: 2 THE DAILY NEWS Friday. = = —— 1 —— “TW CTCDMEBLNDT I In ~ _|MAKE.UP-FOR DELA THE DAILY NEWS ULSTERMEN DRILLING DURING IN NAVAL BILL TALK Asal Double Weekly Service ro a era tee eseen” | NIGHTS TO RESIST HOME RULE xo: cxnes:commnmn| Wipe T0,THE souTH Might Be Used to Purch C\FIC by the splendid steamers tae ds PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORGE Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver, Ru TRUNK hl ref Aad SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico:| CASTLE AUTHORITIES AROUSED TO ACTIVITIES OF NORTH- Victoria and Beattie on Daily, 50c per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. Weekly, ERN MEN—ARMS SMUGGLED IN AS WELL AS London, May 5.—The naval Mondays and Fridays at 0 A. Mm $2.00 per year. All Other Countries: Daily, $8.00 per year. BIG GUNS. editne ar the Daily Telegraph For Stewart on Thursdays at 8 A. m Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. —— ; : For Granby Bay on Sundays at 8 A. m Dublin, May 5.—Secretly and/from an outside source, thought | outlines what will probably be ecsiuiictthiadies ve creat Gut and Prince Albert : ° TL - . . , » s ’ . ain Service Betwee fictor nen . TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract without any bluster Ulster is in-|to be Germany, and that even | th apenas of the British admit Queen Charlotte Islands, Calling at War Porn Lane 7 - t lieat . alty toward the two battleships} bound Saturdays at 8 P. M., Commencing April 1° ; rates on application. s big guns have been successfully} ae Node meing April 12. Also \ creasing its efforts to be more now building, but not paid for,| Masset and Neden Marbor, leaving Prince Rupert on Wedn E FFICE smuggled into the country and) aie ’ | Commencing April ¢ —~ than ready to fight the rest of}; iqden away in safe places |by Turkey in British ship yards RAILWAY SERVICE nia . : , ' , : : » says » C an | rrain No, 2 leaves Prince Rupert, eastboun: i aot Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. Ireland at the point of the sword Men are said to be receiving} ie ene tom he anedi aad sa ~~ he, 8 V when the home rule bill becomes . ; jnaval bill is accepted by the Sen special low excursion rates to all points east via BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES a law. ’ ; instructions on these guns in the@late and the Turkish warships are we eT oe te on En me " ' quiet hours of the night in OUtlthen purchasable the admiralty] For tickets, reservations, ete,, apt New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 28rd St., New The Dublin authorities have) of the way places, and all recruits could, by their immediate acqui A. E. MoMASTER, General Agent York City. during the past few days received|are being drilled*overtime. The] ition. make good the loss of time| Se L vvenee Clpere Pp 6 Seattle—Puget Sound News Co. extremely disquieting news on the/Ulsterites appear to be satisfled) due to the prolonged debates in . -_ . . matter and the Dublin Castle au-|that parliamentary action will be/ithe Canadian house of commons London, England—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, thorities have ordered the con-|unavailing as far as home rule is He eontinues: AN PACIFICO RAI © ’ Trafalgar Square. stabulary to enquire into the na-| concerned, and are strengthen- ‘The result of this action ag ay Little’s NEWS Ao : ill ly obl by mptl il Ph 98 ture and extent of Ulster's activ-/ig their alternative weapon would be to save about two ARE YOU GOING EAST Senc Subseribers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 'D ities at once and submit a report.| The aétion of the authorities] yaare ; iat.tiali : THIS SUMMER? Magazines :: Periodicals +: Nowens, f delivery or inattention on the part of The News carriers | years and to that extent the all paper ease of non-delivery ~s Rumors have been fly Ing} is based on authentic reports world strength of the British Special Excursions see to Sep CIGARS : TOBACCOS FRI a a Ee . ~ ¥ ; 5 Ne ‘ sitet neil. tember 30 - q _— — ee ws === Jaround the Irish capital that the|and sensational developments are| feet and the margin available for Returning Limit October 31st | 2nd Ave. Below Kaien | * DAILY EDITION Friday, May 9, 1913,|Tebels are receiving large quan-jlikely to oceur in the near fu-| use