or THE DAILY NEWS hors! Ma a WAL NOTICES LAND PURCHASE NOTICES. SAYS NAAS VALLEY _ yetriet of Umineca Land Dp Distriet : dt Nan : , Skeena Land Dist IS TO BE SURV ominec4 uw . L. N. Mae Notice is hereby ¢ F | dade y atetet of Coast, itl, L. N. Me Range sce 18 pereby #° Fi core a oe of Vane | pation | » : me tice that i, Daniel Brenton Ken- gotice V as tend w ap urgeon, 60 da ‘ i to a ey 0 errace, B. C., occupation rancher, ' i ‘Ane Por Moonee mT ; at and the 7 ‘eikk a for permission to purchase Will Soon Seeme | an Important el ‘ , cense _ | 4 ne ‘ ve ne dese « F scriped lage: | Wrote um over the vine cribed og Commencing at ‘a pen amaeed at the! Producing District Owing to ted on ban Commencing at & post nted ear | NOPtheast corner of Lot 6130, thence north Pro - or % miles up |} Grand Trunk Pa mile p ; iss aanee 40 cha ns, thence east 30 éhains, thence ximity to ) er ek inereot Yee = e etn th west 80 chains eget , ° as, thence west 30 chains to oontme : of cree Dy ynee nor 80 I thence eae an f yoin comme me : . : yorth 80 chain’, | chains to ieee Of +contmonemmeen tf?) igo acres more OF eeement, conten! Vancouver, May 5 I received ; nonce OE Beers wre S8F68 Sore oF b Dated March tthe tele. MENNEY. [a letter from Victoria on Satur- ns wo place L. N. MACKECHNIE a ‘ ’ 4 : oo, en = y 640 acres more | stek yy g W. MECRADY, ©. E., Agent Pub. April 7th to June 9nd day stating that the provincial Ma nemenit , j Staked and dated March 17 y mee o KECHN IE L. WN. Mackechnic, NE f Yt? —— | government proposed to survey P wt ‘eth, io | Pub. Apr. 14, 1919——Ma 12, 1919 aoe Land District District of Goastithe pre-empted reserve in the ing caved MATCH | | ‘ange V, { iver valley,” statec pad," echnle, 12, 1019 - TAKE NOTICE that Frank Knott, of the Naas River va le : tated Mr. Lo ei 7 Omineca Land District—pistrict of | Prince Rupert, a , occupation baker,; WW. A. Myers of Gwinoha, Naas pb. MI alii Haze | Intends » apply ” permission to ur , , sitw —_ ca Notice is hereby give hat ft. L. N. Mae | Chase ine following described lands! . River valley. who is in the city . District oO |Keehnie, of Vancouve B. cupation | ommencing at & post planted at the! , f iness ) guiness * | surgeon, ¢ Te : coed Te oa. | N.W. corner of T.L. 30045, thence south)?! 4 business trip. ut I, LN. MOC | phy two the ‘ Lands | 0 Chains; thence west 20 chains; thence He stated that on Saturday four gouce | De 7 ! , GccUpsHeD | for license to prosper ' 1 and pe- | POrt 60 chains more or less to the south ‘ . “Atle left here x va itend ° @ | troleum over th wing de bed lands | Denk of the Skeena River; thence north-| prospective settiers |e rere on r of Lands Commencing at a post plantec easterly along the said bank of the Skeena| , . feamer e *( 2 al a a |} Grand Trunk n I izs p oo . panes hy in the point of commencement, con e prety ry | ” ait 7 aoa j ribed lands >» chains en east & 4 : on ae ning acres more or less e Naas iver valley distric planted near old| north 80 Chains the D e we st 60 chains to} FRANK KNOTT, oy “f ilie P 1 ‘ok Pe mile post 195,) piace of commencement, containing 6401 H. D. LENHART, Agent.| and four families proposed to go . thence west 80/acres more or i | Dated Feb, 24, 1013. north today , ins, thence east iL. N. MACKECHNGE Pub, March 17 to May 12—~13 a aay. ies nencement, Con | Per F. W. McCRADY, G. E., Agent The Naas River valley district CKECHNIE Cl Wanton Rte ee eee “lis the finest unsettled section in ' Skeet anc « C ( 7 ¥ } , i WW ' ‘ott ‘ie | Pub. Apr. 14, 1919—-May 19, 1643 “4 and a. op totriot wf Coast, British Columbia, declared Mr. RB |, Take notice that Gertrude M. Newell, of}Myers, with enthusiasm, this uy 12, 1083 Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, occupation married aa an ? Omineca Land District—District of ween, Inge nds to apply for permission to| Morning. I look forward to the ad ———— | Maze n purchase 1 following described lands » whe . : » — District of Notice is hereby given that I, L. N, Mac-| Commencing