BRIDE AND HIS FORTY SLAVISH FOLLOWERS IN Los Angeles, Cal.. May 5—In von eee ee |preparation for his release from 2 3 ithe county jail, Ortie McManigal Victoria, May 2—Determined|uency had a smaller but equally) i, planning to have his face al jto launch the fight at the ear-/live organization, A strong iM|tereq by surgery so that he will lliest possible date the Victoria tercommunication among Liber ibe able to escape detection by | Liberals have decided to hold/al associations had been estab-| nossible enemies MeManigal, jtheir convention for the purpose lished and was proving a great when a mere child, fell out of a jof nominating candidates for strength to the cause lmoving wagon, landing on the f . : ro “he *E « sign of ' | fortheoming Dominion and P rh healthiest et the iground in such a position that a vincial elections on the evening campaign his committe had! heel passed over his head, leay of Monday, May 12 This de« n conducting, said Mr. Ross,|\., 4 deep scar upon his fore sion was reached after an ear-| was that no organization of any | nead nest discussion at the annual, kind could be effected until there] That scar, according to detec lmeeting of the Victoria Liberal| was public opinion back of the | tives, aided them in tracking him | Assqpiation last night, and seem principles for which it stood. The), his operations before he fin, ed to embody the opinion of prac-|people of British Columbia were) aiy was arrested in Detroit more jtieally every speaker ind was/at last getting their eves opened | than two vears ago | heartily welcomed by the large|to the fact that party @ ear It has been stated by officers j attendance of members present.'did not consist having Sir here that “one of these days” Mc | mannan —_—_—— ————-!Manigal, who has been in Los Angeles for the greater part of two years, and who has not been | prosecuted for his confessed crimes, will be given his liberty, but the date is to be kept secret so that he will be free ta.try to efface himself without bei fol- lowed. esinideanietil | Pension for the Widow | Winnipeg, May 3—Mrs. Chas Rooke, the widow of the ‘mounted constable who was shot last Jan uary near Dauphin, Man., while performing his duty, will reeeive }a temporary pension of S50 a jmonth from the Maniteba Gov lernment Subscribe for the Daily News DEMAND Rovat RESeRvE WHISKY. AGE & YEARS GUARANTEED BY THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA. RECOMMENDED FOR Tne INVALID THe Home Tne Connoisseur The Pusuic who nafurall want the best. Ace, Purity ano MELLOWNESS UNSURPASSED. DISTRIBUTORS Prince Rupert Importing Co., Ltd PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. CANDIDATE OF THE CONSTI- RNED THIS MORNING, LAST LIBERAL TUENCY, WHO RETI DUNCAN ROSS, Twenty-one delegates for the Richard MeBride as a czar of the Provincial! Liberal convention province with 40 slavish follow- opening at Revelstoke on May 29)... doing his bidding. What PRINCE RUPERT INN were selected from among those ; ‘ , happened in the last election, he | present at the meeting last night : E deciared, could never happen and the rest will be chosen by | AND again, for the people had come j the five ward associations | ; ape to see that there must be a live | Duncan Ross, ex-! » AGEres®! opposition which would see that ANNEX ed the meeting on the work of the| $75,000 was not given away with- i | committee of the provincial exe-| out discussion, cutive appointed to perfect the Dealing with Dominion issues, 2 ee sorry of ag Mr. Ross said that for the first ism roughou le province. : i : ra ' Owned and operated by the note of optimism was sounded in renee in Many yeare Libersle and Grand Trunk Pacific Railway on his statement that for the first|COnservatives were divided in the American and European plan. time in the twenty-four years of|Canada on a historic principle, Excellently furnished, with his experience in this province namely, centralization of control, steam heat, electric light, and all there was an organization which|the historic Conservative prac- modern conveniences, being abso- was felt in every corner of every|tice, as against the vigorous Li- lutely first-class in every