in the Mediterranean and Pa Vancouver to Toronto and seneh n laland Oly y, y Y, . a i t i i eo gn00e% e —_—_—X—X—SXSX_: ee ee ee = : — tities of arms and ammunition)ture. cifle in such proportions as po vancouver © wereer and o068.00 THIS PROVINCE AND permanent policy cannot make : eee may vn Vancouver to New York and eens | Se | rovision for a fleet unit based desirable would be increased by|{ yancouver to Chicago and . \ agg penal ha oe the Pacific Coast for a BURNED TO DEATH IN FROZEN FOR WEEKS two vessels of maximum power, vancouver to St. Paul and — Empress Bowling Alleys | e Borden naval policy 8 hiiinee > One of the ships could be ready return ; $60.00 made things dimoult tor the| Veriety of wesone. For, one RECENT PRAIRIE FIRE) = BUT QUICKLY REVIVED) 2 ieee sete and ine otnee|| ber Pointe’ Gorgeapendininty Yow [ff | AND POOL ROOM 2s Ps san- - > AB | British Columbia Conserva-| adian naval organization which in a somewhat longer time, con.|] General Agent Cor. 3rd Ave & 6th St “© noes, Prep. ora Ave tives, who are devoted to the] Mr. Borden has denounced as|“omesteader and His Daughter |Interesting Experiments in Sus-|sequently Canada’s resolve to be|} Princess Mary, South, Sunday, 6 P.M. Stat” ae | ; ‘ ne : vethtneti le e v u pen nimation ade a ransiated into a fighting power LICENSED AGENTS conception of a Canadian navy.| impracticable and futile. It Lost Their Lives South of ded Animati Made at |! lated int fight I Ta ied aaa How t intain. their position| Will constitute a separate fleet Moosejaw. Johns Hopkins University. in the shortest possible time by SURPDODBELE ow to maintain oe ; s y _ . the evolution of a new imperial a : : ; flict which Mr. Borden has assailed ; , ‘ 7 ‘ pers ——— with the Srenachisgovhrnmenl as tending to separation. Then] Moosejaw, May 5.—W. §&.| Baltimore, Md., May 5.—Recent|/Sduadron would be considerable L U M B E R is exercising their ingenuity there is the cost. Mr. Borden] Woodward, government immi-|oxyperiments at Johns Hopkins hastened. \ C O A L and resourcefulness. The Navy| 48 angers eee po cs oor Widunead’ tes _ University laboratory lend un- Ten More 4s 1 : er cost of the local fleet units~/eon Moy o e ave re- : — C O A L eae a eee oe nae an argument in favor of con-|turned from a trip through the usual interest to the theory re- He—I have saved up ten thou- New Wellington Coal. Best on th cently See aa ‘ t th . it. tribution, burned out south country, where|cently announced by scientists|sand dollars Will you be my Conet lean’ “anes sdublacing “its —o0——— they gave relief to settlers of the|that it might have been possible} Wife? —and Phone 116 Rogers & Blad amor of the policy now be. BORDEN AND LAURIER Assiniboia, Ogema, Willow Bunch had the proper means been em- She on, Mr. Jones, this is too Complete Line of a , Jn f the house on the grounds|POLICIES COMPARED. and Viceroy districts. rhey|ployed to resuscitate Captain sudden. Save up anotheg ten ’ es Sr anaae eal ym hei The Borden policy is based found many deserving cases but/Seott, the British explorer, and thousand. BUILDERS SUPPLIES CARTAGE . : ; Saeed : could do nothing for the settlers|his comrades who were frozen to WESTHOLME LUMBER im) AY STORAG -—. i am ats ve SS aoaue a naala on ons except those who had ‘obtained|death after reaching the South LU CO., Limited E Tr akees re ; sinh, Antes oe patriotion “|their patents. A conservative|Pole. In experiments here ani- DEMAND — G. T. P. Transfer Agents “The Navy League is in a en oti ok oe - > ge Poa macaw 9 an ee and Royal RESERVE —____--—__—_-_—-- Orders promptly filled. Prices reasonable i 4 0 0 ollars. us. Lin-/revived after thirty days Dy means favor of the present pro- The Borden policy is op- OFFICE H. B. Rochester. Centre St. Phone ’ berg and his daughter, Mrs.j;of liquid air. Frogs, rats and Wi t » ae s . Us, : ao ae Pay Son — ee ee Pease, were burned to death, and/snails and even fish have been HISKY. alia bea ’ s » - er self- - " : a Wey-| place ars oze ing to itself the right to ions. The Leufier policy is in her son Arthur is now in a Wey- | placed in jars, froze n in liquid AGE YEARS The Twin Screw Steamer oe it ; ’ burn hospital in a precarious/air and “thawed out after a SMITH & MALLETT criticize the permanent accord with the views of the} ogi The ; : tee