at a post planted at. the| ‘ime when there will be hundreds, Qminecs Lane Kechnie, of Va , B. GC, occupation; Sortheast corner of Lot 5142, thence west} and in fact thousands, of home- it I, L. N. Mae~- | surgeon, ¢ ja late intend to ap-| 20 Chains, thence north 20 chains, thence . jotice | ay B. ¢ yecupation|ply w the Chief mmissioner of | ands | Feri “i? chains, thence | south 20' chains,| seekers taking up pre-emptions hie } he ate end to ap-|for license Ww 45 ‘ r coal and pe Ow ine the meander of the Lakelse Lake, i The a a Of Lands | troleutn over the following described lands:| 0 the point of commencement, containing)" that fertile area. The months w | i and pe-| Commencing at 4 post planted near|*% acres more or less of May and June are the best in B ice s , ‘ eribed lands; | Grand Trunk Pacific mile post 128, thence} GERTRUDE M. NEWEL = quem A inted near old | bo rth 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, Dated April 4 w a. KENNEY, Agent. the year for those who propose eS : nile post 135,|/ thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 be rl 46th, : . ‘ * d ow ruak Pacine jence’ east 86|cheins to pia { commencement, con Pub. Apr. 24, 1913—June 16, 1013 to go north to hunt for land as chains, thence i taining 640 acres more or less a ta aceilals the undergrowth is not yet high mmencement, | L. N. MACKECHNIE ee ne ~ FE é et { > snoug ( e tri throu lal iv 8 r less | sabe ; rr. W we KADY, ©. EB, Agent. Skeena Land District—District of Coast, enough to mak ps through oun AChE a peaked and dau ! serch 7th, 1919 Range V this and other valleys arduous. " W } y » acKechnle, 5 . Take notice that Emma Waterous Ag- |p err iv ¢ gpet sod dated ‘oth, 10143 Pub. Apr. 14, 1913 —May 12, 1913 new, of Victoria, B. C., occupation married The Naas River valley will soon : echnie, N. W. § _| woman, intends to apply for permission i wil ys orte . . 3 be t4 12, 1913 purchase the following de scribed lands ¥] become in ‘Reportent produc ng : ae Omineca Land District——District of a. aon ~ ae . - Gost planted on the| district owing to its proximity to - rr south shore of Lake Hayward, near Falis : r s . : ee Notice is bereby given thet I, L. N Mac. River, a braneh of the Hocsall, thence|the G. T, P. and to steamer om Kechuie, of Vancouver, B. C., occupation| 20rt 20 chains, thence west 20 chains,| routes!” 5 by 6 tt, LN. Mee. | eon 4d — fler dat t : to , | thence south 20 chains, thence east 20 P : ve ; j C., Geeupation | serpeen, . day af er ds e inten ) ay chains more or less to point of commence- ays 4 ste intend to ap-|ViY & tne ‘ ET S810 ment, containing 40 acres more or less ner of Lands | for ai and pe-| ver t fol « described lands mmencing at & post anted near old Grand Trunk Pacilic mile post 128, thence 4 PMMA WATEROUS AGNEW THE NAV Dated April 13th, 1913 Pub. Apr. 21, 1913—June 16, 1913 =a peing at 8 | h 6 t . ence West 80 chains,| ao x Pa mile post 135, ok i ) a . oe ees a we silicates t he * st 80 peice south 80 chains, en eas ( wor . “eeu a e| chains to place of commencement, con-| Skeena Land District—District of Coast, il ts a ' mmencement, | “ming 640 acres more or less Range V ap Ge Oreo m= LN. MACKECHNIE Take notice that Ole J. Jonsen, of Kit-|He Congratulates Dominion but Ba MACKECHNIE Per } W. McCRADY, ©. E., Agent,; sumkaium, B. C., occupation rancher, in- , ADY Cc. & Agent Staked and dated March 17th, 1913 tends to apply for permission to purchase Ignores Canada’s Failure to at 0s ese ot 1043 L. N. Mackechnie, 5. E. C the following described lands See eerie, 3. W ren tose. Pub. Apr. 14, 1013-—-May 12, 1013 Commencing at @ post planted about Follow Example. BA Mackechn sy 12, 1043 A _._| half a mile north of the southeast corner soem ‘ li tb in : io wean se beadaars Melbourne, Australia, May 5 — - chains more or les oO we wes oundary > ) » 4 é a, I Do nieeecs La District of — SS pe os hs a po ad pa oo en cera “I congratulate Australia on her Has : Notice is hereby given that