fo 10, 1913. COAL 43 machen Sie “42, 3013 —_— and District District of Land ' “ ' e or less, i" \. MACKECHNIE. pert. Ng Maren 9th, 1043, ‘ omineca | — a es more Or less L. N. MACKECHNIE asl 104 jated Maren {oth, i013. iy yeckechnic ev. W Pub. Apr. 14, 19 May Se, 1913 trict—District of given matt . N. Mac r b es more or less, geuning 040 ON. MACKECHNIE. faked and dated March 10th, 1993. 5. Mackechnie, 5. W. C, te Apr. 14 i9i3—May 12, 10138. pd strict—District of Hazellon y given that I, L. N, Mac after date intend lo ap D pect for coal and pe wing described lands res more or less, L. N. MACKECHNIE March o™ iis. ivis Nay “42, 1943 Qmlbeca Land District—District ci Hazelton fice is Derel pre es Ss L. N. Mac b lays after date intend Ww aj pect for coal and pe wing described lands rT: us Ww place of com N. MACKECHNIE. TST March 19th, ivi3. » N. B.C. 19iS—-May 19, 1043. od District—Disteict of Hazellon y given that I, L. N. Mac s after date intend Wl ap spect for coal and pe wing described lands L. N. MACKECHNIE. 40d daied M CN beckoned 2 toma, 1013. Apr. 14, 1013-—May 19, £043. tere Mminecs Land District—District of few Hazelton eS bereby given that 1, L. Mac of yu muver, 8. C., + Fe iter date intend to ap p ‘the Chiet “Commissioner of Lands ALS \ ) prospect for coal and pe- over the following deseribed lands West 80 cr eeu = “ins to place of com- MA ACKRCH dated Ly ate aled oo ‘oti, ibas. chnie, S, MO Ape. 14, 10i3—-May 49, £049. Om@ineca Lang District—District of . Hazelton Notice ts iS hereby kiven that 1, N. Mac- Rieu, | Over the 1 octane teen iy then : 2 Chains ; Per vw Sac\y MACKECHNIE, Fg Mackectinic, se itt ibs Ap =e ivis- Nay 12, 1013. 0 aoe tans District—Distrtet of 'azelton siven that I, L. N. Mac euver, B. C ‘t for coal and pe- MAL kEC HNIE as “ree ‘sth, wW 1003 . May. 12, 1013 Lo trich—Disteiet of . ton ef ' for coal and pe 4h, MACKE CHNIE Pub Meekectinie Nore fea, ‘er 4, 1013 May 49, s048 THE DAILY NEWS v gaurd) - = an: mee es wou over the —— * m4 pistrict—District of ominec | garelton L. N. Mac is agree 7 Sere B. c,, oeeupation oer Val 4 ste intend to ap ye, 60 a8 Y missioner Of Landes rr the oe t for coal and be y eense 1 PU) wing described lands Mover we FOU et planted on bank memenciae 8! about 1% miles u { ; ” ith thereof Grand 08 mouth of ereek hear SOCIAL, MORAL AND RELIGIOUS TOPICS OF GENERAL INTEREST (Contributed by the Ministerial Association) The “News” does not necesarily endorse all Views that may be expressed in these contributions ‘or F Staked and dated cre aa Po pacilie (FOO ace north 80 chains, mat Ie post), ‘pails, thence south 80 eg west 8) go ‘chains to place of eo inence **ntaining 640 acres more me eme r N MACKECHNIE. aie : La MA ts Ben A pet Md March fst, 1013. a a y WwW pub. Apr. ** as mine ; 0 e ‘riven that t, L. N. Mae i b. C.,. occupation pA tate intend to ap f nissioner of Lands for coal and pe ig described lands a On ta post planted near old nclng 8! * Pacific mile post 136, thence west 80 chains, thence east oumencement, Con- of the parties be a ‘ . , Agent. RADY, C. Ey AB the municipality for inless they have ad poked wd oie, N. EB. Ge Li Meckoom gi May 12, 1019 pub. *v neem a strich—Distriet of nh t eas — 1 ven that I, L. N. Mac- a ast three weeks suance of the license, orn if marriage leg which finds many advo pouice 1 * incouver, B, €, occupation pechaie, a late intend to ap on, ¢ ‘ \ ommissioner of Lands w we! pe for coal and pe Herne ne wing described lands st planted near old Pacific mile post 136, nains, thence east 80 sv chains, thence ‘ of commencement, ficate of physical fit Ww McCRADY, GC, E., Agent reby given that I, f ’ c., Gocupation ys aft jate intend to ap bie pmissioner of Lands pect for coal and pe wing described lands 4 post planted near old fhe mile post 1356, i thence east 80 80 chains, thence f commencement, 640 acres more PSs ~ N, MACKECHNIE and dated March per F. W. McCRADY, C. B. Agent. L. N. Mackechnie, & Omineca Land District is