a nea G 99 pation .whish tbo Sueshiee iain. Pectin ot) he, tial oe ~ om = <4 vs ares of weeks, apparently as 7 need BY MIND AVE 4 ythe s, bt ey ’ 1] as ever . has promised to submit to best for the British Empire. ; _ : eri eee ' HE VERNMENT en re Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and the country should it be sssthihdh been eonfirmed and nothing; In some cases the animals’ in- OF CANADA. Sheet Metal Work definite will be known until the|testines have been removed be- ) 4 . ' - » Bo , Mlice: Srd Ave. wre oo = ican oe pe Sg an —o : aaa mounted police send in word fore the freezing process, yet oe Oe Arrives from Wancouver Every Phone i74 oe en Ave, bet th and Xth Sts which distuane bab rom offect * being reupoeedintys aha they revived, despite this handi- Tue ee MONDAY NIGHT . : : ve , ; Earl i ‘ap. a m sistently advocated, among of coercion and a divided Can-| Gipnns go alah “ a Tne Connoisseur i icv a ee eee . on” ee Salis for Port Sim , Naas River Points J them the establishment of ada. The Laurier policy, if/tarm, eh? What are you going| Isn't it terrible the way a girl Tne Pusuic Ste ver re" *Valhalla’’ of S.H. & E. a fleet unit based on the carried, will have great moral|;,, paige first? manages to look like her own who nafurally ee ; Ms : 7 ‘ st? anages to loo : or q Sd metre Sea 308 Ye: oa ae, ——. va se the Dibbs—The money to work it.) mother’s sister by the tine she want the best. (SCAM DINANIAN SoctE docks.” gr ins can ee aa Boston Transcript. jhas been married four years? *‘ AGE, Purity Salle for Vancouver Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at a . ; 7 “ ano MELLOWNESS WEDNESDAYS, 2 P. m. p.m. im the hall at 319 ord Ave This merely postpones the representatives in parliament] “~~ ee - : : : UNSURPASSED. day of conflict. Mr. Borden's and confirmed later at the polls. DISTRIBUTOR —— i~ ORS ‘ Prince Rupert Importing Co., Ltd Rogers Steamship Agency D. C. STUART PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. En EE EEnEnIEEEnInaineeEaeieeaiieeeeee et Phone 116 Accountant Se ' 308 2nd Ave. -* Phone 260 [ a ———_— ——— i ee ee ee PRINCE RUPERT. 8. © DAILW MEMORANDUM o | Alex. @. Maneon, B. A. Sawmill Co. Lid. ots 2s . | WILLIAMS & MANSON | Barristers, Solicitors, Eto. | ANNEX Lumber — Bleck iT ieee Rupert, 8. Mouldings | P.O. BOX 2 PRINCE RUPE ‘PRINCE RUPERT Georgetown — OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 O CLOCK OWN YOUR OWN HOME BE INDEPENDENT We are loaning money from Coast to Coast in Canada to our contract holders to Must be QUALITY FIRST in a blue suit to assure satisfaction. BUY OR BUILD HOMES Owned and operated by the | . . PAY OFF MORTGAGES FASHION-CRAFT clothes are QUALITY made, so Grand Trunk Pacific Railway on | JOHN E. DAVEY IMPROVE REAL ESTATE are the materials they use. the American and European plan. a Some stom of ay Sale. TEACHER OF SINGING AT “a i Exeelilently furnished, with cee Se Deli | PUPIL OF WM. FOXON, mSQ. ARAM. [ON © All Blue suits sold bearing our brand are absolutely steam heat, electric light, and aii cain abdinebtaiioe. 7 eS oO fast colors and shape retaining, regardless of modern conveniences, being abso- prices which range from $18.00 to $35.00. lutely first-class in every respect. Our prices are as low as any. oO The appointments and service Call on us before ordering. HAYNER BROS. UNDERTAKERS anv BMBALMERS are equal to any hotel on the coast. PER ANNUM Funeral Directors Investigate the C. H. I. C. contract plan today. It will pay you. It means becoming your own landlord. ia 8rd Ave. near 6th St Phone ° OFFICE: The Canadian Home Investment Company, Ltd. A Rates: $1 to $3.50 per day. Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. Home Office, Pacific Buliding, Vancouver, 8. C. Prince Rupert Office, Federal Buliding Open Evenings Until 9 o'Clock . . E. L. FISHER Advertise in | Funeral Director and Embaimer cet anag “HAROES REASONABL! m * o - pie : 2na a. no 2nd Ave. Phone 366 e@ws OPEN DAY AND NIGH | Scheinman & Gutstein 2nd Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. 18-13 Drawn for The Daily News %) HUSBAND AND wire |} = > 7 0F CouRse -AND L THOUGHT Giff We PUBLICITY ZA 4 OF BEING CAUGHT \. ZEA A ‘OGETHER IN A Zz JOY BIDE SmAMUP TE 1S PRETTY TOUGH € 4 : Ave RiGh T- WERE HUSBAND BALTO-™: | ——_— oe ©} QB MTL SINE