respect. constituency. There was not alberal belief in automonous self- The appointments and service single constituency he said,j/control. His discussion of the are equal to any hotel on the without a live association, and| naval problem was lucid and en- coast. every portio of every constit-|lightening on many points. : eal i Rales: $1 te $3.50 per day. DON’T PAY $125 FOR A TYPEWRITER Our rebuilt typewriters have same finish, do 3 8° to Wednesda ATCOd Double Weekly Service ac TO THE SOUTH \e by the splendid steamers JSS prince RUPERT and PRINCE CEORCE Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver, Victoria and Seatt) Mondays and Fridays at © A. ™ co For Stewart on Thursdays at @ A™ For Granby Bay on Sundays at 8 Am ru aL Sis Steamers Prince John and Prince Albert Maintain Weekly Service Between Victoria, Vancouver ana Queen Charlotte Islands, Calling at Way Ports comes . ! boumi Saturdays at 8 P. M. Commencing April 19 . ge Masset and Naden Harbor, leaving Prince Rupert Commencing April 9 @. T. P. RAILWAY PassENGER SERVICE n Wedn Train No. 2, for New Hazelton, leaves Prince Rupert 4 and Saturdays , Grand Trunk Railway System from Chicago f 1 ' Canada and United States Unequalled service ove fouble ¢ For all information, tickets, reservations, etc., apy A ; General Agent. Agency all Atlantic Steamship Lines. Ee. McMaster CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ARE YOU GOING EAST THIS SUMMER? Special Excursions May 28th to Sep tember 30th Little’s NEWS Agenc Magazines CIGARS : Periodic . dicals Newspapes TOBACCOS FRUI Returning Limit October ist Vancouver to Toronto and 2nd Ave. Below Kaien Ialand Oo} return $982.00 Vancouver to Montreal and return $106.00 Vancouver to New York and oo — return $108.50 SS Vancouver to Chicago and $72.60 B . return a Emp | Vancouver to St. Paul and 00 ress OW ing Alleys return $60. Other Points Correspondingly Low ‘ ond POOL ROOM 4. @. MonaAB Leyes 12 TABL General Agent Cor. 3rd Ave & 6th St M. &. ROSS, Prop. ara ong princess Mary, South, Sunday, 6 P. M, Prince Rupert Employment Bur *. ©. Box ? Seu -o Phone 264 LICENSED AGENTS work and carry same “All Makes,” $75. Write for price list. on" Canadian Typewriter Exchange, Dept. 15, 543 Hastings W., Vancouver EE = a Scoop’s System Isn’t Good Fo His System G. A. Sweet, Manager. The Daily News LUMBER COAL COAL New Wellington Coal. Best on ¢ Coast ane Phone 116 Rogers & Bla Complete Line of . BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES CARTAGE as WESTHOLME LUMBER CO., Limited LINDSAY STORAGE Phone 186 G. T. P. Transfer Agents Prices reasonable UNION S.S. COMPANY OF 8.6, Ltd °° "mm The Twin Screw Steamer “Venture” Arrives from Vancouver Every MONDAY NIGHT SMITH & MALLETT THIRD AVE Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting a Sheet Metal W OMice: tnd Ave Phone 174 tnd Ave. bet Salis for Port Simpson, Naas River Pointe and Granby Bay Tuesdays, 8 a. m ‘Valhalla’’ of S.H. & E. SCANDINANIAN Socis Salis for Vancouver WEDNESDAYS, 2 P. wm Meets every 2nd and 4t! esd p.m. im the hall at 4 Ave Rogers Steamship Agency D. ©. STUART Phone 116 Accountant 308 2nd Ave. -% Phone 2 Georgetown Sawmill Co. Lid. Lumber and Mouldings A large stock of dry finish- ing lumber on hand. Boat lumber a specialty. Delivery made at shoft notice. i PRINCE RUPERT. B. C Alex. @. Maneon, B. A W. E. Williams, 8 A, Lv. Lb. WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Sex 286 Melgereen Biect Prince Rupert, 8. P.O. BOX B PRINCE RUPE JOHN E. DAVEY TEACHER OF SINGING FUrTL OF WE. FOTON, BBQ. 4.8 AM. 1 ON.F Our prices are as low as any. Call on us before ordering. HAYNER BROS. UNDERTAKERS ano EMBALMERS funeral Directors Srd Ave. near 6th St. Phone OFFICE: EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG. Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. E. L. FISHER Funeral Director and Embeimer CHARGES REASONABL! 2nd St, cor. 2nd Ave. Phone 356 OPEN DAY AND NiO ‘Advertise in Drawn for The Daily News by ©" =coor TM Gora % MAKE UW " TOY RWE" ENVTOR- iT BEEROPENER BIG Sik WITH A SOUSE PARTY — WONDER IF IT COULONT SWP'EM AND GET THE STORY OF THEIR oY _ Rive! MIDDLE OF THe ROAD AND YELL HEY-wair- Ge Stop! <4