hereby given that I, uver, B. U, occupetion ounissioner of Lands troleum over the following described lands p at & post planted near old unk yecific mile post 135, hains, thence west 80 sh 680 chains, thence ace of commencement, . Containing 640 acres more or McCRADY, &. E., Agent. | Staked and dated Omineca Land District inate CG, cesupetion Notice is hereby given that |, Marriage Reform. and ought to know these things seriously consider. why you did not take as much trouble about her health as about necessity of drastic re ” her fortune. marriage laws, Bor ilinenes are chiefly culpable re Giorious Rain. Marriage of irre-|lt. it paining, little flower? ng people coming Be glad of rain the American side| Too much sun would with thee naway marriages proposed by the true, ontemplates that @/ But just behind them shines ense cannot be issued blue. days prior to the Be glad of pain fact in the loeal God watches and thou wilt sun When clouds their perfect have done High Life. the government de a regular physi-| i, be cleaner. Queen Mary om Sees applicant! jounces that mo favor will spell com Siamese ohown the ey yl netetectenen whe ns wodiia women oti. i known to be of unworthy ouanted icter, regardless of rank President Wilson has set out father in Brieux's law provides no arms - sain irks marrice an own message to Congress presses the public with fiding young girl in| thought that here is a man and befouls her with|an eye to the essential regardless f his debauchery.” |of precedent. When I think of that} infamous conduet T} Peace Centennial. myself! A girl of| Suggestions for the centennial lof peace between Britain and the doctor replies Are| United States are being made i uu have the right to|both those countries and in Can- xible? Was it not\ada Various monuments power to spare your|public memorials are included misery? When the!| these proposals, and it is proposed you made| suggested that a marine neerning your future| parade” be held on the income—you satis-| Lakes A world’s fair in Toron- as to his standing:!/to, devoted to the arts of peace, tted the most import s still another plan Thanks- all—-you made no in-| giving services in all places rning his health!| worship will be given a foremost night well ask| part in whatever scheme of cele- aman anda ite is decided upon TEL as shea oe "Twill shine again. The clouds are very black, Art thou weary, tender heart? In sorrow sweetest virtues grow, As flowers in rain Court life in Great Britain put the social life of Washing aged Goods,” proposes|on a higher level The absence w into his own hands|of the inaugural state ball the President's reading of The Symbol of Clean-cut Modern Manhood By making shaving so easy, the Shaving with the Gillette takes Gillette Safety Razor has done much but three refreshing minutes. You to develop the typical man of to-day waste no time honing or stropping— —that strong, aggressive, successful or fuming in the barber's waiting who scorns to disguise row. The Gillette makes home his features with a beard or to appear shaving so easy and luxurious that with an unkempt stubble on cheek it is no more a task, but an agree- able incident in the morning toilet, There are over 40 Gillette styles from which to choose. Standard Sets, like the illustration, cost $5.00—Pocket Editions $5.00 to $6.00—Combi- nation Sets, with brush, soap and other toilet articles, run from $6.50 up. From the assortment which your Hardware Dealer, Druggist or Jeweler ean show you, buy a Gillette—you'll enjoy it. GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR CO. OF CANADA, LIMITED OFFICE AND FACTORY: The New Gillette Building, MONTREAL, Wi DA JIMMY CLABBY AND M’GOORTY GO A DRAW mmissioner of Lands % 4) & post planted about 12 and Trunk Pacific track, bce soulb 60 chaips, thence ! e hborth 80 chains, troleum over the following described lands English Hand Made Lace ee Grand Trunk Pacific ning 640 acres more or containing 640 a MCCRADY, C. E., Agent » &. N. BACKECH NIE Staked and dated March 7 . N. MacKechnie, N. y: Omineca Land District uver, B. C., occupation Notice is hereby given pat lL, mmissioner of Lands ’ 60 days after date license to prospect for trole um over the folk Commencing at @ post planted eabin near Grand Trunk Pacific ‘ @ post planted about 12 srand «6Trupk Pacific track, ‘%&, Wence south 80 chains, thence Sains, thence north 80 chains, 8 buns t© place of com- coolMining 640 acres more or wing described lands west 80 chains to plece of commencement, containing 640 acres more or le L. ] Per F. W. Me J : ‘CCRADY, C. E.. Agent. t LASTS many times longer than any ma variety, and imparts quite an|Sacramento .... 413 18 distinction to the possessor, at the supporting the village lace Staked and dated March L. N. ae 8 ¥ Notice is hereby given that I, “date intend to ap troleum over the following described lands Commencing 4t a near Grand Trunk Pacific north 80 chains, Hcg i & post planted about 12 oo Grand Trumk Pacific track, Dims is 4, thence north 80 chains, thence Chains, thence south 80 chains, planted near | of commence ement, | “ining 640 acres more or s more or less N cant 80 c ains to place containing 640 ac = Perv. wnct 1B. oe ‘WctRADY Ge Ey Agent, ptaked. and dated March { 7th, L Omineca Land. District _ t ice is bh reby given that I ) of Vancouver, B, ¢., ten Not e S after date intend ap- -ormissioner of Lands aS de seribec 4 lang ts and pe ‘owing deseribed lands: las t on bank of uO . tins fi’* 4! 8 post planted about 12 , Truk Paecifie track, horth 80 chains, thence henee south 80 chains, ‘ns to place of com- ‘0g 640 acres more or troleum over the fol Commencing at a post pl north 80 chains, faked and aa McCRADY, C. E., pent, ry @) bf 0 NA rs arte iabdesoat ayy N. MACKECHNIE dated Mareh {sm L. N mecookas, N. E » oecupatior » After date intend to ap ‘missioner of Lands LAND PURCHASE wing deseribed lands: District of © assiat ‘ post planted on bank | * about 1% miles up| ‘mouth thereof (Grand “ay Crosses mouth of | post), thence north | s rast 80 chains, thence © west 80 chains to Henl, containing 640) acres more Omineca Land phon jet I r M CRADY x E., Agent staked and dated March 10th, L N here . *'ven that I, L. N. Mae ver, B. C.) oeeupation | “er date intend to ap ‘OI Ssioner of Lands ation will be fled In the oMee of t corder at Prince Rupert, a post planted a ‘the may be filed with the said Commencing at eal ne described lands t planted on bank chains; "abou 1% miles up| less, ne uth thereof (Grand | Keehn’, . n way *rosses mouth of | thene. .. POS), thenge south fins 1 Mt 80 chains, thence | ath Mine Le West 80 chains to| more or €or jes, Ot, Containing 640) ; * the nee east 20 chains b containing 00 acres more or | pea gt 0 1 W dated” MeADY, C Agent, ~_ TRY A NEWS WANT AD Including Wednesday's games the jttagers of quenmenaneninn Northwestern League. Our feces were gwerded th the Gold Meda! at Won. Lost. @ Festival of Empire lal Exhi- » : 5 Dition, Crystal Palace, 1000 | Vancouver ..... 13 ° Seattle ... 2 oe Tacoma eeeee ae 12 wate ie wins or 13 Pertiawg’ .... «sae 12 | WeeeG wanccat 8 14 Pacific Coast League. Won. Lost. Los Angeles ... 214 12 RRS MN oo. 4 17 17 DAINTY HANDKIE. No. 910, 70c each i fjakiand ....... 16 17 ches deep See Portland ...... 14 45 some of this hand made Pillow Lace, San Francisco... 17 19 them many little com unattainable on an ag National League. ultural man’s wage. Write for the ab Won. Lost rbing and descriptive little treatise en E Po “An Interesting Home Study.”; this} Philadelphia ... 10 5 ntains over 100 striking examples of the/ ~), i 4.., . . and is sent POST FREE|Chicago ....... 14 8 part of the world Brooklyn ...... if 8 i ok 12 9 Now Yerk...... 10 8 Pittsburg ...... 10 if A hs Geis 'b- 6 12 Cineinnati ..... 4 16 American League. 16TH CENTURY DESIGN COLLAR $1.00 Won. Lost. 3 in. deep Philadelphia ... 206 4 I ¥Y purpose can be obtained} Washington ... 