I, L. N. Mac-140 chains more or léss to the east boun-| naval defence policy. She is set- ® i that I, L. N. Mac Kechnie, of Vancouver, B. C., occupation! dary of T. L. No. 35246, thence north 30 : + a B. ¢ or ae 0) surgeon, 60 days afler date intend to ap-j chains more or less to the point of com-|ting a grand lesson te Canada, ‘ late intend Ww ap ay Ww the Chief Commeasioner f Lands‘ mencement, containing 120 acres more or ‘ : . . or ‘¢ g wer of Lands| for jicense to prospect for coal and pe- | less said Hon. G. E. Foster, Canadian ; fescribed jana; | ‘oleulm over the following described lands: | OLE J SRtSER, Locator. |jminister of trade and commerce, sine described lands Commencing 4 pose planted wear) D. LAIRD, Agent “ st a post planted near Old), cabin near Grand Trunk Pacific mile Dated March 28th, i048. while lecturing on Ourselves Kk recihe mile post 1395,) 505; 130, thence south 80 chains, thence Pub. Apr. 21, 1913—June 16, 1913. s * re’! . } sins, thence West 80) west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, and the Empire” before the Grad- thebce ih 50 chains, WeNnce! inence east 80 chains to place of com uates’ Association here today. mins Wo pla MunenCeMeRL, | mencement, containing 640 seres more oF ) wa nore of canis less Skeena Land Digtrice—District of Coast, After having admitted that : Oe aeUaN L. N. MACKECHNIE lange V saith alee “— . - ; W Al E., Agent Per F. W. MeCRADY, E., Agent Take notice that I, Charles H. Ziegler, Australia’s naval policy was a fai ae arch tui, iis Staked and dated March 17th, 1913 f London, England, occupation gentieman,| claiming 640 NCres MOTE OF | West S0 chains to place of commencement, |, Notice is hereby given that The Prince} Welch & Stewart Will Do \. MACKECHNIE contetmens SE9 Gcrne pore of NIE 4 Prince’ Rupert, B. c. wi Spely, for a the Work. 7 t, W. MeCRADY, ©. E Agent. Per F. W. McCRADY, I Agent license to store or pen back 1 acre- PAM kod daied March oth, 1943. Staked and dated March {7th, 1013 cock of Sele ee ee $a ’ . ; he ’ ~ L. N, Mackecbnle, 8. W. C r rime “Hoceaht hiver about eighteen miles Winipeg, May 5.—It is stated 1 ’ Ca” - _¥ ” ng i » Hoe : “» *053-——-May 68, S088. Pub. Apr. 14, 1013-——-May 12, 1015 from its mouth, , The water will be stored here that it has been practically — $$ Saas . ~lin a reservoir of 4,912,582,060 cubic fee > 7 ” Wiles Land District “Dist ‘et of Pe apacity, built or to be built at peed of decided that the firm of Foley, Haze ve nd District—District of falls, and will be used for generating Pale Stew ill secure fro bdwehy gives thet &, A Mee Omineca Land, Disiric ccirte DOWSr Darpases as authorised By Welch & Stewart will secure from B. C., occupation Notice is hereby given that I, L. N. Mac-| Water Record NO. 21, + ane under 8 notics the Canadian Pacific Railway the late intend to @ souver, B. C,, occupation f application for a license to e anc " o * * . i ner of Cents a of eres jate intend to ap-/use water, posted herewith, an tre land contract for the construction of spect for coal and pe-|piy two ‘the Chief Commissioner of a sescribes as Lot 635, Range 5, Coast Dis-/i po Rogers Pass double track escribed land ol nse yrospect for coal and pe-| tri . p Ost planted mbes 12 eee tae Tollowing tfescribed lands This notice was posted on the ground|/tunnel through the Selkirk Moun- trunk Pacific € ‘ > ost planted near alon the 14th day of April, 1913. The ap- ‘ owe : . . ® borth 80 chains, honed ein mat Gren trunk Peeiti mile post] plicatic a will be Mied in the oMce of the/tains. The contract will also in- . south 80 chains,|130, thence north 80 chains, thence west!} Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B os clude the? construction of seven ¥ chains to place of com-|86 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence Objections may be filed with the - 7 #1 sh utaining 640 acres more OF|east $0 chains to place of commencement,| Water Recorder or with the Comptro erjmiles of double trackage on eac containing 640 acres more or less f Water Rights, Parliament Buildings, sie side of the tunnel, making a total : L. N. MACKECHNIE, L. N. MACKECHNIE Victoria, BG. =. Be : : bi as y M RADY, c. BE, Agent. Per F. W. McCRADY, ©. E Agent CO LED. ADRUERBE length to be double tracked, in- ec March 19 > od Mareh 17th, 1013 ’ ” . nh on ma Oe. Ce hg tn SH 3 E — y . eae ts” Agent. cluding the five miles of tunnel, " May 12, 1943 Pub, Apr. 14, 1913-——-May 12, 1019 Pub. Apr. 9%, id it caead of about twenty miles. The num- ve ver of 2 » be employed is not Mines land ber of men to be employed irict—District of Omineca Land District— District of . : + deren lta’ minec Gtaselton WATER NOTICE. announced, but it is stated the Vingowe® en that 1, L. N. Mac Notice Is hereby given that 1, 1 es a work is to be completed inside of u, ceauotion . Vancouver, B. ‘ occupa : . late intend to ap soceats. of SeeeTASS date iitend to ap. | For a License to Take and Use Water. | four years. © Drospect ee en + ,anee aly to the Chief ¢ ominissi ner ¢ : 7 aoe Notice is hereby given that The Prince a OVer the follo " Coal and pe-lfor license to prospect for coa : “| Rupert Hydro-EBlectric Company, Limitec h Wile deseribed lands costed over the following described lands: mt we Rupert, B. C mR apply for 8 The National Pantie: : F. of bost planted about 12)" Commencing at a post plant on bank ¢ cense to take and use 508 C. 8, * nk Pacific twack,| porcupine Creek about 1% miles up the) Oo) our of Falls River, which ows in @ It is an ancient mariner. 1 50 chains, thence |ereek from mouth thereof (Grand Trunk) \oleny direction through Lot 635, He stoppeth one of three f © South 80 chains, Pacife Railway crosses mouth f creek hange 5, Coast District, and empties into . ‘dine 2, Dilace Of ComM-|near mile post 133), thence south 8 lecsall River about #8 miles from its}And “holds him with a skinny “ng 640 acres more Of/chains, thence west 80 chains, thence mouth The water will be diverted at the hand east 80 chains t& lan north 80 chains, thence head of falls, and will be used for gener Per Pw \. MACKECHNIE lace of commencement, containing 64 tng electric power purposes on the land “Have vou a mateh?" quoth he. fee Ud ‘tated WARY, C. E.. Agent, Toone enace OF 1008 | ae bed a8 Lot 635, Range 5, Coast Dis- : 4q Mickernne, Navch fot, i048, L. N MACKECHNIE. os | trict Apr, 4 % { Per F. W. McCRADY, ¢ » Agen rhis notiee Was posted on the ground } my . nee : re 8 May 12, 1043 Staked and dated March 18th, 1013 lon the 14th day of April, 1943. the ap-| The shades of night were falling - L. N, Mackeehnie, N { nee |plication Wil be fled in the oMee of the fast 4 Land 1 : Pub, Apr. 14, 1013-—-May 12, 19! |\vater Recorder at Prince Rupert, B. C. : , ee District of | Objections may be filed with the aaid When through an Alpine village . iWater Recorder or with the Comptroller Va that 1, La IN Mac cE Water Rights, Parliament Bulldings, : peeeer ; 4 is a ~, oecupatio£r ml 3): OTICES | Victoria, B, C A you yho bore mid snow ‘te intend to ap LAND PURCHASE NO" |v eeeRINGE RUPERT HYDRO-ELECTRIC|* YOULN who Dore enew an ner of Lends } co.,, LTD., Applicant. ice coal 4 ” 4 ow 7 . “ 8 « described lands: | Qminece Land District District of Cassia | yay ape 94 By ty uae ARPS | A banner with a strange device— ‘ a @ Pianted on bank that I, L. N ackechnie, 0 . “GQ “he fom the py lt tM miles up| y aaabere?, B C., ovcuipation surgeon pembeaneeceninmaingtl Got a mateh’ Ne Raiiw h thereof (Grand! days after date int ad to : apy \- hase $$ : ‘ses moutl , ssioner of Lands urehs i ' “themes” north | Surveyed. Lot 1b \ Casstal D aay: WaveR NeTES. The Daily News has the larg- ch »*' 80 chains, thence! Skeent ‘ situated near mile 6, r un veel an a. Oe nee Sheena Piver Be pied Steins 40 » teantesia mani tn iiteen ities mena est circulation in Northern B.C. : taining 640} acres more or less For a Lic ‘ i N. MAC - ants bi Notice is hereby given that The primes ———S—SSaaaee 7 PW. ecu eRe HINTS | Per