sy AND NORTHERN griTisH COLUMBIA PRINGE RUPERT, 8, Uy TUESDAY, MAY 143, THE DAILY NEWS , 1913. —- NEXT MAILS are iNT wean * am Venture........ weaneedie, 2 p.m. dliteted l. At tS mt yy! yy Of ah ‘PRICE FIVE CENTS E MINISTER MAKES = BUDGET “SPEECH yLITANT SUFFRAGETTES —— WUUTANT SUFFRAGETTES ARE STILL BUSY WITH FIERY TORCH qua. MACHINE FOUND IN PASSENGERS’ WAITING ROOM oF LIVERPOOL STATION—ANOTHER TICKING BOMB FOUND IN READING POST OFFICE. Daily News. Macl was spec a Lon The mili- | wrapper bull parce to a e the use’ which the le pos gi suflrae T d of bombs.) office employs 1s attracted by Bost nis! ed down the the « d g rhe p z if the beadqua were i i xa na I Botti! tir Sun e in Dub 1 th pare itained . wnery mili-|a batt ‘ | clock jp wa pl: age done work with exyj sand ac I ; ' , ; Te sa held n pa ed } qa \ ‘ f suffrag inde P esulted im a ette terature rhe paree was t h many per e addressed pal official a f the now) of Reading now his vacation e bombs was |The police express the belief it _ gers’ waiting was timed t explode in his resi | — 1 treet sta dence during his absence The por I e etree te a eee , ~f d the other |‘ cK W K a ange { was ’ f the post| Perfect working order ip lhe . ’ " ihr ne > . he Liverpool Government Supported. ed had ber ghted but had Special to The Dally News be ont reached the Wit per May 1 \ he paps b consisted prov cia b is i da x filled with ~ lay | I Tay 1 sup pe ts and the porter ot the ¥ I is ae { the centre. | elected by a majority of 654 WPERT MARINE IRON WORKS TO TALL THE SHAWATLANS PUMP WME CREEK PUMP TOO SMALL TO PUMP FROM SHAWAT. UNS AND TO REMOVE IT WOULD TEMPORARILY CUT OFF THE CITY'S WATER SUPPLY. th ks reported | reasons why the tw should eg * i gh rec this extra expense » w pump or Alderman MeCaffery could not . Lake be in understand what wer he j e Marine Iron tions of the aldermat this late wks £4.875 The date nate of the Aiderma kh ch W s was #£2.000, replied that he did n nsid abe hat the offer of |the extra expense hecessar) I »\ Works was aithe Morse Creek pump was he small he had no more say Aiderina ! CK Webster Alderman Kerr said the pur ’ why the propo at Morse Creek was ndoubted y} . on » remove the too small t p p from Shawat ee Shawatians ae tm out. * This lans, and Alderma McCaffers mn tly advisable | said they <« d emove the at the right/Pump from Morse Creek and ne Why. then. this| leave the cit) t . 2 we am expe 1 new pump?| supply unt t was installed at . know a littl | Shawatians mt al What were the The report wa h adopted GOLOGISTS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD TO VISIT THIS CITY ::: MWR TO FIVE HUNDRED SCIENTISTS COMING IN AUGUST IN SPECIALLY CHARTERED STEAMER — WILL VISIT GRANBY BAY AND HAZELTON M 10 Senlene where the scientists will emba with the|for the northern exeurs International At Prince Kuper “ bale | ‘ in August|Wwill be made niand ve h W being need by Mr W.| Grand Trunk Pacit the Ha : cial mineral./elton mining und sot | Vic Four or five|Granby Bay and Stewa in the} entists from] Portland Cana nets | ™ he globe arelited party w u | at pate in the | Skagway and |! niand as far} mclusion of|as White Hors afte ar at Ottawa./the Alaska-Treadwe Ml nearly all|Juneau, Alaska, & ' u Ml in Ontario}Yukatat glacier at ie r , Vinees be hose visitors who ca spare the Weastitime will also De enterta 1D bere will belan excursion to the A dist Grand Trunk}and down the Yuk Dray eyond Yellow} but the chartered Leaner he Kootenays |not wait at Skagw for the reached turn Mi { rineipal mis The details of the proere Meas rier aC, P. R.Jof entertainments in Var Md 9), he geologists|have not yet been settled. PI MMOs the Skagway, He/ BR, W. Brock, dire f the D ™ Auy arrive here} minion geologica bs a Seeding on the | many othe prominent! ” where a re-}and provincial offieim a ‘ Pion dered by the} mining engineers a ’ lew Mavs y ent, The nextithe visitors in orde! Pi Weiny i ‘ ‘Led to sight !authentic information ab the und Vietoria,|mineral resources f Canad ~ TOWN BURNING DOWN | Fire Has Already Ravaged Nearly Three Blocks in Town of St. Catherines. Special to The Daily News. St. Catherines, P. E. I May i A serious fire is raging here It has already burned over three ilblocks and there seems little | hoy f saving any of the build lings within the present fire | wi | TANNHAUSER MUSIC | May Be Heard at Westhoime This. Evening for First Time in i Prince Rupert. On one of the recent boats mductor Werner, of the West- ne orehestra, succeeded in ng copies of Tannhauser peras, for the music of which he} has had many requests Fer lthese music lovers he will give lselections this evening and dur ling the week afd, by a coinei this music seems in com- ' harmony with the films the iWestholme is now running Came for the Christening. | } —— | D. MeLeod left on Thursday i ning for Prince Rupert, where he will meet Mrs. MeLeod, who has