THE DAILY NEWS Phureday, Mey « DAILY News BRITISH: COLUMBIA NOT LIKE a TOWN AUSTRALIA Me TCON Double Weekly Service THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA cum Vemen euvterr Fomine 00. LT, Pemsttaniatin be. PROVINCES T0 THE EASTWARD Policing of the sms. Cait Must be, Bt TO THE SOUTH in the Hands of The Two XG; \c by the splendid steamers A COUNTRY LIKE NO"OTHER COUNTRY, A PROVINCE DIS- Great Dominions PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORGE TINGUISHED AMONG THE DISTINGUISHED nan Leave Prines Rupert fer Vancouver, Ru aL Se ial SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico: Victoria and 6 Mondays and Fridays atoam Daily, 50¢ per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. Weekly, . 2 ve ‘ | ; -- | Vancouver, May 5 We wank $2.00 per year. Aji Other Countries: Daily, $8.00 per year. é ; For Stewart on Thursdays at 8A. m Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. This province of British ¢ ‘ole And it has a destiny of its OWN./ Canada to join us in policing the For Granby Bay on Sundays at 8 A. m umbia is not like the provinces| This province will not follow but)),, .ifi, ocean.” said Captain H 1 Pacific ocean, aid Gay Steamers Prince John and Prince Alber: ; . sad. eat, tl rt~ NSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract/of the east. It is not of the Can- Wee tases West, tie oJ. Maddox, of Melbourne, to the Maintain Weekly Service Between Victoria, Vancouver i i x hers face east. They face the Queen Charlotte Islands, Calling at Way Porte ytet ao | rates on application. ada most Canadians know. This motherland and the morning|Sun yesterday, “We have strict- bound Savurdays at 8 8. mM, commencing ‘April Leav 6, Prince ! : ; asse or, leaving Prine nr ~~. is no Ontario, with its compla-leun: this country’ faces strange|ly a national policy of defence Commencing aaa m Wednesda ‘HEAD OFFICE @. T. P. RAILWAY PASSENGER seRvice cent opinion of itself; nor Que-|peoples, possible enemies, and|Not only have we our own navy, ‘ : the settir ay be that Train No. %, for New Hazelton, leaves Prince Rupert 10 4 Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98 bec with its tarnished battle-|the setting sun. It may be thatl/iut we have this universal train and Saturdays ments. There is no city here like|/S0™e Of the other provinces injing, we manufacture all our mil conckl “tas Uae d'theme "“Gnee sallod Seven ocr al : . > , m oes ’ e C . . . ’ . . pas » walled service over 4 ¢ Subseribers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in St. John or Halifax, nor peaceful this Confederation may yet turn itary supplies, even our small For all information, tickets, reservations, etc.. a) . s Z ; General Agent. Agency all Atlantic Steamship Lives A. E. Momaster and face the sunset over the landscape like that of Prince Ed-| shoulder of this greater prov- ward Island, the Dreamer in the/ince, But that is in the future, ease of non-delivery or inattention on the part of The News carriers arms, “except our big guns; and we afe now constructing battle DAILY EDITION | — “Thursday, “May 8, 1913.) Gulf. Nor is it western as Mani-|together with all the possibilities cruisers in our own drydocks - a toba, Saskatchewan or Albertalo¢ this land.—B. B. Cook, in the Sah. aktenoh cee ao CANADIAN PACIFIO RAILWAY ‘Little’ S NEWS A i . 7 > rT os O “y “aoe “ t 5 » § ass spewen sere TEE = |B seis teens, corse | es Canberra, ie in working order] ARB YOU GOING RAST pene A . hter : P ince distinguished among the POPE GRANTS AUDIENCE and we have begun Cupersments THIS SUMMER? Magazines :: Periodicals :: N, Amid such slaughter as is The Borden policy means a distinguished. It has traditions there with military aeroplanes |] special Excursions May 28th to Sep CIGARS :: TOBACCOs still going on in the Balkans,| ¢aijare to comply with the pro-|of its own and a destiny of its - which promise great success, aetareme Lint Cainer 9100 \ané Ave. Betow Kai FRUIT the killing of one ome ~~ visions of the Naval Act Ser-jown, within the Federation it} Legate Sent to Eucharistic Con- “Of one thing you can be as- Vancouver to Toronto and esas il on Island Oly tracts attention only Beoeece vice passed by the Government has its own heroes as great to it gress Received by His sured Australia has made up|} vancouver