12 4 and within reach of the most modest purse | (ja, eland 14 7 Every sale, however email, is a support to, es CONGUE hi .cn ss 13 10 Plastrons, Jabots, Yokes,| . ¢ . Handkerchiefs,” Stocks. |=*- Rea A neo 9 13 Chemise Sets, Tea Cloths, Tab-| Boston ........ 7 i2 D’Oylies, Mats, Medallions, : . r Pan sets, etc., from 35c,| Detroit ........ 6 14 up to $5.00 each ew WOGR ws ots 3 15 father once telephoned = to No. 112, Price 15 cents per yard asked Mrs. Cleveland to WRITE TO the child to the telephone. MRS. RUPERT ARMSTRONG ing the littl one up to the Olney, Bucks, England strument, Mrs. Cleveland watched wilderment to wonder and WATER NOTICE. to fear. It was surely For a License to Take and Use Water. father's voice—vet she looked e is hereby given that The Prince : ns ied Hydro-Blectric Company, Limited, the telephone ineredulously, Bb. C., will apply for &lier examining he V ype to take and use 266 cuble feet per , on ing th tin opening f water out of Khtada River, whleb in the reeeiver, the little si sterly directi rn » Lots AA ” we ta 3 Wa ded cates ‘take oat burst into tears: Oh, mama! e 44, G. T. P. mileage, The} she sobbed, “how ca nwe ever diverted at a point about S the mouth and will be| papa out of that little hole? generating electric power pur the land deseribed a8 Lot 1377, ge eS NNEERNNEDRENEEEEND District, was posied on the ground One Chance 13th day of April, 1013. The ee He making poor headway Will Nothing induce you to change or with the Comptroller} YOur mind and marry. She “Rights, Parliament Bulidings,; Another man might. Boston THE RING B RU Ppa fhrrae ELec-| Transcript on Y pa , Sapmennt 7 , isia™ Marie 1013 Forty years in use, twenty years standard, prescribed Despite Fact That Clabby Gave LL PERCENTAGE. Several Pounds He Worried , drew with Eddie Me- Goorty of Oshkosh, was advertised as a middleweight championship welte weeltine during the fight and neither Clabby used his left j« men for a return Clabby displayed great clever- ness, his left jabs to the f impenetrable considerably. Goorty’s punches, although land- ing less frequently, a right to the face draw-| ing blood from Clabby’s nose in| Carpentier and Bombardier i y %—Bombardier British heavyweight cham middleweight ehampion, twenty-round bout here on June This bout will take the place Johnson-Wells staged next fall. middleweight and this will When Grover Cleveland's little girl was quite young heavyweight a An old countrywoman stepped in a suburban drug store and laid | on the counter a prescription for White House from Chicago grammes of morphia. The druggist exercised the ut-| eee | Her expression change from weighing the serous drug. orphan girl.”—Lippineott's. Subseribe for the Daily News. “FROM HOME TO HOME.” HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. "Excellent Cafe. Moderate Prices, 1142 Pender Street West - Vancouver, B.C. Diamonds and Diamond Set Jewellery of the very highest standard of perfection. Silverware in the best qualities and most popular patterns in both sterling and plate. Cut Glass in splendid assortments of beautiful designs eut from high grade blanks. Leather Goods showing the latest conveniences for travellers. Also ladies’ handbags, purses and novelties. Our illustrated catalogue will be sent free to any ad- dress upon request. Write for this shopper's guide and gel the benefit of our moderate prices and quality goods. All goods sent prepaid to your nearest post or express oMiee and money refunded if goods are not satisfactory. Henry Birks G& Sons, Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.C Skeena Valley Nechaco Valley Bulkley Valley Fort George District | FARM IN TRACTS OF 160 ACRES AND UPWARDS— FARM Carefully selected Lands at Reasonable Prices and on easy terms. recommended by physicians. For Women's Aliments, Or. Martei's Fomale Pills, at your druggist. —IN THE— NORTH COAST LAND COMPANY, Limited — PAID UP CAPITAL $1,500,000, 00 = remo Ms ate tee eae t i — eed cS = i iil taal alll