been in the south for the past few weeks They will be present at the christening of Rev. and Mrs, Kerr's eldest son Omineca Herald, Long Distance Telephone. rr New Hazelton to Fort} | ' it is 280 miles, and the Le in connection with l Welch & Stewart is con the twe places Por of 220 miles tele ephone line a the h now operated from New| Wallace's Wallpaper gett handbooks are also be alt the expense of governments The will include many world is geologists mining en und metallurgists able prepared us ape TTT ay eer FAMOUS TRAFALGAR SQUARE, LONDON. rhe centre of recent suffragette riots and the place where many heads were cracked by the police when disturbances took piace folluwing “free speech” discussions arising out of the ar- | rest and jailing of suffragettes for speaking from the steps of | the famous « mn. This is frequently referred to as the “‘hub it] of empire,” for from this Trafalgar Square monument radiate | streets on which are lecated “Downing Street “Buckingham } vce” and other centres of British government and authority. TO END THE WAR Baikan Allies Agree with the Powers to Cut Conflict Short. Special to The Daily News. Athens, May 13.—In a meeting here yesterday of the diplomatic of the Balkan allies an urgent request from the was considered and it was agreed that they would take to bring the war against to an end without delay. representatives powers steps Turkey ROOSEVELT FOR KING London Newspaper Places Teddy in Nomination for the King- dom of Albania. Special to The Daily News.) London, May 13.—The presi- dent of the provisional govern- iment of Albania is looking for a king, and a London ewspaper this morning suggests that Theo- dore Roosevelt with his “big stick” might be considered a strong candidate for the honor THE WEATHER. The weather report at 5 o’elock this morning read Barometer, 29.952; maximum temperature, 58: minimum temperature, 44; precipitation, .05 ineh, | tact it Is Tomorrow Night. " It is well to make a note of the that tomorrow night the St Andrew's Society give another of itheir jolly entertainments. This | time it whist drive and a i} dance this .notice don't try to previous engage ment Andrew's fune entertain to be seen at is a After plead a as these are just ments people like st tions those i Anderson, piano expert will be here trip about (aeoree ifrom Portland third annua! iSth Leave orders for ijituning or repairing at Kauff jmmanns mu Opposite post loMice 114-46 i his May | ie store, Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners Phone 4, piano | BASEBALL. American League. Boston 7, Detroit 8. New York 4, Cleveland 3 Philadelphia 5, Chicago 0. Washington 3, St. Louis 0 National League. Pittsburg 5, Philadelphia 6 ; Chicago 1, New York 5. Cincinnati 3, Brooklyn 4 St. Louis 4, Boston 6. Northwestern League. Tacoma 2, Portland 1, Victoria 3, Spokane 3. Seattle 4. Vancouver 1. BUDGET SPEECH MADE ___ IN HOUSE OF COMMONS ‘Naval Bill Side Tracked Because of Iliness in the Family of Finance Minister. Special to The Daily News. | Ottawa, May 13—The Naval j bill was to come up for its final jreading in the House of Com- jmons yesterday, but, contrary to jall expectations, the budget was brought down instead, the fin- lance minister having to leave jthe capital at once owing to the | serious ness of his mother In his budget speech Finance |Minister White stated that the total revenue for the fiscal year amounted to $1536,000,000, an m- crease of $18,000,000 over the The $98,000,000 ordinary ex- and previous year. penditure was the surplus $37,946,776 Zibassa Brought in 80, 000 Pounds This Morning — Borealis 100,000 Pounds Yesterday. Borealis, The of the Atlin Fisheries, Ltd., arrived port yesterday with a capacity cargo of halibut, over 100,000 pounds This is looked upon as a record catch for the number of dories used. The vessel carries only six dories, and as the entire catch that each dory averaged pounds per day. J. Sidney Smith the head Of the concern, is all smiles today. The Zibassa, of the Canadiar Fish & Cold Storage fleet, arrived this morning with 80,000 pounds Her hold was full and the fish was even piled on the deck. The Haysport, of the Skeena River Syndicate, brought in 30,- 000 pounds, which was shipped south on the Prince Rupert yes- terday morning. EMPIRE DAY HOLIDAY Council Petitioned to Declare Monday Instead of Saturday the Day of Celebration. Acting Mayor Naden informed the council last night that he had been requested to declare Mon- day the holiday for the Empire Day celebration instead of Sat- urday on the ground that such a large quantity of perishables came in on Saturday that the holiday would interfere with business and there would be a loss caused. He did not see how they eould change a fixed holi- day, but those who wished could make a holiday for themselves Monday. Alderman Bullock Webster said those who liked holidays could