to Montreal ana eenes the use of aeroplanes in war is : as any La Salle, Champlain or Holiness its mind to a strictly national de-|f yen i’ ew York and : | i still a novelty, picturesque and of Canada May 1910 and now Fronte fence policy and will not go back WEN va SU snoadeks $108.50 | | enac. - Vancouver to Chicago and | 5 s : on it. We want Canada to join j 72. B bn history does not begin so Rome, May 5—Pope Pius, for , Vancouver to St. Paul and or ress Dow Ing All ys | full of possibilities that loom on the statutes of Canada. The lis us in policing the Pacific ocean, the larger because the imag-| | aurier policy means the carry . : | ’ ? ‘ much with Columbus and Cabot ‘ ms : : return. . $60.00 ination, not knowledge, defines ing out of the provisions Offa. with guant Siberian adven the first time since his illness, and we hope that you may be Other Points Correspondingly Low e aa POOL ROOM , Sle | gave ‘ mee is morning.|able ke le ; fr 4. @. MoNAB 12 TA them. that act. turers storm-driven upon this/®*Y® @" audience this morning./able to take lessons from US iN}] general agent Cor. 3rd Ave & 6th St] }( @ & ROSE, Prep. ons kn } In Tripoli aerial scouts have sali coast while in pursuit of the sea] fhe honor fell to Cardinal Dom-jour military developments, even|] princess Mary, South, Sunday, 6 P. M, Prince Rupert Employment Burea done a little—a very little— ' ' ; , ; if you do not feel justified in |) *. ©. Box Phone 264 d to the om. and: they The Borden policy makes itjotter; with arrogant Spanishjinic Ferrata, who recently re- ot sr J a as - - LICENSED agents H nee i aie aah sions se. impossible for Canada to stop}/commanders sailing gallantly/turned from Malta, where he had varenne: Se. gplnerges aoe te | aS on Ne a a ‘a oan contributions and enter upon|northward from the Spanish|presided over the Eucharistic |?" wns. lives: fm 6. ane ee P anepectiiieguamamatin —_ ae ok : & . ¢ s ; a naval service of her own,|Main; with red-cheeked British|congress as papal delegate that state the debt of participat- U M B E R aa > ‘a semaines without appearing to be dis-|mavigators and lean Yankee skip-| = — —— fale ing in its defence. L C O A L juat about what it has always} ‘%tisfled with the mother coun- co come a Sah; Saaes. ee HOTEL ARRIVALS Constable Pat Phillipson left b b h ; try. The Laurier policy cre- through fogs and snowstorms, , te. : La . C O A I sage wwaen oo wens ates no future embarrass-/and with the grim Mackenzie ' ae aranr MOTRIN OE sas eee New Wellington Coal. Best on ¢ - such eae ema aaa crawling laboriously over the Mae boing’ Pong me Smith, /Bssington. Coast it was not “revolutionize y ° 4 ns . Montreal; A. . Fraser, Vanecou- —_—___— — —— Phene the new military utensil ° pte teyirally hey edema ge er woasdaneds \.| The paper that prints the faet ene 116 Rogers & Blag i. ry : The Borde ler” to.eona) Tete fur for the Great: Conipany.f 0”? —* < Sew, =v sncouver; &- DSPSr cas PENIS TES FaStS Cc j Li f In the Balkans several of the . a ee “| Our Family Compact troubies|5¥@"e2, Montreal; H. H. Cowley,|—the Daily News. prete Line o opposing forces have been supplied, though meagerly, ) with aeroplanes, and we hear} Pires based on only that the Turks at Adrian-]| have failed to endure. ople succeeded in bringing} Laurier policy recognizes what down one of the Servian avia-| history has taught, and affords trary to the teachings of his- Vancouver: H. V. XN a a : did not greatly concern British ouver; H. V. Millingham; H 5 PLIES . tory, which shows that all Em- Columbia. Our Eastern Cana.|?: Blanchard and wife, San Fran- ’ ren conc LINDSAY » STORAL 7 DEMAND WESTHOLME LUMBER CO., Limited GE centralization ;ciseo; P. Wallace, Vancouver: ROYAL RESERVE Phone 106 G. T. P. Transfer Agents | dian pioneering, our constitu-| ~~ : The Geo. T. Stewart, Ft. Fraser; W. J. —_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_— ~— Orders promptly filled = Prices reasonable tional struggles, and our little}, - affair of 1812 did not much in- erated Vanoouver, and C. R. terest that province. It has a soulter, Portland, Ore. tors by the use of shrapnel.