F. W. MeCRADY, ¢ , Age t Hydro-Eleetric Company, Limited, 4 dated ; Agent | Staked and dated March 19th, 1213 Rug sinas Rupert, B, C., will apply for a WATER NOTICE. h mS ‘18th, Fie’ L. N. Mackeehnie, N. B. ¢ : icense to store OF pen Dack 82,906 acre For a License to Take and Use Water, 4 Bue Apr. 14, 1019—June @, 1015 reet of water from Khtada River, 4 stream Notice is hereby given that The Prince sy 12, 1049 | fNowing in & Westerly direction and empty Rupert Hydro-EBlectric Company, Limited, ling into Skeena River near Mile 44, G. of Prince Rupert, B. C., will spply at for a \ t—District of Coast] P. mileage The water will be stored is lleense to take and use 266 cubic feet per ' Disteiat of Skeena Land Distri y a resery of B,041,421,795 cubic feet) second of water out of Khtada River, which hange Eugene Renz, of} capacity, built oF to be built in Lake} flows in a westerly direction through Low \ itt, L. N, Mag-| TAKE NOTICE that Upation cook, im-| Brutinel Valley, and will be used for gen-| 1377 and 1378, 94 empties into eelia ! { oceupation | Prince Rupert, B.C., 008 pal 7D ‘i pul . ctric power purposes 45 author- | River near Mile 44, G. T. P. mileage. The Htend to ap-| tends to apply TOF eecribed lands ied by Water Records Nos. 27, 36 and 50,| water will be diverted at ° point about ner of Lands| chase the ollowlng ae ianted at the N /and under @ notice of application for 6/8,000 feet from the mouth and will be ‘ % a and pe- | Commencing ¥ Ses planter north 2 ense | take end eee wee posted here-] used for area ann tat aay. ‘ esert «|B. corner 0 : : e i poses and ite re ; ; plante den hank Shales; thence east 13 ae ‘ohn Me. Range east Disiriek. = Se an * Coast District, m | Lie miles un | loss, to, the west boundary ot auth This hotice was posted om the ground) — This hotice was posted on round © Katiwa wreof (Grand| keehney's pre-¢ i t»> John Mckechney’s}on the #3th day o April, 19438. on the 13th of poe. ‘Pia. my 2 t. i nes mouth of | chains, more ge ieee tO chains; thence | plication will, be see Re aimee of tl | plication will filed | hain . ‘ hains * oo’ r u OD chains thence west 33 chains.) Water Recor ‘may be led ‘Sin’ ihe” ia Us ot ny ben ve the 4 4 os : thenee | south . oe boundary of 1 Objections may aa jections Big nt t 80 chains to|tmcre or less, to the east D i more| Water Recorder or with the Comp trailer Water Recorder or with ne ntaining 640|L, 30046; thence north 20 Chali» a f Water nights, Parliament Bulldings,/of Water is, Par s” Bu iis or less to the point Vict MA t ) acre ore 0 ‘ ’ or . * e ant HNIE containing 90 acres mm * les RENZ THE PAIGE RUPERT My pyano ELEC lo MOCKAT , d Maren ‘eth, 5 pont M D. LENHART, agwut TRC CO . . rh ery € ted a4, 1915. m u 1, is le * 1918 May tg. 1918 Part dareh 17 to May 12-18 Pub, Apt . Pub, Ap. 21, 1818—- GRAND OPERA TO BE FREE IN NEW YORK Park Commissioners Pian to Give People Al Fresco Concerts of Highest Standard. i Real grand opera in the parks, with first class singers, chorus and orchestra, and free admission to everyone able to get within Gives a Quick, vooal and aural range of the per- Brilliant Polish formers is the latest scheme of That La sts the New York park commissioners for the entertainment of the masses this summer. They say it is a logical evolution of the | pees ' — - park band concerts which are held during the summer in every city of size in the country. Aceord- ing to William J. Lee, supervisor of recreation parks and play grounds, the father of the move- ment, the plan has matured to “FROM HOME TO HOME.” the point where all that remains piovemagmap ens. rehcersing HOTEL ELYSIUM of the company. Sid. Sykes, Manager “It is the greatest innovation The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. in recreational enterprises that “Excellent Cafe. Moderate Prices, the city has ever known,’ de- : clared Lee. “It is something ab- 1142 Pender Street West - Vancouver, B.C. solutely new and it is just what Phone 8500, the people have wanted and