take both days Alderman Leek moved that the 26th of May be deelared a holi- day It could do no harm any- way to have an extra one. This was pul and carried, Alderman Dybhavn and Alderman Kerr vot ing against it, G. T. P. tnn Arrivals. | P. R, Gorson, Torento; George A. Melntyre, Vaneouver; J. W Turnbull, Trail; J. PF. Everett, attle Wallpaper. Wallace's. otf WOMAN’ S DISAPPEARANCE NOT DISCOVERED UNTIL MORNING MRS. ASK LEFT FOR HOME IN In SEATTLE’ THIS MORNING — OFFICERS OF SPOKANE INTERVIEWED Ask, the woman who had marvellous Mrs. such strange gnanner. She kept clos- to her cabin anc had all her meals served there. On the night of her disappearance. from the ship she and her husband re- tired early and as the latter was ;considerably exhausted from |keeping a close watch over his wife, slept soundly. He did not a escape from /|ely drowning last-week and has since been confined to the hospital left about six o'clock this morning for her home in Seattle, via the steamer “City of Seattle.” She was accompanied by Miss De Lorme, one of the nurses, not being in a condition to travel un- here, attended. hear her leave the cabin and did Mrs. Ask, it will be remember-|not miss her until about 5 o'clock ed, plunged from the deck of the|in the morning, when he notified one of the stewards and a thor- ough search of the ship was made. According to the ship's log Lowe Inlet, where the wom- an was found next worning, was passed at 141.40 p.m. The cap- tain confirmed the statement that the first intimation that she was alive was received by wire- steamer Spokane on its last trip south when about seventy-five miles south of here. On the ar- rival of the steamer «here last evening on its return trip, a “News” reporter inierviewed sev- eral of the officers of the ship concerning the mysterious afair. In a general way all the informa- tion obtained confirmed the re-|less from Prince Rupert at four ports that have already been|o'clock on Thursday morning. published. On the entire jour-| All the officers interviewed re- ney from Skagway to Prince Ru- pert the woman acted in a very garded the escape from drown- ing as most mysterious. POLICE MAGISTRATE’S SALARY DISCUSSED BY CITY COUNCIL LETTER FROM THE MAYOR GIVING HIS REASONS FOR OPPOS- ING THE GRANTING OF THE INCREASE—ALD. BULLOCK-WEBSTER AGAINST IT. the city to increase this particu- lar salary. It was then moved by Alder- man Maitland, seconded by Alder- man Dybhavn, that the report be referred to the finance committee, the former again stating that he thought it ought to be allowed. The motion carried. The first subject discussed at the meeting of the city council last night was the report of the police board which recommend- ed that the salary of the police magistrate be raised from $100 to $150 per month. At the po- board Mayor Pattullo had voted against this increase, and in connection with the report a letter from him to the council was read, in which he explained his vote. He said the estimates lice Steamer Spokane Brought Large Passenger List from the was made in five days it means|prepared for 3,000 | for lof any the year provided increases in the salaries officials and that this course was taken in view of the present financial situation of the city. On this account he did not favor increasing the salary of the police magistrate. Should the financial situation become more buoyant before the end of the year the matter might be con- sidered then. Acting Mayor Naden suggested that the report be referred to the finance committee. Alderman Maitland observed that it was only a slight increase South noe *The steamer Spokane of the Pacific Coast Steamship Com- pany which arrived from Seattle about 8 o'clock last evening, brought in considerable freight, part of which was deposited at the G. T. P. wharf and part at the Government wharf. The northbound passenger list was large. Among those taking pas- sage from Prince Rupert were: August Flannes, Dan Gallagher, M. Kiely, M. Malloy, Phil Beatty, T. Brown, 8. Resh, H. Franklin, Jack Vernon, G. Fleod, William and the police magistrate was 4 certainly entitled to it. Rhodes, A. Miller. ji Alderman Bullock - Webster Harry C. Evans, pioneer piano tuner, will be in town on or about May 10th, 1913. Hayner Bros. said such inerease was certainly not necessary in this case and he should certainly oppose it. It was not in the best interests of F. O. E. Excursion BY C. P. R. STEAMER PRINCESS MARY of Aerie No, 1945, Fraternal Order of Eagles Will Be Celebrated SUNDAY, MAY 18th Rupert by the Prineess Mary at 8:30 A. M. Will Visit Skeena River Canneries and Port Essington Returning to the City at 6:30 IDEAL OUTING ON THE WATER MODEL EXCURSION STEAMER PORT SIMPSON BAND TO BE PRESENT ROUND FARE TICKETS Only $2 ALL ARE WELOOME EVERYBODY ATTEND ‘THE CHANCE OF THE SUMMER Leave orders at 100tf Third Anniversary Leaving Prince Excursionists