| ® basis for the permanent de-|) i. of. its own. It stands vitliiahetnitthoeniaditind teats WHISKY. UNION a8. COMPANY OF Be Ld OFFICE H. B. Rochester. Centre Si Phos This is informative, though not} velopment of.Ahe Britich: Em- alone, as it stood when the other | The Daily News has the larg- z encouraging, and not confirm-| Dine? . |province entered Confederation.) est circulation in Northern B.C aceG YEARS oe ative of the confident prophe- ——o- “e The Twin Screw Steamer | cies that the aeroplane would The Borden policy has divi-|™ ae 7 = 2 GUARANTEED BY SMITH & MALLETT make war of the old sort im- ded public opinion in the Un- \THE VERNMENT THIRD AVE possible. ited Kingdom, Canada and in OF CANADA. en re” Plumbing, Heating, Steam/itting an This particular war, so far,| all the self-governing Domin- | RECOMMENDED FOR Sheet Meta! Work has been lamentably little dif-| idns. The Laurier policy is °00 000 Tne INvVAUID Arrives from Vancouver Every ones St tah Ae, ben, tin ont te ferent from those of the period founded on unanimous agree- ; 9 Tne Home IDAY NIGHT -- when firearms first replaced} ment. business men Tre Connoisseur — - bows and swords. Hand-to- —o— aN ne Pusuc hand conflicts have been many The Borden policy means a i : are now wearing who naturally Salle for Port Bimpson, Nase River Pointe! ceyy te tet? OF SH. & EF a“ the slaughter on both failure to carry out the agree- : ag MS “« 99 | want the best. and Granby Bay Tuesdays, 8 a. m. om ' sides enormous. The fighting ment reached with Australia f nt Kish Reg l th - —_—-- @cawomanian Societs has been as old-fashioned as and New Zealand at the admir- fe i ee | y 0 Cc 0 es Aos. Ruarry si tie etiam s the motives for fighting—re-| alty conference of June, 1909. RS His, 28 igh @ The fact is significant ; it means that UNSURPASSED. ee ets. ad ba ligious hate and the desire to] The Laurier policy means the fs ad 200,000 men recognize that Rego” WEBNESBAYS, 8 P. &. ws, ee extend boundaries. carrying out of that agreement. PAs i: ae mut, style is what they want, and that “ Rego” DISTRIBUTORS one a { SP ee Fy 9 and value are the right standard. Prince Rupert Importing Co., Ltd . gay ego” Clothiers ee leading PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Rogers Steamship Agency D. C. STUART Teles (with 23 shops in the Empire tothe acd cent ii cae i til Phone 116 Accountant poseneeay and they offer you high-class amen ae 308 2nd Ave. iy Phone 280 don tailoring at practically ready- a ee teen eeenneD PRINCE RUPERT. 8. © —_ prices—or less. “Reco” New York [|| PRINCE RUPERT NN || Georgetown = ———___ os od takise of tho ape eel | -_ | Sawmill Co. Ltd. eso mance Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. ANNEX |} Lumber | UETIS MEMORANDUM OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 O CLOCK OWN YOUR OWN HOME BE INDEPENDENT We are loaning money from Coast to Coast in Canada “ to our contract holders to Mouldings P.O. BOX 2 PRINCE RUPE! BUY OR BUILD HOMES Owned and operated by the »y PAY OF F’ MORTGAGES Grand Trunk Pacific Railway on JOHN E. DAVEY IMPROVE REAL ESTATE the American and European plan. A large stock of dry finish- TEACHER OF SINGING Is Excellent! Sued ; ing lumber on hand. Boat let range of 1912 patterns and simple self- ently § furnished, with lumber a epecialty. Delivery Pe SP OU: FORM, HED. 4.2-4.u.. 10 measurement form, we will send you on steam heat, electric light, and all made at short notive. ci 5 _ application. The modern conveniences, being abso- lutely first-ciass in every respect. Our prices are as low as any. 66 99 oO ego Clothiers, The appointments and service Call on us before ordering. HAYNER BROS. . PER ANNUM La. are equal to any hotel on the ——— a Investigate the C. H. I. C. contract plan today. It will .0. Box Montreal. * coast. rae +) or pay you. It means becoming your own landlord. Dept. OPO OFFICE: Grd Ave. none 6h 8 pes The Canadian Home Investment Company, Lid. ——_-—___- empress THEATRE BLDG. | Rae: $1 te $3.50 per dy. | ep EG. gS Home Pacific Buil ps Vencouved 8B. o. Prince Office, Buliding Open Evenings Unto" ° ‘Glock DON’T PAY $125 FOR A TYPEWRITER E. L. FISHER Our rebuilt sopoestens have same finish, $°as70b te 8 Hap aes in Funeral Director and Embaimer work and carry same . “AN Makes,” $76. Write for price list. G. A. Sweet, Manager. CHARGES RBASONABL! a corse The Daly N News [2% ER ROIS | Drawn for The Daily News THE N@MES, PLEASE OF THE MaRRIED LADIES IN YouR RaRTY WWO FORGOT 10 BRING af } o / Oeaia- wre -sino saure we ) J