needed for many years. At last every working man and woman will be able to see and hear the greatest operatic works per- formed by a first class company, with all the accessories of neces- Canada’s greatest diamond and jewellery ry sce ; § ” house supplies the people of eli British a ae = = a pa , Gotantata oa Gl And rig ere is where ei lines of all home canatnaves a _ apparatus and is hooked up, of course, with the city’s electric lighting system. greatest feature of the enter- es 89s ported goods. prise comes in. The perform- ances are to be given on a new Diamonds and Diamond Set Jewellery of the very sort of movable stage with spevial highest standard of perfection. accoustic properties, the inven- Silverware in the best qualities and most popular tion of one A. Floryn. This stage, patterns in both sterling and plate. which looks something like the Cut Glass in splendid assortments of beautiful designs band stand shells, can be moved cut from high grade blanks. easily from one park to another| Leather Goods showing the latest conveniences for if necessary, and it is so con- _ travellers. Also ladies’ handbags, purses and novelties. structed as to carry the voices of Our illustrated catalogue will be sent free to any ad- the singers and the orchestral dress upon request. Write for this shopper’s guide and rt music far out over the heads of get the benefit of our moderate prices and quality goods. re : a great open air crowd. Thel# All goods sent prepaid to your nearest post or express i stage is fully fitted with scenic office and money refunded if goods are not satisfactory. ‘ i ‘4 Henry Birks & Sons, Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS “KID” SEEKS A FIGHT Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.C saietamagtenacompasmany Oilman Would Like to Meet “Some Good Man” in the Ring Here About July 1 ae saat nea ne eg Kid Olman writes from Court- nay, B.C., to the sporting editor of the Daily News that he has signed articles of agreement for a fifteen round contest for the championship of Canada at 158 ibs., with Tex Foster, of Vancou- ver. The contest is to be pulled off at Cumberland on May 24th, the agreement calling for 60 % and 40 %. The Kid says he feels confident that he will win and he hopes to see a fight arranged for him here for July tst with some good man. If the “good man” should hap- perm to be Ben Self with a teapot where would the Kid be then? a a nes The Blue Amberol Want Ad, Forty years in use, twenty is a New Record for years standard, prescribed and recommended by physicians. For Pema Pita ar sour sev’) 1 he Edison Phonogra -Church Services- It is not only proof against ; inst cuvncu injury, but will never be worn the Ses out by constant playing cinrras HALL, Sub ave, WEAR Or 87. But the most wonderful | record you can buy. You iS. joo Sanday thing about the Blue Am- | must hear a Blue Amberol Claas 230 berol is its perfect tone and | to appreciate its true the lifelike quality of worth. Your Edison tee ) at a — Fs lal ann Saale al eee REV. W.H. McLBODB.AB.D. Pastor “Gedas Ea its reproduction. In dealer will play some sbtaee we this respect alone it for you on an Edison REV. C. R. SING, B.D. Paston is superior to any Phonograph. Ask ST. ANDREW'S ANGLICAN CHURCH other phonograph him today. Cor. unsmuir Place ing prayer, 7:30. Sunday / F ie 2. Holy Thomas A. Edison, Inc., 100 Lakeside Ave., Orange, N. J., U.S.A, 4 m. During the Lenten | A eamplete line of Edison Phonographs and Records will be found af ice in ‘the chureh every HAYNER BROS. m 3rd Ave. and 6th St. Wednesday at 8 p. m. THE SALVATION ARMY CITADEL Granv Court ——— — = ae 8 services a tt Higa 3 ane 8 pm. Sua- ae Subscibe For The Daily News | —IN THE— Skeena Vall Nechaco Valley FARM | Bulkley Valley Fort George District | FARM —IN TRACTS OF 160 ACRES AND UPWARDS-— Carefully selected Lands at Reasonable Prices and on LANDS easy terms. NORTH COAST LAND COMPANY, Limited PAID UP CAPITAL $1,500,000, 00 VANCOUVER, B.C.